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Growth Hacking: Marketing that Moves the Bottom Line
Growth Hacking: Marketing that Moves the Bottom Line
•  15 year startup growth veteran
•  Wrote Startup Growth Engines with Sean Ellis
•  My hobby is studying fast growing companies
1.  Growth hacking complements marketing – not
a replacement
2.  Use data to find leverage points and double
down on those
3.  Rapid, continuous experimentation key to
growth – no silver bullets

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Finding the one growth metric that matters
Finding the one growth metric that mattersFinding the one growth metric that matters
Finding the one growth metric that matters

From social media to website analytics, there are literally hundreds of things you could track, measure and try to improve. But what is the one metric that if improved would mean a big win for your business? This deck will help you hone in on the metrics that really matter to your business. You’ll get their insights on the tools and strategies you need to find, prioritize and grow the numbers that will result in big wins for your business.

growth hackingmarketinggrowth hacker
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)

The document provides an overview of growth hacking fundamentals. It begins by defining growth hacking as a process-driven approach focused on rapid experimentation to drive product growth, rather than just tactics or user acquisition. It discusses when growth hacking is most applicable and examples of common growth drivers like user acquisition, activation, referral, and retention. The document concludes by outlining the typical growth hacking process of identifying metrics to optimize, developing hypotheses, running experiments, analyzing results, and systematizing learnings.

startupsgrowth hackingentrepreneurship
19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing
19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing
19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing

Adapted from "Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising" by Ryan Holiday. "Everything you thought you knew about marketing is obsolete. We can see the incontrovertible evidence right in front of us. A new generation of multibillion dollar brands—Facebook, Twitter, AirBnb, Evernote, and countless others—have been built without spending a dime on traditional marketing techniques. No press releases, no PR firm, no Madison Avenue, no billboards in Times Square. It wasn’t luck that took them from tiny start-ups to massive success. They have a new strategy. It’s called Growth Hacking. And it works. A Growth Hacker is someone who rejects what “marketing” is supposed to be and replaces it only with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. Growth Hackers rely on inexpensive tactics like e-mail, pay-per-click ads, blogs, and platform APIs. They chase real results in a field that was dominated by gut instincts for nearly a century. They reject the traditional marketing worship of all things big: big budgets, big campaigns, big opening weekends. Instead, they embrace the opposite: taking a start-up from nothing to something, launching a Kickstarter project, building something that truly spreads. Growth Hacker Marketing offers both a new mindset and a new set of rules. Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the former director of marketing for American Apparel, will convince you of the urgency of this awakening. He shows why the game has changed forever and what to do about it—whether you are an aspiring marketer, an entrepreneur, or a Fortune 500 senior executive."

marketingquotesryan holiday
“Most startups don’t fail at
building a product. They fail at
acquiring customers.”
Growth is Everything
– Gabriel Weinberg
•  McKinsey & Co. studied 3,000 software
companies with different growth rates
•  High-growth companies deliver 5x greater
returns than medium growth companies
•  Supergrowers (CAGR > 60% at $100m mark)
were 8x more likely to reach $1B
•  Increase in growth rates drive 2x the market
capitalization as margin reduction in
companies < $4B
•  No correlation between cost & growth rates
Growth is Everything
What is growth hacking?
A cool-sounding euphemism for
making the doer feel good about
using the same old sleazy
marketing tricks.
– David Heinemeier Hansen, 37 Signals!
What is growth hacking?
A … focus on understanding your users and
how they discover and adopt your products,
[so] you can build features that help you
acquire and retain more users, rather than
just spending marketing dollars.
– Josh Elman, Greylock. Frmr.
Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn!

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- what is difference between digital marketer and growth hacker? - how can we use growth hacking to increasing revenue ? - how can Data analysis can improve growth hacking process in your startup / company ? - how can company / startup using growth hacking step by step ? - is growth hacking hype or not ? - is growth hacking depend on person or not ? and the other answer about growth hacking ....

