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                  John Resig -
About Me
    Work for the Mozilla Corporation (Firefox!)
    ✦ Do a lot of JavaScript performance analysis
    ✦ is my performance test suite
      ✦ Tests the performance of JavaScript engines
      ✦ Tests the performance of browser DOM

    Creator of the jQuery JavaScript Library
    ✦ Used by Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Nokia,
      IBM, Intel, CBS News, NBC, etc.
Upcoming Browsers
    The browsers:
    ✦ Firefox 3.1
    ✦ Safari 4
    ✦ Internet Explorer 8
    ✦ Opera 10
    ✦ Google Chrome

    Defining characteristics:
    ✦ Better performance
    ✦ Advanced JavaScript engines
Firefox 3.1
    Set to be released Spring 2009

    ✦ Performance improvements
    ✦ Video and Audio tags
    ✦ Private browsing

    Beta 2 just released
Safari 4
    Released in conjunction with OS X 10.6

    ✦ Performance improvements
    ✦ Desktop Apps
    ✦ ACID 3 compliance
    ✦ Revamped dev tools

    Preview seeded to developers
Internet Explorer 8
    Released early 2009

    ✦ Backwards compatibility with IE 7
    ✦ Web Clips (trim out a part of a page and
      place on desktop)
    ✦ Process per tab

    RC1 recently
Opera 10
    Unspecified release schedule (2009?)

    ✦ ACID 3 compliance
    ✦ Video and Audio tags

    Opera 9.6 recently released
Google Chrome
    Chrome 1.0 September 2008

    ✦ Private browsing
    ✦ Process per tab

    Chrome 2.0 upcoming
Process Per Tab
    Most browsers have a single process
    ✦ Share memory, resources
    ✦ Pages rendered using threads

    IE 8 and Chrome split tabs into individual
    What does this change?
    ✦ Pages can do more processing
      ✦ (Not block the UI or other tabs)
    ✦ Tabs consume more memory
Process Per Tab
    Examples of changes, in Chrome.

    Timer speed is what you set it to.
    ✦ Browsers cap the speed to 10ms.
    ✦ setInterval(fn, 1);

    Can do more non-stop processing, without
    while (true) {}
    Chrome has a process manager (like the
    OS process manager - see CPU, Memory)
JavaScript Engines
    New wave of engines:
    ✦ Firefox: TraceMonkey
    ✦ Safari: SquirrelFish (Extreme)
    ✦ Chrome: V8

    Continually leap-frogging each other
Common Areas
    Virtual Machines
    ✦ Optimized to run a JavaScript-specific
    ✦ Determine if two objects are similar
    ✦ Optimize behavior based upon that
    ✦ “Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck”
    ✦ if ( obj.walks && obj.quacks ) {}
Engine Layers

          JavaScript Code

       JavaScript Engine (C++)


           Machine Code
    Specific low-level commands

    Written in machine code

    a + b;

    PLUS( a, b ) {
        return CONCAT( a, b );
      } ELSE {
        return ADD( a, b );
    Simple JavaScript code:
    GETPROP( obj, name ) {
      IF ISOBJECT(obj) {
        IF HASPROP(obj, name)
         return PROP(obj, name);
         return PROTO(obj, name)
      } ELSE {
Shaping (cont.)
    EXEC( prop ) {
      IF ISFN( prop ) {
        RUN( prop )
      } ELSE {
    After shaping:
    RUN( PROP( obj, name ) )
    Optimized Bytecode
    Firefox uses an engine called
    SpiderMonkey (written in C)
    Tracing technology layered on for Firefox
    3.1 (dubbed ‘TraceMonkey’)
    Hyper-optimizes repeating patterns into
    for ( var i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
      var foo = stuff[i][0];
      foo = “more stuff ” + someFn( foo );
    function someFn( foo ) {
      return foo.substr(1);
    Loop is costly
    ✦ ISNUM(i)
    ✦ ADD(i, 1)
    ✦ COMPARE( i, 1000 )
Function Inlining
    for ( var i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
      var foo = stuff[i][0];
      foo = “more stuff ” + foo.substr(1);
    Just-in-time compilation for JavaScript

    Compiles a bytecode for common
    ✦ Bytecodes for regular expressions (super-
Chrome V8
    Makes extensive use of shaping (fast
    property lookups)
    Hyper-optimized function calls and
    Dynamic machine code generation
Measuring Speed
    ✦ Released by the WebKit team last fall
    ✦ Focuses completely on JavaScript

    ✦ Released by Mozilla this spring
    ✦ Mix of JavaScript and DOM

    V8 Benchmark
    ✦ Released by Chrome team last month
    ✦ Lots of recursion testing

    Steve Souders’ UA tool:
    Also see: YSlow
Simultaneous Conn.
    Number of downloads per domain

    Should be at least 4
    ✦ FF 2, IE 6, and IE 7 are 2
    ✦ Safari is 4
    ✦ Everyone else is 6-7

    Max connections: Number of simultaneous
    ✦ Firefox, Opera: 25-30
    ✦ Everyone else: 50-60
Parallel Scripts
    Download scripts simultaneously

    Even though they must execute in order

    <script defer>
    ✦ From Internet Explorer
    ✦ Just landed for Firefox 3.1
    ✦ In Opera as well
    ✦ Replacement for JavaScript-based
Redirect Caching
    A simple request:
✦ -> ->
    Very costly, should be cached.

    Chrome and Firefox do well here.
Link Prefetching
    <link rel=”prefetch” href=”someimg.png”/>

    Pre-load resources for later use
    ✦ (images, stylesheets)

    Currently only in Firefox

    Replacement for JavaScript preloading
    A way to pass messages amongst multiple
    frames and windows
    Implemented in all browsers (in some
    Sending a message:

    Receiving a Message:

    window.addEventListener(”message”, function(e){
      if (e.origin !== ““)
      alert( );
    }, false);
Cross-Domain XHR
    Landed in Firefox 3.1, support in IE 8

    Add a header to your content:
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    XMLHttpRequest can now pull it in, even
    across domains
DOM Navigation
Class Name
    New method:
    Works just like:
    Fast way of finding elements by their class
    <div class=”person sidebar”></div>

    Safari 3.1, Firefox 3.0, Opera 9.6

    Drop-in replacement for existing queries
Speed Results
Selectors API

    Use CSS selectors to find DOM elements

    document.querySelectorAll(“div p”)

    Good cross-browser support
    ✦ IE 8, Safari 4, FF 3, Opera 10

    Drop-in replacement for JavaScript
Speed Results
Traversal API
    W3C Specification

    Implemented in Firefox 3.1

    Some methods:
    ✦ .nextElementSibling
    ✦ .previousElementSibling
    ✦ .firstElementChild
    ✦ .lastElementChild

    ✦ .children (All browsers)
Drag and Drop
HTML 5 Dragging
    Includes full support drag and drop events

    Events: dragstart, dragend, dragenter,
    dragleave, dragover, drag, drop
    <div draggable=”true”
    (’text/plain’, ‘This text may be dragged’)”>
      This text <strong>may</strong> be
    Only in Firefox 3.1
    ✦ Introduced by IE
    ✦ Seeing a wider introduction

    Super-fast way to determine the position
    of an element
    Better alternative to manual computation
JavaScript Threads
    JavaScript has always been single-threaded

    Limited to working linearly

    New HTML 5 Web Workers

    Spawn JavaScript threads

    Run complicated work in the background
    ✦ Doesn’t block the browser!

    Drop-in usable, huge quality boost.
A Simple Worker
    var myWorker = new Worker(’my_worker.js’);  
    myWorker.onmessage = function(event) {  
      alert(”Called back by the worker!n”);  
Styling and Effects
    Lots of commons styling effects

    Can be replaced and simplified by the
    Drastically simplify pages and improve
    their performance
Rounded Corners
    CSS 3 specification

    Implemented in Safari, Firefox, Opera
    ✦ -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    ✦ -webkit-border-radius: 5px;

    Can replace clumsy, slow, old methods.
    Box Shadows
    ✦ Shadow behind a div
        -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)

    Text Shadows
    ✦ Shadow behind some text
        text-shadow: -1px -1px #666, 1px 1px #FFF;

    Implemented in WebKit, Firefox

    Can replace clumsy, slow, old methods.
Example Shadows

Custom Fonts
    Load in custom fonts

    Can load TrueType fonts

    Implemented in Safari and Firefox

    Can replace using Flash-based fonts.
Transforms and Animations
    Transforms allow you to rotate, scale, and
    offset an element
    ✦ -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg);

    Animations allow you to morph an
    element using nothing but CSS
    ✦ -webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;

    Implemented in WebKit and Firefox

    Can replace JS animations, today.
    Proposed and first implemented by Apple
    in WebKit
    A 2d drawing layer
    ✦ With possibilities for future expansion

    Embedded in web pages (looks and
    behaves like an img element)
    Works in all browsers (IE with ExCanvas)

    Offload rendering to client

    Better user interaction
Shapes and Paths
    NOT vectors (unlike SVG)





Fill and Stroke
    All can be styled (similar to CSS)

    Stroke styles the path (or outline)

