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Automation Demystified
Automation Demystified

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Technical Marketing is the Price of Admission
Technical Marketing is the Price of AdmissionTechnical Marketing is the Price of Admission
Technical Marketing is the Price of Admission

Mike King's HubSpot's Inbound 2015 talk about how technical skills are no longer optional for marketers.

ipullrankhubspottechnical marketing
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEOTechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO

Is there a state of technical SEO? Or is it simply a function of what’s happening with tech in broader disciplines like data/analytics, digital marketing, and web development? Join this session to get Mike King’s take on the state, or rather, statelessness of technical SEO. He’ll share the things you need to know to build an authentic picture of your technical SEO program and get on Google’s level.

technical seoseosearch engine optimization
The Pragmatic Future of Search
The Pragmatic Future of SearchThe Pragmatic Future of Search
The Pragmatic Future of Search

The document discusses the future of search and how businesses can capitalize on emerging search opportunities. It outlines that search is becoming more predictive, personalized and conversational through technologies like Google Assistant. It recommends that businesses create targeted, utility-driven content for specific audiences and contexts, use structured data to trigger featured snippets, ensure mobile-friendliness, integrate search marketing channels, and use tools like Google Search Console to measure search performance.

seosearch engine optimizationfuture
At MozCon my “Digital Body Language” talk was about how you could build a cost-effective customizable Marketing Automation platform and I built it and gave it away for free.
Automation Demystified
Automation Demystified
Automation Demystified

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SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOsSearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mike King | Developer Thinking for SEOs

Despite the huge shift to content marketing in recent years, the technical end of SEO has gotten increasingly complex and our tools are not keeping pace. As SEOs, we must develop strong working knowledge of the optimal usage of technology to get implementations accomplished. In this talk, Mike will walk through case studies, the impact of different technical implementations, and how to pull together small solutions when nothing on the shelf works for your needs.

Major Keys to Video Content Strategy
Major Keys to Video Content StrategyMajor Keys to Video Content Strategy
Major Keys to Video Content Strategy

This document provides a summary of key strategies for effective video content marketing. It emphasizes the importance of defining goals, understanding audiences through personas, researching appropriate channels, testing concepts, and gaining buy-in from stakeholders. Specific tips include using paid media to test videos, focusing on viewer engagement over views, aligning content with the user journey, and presenting ideas through compelling business cases backed by data and stories. The overall message is that success requires a holistic content strategy rather than isolated tactics.

The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King
 The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King   The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King
The Technical Seo Renaissance - Mike King

This document discusses the rise of technical SEO due to changes in web technologies like JavaScript, AngularJS, and ReactJS. It notes that search engines are now able to crawl sites rendered with JavaScript through headless browsers. It emphasizes the importance of log file analysis and ensuring sites are crawlable, including through proper prerendering setup. The document argues that technical SEO skills are now essential for SEO professionals due to the increased complexity of modern web development.

mike kingipullrankseo
Yep, just quoted myself.
Marketing automation is the cross-section of the skillsets that many of us already know and love.
According to a study by the Annuitas Group marketing automation helps you make it rain.
The Lenskold and Pedowitz Groups, 2013 Lead-Generation Marketing Effectiveness Study, Nov 2013 -

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Web Design for SEO
Web Design for SEOWeb Design for SEO
Web Design for SEO

This document provides tips for designing websites with SEO in mind. It discusses using personas and keyword research to understand user intent. The information architecture and content strategy should be mapped to semantic groups and keyword opportunities. Technical implementation includes ensuring images have alt text for accessibility, using responsive designs and standard meta data. Case studies demonstrate how this approach improved rankings and conversions for clients.

Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

seotechnical seoinbound
Modern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper
Modern Day Link Building by Jon CooperModern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper
Modern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper

The document discusses modern link building strategies and tactics. It provides tips on using tools like Ahrefs and Majestic for competitive analysis. It also recommends observing international and local markets for link opportunities. Specific tactics mentioned include targeting brand websites with review content, news sections for discounts, and sponsored sub-forums. The document also lists tools for tasks like getting link metrics, finding broken links, prioritizing opportunities, and prospecting for links.

seolink buildingjon cooper
I was thinking going back to Philly for the weekend and closed my browser. Then I got an email a few hours later telling me to complete my transaction.
I was thinking going back to Philly for the weekend and closed my browser. Then I got an email a few hours later telling me to complete my transaction.
Personalization has any number of applications, but it’s generally about highlighting what people are most likely to be interested in based on their user signals.
Automation Demystified

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SearchLove Boston 2016 | Emily Grossman | Mobile Jedi Mind Tricks: Master the...
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Emily Grossman | Mobile Jedi Mind Tricks: Master the...SearchLove Boston 2016 | Emily Grossman | Mobile Jedi Mind Tricks: Master the...
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Emily Grossman | Mobile Jedi Mind Tricks: Master the...

May the mobile force be with you! There have been some big changes in mobile SEO, and the tactics that helped you yesterday may be as useless as a Stormtrooper’s blaster tomorrow. Instead, tap into the secret and subversive force of mobile marketing. From app indexing to mobile-friendliness, to predictive search and AMP, this session will explain the new skills that are required to be a mobile marketing hero.

marketingdigital marketingmobile marketing
How to build simple web apps to automate your SEO tasks - BrightonSEO Spring ...
How to build simple web apps to automate your SEO tasks - BrightonSEO Spring ...How to build simple web apps to automate your SEO tasks - BrightonSEO Spring ...
How to build simple web apps to automate your SEO tasks - BrightonSEO Spring ...

