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Brown Bag Session by Arthur Fung
We work hard! We deserve it! Oh yeah!
Date: 3/31 - 4/4
Place: Napa Valley
Duration: 1 week!
Fee: Priceless
Single Page Application
A single-page application (SPA), also
known as single-page interface (SPI), is
a web application or web site that fits on
a single web page with the goal of
providing a more fluid user experience
akin to a desktop application.

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Progressive web apps (PWAs) are a new type of application that combines the best of the web and the best of native apps. PWAs use newer web platform features and service workers to deliver app-style experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include providing responsive and reliable experiences that load instantly and feel like regular apps to users, while also being able to reach users on any device via a web URL rather than an app store. PWAs aim to reduce the barriers between the web and native apps.

appsmobile application developmentagile
Introduction to back-end
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The document provides an introduction to back-end development, including definitions of the internet, World Wide Web, and request-response cycle. It explains the differences between front-end and back-end development and lists common front-end and back-end programming languages. Main protocols like IP, TCP, UDP, and HTTP are described. Additional back-end concepts covered include CRUD functionality, securing passwords, HTTPS, and APIs. Resources for further learning back-end development with languages like Python, Node.js, and PHP are also provided.

Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.

This document provides an introduction to Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that allows JavaScript to be run on the server-side. Express is a web application framework for Node.js that provides routing capabilities and middleware support. MongoDB is a non-relational database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, rather than using rigid tables. The document discusses the pros and cons of each technology and provides examples of basic usage and configuration.

express frameworkmongodbframework
● Fast Response
● Capable of rendering
portion of the UI
● More interactive with the
● Cross Platform
● Universally accessible
● Instantly updated and
● Platform Specific.
● Only accessible on
installed machine
● Needs users to manually
update the application
● Slow. Page Flash.
● Universally accessible
● Instantly updated and
In fact, SPA can
provide the best of
BOTH worlds.
Example: Gmail
Example: Merchant Locator

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This document provides an introduction to React Native. It begins with an overview of what React Native is and how it allows React code to render natively on iOS and Android using a JavaScript bridge. It then discusses starting a new project using create-react-native-app or react-native init. The rest of the document outlines the roadmap, covering working with styles, layouts, lists, navigation, networking and touching the native side.


Next.js is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications.

jQuery Ajax
jQuery AjaxjQuery Ajax
jQuery Ajax

Ajax allows web pages to asynchronously update parts of a page by exchanging data with a web server behind the scenes without reloading the entire page. It uses a combination of technologies like HTML/XHTML, CSS, DOM, XML, JavaScript, and the XMLHttpRequest object. This allows faster and more interactive web applications by reducing the amount of data sent and received.

What is a Single Page Application?
● Fluid transitions between page, richer
interaction between UI componenets. No
page refresh
● Application logic in the client
● Fetch Data on demand
● Dynamic Data Loading, usually with Rest API
● Back/Forward Button works as expected
● Support bookmark
● Ability to go offline
Advantages of SPA
● Responsive, Native Appplication Feel. No page blink.
● Faster UI, More Interactive
● More work on client side, offloading the server
● REST endpoints are more general purpose
● Perfect for supporting multiple platofmrs, since UI is just
another client
● Share benefits from both desktop and web app
Traditional vs SPA
Traditional vs SPA

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React native
React nativeReact native
React native

React Native allows developers to build mobile apps using React with native platform capabilities. It uses native components instead of web views, making apps feel and perform like native ones. The document discusses what React Native is, how to set up a development environment, build a basic app, add libraries, handle common errors, and React Native fundamentals like components, styles, layout, events, and touch handling.

react nativemobile development
React Js Simplified
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React Js Simplified

React Js Basic Details and Descriptions Frontend Javascript Library, to make decent SPA The fastest way to build a segregated component based front end for software development.

.NET Core, ASP.NET Core Course, Session 6
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.NET Core, ASP.NET Core Course, Session 6

This document provides an overview and agenda for Session 6 of a .NET Core and ASP.NET Core training course. It introduces ASP.NET Core 1.0, how to start ASP.NET core applications using the Startup class, and middleware in ASP.NET core. Key topics covered include what ASP.NET Core is, the ASP.NET Core application anatomy, methods of the WebHostBuilder class, anatomy of the Startup class, developing and using middleware, and built-in middleware. Examples of middleware configuration are also demonstrated.

Model View Controller
● The Model, which provides the data and business rules
of the application.
● The View, which provides the sensory (usually visual,
but also often audio) representation of the Model’s data.
● The Controller, which converts requests from the user
into commands that
● update the Model and/or View of an application.
● Our SPA moves as much of the application to the
browser as possible.
● The whole MVC moves to the client
What is the goal?
● Provide a radically faster and widely accessible getting started
● Be opinionated out of the box, but get out of the way quickly as
requirements sstart to diverge from the defailts
● Provide a range of non-functional features that are common to large
classes of projects
○ Embedded Servers
○ Security
○ Metrics
○ Externalized Configuration
● Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML
● Convension over configuration
Introducing Spring Boot
Sample Code
class Controller
String getHome(){ return "Hello
World"; }

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Node.js Express Framework
Node.js Express FrameworkNode.js Express Framework
Node.js Express Framework

Learn Node.js framework in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Introduction


Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js that provides a flexible set of features for building web and mobile apps. Express apps use middleware functions that have access to the request and response objects and allow for intermediate processing in the request-response cycle. Middleware functions can execute code, modify requests/responses, and call the next middleware function. Express supports application-level middleware, router-level middleware, error handling middleware, built-in middleware like static file serving, and third-party middleware.

Mobile App Development
Mobile App DevelopmentMobile App Development
Mobile App Development

The document discusses mobile app development from a web developer's perspective. It covers topics such as web apps vs native apps, technologies for mobile development like HTML5 and frameworks, and specific techniques for mobile like viewport scaling, geolocation APIs, and offline storage. The document provides examples of code for implementing these mobile techniques.

windows mobileobjective-cblackberry
1. Clone the project from
Git Hub
2. Open Eclipse and Import
the project
3. Run
Why MVC Framework on the Front-End?
● Avoid Re-inventing the wheel
● We ALL suck at Javascript
● Follow best practice. Avoid Spaghetti Code
● Modular Code and Scalibility
● DOM Manipulation + Templating + Routing
Examples: Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS,
Spine, CanJS, React.js
Stop relying on JQuery my friend!
What is AngularJS?
● Client Side Browser App Framework
● Open Source
● MVC Framework on the browser
git clone

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AJAX is a new approach to web application development that uses asynchronous JavaScript and XML to transmit small amounts of data in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. Some key aspects of AJAX include asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest, data interchange formats like XML/JSON, dynamic display using the DOM, and JavaScript binding it all together for a more responsive user experience compared to traditional full page loads. Common AJAX design patterns address issues like predictive fetching of likely next data, throttling frequent submissions, periodic refreshing of data, and multi-stage downloading of pages and components.

Nuxt.JS Introdruction
Nuxt.JS IntrodructionNuxt.JS Introdruction
Nuxt.JS Introdruction

This document provides an overview of a minimalist framework called Nuxt.js for creating universal server-side rendered (SSR) applications using Vue.js. Some key points covered include: - Nuxt.js allows developers to write Vue components and pages while abstracting away concerns of client-server code splitting and routing. - Features include automatic code splitting, SSR, routing, static file serving, bundling/minifying, and error handling. - The framework uses a pages/ directory to define routes and components and includes Vuex and Vue-Router functionality out of the box. - Async data loading, custom layouts, global meta tags, and asset handling are also

Introdução ao React
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Introdução ao React

Luiz Paulo tem 20 anos de experiência em desenvolvimento web. Ele é desenvolvedor e líder de equipe na Contabilone Tecnologia, com graduação em TI e pós-graduação em engenharia de software. O documento discute o que é React, por que foi desenvolvido e conceitos-chave como arquitetura, Virtual DOM, componentização e controle de estado.


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Single page application

  • 1. SPA Brown Bag Session by Arthur Fung
  • 2. We work hard! We deserve it! Oh yeah! Date: 3/31 - 4/4 Place: Napa Valley Duration: 1 week! Fee: Priceless TACPOINT IS AWESOME
  • 4. Single Page Application A single-page application (SPA), also known as single-page interface (SPI), is a web application or web site that fits on a single web page with the goal of providing a more fluid user experience akin to a desktop application.
  • 5. Desktop ● Fast Response ● Capable of rendering portion of the UI ● More interactive with the user ● Cross Platform ● Universally accessible ● Instantly updated and distributed Traditional Website ● Platform Specific. ● Only accessible on installed machine ● Needs users to manually update the application ● Slow. Page Flash. ● Universally accessible ● Instantly updated and distributed
  • 6. In fact, SPA can provide the best of BOTH worlds.
  • 9. What is a Single Page Application? ● Fluid transitions between page, richer interaction between UI componenets. No page refresh ● Application logic in the client ● Fetch Data on demand ● Dynamic Data Loading, usually with Rest API ● Back/Forward Button works as expected ● Support bookmark ● Ability to go offline
  • 10. Advantages of SPA ● Responsive, Native Appplication Feel. No page blink. ● Faster UI, More Interactive ● More work on client side, offloading the server responsibility ● REST endpoints are more general purpose ● Perfect for supporting multiple platofmrs, since UI is just another client ● Share benefits from both desktop and web app
  • 13. Model View Controller ● The Model, which provides the data and business rules of the application. ● The View, which provides the sensory (usually visual, but also often audio) representation of the Model’s data. ● The Controller, which converts requests from the user into commands that ● update the Model and/or View of an application. ● Our SPA moves as much of the application to the browser as possible. ● The whole MVC moves to the client
  • 14. Q&A
  • 15. What is the goal? ● Provide a radically faster and widely accessible getting started experience ● Be opinionated out of the box, but get out of the way quickly as requirements sstart to diverge from the defailts ● Provide a range of non-functional features that are common to large classes of projects ○ Embedded Servers ○ Security ○ Metrics ○ Externalized Configuration ● Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML ● Convension over configuration Introducing Spring Boot
  • 17. Instructions 1. Clone the project from Git Hub 2. Open Eclipse and Import the project 3. Run
  • 18. Why MVC Framework on the Front-End? ● Avoid Re-inventing the wheel ● We ALL suck at Javascript ● Follow best practice. Avoid Spaghetti Code ● Modular Code and Scalibility ● DOM Manipulation + Templating + Routing Examples: Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, Spine, CanJS, React.js
  • 19. Stop relying on JQuery my friend!
  • 20. What is AngularJS? ● Client Side Browser App Framework ● Open Source ● MVC Framework on the browser git clone guides/gs-consuming-rest-angularjs.git

Editor's Notes

  1. my definition: A single page application is a web app in which the majority of interactions are handled on the client without the need to reach a server, with a goal of providing a more fluid user experience
  2. An SPA can render like a desktop application—The SPA redraws the parts of the interface that need to change only as needed. A traditional website, in compari- son, redraws the entire page on many user actions, resulting in a pause and a “flash” while the browser retrieves from the server and then redraws everything on the page. If the page is large, the server is busy, or the internet connection is slow, this flash can take several seconds or more, and the user has to guess when the page is ready to use again. This is a horrible experience when compared to the rapid rendering and immediate feedback of an SPA. ■ An SPA can respond like a desktop application—The SPA minimizes response time by moving working (transient) data and processing from the server to the browser as much as possible. The SPA has the data and business logic needed to make most decisions locally and therefore quickly. Only data validation, authen- tication, and permanent storage must remain on the server, for reasons we dis- cuss in chapters 6-8. A traditional website has most of the application logic on the server and the user must wait for a request/response/redraw cycle in response to much of their input. This can take several seconds, compared to the near immediate response of the SPA. ■ An SPA can notify users of its state like a desktop application—When an SPA does have to wait on a server, it can dynamically render a progress bar or busy indicator so the user isn’t befuddled by a delay. Compare this to a traditional website, where the user actually has to guess when the page is loaded and usable. ■ An SPA is nearly universally accessible like a website—Unlike most desktop applica- tions, users can access an SPA from any web connection and a decent browser. Today, the list includes smart phones, tablets, televisions, laptops, and desktop computers. ■ An SPA can be instantly updated and distributed like a website—The user doesn’t have to do anything to realize the benefits—when they reload the browser it works. The hassle of maintaining multiple concurrent versions of software is largely eliminated.7 The authors have worked on SPAs that have been built and 7 But not completely: what happens if the server-client data exchange format changes, yet many users have the prior version of software loaded in their browser? This can be accommodated with some forethought. Summary 21 updated multiple times in a single day. Desktop applications often require a download and administrative access to install a new version, and the interval between versions can be many months or years. ■ An SPA is cross-platform like a website—Unlike most desktop applications, a well- written SPA can work on any operating system that provides a modern HTML5 browser. Though usually this is considered a developer benefit, it’s extremely useful for many users who have a combination of devices—say Windows at work, a Mac at home, a Linux server, an Android phone, and an Amazon tablet.
  3. the immediacy of a desktop application and the portability and accessibility of a website. The JavaScript SPA is available on over a billion devices that support a modern web browser and that don’t require any propri- etary plugins. With a little effort, it can support desktops, tablets, and smart phones run- ning many different operating systems. SPAs are easily updated and distributed, usually without requiring any action from the user. All of these benefits explain why you may want to make your next application an SPA.
  4. Single Page Application is a web app in which the majority of interactions are handled on the client without the need to reach a server, with a goal of providing a more fluid user experience
  5. Do you need to share a project with a designer, and have the flexibility for design work and development work to happen near-simultaneously? Do you require thorough unit testing for your solutions? Is it important for you to have reusable components, both within and across projects in your organization? Would you like more flexibility to change your user interface without having to refactor other logic in the code base?