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Building a next-generation database

    david [dot]
            Twitter: @FoundationDB
Ease of building successful applications:
• High performance
• Ease scaling out
• Ease of building abstractions
• Ease of operation
Historical Perspective: 2008

 NoSQL doesn’t really exist yet

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Apache spark - Architecture , Overview & libraries
Apache spark - Architecture , Overview & librariesApache spark - Architecture , Overview & libraries
Apache spark - Architecture , Overview & libraries

This document provides an overview of Apache Spark, an open-source unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. It discusses Spark's core APIs including RDDs and transformations/actions. It also covers Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, MLlib, and GraphX. Spark provides a fast and general engine for big data processing, with explicit operations for streaming, SQL, machine learning, and graph processing. The document includes installation instructions and examples of using various Spark components.



新浪微博 feed 架构

This document discusses Redis, a key-value store that is commonly used at Weibo for caching and storing relationship data. Redis has fast read and write performance but has limitations for large datasets due to its fully in-memory design. The document describes how Weibo uses Redis in conjunction with MySQL and Memcached to store relationship data for over 100 million users in a performant and scalable way. Challenges around high memory usage, persistence, and availability are also discussed.

Databases in 2008
Relational is entrenched; NoSQL emerging
with some interesting advantages:
• Voldemort
• Cassandra
• HBase
 …but the fine print about data guarantees
            doesn’t look so good.
The CAP2008 theorem
• Brewer: Pick 2 out of 3
• Werner Vogels (CTO “Data
  inconsistency in large-scale reliable
  distributed systems has to be tolerated …
  [for performance and to handle faults]”
• Wrong descriptions all over the web: “The
  availability property means that the system
  is ‘online’ and the client of the system can
  expect to receive a response for its
CAP2008 Conclusions?
• Scaling requires distributed design
• Distributed requires high availability
• Availability requires no C

 So, if we want scalability we have to give up C,
            the cornerstone of ACID.

Thinking about CAP2008
• Is a partition worse than a failure?
• Three computers can’t agree?
• Keyword: Availability…

       Availability != high availability

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The document discusses caching strategies for social media feeds. It describes using different caches for hot, recent content (inbox cache), older content for followers (outbox vector), and archived historic content (archive cache). It also discusses caching social graphs like followers and following lists. The caches aim to optimize for fast retrieval of recent home timelines and individual user feeds. Mutexes are used to synchronize cache updates between servers.

binary log と 2PC と Group Commit
binary log と 2PC と Group Commitbinary log と 2PC と Group Commit
binary log と 2PC と Group Commit でお話させていただいた内���です。 基本的には からの抜粋です。

HDFS Selective Wire Encryption
HDFS Selective Wire EncryptionHDFS Selective Wire Encryption
HDFS Selective Wire Encryption

"Wire Encryption In HDFS: Protect Your Data From Others, Not Yourself" ApacheCon 2019, Las Vegas. SPEAKERS: Chen Liang, Konstantin Shvachko. LinkedIn Wire data encryption is a key component of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). HDFS can enforce different levels of data protection, allowing users to specify one based on their own needs. However, such enforcement comes in as an all-or-nothing feature. Namely, wire encryption is enforced either for all accesses or none. Since encryption bears a considerable performance cost, the all-or-nothing condition forces users to choose between 'faster but unencrypted' or 'encrypted but slower' for all clients. In our use case at LinkedIn, we would like to selectively expose fast unencrypted access to fully managed internal clients, which can be trusted, while only expose encrypted access to clients outside of the trusted circle with higher security risks. That way we minimize performance overhead for trusted internal clients while still securing data from potential outside threats. We re-evaluate the RPC encryption mechanism in HDFS. Our design extends HDFS NameNode to run on multiple ports. Depending on the configuration, connecting to different NameNode ports would end up with different levels of encryption protection. This protection then gets enforced for both NameNode RPC and the subsequent data transfers to/from DataNode. System administrators then need to set up a simple firewall rule to allow access to the unencrypted port only for internal clients and expose the encrypted port to the outside clients. This approach comes with minimum operational and performance overhead. The feature has been introduced to Apache Hadoop under HDFS-13541.

