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TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
Michael King | @iPullRank | #TechSEOBoost
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
“Stateless means there is no record of previous
interactions and each interaction request has to
be handled based entirely on information that
comes with it.”

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The Ultimate Pagination for SEO
The Ultimate Pagination for SEOThe Ultimate Pagination for SEO
The Ultimate Pagination for SEO

This document compares different pagination techniques and their effect on SEO. It finds that logarithmic pagination and ghostblock pagination perform best based on metrics like maximum page depth reached, average page rank of pagination vs item pages, and number of relevant pages. The document provides best practices for pagination on category trees, threads/discussions, and chronological content. It recommends stable pagination for content that is constantly updated to avoid unstable page numbers.

technical seoseo
TechSEO Boost 2018: Programming Basics for SEOs
TechSEO Boost 2018: Programming Basics for SEOsTechSEO Boost 2018: Programming Basics for SEOs
TechSEO Boost 2018: Programming Basics for SEOs

Learn to code! You’ve heard it before, but starting seems like a monumental undertaking. It’s not. And, even a basic understanding of programming can pay off immensely. You’d be surprised by how much more efficiently and effectively you can work with your developer counterparts once you have a few easy concepts down. In this session, Catalyst’s Paul Shapiro will help get you started. Paul will discuss the fundamental components that make up a computer program and how you can easily leverage them to improve your work as an SEO. You’ll learn about basic concepts like loops, variables, if-else statements, functions, and arrays (they sound scarier than they are!), how to identify specific marketing tasks you do today that can benefit from basic programming skills and knowledge, how to pick your first programming language, and more.

seotechnical seoprogramming
TechSEO Boost 2017: SEO Best Practices for JavaScript T-Based Websites
TechSEO Boost 2017: SEO Best Practices for JavaScript T-Based WebsitesTechSEO Boost 2017: SEO Best Practices for JavaScript T-Based Websites
TechSEO Boost 2017: SEO Best Practices for JavaScript T-Based Websites

While providing a dynamic and fast user experience, JavaScript-based sites (SPAs/PWAs) are not always “SEO friendly.” Therefore, it is crucial for developers to understand how search engines crawl, parse, eventually render, and index dynamic websites, to make sure bots get the experience they developed and the content of the site.

technical seosearch engine optimizationsearch engine marketing
Where have you heard “stateless” before?
Googlebot is stateless.
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
So, WTF is Technical SEO
I wasn’t sure, so I asked.

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TechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web Fast
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TechSEO Boost 2017: Making the Web Fast

This document discusses various techniques for measuring and improving website performance. It provides links to tools for monitoring page speed metrics and the loading performance of different sites. Specific techniques are recommended for optimizing assets like JavaScript, CSS, images and HTTP requests to enhance performance. New technologies like HTTP/2 that can help and methods for testing performance variations are also referenced.

website performancedigital marketingmarketing
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOsSearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs

Despite the huge shift to content marketing in recent years, the technical end of SEO has gotten increasingly complex and our tools are not keeping pace. As SEOs, we must develop strong working knowledge of the optimal usage of technology to get implementations accomplished. In this talk, Mike will walk through case studies, the impact of different technical implementations, and how to pull together small solutions when nothing on the shelf works for your needs.

TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shapin...
TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shapin...TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shapin...
TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shapin...

This document discusses how machine learning is shaping Google and technical SEO. It addresses how TF-IDF is not the best algorithm and that BM25 and machine learning take other factors into account. Wikimedia Research has released machine learning ranking models on GitHub. The document also discusses how Google may use click-through rate as a ranking factor alongside other signals processed by machine learning algorithms, and how techniques like query disambiguation, semantic relevance analysis, content deduplication, and evaluating click satisfaction should be focuses for technical SEO.

machine learningdigital marketingsearch engine marketing
Spoiler Alert:
Noone seems
to know.
In your own words,
what is technical
There was no real
consensus in what technical
SEO means to our 300
Don’t judge me for using a word cloud, sucka.
Yup, you saw that
115 people basically defined
Technical SEO as
Which of thesedo you believeis
a part of thework thata
technicalSEO does?(checkall
that apply)
Most respondents indicated
that Web Performance
(Speed) and Information
Architecture are parts of
what a technical SEO does.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Information Architecture
Front-end Development
Backend Development
Server Administration/DevOps
User Experience
Data Mining
Natural LanguageProcessing
Conversion Rate Optimization
Machine Learning
Product Management
Market Research
Marketing Automation
Scalable Link Building
Content Strategy

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SearchLove Boston 2016 | Paul Shapiro | How to Automate Your Keyword Research
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Paul Shapiro | How to Automate Your Keyword ResearchSearchLove Boston 2016 | Paul Shapiro | How to Automate Your Keyword Research
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Paul Shapiro | How to Automate Your Keyword Research

Are you tapping into automation for keyword research? If not, why not? When it comes to SEO, automation is awesome. For starters, it can help free up a lot of time that is normally spent on menial tasks. What’s more, it can also aid deep analysis, and even facilitate innovation. If you are still doing keyword research manually, this is a must-attend session. Paul will show you how to get started with automated keyword research, using some easy-to-use tools. You’ll see first-hand how they can help you uncover valuable insights automatically. Overall, you will walk away with an immediately actionable plan to start automating your keyword research today.

marketingautomationdigital marketing
Automation Demystified
Automation DemystifiedAutomation Demystified
Automation Demystified

Mike King's companion discussion to "Digital Body Language" that walks marketers through how they can prepare for Marketing Automation.

marketing automationsearchlovemarketing
5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 2019
5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 20195 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 2019
5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 2019

Have you ever spent time and effort on optimizing a website only to see all that hard work blown away in a blink of an eye? In this session, Marco explains how he has explored the world of SEO custom alerts to make sure that key elements such as performance, robots.txt, traffic and rankings are closely monitored and shows you how to track issues and fix them straight away.

seoseo custom alertsgoogle analytics
The best “Other” response…
“Lie and bill”
What’s theMost Important
Thing for TechnicalSEOs to do?
The most compelling response
“Being curious.”
Here’s the problem…

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iPullRank Webinar - Automated Testing For SEO With Hamlet Batista

Welcome to iPullRank's Webinar featuring Hamlet Batista to discuss the topic "Automated Testing for SEO." With so many cooks in the kitchen on any development project, it’s incredibly difficult as an SEO to know everything that is going on to troubleshoot what could go wrong. Automated Testing is a way to put some safeguards in place so that if anything new in your code is rolled out, it doesn’t break something that previously existed in the code, like some previous functionality or something to that effect. In this webinar, we will be touching on important topics such as: -- What is automated testing and why is it important -- The different types of automated testing -- Different automated testing tools -- Expert insights by Mike & Hamlet Signup for our expert newsletter here:

seoautomated testingdigital marketing
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

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Python For Technical SEO | Women In Tech SEO Festival March 2020 | Ruth Everett
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Python For Technical SEO | Women In Tech SEO Festival March 2020 | Ruth Everett

Covering the fundamentals of Python and Machine Learning and discussing the positive impact they can have in automating technical SEO tasks.

