SlideShare a Scribd company logo
High performant and
maintainable Plone
David Ichim
Eau de Web
Why do we need our theme to be
Google now has more mobile search queries
Mobile trafic with various resolutions

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How to Prepare a WordPress Theme for Public Release
How to Prepare a WordPress Theme for Public ReleaseHow to Prepare a WordPress Theme for Public Release
How to Prepare a WordPress Theme for Public Release

A presentation for WordCamp Louisville on how to prepare a theme for distribution. It mainly follows the theme review process outlined at It also discusses reasons to release a theme and briefly highlights ways to stand out from the crowd.

wordpressthemewordpress themes
Wordpress theme submission requirement for Themeforest
Wordpress theme submission requirement for ThemeforestWordpress theme submission requirement for Themeforest
Wordpress theme submission requirement for Themeforest

This document outlines requirements for submitting WordPress themes to TheWebLab. It discusses having a team with skills in design, development, and familiarity with tools like Photoshop. Theme submissions must follow best practices for spacing, color contrast, typography, and be pixel-perfect, responsive, and include documentation. Themes must properly implement WordPress features and APIs, be secure and optimized, and pass unit tests. PHP, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript quality is important. Themes should incorporate plugins and move functionality there instead of the theme.

Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...
Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...
Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...

Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Bootstrap.

Cost of internet around the world
It requires many different steps and skills...
How to make a performant theme?
● mobile view
● tablet view
● edit view
● anonymous view
● size
● speed
● weight
● power
● document
● maintain
● enforce
● test
What do we need for a performant theme?
1. Cater to different aspects of the site for different users
2. Measure key site sections for performance
3. Keep it performant, understandable and maintainable
We need to:
1. Measure
2. Optimize
3. Document
4. Monitor
What do we need for a performant theme?

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Web performance tuning
Web performance tuning Web performance tuning
Web performance tuning

This document discusses various techniques for improving front-end web performance. It states that 80% of end-user response time is spent downloading page components like images, CSS, JavaScript, and that speed is important for user experience and functionality. Various methods are presented for minimizing file sizes like JavaScript minification and combining files. It also recommends techniques like using CSS sprites and lazy loading images. Browser tools for analyzing performance are listed, and references for further information are provided.

web design and development
Squeeze Maximum Performance From Your Joomla Website
Squeeze Maximum Performance From Your Joomla WebsiteSqueeze Maximum Performance From Your Joomla Website
Squeeze Maximum Performance From Your Joomla Website

Basic and advanced tips and tricks to optimize your Joomla website in order to achieve maximum performance - a presentation by Tenko Nikolov for JoomlaDay Chicago 2012.

Don't sh** in the Pool
Don't sh** in the PoolDon't sh** in the Pool
Don't sh** in the Pool

This document provides an overview of common poor coding practices in WordPress development that can negatively impact compatibility and user experience. It discusses examples like directly modifying core WordPress scripts, directly printing scripts and stylesheets rather than using the enqueue system, and encourages developers to avoid these practices to prevent breaking other plugins, themes or WordPress itself. The presentation aims to make developers aware of these issues and how to develop code that is more considerate of other code on the site.

Step 1: Measure
How to keep a theme performant
From simple tools
Responsive design in plone
Responsive design in plone

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Week 11 - Hosting and Migration
Week 11 - Hosting and MigrationWeek 11 - Hosting and Migration
Week 11 - Hosting and Migration

The document provides instructions for the final project in a web content management systems class. It outlines requirements for creating a WordPress theme including having one sidebar, two widgets, one custom post type, two templates, five content pages, a content page with video, using WordPress menu functionality, and including at least two plugins. It also discusses hosting a WordPress site including recommended hosts, migrating content and databases between sites using plugins, and optimizing site performance. The homework is to select an HTML template for the final project.

