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CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Bootstrap with Liferay
Ver : 1.0
Name: Sendhil Kumar K
Title: Bootstrap with Liferay
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
• With the release of Liferay 6.2, Bootstrap version 2.3.2
has been added as default theme library.
Introduction of Bootstrap in Liferay
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
• Bootstrap 3 was released on August 19th, 2013, roughly a month and a half
before Liferay planning on releasing 6.3. Trying to cram it in at the last
minute would have led to nothing but major bugs, weeping, gnashing of
teeth, etc.
• Bootstrap 3 completely dropped support for IE7 and below. While Liferay
6.2 provided limited support for IE7 and below, it's just not feasible yet for
this version to completely drop support for everyone across the board.
Why did Liferay choose version 2.3.2 instead of 3?
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Overview of Bootstrap 3 and 2.3.2
Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 2.3.2
Grids: Fluid
UI Tools: Lots of widgets; good
for rapid prototyping
Grids: Fluid and Fixed
UI Tools: Lots of widgets; good for rapid
Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 2.3.2
Reset Normalize.css Normalize.css
LESS Yes Yes
Sass/Scss Yes No

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An introduction to bootstrap
An introduction to bootstrapAn introduction to bootstrap
An introduction to bootstrap

Bootstrap is an open-source front-end framework that helps developers design responsive mobile-first websites easily. It provides pre-built UI components like buttons, navigation bars, and grids for building layouts. The document discusses Bootstrap's introduction, file structure, grid system, responsive design features, and common layout components like dropdown menus and button groups.

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IBM Connect 2016 - AD1548 - Building Responsive XPages ApplicationsIBM Connect 2016 - AD1548 - Building Responsive XPages Applications
IBM Connect 2016 - AD1548 - Building Responsive XPages Applications

This document provides an agenda for a presentation on building responsive XPages applications using Bootstrap. The presentation will introduce Bootstrap 3 and 4, provide demos of features like grids and media queries, and cover tips and best practices. Speakers will discuss upgrading to newer Bootstrap versions, changes in Bootstrap 4, and tools for testing responsive designs. The ExtLibX project for supporting Bootstrap 4 in XPages will also be presented.

Twitter bootstrap training_session_ppt
Twitter bootstrap training_session_pptTwitter bootstrap training_session_ppt
Twitter bootstrap training_session_ppt

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides pre-built styles and components for faster web development. It uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a mobile-first approach. Originally developed by Twitter, Bootstrap has been released as open source. It provides basic styling for common elements like typography, forms, buttons, tables and a powerful grid system for responsive design. The document discusses these features of Bootstrap in detail.

CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential www.cignex.com5
Overview of Bootstrap 2.3.2 and 3
Grids and Responsiveness
Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 2.3.2
Base width
Fluid (480px, 768px, 992px,
Fluid and fixed (724px, 940px, 1170px;
below 768px are single column and
vertically stacked)
Columns 12 12
class syntax
.col-xs-1, .col-sm-1
.col-md-1, .col-lg-1
Two column
class syntax
.col-xs-2, .col-sm-2
.col-md-2, .col-lg-2
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential www.cignex.com6
Overview of Bootstrap 2.3.2 and 3
Grids and Responsiveness
Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 2.3.2
<div class="container"> <div class="container">
<div class="container-fluid">
Row syntax
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-
<div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-
<div class="row">
<div class="span4">...</div>
<div class="span8">...</div>
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Major class changes
Bootstrap 2.x Bootstrap 3.0
• .row-fluid .row
• .span* .col-md-*
• .offset* .col-md-offset-*
• .brand .navbar-brand
• .nav-collapse .navbar-collapse
• .nav-toggle .navbar-toggle
• .btn-navbar .navbar-btn
• .hero-unit .jumbotron
• .icon-* .glyphicon .glyphicon-*
• .btn .btn .btn-default
• .btn-mini .btn-xs
• .btn-small .btn-sm
• .btn-large .btn-lg
• .alert-error .alert-danger
• .visible-phone .visible-xs
• .visible-tablet .visible-sm
• .visible-desktop Split into .visible-md .visible-lg
• .hidden-phone .hidden-xs
• .hidden-tablet .hidden-sm
• .hidden-desktop Split into .hidden-md .hidden-lg
Bootstrap 2.x Bootstrap 3.0
• .input-block-level .form-control
• .control-group .form-group
• .checkbox.inline .radio.inline .checkbox-inline .radio-inline
• .input-prepend .input-append .input-group
• .add-on .input-group-addon
• .img-polaroid .img-thumbnail
• ul.unstyled .list-unstyled
• ul.inline.list-inline
• .muted .text-muted
• .label .label .label-default
• .label-important .label-danger
• .text-error .text-danger
• .table .error .table .danger
• .bar .progress-bar
• .bar-* .progress-bar-*
• .accordion .panel-group
• .accordion-group .panel .panel-default
• .accordion-heading .panel-heading
• .accordion-body .panel-collapse
• .accordion-inner .panel-body
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
What's new
Element Description
Panels .panel .panel-default .panel-body .panel-title .panel-heading .panel-footer .panel-collapse
List groups .list-group .list-group-item .list-group-item-text .list-group-item-heading
Responsive utility classes (≥1200px) .visible-lg .hidden-lg
Offsets .col-sm-offset-* .col-md-offset-* .col-lg-offset-*
Contextual table rows .success .danger .warning .active .info
Contextual panels .panel-success .panel-danger .panel-warning .panel-info
Input height sizes .input-sm .input-lg
Input groups .input-group .input-group-addon .input-group-btn
Form controls .form-control .form-group
Button group sizes .btn-group-xs .btn-group-sm .btn-group-lg
Glyphicons .glyphicon
Jumbotron .jumbotron
Extra small grid (<768px) .col-xs-*
Small grid (≥768px) .col-sm-*
Medium grid (≥992px) .col-md-*
Large grid (≥1200px) .col-lg-*
Navbar text .navbar-text
Navbar header .navbar-header
Justified tabs / pills .nav-justified
Element Description
Responsive images .img-responsive
Push .col-sm-push-* .col-md-push-* .col-lg-push-*
Pull .col-sm-pull-* .col-md-pull-* .col-lg-pull-*
Modal .modal-dialog .modal-content
Thumbnail image .img-thumbnail
Well sizes .well-sm .well-lg
Alert links .alert-link

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Introduction to BOOTSTRAP

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides responsive grid system, prebuilt components, and plugins for developing responsive mobile-first websites and web applications. It includes HTML and CSS templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components as well as optional JavaScript plugins. The document discusses Bootstrap's grid system which uses rows and columns to build layouts responsive across devices, and provides examples of basic grid structures for stacking columns horizontally and creating different layouts for mobile, tablet and desktop screens.

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This document provides an overview of how to create responsive website designs using Bootstrap 3. It discusses how Bootstrap is a popular framework for responsive, mobile-first projects. It then covers the basics of getting started with Bootstrap, including downloading Bootstrap, including the necessary files, and using Bootstrap's grid system and other components to create responsive designs.

website designmobilemobile apps
ViA Bootstrap 4
ViA Bootstrap 4ViA Bootstrap 4
ViA Bootstrap 4

A guide for beginners “Bootstrap is a free, open-source front-end library for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSSbased design templates for everything from typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components as well as JavaScript extensions. Unlike many other web frameworks, Bootstrap concerns itself with front-end development only.” — Wikipedia

