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Zero Downtime Architectures
Alexander Penev
ByteSource Technology Consulting GmbH
Neubaugasse 43
1070, Vienna
Alexander Penev
Twitter: @apenev
JEE, Databases, Linux, TCP/IP
Fan of (automatic) testing, TDD, ADD, BDD…..
Like to design high available and scalable systems :-)
Zero Downtime Architectures
● Base on a customer project with the classic JEE Application Stack
● Classic web applications with server side code
● HTTP based APIs
● Goals, Concepts and Implementation Techniques
● Constraints and limitations
● Developement guidelines
● How these concepts can be applied to the new cuttung edge technolgies
● Single page Java Script based Apps
● Mobile clients
● Rest APIs
● Node.js
● NoSQL stores
Zero Downtime Architecture?
● My database server has 99.999% uptime
● We have Tomcat cluster
● Redundant power supply
● Second Datacenter
● Load Balancer
● Distribute routes over OSPF
● Deploy my application online
● Second ISP
● Session Replication
● Monitoring
● Data Replication
● Auto restarts

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This document provides guidance on scaling Apache Kafka clusters and tuning performance. It discusses expanding Kafka clusters horizontally across inexpensive servers for increased throughput and CPU utilization. Key aspects that impact performance like disk layout, OS tuning, Java settings, broker and topic monitoring, client tuning, and anticipating problems are covered. Application performance can be improved through configuration of batch size, compression, and request handling, while consumer performance relies on partitioning, fetch settings, and avoiding perpetual rebalances.

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The document discusses using Oracle Database with Amazon Web Services. It outlines Amazon EC2, which allows users to provision virtual machines in Amazon's data centers, and Amazon S3 for storing and retrieving data. It then provides steps for deploying Oracle Database Express Edition on EC2, backing up databases to S3 using Oracle Recovery Manager, and storing database files and backups in S3 for cost effective storage.

Zero Downtime architecture: our definition
The services from the end user point of view
could be always available
Our Vision
Identify all sources of downtime and remove
all them
When could we have a downtime (unplanned)?
● Human errors
● Server node has crashed
● Power supply is broken, RAM Chip burned out, OS just crashed
● Server Software just crashed
● IO errors, software bug, tablespace full
● Network is unavailable
● Router crashed, Uplink down
● Datacenter is down
● Uplinks down ( notorious bagger :-) )
● Flood/Fire
● Aircondition broken
● Hit by a nuke (not so often :-) )
When could we need a downtime (planned)?
● Replace a hardware part
● Replace a router/switch
● Firmware upgrade
● Upgrade/exchange the storage
● Configuration of the connection pool
● Configuration of the cluster
● Upgrade the cluster software
● Recover from a logical data error
● Upgrade the database software
● Deploy a new version of our software
● Move the application to another data center

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How can we avoid downtime
● Redunancy
● Hardware, network
● Uplinks
● Datacenters
● Software
● Monitoring
● Detect exhausted resources before the application notices it
● Detect a failed node and replace it
● Software design
● Idempotent service calls
● Backwards compatibility
● Live releases
● Scalability
● Scale on more load
● Protect from attacks (e.g. DDoS)
Requirements for a Zero Downtime Architecture:
handling of events of failure or maintenance
Event/Application category Online applications Batch jobs
Failure or maintenance of an internet uplink/router/switch Yes Yes
Failure or maintenance of a firewall node,
loadbalancer node or a network component
Yes Yes
Failure or maintenance of a webserver node Yes N/A
Failure or maintenance of an application server node Yes partly (will be restarted)
Failure or maintenance of a database node Yes partly
Switchover of a datacenter:
switching only one application (group)
Yes Yes (maintenance)
partly (failure)
Switchover of a datacenter:
switching all applications
Yes Yes (maintenance)
partly (failure)
New application deployment Yes Yes
Upgrade of operating system Yes Yes
Upgrade of an arbitrary middleware software Yes Yes
Upgrade of database software Yes Yes
Overload of processing nodes Yes Yes
Failure of a single JVM Yes No
Failure of a node due to leak of system resources Yes No
Our goals and constraints
● Reduce downtime to 0
● Keep the costs low
● No expensive propriatery hardware
● Minimize the potential application changes/rewrites
Our Concepts 1/4
● Independent Applications or Application Groups
● One Application (Group) = IP Address
● Communication between Application exclusively over this IP Address!

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Our Concepts 2/4
Treat the internet and internal traffic
Our Concepts 3/4
● Reduce the downtime within a datacenter to 0
● High available network
● Redundant firewalls and load balancers
● Web server farms
● Application server clusters with sesion replication
● Oracle RAC Cluster
● Downtime free application deployments
Our Concepts 4/4
● Replicate the data on both datacenters
● and make the applications switchable
Implementation: Network (Layer 2)

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Concepts: Internet traffic, BGP(Border Gateway Protocol) 1/2
Every datacenter has fully redundant uplinks
Own provider independent IP address range (assigned by RIPE)
Hard to get in the moment (but not impossible)
Propagate these addresses to the rest of the internet through both ISPs using BGP
Both DCs our addresses
The network path of one announcement could be preferred (for costs reasons)
Switch of internet traffic
Gracefully by changing the preferences of the announcements
– No single TCP session lost
In case of disaster the backup route is propagated automatically within seconds to minutes (depending on the internet
Protect us from connectivity problems between our ISPs and our customer ISPs
Concepts: Internet traffic, use DNS ? 2/2
● We don't use DNS for switching
● A datacenter switch based on DNS could take up to months to reach all customers and
their software (e.g. JVMs caching DNS entries, default behaviour)
● No need to restart browsers, applications and proxies on the customer site. The customer
doesn't see any change at all (except that route to us has changed)
● DNS is good for load balancing but not for High Availability!
Concepts: Internal traffic
● OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) protocol for dynamic routing
● Deals with redundant paths completely transparently
● Can also do load balancing
● The second level firewalls (in front of the load balancers) announce the address to
the rest of the routers
● To switch the processing of a service, it's firewall just has to announce the route (could be also a /32)
with a higher priority, after a second the traffic goes through the new route.
● Could be also used for a unattended switch of the whole datacenter
● Just announce the same IPs from both sites with different priorities
● If the one datacenter dies there are only announcements from the other one
Our Concepts
● Independent Applications or Application Groups
● Independent Internet and internal network trafic
● Reduce Downtime within a DC
● Replicate the data between the Dcs and make
the application switchable