    Fill is the color of the interior

Canvas Embedding
    Canvases can consume:
    ✦ Images
    ✦ Other Canvases

    Will be able to consume (Firefox 3.1, Safari
    ✦ Video

    In an extension:
    ✦ Web Pages
SQL Storage
    Part of HTML 5 - a full client-side SQL
    database (SQLite)
    Implemented in WebKit

    var database = openDatabase(”db”, “1.0”);
    database.executeSql(”SELECT * FROM test”, function(result1) {
       // do something with the results
       database.executeSql(”DROP TABLE test”);
Native JSON
    JSON is a format for transferring data
    ✦ (Uses JavaScript syntax to achieve this.)
    ✦ Has been slow and a little hacky.

    Browser now have native support in
    Firefox 3.1 and IE 8
    Drop-in usable, today
    ✦ JSON.encode(object)
    ✦ JSON.decode(string)

New Measurements
    When something is physically drawn to
    the screen
    Hard to quantify without more
    Firefox 3.1 includes a new event:
Paint Events
    CSS has lots of boxes in it

    Position of boxes is constantly recomputed
    and repositioned (before being painted)
    ✦ This is reflow

    John Resig

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Performance Improvements in Browsers

  • 1. Performance Improvements in Browsers John Resig -
  • 2. About Me Work for the Mozilla Corporation (Firefox!) ✦ ✦ Do a lot of JavaScript performance analysis ✦ is my performance test suite ✦ Tests the performance of JavaScript engines ✦ Tests the performance of browser DOM Creator of the jQuery JavaScript Library ✦ ✦ ✦ Used by Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Nokia, IBM, Intel, CBS News, NBC, etc.
  • 3. Upcoming Browsers The browsers: ✦ ✦ Firefox 3.1 ✦ Safari 4 ✦ Internet Explorer 8 ✦ Opera 10 ✦ Google Chrome Defining characteristics: ✦ ✦ Better performance ✦ Advanced JavaScript engines
  • 4. Firefox 3.1 Set to be released Spring 2009 ✦ Goals: ✦ ✦ Performance improvements ✦ Video and Audio tags ✦ Private browsing Beta 2 just released ✦ ✦
  • 5. Safari 4 Released in conjunction with OS X 10.6 ✦ Features: ✦ ✦ Performance improvements ✦ Desktop Apps ✦ ACID 3 compliance ✦ Revamped dev tools Preview seeded to developers ✦ ✦
  • 6. Internet Explorer 8 Released early 2009 ✦ Features: ✦ ✦ Backwards compatibility with IE 7 ✦ Web Clips (trim out a part of a page and place on desktop) ✦ Process per tab RC1 recently ✦ released ✦ windows/internet-explorer/ beta/readiness/new-features.aspx
  • 7. Opera 10 Unspecified release schedule (2009?) ✦ Features: ✦ ✦ ACID 3 compliance ✦ Video and Audio tags Opera 9.6 recently released ✦ ✦
  • 8. Google Chrome Chrome 1.0 September 2008 ✦ Features: ✦ ✦ Private browsing ✦ Process per tab Chrome 2.0 upcoming ✦ ✦
  • 9. Process Per Tab Most browsers have a single process ✦ ✦ Share memory, resources ✦ Pages rendered using threads IE 8 and Chrome split tabs into individual ✦ processes What does this change? ✦ ✦ Pages can do more processing ✦ (Not block the UI or other tabs) ✦ Tabs consume more memory
  • 10. Process Per Tab Examples of changes, in Chrome. ✦ Timer speed is what you set it to. ✦ ✦ Browsers cap the speed to 10ms. ✦ setInterval(fn, 1); Can do more non-stop processing, without ✦ warning: while (true) {} Chrome has a process manager (like the ✦ OS process manager - see CPU, Memory)
  • 11. JavaScript Engines New wave of engines: ✦ ✦ Firefox: TraceMonkey ✦ Safari: SquirrelFish (Extreme) ✦ Chrome: V8 Continually leap-frogging each other ✦
  • 12. Common Areas Virtual Machines ✦ ✦ Optimized to run a JavaScript-specific bytecode Shaping ✦ ✦ Determine if two objects are similar ✦ Optimize behavior based upon that ✦ “Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck” ✦ if ( obj.walks && obj.quacks ) {}
  • 13. Engine Layers JavaScript Code JavaScript Engine (C++) Virtual Bytecode Machine Machine Code