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Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA Program (Steve Blank)
Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA Program (Steve Blank)Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA Program (Steve Blank)
Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA Program (Steve Blank)

This document discusses the importance of customer development and product/market fit for startups. It advises startups to focus on acquiring the right customers, optimizing their marketing efforts, and understanding user needs in the early stages. It emphasizes achieving product/market fit before focusing on growth, and outlines steps like testing channels, optimizing funnels, and improving customer lifetime value and retention to enable scalable and profitable growth. The goal is to help startups progress from the critical early stages through growth to a potential IPO.

steve blankcustomer developmentstartup marketing
A Marketer's Guide to Ecommerce Growth Hacking
A Marketer's Guide to Ecommerce Growth HackingA Marketer's Guide to Ecommerce Growth Hacking
A Marketer's Guide to Ecommerce Growth Hacking

Growth hacking is a non-traditional approach to marketing. One that puts growth, fast growth, above all else.

ecommercemarketinggrowth hacking
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
US Online Ad
Spend per User
Extreme Competition for Attention
Extreme Competition for Attention
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
James Currier
Yet some huge successes…
Little or no traditional marketing…
Growth Hacking: Marketing that Moves the Bottom Line

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What Is Growth Hacking?

The document discusses growth hacking strategies for B2B companies. It defines growth hacking as using non-traditional marketing techniques to drive growth in a cost-effective way. The document recommends targeting, influencing, interacting with, and converting a small number of potential customers using content marketing rather than blanket digital promotions. It outlines growth hacking approaches like content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and referrals to move leads through the sales funnel.

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Think Like A Growth Hacker
Think Like A Growth HackerThink Like A Growth Hacker
Think Like A Growth Hacker

This document discusses the concept of a growth hacker and strategies for sustainable growth. A growth hacker focuses on scalable growth through experiments and data analysis. Their goal is viral and repeat growth through word of mouth, embedded social features, paid advertising, and recurring use. The document provides examples of how companies achieve growth through these channels and outlines psychological factors that influence word-of-mouth sharing. It emphasizes thinking like a growth hacker by constantly considering growth opportunities across communication platforms.

digital marketinggrowth hacker
Growth hacking with Vincent Dignan
Growth hacking with Vincent DignanGrowth hacking with Vincent Dignan
Growth hacking with Vincent Dignan

Vincent provides growth marketing services and has experience growing websites and apps organically. He has expertise in content marketing, social media, and user acquisition channels. In the document, Vincent outlines growth hacking strategies for various digital marketing channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and others. He emphasizes the importance of defining the ideal user, testing content, and focusing acquisition efforts on the most effective channels.

cityunrulygrowth hackingcity unrulyversity
Use a Growth Hacking Playbook
•  Experiment with all available growth levers
•  Understand what’s driving growth, test to
improve it
•  Heavy focus on product and optimization
The Dropbox Growth Story
•  Freemium reduced allowable CPA
•  Natural advantages to grow with
collaboration and sharing
•  Catalyze sharing with double sided
referral program
•  Optimize conversions on sharing loops
•  300 million users with no traditional
B2C or B2B
•  Growth hacking isn’t just for consumer-
focused companies.
•  B2B often requires integration with sales

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how to build a growth hacking culturehow to build a growth hacking culture
how to build a growth hacking culture

This document discusses instilling a culture of growth within companies. It covers whether to hire growth hackers or form growth teams, prioritizing areas of focus like acquisition, activation, engagement and virality. Day-to-day operations are discussed, including tracking metrics, understanding user behavior, prioritizing and designing features, building, measuring and repeating. Potential pitfalls for growth teams are also outlined, such as not testing assumptions with metrics and being impatient with results.

growth teamlean startupculture of growth
15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop
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15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop

Here's a workshop I gave on growth hacking. It's a presentation of 15 different practical startup growth hacks, plus a workshop session where we brainstorm how to market / grow 3 fictional startups.

entrepreneurmarketingonline marketing
Athens Bullseye Meetup #1
Athens Bullseye Meetup #1Athens Bullseye Meetup #1
Athens Bullseye Meetup #1

The presentation of the 1st Official Athens Bullseye Meetup, inspired by Gabriel Weinberg's (DuckDuckGo) and Justin Mares's book "Traction.

Growth Hacking: Marketing that Moves the Bottom Line
Finding Your Own Growth Levers
•  Areas of exploration
•  Process, team and tools
•  Platform Integrations
•  User-Get-User
•  Free Tools
•  Powered By
•  Reverse Engineer Success

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Growth Hacking 101.ppt
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Growth Hacking 101.ppt

This document discusses growth hacking strategies for startups. It begins with an introduction of the presenter and agenda. The presenter then defines growth hacking as focusing all efforts on scalable growth. Three case studies are presented: Uber grew by targeting key people in San Francisco and offering incentives; Dropbox grew using social media and improving their website; Melbourne Freelancers grew their meetup group using LinkedIn and outsourcing community management. The document encourages applying these strategies like finding communities to engage and outsource growth activities.

The 30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips, Tricks & Ideas
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The 30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips, Tricks & Ideas

Check out these proven - yet often overlooked - lead generation strategies. Generating leads is a marketer's single most important objective. Yet, only 1 in 10 marketers say their lead generation efforts are highly efficient and effective. That's why we've compiled the 30 greatest lead generation lessons in this brand new guide, so you can start reeling in those leads. Download these 30 tips to learn: • What makes the best lead-generating content • What drives killer landing page performance • How to create offers that are impossible to ignore • Secret website optimization tips with A/B testing

marketinglead generationinbound marketing
Growth hacking course
Growth hacking courseGrowth hacking course
Growth hacking course

This is a short course on all of the major pieces of the Growth Hacking process (Attracting traffic, activating them, retaining them, and optimizing for conversion). The materials have been accumulated from well-known growth hackers like Andrew Chen and Sean Ellis.

andrew chensean ellisgrowth hacker
Hotel Tonight’s 3G Epiphany
•  Discover the why can lead to
breakthroughs in growth
•  HotelTonight found poor data
connections drove conversion rates
•  WHY?
Success Data: AirBnB’s Pro Photos
•  Discovered that listings with
high-quality photos received
2-3x bookings
•  Invests in professional
•  Booking activity explodes as
desire increases
Discover Your Magic Number
Growth Hacking: Marketing that Moves the Bottom Line

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Lean Marketing for Startups

The document discusses lean marketing strategies for startups. It recommends having branding, website, and social media set up before beginning marketing efforts. It emphasizes testing assumptions through product/market fit testing and optimizing the user funnel from acquisition to activation, referral, retention, and revenue. Growth hacking uses data-driven and creative approaches to marketing. Tactics discussed include A/B testing, inbound/content marketing, paid advertising, public relations, and referrals/partnerships. The goal is to continually test, learn, and improve marketing efforts.

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Growth Hacking Asia @ Echelon Asia Summit 2015
Growth Hacking Asia @ Echelon Asia Summit 2015Growth Hacking Asia @ Echelon Asia Summit 2015
Growth Hacking Asia @ Echelon Asia Summit 2015

Growth Hacking Asia's presentation at Echelon Asia Summit 2015: Growth Hacking Your Way To Traction

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Customer Growth in Web, B2B + Mobile Apps
Customer Growth in Web, B2B + Mobile AppsCustomer Growth in Web, B2B + Mobile Apps
Customer Growth in Web, B2B + Mobile Apps