EverythingWe ThinkWe Do is Someone Else’s Job
SEO Task Roles Usually Responsible
Site Auditing QA Engineer, Front End Developer, Backend Developer, Server
Log File Analysis Server Administrator, Backend Developer
Speed Optimization Developer, Server Administrator, Database Administrator
Text Analysis/Natural Language Processing Computational Linguist, Data Scientist
Content Optimization Computational Linguist, Copywriter
Content Auditing Content Strategist
Link Analysis Analyst, DataScientist
Technical Roadmap Development Product Manager,Project Manager, Engineering Manager
Metadata/Structured Data Strategy/Development Content Strategist
Tool Development Developer
Keyword Research Analyst, Media Planner
TechnicalSEOdoes not have a state of its
own.Its state is the functionof the state
of other webcapabilities.
SEO is a Meta-Industry
…and profession.
But we are also the much-
needed glue between
capabilities to gives cross-
functional tactical execution.
We sounda lot like
Product Managers.

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TechSEO Boost 2018: Implementing Hreflang on Legacy Tech Stacks Using Service...
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One of the challenges faced at enterprise SEO level is often the legacy platforms and tech stacks that you inherit. Finding a cost-effective way of implementing international SEO best practice is often a barrier to internationalisation. Edge technology is creating new opportunities to optimise websites independently of the inherited technological barriers. In this session,’s Dan Taylor will explore their findings from implementing Hreflang using cutting edge technology to remove these barriers.

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NLP Powered Outreach Link Building
NLP Powered Outreach Link BuildingNLP Powered Outreach Link Building
NLP Powered Outreach Link Building

The document discusses how natural language processing (NLP) can be used to improve and automate link building and public relations outreach processes. Specifically, it describes how NLP models can help with contact research and enrichment by classifying job titles and seniority, email filtering by analyzing intent and sentiment, and reactive PR by extracting information from requests on forums like HARO. The document advocates starting with tools like MonkeyLearn and Zapier for initial NLP capabilities before progressing to using native application programming interfaces. The overall goal is to use NLP to speed up data processing and allow human experts to focus on higher-level tasks.

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Automate, Create Tools, & Test Ideas Quickly with Google Apps Script
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Automate, Create Tools, & Test Ideas Quickly with Google Apps Script

The document is a slideshow presentation about using Google Apps Script to automate tasks and create custom formulas and functions in Google Sheets. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, integrating APIs, scraping Google search results, machine learning classification, and monitoring page changes. It encourages attendees to learn JavaScript and Apps Script further and provides resources for doing so. It concludes by thanking the audience and sponsors and providing contact information for the presenter.

seotechnical seo
Technical SEO differs from standard SEO
in that it is about scalability, depth,detail
and/or advanced cross-functional
understanding and execution.
I Also BelieveWeHelp Google’s “Engineering Economics”
I have a hypothesis that Google leverages the SEO community for scale the same waythat they use the Open Source community. Effectively, search quality
does not work without us.
Data and Tooling
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO

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Tyler Reardon is an SEO Strategist at CARFAX where he helps drive the traffic acquisition strategy for the CARFAX Used Car Listings marketplace. He began his journey in search in 2011 at before co-founding United SEO, a Boston-based consultancy specializing in SEO and Analytics, where he crafted and executed strategies for clients such as Oreck, HyDrive Energy, and MedStar Health.

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How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent
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How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent

Google is constantly evolving and a webmaster’s ability to react to changes is key to any successful SEO campaign. However, what happens when you can’t get technical SEO recommendations over the line? This slideshow focuses on how you can be more Agile and implement technical SEO recommendations that add value.

digital marketingsearch engine optimizationsearch marketing
The Technical SEO Renaissance
The Technical SEO RenaissanceThe Technical SEO Renaissance
The Technical SEO Renaissance

This document provides a summary of Michael King's presentation on the technical SEO renaissance. It discusses how SEO has evolved over time from basic tricks to a more technical focus as search engines have advanced. Key points include the growing importance of JavaScript, single page applications, HTTP headers, log file analysis, headless browsing, scraping techniques, content optimization using entities, internal linking structures, page speed optimizations, and preloading directives. The presentation argues that technical skills are now essential for SEOs to understand new developments and effectively optimize websites.

technical marketingseoadvanced seo
Russ Jones Discussed This at MozCon
Data is inherently imperfect, but very little of the data that we leverage as SEOs would stand up to scrutiny and our
tools mostly hold the data hostage.
Let’s sayI’m doinga linkauditforEbay.Ican dooneofthreethings:1.Onlyuseonedata sourceas thegospel.2.Reviewa representativesample.3.Exporteverythingfromeverywhereand
IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKWith the largest account I can export a maximum of 10mm rows.
IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKEven if I pay Ahrefs $10k a month, I would not be able to get those links out for further analysis

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The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King
 The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King   The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King
The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King

This document discusses the rise of technical SEO due to changes in web technologies like JavaScript, AngularJS, and ReactJS. It notes that search engines are now able to crawl sites rendered with JavaScript through headless browsers. It emphasizes the importance of log file analysis and ensuring sites are crawlable, including through proper prerendering setup. The document argues that technical SEO skills are now essential for SEO professionals due to the increased complexity of modern web development.

mike kingipullrankseo
Modern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players GuideModern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players Guide

This document discusses various tactics for improving SEO and site performance. It provides tips on keyword research using persona targeting, content strategy, internal linking to distribute link equity, log file analysis to understand crawl budget opportunities, auditing JavaScript sites, gaining real estate in SERPs through featured snippets and domain stacking, speed optimizations like code ordering and preloading/prerendering resources, and using analytics to better predict user behavior.

seoadvanced seomike king
Web Design for SEO
Web Design for SEOWeb Design for SEO
Web Design for SEO

This document provides tips for designing websites with SEO in mind. It discusses using personas and keyword research to understand user intent. The information architecture and content strategy should be mapped to semantic groups and keyword opportunities. Technical implementation includes ensuring images have alt text for accessibility, using responsive designs and standard meta data. Case studies demonstrate how this approach improved rankings and conversions for clients.

IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKWhat am Igoing todowith40k rowsout ofhundredsofmillions?Youcan’tbe serious!
Our Made Up Metrics Are Too Opaque
We don’t have peer reviewed and transparent
definitions of any of the proprietary link metrics .
This basically says “wedid some data science and came up with a number similarto Google’s – believe us”

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Amazon Search Summit - the need for split testing in SEO

Showing the complexity of Google's search results, and the lack of understanding we generally have of what works and what doesn't - meaning we need to use a more scientific approach. Finally - a bunch of lessons and data from split tests we have run

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Max 2009 presentation that I co-presented with Adobe\'s Duane Nickull. This was a featured top 3 MAX presentation. Watch at

Building your outreach machine
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Building your outreach machine

This document discusses how machine learning can help address scale problems in link building outreach. It begins by defining key concepts like machine learning, artificial intelligence, supervised vs unsupervised learning. It then explains how machine learning works by gathering and preparing data, choosing a model, training a classifier, and using it to make predictions. Examples are given of how machine learning has been applied in areas like translation, segmentation, predictive modeling, and chatbots. The document argues that machine learning could be used for lead qualification, close prediction, prospecting, and lead intelligence in outreach, similar to how sales tools have addressed scaling issues in sales.

link buildingoutreachseo
You’d think there wasn’ta peerreviewedversion of
PageRankout there
You’d think there wasn’t an open version of PageRank out there
Here are some things to
add to your arsenal.
Ryte’s BotLog Tool
Ryte’s Content Success Tool

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Seo company in chennai

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) basics. It discusses key on-page optimization techniques like keyword research, meta tags, image optimization and heading tags. It also covers off-page optimization including link building, social bookmarking and directory submissions. The document is presented as a tutorial by DLK Technologies on SEO strategies and includes questions for clarification.

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Technical SEO Training Day | Igoo
Technical SEO Training Day | Igoo Technical SEO Training Day | Igoo
Technical SEO Training Day | Igoo

Slides from my SEO training day, conducted at Igoo in Liverpool. These formed the basis of a full day, bespoke advanced technical SEO training day.

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SEO: Same as it Ever Was
SEO: Same as it Ever WasSEO: Same as it Ever Was
SEO: Same as it Ever Was

Michael King gives a presentation on the state of SEO. He argues that despite technological advances by Google, the fundamentals of SEO have not changed - clients still do not implement recommendations fully and do not understand good link building. He outlines four problems with SEO: lack of a single source of truth, measuring the wrong metrics, ineffective business cases, and inability to keep up technically. He provides solutions such as measuring outcomes over opportunities and building cases through keyword research tied to consumer insights. King urges SEOs to improve pitches and technical skills like entity extraction to keep up with Google.


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Mike King - Futureproofing your SEO
Mike King - Futureproofing your SEOMike King - Futureproofing your SEO
Mike King - Futureproofing your SEO

The document discusses futureproofing search engine optimization and the future of search. It makes the following key points: 1) The future of search will involve predictive and interactive assistants that understand user context to provide tailored results. Google already has many of the necessary components in place to move in this direction. 2) Search has evolved from the traditional 10 blue links format to prioritize different media types and personalized, instant results. Google's algorithms also aim to improve content quality and discourage manipulation. 3) To succeed in this evolving search landscape, SEO professionals should focus on creating hyper-targeted, utility-driven content; using structured data to trigger rich cards and featured snippets; ensuring mobile-friendliness; integrating

Mike King - Futureproofing your SEO
Mike King - Futureproofing your SEOMike King - Futureproofing your SEO
Mike King - Futureproofing your SEO

The document discusses futureproofing search engine optimization and the future of search. It makes the following key points: 1) The future of search will involve predictive and interactive assistants that understand user context to provide tailored results. Google already has many of the necessary components in place to become more like a "Star Trek computer". 2) Search engines have evolved from the traditional 10 blue links format to prioritize different media types and personalized, instant results. Future search will be conversational and integrated across different devices and platforms. 3) To succeed in this new search landscape, SEOs need to focus on creating hyper-targeted, utility-driven content; using structured data to trigger rich cards and featured snippets; ensuring mobile

How to cultivate a great relationship with your developer
How to cultivate a great relationship with your developerHow to cultivate a great relationship with your developer
How to cultivate a great relationship with your developer

This document provides tips for cultivating a good relationship with developers by effectively communicating technical SEO issues and suggestions. It advises presenting suggestions using the PEE method (Point, Evidence, Explain), providing specific examples to demonstrate issues, considering the developer's perspective, and following up respectfully if a suggestion is declined. Key recommendations include doing thorough research, being clear and direct, highlighting business impacts, and offering resolution options to gain developer cooperation on SEO improvements.

marketingseotechnical seo
In-browser scraper
Chrome Canary

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#SEOChat Recap - Conducting SEO Site Audits - August 4, 2016
#SEOChat Recap - Conducting SEO Site Audits - August 4, 2016#SEOChat Recap - Conducting SEO Site Audits - August 4, 2016
#SEOChat Recap - Conducting SEO Site Audits - August 4, 2016

This SlideShare is a recap of the Twitter #SEOChat hosted by Captivate Search Marketing President Chris J. Everett on August 4th, 2016. The SEOChat discussed various questions on the topic of Conducting SEO Site Audits. Topics range from favorite SEO site auditing tools, leveraging Schema markup and Google AMPs, and common factors influencing both on-page and off-page SEO.

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SEO 2019 - Learn the Secret to SEO Success

Find valuable insights on the Secret of SEO Success in 2019. Checkout the key SEO changes in 2018, Rankbrain & its impact on SEO. Learn latest strategies to recalibrate the SEO plan for maximum results.

