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About Us
Cliff Crocker                  Aaron Kulick
• VP, Product Management       • Chief Performance Engineer
• SOASTA, Inc.                 • @WalmartLabs
• Performance monitoring,      • Founder of
   evangelism, analytics and     meetup,
   pho connoisseur               and lover of squirrels

@cliffcrocker                  @GoFastWeb
Images Provoke a Response
Foster a Sense of URGENCY!

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Velocity 2014 nyc WebPagetest private instances
Velocity 2014 nyc   WebPagetest private instancesVelocity 2014 nyc   WebPagetest private instances
Velocity 2014 nyc WebPagetest private instances

Presentation from Velocity NYC 2014 on setting up private WebPagetest instances Video:

CouchDB Google
CouchDB GoogleCouchDB Google
CouchDB Google

CouchDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that uses JSON documents with schema-free design. It features a built-in map/reduce function for querying indexes, and uses HTTP for an API and replication. CouchDB is robust, scales well, and is designed for high availability through its append-only writing and multi-version concurrency control.

Converting Your Dev Environment to a Docker Stack - Cascadia
Converting Your Dev Environment to a Docker Stack - CascadiaConverting Your Dev Environment to a Docker Stack - Cascadia
Converting Your Dev Environment to a Docker Stack - Cascadia

The document discusses converting a development environment to a Docker stack. It describes some of the benefits of using Docker for consolidating different environments that may have varying PHP and MySQL versions. It provides an example docker-compose.yml file that defines services for Nginx, MySQL, and PHP-FPM containers along with networking and volume configurations. It also includes some sidebars on Docker concepts like the hierarchy of images, containers, services and stacks, as well as common Docker commands.

dockerdocker swarmphp

                                               Provide Reassurance - All is OK
Dashboards Should NOT Be Complicated

A Simple 3 Step Approach to Building a
Step 1

identifying input & getting data

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Npm scripts
Npm scriptsNpm scripts
Npm scripts

This document discusses using NPM scripts as a build tool. It covers setting up scripts in the package.json file to automate common tasks like linting, testing, building assets, and running dev servers. Examples are provided of setting up scripts for CSS preprocessing, bundling JavaScript, running tests, and more for both AngularJS and React projects. Chaining, piping, and running tasks concurrently with NPM scripts is also covered.

The HTML5 WebSocket API
The HTML5 WebSocket APIThe HTML5 WebSocket API
The HTML5 WebSocket API

The HTML5 WebSocket API allows for true full-duplex communication between a client and server. It uses the WebSocket protocol which provides a standardized way for the client to "upgrade" an HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection, allowing for messages to be sent in either direction at any time with very little overhead. This enables real-time applications that were previously difficult to achieve with traditional HTTP requests. Common server implementations include Kaazing WebSocket Gateway, Jetty, and Node.js. The JavaScript API provides an easy way for clients to connect, send, and receive messages via a WebSocket connection.

Node.js 기반 정적 페이지 블로그 엔진, 하루프레스
Node.js 기반 정적 페이지 블로그 엔진, 하루프레스Node.js 기반 정적 페이지 블로그 엔진, 하루프레스
Node.js 기반 정적 페이지 블로그 엔진, 하루프레스

PlayNode Conference 2012 (NodeConf 2012 in Korea) 에서 발표한 node.js 기반의 정적 페이지 블로그 엔진 하루프레스 하루프레스의 기능적인 특징, 철학 그리고 기술적인 특징을 통해 알아보는 개발 노하우에 대한 내용을 닮고 있습니다.

How Most RUM Solutions Work
• Source external JS
• Instrument page with start/end timers and/or
  leverage navigation timing API
• Beacon containing timing data is fired at
  onload and sent to a beacon server
Getting Performance Data From Real
• Episodes
   – Some smart guy wrote this who knows something about
     web performance (Steve Souders)
• boomerang.js
   – Another smart guy wrote this (Phillip Tellis)
   – Extensible (custom API for passing data to beacon)
• ShowSlow
   – Yet another smart guy (Sergey Chernyshev – “mmm beacons”)
   – Crowdsourcing
• Roll your own
   – You can be the smart person to write this
W3C Navigation Timing