What’s new in joomla 3.7
What’s new in joomla 3.7What’s new in joomla 3.7
What’s new in joomla 3.7

With the stable release of Joomla 3.7 due in March, we took a look at what's coming up in the new version. There are over 40 new features.

joomlajoomla user group sydneyjoomla 3.7
Front-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance OptimizingFront-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance Optimizing

Front-end performance optimizing involves optimizing a website's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files to achieve the fastest possible loading speed. This includes minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, compressing files, optimizing code by removing unused code and errors, leveraging browser caching, and parallelizing downloads across domains. The document outlines nine techniques for front-end optimization, such as optimizing file sizes, reducing download size through compression and caching, and minimizing HTTP requests through file combining and CSS sprites.

To intermediare tools
Responsive design in plone
Responsive design in plone
To advanced tools

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Front End Website Optimization
Front End Website OptimizationFront End Website Optimization
Front End Website Optimization

Yahoo has developed the de facto standard for building fast front-ends for websites. The bad news: you have to follow 34 rules to get there. The good news: I'll take a subset of those rules, explain them, and show how you can implement those rules in an automated fashion to minimize impact on developers and designers for your high-traffic website.

Introduction to WordPress Security
Introduction to WordPress SecurityIntroduction to WordPress Security
Introduction to WordPress Security

This document provides an introduction to WordPress security. It outlines why security is important to protect websites and investments. It then gives basic security tips, such as keeping WordPress, themes, and plugins updated, using strong passwords, installing security plugins, and backing up websites. The document also discusses common ways websites can be compromised and provides additional resources for learning about WordPress security.

wordpresswordpress securitywebsite security
Plugins at WordCamp Phoenix
Plugins at WordCamp PhoenixPlugins at WordCamp Phoenix
Plugins at WordCamp Phoenix

The document discusses the history and features of plugins in WordPress. It defines what a plugin is and explains that plugins can enhance WordPress functionality by adding features like SEO, spam filtering, backups, and more. The document notes there are over 18,000 plugins available and provides tips for installing, troubleshooting, and removing plugins. It recommends several popular plugins including Akismet, Jetpack, backup plugins, caching plugins, SEO plugins, and others.
You should aim for high
scores and low loading times
Responsive design in plone

Recommended for you

Speed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate Performance
Speed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate PerformanceSpeed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate Performance
Speed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate Performance

This document provides tips for optimizing a Joomla site for speed. It recommends keeping Joomla updated, choosing extensions wisely, simplifying templates, enabling compression, caching plugins and .htaccess rules. Specific extensions like JCH Optimize are suggested for combining and minifying CSS/JS and images. Server-level optimizations include using a CDN, opcode caching, moving PHP to RAM, and reverse proxy caching. Testing speed with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights is advised. Application optimizations alone can improve page load times from over 5 seconds to 3 seconds, while full server optimizations achieve over 1 second load times.

Speak The Web: The HTML5 Experiments
Speak The Web: The HTML5 ExperimentsSpeak The Web: The HTML5 Experiments
Speak The Web: The HTML5 Experiments

Bruce Lawson demos HTML5, especially forms and video element at Sheffield Speak The Web, 8 February 2010

web standardshtml5video
Wordpress Plugin Development Short Tutorial
Wordpress Plugin Development Short TutorialWordpress Plugin Development Short Tutorial
Wordpress Plugin Development Short Tutorial

The document provides an overview of developing WordPress plugins, including pre-development issues like naming, hooks for integrating plugins, adding data to the WordPress database by creating tables, and adding administration menus by creating options pages. It also gives a simple example of creating a table and inserting data, and mentions that plugins can randomly display lyrics from "Hello Dolly" in the admin panel. The document recommends further resources for WordPress plugin development.

Step 2: Optimize
Optimize - first steps
1. Upgrade jQuery to the latest 1.x version for a big improvement in
overall page speed especially on mobile!
2. needs to use a newer version as well
compatible with the newer jQuery.
Easy to do by pinning the following versions:
[versions] = 1.1.12 = 1.7.0
Optimize - first steps
3. Load the development profile of in order to install
jquery-migrate plugin as well
Load minimum amount of js
1. Load only jQuery within head from a cdn sistem.
2. Load only jquery.domready

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Minimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tips
Minimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tipsMinimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tips
Minimize website page loading time – 20+ advanced SEO tips

Website Page speed is a big ranking factor and we all know that. Google has already announced that they will give less priority to slow sites and even mark site with SLOW tag in SERPs. Lets understand what makes your site slow and how can you make your site lightening fast..If your website is also struggling with slow page load time..checkout our tips here You can contact our page load optimization experts - | 347-732-2736

web designseo tipsseo web design
WordPress Theme Development Basics
WordPress Theme Development BasicsWordPress Theme Development Basics
WordPress Theme Development Basics

Learn the basics of building WordPress themes. This presentation is appropriate for people who are somewhat familiar with PHP and databases. To Learn More, check out

Sucuri Webinar: How to Optimize Your Website for Best Performance
Sucuri Webinar: How to Optimize Your Website for Best PerformanceSucuri Webinar: How to Optimize Your Website for Best Performance
Sucuri Webinar: How to Optimize Your Website for Best Performance

TIP: Make sure you scroll to the last slide to view the video recording On April 26th, 2017 at 11am PST, Caleb Lane - Firewall Analyst, presented this webinar. Attention spans are getting shorter, and search engines are favoring websites with faster loading times and lower bounce rates. By optimizing your website performance, you can rank higher in search results, increase and retain your traffic and create an optimal user experience. This webinar covered basic principles of website performance and teaches website owners: - What two main metrics you should be focused on when optimizing your website. - Which steps you can take to effectively optimize your website performance. - How to utilize the recommended tools and solutions to accomplish these tasks.

websitewebsite securityperformance
Load minimum amount of js
<metal:topslot define-slot="top_slot" />
<metal:headslot define-slot="head_slot" />
<metal:styleslot define-slot="style_slot" />

<script src="">
Load minimum amount of js - alt
<metal:topslot define-slot="top_slot" />
<metal:headslot define-slot="head_slot" />
<metal:styleslot define-slot="style_slot" />

<script src="”
Avoid javascript render blocking
Move the javascripts out of the head in order to avoid render blocking
Move js to the body - diazo

css:content="html head script"
css:theme-children="html body" />

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20150211 seo in drupal presentation
20150211 seo in drupal presentation20150211 seo in drupal presentation
20150211 seo in drupal presentation

This document discusses SEO (search engine optimization) for Drupal websites. It begins with an overview of SEO and the SEO process, noting it is a long-term strategy versus paid search. The document then notes Drupal 7 and 8 cores include only basic SEO features. It outlines several modules that can be installed to improve SEO, such as for XML sitemaps, URL structures, title and meta tags. It stresses SEO should be considered from the start of website development for best results. In conclusion, SEO requires expertise and an evolving understanding of techniques.

implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflowimplement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow

This presentation is about implementing the performance as first approach in web development and a bit of real case study. Then implement the Lighthouse-CI in the development workflow to keep the site performance high.

Advanced Wordpress 201
Advanced Wordpress 201Advanced Wordpress 201
Advanced Wordpress 201

The document provides an overview of advanced WordPress features for building professional websites, including hosting options, themes, frameworks, SEO and security plugins. It discusses best practices for SEO, blogging strategies, and includes exercises for setting up analytics and researching keywords. Safety tips are also provided to prevent malware and spam.

Move js to the body - ttw
Classic theme approach:
1. Customize
2. Remove <tal:scripts replace="structure provider:plone.resourceregistries.
scripts" />
3. Customize
4. Move <metal:javascriptslot define-slot="javascript_head_slot" /> to end of body
5. Move scripts removed from to the end of the body
6. Measure performance change
<tal:scripts replace="structure provider:plone.resourceregistries.scripts" />
<metal:javascriptslot define-slot="javascript_head_slot" />
Move js to the body - ttw
Responsive design in plone
Flash of unstyled content:
a. Quicker loading can mean the introduction of content that
could be transformed by javascript.
Move js to the body - side-effects

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Developer Night - Opticon18
Developer Night - Opticon18Developer Night - Opticon18
Developer Night - Opticon18

Lightning talks on best practices for product and engineering teams to experiment everywhere in their applications. First presented at Optimizely's user conference, Opticon18 on September 12th, 2018.

experimentationproduct experimentationfull stack
Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)
Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)
Does This Theme Make My Website Look Fat? (Wordcamp SLC 2013)

While the principles of responsive web design can make sites look better on mobile devices, they don’t necessarily load faster than a site designed for desktops. And as more and more sophisticated WordPress themes emerge, with their multiple options and fancy sliders, websites just keep getting more and more bloated. This presentation will help cut out the junk that’s larding up your sites so you can better meet the demand of users wanting fast-loading user experiences–no matter the device or connection. Presented at WordCamp Salt Lake City 2013 (

Building the next generation of themes with WP Rig 2.0
Building the next generation of themes with WP Rig 2.0Building the next generation of themes with WP Rig 2.0
Building the next generation of themes with WP Rig 2.0

The web has evolved, and now it’s time our themes do the same. WP Rig is an evolution on the tried and true starter theme model: a modern build process and WordPress starter theme bundled together, created to simplify the process of building advanced, accessible, performant, progressive themes. WP Rig does the heavy lifting of optimization so developers can focus on what they do best: designing and building great user experiences. In this talk you’ll learn how to supercharge your theme development process with WP Rig.

Random javascript could break:
a. Could be avoided by adding domready script to the head
Move js to the body - side-effects
Dealing with compression
1. Install
2. Enabled gzip compression and caching
3. Measure performance change both for mobile and desktop score
Responsive design in plone
Dealing with resource caching
1. Inspect merged composition
2. Arrange resources in order to have a minimum number of requests
3. Remove styles or javascript the site doesn’t use

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Expanding XPages with Bootstrap Plugins for Ultimate Usability
Expanding XPages with Bootstrap Plugins for Ultimate UsabilityExpanding XPages with Bootstrap Plugins for Ultimate Usability
Expanding XPages with Bootstrap Plugins for Ultimate Usability

IBM Champion Johnny Oldenburger from Kranendonk Smart Robotics shows how to develop very user friendly and fully responsive web applications (with XPages of course!) by making use of Bootstrap and jQuery Plugins. He shows how to use the Select2, DateTimePickers, Multiselect, Bootstrap-select, Modals, Popovers, and Notifications plugins to deliver the ultimate in usability. Learn how to solve the AMD issue when incorporating JavaScript libraries in XPages. Go beyond the basics and create applications that nobody ever thought possible using XPages.

twitter bootstrapweb applicationxpages applications
Joomla Beginner Template Presentation
Joomla Beginner Template PresentationJoomla Beginner Template Presentation
Joomla Beginner Template Presentation

Joomla templates change the design and layout of a site but not the content. Templates use CSS, HTML, PHP and images primarily but can also use other languages like JavaScript. Templates position modules and components on the page. Template designers can use free and commercial template design tools or code templates by hand. The basic building blocks of a Joomla template are the templateDetails.xml file, index.php file, CSS folder, and images folder.

MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch TutorialMongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial

Turbocharge your development efforts your with a "hands on" introduction to quickly building apps using the MongoDB database as a service offering known as Atlas and the serverless / REST based application development environment known as Stitch. We'll begin with a brief introduction to MongoDB, Atlas, and Stitch. You will learn about 3 real world examples of two day prototypes and rapid production cycles. You will then create your own free MongoDB Atlas database as a service cluster. Then you will write your first Stitch application to put data into your database and query data out of it. You will learn how to enhance your application with serverless stitch functions and triggers. At the end of the 90 minute session you will have a hands on experience and good grasp of how to write custom serverless applications with MongoDB.

mongodbmongodb.localmongodb stitch
One bundle breaker
Second bundle breaker
Third bundle breaker
Empty can be removed
One bundle breaker
Second bundle breaker
Empty can be removed
Cleaned and organized resources
Score after better resource concatenation
Dealing with static content cache
1. Import caching strategy
2. Add images that should have a long cache to the strong cache policy
3. Set strong policy cache to expire in 1 year

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The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...
The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...
The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...

Presentation given in WP Meetup in October 2019. Includes fresh new tips from summer/fall 2019! A Must read for all WordPress site owners and developers.

wordpresswebsite optimizationsoftware speed
Maximizing Optimizely Website Performance
Maximizing Optimizely Website PerformanceMaximizing Optimizely Website Performance
Maximizing Optimizely Website Performance

This document discusses best practices for optimizing Optimizely performance, including: 1. Implementing the Optimizely snippet synchronously before other tags to avoid flashing and integration issues. 2. Using a content delivery network to deliver the snippet for fast loading. 3. Understanding the order of execution for Optimizely experiments to ensure proper prioritization and evaluation. 4. Avoiding common issues that can cause flashing like using regular JavaScript in experiments.

Csdn Drdobbs Tenni Theurer Yahoo
Csdn Drdobbs Tenni Theurer YahooCsdn Drdobbs Tenni Theurer Yahoo
Csdn Drdobbs Tenni Theurer Yahoo

This document discusses techniques for improving web performance. It begins with research on how caching and cookies impact performance. It then outlines 14 rules for optimizing performance, such as making fewer HTTP requests, using content delivery networks, gzipping components, placing scripts at the bottom of pages, and avoiding redirects. Case studies demonstrate how following these rules can significantly improve page load times. The document emphasizes starting performance improvements by focusing on front-end optimizations and advocates evangelizing best practices.
Stable images that should be cached
Further optimizations
1. Optimize css
2. Optimize javascript
Optimize css

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SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital MarketersSearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers

We all know that site speed matters not only for users but also for search rankings. As marketers, how can we measure and improve the impact of site speed? Mat will cover a range of topics and tools, from the basic quick wins to some of the more surprising and cutting-edge techniques used by the largest websites in the world.

searchlovesearchlove san diegosite speed
Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal
Absolute Beginners Guide to DrupalAbsolute Beginners Guide to Drupal
Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal

This document summarizes a Drupal beginner training session. It introduces Drupal and content management systems. It discusses the Drupal business model, users, and history. It covers installing Drupal, the admin area, content and module workflows. It also summarizes setting up themes, views, panels, users, and favorite modules. The document emphasizes practicing Drupal skills and provides several resource links.

WordCamp Denmark Keynote
WordCamp Denmark KeynoteWordCamp Denmark Keynote
WordCamp Denmark Keynote

Frederick Townes presented on optimizing websites for performance. He discussed working backwards from user experience, prioritizing the largest issues. Factors that can improve performance include front-end and back-end optimization, reducing payload size, caching, optimizing databases and runtime, reducing workload, and using content delivery networks. Key metrics to measure include page load time, time to first byte, and time on site. Common cases like JavaScript optimization and recommended plugins were also covered.

Optimize css
Optimize css
Optimize css further reading
Optimize javascript

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This document provides tips and strategies for optimizing a website for search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses the importance of having a website and content for attracting visitors and customers. It then offers recommendations for technical SEO improvements that can be made, such as compressing pages to reduce load time, setting caching and expiration headers, redirecting IP addresses to domain names, minimizing external requests, hiding server signatures, adding meta tags and creating an XML sitemap. Specific implementations for these strategies using Nginx server configurations are also outlined. The overall goal is to make websites load faster, appear more relevant to search engines, and increase visitor and revenue numbers through improved SEO.

Monster JavaScript Course - 50+ projects and applications
Monster JavaScript Course - 50+ projects and applicationsMonster JavaScript Course - 50+ projects and applications
Monster JavaScript Course - 50+ projects and applications

Get this Course Portfolio builder loaded with projects and applications that you can use, extend on and enhance to add to your portfolio JUST GOT BIGGER - more updates to come - YOU FOUND IT Grow your portfolio - showcase what you can build with JavaScript Learn JavaScript have fun with interactive and dynamic web applications. Over 529 downloadable resources - 57 articles - 43+ hours on-demand video, 57 Sections Over 614 HD video lessons Over 51+ projects and web applications.  Projects can be used as started projects to extend and enhance.  All JavaScript focused. 4 downloadable ebook guides 200 pages and 3 x 60 pages - with code and resource links No libraries JUST JAVASCRIPT and JAVASCRIPT DOM This is the course you've been looking for.......... Everything you need to get started with JavaScript, expand your knowledge about using JavaScript, and more included. It’s arrived, and bigger than expected!!! For anyone who wants to supercharge their JavaScript learning - building and applying JavaScript to over 50 projects and challenges… this course is for YOU!!!! From JavaScript beginners to all levels, course is presented in a fun interactive format that will challenge you. Move through the lessons of the course as you want to learn them, variety of ways to benefit from it. Learn alongside, try before you see the solution, try after you view the solution. It’s up to you! Unique format for learning encouraging you to try the code. Of course source code is included in every step of the way. Most often asked for ARE PROJECTS - and this course delivers! Over 50 and will grow over time as more projects and challenges get added. You can select the projects you want to do or take them in order, it’s up to you. Loaded with games and so many mini projects guaranteed to help you learn more about JavaScript and DOM manipulation. All JavaScript code no libraries or short cuts. Explore how to apply JavaScript to create interactive and dynamic web content - that will impress your friends. Extend on the projects and add them to your portfolio, to showcase skills you have learned. Useful real world projects coded with simple JavaScript for developers of all levels. No better way to learn than to try the code and produce something fun and useful with it. Learn to create amazing things with JavaScript bringing your web content to life. This will keep you busy and provide you the opportunity to learn and experiment with code. Try it. All the projects are designed in a starter type format so that you can build on them and customize to make it your own. Portfolio Builder 50+ projects This course includes full introduction to coding with JavaScript, all core syntax and how to apply it to make things happen.  Create your own code - loaded with challenges and code snippets.

Site Manager rocks!
Site Manager rocks!Site Manager rocks!
Site Manager rocks!

Site Manager rocks! This presentation goes up to 11. Presentation I gave at the T44U conference in Dublin (12-13 November 2009).about our tops tips for using the Site Manager Web content management system ( Released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 UK: Scotland Licence.

t4site managert44u
Optimize javascript
Optimize javascript
Step 3: Document
Document - first steps
1. Why do we need a styleguide?
2. How to create a styleguide
3. How to automate the styleguide
4. How to maintain the styleguide

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The Need for Speed - SMX Sydney 2013
The Need for Speed - SMX Sydney 2013The Need for Speed - SMX Sydney 2013
The Need for Speed - SMX Sydney 2013

Talking about advanced performance optimization strategies at SMX Sydney 2013 covering request reduction & optimization, caching, mark-up tuning, database & webserver performance and much, much more!

site performancesite speedseo
EEA & Eau de Web Front-end add-ons - Plone conference 2023
EEA & Eau de Web Front-end add-ons - Plone conference 2023 EEA & Eau de Web Front-end add-ons - Plone conference 2023
EEA & Eau de Web Front-end add-ons - Plone conference 2023

This document summarizes various Volto add-ons created by EEA and Eau de Web for customizing the front-end of Plone sites. It describes add-ons for theming, widgets, layout/styling, data visualization, text editing, and other functionalities. Over 100 Volto add-ons are maintained in GitHub repositories and published to NPM. The add-ons are used to build websites like and provide features like maps, charts, footnotes, and metadata handling.

EEA Faceted Navigation and Plone 6.pdf
EEA Faceted Navigation and Plone 6.pdfEEA Faceted Navigation and Plone 6.pdf
EEA Faceted Navigation and Plone 6.pdf

The document discusses faceted navigation options for Plone 6 classic and Volto, including the EEA Faceted Navigation add-on. It provides information on installing, configuring, and contributing to the EEA Faceted Navigation add-on, which adds faceted browsing capabilities to Plone sites. The document also mentions other related packages and tools for faceted navigation and searching in Plone.

