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Don Larson – CEO
Dave Manock
Technology Workshop
VizEx View HTML5
February 23rd-25th 2016
Workshop - VizEx View – CGM HTML5
• The muting and unmuting of delegates will be supervised by the
the organizers
• Live questions will be taken in Q&A
• Please click the ‘Raise Hand’ button
• You can also Post questions during webinar using Questions panel
• If you experience problems when joining the webinar please
use the questions function to communicate
• VOIP is the recommended audio option
• Handouts can be downloaded during the presentation
• Audio Q&A sessions will be available during the presentation
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
• Technology Introduction
• VizEx View HTML5 Demonstration
• Q&A
• Implementation of the Product
• Supporting Documentation (SDK)
• Resources
• Evaluation Program
• Final Q&A session and Closing remarks
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
Background (1) - Overview
Computer Graphics Metafile
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard for
vector and composite vector/raster picture definition since 1987.
HyperText Markup Language
The cornerstone of the W3C's open web platform; a framework
designed to foster innovation and develop the full potential the
web has to offer.
Web Graphics Library
A JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D computer graphics and 2D
graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins.
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016

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WebGL의 무궁무진한 가능성

This document discusses the possibilities of WebGL and how it can be used for 3D graphics rendering on the web. It explains that WebGL allows for GPU-accelerated rendering directly in the browser by using APIs to control graphics processing units. It provides examples of using WebGL to initialize a WebGL context, create and compile shaders, and render 3D graphics by passing vertex and color data to shaders. The document recommends learning resources and frameworks for WebGL and suggests areas where WebGL could be applied, such as games, data visualization, and user interfaces.

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Real User Measurement Insights, London WebPerf 2018-Nov-06

Many websites use real user measurement (RUM) data to analyze their performance, as well as to validate the impact of optimizations. During this session, we’ll discuss how RUM is used and then explore some of the fascinating insights into the web that we can learn from it. Video:

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Moving to the Client - JavaFX and HTML5
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Moving to the Client - JavaFX and HTML5

Stephen Chin and Kevin Nilson presented on integrating JavaFX and HTML5. They discussed the history of HTML and HTML5 features like offline storage and WebGL. They demonstrated displaying HTML in JavaFX using WebView and responding to browser events. They also showed examples in different JVM languages like GroovyFX and ScalaFX. A Pro JavaFX 2 book was announced to cover the new controls and integration examples.

Background (2) – HTML5
• HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
• Core technology of the Internet used for structuring and presenting content
on the World Wide Web
• Not owned, non-proprietary
• HTML5 adds many new syntactic features including:
• <video>, <audio> and <canvas> elements
• Additionally the integration of the SVG graphics format
• The new features are primarily designed to enable multimedia delivery
without using plug-ins
• Device-independent design to work on broad array of devices PCs,
smartphones and tablets
• Introduces several application programming interfaces (APIs) for complex web
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
Background (3) – WebGL
• JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D and 2D graphics
• Designed and maintained by the non-profit Khronos Group
• Completely integrated into all the web standards of the
browser permitting GPU acceleration.
• No plug-in required in a compatible web browser
• WebGL is widely supported in modern browsers.
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
• ActiveX weaknesses
• Has to be installed on the target computer
• Strongly criticized for security problems
• ActiveX Browser Support
• Microsoft Edge browser - Support dropped
• Good indication the technology will phased out
• Chrome and Firefox still support ActiveX
• Future strategy unknown
• A solution without the reliance on a plug-in will be beneficial
New Technology ActiveX alternative?
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
VizEx View HTML5
Live Demo
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2015

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The document discusses key metrics for measuring web performance and identifies common traits of high performing websites. It analyzes data from sources like HTTP Archive, Google BigQuery, and Akamai mPulse to show correlations between page load times and various performance factors. Some best practices recommended are reducing page weight by optimizing images, compressing text assets, limiting third parties and custom web fonts, and ensuring resources in the critical rendering path are optimized.

httparchivechrome user experience reportmpulse
How it works
Code server
(VizExView.js and
License file)
Hosted for evaluations
Desktop clients
(Windows, Linux, Macs)
(Android, iOS, Windows)
Document server
(html, cgms, images)
• VizEx View HTML5 Evaluation page
• Getting started document
• API Document
• Live Examples
Getting Started
Migrating ActiveX to HTML5
ActiveX HTML code: <HTML>
<OBJECT TYPE=“image/cgm “ ID="cgm" WIDTH=“100%" HEIGHT=“800" >
<PARAM NAME="SRC" value="ALLELM01.cgm">
HTML5 code : <!DOCTYPE html>
<canvas id="cgm" width="100%" height=“800px"></canvs>
var Module = { canvas: document.getElementById('cgm') , src: ="ALLELM01.cgm"};
<script src=""></script>
* No changes to CGM is required
Customizing the Toolbar
<div class="toolbar" id="toolbar">
<img id="openfile" src="images/Open.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="document.getElementById('fileInput').click()“ title="Open a CGM file from your local machine." />
<img id="opennetfile" src="images/Net_open.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="Module.promptURLFile()“ title="Open a CGM file from the server" />
<img id="scale2fit" src="images/Scale_to_fit.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setMapping(0)“ title="Scale to fit." />
<img id="scale2width" src="images/Scale_to_width.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setMapping(1)“ title="Scale to width." />
<img id="scale2-100" src="images/Scale_to_100.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setMapping(3)“ title="Scale to actual size." />
<img id="zoommode" src="images/Zoom_mode.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setZoomPanMode(0)“ title="Zoom to selected rectangle." />
<img id="zoomin" src="images/Zoom_in.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setZoomPanMode(2)“ title="Zoom in." />
<img id="zoomout" src="images/Zoom_out.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setZoomPanMode(3)" title="Zoom out." />
<img id="panmode" src="images/Pan_mode.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setZoomPanMode(1)“ title="Pan zoomed image." />
<img id="toggleHots" src="images/Show_hotspots.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="toggleHighlightsFunc()“ title="Toggle highlight on and off." />
<img id="about" src="images/About-trans.png" alt="HTML5"
onclick="Module.about()“ title="Information about VizEx View HTML5." />

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VizEx View HTML5 technology enables the display of CGM graphics in a web browser, without the requirement for a plug-in. Our popular event returns with an introduction to the technology, and the latest news on how we’re improving the technology. The event will be suitable for individuals and organizations who are new to the technology, and current customers. The developers will be on hand to answer technical questions, and explain how the technology is improving under the hood. We hope you can join us for this informative event.

Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
• The benefits of the new technology are significant:
• Full CGM support
• Fast and quality rendering
• No Plug-in required
• No software installation required
• Easily accessible
• Configurable toolbar offering full control over the graphic display
• S1000D and ATA iSpec 2200 compliant
The Benefits
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
• Join the program
• High Level - Candidate Criteria:
• Have a real-life application for technology implementation
• Possess the expertise to implement
• Designate Evaluation Contact person
• Provide product feedback
• Access to product developer
Join the Evaluation Program
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
• The new Larson technology will change the way CGM files are
displayed on the web and IETP’s
• ActiveX plug-in issues will be eliminated
• IT departments will be your friend
• Apply for the program and become part of the
Evolution of CGM Viewing
Q&A and Final remarks
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016

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This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

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This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Html5 Overview
Html5 OverviewHtml5 Overview
Html5 Overview

This document provides an overview of HTML5, including its history, timeline, new features, and compatibility with browsers. Some key points: - HTML5 development is led by the WHATWG and W3C to standardize web applications. It simplifies HTML and introduces new semantic elements like <article>, <aside>, <header>. - New features include multimedia with <audio> and <video> tags, 3D graphics with Canvas, and offline/storage APIs. Forms are enhanced with new input types. - CSS3 adds animation, transitions and transforms. Performance improves with Web Workers and XMLHttpRequest Level 2. - Browser support for HTML5 features is tracked on http://caniuse

Closing Information
Thank you for attending
• Supporting Information
• VizEx View - HTML5 Product Datasheet
• CGM Infographic
• Upcoming Larson Events
• Webinar March 30th 11am Eastern
• Previewing VizEdit Version 11.00
• New Drawing and CAD Import functions
• Registration opening soon Follow Us
Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2015

