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Kendo UI 101
Samidip Basu Microsoft MVP, MS, MCPD, CAPM
Developer Advocate | Telerik Inc. |
E: | L: x3179 | C: 507 244 0579
T: @samidip | W:
Kendo UI 101
Kendo UI 101
Web Development Today!
 Dizzying number of devices with varying screen sizes
 Web remains the one thing common
 Ubiquitous with most reach
 Plenty of matured server side technologies – ASP.NET, PHP, JSP etc.
 But modern browsers pack a punch – your latest VM
 So, why not do more client-side?
 Plethora of JavaScript frameworks
 Web needs to be more interactive, x-plat & more fun!

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This document provides an overview and comparison of popular front-end frameworks including Angular, React, and Vue. It discusses what front-end and back-end development entail. It then covers Single Page Apps versus Multiple Page Apps. The document outlines pros and cons of each framework as well as considerations for when to use each one. Key factors include project complexity, team expertise, performance needs, and time constraints.

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W3C Widgets are applications developed with web standards that can run across different mobile platforms using the browser engine. A widget consists of an index.html file, assets, and a config.xml file packaged into a .wgt file. Widgets take advantage of HTML5 features like the Application Cache, WebSQL storage, and local storage. They can run on browser runtimes including Opera Mobile, Widgeon, Windows Mobile 6.5, Nokia Qt Web Runtime, and Apache Wookie. The W3C is working to define JavaScript APIs for contacts, calendar, media capture, and messaging to provide more capabilities to widgets.

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State of Web Developers
 Conservatives
 Hardcore enterprise .NET developers
 Love C# & server-side comfort
 Spend all day in Visual Studio
 Liberals
 Often wear white pants, flip-flops & tattoos
 Swear by their Macs
 Build web through Sublime Text
 Bipartisans
 Avoid extremes | Technologists | Love Xbox & their families
 Accept JavaScript as assembly language of the web
 Love C# & managed code comfort
Kendo UI
 One framework to rule them all!
 Polished & innovative UI; consistent programming interface
 Based on HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript; support for server wrappers
 UI widgets based on jQuery core (Web, DataViz & Mobile)
 Built-in Framework pieces like MVVM; plays well with others as well
 Extreme performance-tuned and support for templates/themes/styles
 Cross-platform & touch-ready
 IE7+, Chrome, Firefox10+, Opera10+ & Safari4+
Ok, count me in!
State of Mobile Developers
 Conservatives
 We’ll just make the web
 Mobile Web still the lowest hanging fruit
 Lots of help with RWD
 Liberals
 Mobile apps should be native
 Swear by their PCs/Macs
 Have cash/need or indie
 Bipartisans
 Balance ends to needs
 Look for hybrid solutions
 Can’t afford to not target all mobile platforms

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This document discusses options for developing mobile applications using .NET and C#, including developing native applications for iOS and Android using MonoTouch and MonoDroid, creating hybrid applications using technologies like PhoneGap that combine web technologies with native platforms, and developing HTML5 web applications. It also provides an overview of JavaScript frameworks for mobile development and considerations for choosing an approach.

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10 things to make you a Great Mobile Web Developer

This document provides 10 tips for developing effective mobile web applications: 1) Understand the mobile landscape and technologies; 2) Determine essential content and use cases; 3) Optimize the viewport for mobile screens; 4) Use progressive enhancement; 5) Leverage HTML5 semantics; 6) Utilize CSS3 features; 7) Incorporate AJAX and frameworks; 8) Account for touch gestures; 9) Optimize images; and 10) Support offline usage.

Let’s dig into some Kendo UI goodness!
Thank you!
Kendo UI 101 | Questions?
Samidip Basu Microsoft MVP, MS, MCPD, CAPM
Developer Advocate | Telerik Inc. |
E: | L: x3179 | C: 507 244 0579
T: @samidip | W:

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Kendo UI 101

  • 1. Kendo UI 101 Samidip Basu Microsoft MVP, MS, MCPD, CAPM Developer Advocate | Telerik Inc. | E: | L: x3179 | C: 507 244 0579 T: @samidip | W:
  • 4. Web Development Today!  Dizzying number of devices with varying screen sizes  Web remains the one thing common  Ubiquitous with most reach  Plenty of matured server side technologies – ASP.NET, PHP, JSP etc.  But modern browsers pack a punch – your latest VM  So, why not do more client-side?  Plethora of JavaScript frameworks  Web needs to be more interactive, x-plat & more fun!
  • 5. State of Web Developers  Conservatives  Hardcore enterprise .NET developers �� Love C# & server-side comfort  Spend all day in Visual Studio  Liberals  Often wear white pants, flip-flops & tattoos  Swear by their Macs  Build web through Sublime Text  Bipartisans  Avoid extremes | Technologists | Love Xbox & their families  Accept JavaScript as assembly language of the web  Love C# & managed code comfort
  • 6. Kendo UI  One framework to rule them all!  Polished & innovative UI; consistent programming interface  Based on HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript; support for server wrappers  UI widgets based on jQuery core (Web, DataViz & Mobile)  Built-in Framework pieces like MVVM; plays well with others as well  Extreme performance-tuned and support for templates/themes/styles  Cross-platform & touch-ready  IE7+, Chrome, Firefox10+, Opera10+ & Safari4+
  • 8. State of Mobile Developers  Conservatives  We’ll just make the web  Mobile Web still the lowest hanging fruit  Lots of help with RWD  Liberals  Mobile apps should be native  Swear by their PCs/Macs  Have cash/need or indie  Bipartisans  Balance ends to needs  Look for hybrid solutions  Can’t afford to not target all mobile platforms
  • 9. Let’s dig into some Kendo UI goodness!
  • 10. Thank you! Kendo UI 101 | Questions? Samidip Basu Microsoft MVP, MS, MCPD, CAPM Developer Advocate | Telerik Inc. | E: | L: x3179 | C: 507 244 0579 T: @samidip | W: