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                  John Resig -
About Me
✦   Work for the Mozilla Corporation (Firefox!)
    ✦ Do a lot of JavaScript performance analysis
    ✦ is my performance test suite
      ✦ Tests the performance of JavaScript engines
      ✦ Tests the performance of browser DOM
    ✦ Work on Firebug (great developer tool)

✦   Creator of the jQuery JavaScript Library
    ✦ Used by Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Nokia,
      IBM, Intel, CBS News, NBC, etc.
Upcoming Browsers
✦   The browsers:
    ✦ Firefox 3.1
    ✦ Safari 4
    ✦ Internet Explorer 8
    ✦ Opera 10
    ✦ Google Chrome

✦   Defining characteristics:
    ✦ Better performance
    ✦ Advanced JavaScript engines
Firefox 3.1
✦   Set to be released Spring 2009
✦   Goals:
    ✦ Performance improvements
    ✦ Video and Audio tags
    ✦ Private browsing

✦   Beta 1 just released

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Mobile Hybrid Development with WordPress
Mobile Hybrid Development with WordPressMobile Hybrid Development with WordPress
Mobile Hybrid Development with WordPress

In this presentation I've shown how WordPress can be used as application platform to power mobile applications.

wordpresshybrid applicationmobile
WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014
WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014
WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014

Slides for my tutorial from Velocity 2014 on some of the more advanced features in WebPagetest. Video is available on Youtube: Part 1: Part 2:

Introduction to WebSockets
Introduction to WebSocketsIntroduction to WebSockets
Introduction to WebSockets

WebSocket is a protocol that provides bidirectional communication over a single TCP connection. It uses an HTTP handshake to establish a connection and then transmits messages as frames that can contain text or binary data. The frames include a header with metadata like opcode and payload length. WebSocket aims to provide a standard for browser-based applications that require real-time data updates from a server.

Safari 4
✦   Released in conjunction with OS X 10.6
✦   Features:
    ✦ Performance improvements
    ✦ Desktop Apps
    ✦ ACID 3 compliance
    ✦ Revamped dev tools

✦   Preview seeded to developers
Internet Explorer 8
✦   Released late 2008/early 2009
✦   Features:
    ✦ Backwards compatibility with IE 7
    ✦ Web Clips (trim out a part of a page and
      place on desktop)
    ✦ Process per tab

✦   Beta 2 recently
Opera 10
✦   Unspecified release schedule (2009?)
✦   Features:
    ✦ ACID 3 compliance
    ✦ Video and Audio tags

✦   Opera 9.6 recently released
Google Chrome
✦   Released September 2008
✦   Features:
    ✦ Private browsing
    ✦ Process per tab

✦   Next release schedule unknown

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Node JS Express : Steps to Create Restful Web App
Node JS Express : Steps to Create Restful Web AppNode JS Express : Steps to Create Restful Web App
Node JS Express : Steps to Create Restful Web App

Node.js uses JavaScript - a language known to millions of developers worldwide - thus giving it a much lower learning curve even for complete beginners. Using Node.js you can build simple Command Line programs or complex enterprise level web applications with equal ease. Node.js is an event-driven, server-side, asynchronous development platform with lightning speed execution. It is open source and cross-platform, running on OS X, Linux and Windows. It also has an open source community that produces amazing modules available for use in your project for additional functionalities. Node.js helps you to code the most complex functionalities in just a few lines of code. The topics covered in the presentation are : 1. Understanding NodeJS Express 2. Creating Restful Web App 3. What is NPM 4.Templates in Express

node js
Hands on performance testing and analysis with web pagetest
Hands on performance testing and analysis with web pagetestHands on performance testing and analysis with web pagetest
Hands on performance testing and analysis with web pagetest

WebPagetest is a tool that tests the performance of web pages from multiple locations worldwide with configurable connectivity settings. It provides metrics like page speed scores, timings, bytes transferred, and screenshots. Key features include blocking content to test impact on performance, and scripting to automate testing of rich applications. The tool has a REST API for automating tests and integrating with other tools.