Time to speed-up your SEO workflows! In this talk, I will show you how to: + Build simple Python Web apps to automate your tasks via the mighty Streamlit framework + Deploy them in one click and for free, so you can share them with your teammates (or the word!) I'll finish the talk with some exciting use cases!

seopythonweb analytics
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5

On this presentation we go deep on Chrome developer tools, JS debugger and breakpoints, technical optimization and capabilities of browser service workers to improve SEO and performance

javascriptseopage speed
Marketers believe that marketing automation is the best way to improve the ROI of Content Marketing.
86% of consumers believe that personalization has influenced what they purchased. 31% wish their shopping experience was more personalized.
According to Yahoo consumers believe that personalizing advertising is more relevant, memorable and engaging than general ads.
Industry adoption of marketing automation is still low. This is a great time to capitalize.

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How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent
How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam GentHow Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent
How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent

Google is constantly evolving and a webmaster’s ability to react to changes is key to any successful SEO campaign. However, what happens when you can’t get technical SEO recommendations over the line? This slideshow focuses on how you can be more Agile and implement technical SEO recommendations that add value.

digital marketingsearch engine optimizationsearch marketing
TechSEO Boost 2018: Research Competition
TechSEO Boost 2018: Research CompetitionTechSEO Boost 2018: Research Competition
TechSEO Boost 2018: Research Competition

Vincent Terrasi presented on building a machine learning model to predict webpage rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) with 92% reliability. The model analyzed data from SEMrush, Majestic, ScreamingFrog, OnCrawl, and Visiblis to identify the most important ranking factors for specific topics without human intervention. OVH was then able to instantly check if new webpages would rank first in Google or compare pages' predicted positions. Dan Taylor discussed utilizing Cloudflare Workers to implement technical SEO elements like Hreflang, redirects, and meta robots tags through serverless functions. Testing showed these could be deployed at scale with minimal DevOps while being detected by Google. However, workers

seotechnical seosearch engine optimization
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Larry Kim | Hacking RankBrain: Four Strategies You’l...
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Larry Kim | Hacking RankBrain: Four Strategies You’l...SearchLove Boston 2016 | Larry Kim | Hacking RankBrain: Four Strategies You’l...
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Larry Kim | Hacking RankBrain: Four Strategies You’l...

RankBrain debuted last year as Google's third most weighted ranking signal and is currently leveraged for obscure long tail queries. However as RankBrain is perfected and refined, it will likely be used on more queries and weighted more heavily, and even displace links and on-page SEO factors as Google’s #1 SEO ranking factor in the distant future: SEO judgement day. This session will reverse engineer how RankBrain actually works, exposing four critical vulnerabilities and share unusual, yet completely white-hat ways to benefit from future Rankbrain updates. The biggest SEO ranking factor shift of all time is underway, moving away from links and keywords towards Rankbrain user engagement signals. Attend this session if you want your rankings to live. Join the resistance today!

Automation Demystified
Automation Demystified
Automation Demystified
Automation Demystified

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SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First IndexSEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index

Google will switch to a mobile 1st index in 2018. This means a HUGE opportunity for anyone in digital. SEO, CRO, UX professionals can drive performance gains for clients by making sure this work is on the schedule NOW!

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Debugging rendering problems at scale
Debugging rendering problems at scaleDebugging rendering problems at scale
Debugging rendering problems at scale

BrightonSEO, July 2021 - To better understand a website's content search engines developed Web Rendering Services and are now able to render pages more or less like a normal user. Those Web Rendering Services are strictly connected to other phases of the crawling-indexing-ranking pipeline - if a rendering fails, it may affect all of them. In this session Giacomo will guide you through the process of understanding why rendering could be a problem also for non-Javascript pages, how to manually debug page rendering, the difference between understanding WRSs' capabilities and debugging problems on a website, and eventually how to test pages at scale.

web rendering servicessearch enginesseo
Persona Driven Keyword Research
Persona Driven Keyword ResearchPersona Driven Keyword Research
Persona Driven Keyword Research

The document discusses keyword research and strategies for understanding user intent. It provides tips for mapping keywords to user journeys and personas to gain deeper insights. Various tools for keyword research are also mentioned, including APIs that can be used to gather additional data without coding. Pivot charts and other visualizations are suggested to analyze keyword opportunities based on metrics like search volume and difficulty.

content marketingpersonaskeyword research
Alignment of content with user need states and key performance indicators is critical for measurement and effective marketing automation.
Marketing automation is the cross-section of the skillsets that many of us already know and love.
Automation Demystified
Automation Demystified

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The Technical SEO Renaissance
The Technical SEO RenaissanceThe Technical SEO Renaissance
The Technical SEO Renaissance

This document provides a summary of Michael King's presentation on the technical SEO renaissance. It discusses how SEO has evolved over time from basic tricks to a more technical focus as search engines have advanced. Key points include the growing importance of JavaScript, single page applications, HTTP headers, log file analysis, headless browsing, scraping techniques, content optimization using entities, internal linking structures, page speed optimizations, and preloading directives. The presentation argues that technical skills are now essential for SEOs to understand new developments and effectively optimize websites.

technical marketingseoadvanced seo
Seo Structure August 2012
Seo Structure August 2012Seo Structure August 2012
Seo Structure August 2012

The document discusses the components of an SEO structure. It outlines that SEO requires a long-term strategic plan to specify how to translate search strategy into execution. It also discusses pre-implementation status checks including on-page and off-page analysis as well as technical and social media audits. Finally, it discusses using web analytics tools like Google Analytics and Insights to measure the success of SEO efforts through metrics like organic clicks, impressions, and user behavior.

seo structureseo
Storytelling By Numbers
Storytelling By NumbersStorytelling By Numbers
Storytelling By Numbers

The document contains code snippets demonstrating basic PHP syntax including variables, arrays, conditional statements, loops and functions. It also shows examples of including external files, making API requests, and writing/reading CSV files. The code retrieves tweet count data from Twitter APIs and writes it to a CSV alongside URL data from another file.

data visualizationphpmarketing
I’ve spoken at length about personas, but in this case we can stop at segments rather than building actual personas, but they must be quantitative by identifiable metrics.
You’ll need to determine which channels you’ll want to be active in with this campaign so you can account for those activities with the right content and tagging. 
Organic Search 
Paid Search 
Organic Social 
With marketing automation you need to plan for cross-channel measurement with regard to KPIs and campaign tagging. In some case your campaign tags are also a trigger for automation. 
Share of Voice for Familiarity Keywords 
# Impressions for Familiarity Keywords 
# Impressions for Familiarity Creative 
# Impressions for Familiarity Creative 
# Impressions for Familiarity Creative 
# Impressions for Familiarity Creative 
Visits to Familiarity Native Placements 
Visits to Familiarity Content 
Open Rate 
Rankings for Familiarity Keywords 
CTR for Familiarity Keywords 
CTR for Familiarity Creative 
CTR for Familiarity Creative 
CTR for Familiarity Creative 
CTR for Familiarity Creative 
Social Shares of Familiarity Native Placements 
Time on Site for Familiarity Content 
# Impressions for Familiarity Keywords 
Quality Score for Familiarity Keywords 
Clicks of Familiarity Creative 
Clicks of Familiarity Creative 
Clicks of Familiarity Creative 
Clicks of Familiarity Creative 
Content Downloads 
# of Links to Familiarity Content 
CTR for Familiarity Keywords 
Visits from Familiarity Keywords 
Visits from Familiarity Creative 
Visits from Familiarity Creative 
Visits from Familiarity Creative 
Visits from Familiarity Creative 
Page Depth 
# of Referral Sources to Familiarity Content 
# URLs Receiving Traffic for Familiarity Content 
Content Downloads 
Content Downloads 
Content Downloads 
Content Downloads 
Content Downloads 
Content Downloads 
Page Depth 
# Visits to Familiarity Content 
Page Depth 
Page Depth 
Page Depth 
Social Shares of Familiarity Content 
Page Depth 
Page Depth 
Content Downloads 
Page Depth 
Page Depth
Marketing Automation user flows are largely not linear and can be cross-channel. In planning out MA you must identify specific flows that lead you believe will lead to conversion.

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Scaling Quality v1.3
Scaling Quality v1.3Scaling Quality v1.3
Scaling Quality v1.3

This document provides guidance on creating high quality content at scale for marketing success. It emphasizes the importance of content strategy and understanding audiences. Various tools are recommended for content planning, research, creation and measurement to ensure content meets audience needs and drives business goals. Resources like surveys, public data sets, and freelance platforms can be leveraged to develop audience insights and create compelling content.

content strategycontent marketingscale
Digital Team Structure: The Foundation for Innovation
Digital Team Structure: The Foundation for InnovationDigital Team Structure: The Foundation for Innovation
Digital Team Structure: The Foundation for Innovation

The document summarizes research on digital teams at non-profit organizations. It finds that most digital teams are small (1-2 people), located in communications departments, and rely heavily on contractors. Top roles include social media, strategy, and content production. Teams manage many online properties and social media channels but lack necessary staffing and skills. While social media efforts are considered effective, digital programs overall are only somewhat effective and underfunded. However, most organizations plan to increase digital spending next year, indicating recognition of the importance of digital.

michael silbermanntennptech
Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond
Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & BeyondKeeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond
Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on how marketers can keep up with Google in 2017 and beyond. It discusses 5 key things marketers must do: 1) diversify traffic sources to reduce reliance on Google, 2) create a scalable link building strategy with decreasing friction, 3) use searcher intent and changing SERP features to break through Google's results, 4) evolve keyword targeting to match Google's sophistication, and 5) focus on searcher engagement which may be a new key ranking factor. The presentation explores how Google is increasingly using machine learning and user data in its algorithms.

web marketingmozseo
Figure out the points within the user flow that you want to A/B or MV test for improvement. 
A/B test view layout. 
Multi-variate test copy options in plans.
Triggers can be user actions or attributes that will inform what features on the site or marketing experience needs to be toggled. Cross-channel these can be campaign tags or referrers. 
Time between visits 
Number of Page views 
Referral Channel 
User type 
User path 
Time on Site 
Form Submission 
Basically anything you can track or measure
The content needs to respond to a set of rules. You’ll need to determine those rules and then develop specific content 
Consideration Version 
Loyalty Version 
Awareness Version
Automation Demystified

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Inbound marketing kkverma
Inbound marketing kkvermaInbound marketing kkverma
Inbound marketing kkverma

Inbound marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on attracting customers through helpful and relevant content rather than interruptive ads. By creating content that addresses customer problems and needs, inbound marketing attracts qualified prospects and builds trust in the business. Key elements of inbound marketing include content marketing, driving traffic through search engine optimization and social media, marketing automation using tools like CRM and email marketing, as well as analytics to measure results.

inbound marketingsocial media marketinginternet marketing
Google analytics-seo-meetup
Google analytics-seo-meetupGoogle analytics-seo-meetup
Google analytics-seo-meetup

Presentation given by Mark Barrera at the Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Dallas Interactive Marketing & Internet SEO SEM Meetup

mark barreraseogoogle analytics

This document provides an introduction to marketing automation and outlines various targeting methods that can be used for automated campaigns. It discusses using contact behaviors like website interactions, form submissions, document views, and survey responses to dynamically segment audiences. Common data sources for segmentation include contact demographics, CRM data, and API integrations. The goal is to automate targeted communications that send the right message to the right person at the right time.

I’ve spoken at length about personas, but in this case we’ll likely have to focus on segments and cohorts rather than personas depending on what your platform setup can measure.
Using data from Towerdata you can append demographic and firmographic data to your mailing list or userbase based on email address.
You can do the same thing with FullContact although they focus primarily on the social media profiles of a given user
FullContact provides a sheet in Excel that will pull their data down without needing to code.

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Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Digital Marketing FundamentalsDigital Marketing Fundamentals
Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Digital marketing involves both paid and unpaid strategies. Paid strategies include pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Unpaid strategies involve search engine optimization (SEO) techniques like blog posts and link building. When developing a PPC campaign, businesses should conduct keyword research, analyze their target audience, create optimized landing pages, consider top competitors, and regularly test and improve their ad content. Ongoing analysis of PPC data from tools like Google Ads can provide insights to improve future campaigns. The goal is to bring new audiences to a company's website through effective PPC ads and high-quality website content.

moneymaker passive income be your own bossonline money rich sportscar big house
Google analytics and google data studio
Google analytics and google data studioGoogle analytics and google data studio
Google analytics and google data studio

This webinar introduces the basics of Google Analytics – from getting started and understanding how it works so you can get your website running with the powerful tools offered through Google Analytics. This webinar highlights the importance of using it for tracking of your website or marketing campaigns so you can make better informed decisions, understand your users, and use that data to provide a better digital experience. We will also explore how you can incorporate Google Data Studio with your Analytics for amazing interactive reports that are sure to impress any board meeting.

How to show impact with your content marketing:
How to show impact with your content marketing:How to show impact with your content marketing:
How to show impact with your content marketing:

The document discusses key metrics for measuring the impact of content marketing. It identifies three pillars - content optimization metrics like shares and comments, customer acquisition metrics like click-through rate and conversions, and subscriber audience metrics like subscribers and retention rate. It emphasizes the importance of showing impact to prove return on investment and secure business buy-in. It provides examples and best practices for tracking different metric types and calculating customer lifetime value and revenue attribution across marketing touchpoints.

You can get your API data directly in Excel with some VBA using Excel-REST.
You don’t have to be a coder to use APIs. Using Postman allows you to test out API calls with no code at all
Orange is a visual data mining tool that gives you powerful statistical analysis without requiring code or math.
K-means Clustering is …

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From Digital Analytics to Insight
From Digital Analytics to InsightFrom Digital Analytics to Insight
From Digital Analytics to Insight

From Digital Analytics to Insights: Data-Driven Decision Making & Changes in Consumer Trends to Effectively Develop Below-the-Line Campaigns / Guest speaking on Nov 25, 2015 at Asia Business Connect's Conference on "Effective Below-the-Line Marketing Strategies"

Website and seo for lead generation
Website and seo for lead generationWebsite and seo for lead generation
Website and seo for lead generation

When it comes to converting leads and making lasting impressions, your website is where the magic happens

Search Engine Optimization and Management
Search Engine Optimization and ManagementSearch Engine Optimization and Management
Search Engine Optimization and Management

The document discusses various topics related to search engine marketing and optimization including: 1) An overview of key areas of search marketing such as paid search, organic search, and landing page optimization. 2) Recent trends in search like video, social media, user-generated content, and blogs that marketers need to consider. 3) Best practices for paid search marketing including keyword research, bidding, analytics, and creative testing. 4) Organic search optimization techniques like keyword selection, content development, site architecture, and link building. 5) Recommendations for optimizing landing pages to improve conversion rates.
Use Open Refine (fka Google Refine) Make sure all the data types in your columns matches.
Use Open Refine (fka Google Refine) Make sure all the data types in your columns matches. 
In this case the N/A value must become a non-sensical value 1k-0k and the 0 value must be 0k-0k to ensure consistency
Use the K-Means clustering method of unsupervised learning to cluster your mailing list based on the features you collect from FullContact.
Automation Demystified

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Interview question & Answers for 3+ years experienced in Digital Marketing | ...
Interview question & Answers for 3+ years experienced in Digital Marketing | ...Interview question & Answers for 3+ years experienced in Digital Marketing | ...
Interview question & Answers for 3+ years experienced in Digital Marketing | ...

We are providing best interview question and answers who are having 3+ years experience in Digital Marketing. Hope these are helpful for you.

interview questions 3+ expert in digital marketingquestions for 3+ experienced in digital marketing
The Scalable Way: Unlocking Data To Drive Great Customer Experience and Conve...
The Scalable Way: Unlocking Data To Drive Great Customer Experience and Conve...The Scalable Way: Unlocking Data To Drive Great Customer Experience and Conve...
The Scalable Way: Unlocking Data To Drive Great Customer Experience and Conve...

Watch this webinar to understand how some of the leading Fortune 2000 organizations have built a robust and scalable process to turn data into insights, and to use insights to elevate their CX leading to drastically higher conversions and in turn Revenue/ROI.

by VWO
conversion rate optimizationconversion optimizationframework
Digital marketing Presentation
Digital marketing PresentationDigital marketing Presentation
Digital marketing Presentation

Digital marketing involves using online channels and strategies to promote a company's products and services. This includes building trust, growing client base, measuring success through digital campaigns, and providing greater flexibility. Search engine optimization is important as 80-90% of consumers find websites through search engines, with the top results receiving most clicks. SEO involves optimizing on-page and off-page factors to achieve high search rankings. Key factors search engines consider include keywords, links, content quality, and mobile friendliness. Social media marketing uses platforms like Facebook and Twitter to share content and build an online community to promote a brand.

Tribalytics allows you to cluster by features of Twitter followers.
In many cases user flows as seen to be within a given website whereas a journey map is an indication of a cross-channel experience. Build user flows that connect all of the cross- channel experiences.
This is how you achieve comprehensive alignment for marketing automation. 
Specifically align your channels, content and measurement with each of these phases and determine the triggers and user experience for each one
Identifying winning or losing paths in your analytics platform specifically by advanced segments is a quick way to figure out worthy user flows for automation.

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Traffic triggers
Traffic triggers Traffic triggers
Traffic triggers

It takes just 28 Days to build a profit pulling machine from the safety of your own home, even if you feel you lack the talent or skills needed to succeed...Plus what you create, Will Be PANDEMIC PROOF…

internet marketingaffiliate marketingmake money online
Advanced Keyword Research
Advanced Keyword ResearchAdvanced Keyword Research
Advanced Keyword Research

The document discusses ways to continue optimizing keywords after initial keyword research, including: 1) Analyzing site analytics like bounce rates to identify underperforming pages and keywords 2) Conducting competitive analysis of top competitors to find new keyword opportunities 3) Performing heuristic evaluations like talking to experts to gain insights beyond data

Daniel smulevich content analytics
Daniel smulevich   content analyticsDaniel smulevich   content analytics
Daniel smulevich content analytics

The document discusses setting up an effective analytics framework. It outlines eight key phases: 1) attributing traffic sources, 2) defining the sales funnel, 3) integrating data, 4) attributing conversions, 5) optimizing conversions, 6) segmenting prospects, 7) analyzing the post-purchase funnel, and 8) ongoing reporting. It emphasizes regularly analyzing data and taking action. The goal is to understand customer behavior and improve revenue. Setting up the right analytics framework requires auditing current data, developing a collection strategy, and ongoing reporting and analysis.

Depending on your user segmentation setup you’ll want to define values for the different actions. Your actions should align with your triggers. In this case we have segmentation of new visitors and repeat visitors. 
Website Visit 
From Search 
From Social 
From Referral 
Attend Webinar 
Content Download 
Mailing List Signup 
You can define your scoring range however you’d like, but this is a good schema to work within. 
<40 – Very Low Engagement; highly likely to not signup 
40-80 – Medium Engagement; most customers will contact you, but not signup 
80-100 – Highly Engaged; very high signup rate
Alternatively, the Google Tag Manager (see @MikeCP’s presentation) is much better for this. 
‘userEngagementEvents', // category of activity 
‘[insert name of engagement event here]', // Action 
Automation Demystified

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[Webinar] The Scalable Way: Unlocking Data To Drive Great Customer Experience...
[Webinar] The Scalable Way: Unlocking Data To Drive Great Customer Experience...[Webinar] The Scalable Way: Unlocking Data To Drive Great Customer Experience...
[Webinar] The Scalable Way: Unlocking Data To Drive Great Customer Experience...

Watch this webinar to understand how some of the leading Fortune 2000 organizations have built a robust and scalable process to turn data into insights, and to use insights to elevate their CX leading to drastically higher conversions and in turn Revenue/ROI.

by VWO
dataconversion optimizationmarketing
10 Easy Ways to Measure the Impact of Your Content
10 Easy Ways to Measure the Impact of Your Content10 Easy Ways to Measure the Impact of Your Content
10 Easy Ways to Measure the Impact of Your Content

Marketers have in many instances become adept at producing content, measuring the effectiveness of B2B content remains a challenge.How do you know if your content initiatives are effective? With this in mind, here are a few important metrics that can help determine whether your content marketing efforts are being effective, as well as some tips to improve their effectiveness.

measureimpactetailing india
NetCentered Marketing
NetCentered MarketingNetCentered Marketing
NetCentered Marketing

In this presentation, you will learn the components critical to an integrated web and online marketing strategy.

cirrus absmarketing strategyelement three
Your content strategy should specifically speak to the specific segment’s need at this particular phase and touchpoint and how you’ll address that need to move them through the funnel.
Each channel and touchpoint is different and may require a different tone. You must define that tone to ensure it resonates with the target segment. Check out MailChimp’s
You’ll need to define the requirements for the content that will be created for this specific touchpoint and phase. Be mindful that a given page may have multiple options based on the user’s features and actions.
Automation Demystified

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50 Good ideas for chasing, catching, and holding on to Google's page 1
50 Good ideas for chasing, catching, and holding on to Google's page 150 Good ideas for chasing, catching, and holding on to Google's page 1
50 Good ideas for chasing, catching, and holding on to Google's page 1

This document provides 50 ideas for search engine optimization and marketing strategies. Some of the key ideas discussed include using keywords and keyphrases to optimize pages, linking to and from other credible sites, analyzing visitor data to develop targeted content and campaigns, creating blogs and social media profiles to build authority, and testing different messaging and designs. The overall strategies aim to engage visitors and move them through the conversion funnel.

web developmentdrip marketingmarketing
Growth Hacking
Growth HackingGrowth Hacking
Growth Hacking

This document provides an introduction to growth hacking strategies. It discusses what growth hacking is, which is a data-driven approach to growing a user base through testing and optimization. It outlines the lean marketing funnel framework of acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. It also provides recommendations for setting up analytics tools to measure experiments and optimize the user experience and funnel. Finally, it discusses tactics like A/B testing, creating landing pages, and inbound marketing that are part of the growth hacking approach.

growth hacking
Core Web Vitals and Your Search Rankings
Core Web Vitals and Your Search Rankings Core Web Vitals and Your Search Rankings
Core Web Vitals and Your Search Rankings

This document discusses Core Web Vitals and their importance to search engine rankings. It begins by introducing Core Web Vitals and their measurement metrics. It then explains how page speed has long been a ranking factor for Google, especially on mobile. The document dives into details on each Core Web Vital metric and how sites can optimize to improve scores. It also summarizes a study that found the vast majority of sites had poor Core Web Vitals scores prior to the Page Experience update rollout. The document stresses the importance of page speed and stability to users and search engines.

seoseo servicesadvanced seo
Since keywords are gone from the referrer in Organic and Paid Search you can only make changes to the overall experience based on the channel and landing page combination. 
Landing Page 
Associated Keywords
Based on the campaign tagging in links from the email you can identify the nurture track and use these variables to trigger additional experiences. 
Campaign Tag 
Link Clicked 
Landing Page 
Nurture Track Id
Creative ID 
Referral Source 
Campaign ID 
Landing Page
Creative ID 
Referral Source 
Campaign ID 
Cookie Placement URL 
Landing Page

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Using Tags & Taxonomies to super charge your eCommerce SEO
Using Tags & Taxonomies to super charge your eCommerce SEOUsing Tags & Taxonomies to super charge your eCommerce SEO
Using Tags & Taxonomies to super charge your eCommerce SEO

Using tags and taxonomies can supercharge ecommerce SEO. Properly labeling products and categorizing them allows for (1) better targeting of long-tail keywords, (2) improved internal linking to distribute PageRank, and (3) helping Google's crawlers discover content more efficiently. Key recommendations include designing three-level categorization for products and using tags to link diverse products. Automating recommendations and dynamic linking based on tags and attributes can further boost performance.

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A discussion of how to build content pipelines and workflows in support of Content Strategy that yields better Content Marketing

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iPullRank Webinar - Automated Testing For SEO With Hamlet Batista
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iPullRank Webinar - Automated Testing For SEO With Hamlet Batista

Welcome to iPullRank's Webinar featuring Hamlet Batista to discuss the topic "Automated Testing for SEO." With so many cooks in the kitchen on any development project, it’s incredibly difficult as an SEO to know everything that is going on to troubleshoot what could go wrong. Automated Testing is a way to put some safeguards in place so that if anything new in your code is rolled out, it doesn’t break something that previously existed in the code, like some previous functionality or something to that effect. In this webinar, we will be touching on important topics such as: -- What is automated testing and why is it important -- The different types of automated testing -- Different automated testing tools -- Expert insights by Mike & Hamlet Signup for our expert newsletter here:

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Post ID 
Referral Source 
Landing Page 
Campaign Tag
There are any number of tools out there for marketing automation. It depends on your requirements and business goals what you should use.
Automation Demystified
Many of the marketing automation tools integrate with other data providers and give you high level dashboards.

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iPullRank Webinar - Forecasting and Calculating ROI for SEO
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iPullRank Webinar - Forecasting and Calculating ROI for SEO

Aligning value to SEO starts with calculating the return on investment, or ROI. By taking the cost of investment into account, it’s easier to calculate the impact SEO efforts make on the bottom line. In this webinar, we will be diving into why it's important to forecast and calculate ROI for SEO, and how to do so. Because calculating ROI for SEO isn’t as simple as it is for other marketing channels, it’s normal for businesses to value alternative marketing efforts over SEO. Important topics we will be covering include: -- The Importance of ROI for SEO -- How to Forecast SEO ROI -- How to Measure SEO Performance -- How to Calculate SEO ROI

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iPullRank Webinar - Navigating Black Friday in COVID-19
iPullRank Webinar - Navigating Black Friday in COVID-19iPullRank Webinar - Navigating Black Friday in COVID-19
iPullRank Webinar - Navigating Black Friday in COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic changed e-commerce and consumer behavior for good, and businesses need to adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive. In this webinar, we will be diving into the changes within the e-commerce space and how brands should prepare for Black Friday and the upcoming holiday season. Raj Nijjer, VP of Brand Marketing at one of the most successful e-commerce marketing platform, Yotpo, will be joining us to provide valuable insights on how to better approach Black Friday SEO. In this webinar, we will be touching base on topics such as: -- Predicting the Holiday Season -- How the pandemic will impact brick and mortar stores -- Will we see a big increase in online sales compared to the start of the pandemic? -- and MORE Signup for our expert newsletter here:

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iPullRank Webinar - Planning SEO for 2021 iPullRank Webinar - Planning SEO for 2021
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Good SEO takes preparation and should not be approached as some sort of last ditch effort. It's time you start thinking about how you should plan your SEO strategies for 2021. Important topics we will be covering include: -- Why should we start planning SEO for 2021 -- The current SEO climate -- SEO trends we expect to continue into 2021 -- How to effectively plan SEO for 2021

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Undoubtedly, you’ll want a more complete picture of metrics in your dashboards and Klipfolio makes it easy to pull all the data together with APIs.
Most of the data sources we as SEOs use are already pre-baked and those that aren’t are easily set up with no coding.
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There are lead intelligence and marketing automation tools galore.

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Augur is the closest thing out there to what I’ve built. I’ve spoken to the Founder, he’s incredibly smart and has some features that are well beyond Quantum Lead.
If you’re on Wordpress I suggest LeadIn for capturing your leads, forms and user paths easily.
With Augur, LeadIn and a developer you could potentially build everything you else you’ll get out of these other tools.
These are likely the more familiar marketing automation platforms, but none of them offers a “perfect solution.”

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Personas: Understanding the User Behind the Visit

The document contains scripts for tracking analytics from Google and DoubleClick. It also contains code for setting custom variables, including setting a user segment variable. The document provides demographic information about a user, "Dinky Danny", including age range, location, gender, and affinity segments related to travel and health/fitness. It also contains brief text fragments about Smurfs.

Content Optimization Master Class - Matt Raven
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Content Optimization Master Class - Matt Raven

Foundations in Content Optimization: How to Optimize Your Content to Fuel Organic Traffic Growth A highly tactical introduction to best practices in optimizing your owned content to drive sustainable (and converting) organic traffic. In this Master Class, we'll cover everything from identifying the right keywords to use to how to strategically apply them to your content strategy to generate ROI. Key Takeaways: - A breakdown of key content-related factors Google and other Search Engines use when ranking content. - Understand the basics of keyword research and where to begin. - Learn how to apply those keyword learnings to optimize your content strategy and owned assets to maximize their organic visibility. - Learn what to measure to articulate ROI and feed back into your strategy.

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Mintigo is a very interesting solution for predictive analytics and lead scoring that plugs into these platforms.
Personyze has similar drag drop pesonalization functionality to Optimizely and Monetate, but a much lower price tag.
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Explore the dynamic landscape of social media marketing in 2024 with our comprehensive presentation. Delve into the top 10 advantages and disadvantages that digital marketers face in leveraging social media platforms. Understand the opportunities for growth, engagement, and brand visibility, as well as the challenges and potential pitfalls that come with navigating the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. This presentation will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for maximizing the benefits of social media marketing while mitigating its drawbacks, tailored specifically for the needs of Markonik.

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Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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CampusEdge offers a comprehensive suite of tools including financial management, human resources, student information, and more. It promotes streamlined processes and data integration. Enhanced efficiency and productivity through automation, data centralization, and real-time insights. Improved decision-making based on accurate data and analytics. Allows for seamless scalability to adapt to the changing needs of educational institutions. Enables consolidation of various functions into a single platform. Initial planning and assessment of requirements. Configuration and customization of the software to fit the institution's unique structure and processes. Comprehensive training programs for staff to ensure effective utilization. Phased deployment strategy to minimize disruptions.

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Automation Demystified

  • 5. At MozCon my “Digital Body Language” talk was about how you could build a cost-effective customizable Marketing Automation platform and I built it and gave it away for free.
  • 10. Marketing automation is the cross-section of the skillsets that many of us already know and love.
  • 11. According to a study by the Annuitas Group marketing automation helps you make it rain.
  • 12. The Lenskold and Pedowitz Groups, 2013 Lead-Generation Marketing Effectiveness Study, Nov 2013 -
  • 13. I was thinking going back to Philly for the weekend and closed my browser. Then I got an email a few hours later telling me to complete my transaction.
  • 14. I was thinking going back to Philly for the weekend and closed my browser. Then I got an email a few hours later telling me to complete my transaction.
  • 15. Personalization has any number of applications, but it’s generally about highlighting what people are most likely to be interested in based on their user signals.
  • 17. Marketers believe that marketing automation is the best way to improve the ROI of Content Marketing.
  • 18. 86% of consumers believe that personalization has influenced what they purchased. 31% wish their shopping experience was more personalized.
  • 19. According to Yahoo consumers believe that personalizing advertising is more relevant, memorable and engaging than general ads.
  • 20. Industry adoption of marketing automation is still low. This is a great time to capitalize.
  • 25. Alignment of content with user need states and key performance indicators is critical for measurement and effective marketing automation.
  • 26. Marketing automation is the cross-section of the skillsets that many of us already know and love.
  • 29. I’ve spoken at length about personas, but in this case we can stop at segments rather than building actual personas, but they must be quantitative by identifiable metrics.
  • 30. You’ll need to determine which channels you’ll want to be active in with this campaign so you can account for those activities with the right content and tagging. Organic Search      Paid Search      Referral      Email      Organic Social     
  • 31. With marketing automation you need to plan for cross-channel measurement with regard to KPIs and campaign tagging. In some case your campaign tags are also a trigger for automation. Share of Voice for Familiarity Keywords # Impressions for Familiarity Keywords # Impressions for Familiarity Creative # Impressions for Familiarity Creative # Impressions for Familiarity Creative # Impressions for Familiarity Creative Visits to Familiarity Native Placements Visits to Familiarity Content Open Rate Rankings for Familiarity Keywords CTR for Familiarity Keywords CTR for Familiarity Creative CTR for Familiarity Creative CTR for Familiarity Creative CTR for Familiarity Creative Social Shares of Familiarity Native Placements Time on Site for Familiarity Content Opens # Impressions for Familiarity Keywords Quality Score for Familiarity Keywords Clicks of Familiarity Creative Clicks of Familiarity Creative Clicks of Familiarity Creative Clicks of Familiarity Creative Content Downloads # of Links to Familiarity Content CTR CTR for Familiarity Keywords Visits from Familiarity Keywords Visits from Familiarity Creative Visits from Familiarity Creative Visits from Familiarity Creative Visits from Familiarity Creative Page Depth # of Referral Sources to Familiarity Content Unsubscribes # URLs Receiving Traffic for Familiarity Content Content Downloads Content Downloads Content Downloads Content Downloads Content Downloads - Content Downloads Page Depth # Visits to Familiarity Content Page Depth Page Depth Page Depth Social Shares of Familiarity Content Page Depth - Page Depth - Content Downloads - - - Page Depth - - - - Page Depth
  • 32. Marketing Automation user flows are largely not linear and can be cross-channel. In planning out MA you must identify specific flows that lead you believe will lead to conversion.
  • 33. Figure out the points within the user flow that you want to A/B or MV test for improvement. A/B test view layout. Multi-variate test copy options in plans.
  • 34. Triggers can be user actions or attributes that will inform what features on the site or marketing experience needs to be toggled. Cross-channel these can be campaign tags or referrers. Time between visits Number of Page views Clicks Referral Channel User type User path Time on Site Form Submission Basically anything you can track or measure
  • 35. The content needs to respond to a set of rules. You’ll need to determine those rules and then develop specific content Consideration Version Loyalty Version Awareness Version
  • 37. I’ve spoken at length about personas, but in this case we’ll likely have to focus on segments and cohorts rather than personas depending on what your platform setup can measure.
  • 38. Using data from Towerdata you can append demographic and firmographic data to your mailing list or userbase based on email address.
  • 39. You can do the same thing with FullContact although they focus primarily on the social media profiles of a given user
  • 40. FullContact provides a sheet in Excel that will pull their data down without needing to code.
  • 41. You can get your API data directly in Excel with some VBA using Excel-REST.
  • 42. You don’t have to be a coder to use APIs. Using Postman allows you to test out API calls with no code at all
  • 43. Orange is a visual data mining tool that gives you powerful statistical analysis without requiring code or math.
  • 44. K-means Clustering is …
  • 45. Use Open Refine (fka Google Refine) Make sure all the data types in your columns matches.
  • 46. Use Open Refine (fka Google Refine) Make sure all the data types in your columns matches. In this case the N/A value must become a non-sensical value 1k-0k and the 0 value must be 0k-0k to ensure consistency
  • 47. Use the K-Means clustering method of unsupervised learning to cluster your mailing list based on the features you collect from FullContact.
  • 49. Tribalytics allows you to cluster by features of Twitter followers.
  • 50. In many cases user flows as seen to be within a given website whereas a journey map is an indication of a cross-channel experience. Build user flows that connect all of the cross- channel experiences.
  • 51. This is how you achieve comprehensive alignment for marketing automation. Specifically align your channels, content and measurement with each of these phases and determine the triggers and user experience for each one
  • 52. Identifying winning or losing paths in your analytics platform specifically by advanced segments is a quick way to figure out worthy user flows for automation.
  • 53. Depending on your user segmentation setup you’ll want to define values for the different actions. Your actions should align with your triggers. In this case we have segmentation of new visitors and repeat visitors. Website Visit From Search 10 10 From Social 3 5 From Referral 3 5 Pageview 1 2 Attend Webinar 10 10 Content Download 15 15 Mailing List Signup 15 15
  • 54. You can define your scoring range however you’d like, but this is a good schema to work within. <40 – Very Low Engagement; highly likely to not signup 40-80 – Medium Engagement; most customers will contact you, but not signup 80-100 – Highly Engaged; very high signup rate
  • 55. Alternatively, the Google Tag Manager (see @MikeCP’s presentation) is much better for this. _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', ‘userEngagementEvents', // category of activity ‘[insert name of engagement event here]', // Action ]);
  • 57. Your content strategy should specifically speak to the specific segment’s need at this particular phase and touchpoint and how you’ll address that need to move them through the funnel.
  • 58. Each channel and touchpoint is different and may require a different tone. You must define that tone to ensure it resonates with the target segment. Check out MailChimp’s
  • 59. You’ll need to define the requirements for the content that will be created for this specific touchpoint and phase. Be mindful that a given page may have multiple options based on the user’s features and actions.
  • 61. Since keywords are gone from the referrer in Organic and Paid Search you can only make changes to the overall experience based on the channel and landing page combination. Landing Page Associated Keywords
  • 62. Based on the campaign tagging in links from the email you can identify the nurture track and use these variables to trigger additional experiences. Campaign Tag Link Clicked Landing Page Nurture Track Id
  • 63. Creative ID Referral Source Campaign ID Landing Page
  • 64. Creative ID Referral Source Campaign ID Cookie Placement URL Landing Page
  • 65. Post ID Referral Source Landing Page Campaign Tag
  • 66. There are any number of tools out there for marketing automation. It depends on your requirements and business goals what you should use.
  • 68. Many of the marketing automation tools integrate with other data providers and give you high level dashboards.
  • 69. Undoubtedly, you’ll want a more complete picture of metrics in your dashboards and Klipfolio makes it easy to pull all the data together with APIs.
  • 70. Most of the data sources we as SEOs use are already pre-baked and those that aren’t are easily set up with no coding.
  • 72. There are lead intelligence and marketing automation tools galore.
  • 73. Augur is the closest thing out there to what I’ve built. I’ve spoken to the Founder, he’s incredibly smart and has some features that are well beyond Quantum Lead.
  • 74. If you’re on Wordpress I suggest LeadIn for capturing your leads, forms and user paths easily.
  • 75. With Augur, LeadIn and a developer you could potentially build everything you else you’ll get out of these other tools.
  • 76. These are likely the more familiar marketing automation platforms, but none of them offers a “perfect solution.”
  • 77. Mintigo is a very interesting solution for predictive analytics and lead scoring that plugs into these platforms.
  • 78. Personyze has similar drag drop pesonalization functionality to Optimizely and Monetate, but a much lower price tag.