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Agile & Technical SEO
“It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but
the ones most responsive to change.”
SEO industry Survey
Why are SEOs waiting so long?
“Technical debt is a concept in programming that reflects
extra work due to short term solutions applied on a website,
rather than applying the best overall solution.”
Technical Debt on Wikipedia

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BrightonSEO July 2021: Spilling the T in EAT- Easy CRO Tricks for User Trust
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BrightonSEO July 2021: Spilling the T in EAT- Easy CRO Tricks for User Trust

Oliver Brett's BrightonSEO talk on how you can improve user trust of your site via UX tweaks. Provided by Screaming Frog.

seodigital marketingux
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...
Conflicting Website Signals & Confused Search Engines - Rachel Costello, Tech...

Are you sending mixed messages to Google? There are many different signals that feed into URL selection for search engines, and when these signals aren’t implemented correctly search engines have to make their own assumptions about your website and what’s important. In this talk, Rachel will share examples where a website’s signals can be ignored or overruled, as well as how to test your site setup. Don’t leave anything to chance – be sure that the most important areas of your site are getting the attention the attention they deserve.

seorachel costellodeepcrawl
Paywall SEO: Digital First Print Second, From 0 to 35k subscribers in a year
Paywall SEO: Digital First Print Second, From 0 to 35k subscribers in a yearPaywall SEO: Digital First Print Second, From 0 to 35k subscribers in a year
Paywall SEO: Digital First Print Second, From 0 to 35k subscribers in a year

With more and more publishers adopting a paywall due to the decline in print circulation and revenue, media brands are looking to subscription models for the future of digital news and journalism. But how do paywalls impact SEO? Learn the technical SEO best practices when it comes to integrating a paywall. Avoid the most common mistakes as they are revealed and get strategic insight into how went from 0 to 35k paying subscribers in a year. And think more than content when it comes to your paywall SEO strategy.

4 months on…
Technical debt in action (current campaign)
• Client brief
• Insights and Market Research
• Technical SEO Analysis
• Solid SEO Strategy
• Business Case
• Prioritised SEO action list
• Technical briefs for actions
It’s not just about technical debt
• Marketing budget restrictions
• Legal restrictions on tech changes
• Client team development resource
• Time
• Business prioritises
Every client campaign is different

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SEO for Bloggers - WordCamp Seattle 2012
SEO for Bloggers - WordCamp Seattle 2012SEO for Bloggers - WordCamp Seattle 2012
SEO for Bloggers - WordCamp Seattle 2012

This document summarizes a presentation by Justin Briggs on SEO tactics for bloggers. It discusses 14 tactics for increasing organic search traffic, including using WordPress, researching keywords, writing great content, creating visual content, making complex topics simple, discovering and managing relationships, researching link opportunities, writing guest posts, passively building links, creating niche top lists, attending events, offering exclusive content and interviews, and scaling outreach. Tools are provided for each tactic to help implement the strategies.

BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017
BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017
BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017

What a wonderful day to celebrate the eternal sunshine of the spotless SEO mind! If you weren’t at the conference today or missed something, it’s alright, we’ve got your back - here are the key takeaways from the BrightonSEO September 2017 main stage. Check them out!

URL Funnel Optimisation: How to get budget for SEO - Michal Magdziarz, CEO, D...
URL Funnel Optimisation: How to get budget for SEO - Michal Magdziarz, CEO, D...URL Funnel Optimisation: How to get budget for SEO - Michal Magdziarz, CEO, D...
URL Funnel Optimisation: How to get budget for SEO - Michal Magdziarz, CEO, D...

In his talk, DeepCrawl CEO, Michal Magdziarz breaks down the disconnect between SEOs and CEOs. He explains why he believes SEOs are still fighting to justify more budget and resource and provides actionable insights as to how they can prove the impact they have on the wider business.

seoseo servicesmichal magdziarz
Agile Methodology
“The Agile methodology is a project management movement
which seeks an alternative to traditional waterfall project
management processes.”
Agile Methodology
1. Think about your overall SEO/digital strategy
2. Understand your web technology
3. Recognise what you can’t do
4. Identify alternative methods
5. Test, test and test again
Prioritise technical actions
1. Understand your website

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What I learned about SEO from using the 10 most used JS frameworks #BrightonSEO
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What I learned about SEO from using the 10 most used JS frameworks #BrightonSEO

The web is rapidly evolving towards using more and more Single Page Applications / JavaScript driven websites and understanding the effects on SEO performance is key to be a successful technical SEO. Instead of depending on clients issues with SEO and debugging those, I used the 10 most popular JS frameworks myself and setup 10 websites. During the sessions I will share the expected and unexpected things that happened.

Google Webmaster Tools: The Search Consolation Prize? #BrightonSEO
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Presentation give by Nicole Bullock at BrightonSEO in Brighton, UK on April 22, 2016 at the Brighton Dome. With all of the 3rd party tools available for SEO, Google Webmaster Tools is often overlooked. Take advantage of this powerful resource that Google provides to users for free. In this presentation, the comparison is made that SEO can be like a game show, and Google Search Console can help you prepare for the times when you don't know how to diagnose site errors and performance.

seogoogle webmaster toolsgoogle search console
How to Kick Ass at Internal Linking
How to Kick Ass at Internal Linking How to Kick Ass at Internal Linking
How to Kick Ass at Internal Linking

You've seen enough talks to know the importance of internal links. But what next? How exactly do you go about improving your internal linking. This presentation looks at the issues, the opportunities and the actionable steps to take.

seointernet marketingsearch engine optimization
@AdoublegentSource: BuiltWith -
Content Management System (CMS)
A few (brief) examples, can you update:
1. Title Tags
2. Meta descriptions
3. Canonical tags
4. Meta robots (e.g. noindex)
5. Robots.txt
6. URLs
7. Content
8. Images
9. Image alt text
SEO modules/extensions/plugins for your CMS
They can help to reduce technical (SEO) debt and get actions complete!
Client who has actively optimised
organic search snippets
Client who can’t change
organic search snippets
Web Server/hosting
A few brief examples, can you update:
1. 301 redirect maps
2. Global redirect rules (e.g. non-slash
URLs to slash URLs)
3. Page level 301 redirects
4. Log files

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SearchLeeds 2018 - Emma Barnes - Branded3 - Analytics Tracking: or how I lear...
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Have you ever been at the back of a developer queue thinking “I wish I could just do this myself” but find Google Tag Manager slightly daunting? Emma's SearchLeeds 2018 talk provided a wealth of inspiration on how to use Google Tag Manager for SEO, PPC, Event Tracking and advanced Google Analytics implementations.

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Driving *Meaningful* Clicks with Enriched SERPs - BrightonSEO 2019
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The document discusses strategies for driving meaningful clicks through search engine result page (SERP) enrichments. It recommends identifying searcher intents based on SERP features to optimize strategies. Pure answer-intent queries with no clicks should be avoided. Local search packs are one of the last remaining organic revenue drivers, so businesses should aim to rank prominently there. Structured data, featured snippets, and on-page optimizations like images, tables and sitelinks can enrich search results and increase click-through rates. The goal is to bring only visitors whose intents can be meaningfully satisfied on a site.

How To Build Links To Product Pages Without Looking Like A Spammer | Brighton...
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Linking to product pages – looks a little spammy and unnatural, right? Not necessarily. From anchor text analysis and technical link prospecting to asset identification and writing killer pitches, this is how to build savvy links to sales pages and get your products ranking.

seolink buildingoutreach
Log file Analysis
Live HTML URLs crawled by Googlebot over over
24 hours
Not in internal link structure Canonical Link
Parameter URLs
Actual webpages we
want to be crawled
The Ultimate Guide to Log File Analysis – Builtvisibile
2. Recognise what you can’t do
Can complete
Can’t complete
SEO Strategy
Prioritised technical SEO action list
Developer Queue
3. Alternative methods

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How to Optimise the SHIT out of Your Internal Search

Key reasons why optimising your internal web search is ESSENTIAL for SEO and a proven method to get it right, grow traffic, improve conversion and improve UX. Presentation delivered as part of Search Leeds 2018 at the First Direct Arena.

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Combatting Crawl Bloat & Pruning Your Content Effectively
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Combatting Crawl Bloat & Pruning Your Content Effectively

My #BrightonSEO talk on the best way to refine your crawl bloat and prune your remaining content effectively. Follow me at @WhitworthSEO for more tech seo nonsense.

online marketingdigital marketingseo
BrightonSEO Structured Data by Alexis Sanders
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This document provides steps for implementing structured data markup on a website at different levels from beginner to advanced. At a beginner level, it recommends using a structured data generator to automatically output JSON-LD markup. At an intermediate level, it advises reviewing Google's documentation to understand required properties and view examples. For advanced implementation, it suggests exploring's full documentation to understand type hierarchies and property descriptions. The document stresses the importance of validating markup using Google's structured data testing tool.

brightonseostructured dataschema
40% of consumers will leave a page that takes longer
than three seconds to load.
Source: Think with Google
CloudFlare Off CloudFlare On
6.17 secs 2.39 secs
Pingdom Page Speed Tool
+61% in 30 mins…
Page Load Speed
…It impacts the entire site
(not just 1 webpage).

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Google is rolling out mobile-first indexing, and websites are going to be affected. However, there’s no need to panic. In this talk Rachel explains exactly how mobile-first indexing will actually impact work, and what SEOs can do to not only help their websites survive the new indexing system, but thrive. We’ll cover areas for potential site performance decreases to watch out for, the key checks you need to run on your site, and more.

deepcrawlrachel costelloseo
How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content
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How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content

This document contains the tweets from a presentation about optimizing forums for SEO. Some of the key points discussed include: - Using logical and consistent URL paths to improve crawling and trust. - Improving user experience through good internal linking, navigation and search. - Maintaining high quality content through moderation, relevance and preventing spam/duplicate content. - Building authority through links to expert user profiles and published work.

seocontent marketingcontent strategy
Agility in SEO, by Mike Jeffs - Figaro Digital -Sep 2016
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Agility in SEO, by Mike Jeffs - Figaro Digital -Sep 2016

In the world of search, brands are still struggling to make changes to their site, their strategy and their technology. It’s not possible to avoid changing your site – the technology is always evolving and at a quicker pace. Mike runs through some experiences of the benefit of agility has for clients and agencies alike.

search engine optimizationdigitalseo
HTTP/2 is now standard
More on HTTP/2 here.
BUT need to make you aware…
• There are rare cases it causing ranking drops
• To reduce risk to SEO performance:
o Get your own custom SSL certificate (before the
switch to CloudFlare)
o Upload your own SSL certificate (with a business or
enterprise package)
o Get your own unique IP address
o Configure CloudFlare dashboard
Guide: Cloudflare SEO issues and how
to protect yourself –
“Google’s indexing system can render web pages more
like an average user's browser with JavaScript turned
Source: Webmaster Central
Document Object Model
“The Document Object Model
(DOM) is a programming interface
documents. It provides a
structured representation of the
document as a tree.”
DOM Wikipedia Find out more on the DOM here.

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Stephen Kenwright - London Affiliates Conference
Stephen Kenwright - London Affiliates ConferenceStephen Kenwright - London Affiliates Conference
Stephen Kenwright - London Affiliates Conference

Stephen Kenwright, Director or Search at Branded3 looks and 'Strategic keyword research and analysis' in his presentation for the London Affiliates Conference:

pay per clickppcsearch engine optimization
SearchLeeds, Russell McAthy 'Marketing Attribution - don't nerf your marketing'
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Russell McAthy explains marketing attribution in this presentation. Russell leads a team as CEO in building a marketing attribution platform. CUBED Attribution is supporting a new view of digital data to enable brands understand how consumers truly interact with their marketing activity both on and offline.

marketingseomarketing digital
Second screen search: how mobile SEO became the only SEO
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Second screen search: how mobile SEO became the only SEO

Mobile search has overtaken desktop on Google. Users spend twice as much time with smartphones than laptops. Smartphones are our second screens...but desktop isn't our first.

mobile marketingmobileseo
JavaScript can manipulate the DOM
“"The DOM allows programs and scripts to dynamically
access and update the content, structure, and style of a
Allows us to add custom JavaScript to a webpage.
Google Tag Manager
Enter your custom
JavaScript and JQuery here.
GTM can change a webpage’s DOM without a developer
(but still keep them in the loop)
Schema Markup (JSON) Google Search Console

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State of Search in Ireland - Stephen Kenwright - Learn Inbound - January 2017
State of Search in Ireland - Stephen Kenwright - Learn Inbound - January 2017 State of Search in Ireland - Stephen Kenwright - Learn Inbound - January 2017
State of Search in Ireland - Stephen Kenwright - Learn Inbound - January 2017

For his talk at Learn Inbound 2017 Branded3's Director of Search Stephen Kenwright looks at the comparison of search between Ireland and the rest of the UK.

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Dixon Jones became the Marketing Director of the world’s largest link analysis engine, Majestic, in 2009, transforming the SE industry by providing link intelligence on a scale not previously open to the industry.

