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YSlow 2.0 Stoyan Stefanov, Yahoo! Inc. Beijing, Dec 6 th  2008
About the presenter Yahoo! Performance YSlow dev/architect  tool  blog
The importance of performance Task completion Slow site = lost business
The importance of performance 500 ms slower = 20% drop in traffic (Google) 400 ms slower = 5-9% drop in full-page traffic* (Yahoo!) 100 ms slower = 1% drop in sales (Amazon) * Users leaving before the page finishes loading

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詳説探究!Cloud Native Databaseの現在地点(CloudNative Days Tokyo 2023 発表資料)

詳説探究!Cloud Native Databaseの現在地点 (CloudNative Days Tokyo 2023 発表資料) 2023年12月11日(月) NTTデータグループ 技術開発本部 小林 隆浩

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AWSメンテナンス ElastiCache編
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AWSメンテナンス ElastiCache編

※免責事項 本書の情報・資料の記載には注意を払っておりますが、記載された情報の内容が正確であるか、更新時期が適切かどうかなどについて一切保証するものではありません。また、記載された情報またはその誤りなど、本書記載の情報に関連して生じた損害または障害などに関しては、その理由の如何に関わらず、またその損害等が直接的か間接的かを問わず、一切責任を負うものではありません。


Office365におけるアイデンティティ管理の話 SQL World 2014/06/21 大阪

identity managementsamlidentity
The importance of front-end In FF3 HTML Page: 22%
The importance of front-end In IE6 HTML Page:  < 5%
Front-end performance Focus on the front-end Greater potential Easier
Exceptional Performance at Yahoo! “ Quantify and improve the performance of all Yahoo! products worldwide” Center of expertise Build tools, analyze data Gather, research, and evangelize best practices - internally and externally YSlow

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Capturing System Behaviour
Capturing System BehaviourCapturing System Behaviour
Capturing System Behaviour

1) The document discusses Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams for modeling systems, including both structural and behavioral diagrams. 2) Structural diagrams represent the static aspects of a system and include class, object, component, and deployment diagrams. 3) Behavioral diagrams model the dynamic aspects and include use case, sequence, collaboration, state chart, and activity diagrams.

Best practices   List of 34 best practices Categorized into 7 tags
Lossless image optimization
YSlow 1.0 Pre-set rules, grades and scores Hard to customize Firebug dependent “ Yahoo’s problems are not your problems”

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2022/3/14 JAWS-UG朝会#31の資料です。

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[AKIBA.AWS] VGWのルーティング仕様

DirectConnect、VPNでAWSと接続するためのコアとなるVirtual Private Gateway(VGW)。複数拠点と接続するケースでは必須となる、VGWのルート制御の仕様を深掘りします。

AWS 初心者向けWebinar Amazon Web Services料金の見積り方法 -料金計算の考え方・見積り方法・お支払方法-
AWS 初心者向けWebinar Amazon Web Services料金の見積り方法 -料金計算の考え方・見積り方法・お支払方法-AWS 初心者向けWebinar Amazon Web Services料金の見積り方法 -料金計算の考え方・見積り方法・お支払方法-
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YSlow 2.0 extensible  customizable open to community contributions multi-browser support
Rules and grading
Rules/ best practices
Rules Current list of rules in YSlow – 13 Current list of rules on YDN – 34 Add new rules 10 rules were identified as testable Categorize the rules

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Japan SharePoint Group #20@Tokyoでの資料。 ID基盤をオンプレ、ハイブリッド、クラウドそれぞれのパターンでどのように構成するのか、どのように選択するのか、を解説しています。

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グループポリシーとは何か グループポリシーの強み GPO の作成 GPO のリンク GPOの中身 フィルタ処理 移動ユーザプロファイルを設定してみよう などグループポリシーの重要な概念、操作方法や設定できる項目等を大まかに理解していただき、グループポリシーを利用するメリットを知っていただけたら、と考えています。

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Rules Allow developers to create their own rules e.g. No images Use YUI …  who knows
A new rule An object with properties: ID  Name Category URL Configuration options Lint method
YSlow.registerRule ( { id: 'no_images', name: 'No images', categories: ['images', 'content'], url: '', config: { allowed: 0 }, lint: function(doc, cset, config){…} } );
lint: function(doc, cset, config) { var grade = 100; var num = cset.getComponentsByType(['image']); if (num.length > config.allowed) { grade = 0; } return { grade: grade, message: 'Please do not use images' }; }

