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                    Building mobile applications with HTML/JS

Saturday, March 31, 2012
e Power of PhoneGap

Saturday, March 31, 2012
HTML/JS/CSS for Mobile Apps

Saturday, March 31, 2012
What’s the benefit of web
                            standards for mobile

Saturday, March 31, 2012

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This document discusses building native mobile applications using PhoneGap. It provides an overview of PhoneGap, including its architecture and how it allows building mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap packages the web assets and runs them within a native container, allowing access to device capabilities through JavaScript APIs. The document outlines best practices for PhoneGap development, such as using a single HTML page and offline storage, and provides links for additional PhoneGap documentation.

Phone gap
Phone gapPhone gap
Phone gap

PhoneGap is a framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages like Objective-C or Java. It works by using a bridge that allows JavaScript access to device capabilities. Apps developed with PhoneGap are hybrid apps, with the UI logic in web technologies and device integration in native code. To develop Android apps with PhoneGap, developers set up the Cordova plugin in Eclipse, create a new Android project linking to Cordova files, and code the app using HTML, CSS, JS files that interface with device APIs through Cordova.

Mapping and Geolocation on the Flash Platform
Mapping and Geolocation on the Flash PlatformMapping and Geolocation on the Flash Platform
Mapping and Geolocation on the Flash Platform

A presentation on mapping and geolocation with the Flash Platform. Covers using the geolocation APIs in AIR 2 and various mapping examples and APIs.

Marketshare       Language

                              29%          Objective C

                              53%              Java

                              10%        Java/ActionScript

                               3%               C#

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Mobile Web:
                               Marketshare: 100%
                            Language: HTML/JS/CSS

                           Why not write apps that way?

Saturday, March 31, 2012
e web is awesome:
  Using web technologies leaves you free
to target any device/os/platform you want

Saturday, March 31, 2012
So how does it work?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

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Introduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGapIntroduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGap

PhoneGap is an open source tool that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages like Objective-C or Java. It wraps the web view container to give apps access to device features like geolocation and accelerometers. While documentation is still maturing and bugs may exist, PhoneGap is free, open source, and offers developers a way to create cross-platform mobile apps without having to learn multiple programming languages. Sample PhoneGap apps and getting started resources are provided.

Introduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGapIntroduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGap

The document discusses PhoneGap, an open source framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It covers what PhoneGap is, its history, advantages, and how to set up a development environment for an Android PhoneGap app using Eclipse. It also provides steps to create a basic PhoneGap app that displays "Hello World!" when run on an Android device.

Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGapGetting Acquainted with PhoneGap
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap

An overview of developing mobile applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript using PhoneGap, node.js, Brackets and related tools.

Your Code

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Your Code
                           Native Web View

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Your Code
                           Native Web View
                             Native APIs

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Your Code
                               Native Web View
                                  Native APIs
                           Native App - .apk, .ipa, etc

Saturday, March 31, 2012

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PhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged Apps
PhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged AppsPhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged Apps
PhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged Apps

The document discusses building packaged Chrome apps and compares them to web apps. Packaged apps can run offline by default, access hardware capabilities, and provide a richer experience than web apps. They can also be distributed and updated through the Chrome Web Store. The document outlines the process of converting a web app into a packaged app by modifying the app structure and code to include things like a manifest file and background services.

phonegap "phonegap day" chrome google html5 mobile
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using PhonegapDroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap

Phonegap allows developing hybrid mobile apps using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript that can be deployed across various platforms like Android and iOS. It provides APIs to access native device functionality like contacts and sensors from webviews. The presentation demonstrated building basic and advanced Phonegap apps for Android using tools like Phonegap Build, Dojo Mobile, Sencha Touch, Maqetta, and Ripple. It promotes Phonegap for developing cross-platform mobile apps more easily than purely native or web approaches.

dojo mobilesencha touchrational team concert
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010

PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of relying on platform-specific languages. It works by wrapping web apps in a native container, allowing access to device capabilities like the camera and geolocation. PhoneGap Build provides a cloud-based service for compiling PhoneGap apps so developers don't need to install SDKs locally. The presentation covered the PhoneGap workflow, tools like PhoneGap Dev Browser and Sleight, and the roadmap for future releases.

phonegap phonegapbuild buildphonegapcom senchacon
                           provides a
                           JavaScript Library
                           that reaches out
                           into the native

                           That means
                           anything the
                           device supports is

Saturday, March 31, 2012
PhoneGap is
            completely open
            source and has
            been submitted to
            the Apache

Saturday, March 31, 2012
The entire project
            is available on

Saturday, March 31, 2012
There are multiple
            ways to “start”
            with PhoneGap.
            The project
            includes command
            line tools, IDE
            plugins, and
            Dreamweaver 5.5
            ships with

Saturday, March 31, 2012

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BlackBerry WebWorks
BlackBerry WebWorksBlackBerry WebWorks
BlackBerry WebWorks

WebWorks allows web developers to build BlackBerry applications using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Some key capabilities include building apps with native functionality, integrating with BlackBerry services like BBM and Push, and distributing apps through the BlackBerry World app store. The process involves setting up a development environment with the WebWorks SDK, emulating apps using Ripple, and packaging and signing apps for testing on devices.

bbhtmlblackberry webworks
Rapid Prototyping with Cordova aka Phonegap
Rapid Prototyping with Cordova aka PhonegapRapid Prototyping with Cordova aka Phonegap
Rapid Prototyping with Cordova aka Phonegap

Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Watch the live recording and demo by clicking the link on slide 40. Find out more about Cordova by joining meet up group at

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Flutter vs React Native Development in 2020
Flutter vs React Native Development in 2020Flutter vs React Native Development in 2020
Flutter vs React Native Development in 2020

Everything to know about Flutter vs React Native & which one should you go for in 2020. Read a more detailed version of it here:

flutterreact nativetechnology
-   Accelerometer
                                -   Camera
                                -   Capture
                                -   Compass
            Out of the box,     -   Connection
            PhoneGap            -   Contacts
                                -   Device
            provides support    -   Events
            for a number of     -
            basic device APIs   -   Media
                                -   Network
                                -   Notification
                                -   Storage

Saturday, March 31, 2012
For added
            provides a plug-in
            Includes OS-
            specific code/
            libraries and the
            JS to use it in
            Some of the
            helpful ones:
            PayPal, Facebook,
            Push Notification
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Camera API

Saturday, March 31, 2012
     Using PhoneGap

Saturday, March 31, 2012

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Phonegap - An Overview
Phonegap - An OverviewPhonegap - An Overview
Phonegap - An Overview

PhoneGap is a framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of platform-specific languages. It provides an API to access common device capabilities like contacts, location, and cameras. PhoneGap works by wrapping web-based apps in a native container, so they can be compiled and run as native apps on iOS, Android, and other platforms from a single codebase. This allows developers to write their app once and deploy it across platforms, rather than maintaining separate codebases for each one.

ioshtml5web service integration
Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with HTML5, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGap
Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with HTML5, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGapBuilding Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with HTML5, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGap
Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with HTML5, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGap

The final demo for this presentation can be downloaded at: SESSION ABSTRACT ================= Write Once, Run Everywhere. How many times have we been promised true cross-platform development? HTML5 seems to be the closest we’ve ever been to writing applications once and running them on multiple mobile devices, such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone or Blackberry. But native mobile apps have taken all the spotlight in recent years thanks to the introduction of hundreds of thousands of apps in various app stores from Apple, Google, Microsoft and BlackBerry. Apps offer a great native platform experience, but they can be expensive to build and require specific languages, SDKs and skill sets across multiple platforms. Mobile web sites offer a great way to engage with consumers and corporate workers alike without requiring the installation of any app, and can in turn be adapted as deployable "hybrid" apps. This session explores the fundamentals of native vs. web apps, and how to choose the right approach for any given scenario. We begin with an exploration of the benefits of web development for smartphones using the most popular HTML5 & JavaScript framework for mobile: jQuery Mobile (JQM). We’ll go over a quick primer on HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, followed by everything you need to get started with JQM. We’ll cover the most common development environment options, how to build your first jQuery Mobile page, and how to debug your mobile web code with some of the available tools. We’ll also discuss how to develop a native-like experience on each mobile platform thanks to JQM’s adaptive rendering, and how to save and retrieve data with the cloud using Microsoft Azure Mobile Services. We'll then learn how to leverage PhoneGap to wrap our mobile web UI into a native smartphone or tablet app. Discover how PhoneGap exposes native device hardware like cameras, sensors, GPS and more. We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of PhoneGap-based apps, how to deal with the UI design guidelines across platforms, and learn some do’s and don’ts of cross-platform mobile development. Native mobile apps have their place for mass market revenue-generating models, but you also need to master cross-platform techniques when the situation calls for it such as in enterprise mobility scenarios and other niche areas. Web development is a critical skill required by every mobile developer; come learn how to get started and reach hundreds of millions of users through a smart mobile web & hybrid approach.

windows phonejquery mobilephonegap
Top 8 Alternatives Of Xamarin.pdf
Top 8 Alternatives Of Xamarin.pdfTop 8 Alternatives Of Xamarin.pdf
Top 8 Alternatives Of Xamarin.pdf

Even with all the features possessed by Xamarin, it may be unsuitable for your digital solution. When you can’t leverage this platform, the following Xamarin alternatives will help you.

xamarin alternatives

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Debugging these
       kinds of apps is
       best done on

Saturday, March 31, 2012
It’s all just HTML/
            JS, so you can use
            your browser!
            Take advantage of
            Chrome Developer
            tools/Firebug to
            test your app’s UI.