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Keeping Things Lean & Mean: Crawl Optimisation - Search Marketing Summit AU

This document discusses crawl optimization and how to manage a website's crawl budget. It defines crawl optimization as controlling what content search engines can and cannot crawl and index. The document explains that a site's crawl budget is related to its PageRank, with higher ranked pages receiving more frequent crawls. It then presents a case study where an ecommerce site saw a spike in crawled and indexed pages that hurt organic performance. Investigating found the robots.txt file was missing, allowing unnecessary pages to be crawled. The document outlines various ways to identify and prevent crawl wastage like faceted navigation parameters and internal search results pages.

crawl optimisationseocrawl budget
SEO Needs Standards
IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKW3Cis thegoverning bodyforHTML
HTML5 Specification

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Talk for FOSSASIA 2016 ( ---- This talk will give a brief and enlightening look into how GraphQL can help you address common weaknesses that you, as a web / mobile developer, would normally face with using / building typical REST API systems. Let's stop fighting about whether we should implement the strictest interpretation of REST or how pragmatic REST-ful design is the only way to go, or debate about what REST is or what it should be. A couple of demos (In Golang! Yay!) will be shown that are guaranteed to open up your eyes and see that the dawn of liberation for product developers is finally here. Background: GraphQL is a data query language and runtime designed and used at Facebook to request and deliver data to mobile and web apps since 2012. Hafiz Ismail (@sogko) is a contributor to Go / Golang implementation of GraphQL server library ( and is looking to encourage fellow developers to join in the collaborative effort.

Search engine optimization Company
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Search engine optimization Company

In the year of 2010, in Independent India, a vision was born, which would eventually stand out as a brand name synonymous with innovation and integrity. Building on its varied expertise and domain knowledge, DLK offers clients a wide range SEO, SEM, IT, Software and BPO services. These services enable business to "Do Business Better". we have developed perspectives quite different from most SEO services in the INDIA. We offer: 1. Real SEO strategies that seamlessly blend in with your marketing plan; your vision comes first, we build our SEO strategies around that 2. SEO services that go beyond simple search engine optimization and SEM, and support other sectors of your marketing efforts with the tools at our disposal

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seo company in chennai

The document is from DLK Technologies and provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) basics. It discusses key on-page SEO elements like meta titles, keywords, descriptions and heading tags. It also covers off-page optimization techniques such as link building, social bookmarking and article submission. The goal of the SEO tutorial is to explain the necessary information around search engine optimization and how it can help get traffic from search engines.

seo companyseo company in chennai
ECMA is the governing body
for the JavaScript
We Need to Standardize Three Things
Open PageRank Computation
Crawl Data Portability
Open Rankings

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5 must have seo tools that you can't miss
5 must have seo tools that you can't miss5 must have seo tools that you can't miss
5 must have seo tools that you can't miss

SEO or Search Engine Optimization tools are meant to accelerate the effort of achieving something significant in digital marketing sense. This is why, today we've come up with the 5 must have SEO tools that you shall need to accomplish your target. Let's have a look. Pretty enticing, huh? Personally we use Google Analytics and Moz and the outcome is quite alluring. Don't forget to knock in case of any question or confusion.

toolsseodigital marketing
Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...
Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...
Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...

In partnership with London Research, Catalyst and Xaxis’ new original research and report, “Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer Connections,” explores gaps in where consumers are spending their time and where advertisers are investing, revealing opportunities for marketers to adopt and advance omnichannel approaches to media and marketing for long-term growth. Key takeaways: • U.S. consumer trends and engagement compared to advertiser approach to search, social, ecommerce, gaming, CTV, DOOH, podcasts, and more • Media consumption differences across key audience demographics and implications for omnichannel planning • Brands’ mindset, approach, and recommendations for ongoing experimentation and testing into emerging platforms • Barriers to adopting omnichannel programs and recommended solutions • The impact of privacy and identity on consumers, advertisers, and omnichannel programs

TechSEO Boost 2021 - Cultivating a Product Mindset for Success
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TechSEO Boost 2021 - Cultivating a Product Mindset for Success

View the recording here: Upasna Gautam, Product Manager, Platform & Commerce, CNN

technical seoseo
The GatewaySpecification (Work in Progress)
I would love your help with this
Contribute a Pull Request and lets make
everything work better together.
What Should a TechnicalSEO Be
Doing in 2019?
Things I Don’t Have to Tell You
Contribute a Pull Request and lets make
everything work better together.

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View the recording here: Simo Ahava, Co-founder, Simmer Server-side tagging introduces something of a paradigm shift to setting up marketing data collection for an organization. Instead of burdening the client device with the responsibility for sending data to third-party endpoints, the data streams are instead proxied through a server-side endpoint that your organization owns. This has huge implications on things like data governance, quality, privacy, security, and enrichment. Unlike traditional “server-side tracking”, where data is collected and processed server-to-server, server-side tagging lets you essentially turn a server environment into a tag management solution. In this talk, Simo Ahava will walk you through this new paradigm, introducing concepts that some of you might remember from pre-Google-Analytics days of web analytics. But server-side tagging is just so much more. Just like tag management for web browsers broke pre-established notions of what it is to deploy marketing pixels on a site, server-side tagging is here to disrupt the outdated approach of stuffing the site full of third-party resource loads and hoping that the users won’t notice.

10 Trends Changing Programmatic
10 Trends Changing Programmatic10 Trends Changing Programmatic
10 Trends Changing Programmatic

Big things are happening in programmatic. We’ll share actionable insights to drive business results in 2021, while exploring the potential impact of each trend over the next decade. Sign up and uncover strategies to address key trends like: - Cookieless World: The future of identity & audiences - Video: Learn why a fragmented video landscape needs integration - AI: Humans are advancing AI into unique and creative use-cases - Ecommerce: All brands are now ecommerce brands, what does that mean for marketers? - Gaming: Already bigger than the Super Bowl! Never been a better time to get in the game - Creative: Creative meets digital for hyper-targeted, customization at scale - Omnichannel Activations: Consumers are everywhere, are you?

New Commerce Conference: Charting a Course to Success with Your Retail Media ...
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This document summarizes a presentation on charting a course for success with retail media partners. The presentation recommends three steps: 1) Collaborate early with retailers to unlock opportunities like seasonal placements and build retail-specific content. 2) Inspire shoppers across the path to purchase by discovering possibilities and recommendations. 3) Unleash agency specialists to optimize results through collaboration, experimentation, organic visibility, and applying best media practices around structure, bidding and budgeting. The presentation emphasizes that retail media is easy to get started with and is more than just product listing ads, advising attendees to test and learn against benchmarks.

Oh, word?
Youmight thinkI feel
But really, I feel like
RevisitingHeap’s Law
Heap’s Law indicates that
vocabulary in a corpus
grows at a predictable rate.

