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Html5  more than just html5 v final
"HTML5” – More than
    just HTML5
     Lohith G N
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-   Mysorian, Working in Bangalore

-   B.E. – I & P, 10 years of experience

-   Microsoft MVP 2K11 – ASP.NET/IIS

-   Telerik Insider – Speakers sponsored by Telerik

-   Bangalore DotNet User Group Member
WHATWG: HTML is the new HTML5!

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SVG For Web Designers (and Developers)
SVG For Web Designers (and Developers) SVG For Web Designers (and Developers)
SVG For Web Designers (and Developers)

1. The document discusses using SVG for web design, including creating SVG images, optimizing them, and embedding them onto web pages. 2. Designers are advised to use simple shapes over complex paths and to simplify paths when creating SVG images. 3. SVG images can be combined into a single file and referenced on web pages using the <symbol> and <use> elements, providing a method of "spriting" SVG images.

svgweb developmentweb design
HTML5: An Introduction To Next Generation Web Development
HTML5: An Introduction To Next Generation Web DevelopmentHTML5: An Introduction To Next Generation Web Development
HTML5: An Introduction To Next Generation Web Development

HTML5 is the next generation web development standard that improves upon HTML4 and XHTML. It focuses on features rather than syntax, and includes new elements like <article> and <section>, native audio/video support, drawing APIs, geolocation, drag and drop, web forms 2.0, and more. HTML5 aims to improve multimedia capabilities while keeping code readable by humans and machines. It is supported by all major browsers, though support for specific features may vary, and polyfills can help with backwards compatibility.

html5web 2.0audio
Vector Graphics on the Web: SVG, Canvas, CSS3
Vector Graphics on the Web: SVG, Canvas, CSS3Vector Graphics on the Web: SVG, Canvas, CSS3
Vector Graphics on the Web: SVG, Canvas, CSS3

This document summarizes different vector graphic options for use on the web. It discusses the differences between vector and raster graphics, and why vectors are preferable for resolution independence and smaller file sizes. It then examines SVG, Canvas, VML, and CSS3 as vector graphic options, outlining browser support, APIs, and common uses for each. While SVG is ideal theoretically, browser support is still limited, so libraries like SVG Web and Raphael.js are recommended to abstract cross-browser differences. In the end, SVG is generally better than Canvas for interactive graphics with events, while Canvas may be better for full-screen animations and games.

What is “HTML5”?
HTML5 is...
• the future of the web
• still under development
• a huge spec, and testing isn’t binary

HTML5 is not ...
• “How To Meet Ladies” version 5 (Credit: @hackatac)
• Just a marketing message
The “map” of HTML5
Specification lifecycle

                                           Candidate        Proposed
   First Public                                                          Recommendati
                  Working Draft          Recommendati     Recommendati
  Working Draft                                                               on
                                              on               on

                                  Last              Call to
                                  call            implement
W3C HTML5 Specification

• ~1200 print pages
• Issue Tracker: ~37 open
• Bug Tracker: ~208 open
• Mailing list: ~4000 emails/month


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Thats Not Flash?
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Vector graphics allow shapes to be mathematically represented and scaled smoothly, while raster graphics use a grid of pixels. SVG is an XML format for describing vector shapes and is supported natively by modern browsers. DojoX GFX provides a normalized API for creating vector graphics across browsers using SVG, VML, Canvas, or Silverlight depending on browser support. It implements a procedural subset of SVG for creating shapes and text programmatically similar to the canvas API.

Using Web Standards to create Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web
Using Web Standards to create Interactive Data Visualizations for the WebUsing Web Standards to create Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web
Using Web Standards to create Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web

This document discusses using web standards to create interactive data visualizations for the web. It provides an overview of the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit, which allows creating multiple graph and tree layouts using web standards and JavaScript. It also discusses upcoming improvements to browser engines and JavaScript that will further improve performance of interactive visualizations. Finally, it introduces WebGL and V8-GL as emerging web standards that bring hardware-accelerated 3D graphics to the web through JavaScript.

visualizationjavascriptinformation visualization
Sara Soueidan: Styling and Animating Scalable Vector Graphics with CSS [CSSCo...
Sara Soueidan: Styling and Animating Scalable Vector Graphics with CSS [CSSCo...Sara Soueidan: Styling and Animating Scalable Vector Graphics with CSS [CSSCo...
Sara Soueidan: Styling and Animating Scalable Vector Graphics with CSS [CSSCo...