  • 14. Bytecode Specific low-level commands ✦ Written in machine code ✦ a + b; ✦ PLUS( a, b ) { ✦ IF ISSTRING(a) OR ISSTRING(b) { return CONCAT( a, b ); } ELSE { return ADD( a, b ); } }
  • 15. Shaping Simple JavaScript code: ✦ obj.method() GETPROP( obj, name ) { ✦ IF ISOBJECT(obj) { IF HASPROP(obj, name) return PROP(obj, name); ELSE return PROTO(obj, name) } ELSE { ERROR } }
  • 16. Shaping (cont.) EXEC( prop ) { ✦ IF ISFN( prop ) { RUN( prop ) } ELSE { ERROR } } After shaping: ✦ RUN( PROP( obj, name ) ) Optimized Bytecode ✦
  • 17. TraceMonkey Firefox uses an engine called ✦ SpiderMonkey (written in C) Tracing technology layered on for Firefox ✦ 3.1 (dubbed ‘TraceMonkey’) Hyper-optimizes repeating patterns into ✦ bytecode ✦
  • 18. Tracing for ( var i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { ✦ var foo = stuff[i][0]; foo = “more stuff ” + someFn( foo ); } function someFn( foo ) { return foo.substr(1); } Loop is costly ✦ ✦ ISNUM(i) ✦ ADD(i, 1) ✦ COMPARE( i, 1000 )
  • 19. Function Inlining for ( var i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { ✦ var foo = stuff[i][0]; foo = “more stuff ” + foo.substr(1); }
  • 20. SquirrelFish Just-in-time compilation for JavaScript ✦ Compiles a bytecode for common ✦ functionality Specialties: ✦ ✦ Bytecodes for regular expressions (super- fast) ✦ javascript-performance
  • 21. Chrome V8 Makes extensive use of shaping (fast ✦ property lookups) Hyper-optimized function calls and ✦ recursion Dynamic machine code generation ✦ ✦
  • 22. Measuring Speed SunSpider ✦ ✦ Released by the WebKit team last fall ✦ Focuses completely on JavaScript Dromaeo ✦ ✦ Released by Mozilla this spring ✦ Mix of JavaScript and DOM V8 Benchmark ✦ ✦ Released by Chrome team last month ✦ Lots of recursion testing Quality: ✦
  • 27. Network Steve Souders’ UA tool: ✦ Also see: YSlow ✦
  • 28. Simultaneous Conn. Number of downloads per domain ✦ Should be at least 4 ✦ ✦ FF 2, IE 6, and IE 7 are 2 ✦ Safari is 4 ✦ Everyone else is 6-7 Max connections: Number of simultaneous ✦ downloads ✦ Firefox, Opera: 25-30 ✦ Everyone else: 50-60
  • 29. Parallel Scripts Download scripts simultaneously ✦ Even though they must execute in order ✦ <script defer> ✦ ✦ From Internet Explorer ✦ Just landed for Firefox 3.1 ✦ In Opera as well ✦ Replacement for JavaScript-based loading
  • 30. Redirect Caching A simple request: ✦ -> -> Very costly, should be cached. ✦ Chrome and Firefox do well here. ✦
  • 31. Link Prefetching <link rel=”prefetch” href=”someimg.png”/> ✦ Pre-load resources for later use ✦ ✦ (images, stylesheets) Currently only in Firefox ✦ Replacement for JavaScript preloading ✦
  • 33. postMessage A way to pass messages amongst multiple ✦ frames and windows Implemented in all browsers (in some ✦ capacity). Sending a message: ✦ iframe.postMessage(“test”, ✦ “”);
  • 34. postMessage Receiving a Message: ✦ window.addEventListener(”message”, function(e){ ✦ if (e.origin !== ““) return; alert( ); }, false);
  • 35. Cross-Domain XHR Landed in Firefox 3.1, support in IE 8 ✦ Add a header to your content: ✦ Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * XMLHttpRequest can now pull it in, even ✦ across domains ✦ HTTP_Access_Control
  • 37. Class Name New method: ✦ getElementsByClassName Works just like: ✦ getElementsByTagName Fast way of finding elements by their class ✦ name(s): <div class=”person sidebar”></div> document.getElementsByClassName(“sidebar”) ✦ Safari 3.1, Firefox 3.0, Opera 9.6 ✦ Drop-in replacement for existing queries ✦
  • 39. Selectors API querySelectorAll ✦ Use CSS selectors to find DOM elements ✦ document.querySelectorAll(“div p”) ✦ Good cross-browser support ✦ ✦ IE 8, Safari 4, FF 3, Opera 10 Drop-in replacement for JavaScript ✦ libraries.
  • 41. Traversal API W3C Specification ✦ Implemented in Firefox 3.1 ✦ Some methods: ✦ ✦ .nextElementSibling ✦ .previousElementSibling ✦ .firstElementChild ✦ .lastElementChild Related: ✦ ✦ .children (All browsers)
