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Rachel Costello
Technical SEO & Content Manager
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
The new web technologies that impact SEO
and how to handle them.
How to make your pages crawlable and
accessible for users and search engines.
Bridging the gap between SEOs and
developers to ensure website success.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
The latest challenge:
Keeping up with
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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How to Survive & Thrive after Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...
How to Survive & Thrive after Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...How to Survive & Thrive after Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...
How to Survive & Thrive after Mobile First Indexing - Rachel Costello, Techni...

Google is rolling out mobile-first indexing, and websites are going to be affected. However, there’s no need to panic. In this talk Rachel explains exactly how mobile-first indexing will actually impact work, and what SEOs can do to not only help their websites survive the new indexing system, but thrive. We’ll cover areas for potential site performance decreases to watch out for, the key checks you need to run on your site, and more.

deepcrawlrachel costelloseo
[TurnDigi 2020] Getting Tech SEO Implemented
[TurnDigi 2020] Getting Tech SEO Implemented[TurnDigi 2020] Getting Tech SEO Implemented
[TurnDigi 2020] Getting Tech SEO Implemented

Areej AbuAli shares her experience implementing technical SEO recommendations at agencies and clients. She outlines the problems with traditional lengthy audit reports that see low implementation rates. Her solution is the RPI framework: 1) Recommend - Conduct focused, template-based audits with detailed fixes. 2) Prioritize - Prioritize recommendations based on their SEO impact and development effort using a priority matrix. 3) Implement - Implement the highest priority recommendations one at a time using Agile methodology, with testing and monitoring throughout. The goal is continuous improvement rather than a "done" state.

seotechnical seo
Kostas Voudouris - BrightonSEO - Perfromance-based optimisation using Google ...
Kostas Voudouris - BrightonSEO - Perfromance-based optimisation using Google ...Kostas Voudouris - BrightonSEO - Perfromance-based optimisation using Google ...
Kostas Voudouris - BrightonSEO - Perfromance-based optimisation using Google ...

:Learn how to use Google’s Search Console API to get all of the data you can’t access through Google’s interface. Then the session will then be followed by practical steps on how to visualise the data, and insightful reports that will help you improve your content and organic performance. All you need to know to unleash the true power of Google’s Search Console will be covered, and you don’t have to be a programmer to follow or action any of the things I have learned in the last 3 years dealing with this amazing API.

gsc apibrightonseokostas voudouris
The latest challenge:
Keeping up with
And helping Google
keep up too.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Developers keep
technologies that
we need to learn
how to maintain.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
SEOs don’t know
enough about web
technologies, and
devs don’t know
enough about

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TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOsTechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs

The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

apps scriptseogoogle sheets
BrightonSEO - How to use XPath with eCommerce Websites
BrightonSEO - How to use XPath with eCommerce WebsitesBrightonSEO - How to use XPath with eCommerce Websites
BrightonSEO - How to use XPath with eCommerce Websites

The document discusses how to use XPath to extract useful information from e-commerce websites for SEO purposes. It provides examples of common uses of XPath like extracting schema code, scraping product information, and auditing backlinks. The document also offers tips for scraping e-commerce sites, including analyzing empty categories, comparing on-page elements, and identifying out of stock products. Throughout, it emphasizes using tools like XPath, Google Sheets, and Screaming Frog to simplify scraping tasks.

Crawling, indexation & the impact on performance | Brighton SEO
Crawling, indexation & the impact on performance | Brighton SEOCrawling, indexation & the impact on performance | Brighton SEO
Crawling, indexation & the impact on performance | Brighton SEO

Brighton SEO presentation given by Martin Fennon, the Head of SEO for Ayima. This talk covers crawling, indexation & the tangible impact reviewing these elements can have on performance

seoseo servicesbrightonseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
This is a huge
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...
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The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...