Scalable Vector Graphics, or SVGs, are the new "big thing" in web design today, and for a good reason. With the proliferation of retina screens and high resolution displays, we need to adopt techniques that allow us to serve graphics that look good on all screens in all circumstances, and because SVGs offer resolution-independent, fully scalable and crystal clear graphics, it is safe to say that they are the future graphics format of the web. In this talk we're going to see how SVGs can be styled in CSS, and how they can be animated using CSS animations and transitions. We're also going to cover "responsifying" SVGs using CSS media queries, and how we can control the size and looks of SVGs allowing them to adapt to different screen sizes. We'll cover a short workflow from a vector graphics editor to a responsive animated graphic on screen.

The map of “HTML5”

   First Public                                              Recommendati
                  Working Draft   Last Call   Recommendati
  Working Draft                                                   on
A whirlwind tour of “HTML5”
• From:
 • HTML 4.01 Strict/Transitional/Frameset
 • XHTML 1.0 Strict/Transitional/Frameset

       <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

• To
 • HTML5

       <!DOCTYPE html>
• Support for the HTML5 <video> element
  • Industry-standard MPEG-4/H.264 video
  • Video can be composited with anything else on the page
   • HTML content, images, SVG graphics
   • Hardware accelerated, GPU-based decoding
• Supports fallback to different formats (mp4, webm) as well
  as Flash/Silverlight
<video id="myVideo" controls>
    <source src="videos/video.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
    <!–- insert sorry message here or fall back to SL/Flash -->
    <object type="application/x-silverlight-2">
        <param name="source" value="player.xap">
</video>                                                     Demo

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Learn svg
Learn svgLearn svg
Learn svg

This document introduces Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and provides an overview of its history, capabilities, and structure. Key points include: - SVG was developed as an open standard by the W3C to provide rich, reusable visual content for the web using XML. - SVG allows for vector graphics that can be scaled, manipulated via scripting, styled with CSS, and more. It provides many advantages over raster graphics. - As an XML format, SVG files are small in size, resolution-independent, and can be dynamically generated and styled on the client-side via JavaScript. - The document outlines SVG's emergence and development timeline, its structure as an XML language, and its

svgebooklearn svg
Rockstar Graphics with HTML5
Rockstar Graphics with HTML5Rockstar Graphics with HTML5
Rockstar Graphics with HTML5

An introduction and demonstration of graphics and animation techniques using canvas and CSS3 working in concert in webkit with html5. Targeted for Palm webOS devices, but compatible with other webkit implementations.

HTML5: Introduction
HTML5: IntroductionHTML5: Introduction
HTML5: Introduction

The document discusses the features and capabilities of HTML5. It covers new semantic elements, forms, offline storage, device access, multimedia, 3D graphics, performance improvements, and CSS3 features. Key points include more meaningful tags, custom data attributes, offline application caching, geolocation, cameras, web sockets, and canvas/WebGL for graphics.

htmlcssweb development
• Add audio content to page with native playback,
  events & controls
• Relies on browser features
• Supports fallback to different formats (mp3, aac)

<audio src="audio.mp3" id="audioTag" autoplay controls>
SVG Basics
• Scriptable, extensible, easily editable
• Easy to apply CSS styles

Vector graphics
• Resizable without degradation
• Vector images are composed of shapes
  instead of pixels

• Fast download

Easy debugging
• It is just XML!
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
• Support for:
 • Full DOM access to SVG elements
 • Document structure, scripting, styling, paths, shapes, colors, transforms,
   gradients, patterns, masking, clipping, markers, linking and views

<svg width="400" height="200" xmlns="">
    <rect fill="red" x="20" y="20" width="100" height="75" />
    <rect fill="blue" x="50" y="50" width="100" height="75" />

• A block element that allows developers to draw 2d
  graphics using JavaScript
 • Methods for drawing include: paths, boxes, circles, text and
   rasterized images

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="200">
  Your browser doesn’t support Canvas, sorry.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var example = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  var context = example.getContext("2d");
  context.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,0)";
  context.fillRect(30, 30, 50, 50);                    Demo

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Comparing XAML and HTML: FIGHT!
Comparing XAML and HTML: FIGHT!Comparing XAML and HTML: FIGHT!
Comparing XAML and HTML: FIGHT!

