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A Playbook
For Achieving
Market Fit
NOV 12, 2015
n  Engineering	
n  Stanford	
n  UX	
n  Led	
n  Led	
n  CEO	
n  Product	
n  Organizer:	
n  Ar/culate	
n  Iden/fy	
n  Keep	
n  Test	
n  Learn	
n  Achieve	
A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit

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Testing Your MVP
Testing Your MVPTesting Your MVP
Testing Your MVP

The document discusses testing minimum viable products (MVPs) for startups. It begins by providing examples of products that failed despite large investments and outlines common reasons for failure. It then defines the context of a startup as experimentation to validate business models through frequent customer feedback. The document describes the three stages of a startup and emphasizes that learning is progress. It advocates for building an MVP, which is the fastest way to test business hypotheses with minimum effort. The rest of the document provides examples of how to test MVPs to validate problems, solutions, and product-market fit with low-cost experiments like landing pages, surveys, prototypes, and pre-orders.

minimum viable productstartuplean startup
Value Proposition Design
Value Proposition DesignValue Proposition Design
Value Proposition Design

The document discusses tools and processes for designing and testing value propositions for businesses. It describes using the Value Proposition Canvas tool to iteratively search for value propositions that customers want through designing, testing, and evolving propositions. It emphasizes managing the non-linear process of value proposition design by systematically applying tools like the Canvas to reduce risk.

Eric Ries - The Lean Startup - RailsConf 2011
Eric Ries - The Lean Startup - RailsConf 2011Eric Ries - The Lean Startup - RailsConf 2011
Eric Ries - The Lean Startup - RailsConf 2011

Keynote address by Eric Ries at RailsConf 2011 in Baltimore on May 17, 2011. Video here:

startuplean startuprailsconf
A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit
A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit

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Lecture 1: Business Model & Customer Development
Lecture 1: Business Model & Customer DevelopmentLecture 1: Business Model & Customer Development
Lecture 1: Business Model & Customer Development

The document summarizes the key concepts from the Lean LaunchPad course, including business models, customer development, and pivoting. It explains that a business model describes all parts of a company necessary to make money. It then discusses customer development as a process involving customer discovery, validation, and creation to iteratively build a business model through pivoting based on customer feedback. The goal is to identify a repeatable and scalable business model in the search for a startup idea.

business modelsteve blanknsf
10 Steps to Product/Market Fit
10 Steps to Product/Market Fit10 Steps to Product/Market Fit
10 Steps to Product/Market Fit

The 10 steps to product/market fit are: 1) Document your initial business plan or "Plan A". 2) Identify and tackle the riskiest parts of your business model first. 3) Understand that startups go through three stages - problem/solution fit, product/market fit, and scaling. Focus on validated learning through experiments and pivots before trying to optimize or scale. 4) Focus on the right key metrics like acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and referrals that provide valuable insights before achieving product/market fit. 5) Formulate specific and testable hypotheses about what will drive customer acquisition. 6) Architect your product and processes for speed and

startup company
The startup owners manual sxsw
The startup owners manual sxswThe startup owners manual sxsw
The startup owners manual sxsw

The document summarizes Steve Blank's presentation on the startup path and customer development process. It provides an overview of Blank's background and books that influenced his work. It then outlines the four steps of the customer development process - customer discovery, validation, creation, and growth. The presentation concludes by discussing how Blank teaches entrepreneurs to test hypotheses about their business model in his Lean LaunchPad class over 8 weeks.

steve blankbusiness modelstartup

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Customer Discovery Skills
Customer Discovery Skills Customer Discovery Skills
Customer Discovery Skills

The goal is to give entrepreneurs hands-on experience with customer discovery techniques like generating hypotheses about customer needs, designing experiments to test hypotheses, and analyzing customer insights.

entrepreneurship educationstartupsteve blank
Mastering the Problem Space to Achieve Product-Market Fit by Dan Olsen at Min...
Mastering the Problem Space to Achieve Product-Market Fit by Dan Olsen at Min...Mastering the Problem Space to Achieve Product-Market Fit by Dan Olsen at Min...
Mastering the Problem Space to Achieve Product-Market Fit by Dan Olsen at Min...

This document discusses the importance of mastering the problem space when developing products to achieve product-market fit. It emphasizes starting with understanding customer problems rather than proposed solutions. Key points include: - Focus first on exploring the problem space by defining customer benefits and needs before considering solutions. - Avoid "solution pollution" by asking "why" and not jumping to solutions without understanding the problem. - Map problems to potential solutions to ensure your solution truly addresses customer needs. - Use frameworks like the value proposition grid and Kano model to identify how your product will outperform competitors by delivering must-have, performance, and "delighter" benefits. - Instagram is given as an example of identifying

dan olsenkano modellean
Lean Software Startup: Customer Development (lecture)
Lean Software Startup: Customer Development (lecture)Lean Software Startup: Customer Development (lecture)
Lean Software Startup: Customer Development (lecture)

Lecture at the University of Turku Topic: Customer development - an introduction 20th January, 2016 Customer development is a form of market research for startups.

startupscustomer developmentmarket research

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Product Management 101
Product Management 101Product Management 101
Product Management 101

This deck aims at providing entrepreneurs, startup employees and young product managers a toolbox of actionable digital product management tools & techniques. It will help them discover, design & launch great products.

startupsproduct managementux
Minimum viable product
Minimum viable productMinimum viable product
Minimum viable product

This document provides steps to create a minimum viable product (MVP): 1. Build a prototype (e.g. landing page, video, basic app) to test hypotheses and ideas with minimal effort. Tools include Google Forms, Balsamiq, LaunchRock, WordPress. 2. Expose the prototype to customers and measure behaviors and data using tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KissMetrics. Track metrics regularly to determine if the idea is worth pursuing. 3. Analyze customer data and behaviors to develop new hypotheses and ideas. Prioritize next steps and features using tools like Google Sheets and Trello. Determine if raising money to build the next iteration is needed.

mvplean startupstartup weekend
NYT Product Discovery Activity Guide
NYT Product Discovery Activity GuideNYT Product Discovery Activity Guide
NYT Product Discovery Activity Guide

(Last change, July 2: Removed as beyond most teams' scope Eyetracking Study, Clickstream Analysis, Usability Benchmarking; Added Live-Data Prototypes, Demand Validation Test, Wizard of Oz Tests) For our teams tasked with building products and features for The New York Times, we face a common challenge with many: how do we figure out what’s worth spending our time on? The answer seems straightforward: test your ideas with real customers, leveraging the expertise of your product, UX, and engineering talent. Figure out the smallest test that you can come up with to test a specific hypothesis, gather data and insights, and keep iterating on it until you know whether the problem is real and your solution will prove valuable, usable, and feasible. As part of our efforts to adopt such a data-driven, experimental approach to product development, we recently kicked off a product discovery pilot program. Small, cross-functional teams were paired with coaches and facilitators over a six week period to demonstrate how product discovery and Lean Startup techniques could work for real-world customer opportunities at The New York Times. One of the first things that we learned about the process from our participants was that they wanted a "toolkit" - something to help them figure out what they should be doing, asking or making to get as quickly as possible towards the validated learning, prototypes and user tests that would have the most impact. To help the facilitate the learning process for our dual-track Agile teams, the Product Architecture team here at The Times (Christine Yom, Jim Lamiell, Josh Turk, Priya Ollapally, and Al Ming) built a "Product Discovery Activity Guide" that rolled up activities, exercises, and testing techniques from all our favorite thought leaders. This included brainstorming exercises from Gamestorming and Innovation Games, testing techniques from traditional user research, and rapid test-and-learn tactics from Google Ventures, Eric Ries (The Lean Startup), Jeff Gothelf (Lean UX), Steve Blank (Customer Development) and our spirit guide, Marty Cagan (Inspired), among others. Our goal was to make it a tool not just for learning how to get started, but to be a living document for teams to share knowledge about the process itself. What techniques worked and didn't work? What tactics did they learn elsewhere that might be worth sharing with the rest of the company? We hope you find it useful, and whether you’d like to share with us what you’re doing with it, or you have suggestions (big or small) to improve it for future product generations, please let us know! ( Al Ming July 2015

product discoverylean productlean startup

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Lean canvas introduction
Lean canvas introductionLean canvas introduction
Lean canvas introduction

1. The document introduces the Lean Canvas template for startups, which helps outline key elements of a business like customer problems, solution, unique value proposition, key metrics, and unfair advantage. 2. It emphasizes the importance of understanding customer jobs and problems rather than focusing on solutions, having a clear path to reach customers to prevent failure, and iterating business plans until finding one that works. 3. Resources like websites and blogs on the Lean Startup methodology and Lean Canvas tool are provided for additional information on validating business ideas quickly through a continuous cycle of building, measuring, and learning.

ash mauryalean canvas introductionlean canvas
How I apply the Value Proposition Canvas to convince my clients to invest mor...
How I apply the Value Proposition Canvas to convince my clients to invest mor...How I apply the Value Proposition Canvas to convince my clients to invest mor...
How I apply the Value Proposition Canvas to convince my clients to invest mor...

This document discusses the Value Proposition Canvas methodology for understanding customers' needs and pains. It introduces the speaker, Matina Moreira, and provides an agenda for the presentation. It then gives an example of using the Value Proposition Canvas for a case study about creating a job finding service for senior professionals. Key aspects of the canvas are explained, including creating a customer profile listing pains, gains, and tasks, and mapping these against potential products and services to find the best fit. The speaker explains how she uses the canvas methodology at the beginning of new projects and with clients to build empathy for customers.

Startup go to market strategy
Startup go to market strategyStartup go to market strategy
Startup go to market strategy

A concept for how a startup should build traction from day one and not wait for the minimal viable product to be ready.

lean startupgo to market strategymarketing
1. Determine	
2. Iden/fy	
3. Define	
4. Specify	
5. Create	
6. Test	
1. Determine	
2. Iden/fy	
3. Define	
4. Specify	
5. Create	
6. Test	

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Jobs-to-be-done, a goal-driven solution framework
Jobs-to-be-done, a goal-driven solution frameworkJobs-to-be-done, a goal-driven solution framework
Jobs-to-be-done, a goal-driven solution framework

The fast food chain wanted to increase milkshake sales. Initially they focused on improving the product but sales did not increase. They then focused on customers and market segments but still saw no results. Researchers realized people were buying milkshakes to alleviate boredom during their commute. Interviews found taste was unimportant; ease of consumption with one hand and portability were priorities. Installing a self-serve kiosk made purchasing more convenient for commuters and increased sales without changing the product. The document discusses how focusing on jobs-to-be-done, rather than products, customers, or segments, provides a framework for understanding user needs and developing effective solutions.

web agencymethodologyinnovation
Lean Product Management at Silicon Valley Product Camp by Dan Olsen
Lean Product Management at Silicon Valley Product Camp by Dan OlsenLean Product Management at Silicon Valley Product Camp by Dan Olsen
Lean Product Management at Silicon Valley Product Camp by Dan Olsen

This document summarizes a presentation about lean product management. It discusses achieving product-market fit quickly and efficiently with limited resources. The presentation covers understanding customer needs, prioritizing features based on customer value and engineering effort, the importance of ease of use and user interface design, and learning from customer feedback through mockups and iterative testing. It also provides a case study of validating a new product concept called through paper mockups and customer interviews to determine potential market fit without writing code.

Design Your Way to Product/Market Fit by Christina Wodtke - The Lean Startup ...
Design Your Way to Product/Market Fit by Christina Wodtke - The Lean Startup ...Design Your Way to Product/Market Fit by Christina Wodtke - The Lean Startup ...
Design Your Way to Product/Market Fit by Christina Wodtke - The Lean Startup ...

Finding product/market fit is the key to success for new ventures. But it's often elusive, and understanding the needs and desires of your potential customers is harder than many of us expect. Christina Wodtke, of Wodtke Consulting, shares design techniques to help you glean meaningful insights about your target market.

lean startup
n  Russians:	
n  NASA:	
n  Ability	
n  A	
n  A	
n  A	
Pen and
my taxes
File my
Check my
audit risk
Save time filing
Save time
preparing taxes
Maximize my
tax deductions
Check my
Reduce my
audit risk
Help me
prepare taxes
Save Time
Save Money
Tax Interview
Audit Risk
Tax Return
Error Checker
Tax Data
Electronic Tax
Return Filing
Tax Deduction
n  Think	
n  Focus	
n  What	

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Mastering Customer Discovery
Mastering Customer DiscoveryMastering Customer Discovery
Mastering Customer Discovery

Ariana Friedlander, Rosabella Consulting, LLC , @arianaf Do you struggle connecting with your customers? Having a hard time getting valuable insights from your customers? Tired of running experiments that don’t give accurate pass/fail indicators? In this hands-on interactive session, Ariana will help you move past those limitations by sharing her unique co-creational approach. At the end, you will walk away with a well crafted line of inquiry so that you may conduct more effective experiments while building your community of supporters.

lean startuplean startup conference 2015
Don't Listen to Users, Sample Their Experience!
Don't Listen to Users, Sample Their Experience!Don't Listen to Users, Sample Their Experience!
Don't Listen to Users, Sample Their Experience!

Tomer Sharon, WeWork, @tsharon Uncovering true user needs is one of the most challenging aspects of product development. Oh-so-many organizations develop products and services that nobody needs. The Experience Sampling Method is a simple research technique for uncovering user needs. In a typical Experience Sampling study, research participants are interrupted several times a day to note their experience in real time. In this talk, Tomer Sharon will demonstrate the method with conference attendees, show how it can help shape product roadmap priorities, describe how it serves as Google Search’s secret weapon, and demonstrate live, onstage data analysis.

lean startuplean startup conference 2015
Irrational Products
Irrational ProductsIrrational Products
Irrational Products

Amir Shevat, Slack, @ashevat As product managers and founders we know failing can be a good learning experience – and that is true, unless you fail because of something common or stupid that could have been avoided by simple methodologies. Many times we simply make irrational product decisions that prevent us from actually running valuable experiments. Avoiding common mistakes and taking better product decisions, by using easy hacks, could make or break your product and startup. In this session we will go over a few common product failures, as well as demonstrate simple methods and tricks to avoid these failures.

lean startup conference 2015lean startup

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How Lean Startup Accelerates (open) Innovation
How Lean Startup Accelerates (open) InnovationHow Lean Startup Accelerates (open) Innovation
How Lean Startup Accelerates (open) Innovation

Vincent Thamm, Transavia , @Vincent_Thamm This presentation looks at the learnings and challenges faced when Transavia started using Lean Startup to accelerate customer experience innovation, how we engaged the Transavia Management Team, how we scaled Lean Startup for other business ideas, how we combined different methods of work into a continuous innovation process and how we apply Lean Startup in an Open innovation context.

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How to Become an Innovation Leader
How to Become an Innovation LeaderHow to Become an Innovation Leader
How to Become an Innovation Leader

Bennett Blank, Intuit , @BlankBen Mastering lean startup principles takes practice, but teaching an entire company how to do it at scale is a entirely different leadership challenge altogether. Meet Bennett Blank, who was responsible for scaling Lean Startup at Intuit. Bennett will share what he discovered along Intuit’s journey, and best practices for making the leap from individual ability to organizational capability. You’ll learn tips and tricks for leading change, transforming your organization and your career in the process.

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Building a Culture of Innovation: An Example from Agribusiness
Building a Culture of Innovation: An Example from AgribusinessBuilding a Culture of Innovation: An Example from Agribusiness
Building a Culture of Innovation: An Example from Agribusiness

Mark Bidwell, nowhere Digital, @markehb The Financial Times called Syngenta the Apple of the agrochemical world. In an industry characterized by increasing regulation, long product life cycles and a small number of suppliers, what can be learned from the Lean Startup movement? The answer may surprise you. Mark Bidwell has extensive experience catalyzing and driving change in market-leading companies such as BP Oil and the Hay Group, and most recently in Syngenta, where he led the creation and development of a global $2bn Specialty Crops business unit. He recently became CEO of nowhere digital, a powerful platform that enables better, more productive meetings… by design.

lean startup conference 2015lean startup
1. Determine	
2. Iden/fy	
3. Define	
4. Specify	
5. Create	
6. Test	
n  Which	
n  How	
n  Which	
n  How	
n  Which	
n  How	

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Accelerate Beyond The Lean Startup
Accelerate Beyond The Lean StartupAccelerate Beyond The Lean Startup
Accelerate Beyond The Lean Startup

Zach Nies, Techstars , @zachnies Rachel Weston Rowell, CA Technologies , @RachelAWeston You know that Lean Startup techniques have helped your company move forward, and you know your competitors are successfully using those same techniques. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to find new ways to accelerate your company. The key is to use Lean to balance exploration and operation within your company. In this experience report, Zach Nies and Rachel Weston Rowell will share techniques and stories from startups to large organizations that have accelerated their growth by applying Lean thinking to how they operate their company and how they explore through uncertainty.

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Harvard Business Review’s Digital Transformation
Harvard Business Review’s Digital TransformationHarvard Business Review’s Digital Transformation
Harvard Business Review’s Digital Transformation

Eric Hellweg, Harvard Business Review , @ehellweg Eric Hellweg, HBR’s Executive Director of Product Management and Digital Strategy, will discuss how the team at HBR has transformed the brand from a primarily print product to one with digital at its core, using lean principles and by instilling a “product management mindset” –and a true product management function—inside this traditional media organization.

businesslean startup conference 2015lean startup
Building a Lean Startup
Building a Lean StartupBuilding a Lean Startup
Building a Lean Startup

This document discusses key concepts of lean startups including minimum viable product, product/market fit, continuous deployment, freemium business models, the five whys technique, and A/B testing. It provides a case study comparing two startups - BoxCloud and CloudFire - that used different lean startup techniques. The document emphasizes that startups should focus on getting customer feedback, rapidly iterating their product, measuring the right metrics like acquisition and activation, and optimizing for product/market fit above all else.

startup metricslean startupmvp
n  Which	
n  How	
n  Recall	
n  Who	
n  Think	
n  What	
1. Determine	
2. Iden/fy	
3. Define	
4. Specify	
5. Create	
6. Test	

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How Staying Lean Made Us Big, Michael Perry, Shopify
How Staying Lean Made Us Big, Michael Perry, ShopifyHow Staying Lean Made Us Big, Michael Perry, Shopify
How Staying Lean Made Us Big, Michael Perry, Shopify

Michael Perry, founder of the innovative virtual employee Kit, grew his business from a small team housed in a 200-sq ft space (in the back of a law firm) to a company acquired by Shopify. He leads a dynamic presentation about what it’s been like on both sides of the table.

lean startup week 2016
Product Management 101: The Search for Product-Market Fit
Product Management 101:  The Search for Product-Market FitProduct Management 101:  The Search for Product-Market Fit
Product Management 101: The Search for Product-Market Fit

This presentation discusses product-market fit and the lean startup methodology. It defines product-market fit as having a product that customers will readily pay for. The lean startup approach is presented as a way for startups to rapidly test hypotheses about their product and business model using minimum viable products and customer feedback to quickly iterate. Key aspects of the lean startup process include getting customer feedback early, focusing on validating the business model through experiments before scaling, and being willing to pivot the product or business model based on lessons learned from customers.

entrepreneurshipventure capitalproduct design
Building native desktop applications with node-webkit
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Building native desktop applications with node-webkit

We build web apps that runs on browser and server-side apps on Node.JS, but what’s about native Desktop applications? In this talk I will introduce node-webkit: an app runtime based on Chromium + Node.JS, you can use to build Desktop apps with JS and HTML, with no browser’s limitations like file-system calls or running native code.

1. Determine	
2. Iden/fy	
3. Define	
4. Specify	
5. Create	
6. Test	
n  Customers	
n  Customers	
n  That’s	

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Running a Lean Startup with AWS - Spreaker Case Study
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The document discusses live podcasting on AWS and how to scale infrastructure on AWS automatically. It provides examples of AWS services used like EC2, ELB, EBS, S3, CloudFront, and Route 53. It then discusses how to set up auto-scaling on AWS using tools like Zenoss, Logstash, and Skynet to track metrics, analyze when to scale, and scale the infrastructure by launching new EC2 instances. Specific examples are given of splitting infrastructure into roles like web, streaming, API and assigning roles to EC2 instances to enable auto-scaling.

The Nitty Gritty of Setting Up Customer Discovery Meetings
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The Nitty Gritty of Setting Up Customer Discovery Meetings

David Telleen-Lawton, UC Santa Barbara - Technology Management Program , @DTLinSB This talk will focus on the down and dirty details of setting up meetings for Customer Discovery. The mindset you need, combined with specific tactics on how to will be discussed. Having set hundreds of B2B and B2C discovery meetings over the years, Telleen-Lawton has employed every stall tactic and excuse to delay reaching out and setting these meetings. He’ll show you how to avoid them and get on the fast track to a bull’s-eye product and a sustainable business model…or the realization that time would be better spent on a different idea.

lean startuplean startup conference 2015
So You Want to Build the Next Facebook
So You Want to Build the Next FacebookSo You Want to Build the Next Facebook
So You Want to Build the Next Facebook

Laura Klein, Users Know , @lauraklein Most founders want to build a billion dollar business, but they sometimes forget that giants like Facebook didn’t start out as giants. In this talk, Laura Klein, author of UX for Lean Startups, outlines some of the most important strategies that companies used to build and learn before they grew. .

developmentbusinesslean startup conference 2015
A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit
1. Determine	
2. Iden/fy	
3. Define	
4. Specify	
5. Create	
6. Test	
n  Understand	
n  Learn	
n  Show	
n  Be	
n  Ask	
n  Answer	
n  Point	
n  Ask	

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Lean canvas
Lean canvasLean canvas
Lean canvas

Learn how to capture your business model and plan on a single piece of paper. This course teaches you how to create a Lean Canvas for your business

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Lean Startup Case Study: Hotel Tonight
Lean Startup Case Study: Hotel TonightLean Startup Case Study: Hotel Tonight
Lean Startup Case Study: Hotel Tonight

Amanda Richardson, HotelTonight , @amandarich01 Amanda Richardson, VP of Product for last minute booking app Hotel Tonight joins us to talk about how they’re reinventing hotel booking, and the travel experience, for the mobile era.

lean startuplean startup conference 2015
The Product Market Fit Cycle
The Product Market Fit CycleThe Product Market Fit Cycle
The Product Market Fit Cycle

The Product Market Fit cycle is designed around helping startups diagnose what they need to test as they iterate not only on product but other important company aspects as well. For the full blog post on this presentation, go here -

lean startupentrepreneurshipstartup company
n  Explain	
n  Feedback	
n  Not	
n  “Think	
n  Try	
n  Take	
n  Ask	
n  “Help” user	
n  Get	

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Market sizing for the africa startup
Market sizing for the africa startupMarket sizing for the africa startup
Market sizing for the africa startup

A quick overview on market sizing tech in Africa. Startups should realize there are many ways to measure market sizes and they should not overly rely on top level macro economic data such as GDP figures and Africa generalizations. They should focus on emerging segments such as the middle class and watch important trends such as connectivity, urbanization and the role of women in tech when looking for opportunities. Go-to-market strategies, segmentation whilst relying on validating demand in the spirit of the lean startup approach are the important in convinging yourself and investors of the potential of the market. Always Be Learning.

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How to Ensure Your Backlog Will Deliver Customer Value
How to Ensure Your Backlog Will Deliver Customer ValueHow to Ensure Your Backlog Will Deliver Customer Value
How to Ensure Your Backlog Will Deliver Customer Value

Improving your Agile dev process is important. But even if your Agile dev process is going well, you need to make sure the stories you're putting in your backlog are actually going to create customer value. Come learn best practices in understanding customer needs, prioritization, and how to make sure you're building a product that's superior to your competition.

How to Achieve Product-Market Fit with Rapid Prototyping and User Testing by ...
How to Achieve Product-Market Fit with Rapid Prototyping and User Testing by ...How to Achieve Product-Market Fit with Rapid Prototyping and User Testing by ...
How to Achieve Product-Market Fit with Rapid Prototyping and User Testing by ...

In this talk, I share my Lean Product Process for How to Achieve Product-Market Fit with Rapid Prototyping and User Testing

dan olsenkano modellean
n  My	
n  Team:	
n  Goals	
n  See	
n  Do	
n  “Marke/ng	
  report” would	
n  Analogous	
Junk Mail
Find out what
“they” know
about you
to Others

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How Product Management plus Design Leads to Product Success by Dan Olsen
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How Product Management plus Design Leads to Product Success by Dan Olsen

The document discusses principles for how product managers and UX designers should collaborate. It advocates exploring different directions before committing to a single solution and focusing on problems before thinking of solutions. The document also discusses frameworks like the Double Diamond and Triple Diamond for problem-solving and transitioning from problem space to solution space. It provides a case study of how the author collaborated with a team to map customer benefits and explore potential designs for a marketing report product without coding.

Product Edition: How we leverage UserTesting
Product Edition: How we leverage UserTestingProduct Edition: How we leverage UserTesting
Product Edition: How we leverage UserTesting

As Product Managers, you’re responsible for delivering game-changing products that both delight customers and grow the business. It’s also critical that the product decisions you make get buy-in from key stakeholders, whether it’s from your direct team or executives. Not only that, these decisions need to be made faster than ever before. In our first installment of the Product Edition Webinar, UserTesting's Director of Product Brian Tran will share a few ways he leverages the UserTesting platform for product discovery and validation, to make decisions quickly and confidently. You’ll learn how to use UserTesting to: Uncover key unmet customer needs Understand the perceived value of your product to determine pricing Validate and prioritize feature sets

uxcxuser experience
How to Use Experimentation to Optimize Your Product and Business
How to Use Experimentation to Optimize Your Product and BusinessHow to Use Experimentation to Optimize Your Product and Business
How to Use Experimentation to Optimize Your Product and Business

One thing that separates great product teams from the rest is how well they use analytics and experimentation to make decisions. Product teams live in a data-driven world and the bar is rising. Analytics increasingly offer greater transparency into understanding how your customers are using your product, what’s working, and what isn't. A strong experimentation mindset enables you to systematically drive improvement. In this webinar, product management expert Dan Olsen shares his Lean Product Analytics Process: a methodical, step-by-step approach to improving your product with analytics and experimentation. Dan also shares advice from his book The Lean Product Playbook, illustrating the concepts with real-world examples and case studies. Watch the recording to learn how to harness the power of analytics and experimentation to improve your product.

optimizelyexperimentationlean startup
A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit
n  Used	
n  Wrote	
n  Work	
n  Fit	
n  Fit	
n  Offered	
n  Scheduled	
n  Moderated	
Junk Mail
Find out what
“they” know
about you
to Others
Strong appeal
Some appeal
Low appeal
“Shield” Concept “Saver” Concept

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Do More with Less! Increase Your ROC!
Do More with Less! Increase Your ROC!Do More with Less! Increase Your ROC!
Do More with Less! Increase Your ROC!

By Abhishek Jain, Adobe Documentation teams are constantly asked to increase efficiency in content development, translation, and maintenance. We all know that budgets are not increasing. In fact, more than 70% of our survey respondents said that they are not. Many of us have to face a reduction in headcount as well. At the same time, Technical Communicator of today face increasing demands for improving productivity and quality. On an average, a tech comm professional works with more than four languages and caters to a plethora of devices and formats. So, there is extreme pressure on us to do our jobs more efficiently. This session emphasizes three aspects of Technical Communication which, if exercised in tandem, can bring huge benefits to the business: --Creating lean content: Data-driven prioritization can help content authors to do more with less. --Closing the feedback loop: Follow the Create - Measure - Learn cycle and fix the burning issues to enjoy higher ratings. --Engaging the end users: Showing some empathy toward the most important participant in the value chain works wonders.

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Early Stage Product Development - Incubadora Sinergia
Early Stage Product Development - Incubadora SinergiaEarly Stage Product Development - Incubadora Sinergia
Early Stage Product Development - Incubadora Sinergia

This document summarizes key points from a presentation on early stage product development by Des Traynor of Intercom. It discusses focusing products on solving real user problems, starting simply and refining over time. Products should provide clear value for customers rather than founders. Features can dilute focus, so it's important to understand user jobs and remove unnecessary steps. Distribution costs are decreasing, so startups must compete globally and stay focused on core value to remain defensible.

entrepreneurshipproduct managementstrategy
PMI region globale - intro lean startup
PMI region globale - intro lean startupPMI region globale - intro lean startup
PMI region globale - intro lean startup

This webinar discusses the Lean Startup methodology for project management. The Lean Startup approach emphasizes validating business ideas with customers early through minimum viable products and experiments, rather than relying on business plans. It outlines key Lean Startup principles like the customer feedback loop, where assumptions are tested through small experiments and iterations based on learnings. Three essential Lean Startup tools - the business model canvas, assumption mapping, and customer feedback loop - are presented as ways to systematically test risks and learn through customer interactions whether to pivot or move forward with an idea. The webinar contrasts the Lean Startup approach which starts with unknown problems and solutions with traditional waterfall and agile development models.

