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Data Studio for SEOs:
Creating Dashboards That
Inform & Persuade
Sam Marsden, SEO & Content Manager, DeepCrawl
Pint-sized Marketing - 25th April 2019
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
My first trip to Dublin...
I’m here to break bad habits
I’m here to
break habits
You don’t have time to waste on
easily automatable tasks.
You don’t have time to waste on
easily automatable tasks.
Reporting is typically time-consuming
and doesn’t impact and influence
You need intuitive & automated
visualisations that inform and engage
Agencies: Improve client retention and
capacity to onboard new business.
Inhouse: Save time, demonstrate SEO
impact and get more budget.
Giving you the framework to automate reporting.
Inspiring you with persuasive dashboards.
Showing you the time and money you can save.
This session is about...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Automated dashboards
need to be at the
centre of our reporting.
This is how we
perceptions and
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketin
What will we need to deliver
our dashboarding dream?
What do we need?
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Data sources
Visualisation platform
Connecting ALL of the things
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Google Data Studio will be our focus
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Free Accessible Intuitive*
*For the most part
As a rule of thumb...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Any data source that can be pulled
into Google Sheets, can be visualised
in Data Studio.
Google Analytics - Time saving traffic reports
Search Console - Top level trends & monthly
Speed dashboards - Visualising real user metrics
What dashboards will we look at?
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Saving time with Analytics
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Site performance dashboard
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Top-level KPIs
Site performance dashboard
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Site performance dashboard
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Content performance dashboard
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Content type breakdowns
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Page level
Content type
Saves unnecessary conversations & disruptions.
Encourages more interest from
management/clients, removes friction point.
Drives strategic decisions across content team.
What are the benefits?
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Getting more out of
Google Search Console
Google’s placing more importance on speed...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketi
GSC is improving rapidly, but the UI is limited
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Need to extract and re-present this data to
save time and get its full value.
Pulling GSC into dashboards (basic option)
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing 2
Quick and cheapest option, but limited to
Performance data only.
Pulling GSC into dashboards (better option)
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing 2
Performance PLUS sitemap metrics, crawl
errors and extensive list of dimensions.
Automating the process...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Auto-refresh data
and receive emails
Data Studio
Auto schedule email delivery of
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Top level organic
Top level organic trends
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketin
Overview for relevant
YoY comparison for
top level tracking
Monthly trending
Branded/non-branded performance
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Filtering Performance data to reveal
branded & non-branded search trends.
Break performance down by directory level
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Use directory level as a dimension to reveal
organic performance for different sections of your
Surface device & geographic distributions
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Break down
distribution of
countries Trend device
month to month
Long tail vs. short tail performance
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
How is query length contributing to organic search
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Monthly comparison
Monthly comparison dashboard
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Ideal for daily/weekly check-ins to quickly detect
changes and review overall monthly comparisons.
Monthly device, geo and search type trends
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Detect changes in
traffic from
devices, countries
or search types
at a glance.
Clicks Impressions CTR
Page and query performance
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Top performing
pages in search
Top performing
queries in search
Performance comparison - Biggest wins and
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Pre-filtered tables
to show biggest
changes in
position and CTR.
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketin
Let’s talk about
CTR curves
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketi
Not these ones...
These fraggles...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketi
Jump link
to section
of page
Why are fraggles important?
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketi
Filter down URLs that contain
“#”Go after fraggles because they
get searchers to relevant
information faster.
Getting fraggles is relatively straightforward...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketin
But are you reporting on
Fraggle performance
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketi
Filter down
GSC Performance data
to URLs containing “#”
to show
fraggle performance.
Top performing queries and pages with fraggles
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketin
See which pages and queries are showing jump to links in search.
Organic blending opportunities
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Organic insights combined with:
Analytics - Engagement metrics
Log files - Crawl behaviour
Google MyBusiness - Local interactions
Google Ads - Paid activity
CTR curves
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketi
Bread and butter stuff, but by putting these
processes in place we will save time and
money in the long term
What can it save me?
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketi
Set up time:
4 hours
€0 with native
GDS connector
€60 per month with
Annual time saving:
1 hour per week
52 hours per year
= €988 saved
The key benefits
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketin
Don’t need to continually reconfigure
Trend performance data by month
and year (not daily).
Access organic insights faster.
Find out more...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Speed dashboards
using CrUX data
Google’s placing more importance on speed...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Accessing CrUX data
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing 2
Getting to the CrUX of the matter
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing 2
Why should you use the raw CrUX data?
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
● Flexibility to manipulate how you display
CrUX data.
● Inexpensive to query and store data.
● Easier for comparing multiple domains
(competitor analysis).
Getting to the CrUX of the matter
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
1. Write the SQL query.
2. Run the query.
3. Export the data.
4. Visualise in GDS.
Alternatively, for automated CRUX
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
1. Write the SQL query.
2. Run the query.
3. Store the data.
4. Visualise in GDS.
Getting buy-in from management & clients
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Competitor comparison
Revenue impact calculator
Informing development teams
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Highlight metrics causing performance issues
and poor UX to flag with developers.
Communicating the impact of optimisation
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Overlaying performance and business metrics
e.g. % fast FCP with conversion and bounce
What can it save me?
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketi
Set up time:
4 hours
Minimal BigQuery
costs for
data query and
Annual time saving:
2 hour per month
24 hours per year
= €461 saved
Essential reading for creating CrUX queries
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
● Paul Calvano - CrUX query tutorials
● Rick Viscomi - CrUX cookbook
● Oliver Mason - Misusing the Chrome User
Experience Report
Watch out for the Whiteboard Friday...
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Moz fans!
Wrapping it
all up...
Identify your
reporting time sucks
...focus on getting
you to the insights
as quickly as
...and communicate data in impactful
ways to influence the people that
This will allow you to:
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Improve time management and cost
Get insights across many digital
Free yourself up to devote time to
other areas/learning new skills.
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Notable Data Studio
Migration monitoring - Simon Cox
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Ensuring HTTPS migrations go to plan,
blending Analytics and GSC data.
JavaScript error tracking - Tom Bennet
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Track real-world
JavaScript errors
through GTM and
Comparing rendering differences - Rory Truesdale
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
differences in
crawl metrics across
rendered and non-
rendered crawls.
Internal linking opportunities - Rory Truesdale
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
Surface opportunities for improving internal
linking within site architecture using crawl data
and GSC.
The Dashboard of dashboards - Lee Hurst
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing
A MONSTER dashboard cataloguing all of the
dashboards and resources worth knowing about.
Learn about automating
SEO reporting using
Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019
Sam Marsden
SEO & Content Manager
@sam_marsden PintSizedMarketing