  • 43. HTML 5 Dragging Includes full support drag and drop events ✦ Events: dragstart, dragend, dragenter, ✦ dragleave, dragover, drag, drop <div draggable=”true” ✦ ondragstart=”event.dataTransfer.setData (’text/plain’, ‘This text may be dragged’)”> This text <strong>may</strong> be dragged. </div> Only in Firefox 3.1 ✦
  • 44. Bounding getBoundingClientRect ✦ ✦ Introduced by IE ✦ Seeing a wider introduction Super-fast way to determine the position ✦ of an element Better alternative to manual computation ✦
  • 45. JavaScript Threads JavaScript has always been single-threaded ✦ Limited to working linearly ✦ New HTML 5 Web Workers ✦ Spawn JavaScript threads ✦ Run complicated work in the background ✦ ✦ Doesn’t block the browser! Drop-in usable, huge quality boost. ✦
  • 46. A Simple Worker var myWorker = new Worker(’my_worker.js’);   ✦ myWorker.onmessage = function(event) {   alert(”Called back by the worker!n”);   };  
  • 47. Styling and Effects Lots of commons styling effects ✦ Can be replaced and simplified by the ✦ browser Drastically simplify pages and improve ✦ their performance
  • 48. Rounded Corners CSS 3 specification ✦ Implemented in Safari, Firefox, Opera ✦ ✦ -moz-border-radius: 5px; ✦ -webkit-border-radius: 5px; Can replace clumsy, slow, old methods. ✦
  • 49. Shadows Box Shadows ✦ ✦ Shadow behind a div -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ✦ Text Shadows ✦ ✦ Shadow behind some text text-shadow: -1px -1px #666, 1px 1px #FFF; ✦ Implemented in WebKit, Firefox ✦ Can replace clumsy, slow, old methods. ✦
  • 50. Example Shadows Demos: ✦ shadow.html
  • 51. Custom Fonts Load in custom fonts ✦ Can load TrueType fonts ✦ Implemented in Safari and Firefox ✦ Demo: ✦ blok.html Can replace using Flash-based fonts. ✦
  • 52. Transforms and Animations Transforms allow you to rotate, scale, and ✦ offset an element ✦ -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg); Animations allow you to morph an ✦ element using nothing but CSS ✦ -webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; Implemented in WebKit and Firefox ✦ Demo: ✦ css-animation/ Can replace JS animations, today. ✦
  • 53. Canvas Proposed and first implemented by Apple ✦ in WebKit A 2d drawing layer ✦ ✦ With possibilities for future expansion Embedded in web pages (looks and ✦ behaves like an img element) Works in all browsers (IE with ExCanvas) ✦ Offload rendering to client ✦ Better user interaction ✦
  • 54. Shapes and Paths NOT vectors (unlike SVG) ✦ Rectangles ✦ Arcs ✦ Lines ✦ Curves ✦ Charts: ✦
  • 55. Fill and Stroke All can be styled (similar to CSS) ✦ Stroke styles the path (or outline) ✦ Fill is the color of the interior ✦ Sparklines: ✦
  • 56. Canvas Embedding Canvases can consume: ✦ ✦ Images ✦ Other Canvases Will be able to consume (Firefox 3.1, Safari ✦ 4): ✦ Video In an extension: ✦ ✦ Web Pages
  • 57. Data
  • 58. SQL Storage Part of HTML 5 - a full client-side SQL ✦ database (SQLite) Implemented in WebKit ✦ var database = openDatabase(”db”, “1.0”); ✦ database.executeSql(”SELECT * FROM test”, function(result1) { // do something with the results database.executeSql(”DROP TABLE test”); });
  • 59. Native JSON JSON is a format for transferring data ✦ ✦ (Uses JavaScript syntax to achieve this.) ✦ Has been slow and a little hacky. Browser now have native support in ✦ Firefox 3.1 and IE 8 Drop-in usable, today ✦ ✦ JSON.encode(object) ✦ JSON.decode(string)
  • 60. Performance Encoding: ✦ Decoding: ✦
  • 62. Painting When something is physically drawn to ✦ the screen Hard to quantify without more ✦ information Firefox 3.1 includes a new event: ✦ MozAfterPaint Demo: ✦ paint-events/
  • 64. Reflow CSS has lots of boxes in it ✦ Position of boxes is constantly recomputed ✦ and repositioned (before being painted) ✦ This is reflow Demo: ✦ 2008/05/24/what-is-a-reflow/
  • 65. Questions? John Resig ✦