EasyEngine - Command-Line tool to manage WordPress Sites on Nginx
EasyEngine - Command-Line tool to manage WordPress Sites on NginxEasyEngine - Command-Line tool to manage WordPress Sites on Nginx
EasyEngine - Command-Line tool to manage WordPress Sites on Nginx

EasyEngine is a command-line tool for managing WordPress sites on Nginx. It aims to provide an easy and automated way to install, manage and optimize WordPress sites. Key features include automated installation of PHP, MySQL, Nginx and caching plugins. Sites can be created and managed through simple commands. EasyEngine uses conventions over configuration and file-based backups to make management simple. The roadmap includes improved debugging, monitoring, mail server support and a REST API.

Process Per Tab
✦   Most browsers have a single process
    ✦ Share memory, resources
    ✦ Pages rendered using threads

✦   IE 8 and Chrome split tabs into individual
✦   What does this change?
    ✦ Pages can do more processing
      ✦ (Not block the UI or other tabs)
    ✦ Tabs consume more memory
Process Per Tab
✦   Examples of changes, in Chrome.
✦   Timer speed is what you set it to.
    ✦ Browsers cap the speed to 10ms.
    ✦ setInterval(fn, 1);

✦   Can do more non-stop processing, without
    while (true) {}
✦   Chrome has a process manager (like the
    OS process manager - see CPU, Memory)
JavaScript Engines
✦   New wave of engines:
    ✦ Firefox: TraceMonkey
    ✦ Safari: SquirrelFish (Extreme)
    ✦ Chrome: V8

✦   Continually leap-frogging each other
Measuring Speed
✦   SunSpider
    ✦ Released by the WebKit team last fall
    ✦ Focuses completely on JavaScript

✦   Dromaeo
    ✦ Released by Mozilla this spring
    ✦ Mix of JavaScript and DOM

✦   V8 Benchmark
    ✦ Released by Chrome team last month
    ✦ Lots of recursion testing

✦   Quality:

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Velocity 2014 nyc   WebPagetest private instancesVelocity 2014 nyc   WebPagetest private instances
Velocity 2014 nyc WebPagetest private instances

Presentation from Velocity NYC 2014 on setting up private WebPagetest instances Video:

Measuring web performance
Measuring web performanceMeasuring web performance
Measuring web performance

Things to be aware of when you are measuring the performance of your web sites (both synthetic testing and Real User Monitoring).

Front End Performance
Front End PerformanceFront End Performance
Front End Performance

The document discusses various techniques for improving front-end website performance, including reducing the number of HTTP requests, using content delivery networks and caching, gzip compression, optimizing CSS and JavaScript loading, image optimization, and lazy loading of content not visible initially. Specific techniques mentioned include combining files, setting long cache expiration headers, minifying files, parallelizing downloads, and deferring non-critical JavaScript initialization. The goal is to render an initial version as fast as possible through optimizations that reduce page load time.

Recent Numbers

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Front end performance optimization
Front end performance optimizationFront end performance optimization
Front end performance optimization

80% of the time it takes for a web page to load is on the client side. Using all the tips in this presentation should cut 25% to 50% off the load time of optimized page requests. Drupal (6 or 7) can be used to, fairly easily, implement a whole bunch of these “front-end performance” upgrades, and knock a ton of errors off of the Yahoo! and Google speed-checker tools validation checklists. Get firebug first.

drupalpagespeed upgradespressflow - Introduction to HTML5 - Introduction to - Introduction to HTML5 - Introduction to HTML5

Sascha Corti With Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft has entered the league of HTML 5 browsers and with its active participation in the W3C working groups, the company proves its engagements towards the new and emerging standards. Developers however are often left wondering where the boundaries are drawn between HTML5 web site, plug-in based rich internet application and smart client or “app”. This session intends to answer this question and uses many examples to show you some of the most important enhancements introduced by HTML5, CSS3, SVG, DOM, WOFF and ECMA script. You will learn now the standards are still evolving and how Microsoft is contributing.

Ajax Tutorial
Ajax TutorialAjax Tutorial
Ajax Tutorial

- The document is a presentation on Ajax given by Alex Russell that covers what Ajax is, how it works, when it should and should not be used, tools for Ajax development, debugging techniques, and the future of Ajax and the open web. - It includes examples of building an auto-save feature with Ajax using plain JavaScript, Prototype, and Dojo and discusses language features of JavaScript. - The presentation aims to provide enough knowledge and code examples to get started with Ajax development while addressing open web standards and browser compatibility.

Recent Numbers
✦   Steve Souders is the man.