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WebPagetest - Good, Bad & Ugly
WebPagetest - Good, Bad & UglyWebPagetest - Good, Bad & Ugly
WebPagetest - Good, Bad & Ugly

Presentation by @aaronpeters at Dutch Web Performance Meetup on August 22 2012. The presentation covers new stuff in WPT UI, the WPT API, scripting and hidden gems. Awesome tool, but also room for improvement.

web performance
Scalable talk notes
Scalable talk notesScalable talk notes
Scalable talk notes

This document summarizes techniques for building scalable websites with Perl, including caching whole pages, chunks of HTML/data, and using job queuing. Caching helps performance by reducing workload and scalability by lowering database load. Large sites like Yahoo cache aggressively. Job queuing prevents overloading resources and keeps websites responsive under high demand by lining requests up in a queue.

Mobile web performance - MoDev East
Mobile web performance - MoDev EastMobile web performance - MoDev East
Mobile web performance - MoDev East

This document summarizes a presentation on high performance mobile web. The presentation covers: - Delivering fast mobile experiences by making fewer HTTP requests, using CDNs, browser prefetching, and other techniques. - Measuring web performance using Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, custom timing marks, and tools like WebPagetest and Google Analytics. - Typical mobile network performance statistics like average latency, download speeds, and how these numbers impact page load times.

mobile webwebperfweb performance
Today We are Using boomerang.js
• Steps:
  – Git:
  – Include:
  <script src="/javascript/boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  – Initialize:
         beacon_url: "",
         site_domain: "”
Today We are Using boomerang.js
• Steps:
  – Extend:

         var1: “bing",
         var2: “bang",
         var3: “boom”

     //some foo
<script src="/javascript/boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

For the high-performance, non-blocking, self-updating version, see:


Synthetic Data
•   Consistency
•   Object level detail
•   High signal to noise ratio
•   Instrumented real browsers

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Single page apps with drupal 7
Single page apps with drupal 7Single page apps with drupal 7
Single page apps with drupal 7

It's no denying that rich Javascript applications (sometimes called One Page Applications) are a big thing, but what if you want to leverage Drupal on the backend, or have an existing site? Tools like Angular.JS and EmberJS are great when you have an API, but Drupal 7 doesn't really have an API layer. I'll explore the parts of a one page application and how to integrate it into either an existing or a new Drupal site, and the pitfalls that one must watch out for.

single page appsangularjsangular
Scaling Django
Scaling DjangoScaling Django
Scaling Django

This document provides a summary of Mike Malone's talk on scaling Django web apps. It discusses how Pownce scaled to handle hundreds of requests per second and thousands of database operations per second while serving millions of users, relationships, notes, and terabytes of static data. It also covers some of the common bottlenecks Pownce encountered and eliminated in scaling their Django application, including using caching, load balancing, and queuing to improve performance and scalability.

ApacheCon 2014 - What's New in Apache httpd 2.4
ApacheCon 2014 - What's New in Apache httpd 2.4ApacheCon 2014 - What's New in Apache httpd 2.4
ApacheCon 2014 - What's New in Apache httpd 2.4

The document summarizes new features in Apache HTTPD version 2.4, including improved performance through the Event MPM, faster APR, and reduced memory usage. It describes new configuration options like finer timeout controls and the <If> directive. New modules like mod_lua and mod_proxy submodules are highlighted. The document also discusses how Apache has adapted to cloud computing through dynamic proxying, load balancing, and self-aware environments.

Getting Synthetic Data
•   cURL
•   ShowSlow
•   PageSpeed Insights
•   Vendor supported solutions
• Steps:
  – Download:
  – Configure:
  – Automate:
     • Script foo
     • Bribe Patrick Meenan for an API key
Example: Walmart Competitive Index
• Ingredients:
  – URL file
  – Cron job
  – MySQL
  – Flot (javascript)
Example: Walmart Competitive Index

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Care and feeding notes
Care and feeding notesCare and feeding notes
Care and feeding notes

This document discusses how to maintain large web applications over time. It describes how the author's team managed a web application with over 65,000 lines of code and 6,000 automated tests over 2.5 years of development. Key aspects included packaging full releases, automating dependency installation, specifying supported environments, and automating data migrations during upgrades. The goal was to have a sustainable process that allowed for continuous development without slowing down due to maintenance issues.

Apache httpd Reverse Proxy and Tomcat
Apache httpd Reverse Proxy and TomcatApache httpd Reverse Proxy and Tomcat
Apache httpd Reverse Proxy and Tomcat

Jim Jagielski discusses the Apache HTTPD v2.4 reverse proxy capabilities. Key points include: 1) Apache HTTPD v2.4 includes improvements that make it suitable for cloud environments and high performance as a reverse proxy, including support for asynchronous I/O and additional load balancing mechanisms. 2) As a reverse proxy, Apache HTTPD can provide security, load balancing, caching, and high availability for backend servers located behind the proxy. 3) Apache HTTPD v2.4's reverse proxy functionality includes support for additional protocols, load balancing algorithms, dynamic configuration, and HTTP/2.

ApacheConNA 2015: Apache httpd 2.4 Reverse Proxy
ApacheConNA 2015: Apache httpd 2.4 Reverse ProxyApacheConNA 2015: Apache httpd 2.4 Reverse Proxy
ApacheConNA 2015: Apache httpd 2.4 Reverse Proxy

Overview of the Enhanced Reverse Proxy features of Apache httpd 2.4, including dynamic control and cloud-based features.

• Conversion
   – Add to cart
   – Click
• Engagement
   – Bounce, exit, and entry
   – Time on page/site
• Demographics
   – Geography
   – Browser, device, OS, screen size
• Flow
   – Utilization
• SEO, SEM, and campaign effectiveness
   – A/B, MAB
•   Google Analytics
•   Log analysis (BFD)
•   Vendor supported solution
• Steps:
  – Download:
  – Install:
     • MySQL
     • PHP
  – Instrument:

<script type="text/javascript">
var pkBaseURL = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://localhost/test/piwik/" :
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + pkBaseURL + "piwik.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
BOOMR.subscribe ('before_beacon', function (o) {
try {
      var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + "piwik.php", 2);
      piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (1, "Page Load - sec", Math.ceil((o.t_done/1000)), "page");
      piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (2, "Page Processing - sec.", Math.ceil((o.t_page/1000)), "page");
      piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (3, "Response - sec", Math.ceil((o.t_resp/1000)), "page");
      piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (4, "Latency - msec",, "visit");
      piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (5, "Bandwidth - kbps", Math.ceil((, "visit");
} catch( err ) {}

<noscript><p><img src="http://localhost/test/piwik/piwik.php?idsite=2" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript>

                                                                                      *boomerang integration
                                                                                      **not like this!!

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cache concepts and varnish-cache
cache concepts and varnish-cachecache concepts and varnish-cache
cache concepts and varnish-cache

The document discusses cache concepts and the Varnish caching software. It provides an agenda that covers cache concepts like levels and types of caches as well as HTTP headers that help caching. It then covers Varnish, describing it as an HTTP accelerator, and discusses its process architecture, installation, basic configuration using VCL, backends, probes, directors, functions/subroutines, and tuning best practices.

varnish cache http
Advanced front-end automation with npm scripts
Advanced front-end automation with npm scriptsAdvanced front-end automation with npm scripts
Advanced front-end automation with npm scripts

This document discusses using npm scripts for front-end automation and builds. It argues that npm scripts provide a simple, cross-compatible way to automate tasks like bundling, transpiling, testing and deployment without additional build tools. Npm scripts take advantage of existing CLI tools and allow decomposing complex automation into simple, composable tasks through lifecycle scripts and npm-run-all. Some tradeoffs are less extensibility and ongoing challenges with cross-platform support, but the approach aims to provide simpler mental models than alternative build systems.

Making the web fast(er) - RailsConf 2012
Making the web fast(er) - RailsConf 2012Making the web fast(er) - RailsConf 2012
Making the web fast(er) - RailsConf 2012

Tips and trick from optimizing web page performance at Google.

pagespeednavigation timingchrome
Step 2

collecting, processing & storing data
How It Works
     boomerang.js -> StatsD -> Graphite
1.   JavaScript triggers image request
2.   Beacon server responds with 204 (no cache)
3.   StatsD aggregates metrics
4.   Graphite stores and provides UI
How It Works
     Script foo -> WebPagetest API -> MySQL
1. – submit a batch job for processing
2.    WebPagetest API – run tests
3. – parse XML response
4.    MySQL – store median results
5.    Piwik – CompWPT plugin displays results
Step 3

pulling it into a dashboard
 “Make Them Happy Trees”

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What is SEO? Grand Rapids HUG
What is SEO? Grand Rapids HUGWhat is SEO? Grand Rapids HUG
What is SEO? Grand Rapids HUG

Search engine optimization requires optimizing websites for mobile users and page speed, creating relevant high-quality content with internal and external links, and social sharing to build links and traffic. Proper onsite optimization and link building are important strategies to improve search rankings and drive traffic from search engines. Questions about SEO strategies and tactics can be directed to online marketing companies.

PageSpeed Optimization
PageSpeed OptimizationPageSpeed Optimization
PageSpeed Optimization

This document provides tips for optimizing a website to load pages faster. It recommends analyzing the site using Google PageSpeed Insights, optimizing images by using appropriate formats and sizing, leveraging browser caching by setting expiration dates, minifying files like CSS and JavaScript, and enabling gzip compression. The basic rules covered are optimizing images, using the correct order for stylesheets, scripts and inline JavaScript, leveraging browser caching, minifying files, and enabling gzip.

page speed optimizationhtmljavascript
How to increase profit through store benchmarking
How to increase profit through store benchmarkingHow to increase profit through store benchmarking
How to increase profit through store benchmarking

This document discusses how retailers can increase profits through store benchmarking and business intelligence (BI). It provides examples of how Scandinavian retailers use dashboards to monitor key performance indicators, benchmark stores, and motivate store managers through competition. The solution offers predefined analyses that store managers can access from their dashboards to understand reasons for performance and identify opportunities. Small changes across many stores can significantly impact overall profits.

Introducing our Sponsor

Sally Squirrel’s Dance Emporium
•   Demo Site
•   WebPagetest
•   REDbot
•   Graphite
•   WebPerf90 Dashboard - Piwik
Operational RUM
Where Should You Focus?

        stuff                      to
Bu ying                       ly           Pro
                         l ike f              ba
                       ss tuf
                     le s                   air bly o
                   ch uy
                  u b
                                               pla n a
                                                  ne n

                                        yes, there are people

Recommended for you

Aldata Category Insights
Aldata Category InsightsAldata Category Insights
Aldata Category Insights

Aldata provides a category insights software tool that allows category teams to analyze category performance, evaluate factors influencing performance like price and promotions, model changes, and generate store planograms. The tool uses POS data, consumer data, and space data to provide dashboard-driven insights through benchmarks, questions, and trend analysis at different levels to identify distribution gaps and opportunities for categories.

AD113 Speed Up Your Applications w/ Nginx and PageSpeed
AD113  Speed Up Your Applications w/ Nginx and PageSpeedAD113  Speed Up Your Applications w/ Nginx and PageSpeed
AD113 Speed Up Your Applications w/ Nginx and PageSpeed

My slide deck from my session, AD113: Speed Up Your Applications with Nginx + PageSpeed, at MWLUG 2015 in Atlanta, GA at the Ritz-Carlton. For more, see: - -

reverse proxynginxpagespeed
Walmart experience report agile india 2014
Walmart experience report agile india 2014Walmart experience report agile india 2014
Walmart experience report agile india 2014

This document summarizes Walmart's approach to agile development. It discusses how Walmart serves over 245 million customer visits per week with over 2.2 million associates across more than 10,800 retail units. It then outlines Walmart's focus on agile practices at the program, project, and individual level to improve delivery and learning in a way that aligns with their overall development lifecycle.

WebPagetest AIR
“For the next ~3 hours, WebPagetest has a
Virgin in-flight wifi location available. Last
location in the list. #webperf”

                                                               “@patmeenan > Holy
                                                               Slow! “

                  “@cliffcrocker Yep - when it's even connecting.
                  Talk about a first-world problem.”
How Do You Optimize for the Given Distribution?

