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Introduction to PhoneGap Singapore Android Dev/User Group Meetup. Daniel, Dao Quang Minh. 3 rd  year IS student, NUS.
What is PhoneGap ?
What is PhoneGap ? PhoneGap is an open source development tool for building fast, easy mobile apps with JavaScript.
What is PhoneGap ? Ajaxian "Ben and I have been promoting PhoneGap as a great solution for Web developers to create applications with the technology they know and love, without having to jump off of the cliff to other proprietary worlds. PhoneGap is still new, but gets more impressive every day."

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Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012
Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012
Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012

This document discusses developing mobile applications using PhoneGap. PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages. It works by wrapping web-based code in a native container, allowing developers to access native device APIs from JavaScript. PhoneGap provides tools for building, debugging, and deploying cross-platform apps across iOS, Android, and other platforms from a single codebase using web standards. The document highlights the benefits of this approach and demonstrates PhoneGap's capabilities.

Debugging and deploying with phone gap
Debugging and deploying with phone gapDebugging and deploying with phone gap
Debugging and deploying with phone gap

A presentation covering methods for debugging and deploying PhoneGap applications. Covers Weinre and some of the features of PhoneGap Build for deploying across many platforms.

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Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap
Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGapBuilding Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap
Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap

The document discusses PhoneGap, an open-source framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using standardized web APIs and technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows accessing native device features and distribution via app stores. The document covers what PhoneGap is, how it works, best practices for development, and resources for learning more.

InfoWorld "If I worked at RIM, I'd take a trip out to Vancouver to talk to the Nitobi dudes. This framework is exactly what RIM needs to counter the trend of developers targeting the iPhone/iPod as the premier environment for mobile device applications."
Why PhoneGap ? Lets go back to where we all start: Mobile Web Development.
Mobile Web ?
Mobile Web ?

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PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS
PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JSPhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS
PhoneGap: Building Mobile Applications with HTML/JS

An overview of PhoneGap. Covers the basics about what PhoneGap is, how to get started, how to use the device APIs, and how to debug it along with some other things to consider when building mobile applications with HTML/JS/CSS.

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PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010

PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of relying on platform-specific languages. It works by wrapping web apps in a native container, allowing access to device capabilities like the camera and geolocation. PhoneGap Build provides a cloud-based service for compiling PhoneGap apps so developers don't need to install SDKs locally. The presentation covered the PhoneGap workflow, tools like PhoneGap Dev Browser and Sleight, and the roadmap for future releases.

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Phonegap - An Overview
Phonegap - An OverviewPhonegap - An Overview
Phonegap - An Overview

PhoneGap is a framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of platform-specific languages. It provides an API to access common device capabilities like contacts, location, and cameras. PhoneGap works by wrapping web-based apps in a native container, so they can be compiled and run as native apps on iOS, Android, and other platforms from a single codebase. This allows developers to write their app once and deploy it across platforms, rather than maintaining separate codebases for each one.

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Mobile Web ?
Mobile Web ? Is it easy ?
Mobile Web ? “ Just plug your data into the app, using whatever available UI (iPhone / Android / BlackBerry ) and you are done !!! “
No , It's not !!

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This document discusses building native mobile applications using PhoneGap. It provides an overview of PhoneGap, including its architecture and how it allows building mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap packages the web assets and runs them within a native container, allowing access to device capabilities through JavaScript APIs. The document outlines best practices for PhoneGap development, such as using a single HTML page and offline storage, and provides links for additional PhoneGap documentation.


PhoneGap is an open-source mobile development framework that allows building mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It wraps the code in a native container, allowing access to device capabilities like cameras and sensors. Apps are hybrid, using web views instead of native languages. While this allows building once and deploying to multiple platforms, performance may suffer for graphically intensive apps and development time can be longer without native UI controls.

mobile development course
Cordova and PhoneGap Insights
Cordova and PhoneGap InsightsCordova and PhoneGap Insights
Cordova and PhoneGap Insights

This document summarizes the differences between Adobe PhoneGap and Apache Cordova. Both PhoneGap and Cordova allow developers to build hybrid mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While PhoneGap and Cordova provide the same core APIs, there are some differences in commands, default configuration files, and available versions. Overall, PhoneGap and Cordova result in apps with the same capabilities, but Cordova provides more flexibility in customizing native code.

And back to our original question: Why PhoneGap ?
Why PhoneGap ? Today, mobile development is a mess.
A Mess ? Iphone SDK ( using Objective-C ) Android SDK ( using Java ) BlackBerry ( using JavaME )
Why PhoneGap ? “ We aim to change that by enabling web technologies to work with native device features such as geo-location and accelerometers. In PhoneGap, we're building a cross-platform framework for device-neutral mobile development.”

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DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using PhonegapDroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap

Phonegap allows developing hybrid mobile apps using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript that can be deployed across various platforms like Android and iOS. It provides APIs to access native device functionality like contacts and sensors from webviews. The presentation demonstrated building basic and advanced Phonegap apps for Android using tools like Phonegap Build, Dojo Mobile, Sencha Touch, Maqetta, and Ripple. It promotes Phonegap for developing cross-platform mobile apps more easily than purely native or web approaches.

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Hybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile appsHybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile apps

This document discusses hybrid mobile apps, which are native apps that use an embedded browser to run some or all of their user interface. Hybrid apps combine the advantages of native apps like being downloaded from app stores with the advantages of web apps like being able to write code once and deploy to multiple platforms. Frameworks exist that allow hybrid apps to access native device capabilities like the camera from JavaScript. The document argues that with frameworks, hybrid apps can provide rich experiences comparable to native apps.