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The New Commerce Conference: The Omni-channel Imperative
The New Commerce Conference: The Omni-channel ImperativeThe New Commerce Conference: The Omni-channel Imperative
The New Commerce Conference: The Omni-channel Imperative

Presentation: The Age of Omni-Commerce & What It Means for Marketing Strategies Welcome to the age of omni-commerce. From Google to Amazon, and from Instagram to Instacart, commerce is happening all around us. It is ubiquitous and omni-present. What does this mean for brands? It means that omni-channel strategies are more critical than ever. Join this presentation as we size up the omni-channel opportunity and share tips for planning and activating an effective omni-channel program. You’ll discover how to capitalize on commerce opportunities across search, social, retail media, and emerging programmatic channels like connected TV, audio, digital out-of-home, and more. Panel: Less Silos, More Symbiosis: Omni-Channel Strategies to Drive In-Store & Ecomm Sales Many marketers take separate and siloed approaches to in-store and ecommerce marketing. It’s time to rethink this approach. As the digital ecosystem continues to drive purchase behavior across in-store and ecommerce, brands must identify and capitalize on synergies across online and in-store. Join our panel discussion to learn how to get started. You’ll hear from commerce experts as they discuss their omni-channel journeys and share how they’ve broken down silos to drive better performance both online and in-store.

New Commerce Commerce: All Things Instacart
New Commerce Commerce: All Things InstacartNew Commerce Commerce: All Things Instacart
New Commerce Commerce: All Things Instacart

Getting Started Marketing on Instacart Instacart is booming. It experienced exponential growth in 2020 and 63% of Instacart customers plan to use the service even more in the future. This translates to major opportunities for brands of all shapes and sizes. Instacart offers new ways to market your brand, connect with customers, and efficiently drive sales. But, how do brands get started with Instacart? How do you harness the power of Instacart to promote your brand or product? We have you covered. Join Catalyst, Instacart, and Pacvue as we share key considerations for a rock-solid Instacart marketing strategy. In this three-part presentation, we’ll cover: - The Landscape: We’ll explore today’s online grocery landscape, highlighting the consumer trends fueling Instacart’s ascent. Discover how consumers use Instacart today, the changing demos of Instacart users, the connection between online grocery and in-store sales, and more. - Instacart 101: We’ll provide an overview of the Instacart Advertising platform and paid media offering, including tips and best practices for strategy and execution. We’ll also discuss the importance of product detail page (PDP) optimization for visibility and conversions. - Leaning into the Instacart Opportunity: We’ll share real-life examples of how advertisers are leaning into the Instacart opportunity to acquire customers and drive sales, and how they are thinking about Instacart in a post-COVID world.

The Power of SEO: Protect Your Bottom Line & Future Proof Your Brand
The Power of SEO: Protect Your Bottom Line & Future Proof Your BrandThe Power of SEO: Protect Your Bottom Line & Future Proof Your Brand
The Power of SEO: Protect Your Bottom Line & Future Proof Your Brand

The economic rollercoaster of 2020 has forced many marketers to pause paid media, scale back campaigns, and reevaluate future strategies. In the face of this rapid and unpredictable change, SEO has remained a tried and true way to generate cost efficiencies, own your brand, and future-proof your business. Catalyst, part of GroupM, is hosting a new SEO webinar with MediaPost to show you how and why. Tim Eschenauer, Head of SEO for GroupM, will discuss the SEO imperative, exploring how SEO can maximize performance regardless of economic climate. Learn how SEO can help: - Create efficiencies & save costs. Discover how SEO can prevent you from needlessly paying paid search premiums. We’ll discuss how SEO can increase your paid quality scores to maximize efficiencies and benefit your bottom line. - Own your brand presence. Uncover how SEO can help you take control of your brand presence, fend off competition, and reach consumers. - Future-proof your business (for the good times & bad). Learn how building a strong organic presence today can prepare your brand for future, regardless of what that future holds. Prioritizing SEO now can better prepare you for future disruptions or paid media reductions while also maximizing results when it’s business as usual.

RevisitingZipf’s Law
Zipf’s law indicates that their
this a consistent distribution
of vocabulary across a
corpus for a given topic.
That tells me there is a specific statistical
expectation for content that ranks well. SEO
always told me “just make great content.”
TechnicalContent Optimization
Natural Language Generation Is Our Future
There’s a world wherein we create great content and Natural Language Generation takes that and perfectly optimizes
it against the SERP.

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The Era of Omni-Commerce: New Insights for Dominating the Digital Shelf and B...
The Era of Omni-Commerce: New Insights for Dominating the Digital Shelf and B...The Era of Omni-Commerce: New Insights for Dominating the Digital Shelf and B...
The Era of Omni-Commerce: New Insights for Dominating the Digital Shelf and B...

This document provides a summary of key insights from a landscape study on the state of ecommerce in 2021. The study was based on surveys of 500 online purchasers and 209 marketers/sales professionals. It found that shopper expectations prioritize convenience and discovery across platforms. Retailers lead in site visits pre-purchase, but social media and search are important for inspiration and discovery. The power of product detail pages was also highlighted, with nearly half of online purchasers visiting them at purchase time. The importance of a cross-channel approach and integrating media across platforms to eliminate waste was discussed. Measurement of success was found to be achievable for most traditional advertising but less so for emerging options. The growth of online grocery

Reignite Your Business with Performance Marketing: 4 Ways to Fuel Your Reopening
Reignite Your Business with Performance Marketing: 4 Ways to Fuel Your ReopeningReignite Your Business with Performance Marketing: 4 Ways to Fuel Your Reopening
Reignite Your Business with Performance Marketing: 4 Ways to Fuel Your Reopening

The COVID-19 crisis has forever changed how consumers engage with brick and mortar businesses. As people slowly and cautiously emerge from their homes, how do brands connect with their consumers to fuel their business reopenings and reignite sales? Join our webinar to learn how. We’ll share five ways that advertisers can use performance marketing to reach customers in authentic and helpful ways as they navigate the new physical shopping experience. Our performance marketing experts will share tips for planning and fueling your reopening through: - DOOH: Learn how to plan for reengaging with consumers as they carefully resume commutes, travel, and shopping experiences outside of home. See how DOOH can keep you top-of-mind as consumers restart public life. - Programmatic Audio: Discover how to be present as consumers develop new routine of podcasts, playlists, and more. Grab their ears and reengage via programmatic audio as they adapt to their new normal. - Local Search & Waze Ads: Learn how local search strategies and Waze Ads can increase your visibility as consumers search for conveniently located stores and physical locations. Provide helpful and handy information to assist them on their new shopping journey. - Yelp: Yelp has launched several new features to help large chains connect with consumers during Covid-19. Learn how brands are leveraging these tools to engage with the 90+ million monthly consumers visiting Yelp looking to transact with a local business. As the most trusted source of local business content, Yelp continues to be an essential tool to connect consumers with brands as locations adapt to the new normal.