          Traditional WPO Techniques – 14+ Rules

              Advanced Optimization/Acceleration – Automated WPO

Set Achievable SLAs
Find Your Own Meaningful Metric

          “Item Page – ‘page processing’ should be 18s or
          faster for 95% of users”
Validate With Analytics

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Walmart Advertising Report
Walmart Advertising ReportWalmart Advertising Report
Walmart Advertising Report

Here are the key demographics of the survey participants: - 73.5% of participants were female, 26.5% were male - 68% of participants were between the ages of 18-34 - The majority (73.5%) of participants were female - Most participants (68%) were between the ages of 18-34

Retail prices - Avoiding the race to the bottom - March 2016
Retail prices - Avoiding the race to the bottom - March 2016Retail prices - Avoiding the race to the bottom - March 2016
Retail prices - Avoiding the race to the bottom - March 2016

With online retailers taking an increasing market share across many home improvement categories, Steve examines whether price is now the only remaining tool with which retailers and suppliers alike can hope to grow their business'.

The Digital Customer Journey
The Digital Customer JourneyThe Digital Customer Journey
The Digital Customer Journey

This document discusses how technology and the internet have changed consumer behavior and decision making processes. Some key points: 1. The information phase of the consumer journey has become more important due to the ubiquitous availability of information online. Consumers now do extensive research online before making purchase decisions. 2. Marketers need to shift from "awareness advertising" to providing helpful information to consumers during their research phase through content marketing. 3. The experience of using a product is also more important as consumers share their opinions online. Marketers should build triggers to encourage positive word-of-mouth sharing of products. 4. Understanding consumer context is crucial to provide relevant information instead of interruptive advertising. Data needs

Username:     webperfdash
Password: webperfdash

To start the Graphite, node beacon, StatsD, and REDbot log into the VM and execute the
following command as the ‘webperfdash’ user from the home directory:

     $ supervisord

The VM should just work (but you may need to disable USB 2.0 controller on import if you do
not have the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extensions, see website) in VirtualBox
which is available for free for Windows, OS X, or Linux.

If you get a USB 2.0 incompatibility error on start then you do not have the the above
extension installed and should disable USB when importing the appliance or via the settings
or install the extensions directly.

The VM has two NICs configured, the first is configured for NAT and the ports are already
forwarded. The second uses the HOST NETWORKING scheme ( which creates a private
network shared exclusively by the VM and the host (or any other addition hosts such as
WebPagetest workers).
Service               Port Number
SSH                   42222
Demo Site             40000
Graphite              49999
HAR Viewer            44444
REDbot                45555
WebPagetest           48888
ShowSlow              47777
boomerang.js Beacon   43000
Piwik                 48080
Aaron & Cliff
         Office Hours
   Tuesday 3:50p -4:30p
Exhibit Hall – Office Hours ‘C’

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The Web Becomes Graceful
The Web Becomes GracefulThe Web Becomes Graceful
The Web Becomes Graceful

This document discusses web technologies including HTML5, JavaScript performance, and particle systems for animations. It provides links to articles about the WHATWG taking over stewardship of HTML from the W3C and renaming HTML5 to HTML. It also discusses techniques like just-in-time compilation that help improve JavaScript performance in browsers. Finally, it introduces the concept of a particle system for creating animations and effects with many individual points, and provides code for generating and updating particle objects in a simple system.

Velocity Report 2009
Velocity Report 2009Velocity Report 2009
Velocity Report 2009

This document summarizes Naoya Nakazawa's notes and presentation from the Velocity 2009 conference. The conference took place from June 22-24, 2009 in San Jose, CA at the Fairmont Hotel. It covered topics like infrastructure management with Puppet, Hadoop operations, scaling Twitter, and frontend performance at Facebook. Many talks discussed lessons learned from scaling sites like Flickr, Google, Facebook and Twitter to handle massive traffic. Overall the conference provided insights into building fast, scalable and efficient web applications and services.

Web Standards Support in WebKit
Web Standards Support in WebKitWeb Standards Support in WebKit
Web Standards Support in WebKit

This document summarizes Joone Hur's presentation on web standards support in WebKit. It discusses several new and emerging web APIs including custom protocol and content handlers, AddSearchProvider, Navigation Timing, device APIs for battery status, contacts, and media capture. It also covers the Unified Storage Quota API, Shadow DOM API, and notes that WebCL and WebKit2 have been added to Samsung and Nokia browsers.

Come by our booth!
We’re Hiring!

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A web perf dashboard up & running in 90 minutes presentation

  • 1. A Web Performance Dashboard: Up and Running in 90 minutes flickr photo courtesy of purplemattfish
  • 2. About Us Cliff Crocker Aaron Kulick • VP, Product Management • Chief Performance Engineer • SOASTA, Inc. • @WalmartLabs • Performance monitoring, • Founder of evangelism, analytics and meetup, pho connoisseur and lover of squirrels @cliffcrocker @GoFastWeb
  • 3. Images Provoke a Response
  • 4. Foster a Sense of URGENCY!
  • 6. Dashboards Should NOT Be Complicated
  • 7. A Simple 3 Step Approach to Building a Dashboard
  • 8. Step 1 identifying input & getting data
  • 9. 9
  • 10. How Most RUM Solutions Work • Source external JS • Instrument page with start/end timers and/or leverage navigation timing API • Beacon containing timing data is fired at onload and sent to a beacon server
  • 11. Getting Performance Data From Real Users • Episodes – Some smart guy wrote this who knows something about web performance (Steve Souders) • boomerang.js – Another smart guy wrote this (Phillip Tellis) – Extensible (custom API for passing data to beacon) • ShowSlow – Yet another smart guy (Sergey Chernyshev – “mmm beacons”) – Crowdsourcing • Roll your own – You can be the smart person to write this
  • 12. W3C Navigation Timing
  • 13. Today We are Using boomerang.js • Steps: – Git: • – Include: <script src="/javascript/boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"></script> – Initialize: BOOMR.init({ beacon_url: "", site_domain: "” });
  • 14. Today We are Using boomerang.js (continued) • Steps: – Extend: BOOMR.addVar({ var1: “bing", var2: “bang", var3: “boom” }); BOOMR.plugins.RT.startTimer(“t_timer”); //some foo BOOMR.plugins.RT.endTimer(“t_timer”);
  • 15. Ghetto-Fabulous <script src="/javascript/boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"></script> For the high-performance, non-blocking, self-updating version, see: • •
  • 16. Synthetic Data • Consistency • Object level detail • High signal to noise ratio • Instrumented real browsers
  • 17. Getting Synthetic Data • • • cURL • ShowSlow • PageSpeed Insights • • Vendor supported solutions
  • 18. WebPagetest • Steps: – Download: • ate-instances/releases – Configure: • ate-instances#TOC-Configuring – Automate: • Script foo • Bribe Patrick Meenan for an API key
  • 19. Example: Walmart Competitive Index • Ingredients: – URL file – Cron job – MySQL – Flot (javascript)
  • 20. Example: Walmart Competitive Index (continued)
  • 21. Analytics • Conversion – Add to cart – Click • Engagement – Bounce, exit, and entry – Time on page/site • Demographics – Geography – Browser, device, OS, screen size • Flow – Utilization • SEO, SEM, and campaign effectiveness – A/B, MAB
  • 22. Analytics • • Google Analytics • Log analysis (BFD) • Vendor supported solution
  • 23. Piwik • Steps: – Download: • – Install: • MySQL • PHP – Instrument:
  • 24. Piwik (continued) <!--Piwik tracking --> <script type="text/javascript"> var pkBaseURL = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://localhost/test/piwik/" : "http://localhost/test/piwik/"); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + pkBaseURL + "piwik.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); BOOMR.subscribe ('before_beacon', function (o) { try { var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + "piwik.php", 2); piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (1, "Page Load - sec", Math.ceil((o.t_done/1000)), "page"); piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (2, "Page Processing - sec.", Math.ceil((o.t_page/1000)), "page"); piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (3, "Response - sec", Math.ceil((o.t_resp/1000)), "page"); piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (4, "Latency - msec",, "visit"); piwikTracker.setCustomVariable (5, "Bandwidth - kbps", Math.ceil((, "visit"); piwikTracker.trackPageView(); piwikTracker.enableLinkTracking(); } catch( err ) {} }); </script> <!--stone tools--> <noscript><p><img src="http://localhost/test/piwik/piwik.php?idsite=2" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript> <!--End Piwik Tracking Code --> *boomerang integration **not like this!!
