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           • PRESENTER
            • ANDY KUCHARSKI
            • @AKUCHARSKI
           • PROMET SOURCE
            • FOUNDER
            • @PROMETSOURCE
About Promet
 • Focus on Drupal
 • Founded in 2003
 • Offices in the US (Chicago, San Jose)

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Website Performance
Website PerformanceWebsite Performance
Website Performance

The document discusses website performance and optimization. It notes that nearly half of users expect a site to load within 2 seconds and will abandon a site taking longer than 3 seconds. Common issues causing poor performance are bloated templates, unnecessary code, and too many HTTP requests. Suggested optimizations include minimizing assets, prioritizing visible content, image optimization, caching, compression, and lazy loading. Case studies show significant speed improvements after implementing optimizations. Metrics like Speed Index measure how quickly visible content displays to influence perceived performance.

Imagine 2014: The Devil is in the Details How to Optimize Magento Hosting to ...
Imagine 2014: The Devil is in the Details How to Optimize Magento Hosting to ...Imagine 2014: The Devil is in the Details How to Optimize Magento Hosting to ...
Imagine 2014: The Devil is in the Details How to Optimize Magento Hosting to ...

The document discusses optimizing Magento hosting to increase online sales. It describes a case study of a travel website that experienced a catastrophic event due to a locked database from high query volumes. The root cause was identified and a solution was implemented using a "McManus Magic Shield" to block cache rebuilds if one was already in progress. Load testing results showed that code quality and site configuration are major factors in Magento performance. Best practices for development like reducing requests and using caching can significantly improve scalability. Faster page loading directly correlates to increased conversion rates.

ecommerce hosting magento enterprise edition best
WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance
WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance
WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance

Your website performance is crucial to its success. It is essential that you analyse your website’s speed and take critical steps to improve performance metrics. If you don’t, If you don’t, not only do you lose visitors, but you might be losing a lot of business as well. For this reason, WPblog has released a complete guide on WordPress performance optimization where you can learn how to analyse your website speed, and improve its performance. Source:

wordpressbusinessonline marketing

What Load Testing is not
     Front End Performance Testing
        High Availability analysis
Why Load Test
   Capacity Planning
    Capacity Testing
  Performance Tuning
Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud
Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud

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Scaling websites to millions of users
Scaling websites to millions of usersScaling websites to millions of users
Scaling websites to millions of users

This document discusses various techniques for optimizing ASP.NET applications to scale from thousands to millions of users. It covers topics such as preventing denial of service attacks, optimizing the ASP.NET process model and pipeline, reducing the size of ASP.NET cookies on static content, improving settings, optimizing queries to ASP.NET membership providers, issues with LINQ to SQL, using transaction isolation levels to prevent deadlocks, and employing a content delivery network. The overall message is that ASP.NET requires various "hacks" at the code, database, and configuration levels to scale to support millions of hits.
Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites Win
Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites WinBreaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites Win
Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites Win

Studies have identified speed as the single most critical factor for e-commerce conversion. There are lots of changes you could make to your website, but none of them are as risk-free as increasing speed. Some people like yellow, some like blue, but nobody likes slow. This talk will explain how to measure speed, and how to make your site much faster with minimal effort.

websiteseoweb design and development
Building performance into the new yahoo homepage presentation
Building performance into the new yahoo  homepage presentationBuilding performance into the new yahoo  homepage presentation
Building performance into the new yahoo homepage presentation

Nicholas Zakas presented on optimizing the performance of the Yahoo homepage redesign from 2010. The new design added significant functionality but also increased page size and complexity, threatening performance. Areas of focus included reducing time to interactivity, improving Ajax responsiveness, and managing perceived performance. Through techniques like progressive rendering, non-blocking JavaScript loading, and indicating loading states, performance was improved and maintained users' perception of speed. The redesign achieved onload times of ~2.5 seconds, down from ~5 previously, while perceived performance matched the previous version.

yahooo home pagefront-endnicholas czakas
Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud allows you to quickly and
easily remove create a test load hitting your site from
Amazon and Azure cloud servers
The Victim – Drupal 6 Ubercart site
The Victim - 44 objects on home page

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Cache is keeping you from reaching the full potential as a developer (word ca...
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Cache is keeping you from reaching the full potential as a developer (word ca...

by @thoaud from WordCamp Nordic 2019. Introduction to The Performance First Workflow in WordPress.

