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Familiar Tools, New Possibilities:  Leveraging the Power of theAdobe Web Publishing SystemJohn Hartley, ACES
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HTML5 development is a developing field nowadays as a result of the tremendous assortment of mixture and local applications that might be made utilizing it. Truth be told, it is popular in a substantial go of divisions from financial services to retail to social insurance. Developers can think of single applications that offer a ton of helpful characteristics, being greatly unpredictable in nature. A confirmation to its prevalence is that it has surpassed Flash in fame.

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The document discusses using the Adobe Flash Platform for mobile application development. It describes how developers can use Flash Builder and Flex to build mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Blackberry PlayBook using a single codebase. Currently Flex mobile projects are supported for Android, and support for iOS and PlayBook will be added later in 2011. The Flash Platform provides tools for building standalone mobile apps using AIR as well as apps that run within mobile browsers using Flash Player. Performance is optimized and device capabilities like the camera are supported.

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Building native applications across multiple platforms is hard. iOS requires knowledge of Xcode, the iOS SDK and Objective-C or Swift. Android requires Eclipse (or Android Studio), the Android SDK and Java. The Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform requires Visual Studio, C# and the WinRT SDK. Are we really expected to learn all of this? You can take the HTML5 & Cordova route, but not all apps should be built using a hybrid approach. If you want to create a truly competitive app with a premium experience, you’ll need to go native. Fortunately, there is a way you can share a lot of your code across mobile platforms and do so using the C# language you already know and love. Xamarin is a powerful toolset that allows developers to write native Android and iOS apps using C#, thanks to the Mono framework – an Open Source project that brings the C# language and .NET to other platforms. This session explores how you can build cross-platform applications for iOS, Android, and Windows using C#. You’ll learn how to get started with a sample cross-platform solution, which tools you can use, how to design a proper user interface for each platform and how to structure your projects for maximum code reuse. We’ll also look at how you can share UI code with Xamarin.Forms. Native mobile development doesn’t have to be so hard. Come learn how your .NET skills can be transformed for true cross-platform development.

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HTML5 is the latest version of HTML that provides new semantic elements and features to improve the structure and functionality of web pages. It introduces elements like <canvas> for graphics, <video> for embedding video without plugins, geolocation for detecting users' locations, and offline web applications. While browser support is still developing, HTML5 aims to standardize web development and make content more accessible to search engines.

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The document discusses web standards and protocols as well as tips for good website design. It provides lists of "dos" and "don'ts" for website design. The "dos" include testing pages in multiple browsers, keeping layouts simple, writing clearly and concisely, and providing alternatives to images. The "don'ts" include linking to irrelevant material, overusing emphasis, and splitting topics across multiple pages.

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Ultimately, It’s Your Decision!Either way you go, the tools in the new version of Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 will help you get there.

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This document discusses using Flash Builder/Flex with PHP on mobile devices. It introduces Kent Mitchell and Mihai Corlan who will discuss using Data Centric Development wizards in Flash Builder to consume PHP services. They will demonstrate testing a mobile Flex and PHP app on desktop and device, debugging on device, and using the Network Monitor. The document also provides an overview of creating a new Flex Mobile and PHP project with an integrated wizard, connecting to various PHP services, and enabling debugging when running the app on an actual device connected to the same WiFi network as the development computer.

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The document provides an overview of HTML5 and CSS3 features for a presentation. It begins by introducing the presenter and their experience with WordPress, HTML, and CSS. It then covers new elements in HTML5 like video, audio, forms, and semantics. For CSS3, it discusses selectors, properties and fonts. The presenter notes they will focus on useful features they commonly use and not cover everything due to time constraints. They ask for questions and indicate they are still learning.

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Conquering Code with hjc
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Conquering Code with hjc

Whether you have a bit of experience or you're brand new to code, this webinar is right for you. Walk away with: Valuable resources that will save you time during the holiday season The ability to update your email design like a veteran developer Tips on how to to update your HTML more efficiently A decrease in daily frustrations when making web updates and more!

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Ultimately, It’s Your Decision!Either way you go, the tools in the new version of Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 will help you get there.But which one is right for your needs?
Which one isright for yourneeds?
What are Adobe CS Liveonline services? “Adobe® CS Live online services integrate with Adobe Creative Suite® software to help accelerate your workflow. Accurately test web content, initiate and manage reviews, create blueprints for video projects, and easily share information.”
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HTML is a markup language used to structure and present content on the web. It can include elements like <video>, <image>, and <head> and is written using tags enclosed in angle brackets. HTML has evolved through several versions from HTML 1.0 to the current HTML5. Key HTML tags include <html>, <head>, <body>, <h1-h6> for headings, and <p> for paragraphs. HTML is essential for web development and designing user-friendly web pages.

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This document provides a summary of Xamarin and cross-platform .NET development in 2016 and beyond. It discusses Xamarin's unique approach of allowing developers to build native mobile apps using C# with a single shared codebase that provides full access to platform APIs. It highlights new features in 2016 like improved Visual Studio integration and Xamarin Studio updates. It also outlines the roadmap, including improved XAML compilation and expanded Xamarin.Forms capabilities. The document demonstrates how to maximize code sharing between platforms using techniques like plugins.

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Xamarin cross platform

The document discusses different approaches to mobile cross-platform development including web apps, hybrid apps, and native apps. It then focuses on the Xamarin platform, which allows developers to build fully native mobile apps for Android and iOS using C# and .NET with a single shared codebase. Xamarin apps are compiled to native code for each platform and provide access to all native platform features and APIs.

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Adobe contributes to open source technology by releasing their own projects like Apache Flex, Apache Cordova, Brackets, and Source Han Sans under open source licenses. They maintain these projects on GitHub and SourceForge and collaborate with the Apache Foundation on several projects including Apache Cordova, Apache Chemistry, and Apache Tika. Adobe's goal is to drive innovation, build communities, and give back value through their involvement in open source.

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HTML5 introduction for beginners
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An introduction to HTML5 and its API's for the extream beginners those who already know what is HTML. Presentation also includes few features the CSS3.

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UMK Lecture 5 - HTML5 latest v7

The document provides an introduction to advanced website design using HTML5 and CSS3. It discusses the evolution of HTML5 from previous versions of HTML and how it was developed through cooperation between different organizations. It then gives overviews of new features in HTML5 like Canvas, geolocation, audio/video playback, and local storage. It also discusses CSS3 and how it works independently from HTML5 to provide styling. The document provides examples of using new HTML5 semantics, multimedia features, and CSS3 properties for text effects and transformations. It concludes with references to sample HTML5 webpages.

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PhoneGap integration
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Web developers should learn 7 new techniques to stay current: 1. CSS3 media queries allow defining styles for specific display sizes to create responsive designs. 2. REM units set font sizes relative to the root html element font size, avoiding compounding issues of EM units. 3. HTML5 offline caching allows caching pages for offline viewing by adding directives to the .htaccess file and linking the manifest file.

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This document provides an introduction to building modern websites using HTML5 and CSS3. It discusses several new features in HTML5, including semantic elements, the <canvas> element for 2D drawing, <audio> and <video> elements for multimedia, local storage for offline applications, and other new elements and APIs. The document recommends installing the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome for full browser support. It will demonstrate these new features by developing a sample website using HTML5 and CSS3.

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Html5 workshop part 1

HTML5 is the new standard for HTML that provides many new features and capabilities. It is a collaboration between the W3C and WHATWG to develop the next generation of HTML. Some key features of HTML5 include new multimedia elements like <video> and <audio>, local storage options, offline capabilities, and improved graphics capabilities. HTML5 aims to make web development easier across browsers and devices with a single code base.

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Familiar Tools, New Possibilities: Leveraging the Power of the Adobe Web Publishing System

  • 1. Familiar Tools, New Possibilities: Leveraging the Power of theAdobe Web Publishing SystemJohn Hartley, ACES
  • 2. Distributed Web PublishingContribute, Dreamweaver,& Contribute Publishing Server
  • 4. Not to be confused with Mobile, AL
  • 5. We’re Goin’ Mobile!ePubs, Apps, & Mobile Websites! Oh, my!
  • 6. Mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common web-access devices worldwide by 2013
  • 7. Mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common web-access devices worldwide by 2013It‘s estimated that the combined installed base of smartphones and browser-equipped enhanced phones will surpass 1.82 billion units by 2013, eclipsing the total of 1.78 billion PCs by then. (Gartner)
  • 8. 2009 App Ecosystem Dominated by iPhone
  • 9. 2010 App Ecosystem More info: MobiForge
  • 10. 2010 Q4 Smartphone SalesMore info: Wikipedia
  • 11. Apps vs. Mobile Web DevelopmentPros & Cons to both depending on needs: Necessity of Web/Database connectivity may require an app
  • 12. Ease and speed of development and maintenance may require a site
  • 13. Marketing & monetization considerations of app store/market
  • 14. Buzzword political considerationsMore info: Wikipedia
  • 15. Native Apps vs. Mobile Web Apps"If we, the Web's users, allow these (app development) and other trends to proceed unchecked, the Web could be broken into fragmented islands. We could lose the freedom to connect with whichever Web sites we want." Tim Berners-Lee, father of the WebMore info: mobiForge
  • 16. Ultimately, It’s Your Decision!Either way you go, the tools in the new version of Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 will help you get there.
  • 17. Ultimately, It’s Your Decision!Either way you go, the tools in the new version of Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 will help you get there.But which one is right for your needs?
  • 18. Which one isright for yourneeds?
  • 19. What are Adobe CS Liveonline services? “Adobe® CS Live online services integrate with Adobe Creative Suite® software to help accelerate your workflow. Accurately test web content, initiate and manage reviews, create blueprints for video projects, and easily share information.”
  • 21. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?New in CS 5:Multiscreen Preview panel
  • 22. CSS3 UI enhancements
  • 25. PHP custom-class code hinting
  • 26. Adobe BrowserLab integrationNew in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 28. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 30. Mobile UI widgets More Info:
  • 31. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?New in CS 5:Multiscreen Preview panel
  • 32. CSS3 UI enhancements
  • 35. PHP custom-class code hinting
  • 36. Adobe BrowserLab integrationNew in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 38. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 40. Mobile UI widgets More Info:
  • 41. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?New in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 43. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 45. Mobile UI widgets
  • 46. Multiscreen Preview panel - Design for smartphones, tablets, and personal computers with the Multiscreen Preview panel. With media query support, developers can style and visualize rendering for a range of devices in a single panel. Plus, CSS3 Media Queries allow us to target a stylesheet to specific screen resolutions. (more) (video)More Info:
  • 47. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?Example: <link href="css/phone.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 649px)" >Media queries are part of the CSS specification, and as such can be used in much the same way as any other CSS property. For example, you can specify media queries at the rule level, within a style sheet:@media screen and (max-width:480px) { #navbar { float: none; width: 480px; } } New in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 49. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 51. Mobile UI widgets More Info:
  • 52. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?New in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 54. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 56. Mobile UI widgets Media queries are used to specify different style sheets for different devices. The most common way of using media queries, however, is to create external style sheets and target them for separate devices, or a class of devices. The following example shows multiple style sheets linked at the top of a web document. <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="css/phone.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 649px)" > <link href="css/tablet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 800px)" >More Info:
  • 57. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?Other CSS3 capabilities:Opacity - rgba (255,255,255,1) opaque; rgba(255,255,255,.5) for 50% a for alpha or opacity, apply to background color of a class or ID to be applied to a div, webkit in live view allows you to see thisRounded corners – border radius, defined for all or each, cross browser support for IE9 (work arounds for older IE such as curvycorners), vendor specific prefixes are a way to add CSS3 properties to browsers that have not updated their specs to support the W3C standards or for (some) older browsers Also, transform: rotate, etc. New in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 59. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 61. Mobile UI widgets More Info:
  • 62. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?jQuery Mobile for mobile app development, user interface widjets, webkit integration in live view, can be used to create either an app (through Air) or run through a web browser on a mobile device with very similar features. However, easier to code and maintain. Inside of the HEAD element you will want to reference the jQuery Mobile CSS and JavaScript files:<link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=" 1.0a4.1.min.js"></script> New in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 64. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 66. Mobile UI widgets More Info:
  • 67. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?HTML 5 Canvas animation in Dreamweaver, similar to the old timeline in dhtml, uses Wallaby to transform Falsh animation (.fla) to HTML 5 Canvas animation (video)What is Canvas?The canvas element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic,scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images.What is Wallaby?"Wallaby" is the codename for an experimental technology that converts the artwork and animation contained in Adobe® Flash® Professional (.FLA) files into HTML.& lots more…New in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 69. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 71. Mobile UI widgets More Info:
  • 72. Dreamweaver CS 5.5What’s new?PhoneGapintegration: HTML 5 + Css 3 + Javascript (jQuery)What is PhoneGap?The only Open Source Mobile framework that supports six platforms. PhoneGap is an HTML 5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages the technologies that developers already know best… HTML and Javascript.(More Info)& lots more…New in CS 5.5: Enhanced jQuery support
  • 74. FTPS and FTPES support
  • 76. Mobile UI widgets More Info:
  • 77. InDesign CS 5.5What’s new?There were many new features in InDesign CS 5 & CS 5.5:Folio Producer tools Overlay creator panel         Content viewer for desktop        Access to Adobe Digital Publishing Suite Folio builder panel        eBook creation EPUB export enhancements         Articles panel         Timing panel        Dynamic image resizing         Styles mapped to tags        Rich interactive documents         Media panel        Animation panel        Timing panel   Object states panel     Rich Interactive documents (continued)      Preview panel        Motion presets        FLV/F4V video import        MP3 audio import       Layout productivity tools         Linked text         Dragging and dropping of anchored objects         Multiple page sizes in a single InDesign file       Live distribute        Super step and repeat        Layers panel similar to panel in Adobe Illustrator®        Gap tool        Live Corner effects        Instant crop previews        Transformation of multiple selected items        Simplified object selection and editing        Swatches in Control panel        Live Captions      Tool Hints panel        Grid placeMore Info:
  • 78. InDesign CS 5.5What’s new? Export to ePub format
  • 79. Converter to .mobi for Kindle
  • 80. Interactive PDF with audio, video, and/or animation
  • 81. Export to Flash (.fla)This last feature can be combined with Wallaby, as we mentioned earlier, to convert from Flash (.fla, not .swf) to HTML 5 so it can run on iOS(Video)
  • 82. InDesign CS 5.5What’s new?Additional Resources: Adobe Developer Center
  • 84. HTML 5 Developer Center
  • 86. Adobe Browser Lab (Web browser testing. Both stand alone service and integrated into Dreamweaver “Adobe® BrowserLab is an online service that helps ensure your web content displays as intended. Accurately preview web pages across multiple browsers and operating systems, navigate links, and use diagnostic tools to optimize websites efficiently.” (video)
  • 87. (video training site)John Hartley, ACES WebmasterEmail: hartley@aces.eduLinkedIn: @yeltrahGoogle: jdhartley

Editor's Notes

  1. Good Morning!How many of you are IT folks? How many of you are Communications folks?How many of you consider yourselves to be a little of both?I believe that we all need to really be a little of both or at least enough to understand each other’s perspective, understand what each other need in the development process, and be able to work together as a team. Now more than ever. My bias. Graphic Design background, have worked in print, television, and web development. For the last 14 years I’ve been the webmaster for ACES as well as an IT Spec. for AU supporting CoAg &amp; AAES. Also Adobe User Group Manager. Past rivalry, rival media (web vs. print), now convergence with a focus on mobile portability (epubs, apps, mobile sites). To accomplish this effectively and to have a good product at the end, we need each other. The tools of the Adobe Creative Suite that we are already familiar with both in the print world and web development have been expanded and a lot has been done to integrate them into each other to foster and streamline collaboration.
  2. Past attendees may remember presentations I’ve done on Adobe before focusing on using Dreamweaver with Contribute and the Contribute Publishing Server for allowing distributed web development and maintenance by content providers without needing web development skills.Wordpress Troy couldn’t make it but I’ll try to answer any questions at the end. I’m not an expert on WP or MU the way Troy is. I’d be happy to put you in contac t with Troy. hahntro@auburn.eduWYSIWYG editing, secure AD/LDAP user authentication, assign users to roles with different access capabilities, uses DW Templates, tie user options to predefined stylesheet, users can send for review, or publish depending on configuration, integrated image editing tools, rich media support and html snippet insertion for YouTube, etc., Blog (WordPress, MoveableType, etc.) integration.We are still using this model and there have been many improvements over the past couple of years with more granularity in flow process, sunrise/set dates for documents, HTML snippet insertion for such things as embedding YouTube, Photobucket, Flickr, etc. Requires training behyond how to use the program.This system has worked very well for us and I’d be glad to talk about it in more detail later but I’d like to jump past it quickly today to focus more on Mobile.
  3. Site definitions mixup
  4. 2009 we were focused on web development for desktops and possibly notebook or netbooks. Publications were primarily still distributed in PDF format or some HTML. eReader devices were around but not that big of a deal yet. Apps for iphone were the buzzword of the day and you heard stories of kids making $$ building and selling iphone apps. Google introduced their first Android phone, T-mobile G1 in
  5. Apple introduced the ipad, iphone 4, new ipods, Samsung has launched its new badasmartphone OS; Microsoft&apos;s new smartphone OS, Windows Phone 7Android maid gains on iPhone and it became obvious that Android would pass iphones in the near future. So you have to ask, do you want that on Android too? Android should arguably be the primary choice since it&apos;ll soon be the biggest platform. What about iPad and Windows Phone 7? And maybe Nokia too? At the very least you&apos;ll now need two apps where one might have been considered sufficient before, and possibly as many as 4 or 5 if you want to cover Windows, Symbian, Blackberry and Bada.Developers looked to software solutions to streamline the process. Adobe had plans to deliver this at the time but Apple’s refusal to support Flash threw a wrench in things. Plus other barriers coding, app store access, etc. Meanwhile Android worked to add Flash support, open market for apps, open source OS gets distributed on more and more different devices from multiple brands, reduces cost and becomes more pervasive.
  6. 2010 Apple introduced the ipad, iphone 4, new ipods, Samsung has launched its new badasmartphone OS; Microsoft&apos;s new smartphone OS, Windows Phone 72010 saw the rapid rise of the Google Android operating system from 4 percent of new deployments in 2009 to 33 percent at the beginning of 2011 making it share the top position with the since long dominating Symbian OS. The smaller rivals include US popular Blackberry OS, the trendsetting iOS, Samsung&apos;s recently introduced bada, HP&apos;s heir of Palm PilotwebOS and the Microsoft Windows Phone OS seeing a possible revival through an alliance with Nokia.
  7. 2010 Apple introduced the ipad, iphone 4, new ipods, Samsung has launched its new badasmartphone OS; Microsoft&apos;s new smartphone OS, Windows Phone 72010 saw the rapid rise of the Google Android operating system from 4 percent of new deployments in 2009 to 33 percent at the beginning of 2011 making it share the top position with the since long dominating Symbian OS. The smaller rivals include US popular Blackberry OS, the trendsetting iOS, Samsung&apos;s recently introduced bada, HP&apos;s heir of Palm PilotwebOS and the Microsoft Windows Phone OS seeing a possible revival through an alliance with Nokia.
  8. Native phone apps cause fragmentation of the web. You loose the common interface.
  9. Native phone apps cause fragmentation of the web. You loose the common interface.
  10. Native phone apps cause fragmentation of the web. You loose the common interface.
  11. Look at which applications are in which bundle.
  12. What are Adobe CS Live online services?
  13. Most useful IMHO: Browser Lab for testing. Both stand alone and integrated into DW.CS Review for online collaboration, marking and tracking changes, – Primarily Acrobat Connect videoconferenceingStory – Storyboarding and script development for videoSite Catalyst – internet trends and tracking
  14. Great new features!
  15. Great new features!
  16. smartphones, tablets, and personal computers with the Multiscreen Preview panel
  17. Media queries are part of the CSS specification, and as such can be used in much the same way as any other CSS property.
  18. Media queries are part of the CSS specification, and as such can be used in much the same way as any other CSS property. Media queries are used to specify different style sheets for different devices.
  19. CSS 3 widgets built and code hinting for Opacity, Rounded Corners, Transform, etc.
  20. The biggest deal! jQuery Mobile for mobile app development
  21. The biggest deal! jQuery Mobile for mobile app development
  22. The biggest deal! jQuery Mobile for mobile app development
  23. The biggest deal! jQuery Mobile for mobile app development
  24. The biggest deal! jQuery Mobile for mobile app development