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Basic Search Engine Optimization
What is SEO?SEO is an abbreviation for search engine optimization.
SEO is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via Natural (organic) search results.
SEO aims to improve rankings for relevant keywords in search results.

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Seo Marketing Plan Ppt

This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing plans. It provides an overview of the SEO process, which involves understanding business objectives, conducting keyword research, optimizing websites both on-page and off-page, implementing changes, and ongoing monitoring and reporting. Technical aspects of SEO are also outlined such as website analysis, content optimization, and link building. The document also discusses measuring SEO success through improved rankings, increased traffic, and higher revenue or conversions.

On Page SEO
On Page SEOOn Page SEO
On Page SEO

On-page SEO involves optimizing various parts of a website like keywords, content, title tags, meta descriptions, images, URLs, and code to improve search engine rankings. It includes activities like keyword research, writing optimized titles and descriptions, adding relevant images and links, and ensuring pages are mobile-friendly and load quickly. Regularly updating content and fixing issues helps websites perform better over time.

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SEO proposal - free template -
SEO proposal - free template - SEOmonitor.comSEO proposal - free template -
SEO proposal - free template -

This document provides a keyword research and opportunity analysis for a flooring client. It includes 556 keywords analyzed for search volume, the client's current visibility rankings, and the opportunity for increased traffic and sales. Charts and data on top keyword groups, monthly search volumes, and competitor analysis demonstrate the client's missed SEO potential. The proposal recommends on-page and off-page optimization, content marketing, native advertising, and regular reporting to achieve traffic and visibility goals. Case studies are presented to prove success with similar SEO campaigns.

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Organic SEO results account for over 80% of clicks.Why are search engines so important?Search engines are the biggest resources of your websites traffic.
Higher traffic means more visitors.
More visitors means more customers and higher profit.When will I see results?It depends:On your industry
The competitive level of your keywords

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Off page SEO -techniques and types are mentions in this PPT with a short description to make the understanding easy about Off-page techniques.

Advance SEO Training - Professional SEO Techniques
Advance SEO Training - Professional SEO TechniquesAdvance SEO Training - Professional SEO Techniques
Advance SEO Training - Professional SEO Techniques

Advance SEO Training Manual for Professional SEO Experts. Professional SEO Techniques for SEO Experts.

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SEO - a brief introduction
SEO - a brief introductionSEO - a brief introduction
SEO - a brief introduction

A short introduction to SEO we use at Geronimo What it means, what can you do to help your website. What's SEM and how does it work (the basics!) Thanks go to Eaon Prichard

The previous success of your website
Subject to the search engines updating their data
You may see minor results change in 30 days.
A significant frequency of top 10 and top 20 rankings  can be seen within approximately 3-4 months if optimized correctly. SEO Process

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You will become aware of the issues that can adversely affect the position of your website in the search engine results. You will also learn about some the positive steps you can take to improve both your website and the linking to your website that over time will improve your website promotion within Google.By the end of the course you won’t necessarily know how to fix any outstanding issues but at least you will be aware that you do have outstanding issues on your website. A more detailed series of courses is available which will cover the actual techniques you need to implement in detail to really get the best out of your search engine optimisation efforts. ARISE ROBY
Off-Page SEO Tactics
Off-Page SEO TacticsOff-Page SEO Tactics
Off-Page SEO Tactics

Off-page SEO is important for ranking websites and involves factors outside a website like links, social media activity, and brand mentions. It helps search engines understand a website's quality, authority and trustworthiness. The document discusses various off-page factors like links, social profiles, reviews and directories. It provides best practices for link building through quality content while avoiding black hat techniques. Social media is also important for SEO and the document outlines common mistakes like ignoring off-page work or only sharing other's content without routing back to one's own website.

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Sample SEO presentation for clients
Sample SEO presentation for clientsSample SEO presentation for clients
Sample SEO presentation for clients

The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and outlines a proposed SEO program. The objectives of SEO are to increase a website's visibility, traffic, and number of visitors. The proposed 6-stage program includes evaluation, on-page optimization, off-page activities like link building, and monitoring rankings and traffic over at least one year. Key deliverables include analysis, recommendations, and reports tracking the program's implementation and results.

sample seo pptseo pptseo presentation
Types of SEOOn-Page Optimization
 Off-page OptimizationOn-Page SEOOn-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be done on the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content.
On-page optimization stands for all of the techniques and methods used on your website.
On-page optimization has an effect on your website listing in natural results .On-Page SEO ElementsTitle TagsDefines a title in the browser toolbar

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An Introduction to seo and How it Works?