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Cordova / PhoneGap, mobile apps development with HTML5/JS/CSS
Cordova / PhoneGap, mobile apps development with HTML5/JS/CSSCordova / PhoneGap, mobile apps development with HTML5/JS/CSS
Cordova / PhoneGap, mobile apps development with HTML5/JS/CSS

Build mobile cross platform apps with HTML5, JS & CSS3 Avoiding each mobile platforms’ native development language

mobile appsweb appswindows phone
Why PhoneGap ?
Why PhoneGap ?
What does PhoneGap do ? It wraps the Web view with a container. This container gives the view access to APIs available on the device that may not be available on the Web view alone.
Disadvantages - The documentation is not matured enough. - May have bugs somewhere :p - Not really suitable for graphic-intensive application ( for now )

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Hybrid App Development with PhoneGap
Hybrid App Development with PhoneGapHybrid App Development with PhoneGap
Hybrid App Development with PhoneGap

This document discusses hybrid app development with PhoneGap. It begins with an overview comparing native, web, and hybrid apps. It then provides an introduction to PhoneGap/Cordova, describing it as an open-source framework that allows using standard web technologies for cross-platform development. The document demonstrates PhoneGap CLI and plugin APIs, and shows demos of Adobe Cloud Build and automating builds with Jenkins.

Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGapGetting Acquainted with PhoneGap
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap

An overview of developing mobile applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript using PhoneGap, node.js, Brackets and related tools.


PhoneGap is an open source framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It works by taking these files and compiling them into apps that can run across multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. Developers upload their code to the Adobe PhoneGap Build cloud service, which generates apps for different devices. This allows apps to be created more quickly and easily across platforms. While testing on Android is simple, Apple testing requires an additional development certificate.

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But It's Free and Open Source !!!
You can fork it, contribute to it, support it. )
If there's BootCamp , we can discuss more about PhoneGap and its application :)
Sample Applications

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Mobile Development with PhoneGapMobile Development with PhoneGap
Mobile Development with PhoneGap

You can develop native mobile applications using HTML/CSS/JS with the help of PhoneGap. I will show you how to achieve the best possibe native experience using web technologies and optimize your workflow with automation.

How To Create One App For All Platforms using PhoneGap
How To Create One App For All Platforms using PhoneGapHow To Create One App For All Platforms using PhoneGap
How To Create One App For All Platforms using PhoneGap

Tips and Tricks from one of the best European PhoneGap Senior Developers. You can often hear users' complaints about lagging apps. When you ask, “What do you mean by lagging?”, you receive such answers as either “It runs too slowly” or “I don't know, but it's hard to use”. Software developers and mobile users perceive apps differently. In order to eliminate lags, we would first think of optimizing the speed of the app. But in some cases it wouldn't be a correct decision. Let's find out the reason why.

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Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile designDreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design

A session talk for #NAGW2012 on: Mobile app, choices Dreamweaver’s place Creating Mobile Design (actual design, not code) Other helpful Adobe tools to create HTML/CSS jQuery Mobile in DW PhoneGap Build in DW

Thank You. Email :  [email_address] IRC: dqminh #linuxnus

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Introduction to PhoneGap

  • 1. Introduction to PhoneGap Singapore Android Dev/User Group Meetup. Daniel, Dao Quang Minh. 3 rd year IS student, NUS.
  • 3. What is PhoneGap ? PhoneGap is an open source development tool for building fast, easy mobile apps with JavaScript.
  • 4. What is PhoneGap ? Ajaxian "Ben and I have been promoting PhoneGap as a great solution for Web developers to create applications with the technology they know and love, without having to jump off of the cliff to other proprietary worlds. PhoneGap is still new, but gets more impressive every day."
  • 5. InfoWorld "If I worked at RIM, I'd take a trip out to Vancouver to talk to the Nitobi dudes. This framework is exactly what RIM needs to counter the trend of developers targeting the iPhone/iPod as the premier environment for mobile device applications."
  • 6. Why PhoneGap ? Lets go back to where we all start: Mobile Web Development.
  • 10. Mobile Web ? Is it easy ?
  • 11. Mobile Web ? “ Just plug your data into the app, using whatever available UI (iPhone / Android / BlackBerry ) and you are done !!! “
  • 12. No , It's not !!
  • 13. And back to our original question: Why PhoneGap ?
  • 14. Why PhoneGap ? Today, mobile development is a mess.
  • 15. A Mess ? Iphone SDK ( using Objective-C ) Android SDK ( using Java ) BlackBerry ( using JavaME )
  • 16. Why PhoneGap ? “ We aim to change that by enabling web technologies to work with native device features such as geo-location and accelerometers. In PhoneGap, we're building a cross-platform framework for device-neutral mobile development.”
  • 17. Why PhoneGap ?
  • 19. What does PhoneGap do ? It wraps the Web view with a container. This container gives the view access to APIs available on the device that may not be available on the Web view alone.
  • 20. Disadvantages - The documentation is not matured enough. - May have bugs somewhere :p - Not really suitable for graphic-intensive application ( for now )
  • 21. But It's Free and Open Source !!!
  • 22. You can fork it, contribute to it, support it. )
  • 23. If there's BootCamp , we can discuss more about PhoneGap and its application :)
  • 25. Thank You. Email : [email_address] IRC: dqminh #linuxnus