introducing bootstrap 4viastudy.comviastudy
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
What's removed...
Element Removed from 2.x 3.0 Equivalent
Form actions .form-actions N/A
Search form .form-search N/A
Form group with info N/A
Fixed-width input sizes
.input-mini .input-small .input-medium .input-large .input-
xlarge .input-xxlarge
Use .form-control and the grid system
Block level form input .input-block-level
No direct equivalent, but forms controls
are similar.
Inverse buttons .btn-inverse N/A
Fluid row .row-fluid .row (no more fixed grid)
Controls wrapper .controls N/A
Controls row .controls-row .row or .form-group
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
What's removed
Element Removed from 2.x 3.0 Equivalent
Navbar inner .navbar-inner N/A
Navbar vertical dividers .navbar .divider-vertical N/A
Dropdown submenu .dropdown-submenu N/A
Tab alignments .tabs-left .tabs-right .tabs-below N/A
Pill-based tabbable area .pill-content .tab-content
Pill-based tabbable area pane .pill-pane .tab-pane
Nav lists .nav-list .nav-header
No direct equivalent, but list groups
and .panel-groups are similar.
Inline help for form controls .help-inline
No exact equivalent, but .help-block is
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Additional notes
• By default, text-based form controls now receive only minimal styling. For focus colors and rounded
corners, apply the .form-control class on the element to style.
• Text-based form controls with the .form-control class applied are now 100% wide by default. Wrap
inputs inside <div class="col-*"></div> to control input widths.
• .badge no longer has contextual (-success,-primary,etc..) classes.
• .btn must also use .btn-default to get the "default" button.
• .row is now fluid.
• Images are no longer responsive by default. Use .img-responsive for fluid <img> size.
• The icons, now .glyphicon, are now font based. Icons also require a base and icon class (e.g.
.glyphicon .glyphicon-asterisk).
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Additional notes
• Typeahead has been dropped, in favor of using Twitter Typeahead.
• Modal markup has changed significantly. The .modal-header, .modal-body, and .modal-footer
sections are now wrapped in .modal-content and .modal-dialog for better mobile styling and
behavior. Also, you should no longer apply .hide to .modal in your markup.
• As of v3.1.0, the HTML loaded by the remote modal option is now injected into the .modal-content
(from v3.0.0 to v3.0.3, into the .modal) instead of into the .modal-body. This allows you to also easily
vary the header and footer of the modal, not just the modal body.
• JavaScript events are namespaced. For example, to handle the modal "show" event, use
''. For tabs "shown" use '', etc.

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1) The document discusses developing a website, editor, and themes using Odoo. It demonstrates how to make pages editable by adding website dependencies and modifying controllers and templates. 2) It then covers building reusable snippets or blocks that can be dragged and dropped. Snippets have a template, JavaScript behavior, and can make API calls. 3) Snippet options allow configuring snippets in the website editor by extending the snippet options framework and setting data on the snippet element.

Responsive web design
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Responsive web design

Responsive web design allows websites to automatically adjust to different screen sizes using flexible layouts and CSS media queries. Bootstrap is a popular free and open-source framework for responsive web design. It contains HTML and CSS templates for common elements like buttons, navigation bars, grids and more. Bootstrap uses a mobile-first approach and its responsive 12-column grid system allows elements to re-arrange depending on screen size. Basic components like images, tables, buttons and forms can be styled using Bootstrap classes.

web designbootstrap
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This document provides an overview of the Bootstrap framework. It discusses what Bootstrap is, how it can be used to create responsive web designs, and its advantages like pre-defined styles and classes that save development time. The document also covers Bootstrap's grid system, examples of how to use columns at different screen sizes, and some popular components like buttons, tables and carousels.

CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Step 1: In Liferay Devloper Studio, Go to --> File - New - Liferay Plugin Project.
Step 2: Provide the Name inside Project Name Text Box (say Test).
Step 3: Select the Plugin Type as - Theme and click Next.
Step 4: Select Theme parent - _styled and Theme framework - Velocity. Click Finish.
Step 5: A new Theme (Test-theme) will be created.
Step 6: Inside _diffs folder create css, images, js and templates folder.
Step 7: Copy and paste the required files in the corresponding folders as needed.
Step 8: Modify the files as explained.
Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 2.3.2
 Creating Theme
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Step 1: In Liferay Devloper Studio, Go to --> File - New - Liferay Plugin Project.
Step 2: Provide the Name inside Project Name Text Box (say Test).
Step 3: Select the Plugin Type as - Layout Template and click Finish.
Step 4: A new Layout (Test-layouttpl) will be created.
Step 5: Open Test.tpl file and create layout from Palete in Visual Tab/paste Code in Source
Step 6: Replace the "aui" classes to "span" classes present in Bootstrap 2.3.2.
Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 2.3.2
 Creating Layout
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential www.cignex.com15
Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 2.3.2
Basic Structure: [Two Column Layout]
<div id="main-content" role="main">
<div class="portlet-layout row-fluid">
<div class="span6 portlet-column portlet-column-first" id="column-1">
$processor.processColumn("column-1", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-
<div class="span6 portlet-column portlet-column-last" id="column-2">
$processor.processColumn("column-2", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Step 1: In Liferay Devloper Studio, Go to --> File - New - Liferay Plugin Project.
Step 2: Provide the Name inside Project Name Text Box (say Test).
Step 3: Select the Plugin Type as - Theme and click Next.
Step 4: Select Theme parent - _styled and Theme framework - Velocity. Click Finish.
Step 5: A new Theme (Test-theme) will be created.
Step 6: Inside _diffs folder create css, images, js and templates folder.
Step 7: Copy and paste the required files in the corresponding folders as needed.
Step 7 a: Download Bootstrap 3 CSS file and place it inside _diffs - css
Step 7 b: Open Main.css and call the Bootstrap 3 css file above custom.css
Step 8: Modify the files as explained.
Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 3
 Creating Theme
All the basic steps for creating Theme by including Bootstrap 3 are same except few
additional Steps.

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Bootstrap Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels and many other, as well as optional JavaScript plugins. Bootstrap also gives we the ability to easily create responsive designs. Responsive web design is about creating web sites which automatically adjust themselves to look good on all devices, from small phones to large desktops. Advantages of Bootstrap: Easy to use: Anybody with just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start using Bootstrap Responsive features: Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops Mobile-first approach: In Bootstrap, mobile-first styles are part of the core framework Browser compatibility: Bootstrap 4 is compatible with all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10+, Edge, Safari, and Opera)

Pemrograman Web 4 - Bootstrap 3
Pemrograman Web 4 - Bootstrap 3Pemrograman Web 4 - Bootstrap 3
Pemrograman Web 4 - Bootstrap 3

This document provides an overview of Bootstrap, a popular CSS framework. It discusses including Bootstrap via a CDN or by downloading files. It covers Bootstrap containers, grids for layouts using rows and columns, responsive typography styles, and common components like buttons, navigation bars, dropdown menus, and more. Setup and basic usage of these Bootstrap features are demonstrated with code examples.

Boot strap
Boot strapBoot strap
Boot strap

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web These Slides Given by My Teacher : Mr Sher Afgun who is the teacher and Developer of WebBaseApplicationDevelopment in International Islamic University Islamabad

CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential www.cignex.com17
Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 3.x
Basic Structure: [Two Column Layout]
<div id="main-content" role="main" style="margin-top: 79px;">
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-md-12" id="column-1" style="border:1px solid pink;"><br><br>
$processor.processColumn("column-1", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-only")
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-md-6" id="column-2" style="border:1px solid red;"><br><br>
$processor.processColumn("column-2", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-first")
<div class="col col-md-6" id="column-3" style="border:1px solid red;"><br><br>
$processor.processColumn("column-3", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-last")
CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential
Conflict class fixes - Liferay 6.2 with Boostrap 3
.signed-in .collapse { display:block; }
.lfr-edit-layout-panel .collapse{ display:block; }
.dockbar.navbar-static-top .collapse { display: block; }
.navbar-inner .collapse{ display:block; }
.dockbar-ready #wrapper { margin-top: 149px; }
.dockbar-ready section#content { padding: 0 0 0 0; }
It seems to work fine, though there are often issues for anything that we use in the
control panel as it is its own theme altogether. For example, the "+Add" "preview"
"Edit" for a piece of content doesn't look right unless we do some CSS magic to
override the BS3 styles with new settings.
.dockbar.navbar-static-top {
background-color: transparent;
padding: 0px;
.dockbar-messages{ display:none;}
.lfr-device-preview{ z-index: 1000; }
.modal{ display:block;}
.modal-hidden{ display:none; }
 class to override:

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Bootstrap with liferay

  • 1. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Bootstrap with Liferay Ver : 1.0 Name: Sendhil Kumar K Title: Bootstrap with Liferay
  • 2. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential • With the release of Liferay 6.2, Bootstrap version 2.3.2 has been added as default theme library. 2 Introduction of Bootstrap in Liferay
  • 3. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential • Bootstrap 3 was released on August 19th, 2013, roughly a month and a half before Liferay planning on releasing 6.3. Trying to cram it in at the last minute would have led to nothing but major bugs, weeping, gnashing of teeth, etc. • Bootstrap 3 completely dropped support for IE7 and below. While Liferay 6.2 provided limited support for IE7 and below, it's just not feasible yet for this version to completely drop support for everyone across the board. 3 Why did Liferay choose version 2.3.2 instead of 3?
  • 4. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Summary 4 Overview of Bootstrap 3 and 2.3.2 Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 2.3.2 Grids: Fluid UI Tools: Lots of widgets; good for rapid prototyping Grids: Fluid and Fixed UI Tools: Lots of widgets; good for rapid prototyping CSS Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 2.3.2 Reset Normalize.css Normalize.css LESS Yes Yes Sass/Scss Yes No
  • 5. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential www.cignex.com5 Overview of Bootstrap 2.3.2 and 3 Grids and Responsiveness Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 2.3.2 Base width Fluid (480px, 768px, 992px, 1200px) Fluid and fixed (724px, 940px, 1170px; below 768px are single column and vertically stacked) Columns 12 12 Single column class syntax .col-xs-1, .col-sm-1 .col-md-1, .col-lg-1 .span1 Two column class syntax .col-xs-2, .col-sm-2 .col-md-2, .col-lg-2 .span2
  • 6. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential www.cignex.com6 Overview of Bootstrap 2.3.2 and 3 Grids and Responsiveness Bootstrap 3 Bootstrap 2.3.2 Container syntax <div class="container"> <div class="container"> or <div class="container-fluid"> Row syntax <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg- 5">...</div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg- 7">...</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span4">...</div> <div class="span8">...</div> </div>
  • 7. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Major class changes Bootstrap 2.x Bootstrap 3.0 • .row-fluid .row • .span* .col-md-* • .offset* .col-md-offset-* • .brand .navbar-brand • .nav-collapse .navbar-collapse • .nav-toggle .navbar-toggle • .btn-navbar .navbar-btn • .hero-unit .jumbotron • .icon-* .glyphicon .glyphicon-* • .btn .btn .btn-default • .btn-mini .btn-xs • .btn-small .btn-sm • .btn-large .btn-lg • .alert-error .alert-danger • .visible-phone .visible-xs • .visible-tablet .visible-sm • .visible-desktop Split into .visible-md .visible-lg • .hidden-phone .hidden-xs • .hidden-tablet .hidden-sm • .hidden-desktop Split into .hidden-md .hidden-lg Bootstrap 2.x Bootstrap 3.0 • .input-block-level .form-control • .control-group .form-group • .checkbox.inline .radio.inline .checkbox-inline .radio-inline • .input-prepend .input-append .input-group • .add-on .input-group-addon • .img-polaroid .img-thumbnail • ul.unstyled .list-unstyled • ul.inline.list-inline • .muted .text-muted • .label .label .label-default • .label-important .label-danger • .text-error .text-danger • .table .error .table .danger • .bar .progress-bar • .bar-* .progress-bar-* • .accordion .panel-group • .accordion-group .panel .panel-default • .accordion-heading .panel-heading • .accordion-body .panel-collapse • .accordion-inner .panel-body