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques for optimizing a website to increase its visibility and ranking in search engines. It discusses key on-page optimization strategies like optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, headers, content, URLs, images and site maps. It also covers off-page optimization techniques like link building. The goal of SEO is to make websites more accessible and visible in search engine results pages for targeted keywords.

onpage seoseo pptseo introduction
On page seo PDF
On page seo PDFOn page seo PDF
On page seo PDF

On page SEO refers to optimization of individual web pages to improve rankings in search engines. Key on page factors include title tags, meta descriptions, keyword density in content, image alt text, internal linking, and XML sitemaps. Providing unique, high-quality content with the target keyword included 5-20% is important, as is using H1-H2 tags and descriptive URLs. On page optimization is complex but critical for search engine optimization.

on page seoseo services
Creative Seo Proposal
Creative Seo ProposalCreative Seo Proposal
Creative Seo Proposal

This document summarizes search engine optimization services provided by Creative Web Mall. They are a full-service internet marketing company focused on performance consulting for clients globally. Their SEO process involves keyword research, website analysis, optimization of title tags, meta descriptions and HTML, directory submissions, link building, and monthly maintenance to obtain and maintain search engine rankings. They have successfully helped many clients achieve top rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing through their SEO services.

Provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites
Displays a title for the page in search-engine resultsOn-Page SEO ElementsMeta TagsGives Google and other search engines a summary of what the page is aboutOn-Page SEO ElementsAlt TagsAllows you to provide a text equivalent to the image.On-Page SEO ElementsHeader (H1,H2) TagsThere are six sizes of heading tags, beginning with <h1>, the most important, and ending with <h6>, the least important (1).On-Page SEO ElementsURL StructureAn optimal URL structure will not use numbers or strange characters on the permalinks, it will be short and describe the content of the page. On-Page SEO ElementsInternal LinkingInternal linking is linking to resources that are inside the websiteOn-Page SEO ElementsContentContent is king to visitors and search engine spiders. That's why content should never be an afterthoughtOn-Page SEO ElementsKeyword DensityKeyword density is a combination of the number of times a keyword or a keyword phrase, in proportion with other words, appears on a Web page.On-Page SEO ElementsSitemapsPrepare two sitemaps: one for users, one for search enginesOn-Page SEO ElementsHTML SitemapContains an organized listing of links to all pages within the website.
Visitors may visit this page if they are having problems finding pages on your siteOn-Page SEO ElementsXML SitemapAn XML Sitemap, which you can submit through Google's Webmaster Tools, makes it easier for Google to discover the pages on your site. SEO ElementsUsabilityDesign a clear and simple navigation system.
Keep the content clear and simple.

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Technical SeoTechnical Seo
Technical Seo

1) Technical SEO consists of various checks and settings to help search engines crawl and index a website properly. 2) These include optimizing page speed, URLs, XML sitemaps, mobile friendliness, and more. 3) Getting technical SEO right requires some technical knowledge but ensures the website can reach its full search potential.

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On page off-page seo points
On page off-page seo pointsOn page off-page seo points
On page off-page seo points

this will guide you about what is seo and types of seo:- on-page seo on page seo purpose off page seo off page seo purpose

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On page seo
On page seoOn page seo
On page seo

On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher in search engines. Key on-page factors include page titles, meta descriptions, URLs, content, images, links, and site structure. The document provides guidelines for optimizing these elements, such as using keywords in titles, unique descriptions, relevant content with proper formatting, alt text for images, internal linking, and XML sitemaps. Regular optimization and monitoring over 6-12 months is recommended to improve search engine rankings. Common mistakes to avoid are hidden text, duplicate content, and off-site elements.