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Zero Downtime within a datacenter
● High Available network
● Redundant switches
– Again using Spanning Tree
● Redundant firewalls, routers, load
– Active/Passive Clusters
– VRRP protocol implemeneted
by keepalived
– IP tables with contractd
● Web Server Apache farms
● Managed by load balancer
● Application Server Cluster
● Weblogic Cluster
● With Session replication,
● automcatic retries and restarts
● Oracle RAC database cluster
● Deployment without
Failover within one datacenter:Apache plugin (mod_wl)
Session ID Format: sessionid!primary_server_id!secondary_server_id
Development guidelines (HTTPSession)
● If you need a session then you most probably want to replicate it
● Example (weblogic.xml)
● Generally all requests of one session go to the same application instance
● When it fails (answer with 50x, dies or not answer in a given period) the backup instance is involved
● The session attributes are only replicated on the backup node when HTTPSession.setAttribute
was called. HTTPSession.getAttribute("foo") .changeSomething() will not be replicated!
● Every attribute stored in the HTTPSession must be serializable!
● The ServletContext will not be replicated in any cases.
● If you implement caches they will have probably different contents on every node (except we
use a 3rd party cluster aware cache). Probably the best practice is not to rely that the data is
present and declare the cache transient
● Keep the session small in size and do regular reattaching.
Development guidelines (cluster handling)
● Return proper HTTP return codes to the client
● Common practice is to return a well formed error page with HTTP code 200
● It is a good practice if you are sure that the cluster is incapable of recovering from it (example: a
missing page will be missing on the other node too)
● But an exhausted resource (like heap, datasource) could be present on the other node
● It is hard to implement it, therefore Weblogic offers you help:
● You can bind the number of execution threads to a datasource capacity
● Shut down the node if an OutOfMemoryError occurs but use it with extreme care!
● Design for idempotence
● Do all your methods idempotent as far as possible.
● For those that cannot be idempotent (e.g. sendMoney(Money money, Account account)) prevent re-
– By using a ticketing service
– By declaring the it as not idempotent:
<LocationMatch /pathto/yourservlet > 
               SetHandler weblogic­handler
               Idempotent OFF

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Continuous Delivery and Zero Downtime
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The document discusses continuous delivery and zero downtime deployment. It describes automating the full deployment process from development to production multiple times a day without any downtime. This is achieved through continuous integration, maintaining deployment scripts and packages, managing database changes, and techniques like feature toggles, blue/green deployments, and state management. The goal is to enable fast and reliable releases of new features and fixes to users.

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Development guidelines (Datasources)
● Don't build your own connection pools, take them from the Application Server by JNDI
● As we are using Oracle RAC , the datasource must be a multipool consisting of single datasources per RAC
– One can take one of the single datasources out of the mutlipool (online)
– Load balancing is guaranteed
– Reconfiguring the pool online
● Example Spring config:
● Example without Spring:
Basic monitoring
● Different possibilities for monitoring on Weblogic
● Standard admin console
– Threads (stuck, in use, etc), JVM (heap size, usage etc.), online thread dumps
– Connection pools statistics
– Transaction manager statistics
– Application statistics (per servlet), WorkManager statistics
● Diagnostic console
– Online monitoring only
– All attributes exposed by Weblogic Mbeans can be monitored
– Demo: diagnostics console
● Diagnostic images
– On demand, on shutdown, regularly
– Useful for problem analysis (especially for after crash analysis)
– For analysing of resource leaks: Demo: analyse a connection leak and a stuck thread
● SNMP and diagnostic modules
– All MBean attributes can be monitored by SNMP
– Gauge, string, counter monitors, log filters, attribute changes
– Collected metrics, watches and notifications
Zero downtime deployment
● 2 Clusters within the one datacenter
● Managed by Apache LB
● (simple script based on the session ID)
● Both are active during normal operations
● Before we deploy the new release we
switch off cluster 1
● Old sessions go to both cluster 1 and 2
● New sessions go to cluster 2 only
● When all sessions of cluster 1 expire we deploy
the new version
● Test it
● If everything ok, then we put it back
into the Apache load balancer
● Now we take cluster 2 off
● Untill all sessions expire
● The same procedure as above
● Then we deploy on the second datacenter
Our Concepts
● Independent Applications or Application Groups
● Independent Internet and internal network trafic
● Reduce/avoid Downtime within a DC
● Replicate the data between the DCs and make
the application switchable

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The document discusses moving towards zero downtime. It summarizes Vision's solutions which aim to [1] eliminate planned and unplanned downtime, [2] quickly recover data to any point in time with zero data loss, and [3] improve service levels and comply with regulations. Vision addresses these issues through data replication, virtualized failover, application protection, and cluster integration capabilities.

