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5 Phases of Startup Growth
5 Phases of Startup Growth

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Zero to 50m
Zero to 50m Zero to 50m
Zero to 50m

There are seven key stages in a startup’s evolution from $0m to $50m in revenue. Understanding where you are in that evolution, and how to act at each stage is critical for success, as what is appropriate at one stage is not appropriate at another stage. David will lay out the roadmap, and detail the keys to success at each stage. The talk is aimed at technical/product founders plus their sales, marketing & product executives who are responsible for the go-to-market strategy for their company.

saassaas sales & marketingstartup
Building a Repeatable, Scalable & Profitable Growth Process
Building a Repeatable, Scalable & Profitable Growth ProcessBuilding a Repeatable, Scalable & Profitable Growth Process
Building a Repeatable, Scalable & Profitable Growth Process

The document discusses optimizing the sales funnel for SaaS startups. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the buyer's perspective and journey. The key points covered are: 1) The sales funnel should be designed around the buyer's process, not the vendor's solutions. It is important to understand buyer personas and map the funnel steps to their evaluation process. 2) Friction points in the funnel like long delays or steps requiring other people can drastically reduce conversion. These points should be identified and removed or simplified when possible. 3) The goal is to create a "wow moment" or motivation for the buyer to continue engaging as early as possible. This may require redesigning trial experiences to quickly

saassaas metricssaas sales & marketing
Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head
Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's HeadOptimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head
Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head

Part of finding product/market fit is turning early wins into repeatable, scalable, and profitable sales. In this talk given as part of the Heavybit speaker series, I discuss how to shorten the time to customer conversion from trials, freemium and open source products.

• Get to problem/solution fit
• Build your MVP
• Don’t be too minimum, or it’s
probably not viable
• Study the Lean Startup framework and apply it to your discovery
• Conduct problem/solution fit interviews like crazy.
• Run demand tests with landing pages/ads or crowdfunding
• Use learnings to define/refine your MVP.
• Iterate as new information flows in.
2. MVP
• Learn what people want
• Prove demand/need
• Keep risk/burn low
• Build your MVP
• Instrument product for visibility into usage
• Conduct ongoing user feedback
• Iterate to improve retention
• Invest in growth to prove retention and initial flow of users, not
looking to scale

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The 1 Week Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
The 1 Week Minimum Viable Product (MVP)The 1 Week Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
The 1 Week Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The document discusses different types of minimum viable products (MVPs) that can be used to validate ideas with users without extensive coding, design, or financial risk. It provides examples of low-fidelity MVPs like interviews, paper sketches, mockups, landing pages, and concierge MVPs. It also discusses higher-fidelity options like video and crash test MVPs, noting you can get user feedback without fully building the product. The overall process of creating a vision, running experiments, creating MVPs, and incorporating feedback is summarized.

lean startupmvp
Funding Strategies to Go the Distance
Funding Strategies to Go the DistanceFunding Strategies to Go the Distance
Funding Strategies to Go the Distance

This document provides an overview of funding strategies for startups to sustain long-term growth. It discusses various funding sources like angels, accelerators, venture capital and alternatives. The key stages in raising funds from VCs are outlined, from initial research and connecting with investors to diligence and negotiations. Important questions for startups to consider around their funding needs, wants and optimal raise amount are also covered. Valuation factors and the importance of proving milestones to support higher valuations are emphasized. The overall message is that startups need a strategic approach to securing adequate capital on favorable terms.

Building a Growth Model to Drive Your Startup
Building a Growth Model to Drive Your StartupBuilding a Growth Model to Drive Your Startup
Building a Growth Model to Drive Your Startup

The document discusses building a growth model to understand and drive business growth. It defines growth as typically growing the active customer/user base or what drives business value. A growth model identifies key metrics like number of sales or subscribers, adds additional context metrics, and models the drivers and growth loops that impact the key metric. This includes paid, viral, sticky, and content-based growth engines. The document provides examples and emphasizes reviewing the model weekly to prioritize growth efforts.

growthgrowth marketingacquisition
• Must Have Score > 40%
• Pass the Sam Altman test
• Measure Net Promoter Score
(NPS) – benchmark it
• Stable, sustainable retention
Sean Ellis Startup Pyramid
• PM Growth
• Analyst / Data Scientist
• Growth Engineer
• Digital Marketers
• Specialist(s)
Zuckerberg poses with some of his deputies at Antonio’s Nut House in Palo
Alto, a popular staff hangout:Chamath Palihapitya, vice president for growth,
mobile and international; Zuckerberg; Mike Schroepfer, vice president of
engineering; Jonathan Heiliger, vice president of technical operations; Chris
Cox,vice president of product.
• Ideate: Unbridled idea
• Prioritize: Focus on Impact
• Test: Rapid experimentation
• Analysis: Applicable learning
What do your users think you’ve built for them?
Store Your Photos Share Your Photos
Find a Date Help Friends Find a Date
Source: James Currier

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David Skok and Stephanie Friedman host the Zero to 100 podcast focused on helping B2B startups find predictable, repeatable, and profitable growth. The podcast covers topics like building a repeatable sales process, funnel design, sales operations, and turning theory into practice. The event agenda includes sessions on founder-led selling, building a sales organization, forecasting, and the role of the CEO in scaling a business. Attendees can ask questions using the question system.

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The document provides an overview of growth hacking fundamentals. It begins by defining growth hacking as a process-driven approach focused on rapid experimentation to drive product growth, rather than just tactics or user acquisition. It discusses when growth hacking is most applicable and examples of common growth drivers like user acquisition, activation, referral, and retention. The document concludes by outlining the typical growth hacking process of identifying metrics to optimize, developing hypotheses, running experiments, analyzing results, and systematizing learnings.

startupsgrowth hackingentrepreneurship
• Build Desire, Reduce Friction
• Maximize % of users who get
to must-have experience
• Understand motivators and
hurdles to improve
• Identify where your
customers are (and where
your competition isn’t)
• Ask “How does what I offer
map to channel experience?”
• Do things that don’t scale
• Test for signal, double down
on what works
• Keep searching
• Hire channel specialists to
ramp growth
• Increase experimentation
• Seek out high impact
• Keep close eye on core
• Horizontal and vertical
expansion opportunities
• Identifying new channels that
require scale or specialization
• M&A
• Incremental and high-impact

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Growth Hacking
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Growth Hacking

Growth hacking is a marketing technique used by startups that focuses on creativity, data analysis, and social metrics to gain customers and exposure. It involves rapidly testing ideas through prototypes and measuring results to iterate quickly. Some key aspects of growth hacking include having an awesome product, thinking creatively, understanding viral growth loops, seeking major changes not just improvements, and being prepared to fail many times. Successful growth hacking examples include LinkedIn allowing public profiles to boost search engine results, YouTube making it easy to embed videos, and Airbnb contacting people with listings on Craigslist. Qualities of a good growth hacker include problem-solving skills, ambition, understanding users, discipline, coding ability, and bravery in testing bold ideas.

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Growth Hacking for Startups
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Growth Hacking for Startups

Andy Young discusses growth hacking strategies for startups. He defines growth hacking as experiment-driven marketing to achieve measurable, repeatable and scalable growth. Some key growth hacking tactics include SEO, content marketing, performance marketing, conversion optimization, viral loops and strategic pricing. He emphasizes the importance of testing ideas with customers pre-launch, focusing on key metrics, prioritizing high-impact areas of the customer funnel like top-of-funnel acquisition and bottom-of-funnel conversion and retention, and continually experimenting to optimize growth.

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LEAN STARTUP LIFECYCLE: 5 Stages in the Evolution of Billion Dollar $tartups
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LEAN STARTUP LIFECYCLE: 5 Stages in the Evolution of Billion Dollar $tartups

This presentation builds on Steve Blank's three stage model for the evolution of scalable startups. Steve Blank's three stages are Startup, Transition, and Company. The above "Lean Startup Lifecycle" includes these three stages as well as illustrates other ideas such as Problem-Solution Fit, Product-Market Fit, and Business Model Fit/Scaling. Unlike in Steve Blank's approach, the Lean Startup Lifecycle presents the OTHER Loop as tool for solving novel (emergent) and routine (deliberate) problems when building a scalable startup. The Lean Startup Lifecycle can be used as a descriptive tool to comprehensively explain the evolution of scalable startups as well as a prescriptive tool or roadmap for guiding the development of scalable startups or Billion Dollar Companies. The Lean Startup Lifecycle posits that every Billion Dollar $tartup goes through forms in its lifecycle: Adaptive Startup; Shaping Startup; Transition; Visionary Company; Classic Company.


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My invited talk at SAP Startup Studio on Aug 11. The talk was part of the Inspire Us series at the startup studio and was well attended by SAP employees as well as the startups.

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Time to Wow! and Buyer-centric Funnel Design
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The document provides guidance on optimizing a company's sales funnel by taking a buyer-centric approach. It recommends mapping the buyer's decision process and addressing all their decision criteria and concerns at each step. Key strategies include removing friction points, adding motivators, and testing for problems through the lens of the buyer's experience. The goal is to design a funnel that delights buyers and keeps them motivated to continue engaging with the sales process.

Go-to-Market Best Practices for Startups
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Go-to-Market Best Practices for Startups

Looking to scale something up? Depending on how you're going after your market/ acquiring users, you may need to build a sales organization that's optimized for a top-down or bottom-up sales process (or perhaps both). Watch the video overview at and then check out this slide deck, which shares some concrete tips and tools for accelerating time to market -- from the go-to-market experts at a16z, led by 'sales savant' Mark Cranney. Because selling to enterprises is a lot like getting a bill passed through Congress: it can get stuck. And getting stuck -- or going down the wrong path -- can mean death to startups in a competitive market. Here's how to avoid that.

by a16z
demand generationfield salestime to market
@morganb @morganb180 /in/morganb

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The document discusses different types of entrepreneurial ventures and the entrepreneurs suited for each. It categorizes ventures as revolutionary, niche, propagators of new technology, hustle/speculative deals ventures. For each type it provides the characteristics, examples, competencies and skills required of entrepreneurs pursuing each type of venture. It also provides sample exam questions related to understanding different types of entrepreneurs and competencies needed.

Lean Startup 101
Lean Startup 101Lean Startup 101
Lean Startup 101

Phil Dillard, Black Ant, @PhilD0210 The objective of the Lean Startup 101 training is to introduce the concepts, terminology and approaches — and, to help organizations overcome resistance accepting the new approach so that exploration and learning can begin. This practical, interactive session will provide a solid foundation for advanced sessions, including the Lean Startup 201 & 301. This training is designed for practitioners in both the enterprise and in startups who are relatively new to the Lean Startup approach or who are seeking a quick refresher. Lean Startup 101 is a perfect way to kick off your week of Lean Startup! Thanks to Lean Startup Co.’s law firm, Orrick, for being the sponsor for this track.

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You Should Stop Looking for Venture Capital
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Perhaps the adage is true: We want what we can’t have. And yet it can be argued that your chances of success are greater if you stop looking for VC money and focus your energy on bootstrapping your business and attracting customers.

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5 Phases of Startup Growth

  • 5. GET LEAN 1. GET PRODUCT • Get to problem/solution fit • Build your MVP • Don’t be too minimum, or it’s probably not viable
  • 6. STAGE TO-DO LIST • Study the Lean Startup framework and apply it to your discovery process. • Conduct problem/solution fit interviews like crazy. • Run demand tests with landing pages/ads or crowdfunding campaign. • Use learnings to define/refine your MVP. • Iterate as new information flows in.
  • 7. NOT TOO ‘M’ 2. MVP • Learn what people want • Prove demand/need • Keep risk/burn low
  • 8. STAGE TO-DO LIST • Build your MVP • Instrument product for visibility into usage • Conduct ongoing user feedback • Iterate to improve retention • Invest in growth to prove retention and initial flow of users, not looking to scale
  • 9. IT’S A JOURNEY, NOT A DESTINATION 3. HEAD FOR PMF • Must Have Score > 40% • Pass the Sam Altman test • Measure Net Promoter Score (NPS) – benchmark it • Stable, sustainable retention rates Sean Ellis Startup Pyramid
  • 10. EVERYONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR GROWTH ASSEMBLE YOUR TEAM • PM Growth • Analyst / Data Scientist • Growth Engineer • Digital Marketers • Specialist(s) Zuckerberg poses with some of his deputies at Antonio’s Nut House in Palo Alto, a popular staff hangout:Chamath Palihapitya, vice president for growth, mobile and international; Zuckerberg; Mike Schroepfer, vice president of engineering; Jonathan Heiliger, vice president of technical operations; Chris Cox,vice president of product.
  • 11. RAPID EXPERIMENTATION DRIVES GROWTH GROWTH PROCESS • Ideate: Unbridled idea generation • Prioritize: Focus on Impact • Test: Rapid experimentation • Analysis: Applicable learning Ideate Prioritize Test Analyze
  • 12. WORDS ARE EVERYTHING FIND LANGUAGE/MARKET FIT What do your users think you’ve built for them? Store Your Photos Share Your Photos Find a Date Help Friends Find a Date Source: James Currier
  • 13. LEAKY BUCKETS ARE GROWTH KRYPTONITE OPTIMIZE FLOWS • Build Desire, Reduce Friction • Maximize % of users who get to must-have experience • Understand motivators and hurdles to improve
  • 14. BATTLESHIP - MARKETING EDITION CHANNEL/PRODUCT FIT • Identify where your customers are (and where your competition isn’t) • Ask “How does what I offer map to channel experience?” • Do things that don’t scale • Test for signal, double down on what works • Keep searching
  • 15. IT’S GO TIME 4. SCALE • Hire channel specialists to ramp growth • Increase experimentation velocity • Seek out high impact opportunities • Keep close eye on core metrics
  • 16. GROWTH IS NEVER DONE 5. MATURITY • Horizontal and vertical expansion opportunities • Identifying new channels that require scale or specialization • M&A • Incremental and high-impact wins
  • 24. GET IN TOUCH @morganb @morganb180 /in/morganb