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Make it user friendly.      Remember  you could spend thousands on marketing your website. If you do not have a website the will keep a visitor engaged, that visitor will leave your website within 10 seconds or less.
Keywords Research & Meta Tag GenerationResearch On keywords
Find the best keywords that describes your business and products offered. The most searchable keywords terms used by searchers.
Improve keyword Prominence, Density & Proximity

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Basics of SEO – Search Engine Optimisation for WordPress * Understand search results (organic vs paid) * SEO versus SEM * Understanding search intent * Keyword research * Ways to improve search engine ranking * Using SEO plugin in WordPress Presented by Nadia Kerr @keepsmilyn at WordCamp Sydney 2018

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Technical SEO Presentation
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Technical SEO Presentation

On-site technical SEO strategies are discussed, including making sites visible to Google through key rankings factors like design, development, content marketing, social media, and video. Proper on-page optimization techniques are also covered, such as XML sitemaps, clean URLs, and using Google Webmaster Tools for site visibility. Common mistakes that can negatively impact rankings like blocking bots, bad site architecture, redirects, and overuse of noindex are also outlined.

internet marketingdigital marketingtechnology
Black Hat SEO
Black Hat SEOBlack Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO

Being an SEO expert is not easy. The SEO experts of AMICI GSPL is giving SEO training to one and all

Keywords throughout the content of the page.
Meta Title
Make attractive, unique and easy to understand title tags for each page.
Meta Descriptions

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Search Engine Optimization - A Strategic Overview
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Search Engine Optimization - A Strategic Overview

With an ever expanding amount of information on the Web we, as Internet users, are becoming less patient and more skeptical of the information we view. This trend can, in large part, be attributed to the large number of organizations broadly pushing their messages to Internet users through paid placements, email, etc. This heavy marketing 'push' has driven Internet users to search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo! to proactively search for their own solutions. This trend has created amazing opportunities for organizations and companies to leverage relevant content to reach target audiences through keyword searches. People are essentially raising their hands and it's possible that you have the answer! Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful strategic marketing tool for driving relevant, targeted audiences to your website. With this presentation we are going to demystify the concept of SEO and discuss how you can begin optimizing your website to capture relevant Internet traffic. Most importantly, we will discuss how to engage that new traffic and turn them into marketable opportunities for your business. Search Engine Optimization creates tremendous opportunities for businesses to relevantly segmenting visitors, engaging them with value-added content, and, ultimately, drive conversion.

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Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO). It defines SEO as improving the volume and quality of traffic from organic search results. It discusses the current state of search and market share of different search engines. It also outlines the differences between organic and paid search results. The document then discusses how search engines work, why SEO is important, factors that influence search engine rankings, and provides tips for basic on-site and off-site SEO optimization techniques.

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Phy electro

1) Maxwell derived equations showing that changing electric fields induce magnetic fields and vice versa, allowing electromagnetic waves to propagate through space. 2) These electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light and have oscillating electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other and the direction of propagation. 3) Plane electromagnetic waves satisfy the wave equation and can be described by sinusoidal functions with the electric and magnetic fields in phase but oriented at 90 degrees to each other.

The meta description tag is intended to be a brief and concise summary of your page's content.
Meta keywords
Contrary to popular belief, Meta keywords have no value when it comes  to SEO rankings.H1 & H2 Heading, Alt tags & Anchor textH1 & H2 Heading Format
H tags specify html font sizes. H1 is the largest and it goes to H6 which is the smallest. Another Myth: These tags do not carry much weight when it comes to SEO. If an SEO consultant tell you it does….Run!!

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Inbound Marketing and SEO for Travel and Tourism Public Relations (PR) - PRSA...

Inbound marketing tips and tricks for public relations (PR) in the travel and tourism industry, including lots of information about search engine optimization (SEO) and publishing content like blogs and viral videos.

Search Engine Optimization Tips: SEO Tips For Beginners in 2015
Search Engine Optimization Tips: SEO Tips For Beginners in 2015Search Engine Optimization Tips: SEO Tips For Beginners in 2015
Search Engine Optimization Tips: SEO Tips For Beginners in 2015