1. Why do we need a styleguide?
Why do we need a styleguide?
Why do we need a styleguide?
1. Having a living documentation of visual code
2. Provide a one stop place for anyone on the team to
reference it when a design element is needed
3. To provide consistency when system is made up
from several components made by different teams
We need a styleguide for:
Why do we need a styleguide?

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EEA Volto Add-ons - Plone Conference 2020
EEA Volto Add-ons - Plone Conference 2020EEA Volto Add-ons - Plone Conference 2020
EEA Volto Add-ons - Plone Conference 2020

Generic open Source Volto Add-ons developed by the European Environment Agency

Plone 6 / Volto Dexterity Content Types - Schema & Layout
Plone 6 / Volto Dexterity Content Types - Schema & LayoutPlone 6 / Volto Dexterity Content Types - Schema & Layout
Plone 6 / Volto Dexterity Content Types - Schema & Layout

This document discusses Dexterity content types in Plone 6/Volto. It covers defining content type schemas through the TTW schema editor, GenericSetup profiles, and behaviors. It also discusses defining page layouts through blocks, including custom block properties schemas and layout editor. The presenter is Alin Voinea from Eau de Web in Romania, and specializes in Plone, Volto, Python, and related tools.

Docker &amp; rancher
Docker &amp; rancherDocker &amp; rancher
Docker &amp; rancher

- Docker allows for OS-level virtualization of applications into lightweight isolated containers. Docker Hub is used to store and distribute Docker images. - Rancher provides tools for orchestrating Docker containers across multiple hosts. The Rancher Catalog allows deploying Dockerized applications in a standardized way using templates that prompt for configurable options. - The document discusses using Docker and Rancher together to build, deploy, manage and scale containerized applications both on a single host and across multiple hosts for production use.

2. Creating a styleguide
Creating a styleguide
1. Use a style guide generator - with automatic or manual templating
2. Create a manual page template as the styleguide
Automated styleguide generators
1. KSS -
2. StyleDoccu -
3. DocumentCSS -
4. Hologram -
Automated styleguide generator
1. Made with different languages requiring different technology stacks:
eg. PHP, Nodejs, Ruby
2. Only some tools will make a template out of the commented markup
3. Will not load the site css by default and you need to style the templates
4. You need to spend a lot of time to configure them with good defaults
5. They will not integrate with the site styles acting like a blackbox test
Disadvantages of automated styleguides:

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Continuous Delivery/Deployment w/ Gitflow, Docker, Jenkins and Rancher
Continuous Delivery/Deployment w/ Gitflow, Docker, Jenkins and RancherContinuous Delivery/Deployment w/ Gitflow, Docker, Jenkins and Rancher
Continuous Delivery/Deployment w/ Gitflow, Docker, Jenkins and Rancher

The document discusses continuous delivery and deployment using tools like Docker, Gitflow, and Jenkins. Continuous delivery provides benefits like getting features and bug fixes to production quickly, improving quality, and lowering costs. It presents how to use Gitflow for version control, Docker for containerization, and Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment through pipelines. The talk concludes that continuous delivery using these tools can result in better products, lower costs, and happier teams.

Faceted navigation in Plone 5
Faceted navigation in Plone 5Faceted navigation in Plone 5
Faceted navigation in Plone 5

Plone 5 Faceted Navigation is a library that provides faceted navigation and filtering capabilities for Plone. It is compatible with both Plone 4 and 5. It has dropped its dependency on Archetypes and uses zope.schema and z3c.form instead. The JavaScript and CSS resources used for faceted views and editing have been reorganized into bundles. It can be easily added to a Plone 5 Docker container. The library provides faceted widgets and views that can be configured through ZCML.

Docker and plone
Docker and ploneDocker and plone
Docker and plone

This document discusses using Docker to deploy and manage Plone CMS installations. It begins by explaining what Docker is and how it provides isolated, consistent environments. It then compares installing and running Plone without Docker versus with Docker. With Docker, the process is simplified and the same environment can be easily replicated. The document also covers developing Plone add-ons within Docker containers, debugging, managing data volumes, running ZEO clusters, extending Docker images, and using Docker Compose and Rancher for orchestration and continuous deployment.

