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Web Design and Beyond

      Andy Stratton ���
How do we define web design?

• “...the way content is delivered to an end-user
  through the World Wide Web, using a web
  or other web-enabled software...”
  — from

• Design as a solution for content delivery
• More than browser: mobile, tablet, search
  engine, etc.
Where we’ve been...

• Visual movements toward better usability and
   outstanding user experience
   (Fitt’s law, Hick’s law, return to true design principles)

• Subtle design details that make a big
   (softer gradients, white space, grid systems & frameworks)

• Hacks to replacement, JSgap from printPNG
  (font image
              bridge the
                           rounded corners,
Where we’Re going...

• Web Fonts no more image replacement, part of CSS3)
  (embed real fonts,

• CSS3 borders, box and text shadows, and much more!)

  (better semantics, geolocation, better video support, drag
   and drop
   and much more!)

• Better Devicedesign, mobile, touch, etc.)
  (responsive web

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Authoring Stylesheets with Compass & Sass
Authoring Stylesheets with Compass & SassAuthoring Stylesheets with Compass & Sass
Authoring Stylesheets with Compass & Sass

The document discusses authoring stylesheets using Sass and Compass. It provides an overview of Sass features like variables, nested rules, mixins, and more. It also discusses how Compass can be used to simplify CSS development with features like a project context, libraries, and asset management. The presentation aims to teach attendees the Sass syntax and how to set up and use Compass projects.

compass sass csssummit css stylesheets web softwar
Introduction to CSS3
Introduction to CSS3Introduction to CSS3
Introduction to CSS3

This presentation is target for developers that are new to CSS3, and would like to know what CSS3 they need to understand for Windows 8 development.

CSS3: Ripe and Ready
CSS3: Ripe and ReadyCSS3: Ripe and Ready
CSS3: Ripe and Ready

CSS3 isn't the future, it's the present, and is ripe for the pickin' and is ready to respond to display your sites in multiple devices right now. Presented at Rich Web Experience 2011, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

responsive designcss3 toolsmedia queries
Web Fonts

• Hell,hear it in the crowd if you’ve had to deal with sIFR,
   Cúfon or image replacement techniques)

• Use CSS3 toType (.otf),REAL fonts in your site
  Includes: Open
                         TrueType (.ttf), Embedded
   OpenType (.eot), Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg), Web Open
   Font Format (.woff)

• Simple to use, many services hosting popular
Web Fonts - How It Works
Web Fonts - Sample CSS

Benefits of Web Fonts

• Less overhead resource heavy hacks like sIFR, Cúfon,
  (eliminates need for
   font image replacement)

• Better User-Experience & paste, find, etc.)
  (still allows resize, select, copy

• Gracefully with pure CSS, will use fallback fonts as
  (can be done

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10 Advanced CSS Techniques (You Wish You Knew More About)
10 Advanced CSS Techniques (You Wish You Knew More About)10 Advanced CSS Techniques (You Wish You Knew More About)
10 Advanced CSS Techniques (You Wish You Knew More About)

Presentation for Webuquerque's November 2, 2011 event. Practical examples of some of the latest CSS 3 techniques (and a few often-forgotten CSS 2.1 ones) including: image-free gradients and text shadows, attribute selectors, transitions and transforms, and media queries

Simply Responsive CSS3
Simply Responsive CSS3Simply Responsive CSS3
Simply Responsive CSS3

Don't be fooled, CSS3 isn't the future, it's the present, and is ripe for the pickin' and is ready to respond to display your sites in multiple devices right now.

pariswebresponsive designcss3 tools
CSS Framework + Progressive Enhacements
CSS Framework + Progressive EnhacementsCSS Framework + Progressive Enhacements
CSS Framework + Progressive Enhacements

Mario Hernandez presented on CSS frameworks and progressive enhancements with CSS3. The presentation covered choosing the right CSS framework based on factors like project requirements, fluid grid systems, responsiveness, documentation, and maintenance. Frameworks like Foundation and 960 Grid System were showcased. Grid systems use rows and columns to layout content. Progressive enhancements with CSS3 focus on widely supported properties to enhance the user experience without sacrificing functionality. Additional resources on grids, CSS3, and responsive design were provided.