Reignite Your Business with Performance Marketing: 4 Ways to Dial-Up Brand In...
Reignite Your Business with Performance Marketing: 4 Ways to Dial-Up Brand In...Reignite Your Business with Performance Marketing: 4 Ways to Dial-Up Brand In...
Reignite Your Business with Performance Marketing: 4 Ways to Dial-Up Brand In...

View the webinar recording here: COVID-19 has shuttered stores and changed the physical shopping experience as we know it. As we cautiously approach a new normal, how can brands remain relevant and create meaningful consumer connections that fuel business growth and in-store sales in the future? Join our webinar to learn how. We’re uniting experts from across Catalyst and Xaxis to discuss innovative ways to use performance marketing to reignite interest in your brand and prime consumers for your reopening. You’ll uncover how to: - Uncover insights that drive authentic and helpful messaging. Through our approach to advanced analytics and FUSION tool, we’ll share strategies for unearthing data points that bring you closer to your consumers and their challenges, inspiring communication that is pragmatic, relevant , and helpful. - Improve organic visibility through SEO. With some advertisers pausing or reducing paid media initiatives, earned media channels have become more important than ever. Discover how to maximize your organic visibility in traditional search engines and why it will pay dividends post COVID-19. - Strategically leverage influencer marketing. You’ll learn how to interact with consumers through trusted creators and create a platform for authentic engagement that is sensitive to the times. We’ll share a simplified approach to discovering the best influencer match for your brand. - Reach audiences at home with CTV. We’ll share some of the biggest opportunities for marketers (especially as it compares to traditional TV buying) to message their audiences and drive business outcomes as consumers continue to make the jump to CTV at home. You’ll learn how to eliminate wasted impressions, employ more granular audience targeting, and take an enhanced approach to measurement.

SemanticKeyword Research
Read this -
Studying IR taught me howGoogle Stores Content
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
A/B Testing

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Evolve Your Social Commerce Strategy: Thinking Beyond Facebook
Evolve Your Social Commerce Strategy: Thinking Beyond FacebookEvolve Your Social Commerce Strategy: Thinking Beyond Facebook
Evolve Your Social Commerce Strategy: Thinking Beyond Facebook

Are you looking to step up your social commerce strategy? A best in class social commerce strategy leaves no stone unturned. Catalyst’s webinar slides are available so you can learn how to expand your social commerce strategy beyond traditional tactics on Facebook and Instagram. You’ll discover innovative ways to leverage additional platforms, like Pinterest and Snapchat, to unlock niche audiences and drive more sales for your business. Key Takeaways: • Purchase Drivers vs. Purchase Influencers: Discover what social platforms drive purchase vs. influence purchase and how each can have a key role in your commerce strategy. • Budget Fluidity: Learn about the importance of budget fluidity when it comes to a multi-platform social commerce strategy and how budget fluidity can impact campaign efficiency and consumer touch points. • Pinterest Opportunities: Explore audience propensity and the commerce opportunity on Pinterest, including Standard Pins, Shop the Look Pins, & Product Pins • Snapchat Opportunities: Explore audience propensity and commerce opportunity on Snapchat, including Snap Ads, Story Ads, Collection Ads, & AR Len

social mediasocialcommerce
B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020
B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020
B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020

Want to make 2020 a record-breaking year for your B2B business? Check out our webinar slides to learn how to use SEO to grow traffic and increase qualified leads.

technical seoseob2b marketing
Keynote: Bias in Search and Recommender Systems
Keynote: Bias in Search and Recommender SystemsKeynote: Bias in Search and Recommender Systems
Keynote: Bias in Search and Recommender Systems

This document summarizes a keynote presentation about biases in search and recommender systems. The presentation discusses different types of biases that can occur at various stages, from data biases to algorithmic and interaction biases. It provides examples of how biases can manifest, such as popularity bias that disadvantages long-tail content in recommender systems. The presentation also discusses challenges in evaluating systems due to biases in test data and proposes methods for mitigating biases, such as stratified sampling and debiasing algorithms. The overarching message is that awareness of biases is important for building more transparent, accountable and fair systems.

seotechnical seo
Therearethreeflavorsof testingthat aremost relevantto us asSEOs: Unit Tests,IntegrationTestsandGUI Tests.
With Unit tests you are
testing an individual function
or procedure to ensure that
that it works.
These are generally small
and fast. Codebases can
have many of these.
Unit testscan be usedto determinethepresenceof tagsand attributesinstructureof codeto be servedto theclient, but not therenderedcode.
With integration testing you’re
testing how your logic comes
together to build the bigger
system. It can involve external
data such as APIs and
databases or how the various
pieces of the systems work
This is significantly slower than
unit testing, but depends on
how much of the system needs
to be rendered in order to
complete the test.
Integration tests can be used to determine tags, features and content of completed HTML source being served to the client. However, there can be overlap
with what can be viewed in an UI test.
UI Testing
UI Testing is the testing of
the frontend interface of your
website. This is largely used
for ensuring front end
components work as
This is the slowest version of
testing because it requires
the page to be fully
UI testscan beusedto determinetags, featuresandcontentof the renderedDOM beingservedto the client.

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TechSEO Boost 2019: Research Competition
TechSEO Boost 2019: Research CompetitionTechSEO Boost 2019: Research Competition
TechSEO Boost 2019: Research Competition

This document contains the slides from a TechSEO Boost conference research competition. There were three finalists who presented on topics related to technical SEO research they had conducted: Eric Enge presented on how Google search features impact click-through rates, Tomek Rudzki discussed taking JavaScript SEO to the next level by addressing issues with indexing JavaScript content, and Vincent Terrasi presented on generating qualitative content in multiple languages. Tomek Rudzki was selected as the grand prize winner for his research on JavaScript indexing challenges.

seotechnical seo
Generating Qualitative Content with GPT-2 in All Languages
Generating Qualitative Content with GPT-2 in All LanguagesGenerating Qualitative Content with GPT-2 in All Languages
Generating Qualitative Content with GPT-2 in All Languages

Vincent Terrasi discusses using AI models like GPT-2 and BERT to generate qualitative content in different languages. He outlines the steps to fine-tune a GPT-2 model for a new language using SentencePiece to compress the training data into byte-pair encodings. With sufficient training data in that language, the model can generate fluent multi-sentence texts that pass quality checks by a native speaker and language analysis tool. However, limited training data results in weaker performance. Terrasi provides resources to experiment with a French GPT-2 model and encourages adapting the approach for other languages.