This document provides an overview of a comparison between XAML and HTML technologies for building user interfaces. It outlines a 60 minute presentation with 10 topics that will each be discussed for 3 minutes to compare key capabilities of XAML and HTML. The presentation encourages audience participation by having the audience decide which technology is preferable for each topic. The 10 topics that will be discussed include layout, styles, drawing, local data, services, data binding, audio/video, controls, object-oriented programming, and unit testing. The presentation will conclude by providing final scores to compare the technologies.

SVG (Devoxx 2011, 2011-NOV-14)
SVG (Devoxx 2011, 2011-NOV-14)SVG (Devoxx 2011, 2011-NOV-14)
SVG (Devoxx 2011, 2011-NOV-14)

This document provides an introduction to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). It begins with an agenda that outlines topics including what SVG is, why it should be used, tools for working with SVG, and sample artwork. The document then discusses the history and standards behind SVG, how it works as a vector format, and why it may be preferable to other formats like JPEG, PNG, Flash or Silverlight. Browser support, manual and programmatic production of SVG files, and related resources are also covered. The document concludes with an invitation for questions.

Flash And Dom
Flash And DomFlash And Dom
Flash And Dom

Flash and the DOM - how Flash works with browsers, different embed techniques, and Flash JavaScript communication

SVG or Canvas
                SVG                               Canvas
When to use     Highly detailed drawing, charts   Programmatic rendering,
Drawing Mode    By Runtime                        By Application
DOM Support     Each SVG element part of          <CANVAS> part of the DOM
Animation       Manipulating objects in the       Using direct scripting in canvas
GPU             Yes                               Yes
Performance     Best for larger surface and/or    Best for smaller surface and/or
                small # of objects                large # of objects
Modification    Tag, Script & CSS                 Script only
• Let websites use your location information to improve their
  • Requires users consent
  • Navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition();
  • Navigator.geolocation.watchPosition();
• Resolution via IP reverse lookup / Wi-Fi triangulation
function getLocation() {
  if (navigator.getlocation != undefined) {

function callBack(position) {
  var accuracy = position.coords[“accuracy”]; //in meters
  var latitude = position.coords[“latitude”];
  var longitude = position.coords[“longitude”];             Demo
• 2nd largest spec in “HTML5”
• Major revision to CSS 2.1
• CSS 3
 •   Borders & Colors
 •   Backgrounds & Shadows
 •   WOFF
 •   Media queries
 •   Selectors
 •   Transforms
CSS3 Borders
• CSS3 Borders
 • Rounded corners with the border-radius property {
 border-radius: 152px 304px 228px 152px;
 border-style: double;
 border-width: 42px;
 padding: 12px;

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CSS3: Ripe and Ready
CSS3: Ripe and ReadyCSS3: Ripe and Ready
CSS3: Ripe and Ready

CSS3 isn't the future, it's the present, and is ripe for the pickin' and is ready to respond to display your sites in multiple devices right now. Presented at Rich Web Experience 2011, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

responsive designcss3 toolsmedia queries
Simply Responsive CSS3
Simply Responsive CSS3Simply Responsive CSS3
Simply Responsive CSS3

Don't be fooled, CSS3 isn't the future, it's the present, and is ripe for the pickin' and is ready to respond to display your sites in multiple devices right now.

pariswebresponsive designcss3 tools
Drupal Backbone.js in the Frontend
Drupal Backbone.js in the FrontendDrupal Backbone.js in the Frontend
Drupal Backbone.js in the Frontend