This presentation summarizes my experience building and marketing tech companies. My thoughts are organized into broader themes that are category-agnostic, and I provide many examples to illustrate. I originally shared these thoughts at the Grow/Hack meetup in New York on February 13, 2013. For additional perspective on startup marketing, visit my blog at

user acquisitionuser engagementuser retention
Twitter’s Follow 30 People
"Once a user follows 30 people, they're more or less active forever.”
– Josh Elman, Greylock
Experimentation Is Key To Success
•  Generate many ideas for experiments
•  Prioritize by impact, confidence & ease
•  Balance high impact & high probability tests
Growth Hacking: Marketing that Moves the Bottom Line
Growth Team Often Needed
•  Multi-disciplinary
•  Cross functional
•  Evangelize experimentation culture
“Growth team” complements existing marketing team

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These slides are based on my notes preparing for a SNHU Sales Force Management Class to discuss organizing the sales effort. Specifically, how sales organizations today are moving from being product centric to business–issue centric. As a result sales people need to have a solid understanding of the customer business issues, goals, and objectives in order to add value. This may impact how a Sales Force and Territories are organized. (Geographic, Customer Type, Product Type). This also impacts the different types of selling roles within a sales organization. It’s hard to believe that even today large companies like Oracle and SunGard are just realizing they need to go from selling multiple products to technical buyers to selling business “solutions” to business buyers. One common thread is that in order to make this transition they first create their own unique sales process that defines the way they sell and supports their go-to-market strategy. From there they build the sales organization.

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B2B Growth Hacking (Marketing Confessions Meetup)
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As a B2B marketer you are probably struggling driving more warm leads onboard, having your sales team conduct more demos and close more deals. There are no magic tricks in our business, but only hard work and persistency - however, I will share with you some shortcuts and methodologies that will help you scale your efforts and will help you put your marketing efforts on the right track. During this session, Omri Yacubovich will uncover some proven methodologies as well as examples for Growth Hacking activities, including how did I manage to increase Commerce Sciences traffic by 700%. These methodologies and examples are highly relevant for B2C marketers as well.

growthmarketingdigital marketing
What is Consultative Selling?
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What is Consultative Selling?

While "consultative" and "selling" are two words that don't seem to belong together, there are just a few simple steps to achieve a consultative approach to selling.

defining consultative selling
•  Analytics — Identify drop-off points and under-performing pages
(e.g. Google Analytics, KISSMetrics)
•  Qualitative Insights — Uncover the why behind the numbers (e.g.
Qualaroo, SurveyMonkey)
•  A/B Test — Find better performing combinations to drive conversion
rate (e.g. Optimizely, Unbounce)
Relentless Execution of Growth Processes
1. Ideas
1.  Growth hacking complements marketing – not
a replacement
2.  Use data to find leverage points and double
down on those
3.  Rapid, continuous experimentation key to
growth – no silver bullets
Morgan Brown

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B2B Marketing in Hyper-Growth Companies - Forrester
B2B Marketing in Hyper-Growth Companies - ForresterB2B Marketing in Hyper-Growth Companies - Forrester
B2B Marketing in Hyper-Growth Companies - Forrester

DocuSign CMO Brad Brooks presents at B2B Marketing 2016 and shares what it's like to run marketing for a hyper-growth company. You can access the full video presentation here:

b2bb2b marketing
Busting the Myth of Growth Hacking Magic
Busting the Myth of Growth Hacking MagicBusting the Myth of Growth Hacking Magic
Busting the Myth of Growth Hacking Magic

These are Sean Ellis's slides from Hubspot's 2014 Inbound Conference. The slides explain that growth hacking is not about silver bullets, but rather a rigorous process of generating ideas for experiments, prioritizing experiments, testing and analyzing them. The slides highlight key areas of exploration for generating your growth hacking ideas.

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Growth hacking: how to use analytics to create kickass marketing strategies
Growth hacking: how to use analytics to create kickass marketing strategiesGrowth hacking: how to use analytics to create kickass marketing strategies
Growth hacking: how to use analytics to create kickass marketing strategies

Know your customer, map your conversion funnel, identify what you are going to optimize and set KPI's, track everything that you do in Google Analytics and never stop testing.