  • 26. How It Works boomerang.js -> StatsD -> Graphite 1. JavaScript triggers image request 2. Beacon server responds with 204 (no cache) 3. StatsD aggregates metrics 4. Graphite stores and provides UI
  • 27. How It Works Script foo -> WebPagetest API -> MySQL 1. – submit a batch job for processing 2. WebPagetest API – run tests 3. – parse XML response 4. MySQL – store median results 5. Piwik – CompWPT plugin displays results
  • 28. Step 3 pulling it into a dashboard “Make Them Happy Trees”
  • 29. Introducing our Sponsor Sally Squirrel’s Dance Emporium
  • 30. Demo • Demo Site • WebPagetest • REDbot • Graphite • WebPerf90 Dashboard - Piwik
  • 32. Where Should You Focus? stuff to Bu ying ly Pro l ike f ba ss tuf le s air bly o ch uy u b pla n a ne n M yes, there are people here….
  • 33. WebPagetest AIR @patmeenan “For the next ~3 hours, WebPagetest has a Virgin in-flight wifi location available. Last location in the list. #webperf” @cliffcrocker “@patmeenan > Holy Slow! “ @patmeenan “@cliffcrocker Yep - when it's even connecting. Talk about a first-world problem.”
  • 34. How Do You Optimize for the Given Distribution? Traditional WPO Techniques – 14+ Rules Advanced Optimization/Acceleration – Automated WPO Prayer
  • 35. Set Achievable SLAs Find Your Own Meaningful Metric “Item Page – ‘page processing’ should be 18s or faster for 95% of users”
  • 38. VM INSTRUCTIONS Username: webperfdash Password: webperfdash To start the Graphite, node beacon, StatsD, and REDbot log into the VM and execute the following command as the ‘webperfdash’ user from the home directory: $ supervisord The VM should just work (but you may need to disable USB 2.0 controller on import if you do not have the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extensions, see website) in VirtualBox which is available for free for Windows, OS X, or Linux. If you get a USB 2.0 incompatibility error on start then you do not have the the above extension installed and should disable USB when importing the appliance or via the settings or install the extensions directly. The VM has two NICs configured, the first is configured for NAT and the ports are already forwarded. The second uses the HOST NETWORKING scheme ( which creates a private network shared exclusively by the VM and the host (or any other addition hosts such as WebPagetest workers).
  • 39. Ports Service Port Number SSH 42222 Demo Site 40000 Graphite 49999 HAR Viewer 44444 REDbot 45555 WebPagetest 48888 ShowSlow 47777 boomerang.js Beacon 43000 Server Piwik 48080
  • 40. Aaron & Cliff Office Hours Tuesday 3:50p -4:30p Exhibit Hall – Office Hours ‘C’
  • 42. Come by our booth!

Editor's Notes

  1. Cliff: People react to visual stimuli We are just wired this way Aaron and I both are extremely passionate about this – get your data in front of people
  2. Cliff: Effective dashboards can immediately convey that there is a problem or that the fix is not working! Oil spill in the Gulf. Message: Something is definitely wrong here and the clock is ticking.
  3. Cliff: Conversely a good dashboard can convey a feeling that all is well with the world. Creepy baby monitors are widely adopted by paranoid parents. Message: All is well with the world. You can relax.
  4. Cliff: As engineers, we are notorious for adding switches, complex configurations, and basically making dashboards unusable by anyone who can’t pilot a commercial airliner. Keep it simple. Focus on what you want. Start with nothing, then add what you need as you need it.
  5. Cliff -&gt; Aaron: Setting the stage for today’s talk ‘ Hack Day’ type solutions designed to provide you with a sandbox for experimenting with various web perf tools and data experimentation.
  6. A few months back, Aaron and I discussed a holistic approach to performance monitoring. Staying with this same approach, we will look at 3 or the 4 data sets mentioned in that presentation – eliminating first mile monitoring for this discussion. RUM – Real user measurement Synthetic – Puppeteered browser Analytics – User behavior &amp; demographics, site statistics