Slides for presentation at DrupalCon Munich August 2012 Author: David Corbacho

CSS3 Colors
• CSS3 Colors & Transparency
 • Alpha color with rgba() and hsla() color functions
 • Transparency control with the opacity property
 • Full support for CSS3 color keywords {
 background-color: rgba(155,0,155,0.5)
div.bottom {
  background-color: hsla(0,100%,50%,0.2);
CSS3 Shadows
 • CSS3 Shadows
  • box-shadow property on block elements
  • Inset & Multiple shadows

    box-shadow: 20px 20px 20px hsla(0,100%,50%,0.2);

    box-shadow: 20px 20px 20px hsla(0,100%,50%,0.2),
    -20px -20px 20px hsla(180,50%,50%,0.8);

CSS3 Backgrounds
• CSS3 Backgrounds
 • Multiple background images per element
 • Comma separated values

    background-image: url("images/1.jpg"),
    url("images/2.jpg"), url("images/3.jpg");
    background-position: 90px 90px,
    60px 60px, 30px 30px;

WOFF Fonts & @font-face
 • No longer limited to the “web safe” font list!
 • WOFFs cannot be used outside of page context
 • Web Open Font Format allows you to package and deliver fonts as
  • Designed for web use with the @font-face declaration
  • A simple repackaging of OpenType or TrueType font data
 • Source from WOFF Font Subscription Services
<style type="text/css">
  @font-face {
   src: url('FontFile.woff');
</style>                                                     Demo
<div style="font: 24pt MyFontName, sans-serif;">
 This will render using MyFontName in FontFile.woff

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Dynamic User Interfaces for Desktop and Mobile
Dynamic User Interfaces for Desktop and MobileDynamic User Interfaces for Desktop and Mobile
Dynamic User Interfaces for Desktop and Mobile

The document discusses responsive design techniques for desktop and mobile interfaces. It covers: - Adapting layouts using AlloyUI Viewport and media queries to target different screen sizes. - Dynamically retrieving data using the Pjax utility and ScrollInfo plugin. - The future potential of CSS Flexbox layout for complex responsive designs.

DojoX GFX Keynote Eugene Lazutkin SVG Open 2007
DojoX GFX Keynote Eugene Lazutkin SVG Open 2007DojoX GFX Keynote Eugene Lazutkin SVG Open 2007
DojoX GFX Keynote Eugene Lazutkin SVG Open 2007

Eugene Lazutkin's keynote on DojoX GFX at SVG Open 2007. (The seminar notes are here:

Richmond PLN.Feb 2016
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Richmond PLN.Feb 2016

K-7, 2nd in series of quality teaching and learning in inclusive classrooms and schools. Keynote as a wrap around specific sessions. Focus on reading, Allington's framework, 2 strategic sequences.

CSS3 Media Queries
• Selectively style page based on properties of the display media

<link href=“mobile.css" rel="stylesheet"
  media="screen and (max-width:480px)" type="text/css"/>

<link href=“netbook.css" rel="stylesheet"
  media="screen and (min-width:481px) and (max-
  width: 1024px)" type="text/css" />                       Demo
<link href=“laptop.css" rel="stylesheet"
  media="screen and (min-width:1025px)" type="text/css" />

CSS Selectors
• Dynamic Styling
• Style elements based on parameters such as:
 • Pattern matching: rounded borders for all jpg images
 • Element location: 1st paragraph
• Many kinds of selectors:
 • Type selectors: all H1 elements
 • Attribute selectors: all autoplay videos

CSS3 2D Transforms
• CSS3 2D Transforms
 •   Matrix
 •   Translate
 •   Scale
 •   Rotate
 •   Skew

div {
  -ms-transform: scale(2, 2) rotate(30deg);
}                                             Demo

Turning things around
Bringing it all together

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by Anna
Research from Policy Lever 5 of Starting Strong III - 10th Meeting of the OEC...
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(OECD Secretariat) Research can be an influential tool to inform policy & practice. It plays a key role in: •Identifying the success or failure of programmes •Prioritising important areas for investment •Informing practices through evidence •Explaining how children grow, ensuring healthy child development