Template tuning for high performance
Template tuning for high performanceTemplate tuning for high performance
Template tuning for high performance

This document discusses optimizing Joomla templates for high performance. It recommends tools like Firebug and YSlow to measure performance, and optimizing assets like JavaScript, CSS, and images. JavaScript should be moved to the end of the page, unused code removed, and files minified and compressed. CSS should be moved to the head and stripped of unused rules. Images can be optimized by using sprites, compression, and delivery via a CDN. The optimization process involves these techniques applied at each stage of development.

joomlaj and beyondweb development
Scaling wix with microservices and multi cloud - 2015
Scaling wix with microservices and multi cloud - 2015Scaling wix with microservices and multi cloud - 2015
Scaling wix with microservices and multi cloud - 2015

Many small startups build their systems on top of a traditional toolset like Tomcat, Hibernate, and MySQL. These systems are used because they facilitate easy development and fast progress, but many of them are monolithic and have limited scalability. So as a startup grows, the team is confronted with the problem of how to evolve the system and make it scalable. Facing the same dilemma, grew from 0 to 70 million users in just a few years. Facing some interesting challenges, like performance and availability. Traditional performance solutions, such as caching, would not help due to a very long tail problem which causes caching to be highly inefficient. And because every minute of downtime means customers lose money, the product needed to have near 100% availability. Solving these issues required some interesting and out-of-the-box thinking, and this talk will discuss some of these strategies: building a highly preformant, highly available and highly scalable system; and leveraging microservices architecture and multi-cloud platforms to help build a very efficient and cost-effective system.

How to Set up a load test - Step 1 – create a Plan
Plan is a collection of Scripts, steps and data about the tests its always the first
    step and it’s the highest level
How to Set up a load test - Step 2 – create a Scenario
A scenario is a collection of test steps (user actions, like a click or a form submit).
    Weighing (if you have more than one scenario) min/max pause and form data
How to Set up a load test - Step 2 – create a Step (and repeat)
Steps are user actions. Load storm allows for links, new pages, random
   clicks, static data and form data (for required unique values)
How to Set up a load test - Step 3 – create a Step (and repeat)
Steps are user actions. Load storm allows for links, new pages, random
   clicks, static data and form data (for required unique values)

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Client-side Web Performance Optimization [paper]
Client-side Web Performance Optimization [paper]Client-side Web Performance Optimization [paper]
Client-side Web Performance Optimization [paper]

This document discusses client-side performance optimizations for websites. It begins by explaining how client-side loading accounts for 80-90% of total page load time on average. It then provides an overview of tools for analyzing performance bottlenecks. The document outlines several basic optimization techniques, including reducing HTTP requests, leveraging browser caching through headers and cache busters, optimizing images, prioritizing critical resources, and improving JavaScript and CSS performance. It emphasizes the importance of measuring performance before and after making changes.

wpoclient-side performanceweb performance
Chanhao Jiang And David Wei Presentation Quickling Pagecache
Chanhao Jiang And David Wei Presentation Quickling PagecacheChanhao Jiang And David Wei Presentation Quickling Pagecache
Chanhao Jiang And David Wei Presentation Quickling Pagecache

Quickling and PageCache are two software abstractions at Facebook that improve front-end performance. Quickling makes the site faster by using AJAX to transparently load pages without reloading common elements. PageCache caches user-visited pages in the browser to improve latency and reduce server load when pages are revisited. Both have significantly reduced Facebook's page rendering times and improved the user experience.

Browser Based Performance Testing and Tuning
Browser Based Performance Testing and TuningBrowser Based Performance Testing and Tuning
Browser Based Performance Testing and Tuning

The document discusses client side performance testing. It defines client side performance as how fast a page loads for a single user on a browser or mobile device. Good client side performance is important for user experience and business metrics like sales. It recommends rules for faster loading websites, and introduces the WebPageTest tool for measuring client side performance metrics from multiple locations. WebPageTest provides waterfall views, filmstrip views, packet captures and reports to analyze page load times and identify optimization opportunities.

Two scenarios, main one will register a user in four steps
The Servers – Amazon EC2 Small and Medium VS RS Cloud 2G and 4G
EC2 Small: Peeked at 75

                       • User Load and Requests
                         per second

                        • Average Response time
                        • Peak Response time
                        • Error rate %

20 to 115 users in 40 minutes
Result: RS peeked at 65

                       • User Load and Requests
                         per second

                        • Average Response time
                        • Peak Response time
                        • Error rate %

20 to 115 users in 40 minutes

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Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to metrics. In this session, Cliff Crocker and I walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives — from designer and DevOps to CRO and CEO. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

velocity conferenceweb performance
Care and feeding notes
Care and feeding notesCare and feeding notes
Care and feeding notes

This document discusses how to maintain large web applications over time. It describes how the author's team managed a web application with over 65,000 lines of code and 6,000 automated tests over 2.5 years of development. Key aspects included packaging full releases, automating dependency installation, specifying supported environments, and automating data migrations during upgrades. The goal was to have a sustainable process that allowed for continuous development without slowing down due to maintenance issues.