seotechnical seo

The document is a slide presentation on using natural language processing (NLP) for search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses how NLP can be used to analyze text data for SEO purposes, including preprocessing text through tokenization, normalization, and feature extraction. It also covers vectorization techniques and basic machine learning models that can be applied to NLP tasks for SEO, as well as resources for learning more about applying NLP in SEO. The presentation aims to show how NLP can power applications to help with content creation, link analysis, and other SEO tasks.

seotechnical seo
This is What Headless Browsers are ActuallyFor
In SEO we primarily use headless browsers for scraping JavaScript-rendered content, but they are actually intended for
automated tests.
Read Why the ChromeDevTools Team Made Puppeteer
Test Driven Development
Some modern developers follow this methodology wherein they write their tests first and then write their code until the tests pass. Unit
tests are primarily used for this, but any type of test could be used. Note: UI Tests will dramatically slow down deployment.
Your Role is To Help Plan the Tests
You’ll want to work with a QA Engineer, a Product Manager or a Developer to develop test cases that can then be built into

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What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google
What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like GoogleWhat I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google
What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google

JR Oakes presented on building a toy crawler and renderer to better understand how Google and other search engines operate. He discussed key components of crawlers like prioritizing pages, handling duplicates, and respecting robots.txt. He then created a simple "toy internet" of linked pages to crawl. JR built a basic crawler in Python that applies techniques like PageRank, renders pages with Chrome Headless, and includes a search interface using Streamlit. The open source project is intended for learning and experimentation.

seotechnical seo
The User is The Query: The Rise of Predictive Proactive Search
The User is The Query: The Rise of Predictive Proactive SearchThe User is The Query: The Rise of Predictive Proactive Search
The User is The Query: The Rise of Predictive Proactive Search

The document discusses the shift in search from queries to journeys, from queries to queryless search, and from text to visual information. It notes that an information need is rarely a single task or answer, but rather a series of sub-tasks. Predictable patterns in people's task-driven search behaviors allow for modeling tasks and timelines. Mobile device sensors also provide important context for predicting users' informational needs and transitioning search from reactive to proactive.

seotechnical seo
Ranking Factors Going Causal: Regressions, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks
Ranking Factors Going Causal: Regressions, Machine Learning, and Neural NetworksRanking Factors Going Causal: Regressions, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks
Ranking Factors Going Causal: Regressions, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks

The document discusses using machine learning techniques like regressions, neural networks to better understand ranking factors and their causal relationships. It highlights challenges in data collection and interpretation, and the importance of validation. Regression models are proposed to analyze the impact of various content, link, structural and user experience factors on keyword ranking. Limitations in tools and data are noted.

Here areFew Examples
These examples of tests should be enough to get you started on defining your own potential tests for SEO.
Test Case
Test Type Test
Test Data Expected
Presence of Meta
Unit Test Check for
presence of meta
description tag in
Page template
All URLs should
have meta
Product Detail
Page is missing
meta description
Viable Internal
Functional Test 1. Render pages
2. Open all
internal links
3. Review
Crawled URL data All links return 200
response code
Many links to
redirects and 404s
Average Page
Speed Less than 2
on Test
1. Render pages
2. Capture page
3. Determine
average page
speed per page
Render all page
types from URL list
All page types
should return an
average of 2
seconds load time
Homepage takes 5
seconds to load
Log FileAnalysis-The Anatomyof Algorithmic
Without log files you cannot be sure that an algorithm update has affected your client.
Crawl Volume CrawledURLs New URLs WarningCrawl Visibility Traffic
DwellTime Matters
In that same time period, wesee new crawl activity, wesee significantly higher bounce rates from OrganicSearch than that of our competitors which see
increases in visibility in the same time period.
DwellTime Matters

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Revolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen Media
Revolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen MediaRevolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen Media
Revolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen Media

Billion Broadcaster's standee screen media is revolutionizing the advertising landscape with innovative digital screens placed in high-traffic areas such as malls, airports, and residential complexes. These dynamic screens capture attention with vibrant multimedia content, offering a visually engaging platform for advertisers.

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An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver
An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiverAn Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver
An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver

Much like Odysseus's fabled journey, the venture of an organization into creating compelling websites, easy-to-use digital solutions, and flawless user experience is laden with trials and triumphs. This session explores a BizStream customer case study that demonstrates how crafting composable digital solutions with headless CMS and headless commerce is possible. The result now serves as a modern-day Athena, navigating the customer through the stormy seas of digital transformation. Attendees can expect to learn how to embrace modern composable solutions, understand the benefits they bring, and identify which of Odysseus's conflicts to avoid. Key Takeaways: What makes up a composable digital solution. Why content is still king in a composable world. How Headless CMS and Headless Commerce are different.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Pagerank is still the measure, but I wonder if we ever truly
understood it.
Ranking search results based
on anchors
Google generates quotes from the linking page
indicating that they want parity on both sides.
Internal link building is one of the most valuable thing
you can do. Especially on large sites.

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The Authenticity Lie - Eric S. Thomas, Invest DetroitThe Authenticity Lie - Eric S. Thomas, Invest Detroit
The Authenticity Lie - Eric S. Thomas, Invest Detroit

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webs jyoti php training in gurgaon
webs  jyoti  php training   in   gurgaonwebs  jyoti  php training   in   gurgaon
webs jyoti php training in gurgaon

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is particularly suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is primarily used for server-side scripting but can also be used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is renowned for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with various databases and web servers, making it one of the most popular languages for building dynamic websites and web applications.led by Mr. Hirdesh Bharadwaj, is an ideal choice for summer training in PHP in Delhi. With Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years of experience in the field, Webs Jyoti offers top-notch training in PHP development. One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.Ducat offers comprehensive PHP training with a strong focus on practical implementation and live projects. Their course covers the latest industry standards and trends, ensuring that students are well-prepared for job placements​ ​. Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Voice Search Optimization ACIL Computer Education: Known for its industry-standard training, ACIL offers various PHP courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. They emphasize hands-on training with real-world simulations and provide job assistance and placement guarantees for certain courses​. APTRON Gurgaon: APTRON offers a well-structured PHP course with modules on basic to advanced PHP concepts, webs jyoti, and CodeIgniter. They also provide live project experience and job placement assistance. ​​SLA Consultants India: SLA offers an advanced PHP training program designed by experienced professionals. Their course includes live projects, instructor-led classroom sessions, and extensive practical exposure to ensure students are industry-ready​ ​. Each of these institutes has its own strengths, so you might choose one based on specific criteria such as course content, faculty experience, or placement records.Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Webs Jyoti ensures that students receive top-notch education and support to kickstart their careers in coding and software development.One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects. Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years experien