A Proposal for an Alternative to MTBF/MTTF
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The document discusses potential issues with using MTBF/MTTF as the primary reliability metric for the defense and aerospace industries. It argues that MTBF/MTTF provides an incomplete view of reliability across the entire product lifecycle and can result in overly optimistic assessments. The document proposes using an alternative metric called Bx/Lx, which specifies the life point where no more than a certain percentage (like 10%) of failures have occurred. This provides a more comprehensive view of reliability focused on early failures. Overall, the document advocates updating reliability metrics and practices to better reflect physical failure mechanisms.

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Explains what troubleshooting is, what skills are involved, and clears up some common misconceptions. Originally designed with IT Helpdesks in mind, but it could apply to any kind of troubleshooting. ========================= Wrote this a VERY long time ago! I always meant to revisit/revamp it, but never quite got round to it. But people seem to get value from it, so I'll leave it up :)

Our requirements again
Event/Application category Online applications Batch jobs
Failure or maintenance of an internet uplink/router/switch Yes Yes
Failure or maintenance of a firewall node,
loadbalancer node or a network component
Yes Yes
Failure or maintenance of a webserver node Yes N/A
Failure or maintenance of an application server node Yes partly (will be restarted)
Failure or maintenance of a database node Yes partly
Switchover of a datacenter:
switching only one application (group)
Yes Yes (maintenance)
partly (failure)
Switchover of a datacenter:
switching all applications
Yes Yes (maintenance)
partly (failure)
New application deployment Yes Yes
Upgrade of operating system Yes Yes
Upgrade of an arbitrary middleware software Yes Yes
Upgrade of database software Yes Yes
Overload of processing nodes Yes Yes
Failure of a single JVM Yes No
Failure of a node due to leak of system resources Yes No
Replicate the data between the DCs
● Bidirectional data replication between DCs
● Oracle Streams/Golden Gate
Cross Cluster replication: 2 clusters in 2 datacenters
Application groups
One or more applications without hard dependencies to or from other
Why application groups
Switching many application at once leads to long downtimes and higher risk
Switching a single one is not possible if there are hard dependencies on database level to
other applications
Identify groups of applications that are critical dependent on each other but not to other
applications out of the group
Switch such groups always at once
As bigger the group as longer the downtime
– A single application in the category HA will be able to switch without any downtime, just delayed
Critical (hard) dependencies is if it leads to issues (editing the same record on different
DCs will be definitely problematic, reading data for reporting is not)
– Must be identified on case by case base

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Zero Downtime Deployment
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The document discusses techniques for achieving zero downtime deployments. It begins with an introduction and overview before covering specific methods such as blue-green deployments, canary releases, and rolling deployments. It also provides details on tools that can be used and considerations for deploying to web servers and databases. The document advocates combining different techniques into a hybrid 1/10/100 approach for deploying code changes to environments in a phased manner to minimize risk.

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Obstacle escalation process

Obstacles encountered by teams are logged on obstacle boards at three levels - team, management, and executive. At the team level, the Scrum Master tries to resolve obstacles and logs them on a physical board. Unresolved obstacles are escalated to the management level board where managers work to find solutions. Obstacles that cannot be resolved by management are escalated to the executive level board where executives are responsible for resolving or dismissing them.

Identify application groups
Switch application by application
Example of a switch procedure of an application group
Applications: Limitations
No bulk transactions
No DB sequences
No file based sequences
No shared file system storage
Use a central batch system
All new releases has to be compatible with
the previous release.
Stick to the infrastructure

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Deploying and releasing applications
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Deploying and releasing applications

The document discusses strategies for deploying and releasing applications, including creating a release strategy, release plans, and managing the test and release process. It recommends stakeholders meet to define responsibilities, environments, deployment tools, and other factors. The release strategy should describe the deployment pipeline and processes for testing, approvals, and moving builds between environments. The release plan details automated steps for initial deployment, rollbacks, upgrades, and other lifecycle events. Tools can help model and manage moving builds through approval gates to different test stages and production.

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Unit 9 implementing the reliability strategy
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Unit 9 implementing the reliability strategy

This document discusses implementing reliability strategies and engineering. It begins by explaining the importance of reliability in fields like aviation, defense, and energy where failure could lead to dangerous situations. It then discusses mechanical reliability and common failure modes. Reliability engineering is introduced as the study of reliability and life-cycle management. Several high-profile system failures are listed to emphasize the need for reliability in design. The document outlines various areas of reliability engineering and provides definitions of key terms. It gives examples of reliability calculations and discusses maintainability, availability, and quality. Analytical reliability techniques are also summarized, along with key points and steps to implement a reliability strategy.

How to measure reliability
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How to measure reliability

Abusing the word "Reliability" was an annoying thing for me, it's not linked to submission date of a document nor the training programs, yes these procedure can help in undirect way to improve the reliability, but when you consider your reliability program sole on it, then you are not doing reliability anymore. So i decided to express my anger in peaceful way and i hope it can be a postive too. for that i'll start to write a post and i'll call it "Real Reliability" to bust the myth around reliability, and i'll start with my first enemy "MTBF". This for all the fed up guys from the wrong usage of "Reliability"