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VizEx View HTML5 Workshop

  • 1. Presenter Don Larson – CEO Moderator Dave Manock Technology Workshop VizEx View HTML5 February 23rd-25th 2016
  • 2. Workshop - VizEx View – CGM HTML5 • The muting and unmuting of delegates will be supervised by the the organizers • Live questions will be taken in Q&A • Please click the ‘Raise Hand’ button • You can also Post questions during webinar using Questions panel • If you experience problems when joining the webinar please use the questions function to communicate • VOIP is the recommended audio option • Handouts can be downloaded during the presentation • Audio Q&A sessions will be available during the presentation Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 3. Agenda • Technology Introduction • VizEx View HTML5 Demonstration • Q&A • Implementation of the Product • Supporting Documentation (SDK) • Resources • Evaluation Program • Final Q&A session and Closing remarks Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 4. Background (1) - Overview Computer Graphics Metafile ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard for vector and composite vector/raster picture definition since 1987. HyperText Markup Language The cornerstone of the W3C's open web platform; a framework designed to foster innovation and develop the full potential the web has to offer. Web Graphics Library A JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D computer graphics and 2D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 5. Background (2) – HTML5 • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) • Core technology of the Internet used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web • Not owned, non-proprietary • HTML5 adds many new syntactic features including: • <video>, <audio> and <canvas> elements • Additionally the integration of the SVG graphics format • The new features are primarily designed to enable multimedia delivery without using plug-ins • Device-independent design to work on broad array of devices PCs, smartphones and tablets • Introduces several application programming interfaces (APIs) for complex web applications Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 6. Background (3) – WebGL • JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D and 2D graphics • Designed and maintained by the non-profit Khronos Group • Completely integrated into all the web standards of the browser permitting GPU acceleration. • No plug-in required in a compatible web browser • WebGL is widely supported in modern browsers. Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 7. • ActiveX weaknesses • Has to be installed on the target computer • Strongly criticized for security problems • ActiveX Browser Support • Microsoft Edge browser - Support dropped • Good indication the technology will phased out • Chrome and Firefox still support ActiveX • Future strategy unknown • A solution without the reliance on a plug-in will be beneficial New Technology ActiveX alternative? Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 8. VizEx View HTML5 Live Demo Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2015
  • 9. How it works Code server (VizExView.js and License file) Hosted for evaluations on Desktop clients (Windows, Linux, Macs) Tablets (Android, iOS, Windows) Document server (html, cgms, images)
  • 10. • VizEx View HTML5 Evaluation page • Getting started document • API Document • Live Examples Getting Started
  • 11. Migrating ActiveX to HTML5 ActiveX HTML code: <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <BODY> <OBJECT TYPE=“image/cgm “ ID="cgm" WIDTH=“100%" HEIGHT=“800" > <PARAM NAME="SRC" value="ALLELM01.cgm"> </OBJECT> </BODY> </HTML> HTML5 code : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <canvas id="cgm" width="100%" height=“800px"></canvs> <script> var Module = { canvas: document.getElementById('cgm') , src: ="ALLELM01.cgm"}; </script> <script src=""></script> </body> </html> * No changes to CGM is required
  • 12. Customizing the Toolbar <div class="toolbar" id="toolbar"> <img id="openfile" src="images/Open.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="document.getElementById('fileInput').click()“ title="Open a CGM file from your local machine." /> <img id="opennetfile" src="images/Net_open.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="Module.promptURLFile()“ title="Open a CGM file from the server" /> <img id="scale2fit" src="images/Scale_to_fit.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setMapping(0)“ title="Scale to fit." /> <img id="scale2width" src="images/Scale_to_width.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setMapping(1)“ title="Scale to width." /> <img id="scale2-100" src="images/Scale_to_100.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setMapping(3)“ title="Scale to actual size." /> <img id="zoommode" src="images/Zoom_mode.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setZoomPanMode(0)“ title="Zoom to selected rectangle." /> <img id="zoomin" src="images/Zoom_in.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setZoomPanMode(2)“ title="Zoom in." /> <img id="zoomout" src="images/Zoom_out.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setZoomPanMode(3)" title="Zoom out." /> <img id="panmode" src="images/Pan_mode.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="getWebCGMDocument().setZoomPanMode(1)“ title="Pan zoomed image." /> <img id="toggleHots" src="images/Show_hotspots.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="toggleHighlightsFunc()“ title="Toggle highlight on and off." /> <img id="about" src="images/About-trans.png" alt="HTML5" onclick="Module.about()“ title="Information about VizEx View HTML5." /> </div>
  • 14. • The benefits of the new technology are significant: • Full CGM support • Fast and quality rendering • No Plug-in required • No software installation required • Easily accessible • Configurable toolbar offering full control over the graphic display • S1000D and ATA iSpec 2200 compliant The Benefits Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 15. • Join the program • High Level - Candidate Criteria: • Have a real-life application for technology implementation • Possess the expertise to implement • Designate Evaluation Contact person • Provide product feedback • Access to product developer Join the Evaluation Program Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 16. • The new Larson technology will change the way CGM files are displayed on the web and IETP’s • ActiveX plug-in issues will be eliminated • IT departments will be your friend • Apply for the program and become part of the Evolution of CGM Viewing Q&A and Final remarks Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2016
  • 17. Closing Information Thank you for attending • Supporting Information • VizEx View - HTML5 Product Datasheet • CGM Infographic • • Upcoming Larson Events • Webinar March 30th 11am Eastern • Previewing VizEdit Version 11.00 • New Drawing and CAD Import functions • Registration opening soon Follow Us Copyright Larson Software Technology (c) 2015