✦   YSlow
Simultaneous Conn.
✦   Number of downloads per domain
✦   Should be at least 4
    ✦ FF 2, IE 6, and IE 7 are 2
    ✦ Safari is 4
    ✦ Everyone else is 6-7

✦   Max connections: Number of simultaneous
    ✦ Firefox, Opera: 25-30
    ✦ Everyone else: 50-60

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Front end performance tip
Front end performance tipFront end performance tip
Front end performance tip

This document provides tips for optimizing front-end performance. It discusses optimizing assets like images, CSS, and JavaScript to reduce file sizes and load times. Specific techniques include image sprites, CSS combining, lazy loading images, and minimizing DOM access. It also covers optimizing the rendering process by prioritizing visible content, avoiding layout thrashing, and deferring non-critical scripts. The document emphasizes the importance of front-end performance and provides references for further reading on the topic.

Lessons Learned with Unity and WebGL
Lessons Learned with Unity and WebGLLessons Learned with Unity and WebGL
Lessons Learned with Unity and WebGL

Lessons we learned while getting Wonderball Heroes on WebGL using Unity 5. The slides share our challenges, optimizations made and general tips for working with Unity and WebGL.

How to Build Real-time Chat App with Express, ReactJS, and Socket.IO?
How to Build Real-time Chat App with Express, ReactJS, and Socket.IO?How to Build Real-time Chat App with Express, ReactJS, and Socket.IO?
How to Build Real-time Chat App with Express, ReactJS, and Socket.IO?

Check out this comprehensive tutorial to understand how to build a real-time chat app with Express, ReactJS, and Socket.IO from scratch to end.

react js and socket.ioreal time chat appsoftware development
Parallel Scripts
✦   Download scripts simultaneously
✦   Even though they must execute in order
✦   <script defer>
    ✦ From Internet Explorer
    ✦ Just landed for Firefox 3.1
    ✦ Replacement for JavaScript-based
Redirect Caching
✦   A simple request: -> ->
✦   Very costly, should be cached.
✦   Chrome and Firefox do well here.
Link Prefetching
✦   <link rel=”prefetch” href=”someimg.png”/>
✦   Pre-load resources for later use
    ✦ (images, stylesheets)

✦   Currently only in Firefox
✦   Replacement for JavaScript preloading
DOM Navigation

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Create ReactJS Component & publish as npm package
Create ReactJS Component & publish as npm packageCreate ReactJS Component & publish as npm package
Create ReactJS Component & publish as npm package

How to prepare your (provider) ReactJS component and let your friends (consumer) to use it. What issues you may face with Babel, Webpack, Eslint, Node, npm. When to use “npm link” approach and “npm publish” approach. What else to read and to try.

Here Be Dragons - Debugging WordPress
Here Be Dragons - Debugging WordPressHere Be Dragons - Debugging WordPress
Here Be Dragons - Debugging WordPress

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep unable to find the cause of a horrendous bug in your WordPress site? Cry no more, your tears will be reshaped as blinding swords as we explore uncharted territories laced with mystical creatures. Debugging is an often avoided topic due to the uncertainty of how best to accomplish it and the lack of powerful introspective tools. This talk will explore new territory and showcase tools that help you debug complex and difficult issues in your WordPress site.

web developmentwordpress
Testing Mobile JavaScript (Fall 2010
Testing Mobile JavaScript (Fall 2010Testing Mobile JavaScript (Fall 2010
Testing Mobile JavaScript (Fall 2010

John Resig has been researching the mobile space and wants to ensure jQuery works well across popular mobile platforms and browsers. He discusses the challenges of defining the relevant platforms and browser versions due to a lack of public statistics. His testing strategy involves drawing a line to determine what to support, buying devices, downloading simulators, and using TestSwarm for automated testing. He recommends simulators and devices for different levels of support.

Class Name
✦   New method:
✦   Works just like:
✦   Fast way of finding elements by their class
    <div class=”person sidebar”></div>
✦   document.getElementsByClassName(“sidebar”)
✦   Safari 3.1 and Firefox 3.0
✦   Drop-in replacement for existing queries
Speed Results
Selectors API
✦   querySelectorAll
✦   Use CSS selectors to find DOM elements
✦   document.querySelectorAll(“div p”)
✦   Good cross-browser support
    ✦ IE 8, Safari 4, FF 3, Opera 10

✦   Drop-in replacement for JavaScript
Speed Results

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Khan Academy Computer Science
Khan Academy Computer ScienceKhan Academy Computer Science
Khan Academy Computer Science

Khan Academy provides a computer science education platform where students can learn programming through hands-on experimentation and by viewing other students' code. The site allows code to be "forked" from other students and versioned. Code is executed in real-time using Processing.js for graphics and by dynamically injecting code into the runtime to handle changes rather than simply re-evaluating it. Errors are handled through JSHint validation and additional "BabyHint" error handling.

khan academyprogrammingjavascript
Introduction to jQuery (Ajax Exp 2006)
Introduction to jQuery (Ajax Exp 2006)Introduction to jQuery (Ajax Exp 2006)
Introduction to jQuery (Ajax Exp 2006)

This document summarizes jQuery, an open source JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML and JavaScript interaction by allowing developers to select elements, handle events, perform animations and AJAX calls with simple and concise code. The document highlights key features like DOM manipulation, events, effects and plugins. It also discusses jQuery's community, adoption by major sites, and future plans.

jQuery Open Source (Fronteer 2011)
jQuery Open Source (Fronteer 2011)jQuery Open Source (Fronteer 2011)
jQuery Open Source (Fronteer 2011)

This document discusses best practices for supporting users of open source projects based on jQuery's experience. It emphasizes providing documentation, tutorials, community support and an open development process to help users learn and succeed with the tool from their first day of use through becoming long-term contributors. Key aspects include simplifying the first experience, answering questions, addressing all skill levels, and enabling extensibility to keep users engaged over time.

JavaScript Threads
✦   JavaScript has always been single-threaded
✦   Limited to working linearly
✦   New HTML 5 Web Workers
✦   Spawn JavaScript threads
✦   Run complicated work in the background
    ✦ Doesn’t block the browser!

✦   Demo:
✦   Drop-in usable, huge quality boost.
Styling and Effects
✦   Lots of commons styling effects
✦   Can be replaced and simplified by the
✦   Drastically simplify pages and improve
    their performance
Rounded Corners
✦   CSS 3 specification

✦   Implemented in Safari, Firefox, Opera
    ✦ -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    ✦ -webkit-border-radius: 5px;

✦   Can replace clumsy, slow, old methods.
✦   Box Shadows
    ✦ Shadow behind a div
    ✦   -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)

✦   Text Shadows
    ✦ Shadow behind some text
    ✦   text-shadow: -1px -1px #666, 1px 1px #FFF;
✦   Implemented in WebKit, Firefox
✦   Can replace clumsy, slow, old methods.

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jQuery Keynote - Fall 2010
jQuery Keynote - Fall 2010jQuery Keynote - Fall 2010
jQuery Keynote - Fall 2010

The document summarizes the state of the jQuery project in Fall 2010. It discusses how project funds have been and will be spent, including on server infrastructure, developer time, design work, and conferences. Governance rules and a contribution path for new developers are being formalized. The copyright for a book is being transferred to the project. A CLA process and store selling t-shirts have launched. jQuery 1.4.3 and related plugins improved performance, modularity, CSS, and the development process. Finally, jQuery Mobile is a new framework to build sites for all mobile browsers and platforms.

Applying Computer Vision to Art History
Applying Computer Vision to Art HistoryApplying Computer Vision to Art History
Applying Computer Vision to Art History

This document discusses how computer vision techniques can be applied to art history. It provides an overview of different computer vision approaches such as optical character recognition (OCR), face recognition, and image similarity/categorization. Unsupervised techniques like OCR and image similarity require little labeling of data but may not provide as interesting results. Supervised techniques can more precisely locate parts of images or categorize images but require large labeled datasets. The document recommends several free and open-source computer vision libraries and tools that can be used to explore applying these techniques to art history, along with some caveats about training data requirements.

art historycomputer visionthatcamp
Teatro de Viena
Teatro de VienaTeatro de Viena
Teatro de Viena

O Burgtheater em Viena, Áustria é o Teatro Nacional Austríaco criado em 1741 que se tornou conhecido como "die Burg" pelos vienenses. Sua companhia de teatro desenvolveu um estilo e discurso tradicional típico de suas performances ao longo do tempo.

Example Shadows

✦   Demos:
Custom Fonts
✦   Load in custom fonts
✦   Can load TrueType fonts
✦   Implemented in Safari and Firefox
✦   Demo:
✦   Can replace using Flash-based fonts.
Transforms and Animations
✦   Transforms allow you to rotate, scale, and
    offset an element
    ✦ -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg);

✦   Animations allow you to morph an
    element using nothing but CSS
    ✦ -webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out;

✦   Implemented in WebKit and Firefox
✦   Demo:
✦   Can replace JS animations, today.
✦   Proposed and first implemented by Apple
    in WebKit
✦   A 2d drawing layer
    ✦ With possibilities for future expansion

✦   Embedded in web pages (looks and
    behaves like an img element)
✦   Works in all browsers (IE with ExCanvas)
✦   Offload rendering to client
✦   Better user interaction

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Bringing International Learning to Life with Films Handout

This document provides background information on international education and the cultural context of the film Dam Street. It includes quotes on the goals of international education, a synopsis of the film, and a mini-lecture introducing the Sichuan province of China where the film is set. Students analyze clips from the film to identify the cultural setting and discuss themes through classroom activities analyzing character and cultural context.

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Epic Research Private Limited counts as the top research providing firm all over India as well as other global markets.

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Shapes and Paths
✦   NOT vectors (unlike SVG)
✦   Rectangles
✦   Arcs
✦   Lines
✦   Curves

✦   Charts:
Fill and Stroke
✦   All can be styled (similar to CSS)
✦   Stroke styles the path (or outline)
✦   Fill is the color of the interior
✦   Sparklines:
Canvas Embedding
✦   Canvases can consume:
    ✦ Images
    ✦ Other Canvases

✦   Will be able to consume (Firefox 3.1):
    ✦ Video

✦   In an extension:
    ✦ Web Pages

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Mobileyes is a mobile app that provides live video from traffic cameras to drivers for free. It is the only app that gives direct access to roadside cameras in real-time. The app has been launched in several major cities and sees potential for millions of impressions per month from users viewing ads. Partnerships with local authorities and advertisers provide branding opportunities to promote the app and services to commuters.

JavaScript is Real Code
JavaScript is Real CodeJavaScript is Real Code
JavaScript is Real Code

- JavaScript is a dynamic and loosely typed language that is often used without formal training. It can be used to manipulate the DOM and features functions, numbers, booleans, strings, objects, arrays and more. - While JavaScript borrows aspects of object-oriented programming, it is not strictly object-oriented. Simple design principles like passing tests, removing duplication, increasing clarity and keeping code small are more important. - Writing tests is key to developing simple and maintainable code. Tests help ensure code quality, allow refactoring, and serve as documentation. Functions should be small, isolate DOM elements, avoid closures, and prevent duplicated views.

Native JSON
✦   JSON is a format for transferring data
✦   (Uses JavaScript syntax to achieve this.)
✦   Has been slow and a little hacky.
✦   Browser now have native support in
    Firefox 3.1 and IE 8
✦   Drop-in usable, today
    ✦ JSON.encode(object)
    ✦ JSON.decode(string)
✦   Encoding:

✦   Decoding:
New Measurements
✦   When something is physically drawn to
    the screen
✦   Hard to quantify without more
✦   Firefox 3.1 includes a new event:
✦   Demo:

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Was ein Tantra Kurs beinhalten sollte Was ein Tantra Kurs beinhalten sollte
Was ein Tantra Kurs beinhalten sollte

kurze Slideshow über die wesentliche Inhalte einer authentischen Tantra-Praxis, die auch jeder Tantra-Kurs vermitteln solte: Basiert auf dem Artikel, erstmal veröffentlicht auf:

by Me
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The Future of JavaScript (Ajax Exp '07)
The Future of JavaScript (Ajax Exp '07)The Future of JavaScript (Ajax Exp '07)
The Future of JavaScript (Ajax Exp '07)

The document discusses the future of JavaScript and the ECMAScript 4 (ES4) specification. Some key points: - ES4 will introduce classes, inheritance, and other object-oriented features to JavaScript to make it suitable for large applications. - A new virtual machine called Tamarin is being developed by Adobe and will power future versions of JavaScript across browsers. - Features like classes, packages, generics and operator overloading are described. The specification aims to make JavaScript more powerful while keeping it usable for small programs. - The reference implementations of new JavaScript classes and features will be written in JavaScript itself, allowing the language to be self-hosting.