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Growth Hacking: Marketing that Moves the Bottom Line

  • 3. •  15 year startup growth veteran •  Wrote Startup Growth Engines with Sean Ellis •  My hobby is studying fast growing companies
  • 4. 3TAKEAWAYS 1.  Growth hacking complements marketing – not a replacement 2.  Use data to find leverage points and double down on those 3.  Rapid, continuous experimentation key to growth – no silver bullets
  • 5. “Most startups don’t fail at building a product. They fail at acquiring customers.” Growth is Everything – Gabriel Weinberg
  • 6. •  McKinsey & Co. studied 3,000 software companies with different growth rates •  High-growth companies deliver 5x greater returns than medium growth companies •  Supergrowers (CAGR > 60% at $100m mark) were 8x more likely to reach $1B •  Increase in growth rates drive 2x the market capitalization as margin reduction in companies < $4B •  No correlation between cost & growth rates Growth is Everything
  • 7. What is growth hacking? A cool-sounding euphemism for making the doer feel good about using the same old sleazy marketing tricks. – David Heinemeier Hansen, 37 Signals!
  • 8. What is growth hacking? A … focus on understanding your users and how they discover and adopt your products, [so] you can build features that help you acquire and retain more users, rather than just spending marketing dollars. – Josh Elman, Greylock. Frmr. Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn!
  • 9. $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $160 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 3.5x US Online Ad Spend per User Extreme Competition for Attention
  • 10. Extreme Competition for Attention 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 WOM Email MySpace Facebook Craigslist Twitter iOS Android James Currier
  • 11. Yet some huge successes… Little or no traditional marketing…
  • 13. Use a Growth Hacking Playbook •  Experiment with all available growth levers •  Understand what’s driving growth, test to improve it •  Heavy focus on product and optimization
  • 14. The Dropbox Growth Story •  Freemium reduced allowable CPA •  Natural advantages to grow with collaboration and sharing •  Catalyze sharing with double sided referral program •  Optimize conversions on sharing loops •  300 million users with no traditional marketing
  • 15. B2C or B2B •  Growth hacking isn’t just for consumer- focused companies. •  B2B often requires integration with sales process.
  • 18. Finding Your Own Growth Levers •  Areas of exploration •  Process, team and tools
  • 19. SOME AREAS OF EXPLORATION •  Platform Integrations •  User-Get-User •  Free Tools
  • 20. SOME AREAS OF EXPLORATION •  Powered By •  Reverse Engineer Success
  • 21. Hotel Tonight’s 3G Epiphany •  Discover the why can lead to breakthroughs in growth •  HotelTonight found poor data connections drove conversion rates UP. •  WHY?
  • 22. Success Data: AirBnB’s Pro Photos •  Discovered that listings with high-quality photos received 2-3x bookings •  Invests in professional photography •  Booking activity explodes as desire increases
  • 25. Twitter’s Follow 30 People "Once a user follows 30 people, they're more or less active forever.” – Josh Elman, Greylock
  • 26. Experimentation Is Key To Success •  Generate many ideas for experiments •  Prioritize by impact, confidence & ease •  Balance high impact & high probability tests
  • 28. Growth Team Often Needed •  Multi-disciplinary •  Cross functional •  Evangelize experimentation culture “Growth team” complements existing marketing team
  • 29. HELPFUL TOOLS •  Analytics — Identify drop-off points and under-performing pages (e.g. Google Analytics, KISSMetrics) •  Qualitative Insights — Uncover the why behind the numbers (e.g. Qualaroo, SurveyMonkey) •  A/B Test — Find better performing combinations to drive conversion rate (e.g. Optimizely, Unbounce)
  • 30. Relentless Execution of Growth Processes 1. Ideas 2.Prioritize 3.Test4.Analyze 5.Optimize
  • 31. 3TAKEAWAYS 1.  Growth hacking complements marketing – not a replacement 2.  Use data to find leverage points and double down on those 3.  Rapid, continuous experimentation key to growth – no silver bullets