Visit: How to do SEO in 2015? search engine optimization tips for biggners. Top SEO Tips and Tricks for Beginners to do SEO in 2015 to optimize their blog or website perfectly. In this slide you can find: seo tips for beginners seo tips seo optimization tips seo tips and tricks search engine optimization local seo seo optimization search engine optimization tips search engine marketing best seo companies search engine optimization companies seo link building seo for beginners seo for dummies local search engine optimization seo basics seo training website optimization best seo seo software small business seo search engine optimisation free seo tips search engine marketing company seo strategy best seo software local seo services ecommerce seo top seo tips search optimization simple seo tips white hat seo search engine ranking website marketing seo search engine optimization black hat seo what is seo organic search engine optimization affordable search engine optimization search engine optimization tools on page seo search engine optimization software free seo tools search engine optimization seo seo audit seo firms easy seo tips learn seo off page seo seo tools seo content writing seo for small business search engine optimization training seo web design seo copywriting organic seo cheap seo services seo optimisation search engines optimization search engine optimization service seo news seo writing seo seo ranking software seo consulting guaranteed seo improve search engine ranking best seo tips best seo tools seo checklist seo blog tips seo services seo program seo company do it yourself seo local search seo website seo tips search engine optimization pricing seo companies seo business seo techniques web optimization search engine placement seo plan search engine optimizer seo service search engine marketing services real estate seo search engine optimization techniques seo marketing seo professional seo help how does seo work affordable seo service seo strategies search engine optimization firm search engine optimization packages how to improve seo mobile seo best seo company search engine optimization firms free seo software seo search diy seo blog seo tips search marketing local seo company how to seo search engine optimization consultants top 10 seo tips seo agency seo website design seo course seo articles seo marketing tips seo packages seo firm seo report professional seo free seo local business seo link building seo seo guide best seo services seo software reviews seo reports seo consultants seo book search engine optimization consultant seo beginners guide cheap search engine optimization learn search engine optimization affordable seo how to do seo seo sem seo campaign seo results seo website seo experts seo work optimization seo seo certification seo advice

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Black Hat SEO Techniques 2014
Black Hat SEO Techniques 2014 Black Hat SEO Techniques 2014
Black Hat SEO Techniques 2014

This document discusses various black hat SEO techniques such as automatically generating content, keyword stuffing, hidden text/links, cloaking, sneaky redirects, paid links, link schemes, doorway pages, scraped content, and malicious behavior. Black hat SEO aims to achieve top search engine rankings without following guidelines, but can easily be detected by search engines and users, potentially leading to site bans. While black hat SEO may work initially, it is not a recommended long-term strategy.

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Alt Tags
Alternative tag. Text placed within web graphics to explain the displays of the images. This is a must have for SEO purposes.

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Basic Search Engine Optimization