Our Concepts
● Independent Applications or Application Groups
● Independent Internet and internal network trafic
● Reduce/avoid Downtime within a DC
● Replicate the data between the DCs and make
the application switchable
Our requirements once again
Event/Application category Online applications Batch jobs
Failure or maintenance of an internet uplink/router/switch Yes Yes
Failure or maintenance of a firewall node,
loadbalancer node or a network component
Yes Yes
Failure or maintenance of a webserver node Yes N/A
Failure or maintenance of an application server node Yes partly (will be restarted)
Failure or maintenance of a database node Yes partly
Switchover of a datacenter:
switching only one application (group)
Yes Yes (maintenance)
partly (failure)
Switchover of a datacenter:
switching all applications
Yes Yes (maintenance)
partly (failure)
New application deployment Yes Yes
Upgrade of operating system Yes Yes
Upgrade of an arbitrary middleware software Yes Yes
Upgrade of database software Yes Yes
Overload of processing nodes Yes Yes
Failure of a single JVM Yes No
Failure of a node due to leak of system resources Yes No
Modern Architectures: how does the concepts fit?
Modern Architectures: Application Layer
● Web apps
● Completely independent on the backend
● Using only Rest APIs
● 90% of the state is locally managed (supported by frameworks like AngularJS and
● Must be compatible with different versions of the Rest API (at least 2 versions)
● If websockets are used, then more tricky, see backend.
● New mobile versions managed by Apps Stores
● Good to have a upgrade reminder (to limit the supported versions)
● Rest API must be versioned and backwards compatible
● Messages over message clouds is transparent. HA managed by vendors
● Stafeful Services
● e.g. Oauth v1/v2
– Normally by DB Persistence

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Asset Reliability Begins With Your Operators
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Asset Reliability Begins With Your Operators

The document discusses the importance of including equipment operators in Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) analysis. Operators play a key role by identifying important failure modes that others may overlook related to equipment operation. They can provide valuable details in failure effect statements about process impacts. Operators also help determine downtime from failures and identify mitigation tasks, such as process monitoring, that are effective at improving reliability. The document argues that excluding operators results in an incomplete RCM analysis.

opexoptimizing reliabilityoperator care
Session Replication
● Less needed that with Server Side Applications
● Frameworks like AngularJS, BackboneJS , Ember etc. manage their own sessions,
routings etc.
● but still needed
● Weblogic: no change
● Tomcat evtl. with JDBC Store
● Jetty with Terracotta
● Node.js: secure (digitally signed) sessions stored in cookies
– Senchalabs Connect
– Mozilla/node-client-sessions
Backend: Bidirectional Data Replication
● Elastic Search
● Currently no cross cluster replication
● But is on their roadmap
● Couchdb
● Very flexible replication, regardless within one or more datacenters
● Bidirectional replication is possible
● Mongodb
● One direction replication possible and mature
● Bidirectional not possible in the moment
● Workaround would be: one mongodb per app and strict separation of the apps
● Hadoop HDFS
● Currently no cross cluster replication available
● e.g. Facebook wrote their own replication for HIVE
● Will possibly arrive soon with Apache Falcon
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Reliability - Availability
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Reliability - Availability

You wonder sometimes, is Reliability the same as Availability. Here's a sample, showing 2 ways to calculate Availability. (They are not the same, but at times we think so.)

Software Availability by Resiliency
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Software Availability by Resiliency

The document discusses software availability and resiliency. It defines availability as the percentage of time a system is up and running. High availability systems aim for 99.999% uptime or less than 5 minutes of downtime per year. The document advocates for a reactive, message-driven approach to building resilient systems that can withstand failures through isolation, asynchronous communication, failure management techniques like circuit breakers and supervisors, and redundancy. The goal is to design systems that can continue processing transactions even when failures occur.

The Seven Deadly Sins in Measuring Asset Reliability
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The Seven Deadly Sins in Measuring Asset Reliability

Most companies don’t measure mean time between failures (MTBF), even though it’s the most basic measurement that quantifies reliability. MTBF is the average time an asset functions before it fails. So, why don’t they measure MTBF? Let’s define reliability first before we go any further. Reliability: The ability of an item to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time So why don’t we measure Mean Time Between Failure. This articles discusses this issue.

mtbfmaintenance best practicesroot cause
Backup slides
Big picture example architecture
Key features
● 2 datacenters
Both active (both datacenters active but probably different applications running on them)
● Independent uplinks
● Redundant interconnect
● Applications are deployed and running on both
● Application cluster in every datacenter
● Session replication within every datacenter
● Cross replication between the 2 datacenters
● e.g. with Weblogic Cluster
● Bidirectional database replication
● e.g. 2 independent Oracle RAC in each datacenter
● Replication over streams/Golden Gate
● Monitoring of all critical resources
● Hardware nodes
● Connection pools
● JVM heaps
● Application switch
Concepts: other network components
● Firewalls
● First level firewalls
– Cisco routers
– Stateless firewalls
– Not very restrictive
● Second level firewalls (in front of the application load balancers)
– Should be stateful
– based on Linux/Iptables with conntrackd (for failover)
– Statefull, connection tracking
– Very restrictive
– Rate limiting of new connections (DoS or slashdot)
● All firewalls will be/are in active/hot standby mode.
● On a controlled failover (both are running and we switch them) no single TCP connection
should be affected (except small delays)
● In disaster case some seconds until the cluster software detects the crash of the node and
initiate the failover. No TCP connections should be lost but there is a very small risk

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Draft comparison of electronic reliability prediction methodologies
Draft comparison of electronic reliability prediction methodologiesDraft comparison of electronic reliability prediction methodologies
Draft comparison of electronic reliability prediction methodologies

A draft version of the paper that was eventually published as “J.A.Jones & J.A.Hayes, ”A comparison of electronic-reliability prediction models”, IEEE Transactions on reliability, June 1999, Volume 48, Number 2, pp 127-134” Provide with the kind permission of the author, J.A.Jones

studypredictionparts count
Misuses of MTBF
Misuses of MTBFMisuses of MTBF
Misuses of MTBF

MTBF is often misused and can be misleading. It is calculated as the average time between failures of a system, but does not represent the actual duration of failure-free periods. A better metric is reliability (R(t)), which shows the probability that a system will operate at a given time. Additionally, the document notes that MTBF is intended for repairable systems, while MTTF is a more accurate term for non-repairable systems, as it is calculated the same way as MTBF under certain assumptions about repair times and part lifetime distributions.