Web Font Caveats

• Font Licensing licensing, must check specific font)
  (all fonts have different

• Screen Rendering
  (different operating systems
   and browsers may render
   fonts differently)

• Hosted Font Implementation
  (sometimes require Javascript, can be
   slow/unreliable at times)
Web Fonts - Resources

• How to/Info Posts

• Font Conversion
Web Fonts - Resources

• Free Font Directories

• Paid Font Directories
Web Fonts - Who’s Using?

                 Jonathan Snook
                 web designer, developer,
                 speaker & author

                 Matt Mullenweg
                 WordPress founding developer
                 Founder/CEO of Automattic

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W3webschool trusted and best Digital Marketing Training,Web Design Training,SEO Training,Php Training center Kolkata,India.

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Compass is a CSS authoring framework that uses Sass, a CSS extension language. It allows for variables, mixins, imports and other features that make CSS cleaner, easier to maintain and more powerful. Compass comes with a library of CSS3 mixins and can be extended with custom functions. Using Compass and Sass avoids copying the same CSS code across projects and ensures styles are up to date for new browsers through recompiling. It improves the development workflow over manually writing cross-browser CSS.

3d cubes building blocks stacked 3x3x3 powerpoint ppt slides.
3d cubes building blocks stacked 3x3x3 powerpoint ppt slides.3d cubes building blocks stacked 3x3x3 powerpoint ppt slides.
3d cubes building blocks stacked 3x3x3 powerpoint ppt slides.

The document presents editable 3D cube diagrams for use in PowerPoint presentations. It provides instructions for customizing the cubes by changing text, colors, sizes, and orientations. The cubes and editing instructions are intended to help users bring their presentations to life and capture audience attention.


• Border Radius (and BorderCSS)
  (that’s right: rounded rectangles via

• Shadows (boxes and text) without images)
  (duplicate your drop-shadow effects

• RGBA Transparency, Gradients, Multiple
   (better transparency support, native gradient, multiple
   background images and much more)
CSS3 - Border Radius
• border-radius property
• Set a radius value for all (or any single)
 top left                              top right

bottom left                          bottom right

• Emulates the rounded rectangle

• Browser support limited to vendor prefixes
CSS3 - Border Image

• Set an image instead of color for a border
• Uses an image “sprite” of sorts

                           Old School Slicing
CSS3 - Border Image

• Set an image instead of color for a border
• Uses an image “sprite” of sorts

            Repeating background
              on content <div>

                                   Old School Slicing

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Web designing syllabus
Web designing syllabusWeb designing syllabus
Web designing syllabus

This document outlines the course syllabus for an Advance Diploma in Web Development program. The program covers topics such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Dreamweaver, Flash, and Photoshop. It provides descriptions and time durations for subjects ranging from basic HTML tags and CSS properties to more advanced topics like PHP functions, arrays, file handling, databases, and integrating PHP with MySQL.

web designcourse contentsyllabus
Before Going Vector
Before Going VectorBefore Going Vector
Before Going Vector

This document provides an overview of vectors and SVG, discussing their benefits over raster images in terms of scalability, file size and expressiveness. It outlines different ways vectors and SVG can be used in browsers and with tools like Illustrator, and provides tips on optimizing and integrating SVG files. The document concludes that SVG is now the best format for drawing vectors in browsers and encourages readers to start using vectors.

web designsvgadobe
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

A hands-on introduction to Responsive Web Design presented by Mario Hernandez at Socal CodeCamp 2012, San Diego .Net User Group 2013, San Diego SoCal CodeCamp 2013 at UCSD & SoCal CodeCamp 2013 at USC, Online Webinars throughout 2014.

media queriesgridscss3
CSS3 - Border Image

• Set an image instead of color for a border
• Uses an image “sprite” of sorts
           Wrapping <div> for top

            Repeating background
              on content <div>

                                   Old School Slicing
CSS3 - Border Image

• Set an image instead of color for a border
• Uses an image “sprite” of sorts
           Wrapping <div> for top

            Repeating background
              on content <div>

                Wrapping <div>
                  for bottom

                                   Old School Slicing
CSS3 - Border Image
border-image: url(“border-img.png”) 43 30 30 48 repeat;

• Uses values to slice pieces of this image to
  create the length, height & corners of the
  border of the element
CSS3 - Border Image
border-image: url(“border-img.png”) 43 30 30 48 repeat;

• Uses values to slice pieces of this image to
  create the length, height & corners of the
  border of the element

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CSS3: Are you experienced?
CSS3: Are you experienced?CSS3: Are you experienced?
CSS3: Are you experienced?

Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects which CSS and HTML5 features are supported by the user's browser. It allows for progressive enhancement by applying features when supported and providing alternatives when not. This helps websites work on a wide range of browsers while still taking advantage of newer features for supported browsers.

Psd 2 Drupal
Psd 2 DrupalPsd 2 Drupal
Psd 2 Drupal

The document discusses various tools and techniques for creating Drupal themes from Photoshop designs, including Firefox extensions like Firebug and YSlow for debugging and performance analysis, overlay tools like MeasureIt and GridFox, and desktop apps like Skitch and OmniGraffle. It also covers useful Drupal modules like Theme Developer and Skinr, as well as CSS techniques like sprites and image replacement.

Svcc 2013-css3-and-mobile
Svcc 2013-css3-and-mobileSvcc 2013-css3-and-mobile
Svcc 2013-css3-and-mobile

HTML5, CSS3, and performance factors, and how to develop mobile applications using PhoneGap3.0 for mobile devices, including Google Glass.

CSS3 - Border Image
border-image: url(“border-img.png”) 43 30 30 48 repeat;

     43 pixels

    30 pixels

                      48 pixels         30 pixels

CSS3 - Border Image

• More examples and resources on border-




                        These are also some resources I
                        used when developing this
                        presentation ;]
CSS3 - Shadows

• Drop Your Shadowsdrop-shadows withHot
  (Duplicate your Photoshop
                            Like They’re

• box-shadow gives block-level elements

• text-shadow gives selectable text shadows
   and definition
CSS3 - Box Shadow

box-shadow: 5px 8px 10px #FFFF00;

  x-offset (from left)
                         y-offset (from top)   blur radius shadow color

                           My Box

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BDUG Responsive Web Theming - 7/23/12
BDUG Responsive Web Theming - 7/23/12BDUG Responsive Web Theming - 7/23/12
BDUG Responsive Web Theming - 7/23/12

Berkeley Drupal Users Group (BDUG) Slides from 7/23/12 presentation on Responsive Web Theming with Zen 5, Sass, and Compass

Advanced sass/compass
Advanced sass/compassAdvanced sass/compass
Advanced sass/compass

My presentation at SourceDevCon. There's a lot more you can do with Sass/Compass than just parameterize CSS.

CSM Module 3: Corporate blogging
CSM Module 3: Corporate bloggingCSM Module 3: Corporate blogging
CSM Module 3: Corporate blogging

The document discusses corporate blogging and lessons learned from incidents where companies were criticized online. It provides tips for effective blogging, including the need to regularly update blogs, track metrics, promote blogs, and link to related content. Examples are given of companies that successfully used blogging to humanize their brand and promote products. Guidelines are offered for getting started with blogging using WordPress.

corporate bloggingsocial media
CSS3 - Box Shadows

• Vendor prefixes required (currently)
  -moz-box-shadow, -webkit-box-shadow

• inset keyword allows inner shadow
 •   box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 10px #f00;

• Can do multiple shadows on one element
  by separating declarations with comma

CSS3 - Text Shadow

• Similar syntax to box-shadow
• Often used to accent text, increase
  text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff;

   x-offset (left)                    blur radius
                     y-offset (top)

CSS3 - RGB(a)

• RGB with alpha transparency
  /* 50% opacity, white */
  rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1 );

• Allows true alpha transparency when
  setting colors

• Useful for layering elements that should
  overlap transparently while containing fully
  opaque items

Further CSS3 Resources





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01.Key trends in social media
01.Key trends in social media01.Key trends in social media
01.Key trends in social media

