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Unlocking Growth
Building a sustainable growth engine
with the new rules of marketing.
“Most startups don’t fail at building a
product. They fail at acquiring customers.”
– Gabriel Weinberg
Startup Growth Pyramid
Stacking the Odds
Product/Market Fit
Source: Sean Ellis
Stacking the Odds
Product/Market Fit
Source: Sean Ellis

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What Is Growth Hacking?
What Is Growth Hacking?What Is Growth Hacking?
What Is Growth Hacking?

The document discusses growth hacking strategies for B2B companies. It defines growth hacking as using non-traditional marketing techniques to drive growth in a cost-effective way. The document recommends targeting, influencing, interacting with, and converting a small number of potential customers using content marketing rather than blanket digital promotions. It outlines growth hacking approaches like content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and referrals to move leads through the sales funnel.

seogrowthinbound marketing
Finding the one growth metric that matters
Finding the one growth metric that mattersFinding the one growth metric that matters
Finding the one growth metric that matters

From social media to website analytics, there are literally hundreds of things you could track, measure and try to improve. But what is the one metric that if improved would mean a big win for your business? This deck will help you hone in on the metrics that really matter to your business. You’ll get their insights on the tools and strategies you need to find, prioritize and grow the numbers that will result in big wins for your business.

growth hackingmarketinggrowth hacker
Introduction of UX/UI & Growth Hack and Management for Rapid Growth
Introduction of UX/UI & Growth Hack and Management for Rapid GrowthIntroduction of UX/UI & Growth Hack and Management for Rapid Growth
Introduction of UX/UI & Growth Hack and Management for Rapid Growth

This slide explains brief introductions of UX/UI (User Experience and User Interface) and Growth Hack, and Management for Rapid Growth. This presentation was held in Japan Tech Day organized by Exabytes in Kuala Lumpur on 28th Mar 2015.

growth hackuser experience
Get to Product
Market Fit First
What is Product/
Market Fit?
A large group wants/needs your product – it’s
a ‘must have’.
“Focus obsessively on getting to product/
market fit.”
– Mark Andreessen
Do you have PMF?
Ask “How would you feel if you could no
longer use the product?”

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A Marketer's Guide to Ecommerce Growth Hacking
A Marketer's Guide to Ecommerce Growth HackingA Marketer's Guide to Ecommerce Growth Hacking
A Marketer's Guide to Ecommerce Growth Hacking

Growth hacking is a non-traditional approach to marketing. One that puts growth, fast growth, above all else.

ecommercemarketinggrowth hacking
Growth hacking panel hosted by Kellogg MBA
Growth hacking panel hosted by Kellogg MBA Growth hacking panel hosted by Kellogg MBA
Growth hacking panel hosted by Kellogg MBA

Slides that go with the Growth Hacking Roadmap infographic, which summarizes how startups can maximize the growth of their most valuable customers. It also summarizes the actionable analytics growth hackers should be using including cohort analysis, user testing and key performance indicators. Panel presentation by Mark Andersen, Prasanna Vinjamuri and Lauren Anderson.

growth hackeranalyticsgrowth hacking
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web AppsGrow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps

This is the first part of the Grow Hack Athens presentation by GrowthRocks, entitled GrowHackAthens: Growth Hacking For Web Apps.

growth hackinggrowth hackermobile apps
Source: Sean Ellis
“Very Disappointed”
0 – 25%
26 – 39%
40 – 100%
Keep burn low, engage, iterate
Try repositioning, retargeting
Proceed up pyramid
After PMF,
transition to
Stacking the Odds
Product/Market Fit
Source: Sean Ellis

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Growth Hacking Roadmap
Growth Hacking RoadmapGrowth Hacking Roadmap
Growth Hacking Roadmap

The growth hacking roadmap that summarizes how startups can maximize the growth of their most valuable customers. It also summarizes the actionable analytics growth hackers should be using including cohort analysis, user testing and key performance indicators.

growth hackinglean canvasproduct/market fit
How to Growth Hack Your Marketing Plan
How to Growth Hack Your Marketing PlanHow to Growth Hack Your Marketing Plan
How to Growth Hack Your Marketing Plan

Here are the slides from the talk I gave at the 'Realtime Marketing Lab' conference in Toronto on October 14th, 2015. The talk is about How to Growth Hack Your Marketing Plan.

growthgrowth hackermarketing
Growth Hacking 101.ppt
Growth Hacking 101.pptGrowth Hacking 101.ppt
Growth Hacking 101.ppt

This document discusses growth hacking strategies for startups. It begins with an introduction of the presenter and agenda. The presenter then defines growth hacking as focusing all efforts on scalable growth. Three case studies are presented: Uber grew by targeting key people in San Francisco and offering incentives; Dropbox grew using social media and improving their website; Melbourne Freelancers grew their meetup group using LinkedIn and outsourcing community management. The document encourages applying these strategies like finding communities to engage and outsource growth activities.