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[AKIBA.AWS] VPCをネットワーク図で理解してみる
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AKIBA.AWS 第5回 基礎編 基礎編 - AWSのネットワークサービスの基本 -にて発表の資料です。 よくあるVPCの構成図を、従来からあるネットワーク構成図に表現するとどのように描けるか考えることで、AWSのネットワークについての理解を深めることができればと思います。

The pool We end up with a  pool of rules out-of-the-box rules created by the YSlow team contributed by the community
Grading algorithm 1.0 Currently hardcoded 13 “lint” functions are called by name, e.g.  lintCSSAtTop() ,  lintExpires() , etc. Some customizable options, but not many
Grading 2.0 Make it algorithm s Customizable Allow users to create their own grading algos
Warning! The screenshots in this presentation are purely fictional Any resemblance with the real YSlow 2.0 is actually highly undesirable

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This document discusses object-oriented concepts and modeling. It begins by listing three textbooks on these topics. It then provides an overview of object-oriented concepts like objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. It describes the stages of object-oriented analysis, design and implementation. It discusses the three main models used in object-oriented modeling: class models, state models, and interaction models. Finally, it covers object-oriented themes like abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism and the purposes of modeling.

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Ruleset You pick and choose from the pool of rules Customize rule options And create a  ruleset A ruleset = a grading algorithm

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The document provides an overview of a Company Visitor Management System project. It includes sections on the project introduction, modules, requirements, analysis and design, database tables, implementation, evaluation, and conclusion. The system is a web-based application built with Python, Django, and MySQL to more effectively manage and track company visitors through features like adding visitors, generating reports, and password recovery/management. UML diagrams including use cases, classes, entities, and data flow are included to visualize the system design.

Share the new algo YSlow creates a new .xpi -  a new Firefox extension which is effectively an extension to YSlow
Sharing the .xpi Within the team, so that everyone is on the same page With the world (publish on
New Ruleset YSLOW.registerRuleset({  id: 'myrulz', name: 'My custom grading', rules: { ynumreq:  {},  ycdn:  {}, yexpires:  {}, // ... } });

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The samples & links referenced in the presentation are at this link -

An Introduction to Django Web Framework
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An Introduction to Django Web Framework

Django is a Python web framework created in 2003 that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It uses a Model-View-Controller architectural pattern with models representing database tables, views containing logic, and templates for user-facing content. Some key features include automatically generated admin interfaces, URL routing, forms handling, internationalization support, and various utilities like static file management. Django is highly customizable and promotes code reuse and modularity through applications that can be combined for a project. It is one of the most popular web frameworks and powers many major sites today.


The document introduces Django, an open-source web framework written in Python. It provides an overview of Django, including its MVC structure, status updates, installation guide, basic tutorials, and features such as forms, generic views, sessions, caching, middleware, and its standard library. The document encourages learning additional skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL to become a strong web developer using Django.

Logic YSlow 1.0: Go through a list of preset rules and preset options YSlow 2.0:  What’s the current ruleset? Loop through the rules in the set and call their lint() Gather an array of results
Tools and import/export
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Lesson teached at Università di Roma Tre - Software Engineering course. Web is plenty of amazing tools used daily by millions of people. A good idea can turn to be a highly profitable business if well executed. Yii framework is an ideal tool to build in short time an MVP of your product to start as soon as possible to find your market fit. Here follows some infos about the framework and steps on how to build a simple blog over Yii.

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Talk given at JavaOne 2009 discussing how to build web applications using OSGi. The source for the demo found at Session Abstract: Enterprise Web applications tend to grow like weeds in monolithic complexity. OSGi, although more often associated with Java™ technology-based clients and application servers, can bring a new level of modularity, uptime, and stability that is needed with today's always-on hosted Web applications. OSGi gets really interesting when the pretty architecture diagrams meet the real world, because it consists of various deployment platforms, development environments, and application architectures. This presentation, for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™ platform)-savvy architects and senior developers, provides a practical guide to the Web on OSGi, from integration approach to bundle development, to real-world code you can use today. The session discusses • What benefits OSGi brings to the J2EE platform • Three integration strategies • How to use Spring DM and Maven to ease development • Lessons learned from Atlassian's recent OSGi deployment • A production-ready example to use immediately

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The document discusses best practices for improving web page performance. It begins by noting how slow pages negatively impact user experience and business metrics. It then outlines 14 best practices such as minimizing HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, gzipping components, optimizing images, and avoiding redirects. Additional best practices are also provided such as preloading components, minimizing DOM access, and keeping components under 25kb. Tools for measuring performance are also mentioned.

Tools 2.0 More tools Custom user tools Import/Export
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This document provides an overview of Django, a popular Python web framework. It discusses key features of Django including its MVT architecture, ORM, admin interface, and template system. It also covers common Django practices like project structure, apps, settings, models, views, URLs, forms, and using the Django REST framework to build APIs. Major sections include installation, configuration, building models, views, templates, and forms.

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The document summarizes Yahoo's Open Strategy (Y!OS) which aims to establish Yahoo as a social platform and enable open application development. It discusses key components of Y!OS including social APIs, OAuth authentication, the Yahoo Markup Language (YML), Yahoo Query Language (YQL), and Caja for application security. The Yahoo Application Platform (YAP) is introduced as a platform for building and hosting open applications.

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This document provides an overview of the content management system Drupal. It discusses that Drupal is free and open source, has many features, and is highly extensible. It also lists some killer features like CCK, Views, Organic Groups, and Taxonomy. Examples of large organizations using Drupal include The White House and NASA.

Import/export Ability to save YSlow runs, aka “sessions” Ability to open saved sessions Import from other tools – Fiddler, HttpWatch Standard format?
Extensible tools menu
Extensible tools User creates a function that takes the list of components and does something The function is published in an extension to YSlow  User-created tools have access to the YSlow APIs Most likely the tool produces a result (HTML), so let’s make this easy
YSlow.registerTool( { id: 'mytool', name: 'Custom tool #37', print_output: true, run: function(cset) { return 'I am a custom tool'; } } );

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This document provides an overview of the content management system Drupal. It discusses that Drupal is free and open source, has many features, and is highly extensible. It also lists some killer features like CCK, Views, Organic Groups, and Taxonomy. Examples of large organizations using Drupal include The White House and NASA.

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Damian Edwards ( and I delivered a presentation on IE8 at Remix Australia. We took the opportunity to outline the whys and wherefores of standards-based design as well.

Development support
APIs Since users will be using them, the APIs need to be: Stable Documented
Code organization Separate UI from logic, use renderers Separate from Firebug and Firefox Split and group code to defined libraries
Code quality Follow better practices / run JSLint Unit tests

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In this slide, identify what to test and choose the best language for automation. Learn to write maintainable and reusable Selenium tests and add UI layout test as part of automation using Galen framework. This slide will also guide you in reporting structure by using external plugin's, an illustration covering cross browser testing (Running selenium grid with Docker) and explain Code repository (Git) and Jenkins CI tool.

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The document discusses Django, an open-source web framework for Python. It highlights how Django can shorten development time for web applications by automating common tasks. It provides examples of how Django handles data modeling, views, templates, and other features out of the box. The document also lists many successful websites built with Django that demonstrate its performance, scalability, and popularity in the developer community.

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The document discusses using Python to build single-page applications (SPAs). It introduces SPAs and how they work by loading a single HTML page and dynamically updating content via JavaScript. The speaker then outlines a Python-based SPA architecture using a Django REST API and frontend code. As an example, a movie application is presented that separates the API from the AngularJS frontend. The API uses the Django REST framework and is tested programmatically.

Flow diagram
Pool of  rule  objects “ Yahoo! default” ruleset  object “ Personal blog” ruleset  object “ SEO” ruleset  object L I N T
Contains result  objects L I N T resultset HTML renderer <ol> <li>Minimize HTTP requests… JSON renderer
Types of extensions to YSlow 2.0. (summary)

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Slides from San Francisco Web Performance meetup celebrating YSlow's birthday. This was mostly a demo, so slides are probably not very helpful. Some pointers:

An extension to YSlow can: Add a new Rule Add a new Ruleset (can also be generated using the UI) Add a new Tool Add a new Renderer Add a new export or import format
New rules in YSlow 2.0 #14 - Make Ajax cacheable #16 - Use GET for XHR #19 - Reduce the number of DOM elements #22 - No 404s #23 - Reduce cookie size #24 - Cookie-free static components #28 - Avoid  AlphaImageLoader #31 - Don’t scale images in HTML #32 - Make favicon small and cacheable #33 – Components under 25K (iPhone)
Stoyan Stefanov  [email_address]

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YSlow 2.0

  • 1. YSlow 2.0 Stoyan Stefanov, Yahoo! Inc. Beijing, Dec 6 th 2008
  • 2. About the presenter Yahoo! Performance YSlow dev/architect tool blog
  • 3. The importance of performance Task completion Slow site = lost business
  • 4. The importance of performance 500 ms slower = 20% drop in traffic (Google) 400 ms slower = 5-9% drop in full-page traffic* (Yahoo!) 100 ms slower = 1% drop in sales (Amazon) * Users leaving before the page finishes loading
  • 5. The importance of front-end In FF3 HTML Page: 22%
  • 6. The importance of front-end In IE6 HTML Page: < 5%
  • 7. Front-end performance Focus on the front-end Greater potential Easier
  • 8. Exceptional Performance at Yahoo! “ Quantify and improve the performance of all Yahoo! products worldwide” Center of expertise Build tools, analyze data Gather, research, and evangelize best practices - internally and externally YSlow
  • 9. Best practices List of 34 best practices Categorized into 7 tags
  • 10.  
  • 11. Lossless image optimization
  • 12. YSlow 1.0 Pre-set rules, grades and scores Hard to customize Firebug dependent “ Yahoo’s problems are not your problems”
  • 13. YSlow 2.0 extensible customizable open to community contributions multi-browser support
  • 16. Rules Current list of rules in YSlow – 13 Current list of rules on YDN – 34 Add new rules 10 rules were identified as testable Categorize the rules
  • 17. Rules Allow developers to create their own rules e.g. No images Use YUI … who knows
  • 18. A new rule An object with properties: ID Name Category URL Configuration options Lint method
  • 19. YSlow.registerRule ( { id: 'no_images', name: 'No images', categories: ['images', 'content'], url: '', config: { allowed: 0 }, lint: function(doc, cset, config){…} } );
  • 20. lint: function(doc, cset, config) { var grade = 100; var num = cset.getComponentsByType(['image']); if (num.length > config.allowed) { grade = 0; } return { grade: grade, message: 'Please do not use images' }; }
  • 21. The pool We end up with a pool of rules out-of-the-box rules created by the YSlow team contributed by the community
  • 22. Grading algorithm 1.0 Currently hardcoded 13 “lint” functions are called by name, e.g. lintCSSAtTop() , lintExpires() , etc. Some customizable options, but not many
  • 23. Grading 2.0 Make it algorithm s Customizable Allow users to create their own grading algos
  • 24. Warning! The screenshots in this presentation are purely fictional Any resemblance with the real YSlow 2.0 is actually highly undesirable
  • 25. Algos
  • 26.  
  • 27. Ruleset You pick and choose from the pool of rules Customize rule options And create a ruleset A ruleset = a grading algorithm
  • 28.  
  • 29.  
  • 30. Share the new algo YSlow creates a new .xpi - a new Firefox extension which is effectively an extension to YSlow
  • 31. Sharing the .xpi Within the team, so that everyone is on the same page With the world (publish on
  • 32. New Ruleset YSLOW.registerRuleset({ id: 'myrulz', name: 'My custom grading', rules: { ynumreq: {}, ycdn: {}, yexpires: {}, // ... } });
  • 33. Logic YSlow 1.0: Go through a list of preset rules and preset options YSlow 2.0: What’s the current ruleset? Loop through the rules in the set and call their lint() Gather an array of results
  • 37. Tools 2.0 More tools Custom user tools Import/Export
  • 41. Import/export Ability to save YSlow runs, aka “sessions” Ability to open saved sessions Import from other tools – Fiddler, HttpWatch Standard format?
  • 43. Extensible tools User creates a function that takes the list of components and does something The function is published in an extension to YSlow User-created tools have access to the YSlow APIs Most likely the tool produces a result (HTML), so let’s make this easy
  • 44. YSlow.registerTool( { id: 'mytool', name: 'Custom tool #37', print_output: true, run: function(cset) { return 'I am a custom tool'; } } );
  • 46. APIs Since users will be using them, the APIs need to be: Stable Documented
  • 47. Code organization Separate UI from logic, use renderers Separate from Firebug and Firefox Split and group code to defined libraries
  • 48. Code quality Follow better practices / run JSLint Unit tests
  • 50. Pool of rule objects “ Yahoo! default” ruleset object “ Personal blog” ruleset object “ SEO” ruleset object L I N T
  • 51. Contains result objects L I N T resultset HTML renderer <ol> <li>Minimize HTTP requests… JSON renderer
  • 52. Types of extensions to YSlow 2.0. (summary)
  • 53. An extension to YSlow can: Add a new Rule Add a new Ruleset (can also be generated using the UI) Add a new Tool Add a new Renderer Add a new export or import format
  • 54. New rules in YSlow 2.0 #14 - Make Ajax cacheable #16 - Use GET for XHR #19 - Reduce the number of DOM elements #22 - No 404s #23 - Reduce cookie size #24 - Cookie-free static components #28 - Avoid AlphaImageLoader #31 - Don’t scale images in HTML #32 - Make favicon small and cacheable #33 – Components under 25K (iPhone)
  • 55. Stoyan Stefanov [email_address]