apache hadoophdfsencryption
Flash forward to CAP2012
• Brewer: “Why ‘2 of 3’ is misleading”
• Brewer: “CAP prohibits … perfect availability”
• Vogles: “Achieving strict consistency can come at
  a cost in update or read latency, and may result in
  lower throughput…”
• Google (Spanner): “…it is better to have
  application programmers deal with performance
  problems due to overuse of transactions as
  bottlenecks arise, rather than always coding
  around the lack of transactions.“
The FoundationDB concept
• Attack CAP2008 and deliver transactions at
  NoSQL performance and scale
• Reduce core to minimal feature set
• Add features back with higher-level
• Decouple choice of data model and
  choice of storage technology
Database software:        Application

•Ordered key-value API    Layer

                         Key-value API
•Fault tolerant

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[오픈소스컨설팅]Performance Tuning How To
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[오픈소스컨설팅]Performance Tuning How To

This slide allows you to increase your web application server performance. If you want to get this, please email us(support at

performance conceptwas performancewas tuning
Apache Spark Architecture
Apache Spark ArchitectureApache Spark Architecture
Apache Spark Architecture

This is the presentation I made on JavaDay Kiev 2015 regarding the architecture of Apache Spark. It covers the memory model, the shuffle implementations, data frames and some other high-level staff and can be used as an introduction to Apache Spark

apache sparkdistributed systemtungsten
Apache Ambari: Past, Present, Future
Apache Ambari: Past, Present, FutureApache Ambari: Past, Present, Future
Apache Ambari: Past, Present, Future

This document discusses Apache Ambari and provides the following information: 1) It provides a background on Apache Ambari, describing it as an open source management platform for provisioning, managing, monitoring and securing Apache Hadoop clusters. 2) It discusses recent Ambari releases including versions 2.2.0, 2.2.2 and 2.4.0 GA. 3) It describes features of Ambari including alerts and metrics, blueprints, security setup using Kerberos and RBAC, log search, automated cluster upgrades and extensibility options.

futureofdataapache ambarihadoop
Engineering pressures
Engineering Challenge              Strategy
Engineering for extreme reliability Simulation
and fault tolerance of large clusters
under adverse conditions
Many asynchronous                     Erlang?
communicating processes
Fast algorithms; efficient I/O        C++

              We need new tools!
First tool: Flow
• A new programming language
• Adds actor-model concurrency to C++11
• New keywords: ACTOR, future, promise,
  wait, choose, when, streams
• Flow code -> C++11 code -> binary

Flow allows…
• Testability by enabling simulation.
• Performance by compiling to native.
• Easier ACTOR-model coding.
Flow eases development

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Introduction To HBase
Introduction To HBaseIntroduction To HBase
Introduction To HBase

HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, key-value database modeled after Google's Bigtable. It is designed to store large volumes of sparse data across commodity hardware. HBase uses Hadoop for storage and provides real-time read and write capabilities. It scales horizontally and is highly fault tolerant through its master-slave architecture and use of Zookeeper for coordination. Data in HBase is stored in tables and indexed by row keys for fast lookup, with columns grouped into families and versions stored by timestamps.

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Supporting Apache HBase : Troubleshooting and Supportability Improvements
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Supporting Apache HBase : Troubleshooting and Supportability Improvements

This document discusses supporting Apache HBase and improving troubleshooting and supportability. It introduces two Cloudera employees who work on HBase support and provides an overview of typical troubleshooting scenarios for HBase like performance degradation, process crashes, and inconsistencies. The agenda covers using existing tools like logs and metrics to troubleshoot HBase performance issues with a general approach, and introduces htop as a real-time monitoring tool for HBase.

dataworks summit 2019dws19dataworks summit washington dc
M|18 How to use MyRocks with MariaDB Server
M|18 How to use MyRocks with MariaDB ServerM|18 How to use MyRocks with MariaDB Server
M|18 How to use MyRocks with MariaDB Server

MyRocks in MariaDB summarizes MyRocks, a storage engine for MariaDB that is based on RocksDB. It discusses how MyRocks addresses some of the limitations of InnoDB such as high write and space amplification. It provides details on installing and using MyRocks, including data loading techniques, tuning considerations, and replication support. Parallel replication is supported, but the highest isolation level is repeatable-read and row-based replication must be used.

Flow output
Flow performance
Joe Armstrong (author of “Programming Erlang”):

“Write a ring benchmark. Create N processes in a ring.
Send a message round the ring M times so that a total
of N * M messages get sent. Time how long this takes
for different values of N and M. Write a similar
program in some other programming language you are
familiar with. Compare the results. Write a blog, and
publish the results on the internet!”
Flow performance
                 (N=1000, M=1000)
•   Ruby (using threads): 1990 seconds
•   Ruby (queues): 360 seconds
•   Objective C (using threads): 26 seconds
•   Java (threads): 12 seconds
•   Stackless Python: 1.68 seconds
•   Erlang: 1.09 seconds
•   Google Go: 0.87 seconds
•   Flow: 0.075 seconds
Second Tool: Lithium
•   Enabled by Flow
•   Simulate physical interfaces
•   Simulate failures modes
•   Deterministic simulation of entire system

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Understanding and Measuring I/O Performance

I presented a whirlwind tour of the most common benchmark tools used to measure parallel file system performance and reviewed case studies of how these have been used in the procurement of NERSC's large file systems at the 2022 Lustre User Group.

Cost Savings at High Performance with Redis Labs and AWS
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Cost Savings at High Performance with Redis Labs and AWS

High performance Redis is popular among developers for its incredible performance, versatility and simplicity. The powerful combination of low cost memory and high performance Redis brings to life new next generation analytic uses - such as simultaneous real time transaction and analytics processing. With Redis Labs' RLEC Flash on AWS SSD instances, you can get fantastic performance at up to 70% lower costs. Join this session to learn how next generation Flash from leading memory provider Intel has made significant strides in performance while retaining its cost advantage to memory. Using a combination of AWS' powerful SSD instances, and Redis Labs' RLEC Flash, you can achieve up to 3M ops/sec at sub millisecond latencies, with a combination of RAM and Flash. The session will also feature customer use cases from a large university, a large customer engagement company and a pioneer of online Flash sales. Session sponsored by Redis Labs.

ctoaws summitintel
Introduction to memcached
Introduction to memcachedIntroduction to memcached
Introduction to memcached

Introduction to memcached, a caching service designed for optimizing performance and scaling in the web stack, seen from perspective of MySQL/PHP users. Given for 2nd year students of professional bachelor in ICT at Kaho St. Lieven, Gent.

Testability: Quicksand
Third tool: Magnesium
Traditional approaches
• Glue together smaller transactional
  – Two-phase-commit (Open/X XA)
  – Paxos
• Build on a distributed file system
  – BigTable/HBase

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メルカリのデータベース戦略 / PHPとMySQLの怖い話 MyNA会2015年8月
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メルカリのデータベース戦略 / PHPとMySQLの怖い話 MyNA会2015年8月

Lessons for the optimizer from running the TPC-DS benchmark
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Lessons for the optimizer from running the TPC-DS benchmark. Talk at 2019 MariaDB Developers Unconference

Deterministic simulation testing
Deterministic simulation testingDeterministic simulation testing
Deterministic simulation testing

This document discusses the use of deterministic simulation to test distributed systems. It describes how Flow, a programming language extension to C++, can be used to simulate concurrency and external communications deterministically. This allows debugging a simulation instead of the live distributed system. Key aspects of the simulation include single-threaded pseudo-concurrency, simulating external connections and files, and ensuring all control flow is deterministic based only on inputs. The simulator is used to run tests and simulated disasters to uncover bugs in a more efficient manner than real world testing alone.