Output of hologram after following readme
Manual styleguide how to
1. Use a page template that is added within site which anyone can use
2. Automate rendering of code examples
Manual styleguide how to
3. Automate the styleguide

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Plone and docker
Plone and dockerPlone and docker
Plone and docker

This document discusses how to run Plone, an open source content management system, using Docker. It provides information on Plone versions available as Docker images, how to run Plone 4 and 5 with Docker commands or Docker Compose files, and where to find the Docker images, source code, and support. Additional Plone add-ons can be included by specifying environment variables when running the Docker images.

Kotti CMS 101
Kotti CMS 101Kotti CMS 101
Kotti CMS 101

Kotti is a Python web application framework that provides a content management system. It is built on Pyramid and SQLAlchemy and aims to be lightweight, flexible, and developer-friendly compared to alternatives like Plone. Key features include built-in content types, user and workflow management, and integration with common Python packages like Bootstrap, Colander, and Deform. While smaller in scope than Plone, Kotti provides a simpler and more performant alternative for developing CMS applications.

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A short introduction to using the AngularJS framework to simplify development of complex JS powered edit interfaces

Filament Group X-ray js plugin
1. Automatically adds pre tags with the demo markup which avoid repetition
2. Can be used with Prism.js to provide syntax highlighting for the demo code
What it does:
4. Maintain the styleguide

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New EEA Plone Add-ons
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Maintain the styleguide
1. Make it easy to maintain by having it placed within
the site with the actual site styles loading
2. Make a habit of enforcing styleguide update every
time there is feature added
3. Look for ways of automating the styleguide through
styleguide generators
Advice for maintaining the styleguide:
Styleguides further reading:
Document - more steps
Document - more steps

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Data visualization in plone
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EEA DaViz is a plone product which uses Exhibit and Google Charts API to easily create data visualizations based on data from CSV/TSV, JSON, SPARQL endpoints and more. EEA DaViz is the first Semantic web data visualisation tool for Plone CMS, entirely web-based! Main features: - No desktop tools needed to make visualizations. all web based. - Data input: easy copy and paste of data table from any webpage or excel sheet - Data input: drag-and-drop your data from CSV/TSV files, and we do the rest - Data input advanced: retrieve data from any SPARQL endpoint on the fly - Intuitive visualization editor to create interactive charts. - Large amount of visualizations available: Area, Bar, Bubble, Candlestick, Column, Combo Chart, Gauge, Geo Intensity Maps, Line, Pie, Radar, Scatter, Stepped Area, Table, Tree Map, Motion Charts, Faceted search table, Faceted tiles, Faceted timeline, Faceted map and more... - Dashboard. Group charts into one dashboard. - Share any chart. Embeddable visualization in any webpage. - Customizable chart options and colors - Data table manipulation via drag and drop, preparing table for chart - Pivot table (Transpose), transform row values into columns - Modular framework for extending it with more visualizations - And much more...

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Free ad-supported streaming takes off! Dive into the projected surge of FAST channels & market size from 2024 to 2027.

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Step 4: Monitor
Monitor for regressions:
Automate performance tests with:
Monitor for regressions - psi:
Monitor for regressions - alt:

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The three duality theorems of fold.

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Connectors integrate Apache Kafka® with external data systems, enabling you to move away from a brittle spaghetti architecture to one that is more streamlined, secure, and future-proof. However, if your team still spends multiple dev cycles building and managing connectors using just open source Kafka Connect, it’s time to consider a faster and cost-effective alternative.
Final advice:
1. Measure your site performance periodically
2. Keep your styleguide up to date
3. Consider setting a performance budget
4. Focus on what matters the most to your users
Further reading:

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In this talk, we will explore strategies to optimize the success rate of storing and retaining new information. We will discuss scientifically proven ideal learning intervals and content structures. Additionally, we will examine how to create an environment that improves our focus while you remain in the “flow”. Lastly we will also address the influence of AI on learning capabilities. In the dynamic field of software development, this knowledge will empower you to accelerate your learning curve and support others in their learning journeys.

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