  • 8. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential What's new Element Description Panels .panel .panel-default .panel-body .panel-title .panel-heading .panel-footer .panel-collapse List groups .list-group .list-group-item .list-group-item-text .list-group-item-heading Responsive utility classes (≥1200px) .visible-lg .hidden-lg Offsets .col-sm-offset-* .col-md-offset-* .col-lg-offset-* Contextual table rows .success .danger .warning .active .info Contextual panels .panel-success .panel-danger .panel-warning .panel-info Input height sizes .input-sm .input-lg Input groups .input-group .input-group-addon .input-group-btn Form controls .form-control .form-group Button group sizes .btn-group-xs .btn-group-sm .btn-group-lg Glyphicons .glyphicon Jumbotron .jumbotron Extra small grid (<768px) .col-xs-* Small grid (≥768px) .col-sm-* Medium grid (≥992px) .col-md-* Large grid (≥1200px) .col-lg-* Navbar text .navbar-text Navbar header .navbar-header Justified tabs / pills .nav-justified ------------------------------------------------------------- Element Description Responsive images .img-responsive Push .col-sm-push-* .col-md-push-* .col-lg-push-* Pull .col-sm-pull-* .col-md-pull-* .col-lg-pull-* Modal .modal-dialog .modal-content Thumbnail image .img-thumbnail Well sizes .well-sm .well-lg Alert links .alert-link │ │ │ │
  • 9. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential What's removed... Element Removed from 2.x 3.0 Equivalent Form actions .form-actions N/A Search form .form-search N/A Form group with info N/A Fixed-width input sizes .input-mini .input-small .input-medium .input-large .input- xlarge .input-xxlarge Use .form-control and the grid system instead. Block level form input .input-block-level No direct equivalent, but forms controls are similar. Inverse buttons .btn-inverse N/A Fluid row .row-fluid .row (no more fixed grid) Controls wrapper .controls N/A Controls row .controls-row .row or .form-group continue...
  • 10. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential What's removed Element Removed from 2.x 3.0 Equivalent Navbar inner .navbar-inner N/A Navbar vertical dividers .navbar .divider-vertical N/A Dropdown submenu .dropdown-submenu N/A Tab alignments .tabs-left .tabs-right .tabs-below N/A Pill-based tabbable area .pill-content .tab-content Pill-based tabbable area pane .pill-pane .tab-pane Nav lists .nav-list .nav-header No direct equivalent, but list groups and .panel-groups are similar. Inline help for form controls .help-inline No exact equivalent, but .help-block is similar.
  • 11. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Additional notes • By default, text-based form controls now receive only minimal styling. For focus colors and rounded corners, apply the .form-control class on the element to style. • Text-based form controls with the .form-control class applied are now 100% wide by default. Wrap inputs inside <div class="col-*"></div> to control input widths. • .badge no longer has contextual (-success,-primary,etc..) classes. • .btn must also use .btn-default to get the "default" button. • .row is now fluid. • Images are no longer responsive by default. Use .img-responsive for fluid <img> size. • The icons, now .glyphicon, are now font based. Icons also require a base and icon class (e.g. .glyphicon .glyphicon-asterisk). continue...
  • 12. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Additional notes • Typeahead has been dropped, in favor of using Twitter Typeahead. • Modal markup has changed significantly. The .modal-header, .modal-body, and .modal-footer sections are now wrapped in .modal-content and .modal-dialog for better mobile styling and behavior. Also, you should no longer apply .hide to .modal in your markup. • As of v3.1.0, the HTML loaded by the remote modal option is now injected into the .modal-content (from v3.0.0 to v3.0.3, into the .modal) instead of into the .modal-body. This allows you to also easily vary the header and footer of the modal, not just the modal body. • JavaScript events are namespaced. For example, to handle the modal "show" event, use ''. For tabs "shown" use '', etc.
  • 13. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Step 1: In Liferay Devloper Studio, Go to --> File - New - Liferay Plugin Project. Step 2: Provide the Name inside Project Name Text Box (say Test). Step 3: Select the Plugin Type as - Theme and click Next. Step 4: Select Theme parent - _styled and Theme framework - Velocity. Click Finish. Step 5: A new Theme (Test-theme) will be created. Step 6: Inside _diffs folder create css, images, js and templates folder. Step 7: Copy and paste the required files in the corresponding folders as needed. Step 8: Modify the files as explained. 13 Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 2.3.2  Creating Theme