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Data Studio for SEOs - Pint-sized Marketing Meetup 2019

Editor's Notes

  1. Seriously stop it! You have better things to do and you can move so much faster.
  2. My personal experience of working inhouse at a startup. Time is of the essense
  3. Dashboards need to be at the centre of our reporting, because this is how we influence perceptions and decisions...not using dry tables and figures.
  4. Dashboards need to be at the centre of our reporting, because this is how we influence perceptions and decisions...not using dry tables and figures.
  5. But let’s not fuck about any more. How are we going to make our dashboarding dream a reality?
  6. The means by which you visualise data (GDS, Tableau, Domo etc.) doesn’t matter. Key point: Breaking data out of silos and combining it together in ways that are meaningful for insights and impactful to communicate We’ll be focusing on GDS because free, accessible and relatively intuitive.
  7. The means by which you visualise data (GDS, Tableau, Domo etc.) doesn’t matter. Key point: Breaking data out of silos and combining it together in ways that are meaningful for insights and impactful to communicate We’ll be focusing on GDS because free, accessible and relatively intuitive.
  8. The means by which you visualise data (GDS, Tableau, Domo etc.) doesn’t matter. Key point: Breaking data out of silos and combining it together in ways that are meaningful for insights and impactful to communicate We’ll be focusing on GDS because free, accessible and relatively intuitive.
  9. Dashboard with improved display of Performance data. Trending performance data on daily, weekly and monthly basis (toggle).
  10. Trend branded and non-branded traffic.
  11. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  12. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  13. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  14. Filter by no. words in query in Supermetrics.
  15. Filter by no. words in query in Supermetrics.
  16. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  17. Filter by no. words in query in Supermetrics.
  18. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  19. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  20. Better UX is better for search engine
  21. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  22. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  23. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  24. Filter by no. words in query in Supermetrics.
  25. Breakdown traffic for individual site sections.
  26. Add in cost saving.
  27. Filter by no. words in query in Supermetrics.
  28. Filter by no. words in query in Supermetrics.
  29. Filter by no. words in query in Supermetrics.
  30. Filter by no. words in query in Supermetrics.