Race to scale
Instrument your product
Activate users
Increase exposure—the race to scale
Instrument your
Source data (referral source in user record)
Event & cohorts
Conversion rates
Lifetime value
Dave McClure’s
Pirate Metrics
Find your metric
that matters
“x people did x searches in past week”
“y people visited my site x times last month”
“z users send n messages via my app each day”
Source: Josh Elman

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[500DISTRO] The Scientific Method: How to Design & Track Viral Growth Experim...[500DISTRO] The Scientific Method: How to Design & Track Viral Growth Experim...
[500DISTRO] The Scientific Method: How to Design & Track Viral Growth Experim...

The document discusses building a growth process for a company. It advocates focusing first on establishing a repeatable process for experimentation and growth, rather than individual tactics. The process involves setting goals, brainstorming growth ideas, prioritizing experiments, testing hypotheses through minimum viable tests, implementing experiments, analyzing results, and systematizing successful experiments. Establishing this type of process allows a company to continuously run experiments, learn, and scale growth over time through an organized and data-driven approach.

Growth Hacking: Runway
Growth Hacking: RunwayGrowth Hacking: Runway
Growth Hacking: Runway

Slides to the growth hacking workshop I gave for Runway, the accelerator in San Francisco. These abridged slides accompany my Growth Hacking infographic. We focused on startup strategies, getting to product-market fit, Aha! moment, growth marketing, SEO, and the analytics you should be focused on.

retentionanalyticscontent marketing
15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop
15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop
15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop

Here's a workshop I gave on growth hacking. It's a presentation of 15 different practical startup growth hacks, plus a workshop session where we brainstorm how to market / grow 3 fictional startups.

entrepreneurmarketingonline marketing
Build a Value
Delivery Engine
Build a must-have product
Understand must-have
experience (MHX)
Calibrate hook & promise
Optimize flows to deliver MHX
Source: Sean Ellis
Steps for value
delivery engine
Optimize Value
Delivery Engine

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Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)

The document provides an overview of growth hacking fundamentals. It begins by defining growth hacking as a process-driven approach focused on rapid experimentation to drive product growth, rather than just tactics or user acquisition. It discusses when growth hacking is most applicable and examples of common growth drivers like user acquisition, activation, referral, and retention. The document concludes by outlining the typical growth hacking process of identifying metrics to optimize, developing hypotheses, running experiments, analyzing results, and systematizing learnings.

startupsgrowth hackingentrepreneurship
Growth hackathon (code-free): Kellogg
Growth hackathon (code-free): KelloggGrowth hackathon (code-free): Kellogg
Growth hackathon (code-free): Kellogg

Slides to the growth hackathon (code-free) the Kellogg alumni club just held in Palo Alto. We covered the Lean Canvas, getting to product-market fit, Aha! moment, growth marketing, and the analytics you should be focused on.

growth hackinggrowth actionable analyticsgrowth hacker
Growth Hack Your Way to Startup Traction by @rocketshp
Growth Hack Your Way to Startup Traction by @rocketshpGrowth Hack Your Way to Startup Traction by @rocketshp
Growth Hack Your Way to Startup Traction by @rocketshp

This document outlines growth hacking strategies and tactics for startups to achieve traction. It includes 100 growth hack recipes organized in a $4000 launch plan framework. Case studies are provided of fast growing companies like Frank & Oak that used strategies like pre-launch signups and viral customer referrals. The authors advocate for startups to test ideas cheaply and frequently using accessible technology to maximize learning and minimize cash burn.

lean startupsocial media marketinggrowth hacking
Successful optimization process
Max % that reach MH experience
Build desire, reduce friction
Desire – Friction =
Conversion Rate
Source: Sean Ellis
PIE test
Source: Wider Funnel

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The Beginner’s Guide to Growth Hacking
The Beginner’s Guide to Growth HackingThe Beginner’s Guide to Growth Hacking
The Beginner’s Guide to Growth Hacking

Building a sustainable business and product is hard work. Growing your user base is even harder. Markets and opportunities are changing on a daily basis; you have to stay focused and constantly improve your tactics in a rapidly-changing world in order to succeed. The tactics that worked even a few short years ago are now obsolete. Iterative sprints leveraging mobile, social and location-based approaches and powered by data and insights, are required in order to thrive. Through rapid experimentation, you can find yourself in a healthy loop of building, testing, measuring, learning, refining and improving. The Beginner’s Guide to Growth Hacking illustrates over two dozen insights that will help you grow your user base, keep them engaged and ultimately grow your revenues.

inbound marketingpublic relationshacking
Planning your Growth Hacking Process
Planning your Growth Hacking ProcessPlanning your Growth Hacking Process
Planning your Growth Hacking Process

This is a presentation of introduction to the 20º Startup Chile generation. How are we planning our path to the Growth of our business?

growthgrowthhackergrowth hacking
What is growth marketing?
What is growth marketing?What is growth marketing?
What is growth marketing?

This presentation goes in depth into the funnel (and growth loops). It was presented as part of a workshop for Skillful. It covers acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue and goes in depth on examples of each.

growth marketinggrowthacquisition
A/B test combos
Messaging Flows
Hooks based on
Promise based on
Clear description
of solution
Flows that reduce
Flows that frontload
Language market fit
What is this thing you’ve built to your users?
Store your photos Share your photos
Find a date Help people find a
Developing promise
Focus on a single benefit for each
Limit to about 10 words
Write wildly different statements
Segment/personalize last
Default to macro first, then segment
At a minimum manage active vs. inactive
Develop programs to manage full lifecycle

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Startup Weekend Hamilton Keynote
Startup Weekend Hamilton KeynoteStartup Weekend Hamilton Keynote
Startup Weekend Hamilton Keynote

The document discusses the importance of market validation for startups. It notes that 90% of startups fail due to not finding the right market and customers, rather than due to bad products. It emphasizes that market research is different from market validation. Successful startups structure their process around customer development to test their assumptions and hit product-market fit milestones. The document recommends that startups stop selling, start listening to potential customer segments, and let customers identify their own problems in order to develop repeatable sales and scale their companies effectively.

Preparing your startup for growth
Preparing your startup for growthPreparing your startup for growth
Preparing your startup for growth

This document provides guidance on preparing a startup for high growth. It discusses focusing efforts on identifying the core value the product offers and testing ways to help more people experience that value. Examples are given of startups that achieved certain growth metrics like user replies or course completions. Common mistakes that can dampen growth like a lack of focus, premature scaling, and prioritizing excitement over effectiveness are also covered. Tools and resources are recommended for areas like acquisition, activation, retention, and analytics to help measure and improve growth.

startuplean startupstartups
How to land your first customers
How to land your first customersHow to land your first customers
How to land your first customers

Martin Wrobel provides advice on how startups can acquire their first customers. He discusses the importance of customer acquisition and validation. Some key points include focusing on an ideal customer profile, understanding the customer journey, testing sales channels, and ensuring customer lifetime value exceeds customer acquisition costs. The presentation covers principles of customer-centricity, sales versus marketing, and using data to optimize acquisition strategies over time.

Stacking the Odds
Product/Market Fit
Driving Growth is Last Step
Source: Sean Ellis
Four Types of Growth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Source: James Currier
“Growth is about taking your product and
optimizing it to create compound interest.
There are very few (if any) silver bullets when
it comes to growth.”
– Andy Johns
Why Growth Hacking?
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
US Online Ad
Spend per User

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Growth marketing for corporates - Intro session - ING innovation leaders

A recent talk give by Growth Tribe to the heads of innovation at ING... the talk covers growth hacking for corporates, growth marketing for corporates and how growth marketing fits within a digital transformation strategy,

corporate growthcorporategrowthtribe
Emerce eTravel - 5 startups lessons to build better products faster
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Emerce eTravel - 5 startups lessons to build better products faster

Slides from my session at Emerce Etravel... Modern markets are noisy. In our rush to launch products we tend to forget that customers don’t buy what they don’t understand. From working with hundreds of startups there are 5 lessons I learned to build the right product features within their target market. We’ll discuss positioning, founders blindess, designing fast UX and how to use all this to grow your product.

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Cleantech Open 071611
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Cleantech Open 071611

This document discusses customer development and business models for startups. It defines different types of startups, including small businesses, social startups, sustaining/disruptive innovation within large companies, and scalable startups. The key aspects of a business model are defined using the business model canvas framework. Customer development is presented as the process startups use to search for an unknown business model, involving customer discovery, validation, and pivoting if needed based on feedback. The minimum viable product and agile development are discussed as ways to test hypotheses. An example pivot from a robotic weeding startup is provided.

steve blankbusiness model designagile development
“Growth hacking: A cool-sounding euphemism
for making the doer feel good about using the
same old sleazy marketing tricks.”
– David Heinemeier Hansen
“Growth hacking is a recognition that when you focus
on understanding your users and how they discover
and adopt your products, you can build features that
help you acquire and retain more users, rather than
just spending marketing dollars.”
– Josh Elman
Don’t delegate growth
to a ‘hacker’
Original vision on customer need
Don’t abdicate fate to a marketer
Growth as an organizational priority
Growth = fx (Probability of Success, Impact,
Resources Required)
Source: Brian Balfour

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The Art and Science of Selling and Growth Hacking

First lesson as a visiting professor for the ESCP European Business school covering some of the basics of Growth Hacking and building on some of the topics covered in our new book, Creative Super Powers. You can pledge for our new book here -

uberstreet wisdomculture hacking
I Realize Lean Startup Hack-nov2010
I Realize Lean Startup Hack-nov2010I Realize Lean Startup Hack-nov2010
I Realize Lean Startup Hack-nov2010

This document summarizes key concepts from the Lean Startup and Customer Development methodologies. It discusses discovering customer problems and validating solutions through minimum viable products and pivoting based on metrics and feedback. Key steps include defining the customer problem/solution, finding early adopters, developing an MVP, achieving product/market fit, and scaling the business. Metrics like acquisition, activation, retention and referral are important to track progress. The goal is to spend money efficiently by testing hypotheses through customer interaction and validated learning.

How to Build a Startup - New Frontiers
How to Build a Startup - New FrontiersHow to Build a Startup - New Frontiers
How to Build a Startup - New Frontiers

This document provides information about building a startup and lean startup methodology. It includes: 1) An overview of the Lean Startup Dublin Meetup group which discusses topics like lean startup, agile, and crowdfunding. 2) Details of a new Lean Startup for Enterprise Meetup group focused on topics for growing enterprises. 3) An explanation of the Lean Launchpad program which helps entrepreneurs increase their chances of success. 4) A description of the importance of observing customers and associating to gain insights through unexpected connections.

lean startupraomal pererabusiness model canvas
Right marketing mix
for you?
What are you optimizing for? (Learning, volume,
What are your constraints? (Time, money,
audience, legal)
Source: Brian Balfour
New User
Blog widget
Google SEO
TV Apps
Mobile ads
Web ads
Online video
TV ads
Radio ads
Viral Paid
Source: James Currier
Categories of growth
Platform integrations
Powered by
Instrumented virality
Data-driven hacks
Igniting word of mouth
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Viral Channel Effectiveness
James Currier

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Word of Mouth Marketing
Word of Mouth MarketingWord of Mouth Marketing
Word of Mouth Marketing

Word of mouth marketing (WOMM) involves creating positive conversations about brands and products to gain new customers. It is based on customer satisfaction and two-way communication. The goal is to identify brand advocates and give customers tools to share their experiences. Marketers can amplify word of mouth by launching campaigns, but organic word of mouth from satisfied customers is the most effective. Common WOMM strategies include viral marketing, buzz marketing, and influencer marketing. Marketers should provide value to customers and make it easy for positive experiences to be shared.

Startup and Unicorn: What is product/market fit?
Startup and Unicorn: What is product/market fit? Startup and Unicorn: What is product/market fit?
Startup and Unicorn: What is product/market fit?

This document discusses product/market fit and how to measure it. Product/market fit means having a product that satisfies customer needs in a specific market. It can be measured through leading indicator surveys, net promoter scores, retention curves, and the "trifecta" of growth, retention, and meaningful usage. Achieving product/market fit should be the top priority for a startup as it focuses efforts and indicates future growth. The document provides benchmarks and recommends focusing energy on achieving product/market fit above all else.

product market fitunicornstartup
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SalesConf - Uncovering a Treasure Trove of Sales Opportunities using Customer...SalesConf - Uncovering a Treasure Trove of Sales Opportunities using Customer...
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This slide deck is from a presentation on accelerating the sales cycle by leveraging Customer Success data - Lincoln Murphy was the presenter - at SalesConf 2014 in San Francisco, CA.

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Stacking the Odds
Product/Market Fit
Build Growth on a Solid Foundation
Source: Sean Ellis
Growth EnginesCase Studies of How Today's Most Successful
Startups Unlock Extraordinary Growth

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Finding Startup Traction