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Mobile  Information  Architecture Designing Experiences for the Mobile Web  @ IA Summit 2007
A Mobile Web?
A Mobile Web? Coming of age Becoming affordable Escaping the limitations of WAP 1.0 Existing alongside mobile apps and texting

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Multimedia System Architecture details.pptx
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Multimedia System Architecture details.pptx

This document discusses multimedia system architecture and components. It describes how multimedia systems integrate various technologies in real-time, including add-on devices, software drivers, and high-resolution graphics displays. It also covers multimedia workstation architecture, with layers including applications, multimedia extensions, drivers, operating systems, and hardware. Network architectures for multimedia are also discussed.

raycasting. ppt
raycasting. pptraycasting. ppt
raycasting. ppt

Ray casting is a rendering technique used in computer graphics and computational geometry. It is capable of creating a three-dimensional perspective in a two-dimensional map. Developed by scientists at the Mathematical Applications Group in the 1960. it is considered one of the most basic graphics-rendering algorithms. Ray casting makes use of the same geometric algorithm as ray tracing. Advantage: Ray casting is fast, as only a single computation is needed for every vertical line of the screen. Compared to ray tracing, ray casting is faster, as it is limited by one or more geometric constraints. his is one of the reasons why ray casting was the most popular rendering tool in early 3-D video games.

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Rgb and Cmy color model
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Rgb and Cmy color model

RGB color stands for RED,GREEN and BLUE. This color model is used in computer monitors, television sets, and theater. It's an additive color model. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black).

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Profoundly Different But the mobile interface is still profoundly different from the desktop/laptop interface.  It's not just a matter of size and space limitations. The context is different.  The desktop and even the laptop are fundamentally stolid. You move around them and stay anchored to them. The mobile web comes with you everywhere.

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User Interface Design - Module 1 Introduction Subject Code:15CS832 USER INTERFACE DESIGN VTU UNIVERSITY Referred Text Book: The Essential Guide to User Interface Design (Second Edition) Author: Wilbert O. Galitz

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This document describes a case study of the Command Center Processing and Display System - Replacement (CCPDS-R) project led by TRW Space and Defense for the U.S. Air Force. The CCPDS-R was developed to replace the primary missile warning system at Cheyenne Mountain and included a 48-month development schedule using Ada. Key aspects of the CCPDS-R project included: 1) Developing a common subsystem with six software components, 2) Using an incremental design and development approach split into builds, and 3) Conducting demonstrations at major milestones to assess requirements and architectural risks. The project was completed on time and within budget to customer satisfaction.

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The document discusses prototyping techniques for software development. It defines prototyping as an essential element of user-centered design that involves testing design ideas with users early in the development process. Different types of prototyping are appropriate for different stages, from paper-based prototypes to test initial ideas to software-based prototypes that provide limited functionality for further testing. The goal of prototyping is to identify and address design errors and user requirements before significant development effort.

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Edge linking in image processing
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Edge linking in image processing

This document discusses image segmentation techniques, specifically linking edge points through local and global processing. Local processing involves linking edge-detected pixels that are similar in gradient strength and direction within a neighborhood. Global processing uses the Hough transform to link edge points into lines by mapping points in the image space to the parameter space of slope-intercept or polar coordinates. Thresholding in parameter space identifies coherent lines composed of edge points. The Hough transform allows finding lines even if there are gaps or other defects in detected edge points.

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Context The mobile web browser is seeking information (often), yes, but most likely this person is looking for the answers to questions and not for a long involved reading experience. They want facts: addresses, movie times, support They want access to their own information. This is Thomas Vander Wal’s “come to me web” in action.

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The document discusses human-computer interaction in the software engineering process. It describes the typical lifecycle of software development, including requirements specification, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. For interactive systems, a linear waterfall model is not suitable due to the need for extensive user testing and feedback. Usability engineering aims to make usability measurable by specifying requirements. Iterative design and prototyping help overcome incomplete requirements through simulations and prototypes to gather user feedback. Design rationale records the reasons for design decisions to aid communication, reuse of knowledge, and evaluation of tradeoffs.

drag and drop.pdf
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drag and drop.pdf

The document discusses drag and drop interactions from the perspectives of users, events, actors, and purposes. It outlines key questions about how users perceive draggable objects and valid drop targets. It also lists common drag and drop events like hover, drag initiation, and entering/exiting targets. The actors involved include objects, cursors, and containers. Finally, it describes using drag and drop for rearranging modules, lists, changing object relationships, and invoking actions.

unit 5
Introduction to OpenCV
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Introduction to OpenCV

A brief introduction to OpenCV 2.x for the Computer Vision Course at Politecnico di Torino (academic year 2012/2013).

opencvcomputer visionintroduction
Emerging Patterns Mobile applications are also establishing some expectations among users.  Menu choices are often presented as vertical lists, usually with numerical accesskeys to provide shortcuts from the device's keypad. Working with these emerging standards makes sense when possible.
A Series of Choices The mobile IA and interaction design process requires a number of either/or choices. There is no single right/wrong answer. “ It depends.” But each choice involves a tradeoff, so you need to know what you’re buying and what you’re spending.
Go Mobile? The first decision concerns whether to build for the mobile web at all. Not every website is useful or necessary or makes sense for mobile users. The trend, however, is to find mobile uses for most web presences and services. As always, consider context. If your site or application makes sense on the mobile web, which parts of it belong there. Which content? Which features?

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The document discusses principles and patterns for designing web interfaces, including making interactions direct, lightweight, and keeping users on the page. It covers various techniques for inline and overlay editing, direct selection of objects, drag and drop interactions, and using contextual tools near content to improve usability. The document provides examples and guidelines for implementing these patterns and principles in web design.

web interface design
Computer Vision Introduction
Computer Vision IntroductionComputer Vision Introduction
Computer Vision Introduction

OpenCV is an open-source library for computer vision and machine learning. The document discusses OpenCV's features including its modular structure, common computer vision algorithms like Canny edge detection, Hough transform, and cascade classifiers. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how to implement these algorithms using OpenCV functions and data types.

opencvcomputer vision
Mobile Design
Mobile DesignMobile Design
Mobile Design

This document discusses interface design for mobile devices. It covers topics like developing a mobile strategy, interface elements like context, messaging, look and feel, layout, color, typography, and graphics. For each element, it provides descriptions and examples. It discusses how context, user needs, and constraints should drive design. Elements like layout must work across device orientations. Color palettes and legible typography are also important. Graphics can communicate actions and supplement content. Overall, the document provides guidance on user-centered mobile interface design principles.

One site or two? Can you build a single site that will work perfectly well in both contexts? Should you? Does all the “stabile” content belong in the mobile context?
One Site Pros Build once, display many. Avoid redundancy No synching or version issues with maintenance Avoid redundancy Cons Requires strategy and technical solution for rendering well in each context. Involves serving up content that may not fit the mobile context Involves serving up design elements that may not fit the mobile context
Two Sites Pros You can fine-tune the content and design for each context Cons Maintenance challenges Findability issues (or redirection strategy needed) for mobile users
One-Site Subchoices Do you try to manage the presentation differences entirely with CSS and the DOM…  … or do you use browser-sniffing to serve up different content?  Will the same content suffice for both experiences or must it be modified for one or the other?  What do you do with sidebars and how do you make the design degrade gracefully (or enhance progressively) to support the jumble of form factors, mobile operating systems, and browsers that support different subsets of the prevailing standards

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HCI 3e - Ch 12: Cognitive models
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Chapter 12: Cognitive models from Dix, Finlay, Abowd and Beale (2004). Human-Computer Interaction, third edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-239864-8.

Digital image processing
Digital image processingDigital image processing
Digital image processing

Digital image processing involves performing operations on digital images using computer algorithms. It has several functional categories including image restoration to remove noise and distortions, enhancement to modify the visual impact, and information extraction to analyze images. The main steps are acquisition, enhancement, restoration, color processing, compression, segmentation, and filtering using techniques like pixelization, principal components analysis, and neural networks. It has applications in medical imaging, film, transmission, sensing, and robotics. The advantages are noise removal, flexibility in format and manipulation, and easy storage and retrieval. The disadvantages can include high initial costs and potential data loss if storage devices fail.

Mobile Web Overview
Mobile Web Overview Web Overview
Mobile Web Overview

This document provides an overview of mobile web development. It discusses trends in mobile usage, definitions of mobile web and applications, options for developing mobile content like native, web and hybrid apps. It also covers strategies for mobile websites like responsive design and considerations for mobile design like touch interfaces. Development tools, frameworks and best practices for mobile web are also mentioned.

web designresponsive designmobile web
Tailoring the Navigation Limit categories to 5 Up to 10 links can have numerical accesskeys Minimize the number of levels of navivgation Don’t be afraid to reorder the site categories by priority Make telephone numbers links: <a href=&quot; tel:+19995551212 &quot;> +1 999 555-1212 </a>

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5 Reasons to go Responsive
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[ ] Responsive web design is a methodology that incorporates flexible layouts, images and CSS media query components. Through the use of media query "breakpoints," the CSS can detect the current screen size of the browser. This guarantees the design functions correctly at any screen size ...

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Workshop 11: Trendy web designs & prototyping
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Workshop Trendy Web Designs & prototyping Presentado por los diseñadores: Jorge López, Laura Martínez y Toni Camí

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Best Practices for Mobile Web Design
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Best Practices for Mobile Web Design

According to the International Telecommunication Union, at the end of 2011 there were more than 1 billion mobile‐broadband subscriptions worldwide! With more of your library users using mobile devices to access information they will assume that your library can be available from anywhere, at any time, and on most any device. Now is the time to be ready for this demand. In this webinar: - Explore some innovative library mobile website designs and see how they were built. - Understand how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together to build mobile websites. - Learn what a mobile framework is and why they are used. - Provide some existing mobile services/apps that can be included in library-created mobile websites. - Acquire best practices in mobile Web development from start to finish.

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IA Matters! “ Be prepared to invest some time or hire an IA to [make clickstream diagrams] for you. You'll spend more time on that than on the actual design” - Brian Fling, Blue Flavor
And what about .mobi? “ The people that designed .mobi were smoking crack. ” - Tantek Çelik
A Case Study HTC manufactures about 80% of the Windows Mobile devices in the US market. HTC is a Taiwanese based company (“High Tech Computer”) Extractable redesigned their website

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A Mobile Solution for #TheUnderdog
A Mobile Solution for #TheUnderdogA Mobile Solution for #TheUnderdog
A Mobile Solution for #TheUnderdog

This is the story of how a small college with a department of 4 and a zero-based budget, developed a mobile solution that is affordable and provides vital information to future and current students, faculty, and staff.

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SES Berlin OMCap 2013
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SES Berlin OMCap 2013

A review of the many opportunities available to search marketers in the native application ecosystem, presented by Rachel Pasqua, Co-Founder of Token, October 2013

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The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife
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The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife

Caridy Patiño presented on the challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications. Some key challenges include browser fragmentation across devices, network failures, and the need to optimize applications for different runtime environments and adapt them for varying screen sizes and features. Patiño advocated writing applications using a single language, JavaScript, and customizing output per runtime and context while adapting the UI per form factor and feature detection. The goal is to build flexible applications that can run on multiple platforms.

Our Choices Mobile site? Yes, required One site or two? - Initial decision: One site - For the re-launch: Two sites - Long term: One site .mobi? Kinda…
One-Site Strategy Explored and rejected CSS magic Researched and adopted mobile-savvy CMS IA of mobile site a subset (+) of the web site Reduced content on most pages Minimized images in terms of size and weight Stripped out sidebar content Rendered navigation as vertical lists
Two-Site Fallback Negotiations between client and  vendor dragged on and threatened launch date We were already building a prototype of the mobile site We launched with two separate sites built from the same core content, and no CMS We planned to migrate, with web-only and mobile-only content flagged separately

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Drupalcamp LA Aug 2009
Drupalcamp LA Aug 2009Drupalcamp LA Aug 2009
Drupalcamp LA Aug 2009

This document discusses creating mobile websites with Drupal. It covers technology trends in mobile, reasons to go mobile, complexity issues around device fragmentation and standards, examples of mobile Drupal sites, recommendations for bringing users to the mobile site, tools for mobile site creation, and content adaptation techniques.

Developing for Mobile Web
Developing for Mobile WebDeveloping for Mobile Web
Developing for Mobile Web

Mobile web development is important because over 6.8 billion people in the world use mobile devices. There are currently over 3.4 billion people with mobile phones, making mobile the 7th mass media. When developing for mobile, it is best to target WebKit-based browsers like those used on Android and iOS devices to ensure compatibility with newer HTML5 features. Websites should be optimized for mobile with a responsive design or separate mobile sites at to provide the best experience for touchscreen smartphones and limited feature phones.

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Briding the Gap between Desktop and Mobile publishing
Briding the Gap between Desktop and Mobile publishingBriding the Gap between Desktop and Mobile publishing
Briding the Gap between Desktop and Mobile publishing

This document discusses bridging the gap between desktop and mobile publishing with Drupal. It covers supporting low-end devices, transcoding desktop sites for mobile, using open standards like HTML5 and CSS3. It also discusses Drupal modules that can help like Mobile Tools, Context and Panels. Specific strategies are presented for different types of sites from basic informational sites to highly customized applications. Testing mobile sites across different devices is also emphasized.

The Web Sitemap
Web Sitemap Detail
Mobile Sitemap Unique mobile-site content
Mobile Sitemap Detail Unique mobile-site content

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A brief presentation for the Missouri State Digital Media Developer group on cutting through the hype surrounding mobile development and responsive design.

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Going mobile edu web presentation - 2011
Going mobile   edu web presentation - 2011Going mobile   edu web presentation - 2011
Going mobile edu web presentation - 2011

This document summarizes Nathan Gerber's presentation on mobile web strategies for higher education institutions. It discusses how mobile usage is growing rapidly, especially among students. It emphasizes that institutions need to shift from just making their sites work on mobile to designing for the unique needs of mobile users. The presentation provides recommendations on starting small with high priority content, using responsive design, leveraging content management systems, and testing on various devices. It also highlights tools like QR codes, analytics, and emulators to help institutions begin developing their mobile web presence.

Responsive vs. adaptive vs. device-specific: which one is best?
Responsive vs. adaptive vs. device-specific: which one is best?Responsive vs. adaptive vs. device-specific: which one is best?
Responsive vs. adaptive vs. device-specific: which one is best?

This document discusses responsive, adaptive, and device-specific design strategies for mobile websites. Responsive design uses CSS to resize layout and content based on screen size, requiring only one code base. Adaptive design detects the device and loads optimized content, requiring more technical skills. Device-specific sites redirect to separate mobile pages, best as launching points not full sites. The best solution uses all three together based on content needs. Designing for small screens first optimizes the mobile experience.

web design and developmentresponsive designadaptive design
A Web Wireframe
A Mobile Wireframe
Usability Testing We brought in users with differing levels of familiarity with smartphones We had them visit the site on a laptop and the mobile site ona 3125 (flip phone) or 8125 (sliding qwerty). They found the mobile site easier to use and (this surprised us) easier to read:  “…fewer distracting graphics”
See Also (Brian Fling’s presentation from SxSW)

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Responsive Web Design & the state of the Web
Responsive Web Design & the state of the WebResponsive Web Design & the state of the Web
Responsive Web Design & the state of the Web

The document discusses responsive web design, which is an approach where design and development respond to the user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform, and orientation. It involves flexible grids and layouts, images, and media queries to automatically adjust the website for different devices like laptops and iPads. The goal is for the website to have technology that automatically responds to the user's preferences as they switch devices.

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Building Mobile Websites with Joomla
Building Mobile Websites with JoomlaBuilding Mobile Websites with Joomla
Building Mobile Websites with Joomla

(1) The document discusses making mobile websites, including trends in mobile technology, challenges in development, and examples of mobile sites built with content management systems like Drupal and Joomla. (2) Key challenges in mobile development include device fragmentation, usability issues like screen size and navigation, and optimizing content for smaller screens and slower connections. (3) The presentation provides examples of mobile sites built with Drupal and Joomla, and introduces new solutions like the Osmobi plugin and template to more easily build mobile sites within existing CMS platforms.


The browser has been called the "most hostile software development environment imaginable." While at the same time, the ubiquity of the browser is exactly what makes a web application so powerful. A good web application is designed to run everywhere and for everyone. Today that means supporting more browsers on more devices than any time in history. This session will explore the challenges (and fun) of building sites in a multi-platform and multi-device world while still enabling features of the Open Web like HTML5 and CSS3.

thank you Christian Crumlish Yahoo! Pattern Detective Director IT/Web Infrastructure, IA Institute

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Christian Crumlish
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Christian Crumlish
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Christian Crumlish
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Designing Social Interfaces - IxDA LA meetup, July 10, 2013
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