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Leeds #B3Seminar: Using Visitor Intent and Sitecore Personalisation - Steve Shaw
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Leeds #B3Seminar: Using Visitor Intent and Sitecore Personalisation - Steve Shaw

Steve presents with Sitecore’s Digital Marketing and Communications Consultant, Paul Fennemore, to take a look at using Sitecore personalisation rules, content and calls to action to personalise a user journey and boost conversions.

web designdigitalconversion
Noindex meta robots
JavaScript redirect
Page A Page B
GTM possibilities are endless
 Add/update Meta Tags
 Add/update Schema (JSON)
 Add/update Content
 Add/update Images
Google Tag Manager
is on the rise. If you
don’t have it installed,
then I suggest you get
“Adding hreflang to a site is ‘informing’ Google that the
site is offering content for queries in a specific
language, tailored for a specific region of the world.”
Source: Branded3

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This presentation outlines why storytelling is critical in modern day marketing; leading into the role and power of digital in the communications mix, and then how to use digital to its full advantage when telling brand stories. At all times those listening to the story are critical to what we say, how we say it and where we say it - therefore the importance of being relevant to both the brand and the audience are critical factors in the success of the story.

Figaro Digital Search Seminar: SEO Still Contributes in 2015 - Mike Jeffs
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Figaro Digital Search Seminar: SEO Still Contributes in 2015 - Mike Jeffs

Branded3’s Senior Account Director, Mike Jeffs, speaks at Figaro Digital’s Search Seminar. The seminar focuses on organic and paid search, with Mike's talk evaluating the changes in search this past year and where he thinks search is going next year.

eCommerce Expo: Using visitor intent and personalisation to increase engageme...
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Steve will take a look at using personalisation rules, content and call-to-actions to personalise a user journey and boost conversions – using real examples of personalisation success stories.

Hreflang tag generator
Hreflang tool – The Media Flow
International SEO for Norton
UK Results
Increase in SEO visits YOY
DE Results
Increase in SEO visits YOY
IT Results
Increase in SEO visits YOY
FR Results
Increase in SEO visits YOY
4. Test
Branded3’s contact us page
CloudFlare broke the thank you animation
broke on our contact us page. Users weren’t
sent to the thank you page but left on the
contact us page.
It was quickly fixed using the page rule feature

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eCommerce Expo: How to Win the Zero Moment of Truth - Stephen Kenwright
eCommerce Expo: How to Win the Zero Moment of Truth - Stephen KenwrighteCommerce Expo: How to Win the Zero Moment of Truth - Stephen Kenwright
eCommerce Expo: How to Win the Zero Moment of Truth - Stephen Kenwright

Winning the Zero Moment of Truth is the only organic search strategy that exists in 2014. The accepted advertising model of Stimulus to Shelf – you buying an ad to a customer buying your product – now relies on pay-per-click advertising…unless you do the work in between. If you want to ignore the Zero Moment of Truth – the research phase of the journey to purchase – you need the Cheat Sheet that Adwords provides. But users will research, and your competitors are undercutting you. This talk explores how content strategy is not only essential to rank naturally, but will increase conversions from paid search too.

Leeds #B3Seminar: It's Who Yo Know... Not What You Know - Stephen Kenwright
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Leeds #B3Seminar: It's Who Yo Know... Not What You Know - Stephen Kenwright

Transform is a UK cosmetic surgery provider celebrating its 40th year with two hospitals and 27 clinics. It has undergone changes to focus on clinical excellence and transparency for patients. This includes publishing infection rates, surgeon qualifications, and patient satisfaction levels. Transform also implemented a marketing code of conduct restricting advertising and using genuine patient stories instead of models. The presentation discusses Transform's efforts to improve its search engine optimization by removing over 100 link penalties through disavowing links and requesting reconsideration from Google. It aims to build quality links and content focused on reassurance and outcomes for patients.

search engine optimizationmarketingdigital
Marketing Week Live: Why engagement should be your focus in 2014 - Tim Grice
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Marketing Week Live: Why engagement should be your focus in 2014 - Tim Grice

1) Audience engagement should be the focus of SEO in 2014. 2) Engagement is a key ranking signal that search engines use to understand how users interact with websites. 3) There are many ways to improve engagement, such as optimizing content for relevance and usability, using analytics to understand users, and creating content that provokes responses from the target audience on the website and social media.

Always test your tools before
you deploy them live!
1. Think about your overall SEO/digital strategy
2. Understand your web technology
3. Recognise what you can’t do
4. Identify alternative methods
5. Test, test and test again
Thank you

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