Quality education for all –UNESCAP/LCD Conference on Disability-inclusive MDG...
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The presentation gives an overview of some OECD data on inclusion of children with disabilities, difficulties and disadvantages, on how they fare in mainstream education, and on the relationship between disability and socio-economic background. It discusses PISA insights on quality and equity of education (the systems performing well in PISA often have high levels of equity) and offers several policy options for supporting inclusiveness and disadvanted students and schools.

inclusive educationspecial needs educationunited nations convention on the rights of persons
• What we saw
 • <Audio>, <Video>, SVG, <Canvas>, Geolocation, CSS
• What we didn’t get to
How to make money with IE9?

Watch for IE9…

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Globalisation and quality equity inclusive education tchombe
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Globalisation and quality equity inclusive education tchombe

Globalisation has implications for education in Africa to develop skills for the 21st century. Inclusive education focuses on quality, equity, and equality of access and outcomes for all learners. It requires understanding learners' diverse needs and developing teachers' skills and competencies, including beliefs and attitudes, to support all students through flexible, learner-centered practices. Teacher education must be reformed with transformative dimensions like inclusive pedagogy, curriculum, resources, and community partnerships to characterize schools for the future.

Complexity: the case of development interventions aimed at changing instituti...
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Complexity: the case of development interventions aimed at changing instituti...

This document discusses the complexity of education systems and the implications for governance of development interventions aimed at institutional change. It raises two key questions around whether education systems are complex systems and what the implications of that complexity are. Specifically, it examines the difference between complicated and complex systems in terms of predictability and control. The document also outlines new approaches needed to govern complex systems, like empowering agents, using incentives, and intensive monitoring. It provides the example of curriculum change and targeted interventions to develop curriculum. The document concludes by emphasizing the need to probe issues, make sense of situations, and respond appropriately when governing complex education systems.

gábor halaszeducationcomplexity
Wordcamp Thessaloniki 2011 The Nextweb
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Wordcamp Thessaloniki 2011 The Nextweb

HTML5 is a draft specification from the W3C that adds new elements like canvas, video and audio to HTML and changes some older elements. It is not yet finalized and continues to evolve. HTML5 allows embedding multimedia like video without plugins through new elements like <video> and <audio>. It also introduces new canvas element for drawing 2D graphics and SVG for vector graphics. HTML5 supports local storage and geolocation in the browser.

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Dive Into HTML5
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Html5 more than just html5 v final