Battling it out in the SERPs with your competitors is one thing, but battling it out within your own company to get SEO tasks actioned is the real challenge in our industry. Rachel will talk you through how to prioritise and demonstrate the value of your SEO work in order to get tasks moved up the development queue, as well as receiving the buy-in your team deserves. In this session we will cover how to pick your battles for your SEO projects (and win them), building your case for presenting required actions, as well as how to get things done and prove both the results of your projects and the importance of SEO within your company.

brightonseorachel costellodeepcrawl
BrightonSEO Sept
BrightonSEO SeptBrightonSEO Sept
BrightonSEO Sept

The document discusses crawl budget and ways to improve it. Crawl budget refers to the number of pages search engine bots can crawl and index on a website within a given time frame. It can become an issue for larger sites or those with rapidly changing content if the number of pages exceeds the budget. The document provides several recommendations to improve crawl budget, including optimizing site speed, website hierarchy, internal links, limiting duplicate content, fixing technical errors, limiting orphan pages, and properly handling redirects.

How to report on SEO in 2018 #BrightonSEO
How to report on SEO in 2018 #BrightonSEOHow to report on SEO in 2018 #BrightonSEO
How to report on SEO in 2018 #BrightonSEO

It's time to rethink reporting - how useful are rankings anyway? How do we monitor SEO and convince the boss we're doing a good job? How much of this can we automate? This talk is from BrightonSEO April 2018.

seogoogle analyticsreport
JavaScript is everywhere, and
JS interest and usage are still
on the rise.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
JavaScript allows you to add complex
animations, fetch customer data, use open
APIs to integrate with popular technologies,
and enhance user experience. JavaScript
will never disappear.

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How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score
How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score
How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score

This talk walks you through what it takes get a 100% Lighthouse performance score for your website. It gives you real examples of the types of optimisation you need to do, and more importantly, what it will achieve. You will learn what earns you the most points and where to focus your efforts.

BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017
BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017
BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017

What a wonderful day to celebrate the eternal sunshine of the spotless SEO mind! If you weren’t at the conference today or missed something, it’s alright, we’ve got your back - here are the key takeaways from the BrightonSEO September 2017 main stage. Check them out!

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MeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine Learning

1. Audience segmentation using unsupervised machine learning can analyze individual user sessions from analytics tools like Google Analytics to automatically group users into behavior segments. 2. The key steps involve extracting session data, processing it, selecting important features, clustering the data using algorithms like k-means, and manually exploring the resulting segments. 3. These segments can provide insights for hypotheses to test in conversion rate optimization experiments and personalizing the user experience.

brighton seogoogle analyticsmachine learning
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
JavaScript opens
up a world of
opportunities for
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
...but what about
for SEOs?
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
...and for search engines?
If your website relies on JavaScript
to power its content and
navigation, search engines could
end up seeing a blank screen with
nothing to crawl or index.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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Modern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players GuideModern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players Guide

This document discusses various tactics for improving SEO and site performance. It provides tips on keyword research using persona targeting, content strategy, internal linking to distribute link equity, log file analysis to understand crawl budget opportunities, auditing JavaScript sites, gaining real estate in SERPs through featured snippets and domain stacking, speed optimizations like code ordering and preloading/prerendering resources, and using analytics to better predict user behavior.

seoadvanced seomike king
Brighton SEO Takeaways - April 2018
Brighton SEO Takeaways - April 2018Brighton SEO Takeaways - April 2018
Brighton SEO Takeaways - April 2018

Missed BrightonSEO or want to catch up and look through all the awesome stuff that you've learned today? We've got exactly what you need - here are the main highlights of today's conference!

How to build a scalable content production system.
How to build a scalable content production system.How to build a scalable content production system.
How to build a scalable content production system.

While content is essential to many agencies, creating an efficient content production system can be challenging—so let us show you how. In this presentation, Seeker founder, Gareth Simpson, demonstrates how to scale your content marketing efforts by using smart systems and automation. By taking a process-driven approach, you can scale your creative output and keep creatives happy. It’s a win-win.

@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
JavaScript disabled:
No body content, only navigation links.
Crucial content should be
accessible without JavaScript
enabled and without the client
having to render. It should ideally
be contained within the HTML.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Most search engines can’t render JavaScript or
crawl links generated by JavaScript.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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Why You Should Invest in Technical SEO by Ruth Burr Reedy
Why You Should Invest in Technical SEO by Ruth Burr ReedyWhy You Should Invest in Technical SEO by Ruth Burr Reedy
Why You Should Invest in Technical SEO by Ruth Burr Reedy

The document discusses why technical SEO is important. It notes that search engines are getting better at understanding pages through JavaScript rendering. Technical SEO encompasses elements like performance, crawlability, and indexation. Current topics in technical SEO include site speed, code bloat, responsive design, duplicate content, and crawl budget. The future of technical SEO includes mobile-first indexing, device-agnostic information, featured snippets, semantic markup, machine learning, and user experience. The document recommends investing in technical SEO by testing on multiple devices, hiring SEOs with developer skills, and improving the user experience.

Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users' High Expectations - Rach...
Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users' High Expectations - Rach...Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users' High Expectations - Rach...
Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users' High Expectations - Rach...

1. The document discusses optimizing website speed and performance to meet users' expectations. It outlines techniques like prioritizing above-the-fold content, progressive enhancement, and tailoring experiences based on device and connection. 2. Speed testing tools are recommended to analyze performance like PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest, Chrome DevTools, and GTmetrix. 3. Future optimizations discussed include using resource hints, the Network Information API, and code improvements like preloading and graceful degradation. Developers should be consulted to learn more.

seosemsearch engine optimization
The Rise of JavaScript and What it Means for SEO
The Rise of JavaScript and What it Means for SEOThe Rise of JavaScript and What it Means for SEO
The Rise of JavaScript and What it Means for SEO

Over the last few years we have seen JavaScript usage in websites increase significantly, everything from cool scroll effects to fully fledged JavaScript frameworks that build entire web pages within the browser. However, JavaScript can cause problems from an SEO perspective, so SEOs and developers need to understand how rendering changes page content, and the SEO risks this has associated with it.

seodigital marketingjavascript
Most search engines can’t render JavaScript or
crawl links generated by JavaScript.
Implement pre-rendering or server-side rendering
for improved link discovery.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Processing and executing JavaScript is expensive
and time-consuming.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Prioritise important resources for rendering and
optimise the critical rendering path.
Processing and executing JavaScript is expensive
and time-consuming.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Testing JavaScript rendering can be difficult, but we
need to see how search engines are impacted.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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Machine Learning and Python For Marketing Automation | MKGO October 2019 | Ru...
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Machine Learning and Python For Marketing Automation | MKGO October 2019 | Ru...

Advancements to Machine Learning are changing the game for busy marketers, with automation possibilities from personalised messaging and content creation to social listening and predictive analysis available.

pythonmachine learningtechnical seo
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

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Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...
Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...
Optimizing Customer Journeys Online | Digital Growth Unleashed 2019 | Rachel ...

Rather than chasing after the latest search trends or churning out content just to try and target a wider audience of new customers, you need to take a step back. Instead, start by assessing your website’s onsite journey and the experience it’s currently delivering to the people who are already interested enough in your brand to click through to it. In this talk, Rachel will share her own tried-and-tested methods of improving onsite user experience, conversions and keyword rankings by utilising CRO and UX techniques to get actionable insights into user behaviour and any roadblocks impeding the customer journey. Examples of some of the methods that will be covered are customer feedback collection, website heat mapping, customer journey mapping, website crawling, A/B testing and more. Learn how to reverse the decision-making process and build your retail strategy around the customers you actually have by opening up a dialogue with them, rather than building your business around the types of users you think you have.

uxcroconversion optimization
Testing JavaScript rendering can be difficult, but we
need to see how search engines are impacted.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Use a headless browser and DOM comparison
tools to analyse contents of output code.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Luckily, JavaScript can be crawled.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Compare source code and rendered code.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Wo...

This document discusses SEO testing and experimentation. It provides examples of types of SEO tests that could be done, such as pre-post testing, A/B testing, and combining different measurement approaches. Specific cases are also mentioned, like testing the impact of internal linking, HTML sitemaps, and changes to page titles and meta descriptions. The document emphasizes that SEO testing takes work to set up properly and find meaningful results, but it is important for identifying what strategies are truly effective.

SEO Lunch & Learn (the learn part)
SEO Lunch & Learn (the learn part)SEO Lunch & Learn (the learn part)
SEO Lunch & Learn (the learn part)

This document summarizes an SEO lunch and learn presentation given by Eli Feldblum of RankAbove. The presentation covered SEO basics like keywords, titles, content and internal links. It also discussed more advanced topics like preventing internal competition and using the knowledge graph to an advantage by editing Wikipedia and Freebase. The presentation provided tips for retailers like creating a coupon page to capture related search traffic.

What Really Matters in Technical SEO
What Really Matters in Technical SEOWhat Really Matters in Technical SEO
What Really Matters in Technical SEO

Technical SEO can be very overwhelming and intimating, but it doesn’t have to be. This presentation will walk through the core areas of technical SEO and present the data at a level of the average user. You won’t need a degree in coding to have some solid takeaways for improving your website and search ranking with a few technical tweaks.

web designwordpressseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
PWA pages can generate content dynamically, but
search engines can’t interact like a user can.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
PWA pages can generate content dynamically, but
search engines can’t interact like a user can.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Make sure key content can be accessed from a
unique URL and is served in the HTML.
PWAs are often built using complex JavaScript
frameworks which can cause rendering issues.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the EnterpriseDoing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise

Some Practices and Principles to help get enterprises on the right track building modern web applications.

SearchLove London | Dave Sottimano, 'Using Data to Win Arguments'
SearchLove London | Dave Sottimano, 'Using Data to Win Arguments' SearchLove London | Dave Sottimano, 'Using Data to Win Arguments'
SearchLove London | Dave Sottimano, 'Using Data to Win Arguments'

From past experiences with data, Dave knows relying on your gut can be a mistake. Instead, we need to take comfort in the validation of solid data to ensure we’re making profitable decisions. Sharing real client examples, Dave will run through the essential steps: how to decide on a hypothesis, create conditions, and gather data.

sem rushdataanalytics
A Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript Frameworks
A Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript FrameworksA Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript Frameworks
A Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript Frameworks

This document summarizes a presentation on SEO tactics for modern JavaScript frameworks. It discusses using application shells for initial HTML rendering, adding SEO meta tags, handling client-side navigation and redirects, and testing search bot capabilities. Examples are provided using ReactJS, NextJS, VueJS and NuxtJS for application shells, meta tags, navigation and redirects. The document also describes experiments conducted to evaluate features supported in Googlebot and Bingbot.

PWAs are often built using complex JavaScript
frameworks which can cause rendering issues.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Perform thorough rendering testing with tools like
the Mobile-friendly Test and Chrome DevTools.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
PWAs are crawlable too.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
You don’t have to be
an expert in every
framework to be able
to do an SEO audit on
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
You don’t have to be
an expert in every
framework to be able
to do an SEO audit on
You just need to know
what to focus on.