  • 1. Basic Search Engine Optimization
  • 2. What is SEO?SEO is an abbreviation for search engine optimization.
  • 3. SEO is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via Natural (organic) search results.
  • 4. SEO aims to improve rankings for relevant keywords in search results.
  • 5. Organic SEO results account for over 80% of clicks.Why are search engines so important?Search engines are the biggest resources of your websites traffic.
  • 6. Higher traffic means more visitors.
  • 7. More visitors means more customers and higher profit.When will I see results?It depends:On your industry
  • 8. The competitive level of your keywords
  • 9. The previous success of your website
  • 10. Subject to the search engines updating their data
  • 11. You may see minor results change in 30 days.
  • 12. A significant frequency of top 10 and top 20 rankings can be seen within approximately 3-4 months if optimized correctly. SEO Process
  • 13. Types of SEOOn-Page Optimization
  • 14. Off-page OptimizationOn-Page SEOOn-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be done on the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content.
  • 15. On-page optimization stands for all of the techniques and methods used on your website.
  • 16. On-page optimization has an effect on your website listing in natural results .On-Page SEO ElementsTitle TagsDefines a title in the browser toolbar
  • 17. Provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites
  • 18. Displays a title for the page in search-engine resultsOn-Page SEO ElementsMeta TagsGives Google and other search engines a summary of what the page is aboutOn-Page SEO ElementsAlt TagsAllows you to provide a text equivalent to the image.On-Page SEO ElementsHeader (H1,H2) TagsThere are six sizes of heading tags, beginning with <h1>, the most important, and ending with <h6>, the least important (1).On-Page SEO ElementsURL StructureAn optimal URL structure will not use numbers or strange characters on the permalinks, it will be short and describe the content of the page. On-Page SEO ElementsInternal LinkingInternal linking is linking to resources that are inside the websiteOn-Page SEO ElementsContentContent is king to visitors and search engine spiders. That's why content should never be an afterthoughtOn-Page SEO ElementsKeyword DensityKeyword density is a combination of the number of times a keyword or a keyword phrase, in proportion with other words, appears on a Web page.On-Page SEO ElementsSitemapsPrepare two sitemaps: one for users, one for search enginesOn-Page SEO ElementsHTML SitemapContains an organized listing of links to all pages within the website.
  • 19. Visitors may visit this page if they are having problems finding pages on your siteOn-Page SEO ElementsXML SitemapAn XML Sitemap, which you can submit through Google's Webmaster Tools, makes it easier for Google to discover the pages on your site. SEO ElementsUsabilityDesign a clear and simple navigation system.
  • 20. Keep the content clear and simple.
  • 21. Make it user friendly. Remember you could spend thousands on marketing your website. If you do not have a website the will keep a visitor engaged, that visitor will leave your website within 10 seconds or less.
  • 22. Keywords Research & Meta Tag GenerationResearch On keywords
  • 23. Find the best keywords that describes your business and products offered. The most searchable keywords terms used by searchers.
  • 24. Improve keyword Prominence, Density & Proximity
  • 25. Keywords throughout the content of the page.
  • 27. Make attractive, unique and easy to understand title tags for each page.
  • 29. The meta description tag is intended to be a brief and concise summary of your page's content.
  • 31. Contrary to popular belief, Meta keywords have no value when it comes to SEO rankings.H1 & H2 Heading, Alt tags & Anchor textH1 & H2 Heading Format
  • 32. H tags specify html font sizes. H1 is the largest and it goes to H6 which is the smallest. Another Myth: These tags do not carry much weight when it comes to SEO. If an SEO consultant tell you it does….Run!!
  • 34. Alternative tag. Text placed within web graphics to explain the displays of the images. This is a must have for SEO purposes.
  • 36. The anchor text, link label or link title is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the anchor text can determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines. Common Canonical Home Page IssuesBad http://www.newcityhallmark.comhttp://newcityhallmark.com
  • 37. Off-Page SEOOff-page optimization (off-page SEO) is all about getting links from other websites to your website.
  • 38. It requires a lot of work on a daily basis, to receive quality backlinks.
  • 39. It helps to maximize website performance in search engines for target keywords.Off-Page SEOSearch Engine SubmissionThe only search engines you need to focus on are Google and Bing
  • 40. If you submit a sitemap, your website will be indexed and when you add a new page, it will be indexed.
  • 41. Google and Bing will find your website. This does not mean that anyone else will!!Off-Page SEOSocial bookmarkingSocial bookmarking sites allow you to store, tag and share links. You can share these links with friends and colleagues
  • 42. They are a great way to get backlinks to your website.Off-Page SEOArticle SubmissionYou can submit and publish articles related to your niche or topic to article submission websites. Great for authority, traffic and links.
  • 43. The most popular are: A. B.
  • 44. Off-Page SEODirectory SubmissionsAvoid at all cost, directory submission services and purchasing links from a link broker. Those are snake oil salespeople. Off-Page SEOOpen Directory Project The Open Directory Project (ODP), also known as Dmoz, is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. FREEOff-Page SEOPress Release SubmissionPress releases can announce a range of news items such as: scheduled events, personal promotions, awards, news products and services, sales and other financial data, accomplishments, etc via a newswire service.
  • 45. Social media press releases are cutting edge. They submit your press release via RSS feeds, news aggregators, social networking, social bookmarking, search engines, forums, blogs and more.
  • 46. is an excellent cutting edge social media press release distributor. Their press releases are search engine optimized and will appear on Google news within 5 minutes.Off-Page SEO Blogs Forums & Comment PostingThey naturally attract search engine traffic.
  • 47. Blogs already have optimized site architecture.
  • 48. Most are set up with a clear navigation, where every page is set up to link back to the other main pages.
  • 50. Comments are also great for links
  • 51. Your comments post name can link directly to your website with new blogging tools such as: “Comment Love”Link buildingWhat is Link Popularity?Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing TO your site FROM other good quality sites on the Web. #1 Myth about Link popularityContrary to belief, you do NOT need a high PageRank in order to rank high on search engines. Take a look at this website: It has zero PageRank but ranks high on all the keywords.
  • 52. Inbound & Outbound LinksInbound linksA Link from a site outside of your site.
  • 53. Inbound links sends visitors to your site, Outbound LinksA link to a site outside of your site
  • 54. Outbound links sends visitors away from your site.
  • 55. Unless it is a good quality link that is related to your website, do not do a link exchange.Review In PointsSo, what is important for your online success?Identify your target audience
  • 57. Find out keywords, that your target audience uses
  • 58. Build content, site structure and internal navigation with respect to SEO and important keywords
  • 59. Social media, networking, forums, blogs….
  • 61. Evaluate results and make improvementPresented ByAlex Twitter:@marknetgroup