  • 2. "HTML5” – More than just HTML5 Lohith G N
  • 3. About Me… - Mysorian, Working in Bangalore - B.E. – I & P, 10 years of experience - Microsoft MVP 2K11 – ASP.NET/IIS - Telerik Insider – Speakers sponsored by Telerik - Bangalore DotNet User Group Member
  • 4. WHATWG: HTML is the new HTML5!
  • 5. What is “HTML5”? HTML5 is... • the future of the web • still under development • a huge spec, and testing isn’t binary HTML5 is not ... • “How To Meet Ladies” version 5 (Credit: @hackatac) • Just a marketing message
  • 7. Specification lifecycle Candidate Proposed First Public Recommendati Working Draft Recommendati Recommendati Working Draft on on on Last Call to call implement
  • 8. W3C HTML5 Specification • ~1200 print pages • Issue Tracker: ~37 open • Bug Tracker: ~208 open • Mailing list: ~4000 emails/month
  • 9. The map of “HTML5” Candidate First Public Recommendati Working Draft Last Call Recommendati Working Draft on on
  • 10. A whirlwind tour of “HTML5”
  • 11. <!DOCTYPE.. • From: • HTML 4.01 Strict/Transitional/Frameset • XHTML 1.0 Strict/Transitional/Frameset <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> • To • HTML5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  • 12. <video> • Support for the HTML5 <video> element • Industry-standard MPEG-4/H.264 video • Video can be composited with anything else on the page • HTML content, images, SVG graphics • Hardware accelerated, GPU-based decoding • Supports fallback to different formats (mp4, webm) as well as Flash/Silverlight <video id="myVideo" controls> <source src="videos/video.mp4" type="video/mp4"/> <!–- insert sorry message here or fall back to SL/Flash --> <object type="application/x-silverlight-2"> <param name="source" value="player.xap"> </object> </video> Demo
  • 13. <audio> • Add audio content to page with native playback, events & controls • Relies on browser features • Supports fallback to different formats (mp3, aac) <audio src="audio.mp3" id="audioTag" autoplay controls> <!-- Only shown when browser doesn’t support audio --> <!-- You could embed Flash or Silverlight audio here --> </audio>
  • 14. SVG Basics XML-based • Scriptable, extensible, easily editable • Easy to apply CSS styles Vector graphics • Resizable without degradation • Vector images are composed of shapes instead of pixels Compression • Fast download Easy debugging • It is just XML!
  • 15. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) • Support for: • Full DOM access to SVG elements • Document structure, scripting, styling, paths, shapes, colors, transforms, gradients, patterns, masking, clipping, markers, linking and views <svg width="400" height="200" xmlns=""> <rect fill="red" x="20" y="20" width="100" height="75" /> <rect fill="blue" x="50" y="50" width="100" height="75" /> </svg> Demo
  • 16. Canvas • A block element that allows developers to draw 2d graphics using JavaScript • Methods for drawing include: paths, boxes, circles, text and rasterized images <canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="200"> Your browser doesn’t support Canvas, sorry. </canvas> <script type="text/javascript"> var example = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var context = example.getContext("2d"); context.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,0)"; context.fillRect(30, 30, 50, 50); Demo </script> 16
  • 17. SVG or Canvas Characteristi SVG Canvas c When to use Highly detailed drawing, charts Programmatic rendering, games Drawing Mode By Runtime By Application DOM Support Each SVG element part of <CANVAS> part of the DOM DOM Animation Manipulating objects in the Using direct scripting in canvas DOM GPU Yes Yes acceleration Performance Best for larger surface and/or Best for smaller surface and/or small # of objects large # of objects Modification Tag, Script & CSS Script only
  • 18. GeoLocation • Let websites use your location information to improve their services • Requires users consent • Navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(); • Navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(); • Resolution via IP reverse lookup / Wi-Fi triangulation function getLocation() { if (navigator.getlocation != undefined) { navigator.getlocation.getCurrentPosition(callBack); } } function callBack(position) { var accuracy = position.coords[“accuracy”]; //in meters var latitude = position.coords[“latitude”]; var longitude = position.coords[“longitude”]; Demo } 18
  • 19. CSS3 • 2nd largest spec in “HTML5” • Major revision to CSS 2.1 • CSS 3 • Borders & Colors • Backgrounds & Shadows • WOFF • Media queries • Selectors • Transforms
  • 20. CSS3 Borders • CSS3 Borders • Rounded corners with the border-radius property { border-radius: 152px 304px 228px 152px; border-style: double; border-width: 42px; padding: 12px; }
  • 21. CSS3 Colors • CSS3 Colors & Transparency • Alpha color with rgba() and hsla() color functions • Transparency control with the opacity property • Full support for CSS3 color keywords { background-color: rgba(155,0,155,0.5) } div.bottom { background-color: hsla(0,100%,50%,0.2); }
  • 22. CSS3 Shadows • CSS3 Shadows • box-shadow property on block elements • Inset & Multiple shadows div{… box-shadow: 20px 20px 20px hsla(0,100%,50%,0.2); } div{… box-shadow: 20px 20px 20px hsla(0,100%,50%,0.2), -20px -20px 20px hsla(180,50%,50%,0.8); } Demo
  • 23. CSS3 Backgrounds • CSS3 Backgrounds • Multiple background images per element • Comma separated values div{ background-image: url("images/1.jpg"), url("images/2.jpg"), url("images/3.jpg"); background-position: 90px 90px, 60px 60px, 30px 30px; } Demo
  • 24. WOFF Fonts & @font-face • No longer limited to the “web safe” font list! • WOFFs cannot be used outside of page context • Web Open Font Format allows you to package and deliver fonts as needed • Designed for web use with the @font-face declaration • A simple repackaging of OpenType or TrueType font data • Source from WOFF Font Subscription Services <style type="text/css"> @font-face { font-family:MyFontName; src: url('FontFile.woff'); } </style> Demo <div style="font: 24pt MyFontName, sans-serif;"> This will render using MyFontName in FontFile.woff </div> 24
  • 25. CSS3 Media Queries • Selectively style page based on properties of the display media <link href=“mobile.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width:480px)" type="text/css"/> <link href=“netbook.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width:481px) and (max- width: 1024px)" type="text/css" /> Demo <link href=“laptop.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width:1025px)" type="text/css" /> 25
  • 26. CSS Selectors • Dynamic Styling • Style elements based on parameters such as: • Pattern matching: rounded borders for all jpg images • Element location: 1st paragraph • Many kinds of selectors: • Type selectors: all H1 elements • Attribute selectors: all autoplay videos Demo
  • 27. CSS3 2D Transforms • CSS3 2D Transforms • Matrix • Translate • Scale • Rotate • Skew div { -ms-transform: scale(2, 2) rotate(30deg); } Demo 27
  • 29. “HTML5” • What we saw • <Audio>, <Video>, SVG, <Canvas>, Geolocation, CSS • What we didn’t get to
  • 30. QUIZ
  • 31. How to make money with IE9? Watch for IE9…
  • 32. Resources • • • •