Saturday, March 31, 2012
But what about Device APIs?
           Because we’re in the web view, there
               is no way to do line-by-line

Saturday, March 31, 2012

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Introduction to flutter

This document provides an introduction to developing mobile apps using Flutter. It discusses what Flutter is, its advantages over native and hybrid development. It covers the basic widgets in Flutter like Scaffold, AppBar, body and buttons. It demonstrates how to create a simple BMI calculator app as an example. Finally, it outlines the steps to learning mobile app development with Flutter, including improving architecture and adding features like camera, geolocation and APIs.

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The Best Alternatives To The Ionic Framework.pdf
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The Best Alternatives To The Ionic Framework.pdf

While the Ionic framework is good enough for building desktop apps, it suffers from a few drawbacks. The alternatives you’ll learn about here are devoid of those disadvantages.

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Intro to PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build
Intro to PhoneGap and PhoneGap BuildIntro to PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build
Intro to PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build

See how PhoneGap (Apache Cordova), an open-source framework, and the Adobe PhoneGap Build service, part of the Adobe Creative Cloud, allow you to create cross-platform mobile apps using the web technologies you know and love: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Learn how PhoneGap works and how it will enable you to start building mobile apps with web standards. This talk will introduce you to the PhoneGap API and walk you through how to interact with the JavaScript methods to create interactive, feature-rich mobile applications. You will also get an introduction to PhoneGap Build which allows you to package mobile apps in the cloud. This session will cover: Getting started with the PhoneGap API Interacting with the native device features (camera, video) Accessing and using the geolocation sensors Compiling the application using PhoneGap Build

phonegap buildmobilemobile application development
Luckily we have
            Weinre, which lets
            us debug and
            manipulate the
            DOM from our

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Weinre can be
            configured as a
            server (there is a
            Mac application)
            and uses the
            developer tools
            from Chrome to
            provide hooks into
            the mobile app.

Saturday, March 31, 2012
But, a much easier way:

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

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internet explorer;compatibility;html5;compatinspec
Debugging mobile websites and web apps
Debugging mobile websites and web appsDebugging mobile websites and web apps
Debugging mobile websites and web apps

This session is about three different techniques for debugging mobile websites or web apps while running on devices.


Saturday, March 31, 2012
e Problem:

   You’re building a cross-platform app, but
     dealing with a lot of native projects

Saturday, March 31, 2012
e Solution:
   PhoneGap Build - a cloud service for
creating binary files for multiple platforms
         from a single codebase

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012

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Transformative Web Design ~変化にしなやかに対応するデザイン力~
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あなたは今「Web」という言葉を聞いて、何を思い浮かびますか? パソコン上のブラウザに表示される Webサイトを想像するかもしれませんし、モバイルアプリなのかもしれません��クラウドを中心にしたエコシステムかもしれませんし、人と人が繋がるソーシャルメディアを連想している方もいるでしょう。皆が考えるすべてが Web であり、今後私たちが想像もつかない場所やデバイスを通して Webに触れることになるでしょうし、Webに関わる「当たり前」も常に変わり続けるでしょう。 明確な姿・型が存在しない上、誰がどのようにして見たり操作するかも分からなくなってきた中、私たちはどのようにして Webをデザインしていけば良いのでしょうか。Webサイトを作るだけでなく、その枠を超えた設計が余儀なくされた今、私たち制作者は何に注視したら良いのでしょうか。 今セッションではコンテンツを起点したデザインプロセスを紹介すると共に、予想不可能な未来に対応するための Web デザインの未来を共有していきます。

Build for every platform at once

  PhoneGap Build creates binaries for all of the
  major platforms at the same time and in one

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Core part of PhoneGap Build:

                           Work how you want to work

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Using Git/SVN

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Debugging and Testing

Saturday, March 31, 2012

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The Craft of UX
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The Craft of UX

What do bakers, metalsmiths and user experience professionals have in common? They’re all crafts, but unlike other crafts, UX doesn't have a mentality of apprenticeship and practice. I argue that because UX requires broad knowledge across a number of disciplines, practical experience, and people skills, simply getting a degree and attending conferences isn't enough.


〜XMLから読み解く AndroidデザインのコツとTips〜 at 「ICT ERA + ABC 2012 東北」2012.10.20


The document shows code for processing images using the Imager module in Perl. It demonstrates scaling, cropping, mapping color values, combining images using rubthrough, adding text with QR codes, detecting differences between images, and detecting faces in an image using a cascade classifier. It also includes code to search for adult video actresses from a porn module.

Build includes a
        debugging option that
        will inject the Weinre
        JavaScript into the
        app so it can be
        remotely debugged

Saturday, March 31, 2012
           PhoneGap Build

Saturday, March 31, 2012
           PhoneGap in Action

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Ryan Stewart
                           Web Developer Evangelist, Adobe




Saturday, March 31, 2012

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WordPressコミュニティの魅力 | OSC Nagoya 2012 WordBench Nagoya

私が考えるWordPressコミュニティの魅力を3つに絞って紹介!WordPressのコミュニティに興味がある方は、 にぜひご参加ください~。 OSC Nagoya 2012のWordBench Nagoyaブースで紹介していたソフトや書籍です。 ●BizVektor【WordPressテーマ】 WordBench Nagoyaの石川さんが開発されたビジネスサイト向けテーマ。 ビジネスサイト用の様々な工夫が凝らされています。 ●WebMatrix 【Windows用ソフトウェア:無料】 Windows上でWordPressの実行環境を簡単に作れます。 WordPressを簡単に使ってみたい方は、試しにインストールしてみてください。 ●本格ビジネスサイトを作りながら学ぶ WordPressの教科書【書籍】 WordPressのテーマの作り方、様々な技術を体系的に学ぶことができる本です。 全編カラーで写真がふんだんに使われているので初心者の方でもとっつきやすいです。

wordpressnagoyaosc nagoya


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The document discusses issues with over-engineering and complexity in typical Java web applications and recommends focusing on simplicity, avoiding unnecessary abstractions and frameworks, following principles like the Single Responsibility Principle and YAGNI, and using proven open-source tools instead of too many Java standards and technologies. It also provides suggestions for code style, proper application structure, web UI development, and testing to develop applications in a simpler and more productive way.


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Similar to Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012

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Similar to Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012 (20)

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Developing with Phonegap - Adobe Refresh 2012

  • 1. Developing with PhoneGap Building mobile applications with HTML/JS Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 2. e Power of PhoneGap Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 3. HTML/JS/CSS for Mobile Apps Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 4. What’s the benefit of web standards for mobile applications? Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 5. Marketshare Language 29% Objective C 53% Java 10% Java/ActionScript 3% C# Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 6. Mobile Web: Marketshare: 100% Language: HTML/JS/CSS Why not write apps that way? Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 7. e web is awesome: Using web technologies leaves you free to target any device/os/platform you want Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 8. So how does it work? Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 10. Your Code Native Web View Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 11. Your Code Native Web View Native APIs Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 12. Your Code Native Web View Native APIs Native App - .apk, .ipa, etc Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 13. PhoneGap provides a JavaScript Library that reaches out into the native APIs. That means anything the device supports is doable. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 14. PhoneGap is completely open source and has been submitted to the Apache Foundation. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 15. The entire project is available on Github https:// cordova Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 16. There are multiple ways to “start” with PhoneGap. The project includes command line tools, IDE plugins, and Dreamweaver 5.5 ships with PhoneGap support. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 17. - Accelerometer - Camera - Capture - Compass Out of the box, - Connection PhoneGap - Contacts - Device provides support - Events for a number of - - File Geolocation basic device APIs - Media - Network - Notification - Storage Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 18. For added functionality PhoneGap provides a plug-in mechanism. Includes OS- specific code/ libraries and the JS to use it in PhoneGap Some of the helpful ones: PayPal, Facebook, Push Notification Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 19. Camera API example Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 20. Demo: Using PhoneGap Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 22. Debugging these kinds of apps is best done on device. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 23. It’s all just HTML/ JS, so you can use your browser! Take advantage of Chrome Developer tools/Firebug to test your app’s UI. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 24. But what about Device APIs? Because we’re in the web view, there is no way to do line-by-line debugging. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 25. Luckily we have Weinre, which lets us debug and manipulate the DOM from our PCs. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 26. Weinre can be configured as a server (there is a Mac application) and uses the developer tools from Chrome to provide hooks into the mobile app. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 27. But, a much easier way: Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 28. Demo: Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 29. Deploying Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 30. e Problem: You’re building a cross-platform app, but dealing with a lot of native projects Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 31. e Solution: PhoneGap Build - a cloud service for creating binary files for multiple platforms from a single codebase Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 33. Build for every platform at once PhoneGap Build creates binaries for all of the major platforms at the same time and in one place. Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 34. Core part of PhoneGap Build: Work how you want to work Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 35. Using Git/SVN repositories Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 37. Build includes a debugging option that will inject the Weinre JavaScript into the app so it can be remotely debugged using Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 38. Demo: PhoneGap Build Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 39. Demo: PhoneGap in Action Saturday, March 31, 2012
  • 40. Ryan Stewart Web Developer Evangelist, Adobe @ryanstewart Saturday, March 31, 2012