De Kempen
De KempenDe Kempen
De Kempen

Disfruta de bellas imágenes de Flora &Fauna. Autor; Marcel Van den Bergli

✦   CSS has lots of boxes in it
✦   Position of boxes is constantly recomputed
    and repositioned (before being painted)
    ✦ This is reflow

✦   Demo:
✦   John Resig

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Performance Improvements in Browsers

  • 1. Performance Improvements in Browsers John Resig -
  • 2. About Me ✦ Work for the Mozilla Corporation (Firefox!) ✦ Do a lot of JavaScript performance analysis ✦ is my performance test suite ✦ Tests the performance of JavaScript engines ✦ Tests the performance of browser DOM ✦ Work on Firebug (great developer tool) ✦ Creator of the jQuery JavaScript Library ✦ ✦ Used by Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Nokia, IBM, Intel, CBS News, NBC, etc.
  • 3. Upcoming Browsers ✦ The browsers: ✦ Firefox 3.1 ✦ Safari 4 ✦ Internet Explorer 8 ✦ Opera 10 ✦ Google Chrome ✦ Defining characteristics: ✦ Better performance ✦ Advanced JavaScript engines
  • 4. Firefox 3.1 ✦ Set to be released Spring 2009 ✦ Goals: ✦ Performance improvements ✦ Video and Audio tags ✦ Private browsing ✦ Beta 1 just released ✦
  • 5. Safari 4 ✦ Released in conjunction with OS X 10.6 ✦ Features: ✦ Performance improvements ✦ Desktop Apps ✦ ACID 3 compliance ✦ Revamped dev tools ✦ Preview seeded to developers ✦
  • 6. Internet Explorer 8 ✦ Released late 2008/early 2009 ✦ Features: ✦ Backwards compatibility with IE 7 ✦ Web Clips (trim out a part of a page and place on desktop) ✦ Process per tab ✦ Beta 2 recently released ✦ windows/internet-explorer/ beta/readiness/new-features.aspx
  • 7. Opera 10 ✦ Unspecified release schedule (2009?) ✦ Features: ✦ ACID 3 compliance ✦ Video and Audio tags ✦ Opera 9.6 recently released ✦
  • 8. Google Chrome ✦ Released September 2008 ✦ Features: ✦ Private browsing ✦ Process per tab ✦ Next release schedule unknown ✦
  • 9. Process Per Tab ✦ Most browsers have a single process ✦ Share memory, resources ✦ Pages rendered using threads ✦ IE 8 and Chrome split tabs into individual processes ✦ What does this change? ✦ Pages can do more processing ✦ (Not block the UI or other tabs) ✦ Tabs consume more memory
  • 10. Process Per Tab ✦ Examples of changes, in Chrome. ✦ Timer speed is what you set it to. ✦ Browsers cap the speed to 10ms. ✦ setInterval(fn, 1); ✦ Can do more non-stop processing, without warning: while (true) {} ✦ Chrome has a process manager (like the OS process manager - see CPU, Memory)
  • 11. JavaScript Engines ✦ New wave of engines: ✦ Firefox: TraceMonkey ✦ Safari: SquirrelFish (Extreme) ✦ Chrome: V8 ✦ Continually leap-frogging each other
  • 12. Measuring Speed ✦ SunSpider ✦ Released by the WebKit team last fall ✦ Focuses completely on JavaScript ✦ Dromaeo ✦ Released by Mozilla this spring ✦ Mix of JavaScript and DOM ✦ V8 Benchmark ✦ Released by Chrome team last month ✦ Lots of recursion testing ✦ Quality:
  • 19. Network ✦ Steve Souders is the man. ✦ ✦ YSlow
  • 20. Simultaneous Conn. ✦ Number of downloads per domain ✦ Should be at least 4 ✦ FF 2, IE 6, and IE 7 are 2 ✦ Safari is 4 ✦ Everyone else is 6-7 ✦ Max connections: Number of simultaneous downloads ✦ Firefox, Opera: 25-30 ✦ Everyone else: 50-60
  • 21. Parallel Scripts ✦ Download scripts simultaneously ✦ Even though they must execute in order ✦ <script defer> ✦ From Internet Explorer ✦ Just landed for Firefox 3.1 ✦ Replacement for JavaScript-based loading
  • 22. Redirect Caching ✦ A simple request: -> -> ✦ Very costly, should be cached. ✦ Chrome and Firefox do well here.