The document discusses key concepts in social media marketing. It outlines 4 learning objectives focused on understanding social media tools and strategies. It then covers trends in social media like the rise of mobile and visual content. The document emphasizes listening to customers, connecting through conversations, adding value, and measuring engagement and impact. It argues that ignoring social media can negatively impact brands by missing customer feedback, ceding ground to competitors, and losing credibility during crises.

social media roisocial media planningsocial media marketing
CSM Module 6: Crisis communications
CSM Module 6: Crisis communicationsCSM Module 6: Crisis communications
CSM Module 6: Crisis communications

1. Dell responded quickly to the laptop battery crisis, notifying customers of the recall and setting up a website for safe replacements. 2. It worked with safety authorities to monitor the situation and assured customers of the products' safety to maintain trust. 3. Sony took longer to acknowledge the problem and execute a large global recall, hurting its reputation and profits in the process.

crisis communicationssocial media
03.Advance search
03.Advance search03.Advance search
03.Advance search

This document provides tips and strategies for using Google tools like Google Alerts, RSS feeds, and dashboards to monitor brands and stay up-to-date on relevant information from websites, blogs, and news sources. It discusses how to set up Google Alerts and RSS feeds to track keywords, competitors, and industry news. It also gives examples of using RSS feeds to monitor specific company websites and blogs for press releases or updates.

Trendsetting: Web Design and Beyond
Trendsetting: Web Design and Beyond
HTML .......

•   Super simple DOCTYPE

    •   From:
        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
        Transitional//EN" "

    •   To:
        <!DOCTYPE html>

•   More semantic elements

    <header> <footer> <section> <aside> <video>

•   Widely accepted by newer mobile & tablet devices

HTML .......

• Support built-in for:
 • native video (no flash)
 • geolocation
 • offline storage
 • drag and drop files (like Gmail’s new
 • canvas (SVG)
 • enhanced form input elements and
    • text, search, url, tel,week, time,
      datetime, date, month,
      number, range, etc.

    • attributes like autofocus and        +

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The document provides an overview of how Twitter can be used both internally and externally by companies and organizations. It discusses how immediacy, velocity, and other characteristics of social media allow Twitter to engage audiences and provide instant feedback. Examples are given of how public relations, customer service, and other functions make use of Twitter. Best practices from social media professionals are also highlighted.

twitter tips
SharePoint 2010 for Business
SharePoint 2010 for BusinessSharePoint 2010 for Business
SharePoint 2010 for Business

An overview of the business decision maker's areas to consider for upgrading or installing SharePoint 2010.

sbtugkathy hughessharepoint
Ways To Be Healthier - Heart
Ways To Be Healthier - HeartWays To Be Healthier - Heart
Ways To Be Healthier - Heart

Meditation, drinking pomegranate juice, and having loving relationships can help lower blood pressure and reduce heart disease risk. Eating soy foods five times a week and getting a pet can also help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Getting a flu shot and taking the stairs instead of the elevator have been shown to decrease heart disease hospitalizations and improve cardiovascular health.

HTML       ..... Resources


Responsive Web Design

• How your web design responds to the
  medium (or device) in which it is being viewed

• One site for all (or many) mediums/users

Get Trendy

• CSS3 changes the typography game with

• Properties like shadows, border-radius and
  gradients help us duplicate Photoshop
  effects that used to require images

• Enhanced alpha transparency support can
  create some interesting effects
Get Trendier

• HTML5 improves semantics and adds some
  nifty UI elements that used to require

• Geolocation support is a nice capability to
  keep in mind when designing user-

• Enhanced alpha transparency support can
  create some interesting effects

Recommended for you

CSS3 and Advanced Design
CSS3 and Advanced DesignCSS3 and Advanced Design
CSS3 and Advanced Design

Talk given at DevCon 5 in Santa Clara: The power of the web has arrived for mobile phones and tablets. CSS3 gives web sites a dynamic, interactive capability and greater useability. CSS3 adds fine grained controls for designers looking to bring the web closer to reality.