  • 14. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Step 1: In Liferay Devloper Studio, Go to --> File - New - Liferay Plugin Project. Step 2: Provide the Name inside Project Name Text Box (say Test). Step 3: Select the Plugin Type as - Layout Template and click Finish. Step 4: A new Layout (Test-layouttpl) will be created. Step 5: Open Test.tpl file and create layout from Palete in Visual Tab/paste Code in Source Tab. Step 6: Replace the "aui" classes to "span" classes present in Bootstrap 2.3.2. 14 Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 2.3.2  Creating Layout
  • 15. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential www.cignex.com15 Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 2.3.2 Basic Structure: [Two Column Layout] <div id="main-content" role="main"> <div class="portlet-layout row-fluid"> <div class="span6 portlet-column portlet-column-first" id="column-1"> $processor.processColumn("column-1", "portlet-column-content portlet-column- content-first") </div> <div class="span6 portlet-column portlet-column-last" id="column-2"> $processor.processColumn("column-2", "portlet-column-content portlet-column- content-last") </div> </div> </div>
  • 16. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Step 1: In Liferay Devloper Studio, Go to --> File - New - Liferay Plugin Project. Step 2: Provide the Name inside Project Name Text Box (say Test). Step 3: Select the Plugin Type as - Theme and click Next. Step 4: Select Theme parent - _styled and Theme framework - Velocity. Click Finish. Step 5: A new Theme (Test-theme) will be created. Step 6: Inside _diffs folder create css, images, js and templates folder. Step 7: Copy and paste the required files in the corresponding folders as needed. Step 7 a: Download Bootstrap 3 CSS file and place it inside _diffs - css Step 7 b: Open Main.css and call the Bootstrap 3 css file above custom.css Step 8: Modify the files as explained. 16 Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 3  Creating Theme All the basic steps for creating Theme by including Bootstrap 3 are same except few additional Steps.
  • 17. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential www.cignex.com17 Working with Liferay 6.2 and Bootstrap 3.x Basic Structure: [Two Column Layout] <div id="main-content" role="main" style="margin-top: 79px;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col col-md-12" id="column-1" style="border:1px solid pink;"><br><br> $processor.processColumn("column-1", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-only") </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col col-md-6" id="column-2" style="border:1px solid red;"><br><br> $processor.processColumn("column-2", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-first") </div> <div class="col col-md-6" id="column-3" style="border:1px solid red;"><br><br> $processor.processColumn("column-3", "portlet-column-content portlet-column-content-last") </div> </div> </div>
  • 18. CIGNEX Datamatics Confidential Conflict class fixes - Liferay 6.2 with Boostrap 3 .signed-in .collapse { display:block; } .lfr-edit-layout-panel .collapse{ display:block; } .dockbar.navbar-static-top .collapse { display: block; } .navbar-inner .collapse{ display:block; } .dockbar-ready #wrapper { margin-top: 149px; } .dockbar-ready section#content { padding: 0 0 0 0; } It seems to work fine, though there are often issues for anything that we use in the control panel as it is its own theme altogether. For example, the "+Add" "preview" "Edit" for a piece of content doesn't look right unless we do some CSS magic to override the BS3 styles with new settings. .dockbar.navbar-static-top { background-color: transparent; padding: 0px; } .dockbar-messages{ display:none;} .lfr-device-preview{ z-index: 1000; } .modal{ display:block;} .modal-hidden{ display:none; }  class to override: