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Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications
Developing Enterprise-GradeMobile SolutionsDPR303Simon GuestDirector, Mobility SolutionsNeudesic, LLC
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications
Apple will have sold 54 iPhones and 11 iPads

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Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012
Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012
Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012

This document discusses developing mobile applications using PhoneGap. PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages. It works by wrapping web-based code in a native container, allowing developers to access native device APIs from JavaScript. PhoneGap provides tools for building, debugging, and deploying cross-platform apps across iOS, Android, and other platforms from a single codebase using web standards. The document highlights the benefits of this approach and demonstrates PhoneGap's capabilities.

From mobile browser to mobile app
From mobile browser to mobile appFrom mobile browser to mobile app
From mobile browser to mobile app

A presentation I gave at D2WC on workflow for creating an experience that spans mobile web to mobile app.

All About Phonegap
All About Phonegap All About Phonegap
All About Phonegap

This document presents on PhoneGap, an open-source mobile development framework. PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and deploy them across various platforms. It bridges the gap between web technologies and native mobile development. Key features of PhoneGap discussed include writing once and deploying to multiple platforms, accessing device hardware, and using standards-based web technologies. Advantages are cross-platform development and leveraging native features, while limitations include not having latest features and relying on community support.

107 unique Android smartphones and 43 Android tablets in market (US)
Microsoft spending $1bn on marketing & R&D for Windows Phone 7
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications
Current and Emerging TrendsMobile Solutions for the EnterpriseSpark Ideas for your Organization

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Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps for iOS, Android & Windows in C# with Xam...
Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps foriOS, Android & Windows in C# with Xam...Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps foriOS, Android & Windows in C# with Xam...
Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps for iOS, Android & Windows in C# with Xam...

Building native applications across multiple platforms is hard. iOS requires knowledge of Xcode, the iOS SDK and Objective-C or Swift. Android requires Eclipse Android Studio, the Android SDK and Java. The Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform requires Visual Studio, C# and the UWP/WinRT SDK. Are we really expected to learn all of this? You can take the HTML5 & Cordova route, but not all apps should be built using a hybrid approach. If you want to create a truly competitive app with a premium experience, you’ll need to go native. Fortunately, there is a way you can share a lot of your code across mobile platforms and do so using the C# language you already know and love. Xamarin is a powerful toolset that allows developers to write native Android and iOS apps using C#, thanks to the Mono framework – an Open Source project that brings the C# language and .NET to other platforms. This session explores how you can build cross-platform applications for iOS, Android, and Windows 10 using C#. You’ll learn how to get started with a sample cross-platform solution, which tools you can use, how to design a proper user interface for each platform and how to structure your projects for maximum code reuse. We’ll also look at how you can share UI code with Xamarin.Forms. Native mobile development doesn’t have to be so hard. Come learn how your .NET skills can be transformed for true cross-platform development.

mobile developmentioscordova
Introduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGapIntroduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGap

PhoneGap is an open source tool that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages like Objective-C or Java. It wraps the web view container to give apps access to device features like geolocation and accelerometers. While documentation is still maturing and bugs may exist, PhoneGap is free, open source, and offers developers a way to create cross-platform mobile apps without having to learn multiple programming languages. Sample PhoneGap apps and getting started resources are provided.

Debugging and deploying with phone gap
Debugging and deploying with phone gapDebugging and deploying with phone gap
Debugging and deploying with phone gap

A presentation covering methods for debugging and deploying PhoneGap applications. Covers Weinre and some of the features of PhoneGap Build for deploying across many platforms.

phonegap builddebuggingweinre
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications
Worldwide data doesn’t accurately represent what’s happening in individual countries

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Intro to PhoneGap
Intro to PhoneGapIntro to PhoneGap
Intro to PhoneGap

The document discusses developing mobile applications using PhoneGap, which allows creating cross-platform mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap uses a native web view to render the application, while also providing access to device APIs through a JavaScript library. This allows building apps that can be deployed to various mobile platforms like iOS and Android from a single codebase. The document covers getting started, debugging techniques, extending apps through plugins, and deploying finished apps through services like PhoneGap Build.

mobile application developmentmobile phonephonegap
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile AppsUsing HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

Native apps are great, but if you want your app to reach as many people as possible, HTML5 is your ticket. In this session, we'll explore the different ways HTML5 can be used to build and deploy mobile apps, as well as the tools that can make the job easier.

kendouihtml5mobile application development
Introduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGapIntroduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGap

PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by using a PhoneGap library to translate web-based app code into a format that can be packaged and run as a native mobile application on different platforms. Developers add the desired device capabilities to their PhoneGap app through plugins. Common tasks like getting started, adding plugins, and using live reloading are described.

Anyone here use Symbian?
comScoreMobiLens Active Smartphones in US (trend used for Dec and Mar)

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Building a Cross-Platform Mobile App Backend in the Cloud with Node.js
Building a Cross-Platform Mobile App Backend in the Cloud with Node.jsBuilding a Cross-Platform Mobile App Backend in the Cloud with Node.js
Building a Cross-Platform Mobile App Backend in the Cloud with Node.js

This document contains information about mobile app development and Azure services. It includes statistics about mobile app usage and development costs. It provides overviews of Azure services for building web, mobile, and API apps. These services include App Service, Functions, and platforms for notifications, databases, analytics, AI, and more. The document promotes free Microsoft learning resources and provides contact information for Nick Landry, a Microsoft evangelist.

microsoftapp servicenodejs
Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap
Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGapBuilding Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap
Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap

The document discusses PhoneGap, an open-source framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using standardized web APIs and technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows accessing native device features and distribution via app stores. The document covers what PhoneGap is, how it works, best practices for development, and resources for learning more.

I like i phone and android but know .net
I like i phone and android but know .netI like i phone and android but know .net
I like i phone and android but know .net

This document discusses mobile application development options for developing applications that can run on both iOS and Android platforms using C#. It describes tools like MonoTouch and MonoDroid that allow building native iOS and Android applications using C# and .NET. It also discusses hybrid approaches like PhoneGap that use web technologies to build applications that can be deployed to both platforms. The document considers questions around enterprise deployment, security, data sharing and management of mobile applications.

c#androidmobile (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar)

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Building Hybrid Applications using PhoneGap
Building Hybrid Applications using PhoneGapBuilding Hybrid Applications using PhoneGap
Building Hybrid Applications using PhoneGap

PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by packaging web apps so they can be deployed and run as native mobile applications on different platforms. The document discusses how to build an Android app using PhoneGap, including setting up the project structure, adding the PhoneGap library, implementing a basic "Hello World" app, and extending functionality through plugins. It also covers debugging PhoneGap apps and some limitations compared to native development.

html5androidandroid tutorials
Hybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile appsHybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile apps

This document discusses hybrid mobile apps, which are native apps that use an embedded browser to run some or all of their user interface. Hybrid apps combine the advantages of native apps like being downloaded from app stores with the advantages of web apps like being able to write code once and deploy to multiple platforms. Frameworks exist that allow hybrid apps to access native device capabilities like the camera from JavaScript. The document argues that with frameworks, hybrid apps can provide rich experiences comparable to native apps.

html5 javascript mobile ios android phone tablet
Mobilizing your Existing Enterprise Applications
Mobilizing your Existing Enterprise ApplicationsMobilizing your Existing Enterprise Applications
Mobilizing your Existing Enterprise Applications

As an enterprise developer, your task is not just building projects from the latest and greatest technology but also brining your current systems into the mobile first world. In this session, we will show you can mobilize your existing enterprise applications without the need for a total rewrite. We’ll explore how to current server components, services and databases can be exposed via a Web API, and also how you can take advantage of a hybrid cloud approach to extend your on-premises assets. Next, we’ll discuss how to design a cross-platform mobile solution based on Xamarin to run on iOS, Android and Windows devices. We’ll cover code sharing, authentication & authorization, data synchronization & offline access, and other best practices. Extend the longevity and the reach of your existing systems by transforming them with maximum reuse for the mobile first, cloud first world.

mobile developmentjsonenterprise development (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar)

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Creating mobile apps with Cordova for iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10
Creating mobile apps with Cordova for iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10Creating mobile apps with Cordova for iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10
Creating mobile apps with Cordova for iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10

Understand everything that is needed to create cross platform mobile applications using Cordova for iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10. We will go through all the steps for configuring your machine (Mac or Windows), as well as add Cordova and WebWorks plugins. We will see how to package, deploy and debug hybrid apps on BlackBerry 10 and Android devices. In the end, we will inspect the project, an open source website/mobileapp built with Angular, Gulp and Cordova.

mobiledeploycross platform
Desarrollo de app móviles con tecnlogías web
Desarrollo de app móviles con tecnlogías webDesarrollo de app móviles con tecnlogías web
Desarrollo de app móviles con tecnlogías web

This document discusses developing mobile applications using web technologies like Android, Ionic, AngularJS, and Cordova. It provides steps for setting up development environments, installing dependencies, and creating a basic Ionic application. Code snippets show the application structure and basic AngularJS module definition. Finally, it discusses testing the app on devices and emulators, as well as references for further documentation.

TechEd Preconference
TechEd PreconferenceTechEd Preconference
TechEd Preconference

The document discusses architectural principles for the software + services paradigm. It outlines industry trends like SOA, SaaS, and cloud computing that inform the paradigm. It then presents principles for foundations like physical vs virtual infrastructure and self-hosted vs vendor-hosted models. It details infrastructure services like identity, messaging, and storage. It also outlines application services, client software, and how to apply the principles when designing architectures. (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar) (trend used for Dec and Mar)

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Developing iPhone and iPad apps that leverage Windows Azure
Developing iPhone and iPad apps that leverage Windows AzureDeveloping iPhone and iPad apps that leverage Windows Azure
Developing iPhone and iPad apps that leverage Windows Azure

My presentation from MIX11 showing how to build applications on iPhone and iPad devices that leverage the cloud (Windows Azure)

Building solutions on the Microsoft platform that target iPhone, iPad, and An...
Building solutions on the Microsoft platform that target iPhone, iPad, and An...Building solutions on the Microsoft platform that target iPhone, iPad, and An...
Building solutions on the Microsoft platform that target iPhone, iPad, and An...

Presentation from recent webcast - Building solutions on the Microsoft platform that target iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.

iphone ipad android microsoft webcast
Objective View of MEAPs
Objective View of MEAPsObjective View of MEAPs
Objective View of MEAPs

Are MEAPs the answer to all our problems with mobile device development and deployment, or simply a recurring fallacy from what we saw in the mid-late 90's with cross-platform development for PC, Mac, Unix, and the Web? In this presentation I take an objective view on the category, highlight potential issues, and offer thoughts on an alternative approach.

mobilityiosandroid (trend used for Dec and Mar)WM6 loses 7.5% share in 12 months.  What will WP7 bring?RIM remains strong, but eroding share (-14% in 12 months)Android on fire.  From 9% to 33% in 12 monthsiOS holding steady around 25% market share
What else do we learn from this data?
Take reports, statistics, and analystforecasts with a grain of salt
Individual country market share very different from WW market share

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Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS
Windows Azure Toolkit for iOSWindows Azure Toolkit for iOS
Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS

The document discusses the Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS, which enables iOS applications to access Windows Azure services like Blob Storage, Table Storage, and Queue Storage. It describes some common mobile scenarios that can be enabled by using these services, and outlines how the toolkit addresses the complexity of authenticating from and interacting with iOS applications. It also covers future plans like supporting additional Azure services, an Android version of the toolkit, and providing more code samples and case studies.

iosddr3 sdramwindows azure
Top Ten Tips for HTML5/Mobile Web Development
Top Ten Tips for HTML5/Mobile Web DevelopmentTop Ten Tips for HTML5/Mobile Web Development
Top Ten Tips for HTML5/Mobile Web Development

The document provides top 10 tips and tricks for HTML5/mobile web development. It discusses whether to use a mobile web or hybrid approach and recommends considering features like geolocation and offline support when making that decision. It also covers setting up development and testing environments, using client-side JavaScript for navigation and performance, enabling offline support, choosing UI frameworks, handling maps, non-standard elements, packaging, authentication, and optimizing for performance.

Demystifying The Cloud
Demystifying The CloudDemystifying The Cloud
Demystifying The Cloud

Demystifying The Cloud (Prc02 Guest) - Presentation from TechEd 2009 that covers cloud computing through the eyes of an IT Architect.

Device lifecycle is very short(EPA average is around 18 months)
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications
Apple iPhone 4 / iPad 287.44m iPhones sold (as of Q4)
2011 forecasts vary – 100m from Wedge Partner Analyst

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My customers are using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy.
My customers are using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy.My customers are using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy.
My customers are using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy.

This document discusses strategies for supporting iPhone, Android, and other mobile devices when customers are using those platforms but a company's existing development is focused on Microsoft technologies. It covers checking the user agent to determine the device, using mobile web frameworks like jQuery Mobile to create native-like experiences, consuming REST and SOAP web services from mobile apps, and tools for working with SOAP on iOS like wsdl2objc. The key recommendations are to use ASP.NET MVC with device-specific views for a mobile website, and to choose REST over SOAP when possible due to SOAP's increased complexity on mobile.

Patterns For Moving To The Cloud
Patterns For Moving To The CloudPatterns For Moving To The Cloud
Patterns For Moving To The Cloud

Patterns For Moving To The Cloud (Arc308 Guest) - Presentation from TechEd 2009 that shows patterns for moving applications to the cloud.

Patterns for Cloud Computing
Patterns for Cloud ComputingPatterns for Cloud Computing
Patterns for Cloud Computing

The document discusses 5 patterns for building applications in the cloud, including using cloud computing to dynamically scale applications to handle spikes in load, providing a multi-tenant architecture to serve multiple customers from a single codebase, and leveraging multiple compute nodes in parallel to perform complex calculations by sharing work across nodes. It provides examples and demonstrations of implementing these patterns using cloud platforms like Windows Azure.

iPad commanding 95% of tablet shipments WWDeveloping for iPhone / iPadObjective C
XCodeIDE (MacOSX only)
Interface Builder (CocoaTouch)
Release of Xcode 4

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iPhone and iPad Security
iPhone and iPad SecurityiPhone and iPad Security
iPhone and iPad Security

This document summarizes a presentation on iPhone and iPad security. It discusses how to configure passcode policy and other restrictions on devices through configuration profiles. It also covers securing data through encryption, securing network communications through VPNs and SSL, and developing secure applications that properly handle authentication, authorization, data storage and cryptography. The presentation warns of risks from jailbreaking devices and accessing unsecured configuration profiles and provides recommendations for addressing these risks.

iphone ipad security jailbreak keychain data prote
Impact Of The Cloud For IT Managers
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Impact Of The Cloud For IT Managers

Impact Of The Cloud For It Managers (Isb204 Guest) - Presentation from TechEd 2009 that covers the impact of moving to cloud computing for IT Managers.

Architectural Principles for Software + Services
Architectural Principles for Software + ServicesArchitectural Principles for Software + Services
Architectural Principles for Software + Services

An overview of some of the architectural principles and patterns for Software + Services, presented at the SAF (Strategic Architect Forum) in 2008.

LLVM and LLDB (Faster Compiler and Debugger)
Combined and Enhanced IDEApple App Store350k Apps (Jan 2011)
10bn App Downloads
87% iPhone, 7% iPad, 7% multi-tgt

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ReMix Keynote (Vienna, Austria)
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ReMix Keynote (Vienna, Austria)

This is my keynote presentation delivered at the ReMIX conference in Vienna, Austria on Oct 1st 2009. The goal of the presentation is to explore the software development lifecycle through the eyes of a designer, developer, and architect.

remix keynote austria vienna simon guest life thro
Interviewing Techniques
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Interviewing Techniques

This document provides tips and techniques for effective interviewing. It discusses asking questions to determine if a candidate is smart, can get things done, and has integrity. Interviews should involve a deep dive into a candidate's experience and execution through questions about past roles and how tasks were completed. It also recommends role playing exercises and coding assessments. Additional tips include assessing personal growth goals, strengths and weaknesses, reasons for leaving previous jobs, and avoiding negative personal questions or talking too much during the interview. The document emphasizes listening to the candidate and leaving them with respect for the company even if not offered the role.

interviewinginterview techniquesjob seeking
Next Generation LOB (Line of Business) Applications
Next Generation LOB (Line of Business) ApplicationsNext Generation LOB (Line of Business) Applications
Next Generation LOB (Line of Business) Applications

A presentation that explores what the next generation of LOB (Line Of Business) applications might look like, through five characteristics.

$4.97 avg., iPad apps 23% higherApps in the EnterpriseEnabled through iOS Enterprise Development Program ($399 per year)
Wireless App Distribution supported in 4.2+What Android handset would I show?
"Twitter client, Twitter Deck [sic], recently launched their app for Android. They reported that they had to contend with more than 100 different versions of Android software on 244 different handsets. The multiple hardware and software iterations present developers with a daunting challenge.“[Steve Jobs, Apple]

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Indoor location in mobile applications using iBeacons
Indoor location in mobile applications using iBeaconsIndoor location in mobile applications using iBeacons
Indoor location in mobile applications using iBeacons

This document discusses iBeacons and indoor location using Bluetooth Low Energy technology. It provides an overview of the limitations of GPS for indoor use and how iBeacons address this by broadcasting Bluetooth signals that can be detected by mobile devices to determine proximity. The document demonstrates how to develop iOS and Android applications to detect and range iBeacons, and how additional beacons allow for more accurate indoor positioning through trilateration. It also covers running beacon detection in the background and potential accuracy issues.

Future of Mobility
Future of MobilityFuture of Mobility
Future of Mobility

The document discusses trends in mobile devices and operating systems. It notes that Apple has sold over 54 million iPhones and 11 million iPads, while there are over 80 Android handset models and 30 Android tablet models. Microsoft has spent $1 billion marketing Windows Phone 7. The document reviews market share data and provides examples of various mobile devices like the Samsung Galaxy Tab and BlackBerry Playbook. It discusses developing for platforms like iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7. The document outlines how mobility is changing enterprises and industries like healthcare, financial services and retail through mobile apps. It closes with a discussion of challenges in developing successful enterprise mobile solutions.

windows phone 7mobilityblackberry
Creating Context-Aware Applications
Creating Context-Aware ApplicationsCreating Context-Aware Applications
Creating Context-Aware Applications

A short presentation on workflow, challenges, and opportunities - and ultimately what it takes to create context-aware application.

context awaredevelopmentsoftware Continuum3.4-inch Super AMOLED primary display, 1.8-inch Super AMOLED secondary "ticker" display
Grip sensor to light up the ticker
Left/right swipe on bottom displayDeveloping for Android Java Language
Eclipse IDE (Multi-platform)

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Automated Testing using JavaScript
Automated Testing using JavaScriptAutomated Testing using JavaScript
Automated Testing using JavaScript

Automated testing of web applications using JavaScript can provide confidence that changes and new installations do not break existing functionality. There are various types of tests, including unit, end-to-end, compatibility, and performance tests. Popular JavaScript testing tools include QUnit for unit testing, Selenium and Protractor for end-to-end testing, and PhantomJS for headless browser testing without a GUI. These tools can test JavaScript applications and allow writing tests in JavaScript when the application itself is also written in JavaScript.

Android Minnebar
Android MinnebarAndroid Minnebar
Android Minnebar

Justin Grammens Presents Android at Minnebar 2009 at Best Buy. Cosing the Mobile Twin Cities Android application.

Build once deploy everywhere using the telerik platform
Build once deploy everywhere using the telerik platformBuild once deploy everywhere using the telerik platform
Build once deploy everywhere using the telerik platform

The Telerik Platform is a suite of tools for developing, testing, deploying and analyzing hybrid mobile applications. Hybrid mobile applications are most commonly built using PhoneGap, which interprets HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript and compiles it into a package that can be delivered in the app stores. PhoneGap also utilizes Apache Cordova JavaScript APIs to access certain native mobile features of the device. The Telerik Platform uses AppBuilder to abstract the complexity of PhoneGap/Cordova and provides a more intuitive way to build hybrid mobile applications. If you are looking to expand your .NET and web based development skills into the mobile market this is the session for you. Lessons learned: -What a hybrid mobile apps can do -How Icenium helps build a hybrid mobile app -How you can leverage your current web knowledge and assets to create a mobile app

hybrib mobile applicationsiceniummobile apps
ADT Plug-in from GoogleAndroid MarketNewer than App Store
200k Apps available (Dec 2010)
Fewer restrictions/approval process
More user notificationsApps in the EnterpriseNo requirement that apps have to be sourced from Market

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The document discusses mobility trends and platforms including iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7, and mobile web frameworks. It provides an overview of each platform's market share, development tools and languages, app stores, and enterprise support. Key statistics mentioned include 40,000 iPhone activations per day, over 80 Android handsets/30 tablets, and Microsoft spending $1B on Windows Phone 7 marketing.

Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native, or Hybrid? - Denver Startup Week - Oct...
Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native, or Hybrid? - Denver Startup Week - Oct...Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native, or Hybrid? - Denver Startup Week - Oct...
Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native, or Hybrid? - Denver Startup Week - Oct...

This document discusses the options for developing mobile applications: native, mobile web, and hybrid. Native apps are built using platform-specific languages and have the richest user experience but require developing for each platform. Mobile web apps use web technologies and have the broadest reach but limited access to device capabilities. Hybrid apps combine web technologies with native wrappers for full capabilities across platforms but native interactions are not perfect. The document provides examples and guidance on selecting the right approach based on user needs, capabilities required, and platforms to support.

iosandroidmobile web
Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native or Hybrid?
Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native or Hybrid?Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native or Hybrid?
Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native or Hybrid?

Presented at Denver Startup Week - October 2012 As developers, one of the largest challenges is deciding what kind of mobile application to build: mobile web, hybrid, or native mobile. This is a thorny question because there isn’t a black-and-white answer. The solution can sit anywhere from pure mobile web to pure native mobile, or somewhere in between. In this session, Shane Church, technical lead at EffectiveUI, uncovers how the answer is tied to deep consideration of architecture decisions, the needs of the user, and the business goals for both the short and long term. He goes step-by-step through the questions and project considerations they should address when preparing to embark on a mobile development project. You'll learn that your responses to these questions will drive a clear path to the right decision that keeps end-users and organizational goals in line.

iosandroidmobile web
APK File Format
IBM, Google have internalMaylong M-150Android 1.6
7” resistive touch screen
800x480 resolution

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Android overview 123
Android overview 123Android overview 123
Android overview 123

This document provides an overview of the Android mobile operating system. It discusses why mobile app development is growing in popularity, including the expanding smartphone market and high demand for developers. It then explains why Android is a good platform, noting its open source nature, wide adoption, and ability to leverage existing Java skills. The document outlines the history and evolution of Android from 2005 to present. It provides illustrations of different Android device types and describes the key components and architecture of the Android software stack. Overall, the document gives a high-level introduction to Android and its potential for mobile app development.