Html5 more than just html5 v final
Html5  more than just html5 v finalHtml5  more than just html5 v final
Html5 more than just html5 v final

1. HTML5 is a major revision to the HTML standard that is still under development and aims to be the future of the web. 2. It includes new elements like <video>, <audio>, and <canvas> that allow embedding multimedia without plugins, as well as features like geolocation. 3. The HTML5 specification is very large, covering HTML, SVG, CSS, and APIs. It aims to provide a common standard for web applications. 4. HTML5 is not just a marketing term - it represents an ongoing effort to develop a unified standard for the next generation of the web.

html html5 w3c
Website trends 2012 presentation
Website trends 2012 presentationWebsite trends 2012 presentation
Website trends 2012 presentation

This document discusses responsive web design trends for 2012, including responsive design which allows websites to automatically resize content to fit any screen resolution from mobile to desktop. It highlights that 15% of users now browse on mobile and responsive design improves the user experience and conversion rates. CSS3 features like media queries, fonts, borders, shadows and images are also covered to create impactful designs.

You Trendsetter, You.

• Designing for both desktop and mobile is
  becoming a bigger need as mobile browsing
  is growing fast

• Responsive web design uses existing
  technologies to allow your design to respond
  to what is being used to view it

• Tools like modernizr.js and HTML5 boilerplate
  can help enhance older browsers to support
  early adoption of these technologies
Oh, yeah... Questions? Comments? Donations?

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Trendsetting: Web Design and Beyond