The FoundationDB approach
• Deconstruct a traditional transactional
  database and scale the individual parts
• Each part must also be fault tolerant
• The parts:
  – Accept requests
  – Check for transaction conflicts
  – Log transactions
  – Store data
Key insight
Checking for transaction conflicts
• Problem is scalable
• When highly optimized, is a small
  amount of the total % of work.
• Is tricky to make fault tolerant…
Training montage
•   Paxos coordination algorithm
•   Multi-versioned data structures
•   SSD optimizations
•   Application-managed page cache
•   Prioritization deeply integrated
•   Control theory for queue sizes
•   Testing, testing, testing

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Load balancing theory and practice
Load balancing theory and practiceLoad balancing theory and practice
Load balancing theory and practice

Load balancing aims to distribute work across multiple computers to optimize resource utilization and system performance. It involves techniques to minimize response times and avoid overloading parts of the system. A key consideration is the latency curve, which shows how latency increases as load approaches saturation. Load balancing strategies aim to keep latency low even at high loads by balancing work distribution. Queuing theory concepts like Little's Law, which relates queue size, arrival rate and wait time, can provide insights for analyzing and improving load balancing approaches.

load balancingdistributed computingnosql

This presentation, given by Dave Rosenthal at NoSQL Now! 2013, presents the case for why he believes NoSQL databases will need to support ACID transactions in order for developers to more easily build, deploy, and scale applications in the future.

Непобедимая Москва
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Непобедимая Москва
Did we reach our big goals?
•   High performance
•   Ease scaling out
•   Ease of building abstractions
•   Ease of operation
High performance
delivers performance
exceeding other
NoSQL databases, but
with transactions!
Ease of scaling out
• Add and remove nodes on-the-fly
• Single key-space with global transactions
• Validated to 96-cores, 48-SSDs
Ease of building abstractions
• Transactions enable abstraction
• Abstractions very hard to build on non-
  transactional systems
• Ordered data model for performance

     Abstractions built on a scalable, fault
tolerant, transactional foundation inherit those

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Presentation for donation 31 aug 2011 website
Presentation for donation 31 aug 2011 websitePresentation for donation 31 aug 2011 website
Presentation for donation 31 aug 2011 website

The document requests donations of school supplies, uniforms, art materials, books, toiletries, bags, shoes, toys, and sports equipment for Project H4C, a service learning project in Cambodia. Donated items such as single line exercise books, pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, sharpeners, crayons, coloring pencils, scissors, coloring paper, drawing blocks, children's storybooks, toothbrushes, and toothpaste should be placed in a trolley outside the general office for distribution to children through the project.

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Vazta Music y Quiero ClubVazta Music y Quiero Club
Vazta Music y Quiero Club
Itm.leasing Itm.leasing

A lease defines the relationship between an owner and tenant regarding the use of property for a specified period of time. There are different types of leases, including gross, net, triple-net, and percentage leases. A lease includes essential elements such as the leased asset, rental payments, lease period, residual value, and end-of-term options for the tenant. Laws governing leases include contract law, property law, and various acts regarding registration, stamp duty, and rent control.

Examples of “ease”
• SQL database in one day
• Indexed table layer (3 days * 1 intern)
• Fractal spatial index in 200 lines:
Ease of operation
• Automatic data partitioning/replication
• Highly fault-tolerant
• Minimal management

          Try to break it yourself!
• Our mission is to solve the problem of state
  management so that developers can focus on
  building their applications
• 3+ years in the making, now ready for your
• Bindings for C, Python, JVM, Node.js, Ruby
Free at