This document provides an overview and agenda for a workshop on content management systems (CMS) and blogging platforms such as WordPress. It discusses setting up WordPress from scratch using a local web server, then deploying it on a hosted server by registering a domain, modifying DNS records, installing WordPress, and configuring the files and database. The document outlines WordPress features and administration including plugins, themes, posts, pages, and SEO. It also covers using purchased WordPress themes, customizing themes, and building a CMS system using a theme framework.

Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud
While running load tests, what’s happening on the server? Apache is consuming all
resources, its actually not the database.
Result: EC2 Medium
                          Peeks at 75 users again

                       Random Server Fail
                       – test needs to be

20 to 115 users in 40 minutes
Result: EC2 Medium
                          Peeks at 75 users again

                       • User Load and Requests
                         per second

                        • Average Response time
                        • Peak Response time
                        • Error rate %

20 to 115 users in 40 minutes

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Speed! presentation given at the CMS Expo on May 2011. Presentation talks about why it is important to speed up a website and how to do it.

Piecing Together the WordPress Puzzle
Piecing Together the WordPress PuzzlePiecing Together the WordPress Puzzle
Piecing Together the WordPress Puzzle

What you need to know to upgrade to a self-hosted WP website. An overview of WordPress website hosting options and their impact on your WordPress website. A visual map of the site setup path through Dashboard menus and settings.

wordpressmanaged wordpress hostingself-hosted wordpress site
Adding Value in the Cloud with Performance Test
Adding Value in the Cloud with Performance TestAdding Value in the Cloud with Performance Test
Adding Value in the Cloud with Performance Test

This document discusses the importance of performance testing cloud applications and outlines best practices for defining performance requirements, testing methodology, and identifying issues. It provides examples of performance problems found in databases, applications, operating systems, and networks. The key goals of performance testing are to understand system behavior under load, find bottlenecks and hidden bugs, and verify that requirements are met.

"cloud computing" "performance test" scalability p
Result: RS 2G, keeps
                           going at 115

                       • User Load and Requests
                         per second

                        • Average Response time
                        • Peak Response time
                        • Error rate %

20 to 115 users in 40 minutes
Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud
While running load tests, what’s happening on the server? Apache is consuming all
resources, its actually not the database.
Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud

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Scaling habits of ASP.NET
Scaling habits of ASP.NETScaling habits of ASP.NET
Scaling habits of ASP.NET

The document discusses the scaling habits of ASP.NET applications over multiple versions from initial launch to large-scale business success. As an application grows from version 1 with a few users to version N with thousands of users, the key scaling challenges change from fixing logical problems to addressing performance bottlenecks and high availability requirements. The solutions also evolve from simple code optimizations to sophisticated architectures with load balancing, caching, and separate servers for web and database tiers.

Interpreting Performance Test Results
Interpreting Performance Test ResultsInterpreting Performance Test Results
Interpreting Performance Test Results

This document provides guidance on interpreting and reporting performance test results. It discusses collecting various metrics like load, errors, response times and system resources during testing. It emphasizes aggregating the raw data into meaningful statistics and visualizing the results in graphs to gain insights. Key steps in the process include interpreting observations and correlations to develop hypotheses, assessing conclusions to make recommendations, and reporting the findings to stakeholders in a clear and actionable manner. The overall approach is to turn large amounts of data into a few insightful pictures and conclusions that can guide technical or business decisions.

performance testing graphs test reporting
Fault Tolerance in Distributed Environment
Fault Tolerance in Distributed EnvironmentFault Tolerance in Distributed Environment
Fault Tolerance in Distributed Environment

The document discusses various techniques for achieving fault tolerance in distributed systems, including service coordination, handling high load, RPC mechanics, circuit breakers, N-modular redundancy, recovery blocks, actors and error kernels, and instance healers. It describes common issues that can occur like network failures and overloaded services, and explains solutions such as service discovery, load balancing, timeouts, and dynamically scaling services horizontally.

recovery blocksmodular redundancyservice discovery

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Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud

  • 1. PrometSource CDMUG Using LoadStorm
  • 4. About Promet • Focus on Drupal • Founded in 2003 • Offices in the US (Chicago, San Jose)
  • 5. What Load Testing is not Front End Performance Testing High Availability analysis
  • 6. Why Load Test Capacity Planning Capacity Testing Performance Tuning
  • 10. allows you to quickly and easily remove create a test load hitting your site from Amazon and Azure cloud servers
  • 11. The Victim – Drupal 6 Ubercart site
  • 12. The Victim - 44 objects on home page
  • 13. How to Set up a load test - Step 1 – create a Plan Plan is a collection of Scripts, steps and data about the tests its always the first step and it’s the highest level
  • 14. How to Set up a load test - Step 2 – create a Scenario A scenario is a collection of test steps (user actions, like a click or a form submit). Weighing (if you have more than one scenario) min/max pause and form data set
  • 15. How to Set up a load test - Step 2 – create a Step (and repeat) Steps are user actions. Load storm allows for links, new pages, random clicks, static data and form data (for required unique values)
  • 16. How to Set up a load test - Step 3 – create a Step (and repeat) Steps are user actions. Load storm allows for links, new pages, random clicks, static data and form data (for required unique values)
  • 17. Two scenarios, main one will register a user in four steps
  • 18. The Servers – Amazon EC2 Small and Medium VS RS Cloud 2G and 4G
  • 19. EC2 Small: Peeked at 75 users • User Load and Requests per second • Average Response time • Peak Response time • Error rate % 20 to 115 users in 40 minutes
  • 20. Result: RS peeked at 65 users • User Load and Requests per second • Average Response time • Peak Response time • Error rate % 20 to 115 users in 40 minutes
  • 22. While running load tests, what’s happening on the server? Apache is consuming all resources, its actually not the database.
  • 23. Result: EC2 Medium Peeks at 75 users again Random Server Fail – test needs to be restarted 20 to 115 users in 40 minutes
  • 24. Result: EC2 Medium Peeks at 75 users again • User Load and Requests per second • Average Response time • Peak Response time • Error rate % 20 to 115 users in 40 minutes
  • 25. Result: RS 2G, keeps going at 115 • User Load and Requests per second • Average Response time • Peak Response time • Error rate % 20 to 115 users in 40 minutes
  • 27. While running load tests, what’s happening on the server? Apache is consuming all resources, its actually not the database.

Editor's Notes

  1. Promet Source Chicago Drupal Meet Up presentation – Using Load Storm
  2. Objectives: - Learn when and why to stress test your site - Learn how to use load test with load storm
  3. Promet Source is a Chicago based full service Web Development Company focusing on open source technologies to build complex websites and web applications. Promet has used Drupal to develop solutions for Fortune 100 companies, start-ups & non-profits. Promet uses Drupal to build a broad variety of websites, web applications, and has most recently, used Drupal to assist in its Mobile Application Development.Along with their Drupal expertise Promet Source differentiates themselves by providing a superior customer experience throughout all facets of the development process, including design, software engineering, project management, quality assurance as well as hosting & online marketing services.Promet Source areas of Drupal expertise:- Drupal Web Development- Web Application Development- Mobile Application Development- eCommerce Web Development- Member Management Web Development- Web Design- Chicago Web Hosting- Chicago Online Marketing
  4. Load testing is NOT front end performance testing It is also not High Availability analysis
  5. Why Load Test?Capacity planningCapacity TestingPerformance Tunning
  6. Example of over capacity problem
  7. Another over capacity problem example
  8. Not related, but a fun 404 message
  9. What is Load Storm:LoadStorm has been awarded and recognized as the Best Load Testing Tool, the leading provider of best quality web hostingreviews on the Internet.“LoadStorm™ is a web-based load testing tool for simulating what users do with a web site or web application. You use it to build tests that send requests to your server in the same way that a user's browser sends requests to your server. But these tests are executed by our automated systems rather than by a user, so they can be done repeatedly and in large numbers simultaneously. They can also be built using our tool in such a way as to simulate a large number of different users with different tasks to perform.
  10. Our test site isOptionIt a drupal 6 ecommerce site built by Promet Source
  11. The OptionIt home page has 44 objects on it
  12. How to Set up a load test - Step 1 – create a Plan Plan is a collection of Scripts, steps and data about the tests its always the first step and it’s the highest level
  13. How to Set up a load test - Step 2 – create a ScenarioA scenario is a collection of test steps (user actions, like a click or a form submit). Weighing (if you have more than one scenario) min/max pause and form data set
  14. How to Set up a load test - Step 2 – create a Step (and repeat)Steps are user actions. Load storm allows for links, new pages, random clicks, static data and form data (for required unique values)
  15. How to Set up a load test - Step 3 – create a Step (and repeat)Steps are user actions. Load storm allows for links, new pages, random clicks, static data and form data (for required unique values)
  16. Here is our example scenario
  17. We will be load testing the same site installed on four instances: - Amazon small - Amazon mediumVersusRack Space Cloud 1024MB RamRack Space Cloud 2048MB Ram
  18. Stress Test results on a drupal site on Amazon small instance
  19. Stress Test results on a drupal site on Rack Space Cloud 1024G instance
  20. Comparative number of users registered on RackSpace cloud server versus Amazon EC2 small
  21. New Relic view of Process memory and CPU usage on RackSpace cloud server during the stress test
  22. Stress Test results on a drupal site on Amazon
  23. Questions?