  • 1. TRENDSETTING: Web Design and Beyond Andy Stratton •
  • 2. How do we define web design? • “...the way content is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, using a web browser or other web-enabled software...” — from • Design as a solution for content delivery • More than browser: mobile, tablet, search engine, etc.
  • 3. Where we’ve been... • Visual movements toward better usability and outstanding user experience (Fitt’s law, Hick’s law, return to true design principles) • Subtle design details that make a big difference (softer gradients, white space, grid systems & frameworks) • Hacks to replacement, JSgap from printPNG (font image bridge the rounded corners, design transparency)
  • 4. Where we’Re going... • Web Fonts no more image replacement, part of CSS3) (embed real fonts, • CSS3 borders, box and text shadows, and much more!) (rounded • HTML5 (better semantics, geolocation, better video support, drag and drop and much more!) • Better Devicedesign, mobile, touch, etc.) (responsive web Support
  • 5. Web Fonts • Hell,hear it in the crowd if you’ve had to deal with sIFR, (let’s yeah. Cúfon or image replacement techniques) • Use CSS3 toType (.otf),REAL fonts in your site Includes: Open embed TrueType (.ttf), Embedded OpenType (.eot), Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg), Web Open Font Format (.woff) • Simple to use, many services hosting popular fonts
  • 6. Web Fonts - How It Works
  • 7. Web Fonts - Sample CSS +
  • 8. Benefits of Web Fonts • Less overhead resource heavy hacks like sIFR, Cúfon, (eliminates need for font image replacement) • Better User-Experience & paste, find, etc.) (still allows resize, select, copy • Gracefully with pure CSS, will use fallback fonts as (can be done Degrades needed)
  • 9. Web Font Caveats • Font Licensing licensing, must check specific font) (all fonts have different • Screen Rendering (different operating systems and browsers may render fonts differently) • Hosted Font Implementation (sometimes require Javascript, can be slow/unreliable at times)
  • 10. Web Fonts - Resources • How to/Info Posts css-font-face/ embedding-master • Font Conversion converting-ttf2eot
  • 11. Web Fonts - Resources • Free Font Directories • Paid Font Directories
  • 12. Web Fonts - Who’s Using? Jonathan Snook web designer, developer, speaker & author Matt Mullenweg WordPress founding developer Founder/CEO of Automattic
  • 13. CSS3 • Border Radius (and BorderCSS) (that’s right: rounded rectangles via Image) • Shadows (boxes and text) without images) (duplicate your drop-shadow effects • RGBA Transparency, Gradients, Multiple BG’s (better transparency support, native gradient, multiple background images and much more)
  • 14. CSS3 - Border Radius • border-radius property • Set a radius value for all (or any single) border top left top right bottom left bottom right • Emulates the rounded rectangle appearance • Browser support limited to vendor prefixes +
  • 15. CSS3 - Border Image • Set an image instead of color for a border • Uses an image “sprite” of sorts Old School Slicing
  • 16. CSS3 - Border Image • Set an image instead of color for a border • Uses an image “sprite” of sorts Repeating background on content <div> Old School Slicing
  • 17. CSS3 - Border Image • Set an image instead of color for a border • Uses an image “sprite” of sorts Wrapping <div> for top Repeating background on content <div> Old School Slicing
  • 18. CSS3 - Border Image • Set an image instead of color for a border • Uses an image “sprite” of sorts Wrapping <div> for top Repeating background on content <div> Wrapping <div> for bottom Old School Slicing
  • 19. CSS3 - Border Image border-image: url(“border-img.png”) 43 30 30 48 repeat; • Uses values to slice pieces of this image to create the length, height & corners of the border of the element
  • 20. CSS3 - Border Image border-image: url(“border-img.png”) 43 30 30 48 repeat; • Uses values to slice pieces of this image to create the length, height & corners of the border of the element
  • 21. CSS3 - Border Image border-image: url(“border-img.png”) 43 30 30 48 repeat; 43 pixels 30 pixels 48 pixels 30 pixels +
  • 22. CSS3 - Border Image • More examples and resources on border- image • images • border-image/demos.html • • border-image-anim.html These are also some resources I used when developing this presentation ;]
  • 23. CSS3 - Shadows • Drop Your Shadowsdrop-shadows withHot (Duplicate your Photoshop Like They’re CSS!) • box-shadow gives block-level elements shadows • text-shadow gives selectable text shadows and definition
  • 24. CSS3 - Box Shadow box-shadow: 5px 8px 10px #FFFF00; x-offset (from left) y-offset (from top) blur radius shadow color My Box
  • 25. CSS3 - Box Shadows • Vendor prefixes required (currently) -moz-box-shadow, -webkit-box-shadow • inset keyword allows inner shadow • box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 10px #f00; • Can do multiple shadows on one element by separating declarations with comma +
  • 26. CSS3 - Text Shadow • Similar syntax to box-shadow • Often used to accent text, increase readability text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; color x-offset (left) blur radius y-offset (top) +
  • 27. CSS3 - RGB(a) • RGB with alpha transparency /* 50% opacity, white */ rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1 ); • Allows true alpha transparency when setting colors • Useful for layering elements that should overlap transparently while containing fully opaque items +
  • 28. Further CSS3 Resources • resources/ • • +
  • 31. HTML ....... • Super simple DOCTYPE • From: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> • To: <!DOCTYPE html> • More semantic elements <header> <footer> <section> <aside> <video> • Widely accepted by newer mobile & tablet devices +
  • 32. HTML ....... • Support built-in for: • native video (no flash) • geolocation • offline storage • drag and drop files (like Gmail’s new feature) • canvas (SVG) • enhanced form input elements and attributes: • text, search, url, tel,week, time, datetime, date, month, email, number, range, etc. • attributes like autofocus and +
  • 33. HTML ..... Resources • • • • • html5-resources-you-need-for-getting-up- to-speed/ +
  • 34. Responsive Web Design • How your web design responds to the medium (or device) in which it is being viewed • One site for all (or many) mediums/users • responsive-web-design/ • web-design/ex/ex-site-flexible.html
  • 35. Get Trendy • CSS3 changes the typography game with @font-face • Properties like shadows, border-radius and gradients help us duplicate Photoshop effects that used to require images • Enhanced alpha transparency support can create some interesting effects
  • 36. Get Trendier • HTML5 improves semantics and adds some nifty UI elements that used to require Javascript • Geolocation support is a nice capability to keep in mind when designing user- experiences • Enhanced alpha transparency support can create some interesting effects
  • 37. You Trendsetter, You. • Designing for both desktop and mobile is becoming a bigger need as mobile browsing is growing fast • Responsive web design uses existing technologies to allow your design to respond to what is being used to view it • Tools like modernizr.js and HTML5 boilerplate can help enhance older browsers to support early adoption of these technologies
  • 38. Thanks. Oh, yeah... Questions? Comments? Donations?

Editor's Notes

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