#keyword research#social media marketing#affiliate marketing
Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024
Importance of Digital Marketing in  2024Importance of Digital Marketing in  2024
Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024

In 2024, digital marketing is not just an optional strategy for businesses; it's a fundamental component of any successful marketing plan. The rapid evolution of technology and changing consumer behaviors have made digital marketing more critical than ever. Here’s why digital marketing is indispensable in 2024 and how digital marketing agency can propel your business to new heights. EyekooTech is committed to helping businesses navigate the complexities of digital marketing. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our innovative strategies and data-driven approach can elevate your brand and connect you with your target audience.

digital marketing agencyonline marketingdigital marketing company
More internal links leads to more crawl activity too
ComputeYour Internal pagerank in R
Or get you an SEO tool that can do it.
An algorithmic Approach to Generating the best
internal linking Structure
Perform text
analysis at
publish to
extract features
Pull pages from
the database
with related
Place links in
copy based on
Be sure to limit
the number of
links per page
Be sure there is
only one link to
a given page

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GTM Proposal for a Female Condom Brand Launch In India

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Mobile Marketing in the form of ppt document
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Mobile marketing presentation with ppt tag to easily editing and easy to use

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Paid Media Targeting in a Cookieless Future - Kevin Lee
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Paid Media Targeting in a Cookieless Future - Kevin Lee

The continued disappearance of the third party cookie has both targeting and tracking implications for open-web advertising and marketing. We'll discuss where context, identity graphs and first party data are being used to substitute for third-party cookies. We'll also discuss where CTV and other newer media channels are maturing to allow for household or personal targeting. Key Takeaways: Learn how to effectively target prospects and consumers at various stages using a combinations of targeting types across channels.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Data Mining and Research
I don’t have to tell you to do
link, speed, taxonomy
analysis, but we need to
keep digging and finding
new things.
DwellTime Matters
DwellTime Matters
Let’s TalkA Little More About
Headless Browsers

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ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures

Account Based Marketing best practices. Learn the ins and outs of successful ABM, demand generation, and B2B digital performance marketing in a post-COVID, privacy compliant, hybrid world. ABM is a marketing approach, a philosophy. It is not technology by itself and not all intent data is created equal. In this Master Class, we will go through the key elements to maximize marketing's contribution to sales from pipeline creation to pipeline velocity. Key Takeaways: What ABM really is, what it can and can't do. How to do ABM more effectively. What you need to do high performance ABM and what you should expect from it.

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The digital marketing industry is changing faster than ever and those who don’t adapt with the times are losing market share. Where should marketers be focusing their efforts? What strategies are the experts seeing get the best results? Get up-to-speed with the latest industry insights, trends and predictions for the future in this panel discussion with some leading digital marketing experts.

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10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf
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Managing payroll in SMEs can indeed be challenging, but there are several effective strategies to solve common problems. Invest in robust payroll software that automates calculations, tax deductions, and compliance requirements. This reduces errors and saves time.

payroll herbpayroll common problemspayroll
Puppeteer should be inyour Toolkit
Headless Chrome
Check outNickJSto Use Phantom and Chrome
You can Intercept Network Requests
let cvRequestId = null
tab.driver.client.Network.responseReceived((e) => {
if (e.type === "XHR" && e.response.url.indexOf("profile-profilePdf/") > 0) {
cvRequestId = e.requestId
tab.driver.client.Network.loadingFinished((e) => {
if (e.requestId === cvRequestId) {
tab.driver.client.Network.getResponseBody({ requestId: cvRequestId }, (err, cv) => {
require("fs").writeFileSync("linkedin-cv.pdf", Buffer.from(cv.body,
(cv.base64Encoded ? 'base64' : 'utf8')))
I’lllet youbrainstormwhatcan be donewith this.Here’sanexampleof interceptingthe networkrequestof savinga PDF from LinkedIn.You can usethisfunctionalitytodo
somany things.
AlwaysSet a DefaultLanguage
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false,
args: ['--lang=bn-BD,bn']

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You'll learn about proven systems and effective workflows to maintain a consistent and engaging social media strategy. Additionally, you'll gain actionable strategies and practical tactics to drive engagement, increase followers, and convert them into loyal customers.

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Digital Solutions Content Craftsmanship Demand/Lead Gen Design Offerings

AlwaysSet Custom WebGL Vendor& Renderer
Set a StandardSize for BrokenImages
Who am I and where am I from?
IPULLRANK.COM @ IPULLRANKTechnical SEO is about being endlessly curious and not taking anything at face value. It will draw you into a lot of
different disciplines and you will tie things together in a unique way to drive results.

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The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim
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It’s been a difficult few years for Facebook Ads due to signal loss from iOS/Firefox/Chrome and the associated loss of ad targeting precision and ROAS. In this session, delve into 100% new high-impact strategies for thriving in Facebook advertising in a world without 3rd party cookies. You'll uncover the top 7 Facebook ad hacks of 2024, all centered around first party ad signal data restoration and how to coax the new default Meta Audience+ ad targeting system to do what you want it to do, each backed by solid results and case studies. Learn how to skyrocket your landing page conversions by 20-25%, how to scale ads like never before, and target niche audiences with strategies that defy traditional norms. Plus, gain insights into critical privacy regulations and how to maintain a full compliance therein.

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How to Rethink the Way you use Instagram to Drive Sales and Customer Engagement If you’re using Instagram to build or grow your business this presentation is for you. Navigating Instagram campaigns doesn't have to be overwhelming. By understanding the right strategies, you can turn engagement from a time-consuming task into a powerful tool for driving sales and a deeper understanding of your customers and fans. Key Takeaways: Running campaigns on Instagram can be and should be easy and effortless Every post is an opportunity to collect valuable information to empower you to make more strategic choices The power of giveaways on Instagram to drive engagement and first party data

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Chemical Industry- Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF) .pptx

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TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO

Editor's Notes

  1. Last time I was here they’d asked me to speak about staying a step ahead in search. Most of what I said came true – and Cindy Krum is still smarter than all of us But most of what we do on the day to day has not changed