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SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick StoxSMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox

The document discusses SEO considerations for JavaScript frameworks. It notes that SEOs need to understand how JavaScript works and how search engines handle it, as many developers are not familiar with SEO. It provides tips for SEOs, including that search engines don't interact with the page content in the same way users do, and content should be loaded by default without user interaction. It also discusses different approaches to rendering pages for search engines like server-side rendering versus client-side rendering.

seotechnical seojavascript
Website Audit Report Sample
Website Audit Report SampleWebsite Audit Report Sample
Website Audit Report Sample

This is a sample of the website audit reports that my company, S3 Optimization provides. Because of all the recent changes within Google, we're offering these for free (a $500 value) to business owners who are serious about their rankings and being compliant with Google.

mobile websitesgoogle updateppc
WordPress Loves Google: Marrying Great Design and SEO with WordPress
WordPress Loves Google: Marrying Great Design and SEO with WordPressWordPress Loves Google: Marrying Great Design and SEO with WordPress
WordPress Loves Google: Marrying Great Design and SEO with WordPress

The document discusses how WordPress sites can be made SEO-friendly through the use of plugins and best practices for designers, developers, project managers, and content strategists. It provides checklists of considerations for each role and compares popular SEO plugins All in One SEO and Yoast SEO. It also addresses questions around themes, site launches, and single page designs, emphasizing that SEO-friendly means user-friendly through principles like fast load times, clean code, and accessible content structures.

marketingyoastweb design
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
All unique content needs to
exist on its own crawlable
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Use descriptive titles for
each page to give context
on what page is about.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Use semantic HTML
markup for key page
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Ensure crucial resources
aren’t being blocked in

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Website Optimization -SEO - Step By Step
Website Optimization -SEO - Step By StepWebsite Optimization -SEO - Step By Step
Website Optimization -SEO - Step By Step

This document provides an overview of key on-page optimization strategies for improving a website's search engine rankings. It discusses the importance of SEO and why it matters, and outlines best practices for optimization elements like meta tags, headings, links, images, content and site architecture. The goal is to help users establish a baseline and then incrementally optimize their site for both search engines and users.

Important factors to consider while designing your website !
Important factors to consider while designing your website !Important factors to consider while designing your website !
Important factors to consider while designing your website !

You’re probably tired of hearing it, but search engine optimization is important. It can dictate and influence                                who visits a site, and how many people make it through to see your beautiful design work. It should be a part of the WEB Design & Development process from the planning stages forward. So                                  DESIGNERS & DEVELOPERS, unplug your ears and make it a priority to learn how you can start                                thinking about SEO in the design process. Let’s dive into the topic a little more today.

web designweb developmentimportant factors
Make Web Not War 2010
Make Web Not War 2010Make Web Not War 2010
Make Web Not War 2010

The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for dynamic websites. It covers SEO principles of indexing, relevance and popularity. It provides information on search engine market shares in Quebec and the benefits of SEO for web developers. The document also discusses information architecture, link juice distribution, tools for SEO audits and recommendations for implementing SEO best practices.

nvimicrosoftweb not war
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Implement pre-rendering or
server-side rendering so
content is accessible.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Make sure output code
contains the content you
want to rank with.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Use clean <a> links to
ensure link discoverability
and crawlability.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...
SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...
SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...

App-like websites can improve page speed and user engagement, but they also rely heavily on JavaScript and JS frameworks that can make many ‘SEO basics’ more technically complex. Emily will walk you through often-missed tactics to make web-apps indexable, optimised, and performant on mobile devices.

marketingdigital marketingprogressive web apps
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5

On this presentation we go deep on Chrome developer tools, JS debugger and breakpoints, technical optimization and capabilities of browser service workers to improve SEO and performance

javascriptseopage speed
Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017
Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017
Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017

Technical SEO for e-commerce at home and abroad. Topics include: Infinite scroll, Faceted navigation, Content and Keywords, Handling 'out of stock' products, Seasonal refreshes of content, Product options and Hreflang tags.

seointernational seoecommerce
Remember, SEOs can’t
do all of this alone.
Get developer support.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Learn from the development team about
what is possible for your website.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Code splitting
Asynchronous loading
Dynamic imports
Resource hints
Progressive enhancement
Graceful degradation
Defer loading
Ask your developers about these terms:
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
How I stay up to date with the engineering
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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SEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
SEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale BertrandSEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
SEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand

Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

digital marketingmarketingsales
The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim
The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry KimThe Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim
The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim

It’s been a difficult few years for Facebook Ads due to signal loss from iOS/Firefox/Chrome and the associated loss of ad targeting precision and ROAS. In this session, delve into 100% new high-impact strategies for thriving in Facebook advertising in a world without 3rd party cookies. You'll uncover the top 7 Facebook ad hacks of 2024, all centered around first party ad signal data restoration and how to coax the new default Meta Audience+ ad targeting system to do what you want it to do, each backed by solid results and case studies. Learn how to skyrocket your landing page conversions by 20-25%, how to scale ads like never before, and target niche audiences with strategies that defy traditional norms. Plus, gain insights into critical privacy regulations and how to maintain a full compliance therein.

digital marketingmarketingsales
ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures
ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 FuturesABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures
ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures

Account Based Marketing best practices. Learn the ins and outs of successful ABM, demand generation, and B2B digital performance marketing in a post-COVID, privacy compliant, hybrid world. ABM is a marketing approach, a philosophy. It is not technology by itself and not all intent data is created equal. In this Master Class, we will go through the key elements to maximize marketing's contribution to sales from pipeline creation to pipeline velocity. Key Takeaways: What ABM really is, what it can and can't do. How to do ABM more effectively. What you need to do high performance ABM and what you should expect from it.

digital marketingmarketingsales
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Chrome Dev
Summit ‘18 topics:
Site Speed
Google I/O ‘19
Search Console
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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Digital Marketing Trends, Experts Insights on How to Gain a Competitive Edge ...
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Digital Marketing Trends, Experts Insights on How to Gain a Competitive Edge ...

The digital marketing industry is changing faster than ever and those who don’t adapt with the times are losing market share. Where should marketers be focusing their efforts? What strategies are the experts seeing get the best results? Get up-to-speed with the latest industry insights, trends and predictions for the future in this panel discussion with some leading digital marketing experts.

digital marketingmarketingsales
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Learn more about
devs and how they
work by sitting
down and talking to
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
A realisation from
one of my
conversations with
a female engineer:
Imposter syndrome is a
blessing in disguise.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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Billion Broadcaster's Frame Posters and Horizontal Lift Advertising Screens: ...
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Billion Broadcaster's Frame Posters and Horizontal Lift Advertising Screens: ...

Billion Broadcaster revolutionizes advertising with its innovative combination of frame posters and horizontal lift advertising screens. The frame posters, strategically placed for maximum visibility, offer a timeless and elegant medium for brand messaging.

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Top XRP Coin News of the Week

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TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...
TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...
TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...

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@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Embrace your
insecurities and
turn them into your
biggest strength.
Keep up to speed with the latest technologies
devs are building by talking to them.
Make sure key content and links are accessible
for search engines.
Being open to learning new things will help you
achieve success as a technical SEO.
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
@rachellcostello womenintechseo
Rachel Costello
Technical SEO & Content Manager
@rachellcostello womenintechseo

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Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar

Nick will present his "best of" findings from reviewing and testing more than 200 generative AI platforms over the last three years. While some programs will save you more than half the time, you can bet to save at least 50% of your time creating content if you begin using these tools. Key Takeaways: Attendees will walk away with a comprehensive list of generative AI programs that will make their lives easier. From blogging to video production and even AI marketing assistants, you will learn about nearly 20 AI platforms that are guaranteed to make your life easier in some way.

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You'll learn about proven systems and effective workflows to maintain a consistent and engaging social media strategy. Additionally, you'll gain actionable strategies and practical tactics to drive engagement, increase followers, and convert them into loyal customers.

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According to the report, among the top 10 sectors, services led with the highest share of advertising volumes, commanding 31% in early 2024.

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