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PPT de plàstica 3er ESO

Join our Alpha community
Building a next-generation database

    david [dot]
            Twitter: @FoundationDB

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Building FoundationDB

  • 1. Building a next-generation database david [dot] Twitter: @FoundationDB
  • 2. Motivation Ease of building successful applications: • High performance • Ease scaling out • Ease of building abstractions • Ease of operation
  • 4. Historical Perspective: 2008 Future NoSQL doesn’t really exist yet
  • 5. Databases in 2008 Relational is entrenched; NoSQL emerging with some interesting advantages: • Voldemort • Cassandra • HBase …but the fine print about data guarantees doesn’t look so good.
  • 6. The CAP2008 theorem • Brewer: Pick 2 out of 3 • Werner Vogels (CTO “Data inconsistency in large-scale reliable distributed systems has to be tolerated … [for performance and to handle faults]” • Wrong descriptions all over the web: “The availability property means that the system is ‘online’ and the client of the system can expect to receive a response for its request.”
  • 7. CAP2008 Conclusions? • Scaling requires distributed design • Distributed requires high availability • Availability requires no C So, if we want scalability we have to give up C, the cornerstone of ACID. Right?
  • 8. Thinking about CAP2008 • Is a partition worse than a failure? • Three computers can’t agree? • Keyword: Availability… Availability != high availability
  • 9. Flash forward to CAP2012 • Brewer: “Why ‘2 of 3’ is misleading” • Brewer: “CAP prohibits … perfect availability” • Vogles: “Achieving strict consistency can come at a cost in update or read latency, and may result in lower throughput…” • Google (Spanner): “…it is better to have application programmers deal with performance problems due to overuse of transactions as bottlenecks arise, rather than always coding around the lack of transactions.“
  • 10. The FoundationDB concept • Attack CAP2008 and deliver transactions at NoSQL performance and scale • Reduce core to minimal feature set • Add features back with higher-level abstractions—“Layers” • Decouple choice of data model and choice of storage technology
  • 11. FoundationDB Database software: Application •Ordered key-value API Layer •Scalable Key-value API •Transactional •Fault tolerant
  • 13. Engineering pressures Engineering Challenge Strategy Engineering for extreme reliability Simulation and fault tolerance of large clusters under adverse conditions Many asynchronous Erlang? communicating processes Fast algorithms; efficient I/O C++ We need new tools!
  • 14. First tool: Flow • A new programming language • Adds actor-model concurrency to C++11 • New keywords: ACTOR, future, promise, wait, choose, when, streams • Flow code -> C++11 code -> binary Seriously?
  • 15. Flow allows… • Testability by enabling simulation. • Performance by compiling to native. • Easier ACTOR-model coding.
  • 18. Flow performance Joe Armstrong (author of “Programming Erlang”): “Write a ring benchmark. Create N processes in a ring. Send a message round the ring M times so that a total of N * M messages get sent. Time how long this takes for different values of N and M. Write a similar program in some other programming language you are familiar with. Compare the results. Write a blog, and publish the results on the internet!”
  • 19. Flow performance (N=1000, M=1000) • Ruby (using threads): 1990 seconds • Ruby (queues): 360 seconds • Objective C (using threads): 26 seconds • Java (threads): 12 seconds • Stackless Python: 1.68 seconds • Erlang: 1.09 seconds • Google Go: 0.87 seconds • Flow: 0.075 seconds
  • 20. Second Tool: Lithium • Enabled by Flow • Simulate physical interfaces • Simulate failures modes • Deterministic simulation of entire system
  • 24. Traditional approaches • Glue together smaller transactional systems – Two-phase-commit (Open/X XA) – Paxos • Build on a distributed file system – BigTable/HBase
  • 25. The FoundationDB approach • Deconstruct a traditional transactional database and scale the individual parts • Each part must also be fault tolerant • The parts: – Accept requests – Check for transaction conflicts – Log transactions – Store data
  • 26. Key insight Checking for transaction conflicts • Problem is scalable • When highly optimized, is a small amount of the total % of work. • Is tricky to make fault tolerant…
  • 27. Training montage • Paxos coordination algorithm • Multi-versioned data structures • SSD optimizations • Application-managed page cache • Prioritization deeply integrated • Control theory for queue sizes • Testing, testing, testing
  • 29. Did we reach our big goals? • High performance • Ease scaling out • Ease of building abstractions • Ease of operation
  • 30. High performance FoundationDB delivers performance exceeding other NoSQL databases, but with transactions!
  • 31. Ease of scaling out • Add and remove nodes on-the-fly • Single key-space with global transactions • Validated to 96-cores, 48-SSDs
  • 32. Ease of building abstractions • Transactions enable abstraction • Abstractions very hard to build on non- transactional systems • Ordered data model for performance Abstractions built on a scalable, fault tolerant, transactional foundation inherit those properties.
  • 33. Examples of “ease” • SQL database in one day • Indexed table layer (3 days * 1 intern) • Fractal spatial index in 200 lines:
  • 34. Ease of operation • Automatic data partitioning/replication • Highly fault-tolerant • Minimal management Try to break it yourself!
  • 35. Conclusion • Our mission is to solve the problem of state management so that developers can focus on building their applications • 3+ years in the making, now ready for your applications • Bindings for C, Python, JVM, Node.js, Ruby
  • 37. Join our Alpha community
  • 38. Building a next-generation database david [dot] Twitter: @FoundationDB