Android overview
Android overviewAndroid overview
Android overview

This document provides an overview of the Android mobile operating system. It discusses why mobile app development is growing in popularity, including the expanding smartphone market and high demand for developers. It then explains why Android is a good platform, noting its open source nature, wide adoption by students/consumers, and low barrier to entry. The document outlines the history of Android and its various versions. It describes the Android architecture and development process. Finally, it discusses publishing apps and design philosophies for Android development.

Android overview
Android overviewAndroid overview
Android overview

This document provides an overview of the Android mobile operating system. It discusses why mobile app development is growing in popularity, including the expanding smartphone market and high demand for developers. It then explains why Android is a good platform, noting its open source nature, wide adoption, and ability to leverage existing Java skills. The document outlines the history and evolution of Android from 2005 to present. It provides illustrations of different Android device types and describes the key components and architecture of the Android software stack. Overall, the document gives a high-level introduction to Android and its potential for mobile app development.

bhavani tag
ARM9 VM8505 (400Mhz) processor
WiFi and MicroSD
Maylong M-150Android 1.6
7” resistive touch screen

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From Deepa's client
From Deepa's clientFrom Deepa's client
From Deepa's client

This document provides an overview of the Android mobile operating system. It discusses why mobile app development is growing in popularity, including the expanding smartphone market and high demand for developers. It then explains why Android is a good platform, noting its open source nature, wide adoption, and ability to leverage existing Java skills. The document outlines the history and evolution of Android from 2005 to present. It provides illustrations of different Android device types and describes the key components and architecture of the Android software stack. Overall, the document gives a high-level introduction to Android and its potential for mobile app development.

Android overview
Android overviewAndroid overview
Android overview

This document provides an overview of the Android mobile operating system. It discusses why mobile app development is growing in popularity, including the expanding smartphone market and high demand for developers. It then explains why Android is a good platform, noting its open source nature, wide adoption by students/consumers, and low barrier to entry. The document outlines the history of Android and its various versions. It describes the Android architecture, development process, and options for publishing and monetizing apps. Key principles of Android design like performance, responsiveness and security are also summarized.

"double quotes"
"double quotes""double quotes"
"double quotes"

This document provides an overview of the Android mobile operating system. It discusses why mobile app development is growing in popularity, including the expanding smartphone market and high demand for developers. It then explains why Android is a good platform, noting its open source nature, wide adoption, and ability to leverage existing Java skills. The document outlines the history and evolution of Android from 2005 to present. It describes the Android architecture, development process, and options for publishing and monetizing apps. Key principles of Android design like performance, responsiveness and security are also summarized.

800x480 resolution
ARM9 VM8505 (400Mhz) processor
WiFi and MicroSD“May-not-last-long”?
Motorola XoomAndroid 3.1 (Honeycomb)

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Android overview
Android overviewAndroid overview
Android overview

This document provides an overview of the Android mobile operating system. It discusses why mobile app development is growing in popularity, including the expanding smartphone market and high demand for developers. It then explains why Android is a good platform, noting its open source nature, wide adoption, and ability to leverage existing Java skills. The document outlines the history and evolution of Android from 2005 to the present. It provides illustrations of different Android device types and describes the key components and architecture of the Android software stack. Overall, the document gives a high-level introduction to Android and its potential for mobile app development.

Mobile next 2013 petru jucovschi
Mobile next 2013   petru jucovschiMobile next 2013   petru jucovschi
Mobile next 2013 petru jucovschi

The document discusses mobility and application ecosystems today and what the future may hold. It summarizes findings from a developer economics study that show most developers value platform reach and revenue opportunities. Many developers currently earn less than $500 per app monthly. The document also examines cross-platform development tools and frameworks, comparing their technologies, languages, and developer satisfaction ratings. Key criteria for evaluating native, hybrid, and web apps are outlined. The document concludes by discussing opportunities for Windows development and encouraging developers to learn HTML5, target multiple device types and platforms, and contact Microsoft with ideas.

Brain storming development in the post pc world
Brain storming development in the post pc worldBrain storming development in the post pc world
Brain storming development in the post pc world

The document discusses development methods and platforms for mobile applications. It notes that Android and iOS together account for the majority of mobile device sales. Native apps are preferred for usability but web apps allow for easier cross-platform development. Hybrid apps combine web content with native wrappers. Going forward, there is interest in HTML5 for simple cross-platform apps and in development platforms that integrate apps across devices and operating systems from a single codebase.