nomtbfreliabilitymean time between failures
Tracker Lifetime Cost: MTBF, Lifetime and Other Events
Tracker Lifetime Cost: MTBF, Lifetime and Other EventsTracker Lifetime Cost: MTBF, Lifetime and Other Events
Tracker Lifetime Cost: MTBF, Lifetime and Other Events

Solar trackers are the foundation of a utility-scale solar plant and their reliability affects energy production, uptime, and O&M costs; significantly impacting the economics of a project. In the near future it will become increasingly important for solar asset owners and investors to take tracker reliability into consideration. For tracker vendors, providing proven reliability and overall bankability of their systems will be a critical differentiator moving forward.

lcoerenewable energysolar energy
Example of a switch procedure of an application group
● Preparation steps
● Check the health of the replication processes.
● Stop all batch applications (by stopping the job scheduling system). If the time
pressure for the switch is high just kill all running jobs (they should be restartable
anyway, also currently).
● Switch off the keepalive feature on all httpd servers
● Switching steps
● Change the firewall rules on the second layer firewalls, so that any new
connection requests (Syn flag is active) is being dropped.
● Wait until the data is synchronized on both sides (e.g. by monitoring a
heartbeat table) and no more httpd processes are active.
● Switch the application traffic to the other DC (by changing the routing of their
IP addresses).
● Clean up (remove dropping of Syn packages on the “old” site etc.)
● This procedure is done per application group until all applications are running
Application clusters (Weblogic)
● Features of Weblogic that we use
● mod_wl
– Manages the stickiness and failover to backup nodes
– Automatic retry of failed requests
● On time-outs
● On response header 50x
● Multipools
– Gracefully remove a database node out of the pool
– Gracefully change parameters of connection pools
– Guaranteed balance of connections between database nodes
● Binding execution threads to connection pools
● Auto shutdown (+ restart) of nodes on OutOfMemoryException
● Session replication (also over both DCs)
● Thread monitoring (detect dead or long running threads etc.)
● Diagnostic images and alarms
Apache plugin failover
Deployment of connection pools
● One datasource per Oracle RAC node
● Set the initial capacity to a value that will be sufficient for the usual load for the application
– Creation of new connections is expensive
● Set the max capacity to a value that will be sufficient in a high load scenario
– The overall number of connections should match to the limit of connection on the database site
● Set JDBC parameter in the connection pool and not globally (e.g. v8compatibility=true)
● Check connections on reserve
● You can set db session parameters in the init SQL property (e.g. alter session set
● Enable 2 phase commit only if you need it (expensive)
● Prepared statement caching does not bring much performance (at least for Oracle databases) but cost
open cursors in the database (per connection!), so don't use it unless you have a very good reason to
do it.
● One Multipool containing all single datasources for one database
● Strategy: load balancing

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Efficient Reliability Demonstration Tests - by Guangbin Yang

This document discusses efficient reliability demonstration tests that can reduce sample sizes and test times compared to conventional methods. It presents principles for test time reduction using degradation measurements during testing. Methods are provided for calculating optimal test plans that minimize costs while meeting reliability requirements and risk constraints. Decision rules are given for terminating tests early based on degradation measurements and risk estimates. An example application demonstrates how the approach can significantly reduce testing costs.

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TubeMogul grew from few servers to over two thousands servers and handling over one trillion http requests a month, processed in less than 50ms each. To keep up with the fast growth, the SRE team had to implement an efficient Continuous Delivery infrastructure that allowed to do over 10,000 puppet deployment and 8,500 application deployment in 2014. In this presentation, we will cover the nuts and bolts of the TubeMogul operations engineering team and how they overcome challenges.

Design patterns for scaling web applications
Design patterns for scaling web applicationsDesign patterns for scaling web applications
Design patterns for scaling web applications

This document discusses various patterns for scaling web applications. It begins by describing single machine, two-tier, and multi-tier web application architectures. It then covers message bus and service-oriented architectures. The document discusses scaling up approaches like identifying bottlenecks, utilizing bottlenecks, adjusting non-bottlenecks, elevating bottlenecks, and reviewing processes. Specific scaling techniques covered include caching, threading and queues, and using content delivery networks.

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Zero Downtime JEE Architectures

  • 1. Zero Downtime Architectures Alexander Penev ByteSource Technology Consulting GmbH Neubaugasse 43 1070, Vienna Austria
  • 2. whoami Alexander Penev Email: Twitter: @apenev @ByteSourceNet JEE, Databases, Linux, TCP/IP Fan of (automatic) testing, TDD, ADD, BDD….. Like to design high available and scalable systems :-)
  • 3. Zero Downtime Architectures ● Base on a customer project with the classic JEE Application Stack ● Classic web applications with server side code ● HTTP based APIs ● Goals, Concepts and Implementation Techniques ● Constraints and limitations ● Developement guidelines ● How these concepts can be applied to the new cuttung edge technolgies ● Single page Java Script based Apps ● Mobile clients ● Rest APIs ● Node.js ● NoSQL stores
  • 4. Zero Downtime Architecture? ● My database server has 99.999% uptime ● We have Tomcat cluster ● Redundant power supply ● Second Datacenter ● Load Balancer ● Distribute routes over OSPF ● Deploy my application online ● Second ISP ● Session Replication ● Monitoring ● Data Replication ● Auto restarts
  • 5. Zero Downtime architecture: our definition The services from the end user point of view could be always available
  • 6. Our Vision Identify all sources of downtime and remove all them
  • 7. When could we have a downtime (unplanned)? ● Human errors ● Server node has crashed ● Power supply is broken, RAM Chip burned out, OS just crashed ● Server Software just crashed ● IO errors, software bug, tablespace full ● Network is unavailable ● Router crashed, Uplink down ● Datacenter is down ● Uplinks down ( notorious bagger :-) ) ● Flood/Fire ● Aircondition broken ● Hit by a nuke (not so often :-) )
  • 8. When could we need a downtime (planned)? ● Replace a hardware part ● Replace a router/switch ● Firmware upgrade ● Upgrade/exchange the storage ● Configuration of the connection pool ● Configuration of the cluster ● Upgrade the cluster software ● Recover from a logical data error ● Upgrade the database software ● Deploy a new version of our software ● Move the application to another data center
  • 9. How can we avoid downtime ● Redunancy ● Hardware, network ● Uplinks ● Datacenters ● Software ● Monitoring ● Detect exhausted resources before the application notices it ● Detect a failed node and replace it ● Software design ● Idempotent service calls ● Backwards compatibility ● Live releases ● Scalability ● Scale on more load ● Protect from attacks (e.g. DDoS)
  • 10. Requirements for a Zero Downtime Architecture: handling of events of failure or maintenance Event/Application category Online applications Batch jobs Failure or maintenance of an internet uplink/router/switch Yes Yes Failure or maintenance of a firewall node, loadbalancer node or a network component Yes Yes Failure or maintenance of a webserver node Yes N/A Failure or maintenance of an application server node Yes partly (will be restarted) Failure or maintenance of a database node Yes partly Switchover of a datacenter: switching only one application (group) Yes Yes (maintenance) partly (failure) Switchover of a datacenter: switching all applications Yes Yes (maintenance) partly (failure) New application deployment Yes Yes Upgrade of operating system Yes Yes Upgrade of an arbitrary middleware software Yes Yes Upgrade of database software Yes Yes Overload of processing nodes Yes Yes Failure of a single JVM Yes No Failure of a node due to leak of system resources Yes No
  • 11. Our goals and constraints ● Reduce downtime to 0 ● Keep the costs low ● No expensive propriatery hardware ● Minimize the potential application changes/rewrites
  • 12. Our Concepts 1/4 ● Independent Applications or Application Groups ● One Application (Group) = IP Address ● Communication between Application exclusively over this IP Address!
  • 13. Our Concepts 2/4 Treat the internet and internal traffic independently
  • 14. Our Concepts 3/4 ● Reduce the downtime within a datacenter to 0 ● High available network ● Redundant firewalls and load balancers ● Web server farms ● Application server clusters with sesion replication ● Oracle RAC Cluster ● Downtime free application deployments
  • 15. Our Concepts 4/4 ● Replicate the data on both datacenters ● and make the applications switchable
  • 17. Concepts: Internet traffic, BGP(Border Gateway Protocol) 1/2 ● Every datacenter has fully redundant uplinks ● Own provider independent IP address range (assigned by RIPE) ● Hard to get in the moment (but not impossible) ● Propagate these addresses to the rest of the internet through both ISPs using BGP ● Both DCs our addresses ● The network path of one announcement could be preferred (for costs reasons) ● Switch of internet traffic ● Gracefully by changing the preferences of the announcements – No single TCP session lost ● In case of disaster the backup route is propagated automatically within seconds to minutes (depending on the internet distance) ● Protect us from connectivity problems between our ISPs and our customer ISPs Announcement Announcement
  • 18. Concepts: Internet traffic, use DNS ? 2/2 ● We don't use DNS for switching ● A datacenter switch based on DNS could take up to months to reach all customers and their software (e.g. JVMs caching DNS entries, default behaviour) ● No need to restart browsers, applications and proxies on the customer site. The customer doesn't see any change at all (except that route to us has changed) ● DNS is good for load balancing but not for High Availability!
  • 19. Concepts: Internal traffic ● OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) protocol for dynamic routing ● Deals with redundant paths completely transparently ● Can also do load balancing ● The second level firewalls (in front of the load balancers) announce the address to the rest of the routers ● To switch the processing of a service, it's firewall just has to announce the route (could be also a /32) with a higher priority, after a second the traffic goes through the new route. ● Could be also used for a unattended switch of the whole datacenter ● Just announce the same IPs from both sites with different priorities ● If the one datacenter dies there are only announcements from the other one
  • 20. Our Concepts ● Independent Applications or Application Groups ● Independent Internet and internal network trafic ● Reduce Downtime within a DC ● Replicate the data between the Dcs and make the application switchable
  • 21. Zero Downtime within a datacenter ● High Available network ● Redundant switches – Again using Spanning Tree Protocol ● Redundant firewalls, routers, load balancers – Active/Passive Clusters – VRRP protocol implemeneted by keepalived – IP tables with contractd ● Web Server Apache farms ● Managed by load balancer ● Application Server Cluster ● Weblogic Cluster ● With Session replication, ● automcatic retries and restarts ● Oracle RAC database cluster ● Deployment without downtime
  • 22. Failover within one datacenter:Apache plugin (mod_wl) Session ID Format: sessionid!primary_server_id!secondary_server_id Quelle:
  • 23. Development guidelines (HTTPSession) ● If you need a session then you most probably want to replicate it ● Example (weblogic.xml) ● Generally all requests of one session go to the same application instance ● When it fails (answer with 50x, dies or not answer in a given period) the backup instance is involved ● The session attributes are only replicated on the backup node when HTTPSession.setAttribute was called. HTTPSession.getAttribute("foo") .changeSomething() will not be replicated! ● Every attribute stored in the HTTPSession must be serializable! ● The ServletContext will not be replicated in any cases. ● If you implement caches they will have probably different contents on every node (except we use a 3rd party cluster aware cache). Probably the best practice is not to rely that the data is present and declare the cache transient ● Keep the session small in size and do regular reattaching.
  • 24. Development guidelines (cluster handling) ● Return proper HTTP return codes to the client ● Common practice is to return a well formed error page with HTTP code 200 ● It is a good practice if you are sure that the cluster is incapable of recovering from it (example: a missing page will be missing on the other node too) ● But an exhausted resource (like heap, datasource) could be present on the other node ● It is hard to implement it, therefore Weblogic offers you help: ● You can bind the number of execution threads to a datasource capacity ● Shut down the node if an OutOfMemoryError occurs but use it with extreme care! ● Design for idempotence ● Do all your methods idempotent as far as possible. ● For those that cannot be idempotent (e.g. sendMoney(Money money, Account account)) prevent re- execution: – By using a ticketing service – By declaring the it as not idempotent: <LocationMatch /pathto/yourservlet >                 SetHandler weblogic­handler                Idempotent OFF </Location>
  • 25. Development guidelines (Datasources) ● Don't build your own connection pools, take them from the Application Server by JNDI Lookup ● As we are using Oracle RAC , the datasource must be a multipool consisting of single datasources per RAC node – One can take one of the single datasources out of the mutlipool (online) – Load balancing is guaranteed – Reconfiguring the pool online ● Example Spring config: ● Example without Spring:
  • 26. Basic monitoring ● Different possibilities for monitoring on Weblogic ● Standard admin console – Threads (stuck, in use, etc), JVM (heap size, usage etc.), online thread dumps – Connection pools statistics – Transaction manager statistics – Application statistics (per servlet), WorkManager statistics ● Diagnostic console – Online monitoring only – All attributes exposed by Weblogic Mbeans can be monitored – Demo: diagnostics console ● Diagnostic images – On demand, on shutdown, regularly – Useful for problem analysis (especially for after crash analysis) – For analysing of resource leaks: Demo: analyse a connection leak and a stuck thread ● SNMP and diagnostic modules – All MBean attributes can be monitored by SNMP – Gauge, string, counter monitors, log filters, attribute changes – Collected metrics, watches and notifications
  • 27. Zero downtime deployment ● 2 Clusters within the one datacenter ● Managed by Apache LB ● (simple script based on the session ID) ● Both are active during normal operations ● Before we deploy the new release we switch off cluster 1 ● Old sessions go to both cluster 1 and 2 ● New sessions go to cluster 2 only ● When all sessions of cluster 1 expire we deploy the new version ● Test it ● If everything ok, then we put it back into the Apache load balancer ● Now we take cluster 2 off ● Untill all sessions expire ● The same procedure as above ● Then we deploy on the second datacenter
  • 28. Our Concepts ● Independent Applications or Application Groups ● Independent Internet and internal network trafic ● Reduce/avoid Downtime within a DC ● Replicate the data between the DCs and make the application switchable
  • 29. Our requirements again Event/Application category Online applications Batch jobs Failure or maintenance of an internet uplink/router/switch Yes Yes Failure or maintenance of a firewall node, loadbalancer node or a network component Yes Yes Failure or maintenance of a webserver node Yes N/A Failure or maintenance of an application server node Yes partly (will be restarted) Failure or maintenance of a database node Yes partly Switchover of a datacenter: switching only one application (group) Yes Yes (maintenance) partly (failure) Switchover of a datacenter: switching all applications Yes Yes (maintenance) partly (failure) New application deployment Yes Yes Upgrade of operating system Yes Yes Upgrade of an arbitrary middleware software Yes Yes Upgrade of database software Yes Yes Overload of processing nodes Yes Yes Failure of a single JVM Yes No Failure of a node due to leak of system resources Yes No
  • 30. Replicate the data between the DCs ● Bidirectional data replication between DCs ● Oracle Streams/Golden Gate
  • 31. Cross Cluster replication: 2 clusters in 2 datacenters
  • 32. Application groups ● One or more applications without hard dependencies to or from other applications ● Why application groups ● Switching many application at once leads to long downtimes and higher risk ● Switching a single one is not possible if there are hard dependencies on database level to other applications ● Identify groups of applications that are critical dependent on each other but not to other applications out of the group ● Switch such groups always at once ● As bigger the group as longer the downtime – A single application in the category HA will be able to switch without any downtime, just delayed requests ● Critical (hard) dependencies is if it leads to issues (editing the same record on different DCs will be definitely problematic, reading data for reporting is not) – Must be identified on case by case base
  • 34. Switch application by application
  • 35. Example of a switch procedure of an application group
  • 36. Applications: Limitations Limitation/Categories No bulk transactions No DB sequences No file based sequences No shared file system storage Use a central batch system All new releases has to be compatible with the previous release. Stick to the infrastructure
  • 37. Our Concepts ● Independent Applications or Application Groups ● Independent Internet and internal network trafic ● Reduce/avoid Downtime within a DC ● Replicate the data between the DCs and make the application switchable
  • 38. Our requirements once again Event/Application category Online applications Batch jobs Failure or maintenance of an internet uplink/router/switch Yes Yes Failure or maintenance of a firewall node, loadbalancer node or a network component Yes Yes Failure or maintenance of a webserver node Yes N/A Failure or maintenance of an application server node Yes partly (will be restarted) Failure or maintenance of a database node Yes partly Switchover of a datacenter: switching only one application (group) Yes Yes (maintenance) partly (failure) Switchover of a datacenter: switching all applications Yes Yes (maintenance) partly (failure) New application deployment Yes Yes Upgrade of operating system Yes Yes Upgrade of an arbitrary middleware software Yes Yes Upgrade of database software Yes Yes Overload of processing nodes Yes Yes Failure of a single JVM Yes No Failure of a node due to leak of system resources Yes No
  • 39. Modern Architectures: how does the concepts fit?
  • 40. Modern Architectures: Application Layer ● Web apps ● Completely independent on the backend ● Using only Rest APIs ● 90% of the state is locally managed (supported by frameworks like AngularJS and BackboneJS) ● Must be compatible with different versions of the Rest API (at least 2 versions) ● If websockets are used, then more tricky, see backend. ● New mobile versions managed by Apps Stores ● Good to have a upgrade reminder (to limit the supported versions) ● Rest API must be versioned and backwards compatible ● Messages over message clouds is transparent. HA managed by vendors ● Stafeful Services ● e.g. Oauth v1/v2 – Normally by DB Persistence
  • 41. Session Replication ● Less needed that with Server Side Applications ● Frameworks like AngularJS, BackboneJS , Ember etc. manage their own sessions, routings etc. ● but still needed ● Weblogic: no change ● Tomcat evtl. with JDBC Store ● Jetty with Terracotta ● Node.js: secure (digitally signed) sessions stored in cookies – Senchalabs Connect – Mozilla/node-client-sessions ● scalable-node-js-applications-a-node-js-holiday-season-part-3/
  • 42. Backend: Bidirectional Data Replication ● Elastic Search ● Currently no cross cluster replication ● But is on their roadmap ● Couchdb ● Very flexible replication, regardless within one or more datacenters ● Bidirectional replication is possible ● Mongodb ● One direction replication possible and mature ● Bidirectional not possible in the moment ● Workaround would be: one mongodb per app and strict separation of the apps ● Hadoop HDFS ● Currently no cross cluster replication available ● e.g. Facebook wrote their own replication for HIVE ● Will possibly arrive soon with Apache Falcon
  • 43. Questions? Thank you for your attention !
  • 44. Some pictures on this presentation were purchased from iStockphoto LP. The price paid applies for the use of the pictures within the scope of a standard license, which includes among other things, online publications including websites up to a maximum image size of 800 x 600 pixels (video: 640 x 480 pixels). Some icons from are used under the Creative Commons public domain license from the following authors: Artbees, Neurovit and Pixel Mixer ( All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
  • 46. Big picture example architecture
  • 47. Key features ● 2 datacenters ● Both active (both datacenters active but probably different applications running on them) ● Independent uplinks ● Redundant interconnect ● Applications are deployed and running on both ● Application cluster in every datacenter ● Session replication within every datacenter ● Cross replication between the 2 datacenters ● e.g. with Weblogic Cluster ● Bidirectional database replication ● e.g. 2 independent Oracle RAC in each datacenter ● Replication over streams/Golden Gate ● Monitoring of all critical resources ● Hardware nodes ● Connection pools ● JVM heaps ● Application switch
  • 48. Concepts: other network components ● Firewalls ● First level firewalls – Cisco routers – Stateless firewalls – Not very restrictive ● Second level firewalls (in front of the application load balancers) – Should be stateful – based on Linux/Iptables with conntrackd (for failover) – Statefull, connection tracking – Very restrictive – Rate limiting of new connections (DoS or slashdot) ● All firewalls will be/are in active/hot standby mode. ● On a controlled failover (both are running and we switch them) no single TCP connection should be affected (except small delays) ● In disaster case some seconds until the cluster software detects the crash of the node and initiate the failover. No TCP connections should be lost but there is a very small risk
  • 49. Example of a switch procedure of an application group ● Preparation steps ● Check the health of the replication processes. ● Stop all batch applications (by stopping the job scheduling system). If the time pressure for the switch is high just kill all running jobs (they should be restartable anyway, also currently). ● Switch off the keepalive feature on all httpd servers ● Switching steps ● Change the firewall rules on the second layer firewalls, so that any new connection requests (Syn flag is active) is being dropped. ● Wait until the data is synchronized on both sides (e.g. by monitoring a heartbeat table) and no more httpd processes are active. ● Switch the application traffic to the other DC (by changing the routing of their IP addresses). ● Clean up (remove dropping of Syn packages on the “old” site etc.) ● This procedure is done per application group until all applications are running
  • 50. Application clusters (Weblogic) ● Features of Weblogic that we use ● mod_wl – Manages the stickiness and failover to backup nodes – Automatic retry of failed requests ● On time-outs ● On response header 50x ● Multipools – Gracefully remove a database node out of the pool – Gracefully change parameters of connection pools – Guaranteed balance of connections between database nodes ● Binding execution threads to connection pools ● Auto shutdown (+ restart) of nodes on OutOfMemoryException ● Session replication (also over both DCs) ● Thread monitoring (detect dead or long running threads etc.) ● Diagnostic images and alarms
  • 52. Deployment of connection pools ● One datasource per Oracle RAC node ● Set the initial capacity to a value that will be sufficient for the usual load for the application – Creation of new connections is expensive ● Set the max capacity to a value that will be sufficient in a high load scenario – The overall number of connections should match to the limit of connection on the database site ● Set JDBC parameter in the connection pool and not globally (e.g. v8compatibility=true) ● Check connections on reserve ● You can set db session parameters in the init SQL property (e.g. alter session set NLS_SORT='GERMAN') ● Enable 2 phase commit only if you need it (expensive) ● Prepared statement caching does not bring much performance (at least for Oracle databases) but cost open cursors in the database (per connection!), so don't use it unless you have a very good reason to do it. ● One Multipool containing all single datasources for one database ● Strategy: load balancing

Editor's Notes

  1. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications
  2. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications
  3. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications
  4. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications
  5. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications
  6. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications
  7. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications
  8. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications
  9. reduce downtime to 0 keep the costs low use linux use x64 hw SW Licenses as low as possible Minimize changes of applications