Editor's Notes

  1. 18-Jan: W3C announces the new HTML5 logo19-Jan: WHATWG, focused on some of the key Web Apps specs announces that HTML is the new HTML5 and that HTML5 spec is a living document and hence no version numbers are required.
  2. One of the most anticipated HTML5 features is the &lt;video&gt; tag. Now with Internet Explorer 9, developers can now include video on their page without having to resort to Flash or Silverlight. Just like you’d include an &lt;img&gt; tag on your page, you can include video in the same manner. Internet Explorer 9 supports videos encoded with the industry standard H.264 video codec. It’s the same video codec used by YouTube and many other sites as the primary video format. Most devices that record video, like point and shoot cameras encode with the H.264 codec, making it super easy for folks to put video on the web. Because Internet Explorer 9 uses the GPU to decode the video instead of the CPU, the performance is fantastic.
  3. Like the HTML5 &lt;video&gt; element, the &lt;audio&gt; element allows designers and developers to embed sounds on their sites without having to rely on Flash or Silverlight. The &lt;audio&gt; tag supports industry standard codecs like MP3 and AAC. In the same way the &lt;video&gt; element is scriptable, so is the &lt;audio&gt; tag, allowing you to script the object.
  4. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) are a graphics format that describe vector graphics with an XML-based file format. Unlike rasterized images, instead of drawing individual pixels on a page, vector graphics render based on the shapes defined in the XML file. Because they’re based on shapes instead of pixels, there’s no limit to how they can be zoomed in, there isn’t a loss because of a lack of pixel depth. And since they’re just XML files, they can be included right in your HTML, like you would any other HTML element, and are treated by the browser just like any other HTML element – they’re fully accessible via the DOM and can be scripted and modified as you want.SVG drawings work really well for organizational charts, simple images and line drawings. For example, a flow chart, or business organizational chart. The code on this page shows a very simple example, in our HTML I’ve placed an SVG element, 400 pixels wide by 200 pixels high. Within that SVG element, we’ve drawn two shapes, both rectangles. Almost all browsers today support the basic shapes like rectangles, circles, polygons; as well as paths, colors, gradients, patterns and more.
  5. The &lt;canvas&gt; element is a part of the HTML5 Standards specification and allows for dynamic scriptable rendering of 2D graphics. The &lt;canvas&gt; element in your HTML defines the drawing area, then through JavaScript, you can get the 2d context and begin dynamically drawing within that region.Much like SVG, you can draw on the page using basic shapes, but you can also easily include rasterized images, videos and other objects. One question that sometimes comes up is the difference between canvas and SVG. The biggest and most important is that with SVG, the drawings are objects within the DOM, where as with canvas, the browser doesn’t remember what’s been drawn and therefore to update the graphic JavaScript needs to redraw the full canvas, instead of just updating the existing object.Demo From IETestDrive.comhttp://iepm/testdrive/Graphics/CanvasPad/http://iepm/testdrive/Performance/FishIE%20tank/http://iepm/testdrive/Performance/MrPotatoGun/http://iepm/testdrive/Performance/AsteroidBelt/http://iepm/testdrive/Graphics/DeepZoom/
  6. With support for geolocation, Internet Explorer 9 RC enables a web application to access the current geographical location of the PC running Internet Explorer, as specified in the Geolocation API specification. The webpage can then tailor the user experience according to location.
  7. Internet Explorer 9 adds support for several features of the CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders Module. The most notable new feature, the border-radius properties, is also the most requested CSS border feature.The border-radius properties enable you to curve border corners by essentially “replacing” the hard corners with a quarter-ellipse and specifying the radii of each ellipse.
  8. CSS3 adds several new ways of defining the opacity of elements, including the opacity CSS property, but also the ability to set the alpha-transparency value when defining colors with the RGBA or HSLA color model. The RGBA color model allows you to specify the amount of red, green and blue as 0-255 values, with the final parameter being the transparency of the element. The alpha transparency value ranges from zero to one, with zero being completely transparent, and one being fully opaque. If you set the alpha transparency to 0.5, the object will allow 50% of the background through. Some designers and developers grew up and are more confortable with the HSLA color model, which is a little different. HSLA stands for hue, saturation, light and alpha transparency. The hue is represented as a color wheel with a value of 0 to 360, where red is 0 (or 360), green is 120, and blue is 240. For example, a pure purple would be 300 (in between the red and the blue). The saturation value, represented as a precentage defines how strong the color is. Lightness defines the how “bright” the color is – where 0% is black, and 100% is pure white. At 50%, the color is at it’s “normal” color.Demo From
  9. Internet Explorer 9 adds support for several features of the CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders Module. The most notable new feature, the border-radius properties, is also the most requested CSS border feature.The border-radius properties enable you to curve border corners by essentially “replacing” the hard corners with a quarter-ellipse and specifying the radii of each ellipse.
  10. Internet Explorer 9 adds support for several features of the CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders Module. The most notable new feature, the border-radius properties, is also the most requested CSS border feature.The border-radius properties enable you to curve border corners by essentially “replacing” the hard corners with a quarter-ellipse and specifying the radii of each ellipse.
  11. Better typographic control has been a consistent feature of each new iteration of CSS. At the same time, the lack of an interoperable Web font format can be frustrating. Internet Explorer 9 enhances existing support for CSS fonts to provide compliance with the CSS3 Fonts Module. It also adds support for the Web Open Font Format (WOFF) and raw fonts. WOFF is backed by all of the major browser vendors and font foundries is a repackaging of the OpenType font format – for which there are many tools available to developers for packaging fonts today.No longer are designers and developers limited to the small list of web safe fonts. By using the @font-face, and specifying a source URL for the WOFF font file, the browser downloads the necessary font and uses it as the page designer specifies. Demo From IETestDrive.com
  12. The CSS3 Media Queries Module specifies methods to enable web developers to scope a style sheet to a set of precise device capabilities. For instance, you might want to design pages differently for users browsing on a mobile device (that has a tiny screen, limited color palette, low resolution, and so on) versus a netbook (that has a small screen, full color palette, high resolution, and so on) versus a standard computer (with a large screen, full color palette, high resolution, and so on). The full list of media properties supported by CSS3 media queries includes width, height, device-width, device-height, orientation, aspect-ratio, device-aspect-ratio, color, color-index, monochrome, and resolution.Demos From IETestDrive.com
  13. 2D transforms in CSS allow for various transformation to be applied to elements, such as scaling or rotating. It is possible to apply one or many transforms to a single element. This allows for effects such as rotating text or images at an angle, and can be combined with transitions to apply interactive effects such as scaling up elements when the users interacts with them.