10.1” 1280x800 resolution screen with capacitive touch input
1Ghz Dual Core processor
32Gb storage
Dual Cameras

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The document discusses considerations for developing a mobile application versus a mobile web site. It notes that mobile apps can access native device features but have a higher development and maintenance cost. Mobile websites have a lower cost but cannot access certain device capabilities and may have a less rich user experience. The document also examines different types of mobile apps and strategies for marketing an app within app marketplaces.

Overview of Mobile Development Platforms
Overview of Mobile Development PlatformsOverview of Mobile Development Platforms
Overview of Mobile Development Platforms

This document summarizes and compares several major mobile platforms including Apple iOS, Google Android, RIM Blackberry, Microsoft Windows Phone 7, Palm webOS, and Nokia Symbian. It discusses the developer tools, costs, and restrictions associated with each platform. It also notes trends in the mobile industry like continued fragmentation, expansion into new devices, and increasing patent litigation between companies.

Mobility Trends | Customer Conversation Deck
Mobility Trends |  Customer Conversation DeckMobility Trends |  Customer Conversation Deck
Mobility Trends | Customer Conversation Deck

This document discusses mobility trends and solutions for managing mobile devices and applications in an enterprise. Some key points: - 66% of employees use personal devices for work and 25% of employees who typically work on premises frequently work remotely - 33% of all software will be available through SaaS by 2020 - Mobility is driving changes in devices, apps, and data that increase complexity - Microsoft provides a unified approach including mobile device management, access and information protection, and identity management to empower enterprise mobility.

Both 3G (Verizon) and WiFi Models
IDC forecast around 5.5m Android tablets in 2011
Speaking of Android, isn’t Google getting sued by Oracle?

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Day 1 Android: Before Getting Started
Day 1 Android: Before Getting StartedDay 1 Android: Before Getting Started
Day 1 Android: Before Getting Started

This document provides an overview and introduction to Android application development. It outlines a 100-hour course schedule and covers topics like mobile platforms, the history and advantages of Android, opportunities for monetization, and prototyping ideas using Android. The document recommends resources for learning Android development like tutorials, SDK references, and lists of open source Android projects.


This document provides an overview and introduction to Android mobile app development. It discusses the growth of the mobile app market and Android platform. Key points include: - Mobile app development is a growing field with increasing salaries as the market surges. - Android is a popular choice due to the large number of Android devices, students' familiarity with Java, and the low barrier to entry. - Android apps are built using Java and compiled to run on the Dalvik VM. The Android SDK provides libraries for building apps that utilize device capabilities. - Apps are distributed through markets like Google Play and can be monetized through paid apps or ads. Publishing requires a developer account. - The Android

Globant Mobile Future - Android UADE FIT 2013
Globant Mobile Future - Android UADE FIT 2013Globant Mobile Future - Android UADE FIT 2013
Globant Mobile Future - Android UADE FIT 2013

Pablo Vittori is a partner at Globant, a new-breed technology services provider focused on delivering innovative software solutions using emerging technologies. Globant has various studios covering technologies like cloud, mobile, social media, and more. The document discusses trends in mobile technologies like native and hybrid apps. It also summarizes Globant's mobile practices like mobile experience, native and hybrid development, and product development. Globant helps clients with mobile product design and development using an agile approach.

weareable computingandroidmobile
RIM used to be #1 in the stats…  What are they doing?
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications
Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications

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10 Life Hacks for Better Productivity
10 Life Hacks for Better Productivity10 Life Hacks for Better Productivity
10 Life Hacks for Better Productivity

This document provides 10 tips for improving productivity: 1. Analyze how you spend your time using tools like RescueTime to identify productivity leaks. 2. Implement a methodology like GTD to organize tasks into projects, contexts, and timelines. 3. Use a task management tool you trust like Todoist to capture and track tasks on desktop and mobile. 4. Take care of your health with enough sleep, exercise, and good diet to support your mental performance.

Building a Great Engineering Culture
Building a Great Engineering CultureBuilding a Great Engineering Culture
Building a Great Engineering Culture

Building a Great Engineering Culture outlines five tenets of great engineering culture: work/life balance, community, personal development, communication, and team structure. It recommends embracing open source, giving back to the community, investing in continuous learning, being transparent and honest, supporting failure as long as teams learn from it, and measuring individuals based on their contribution to the team rather than heroics. Managers should still spend significant time coding.

culturesoftware developmentengineering
Presentation Anti-Patterns
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Presentation Anti-Patterns: 10 things you should avoid in your next presentation. Taken from the book, "File > New > Presentation" by Simon Guest.