  • 23. Link Prefetching ✦ <link rel=”prefetch” href=”someimg.png”/> ✦ Pre-load resources for later use ✦ (images, stylesheets) ✦ Currently only in Firefox ✦ Replacement for JavaScript preloading
  • 25. Class Name ✦ New method: getElementsByClassName ✦ Works just like: getElementsByTagName ✦ Fast way of finding elements by their class name(s): <div class=”person sidebar”></div> ✦ document.getElementsByClassName(“sidebar”) ✦ Safari 3.1 and Firefox 3.0 ✦ Drop-in replacement for existing queries
  • 27. Selectors API ✦ querySelectorAll ✦ Use CSS selectors to find DOM elements ✦ document.querySelectorAll(“div p”) ✦ Good cross-browser support ✦ IE 8, Safari 4, FF 3, Opera 10 ✦ Drop-in replacement for JavaScript libraries.
  • 29. JavaScript Threads ✦ JavaScript has always been single-threaded ✦ Limited to working linearly ✦ New HTML 5 Web Workers ✦ Spawn JavaScript threads ✦ Run complicated work in the background ✦ Doesn’t block the browser! ✦ Demo: ✦ Drop-in usable, huge quality boost.
  • 30. Styling and Effects ✦ Lots of commons styling effects ✦ Can be replaced and simplified by the browser ✦ Drastically simplify pages and improve their performance
  • 31. Rounded Corners ✦ CSS 3 specification ✦ Implemented in Safari, Firefox, Opera ✦ -moz-border-radius: 5px; ✦ -webkit-border-radius: 5px; ✦ Can replace clumsy, slow, old methods.
  • 32. Shadows ✦ Box Shadows ✦ Shadow behind a div ✦ -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ✦ Text Shadows ✦ Shadow behind some text ✦ text-shadow: -1px -1px #666, 1px 1px #FFF; ✦ Implemented in WebKit, Firefox ✦ Can replace clumsy, slow, old methods.
  • 33. Example Shadows ✦ Demos: shadow.html
  • 34. Custom Fonts ✦ Load in custom fonts ✦ Can load TrueType fonts ✦ Implemented in Safari and Firefox ✦ Demo: blok.html ✦ Can replace using Flash-based fonts.
  • 35. Transforms and Animations ✦ Transforms allow you to rotate, scale, and offset an element ✦ -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg); ✦ Animations allow you to morph an element using nothing but CSS ✦ -webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; ✦ Implemented in WebKit and Firefox ✦ Demo: css-animation/ ✦ Can replace JS animations, today.
  • 36. Canvas ✦ Proposed and first implemented by Apple in WebKit ✦ A 2d drawing layer ✦ With possibilities for future expansion ✦ Embedded in web pages (looks and behaves like an img element) ✦ Works in all browsers (IE with ExCanvas) ✦ Offload rendering to client ✦ Better user interaction
  • 37. Shapes and Paths ✦ NOT vectors (unlike SVG) ✦ Rectangles ✦ Arcs ✦ Lines ✦ Curves ✦ Charts:
  • 38. Fill and Stroke ✦ All can be styled (similar to CSS) ✦ Stroke styles the path (or outline) ✦ Fill is the color of the interior ✦ Sparklines:
  • 39. Canvas Embedding ✦ Canvases can consume: ✦ Images ✦ Other Canvases ✦ Will be able to consume (Firefox 3.1): ✦ Video ✦ In an extension: ✦ Web Pages
  • 40. Data
  • 41. Native JSON ✦ JSON is a format for transferring data ✦ (Uses JavaScript syntax to achieve this.) ✦ Has been slow and a little hacky. ✦ Browser now have native support in Firefox 3.1 and IE 8 ✦ Drop-in usable, today ✦ JSON.encode(object) ✦ JSON.decode(string)
  • 42. Performance ✦ Encoding: ✦ Decoding:
  • 44. Painting ✦ When something is physically drawn to the screen ✦ Hard to quantify without more information ✦ Firefox 3.1 includes a new event: MozAfterPaint ✦ Demo: paint-events/
  • 45. Reflow ✦ CSS has lots of boxes in it ✦ Position of boxes is constantly recomputed and repositioned (before being painted) ✦ This is reflow ✦ Demo: 2008/05/24/what-is-a-reflow/
  • 46. Questions? ✦ John Resig