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3.2” Capacitive Touch Screen, 480x360 resolution
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10 Life Hacks for Better Productivity

The document provides 10 life hacks for better productivity: 1. Analyze how you spend your time using a calendar or tool like RescueTime to identify areas for improvement. 2. Learn and implement the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology to establish an effective system for managing your workload. 3. Capture ideas whenever they occur using pen and paper or technology to ensure they are not forgotten. 4. Apply agile project management principles like daily stand-ups and backlog grooming to your workweek for better task organization and progress tracking.

life hacksrescuetimeproductivity
Automated Web Testing using JavaScript
Automated Web Testing using JavaScriptAutomated Web Testing using JavaScript
Automated Web Testing using JavaScript

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WebKit based
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The document discusses how enterprise social networking can improve collaboration compared to traditional email. It provides an example of a project team at a space exploration company using a social graph platform to collaborate more effectively. The team is able to discover relevant expertise within the organization, integrate work that was previously siloed, and benefit from serendipitous connections that lead to better outcomes than traditional methods would allow.

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Patterns For Cloud Computing

This document discusses using cloud computing to scale applications dynamically. It provides an example of a tax application that experiences spikes in usage. On-premises, scaling would require manually provisioning additional servers and resources, which is time-consuming and results in idle capacity. The cloud allows automatic scaling of web and application tiers through role instances that can be added or removed as needed. This provides a more cost-effective and dynamic approach to handling variable usage loads.

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A presentation that shares a framework for thinking about user experience as part of software architecture and development.

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Central administration
Wireless deployment…and what about Microsoft?

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To help you choose the best DiskWarrior alternative, we've compiled a comparison table summarizing the features, pros, cons, and pricing of six alternatives.

data recoverydatadiskwarrior
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In
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TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In

Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

data privacyprivacy complianceai Focus4-inch Super AMOLED display
1Ghz Snapdragon processor
512Mb ROM, 1Gb RAM
8Gb internal storageDeveloping for Windows Phone 7C#/XAML based

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Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers
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Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers

The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

programmingcodingcivil engineering
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs ConferenceUiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops
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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

Silverlight 3.0 on hybrid WinCE 6/7
Visual Studio and/or Expression Blend (Express versions available)Windows MarketplaceMarketplace on Windows Phone 7
App Hub (
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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!


Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

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Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
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Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence

Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

cheap linux hosting
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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world

The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdfBest Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

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TechEd Preconference
Simon Guest
Developing iPhone and iPad apps that leverage Windows Azure
Developing iPhone and iPad apps that leverage Windows AzureDeveloping iPhone and iPad apps that leverage Windows Azure
Developing iPhone and iPad apps that leverage Windows Azure
Simon Guest
Building solutions on the Microsoft platform that target iPhone, iPad, and An...
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Building solutions on the Microsoft platform that target iPhone, iPad, and An...
Simon Guest
Objective View of MEAPs
Objective View of MEAPsObjective View of MEAPs
Objective View of MEAPs
Simon Guest
Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS
Windows Azure Toolkit for iOSWindows Azure Toolkit for iOS
Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS
Simon Guest
Top Ten Tips for HTML5/Mobile Web Development
Top Ten Tips for HTML5/Mobile Web DevelopmentTop Ten Tips for HTML5/Mobile Web Development
Top Ten Tips for HTML5/Mobile Web Development
Simon Guest
Demystifying The Cloud
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Demystifying The Cloud
Simon Guest
My customers are using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy.
My customers are using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy.My customers are using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy.
My customers are using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy.
Simon Guest
Patterns For Moving To The Cloud
Patterns For Moving To The CloudPatterns For Moving To The Cloud
Patterns For Moving To The Cloud
Simon Guest
Patterns for Cloud Computing
Patterns for Cloud ComputingPatterns for Cloud Computing
Patterns for Cloud Computing
Simon Guest
iPhone and iPad Security
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iPhone and iPad Security
Simon Guest
Impact Of The Cloud For IT Managers
Impact Of The Cloud For IT ManagersImpact Of The Cloud For IT Managers
Impact Of The Cloud For IT Managers
Simon Guest
Architectural Principles for Software + Services
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Architectural Principles for Software + Services
Simon Guest
ReMix Keynote (Vienna, Austria)
ReMix Keynote (Vienna, Austria)ReMix Keynote (Vienna, Austria)
ReMix Keynote (Vienna, Austria)
Simon Guest
Interviewing Techniques
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Simon Guest
Next Generation LOB (Line of Business) Applications
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Next Generation LOB (Line of Business) Applications
Simon Guest
Indoor location in mobile applications using iBeacons
Indoor location in mobile applications using iBeaconsIndoor location in mobile applications using iBeacons
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Simon Guest
Future of Mobility
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Simon Guest
Creating Context-Aware Applications
Creating Context-Aware ApplicationsCreating Context-Aware Applications
Creating Context-Aware Applications
Simon Guest
Automated Testing using JavaScript
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Developing Enterprise-Grade Mobile Applications

Editor's Notes

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