project managementlean startupinnovation
n  4	
n  1	
n  Zero	
n  Reasonable	
n  Customers	
n  Trimmed	
n  You	
1.  Determine	
2.  Iden/fy	
3.  Define	
4.  Specify	
5.  Create	
6.  Test	
§  Hypothesize-­‐Design-­‐Test-­‐Learn	
§  Improve	

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Denver Startup Week: Product Management from the TrenchesDenver Startup Week: Product Management from the Trenches
Denver Startup Week: Product Management from the Trenches

This document summarizes a presentation on product management and engineering relationships. It discusses establishing trust between the teams through clear expectations around commitments, responsibilities, and priorities. Specifically, it outlines that product management is responsible for what is built, the desired user experience and priorities, while engineering determines how it is built and the technologies used. Maintaining open communication and establishing accountability helps avoid dysfunctions that can hurt productivity and results.

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PMI france lean startup for project management

This document discusses the Lean Startup methodology for project management. It notes that 90% of startups fail and that business plans are often wrong. The Lean Startup approach is to systematically test assumptions with customers through minimum viable products and a feedback loop to learn what works. The key principles are having a customer perspective, designing experiments, and optimizing for speed through focus and validated learning. Tools include a business model canvas to document plans, assumption mapping to identify risks, and customer feedback loops to test assumptions. The goal is to test the riskiest assumptions as quickly as possible with real users and limited resources to avoid wasting time and money on ideas that don't work.

lean startupproject managementmethods
Ideahack all-slides
Ideahack all-slidesIdeahack all-slides
Ideahack all-slides

This document provides an overview of IdeaHack 2018 and discusses various topics related to developing startup ideas and landing pages. It begins by describing Forward Partners' approach to investing in early-stage ventures. Various sessions are then outlined on topics like developing empathy for customers, using lean canvases to outline startup ideas, prototyping, and getting customer feedback. Tips are also provided for creating effective landing pages, including focusing the message, using compelling visuals and calls-to-action, and assessing conversion metrics. The document concludes with a hypothetical demo of choosing a website building tool.


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Lean Startup Co.
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A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit

  • 1. A Playbook For Achieving Product- Market Fit DAN OLSEN NOV 12, 2015
  • 2. My  Background   Educa/on   n  Engineering  background   n  Stanford  MBA   n  UX  design,  web  and  mobile  coding     Experience   n  Led  Quicken  Product  Management  at  Intuit   n  Led  Product  Management  at  Friendster   n  CEO  &  Cofounder,  TechCrunch  award  winner  YourVersion   n  Product  consultant:  Facebook,  Box,  MicrosoM   n  Organizer:  Lean  Product  &  Lean  UX  Meetup  Silicon  Valley     I  will  post  my  slides  at  hOp://   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 3. What  is  “Lean  Startup”  all  about?   n  Ar/culate  hypotheses   n  Iden/fy  fastest  way  to  test   n  Keep  scope  small:   minimum  viable  product  (MVP)   n  Test  with  customers   n  Learn  and  iterate   n  Achieve  product-­‐market  fit   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen   Sounds  easy,  right?  
  • 7. That’s  Why  I  Wrote  a  How-­‐To  Guide   For  Achieving  Product-­‐Market  Fit     hOp:///
  • 13. The  Lean  Product  Process  
  • 14. The  Lean  Product  Process  
  • 15. The  Lean  Product  Process  
  • 16. The  Lean  Product  Process  
  • 17. The  Lean  Product  Process  
  • 18. The  Lean  Product  Process  
  • 19. The  Lean  Product  Process  
  • 20. The  Lean  Product  Process  
  • 21. Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 22. The  Lean  Product  Process   1. Determine  your  target  customer   2. Iden/fy  underserved  customer  needs   3. Define  your  value  proposi/on   4. Specify  your  MVP  feature  set   5. Create  your  MVP  prototype   6. Test  your  MVP  with  customers   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 23. Transporta/on  within  100  miles  of  my  home   Soccer  Mom       Speed  Demon   Carry  kids  &  gear   Safety   Fuel  economy   Go  fast   Looks  cool   Makes  me  look  cool             Target  Customer  Has  Dis/nct  Needs   High-­‐level  need     Target  Customer       Detailed  needs     Ideal  Product   Soccer  Mom   Speed  Demon  
  • 24. The  Lean  Product  Process   1. Determine  your  target  customer   2. Iden/fy  underserved  customer  needs   3. Define  your  value  proposi/on   4. Specify  your  MVP  feature  set   5. Create  your  MVP  prototype   6. Test  your  MVP  with  customers   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 25.     n  Russians:  pencil   n  NASA:  space  pen   ($1  M  R&D  cost)           Example   n  Ability  to  write  in  space   (zero  gravity)   Problem  Space  vs.  Solu/on  Space   Problem  Space   n  A  customer  problem,  need   or  benefit  that  the  product   should  address   n  A  product  requirement   Solu/on  Space   n  A  specific  implementa/on   to  address  the  need  or   product  requirement   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 26. Problem  vs.  Solu/on  Space:  Product  Level   Problem  Space   (user  benefits)   Solu/on  Space   (product)   TurboTax TaxCut Pen and paper Prepare my taxes File my taxes Check my taxes Maximize deductions Reduce audit risk Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 27. Problem  Space     Problem  vs.  Solu/on  Space:  Feature  Level   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen   Save time filing taxes Save time preparing taxes Maximize my tax deductions Check my return Reduce my audit risk Help me prepare taxes Empowerment/ Confidence Save Time Save Money Tax Interview Wizard Audit Risk Analyzer Tax Return Error Checker Tax Data Downloader Electronic Tax Return Filing Tax Deduction Finder Solu/on  Space  
  • 28. Group  Exercise:  Customer  Needs   n  Think  about  Airbnb   n  Focus  on  the  problem  space   n  What  customer  needs  does  Airbnb  address?   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 29. Priori/zing  Needs:  Importance  vs.  Sa/sfac/on  Importance  of  User  Need   User  Sa/sfac/on  with  Current  Alterna/ves   Compe//ve Market  Opportunity   Low   High   Low   High   Not  Worth  Going  AMer   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 30. Crea/ng  Customer  Value   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen   Importance  of  User  Need   User  Sa/sfac/on  with  the  Product   Low   High   Low   High   Area  =   Customer   Value   Created   Area  =   Opportunity   to  Create   Customer   Value  
  • 31. Users  Rated  13  Key  Features  in  a  Survey   Recommended  reading:   “What  Customers  Want”  by  Anthony  Ulwick   Great   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen   Bad  
  • 32. Kano  Model:  User  Needs  &  Sa/sfac/on   User  Sa/sfac/on   User  Dissa/sfac/on   Performance   (more  is  beOer)   Delighter  (wow)   Need   not  met   Need   fully  met   Must  Have   Needs  &  features   migrate  over  /me   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 33. The  Lean  Product  Process   1. Determine  your  target  customer   2. Iden/fy  underserved  customer  needs   3. Define  your  value  proposi/on   4. Specify  your  MVP  feature  set   5. Create  your  MVP  prototype   6. Test  your  MVP  with  customers   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 34. What  is  Your  Value  Proposi/on?   n  Which  user  benefits  are  you  providing?   n  How  are  you  beOer  than  compe/tors?     Must  Have  Benefit  1   Performance  Benefit  1   Performance  Benefit  2   Performance  Benefit  3   Delighter  Benefit  1   Delighter  Benefit  2   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 35. What  is  Your  Value  Proposi/on?   n  Which  user  benefits  are  you  providing?   n  How  are  you  beOer  than  compe/tors?     Compe5tor  A   Compe5tor  B   You   Must  Have  Benefit  1   Performance  Benefit  1   Performance  Benefit  2   Performance  Benefit  3   Delighter  Benefit  1   Delighter  Benefit  2   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 36. What  is  Your  Value  Proposi/on?   n  Which  user  benefits  are  you  providing?   n  How  are  you  beOer  than  compe/tors?     Compe5tor  A   Compe5tor  B   You   Must  Have  Benefit  1   Y   Y   Performance  Benefit  1   High   Low   Performance  Benefit  2   Low   High   Performance  Benefit  3   Med   Med   Delighter  Benefit  1   Y   -­‐   Delighter  Benefit  2   -­‐   -­‐   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 37. What  is  Your  Value  Proposi/on?   n  Which  user  benefits  are  you  providing?   n  How  are  you  beOer  than  compe/tors?     Compe5tor  A   Compe5tor  B   You   Must  Have  Benefit  1   Y   Y   Y   Performance  Benefit  1   High   Low   Med   Performance  Benefit  2   Low   High   Low   Performance  Benefit  3   Med   Med   High   Delighter  Benefit  1   Y   -­‐   -­‐   Delighter  Benefit  2   -­‐   -­‐   Y   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 38. Group  Exercise:  Value  Proposi/on   n  Recall  our  discussion  on  Airbnb  user  needs   n  Who  are  Airbnb’s  compe/tors?   n  Think  about  how  Airbnb  meets  those  needs   beOer  than  alterna/ve  solu/ons   n  What  are  Airbnb’s  differen/ators?   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 39. The  Lean  Product  Process   1. Determine  your  target  customer   2. Iden/fy  underserved  customer  needs   3. Define  your  value  proposi/on   4. Specify  your  MVP  feature  set   5. Create  your  MVP  prototype   6. Test  your  MVP  with  customers   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 40. What  is  an  MVP?   Courtesy  of  Jussi  Pasanen   See  Aaron  Walter’s  book  Designing  for  Emo-on   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 41. The  Lean  Product  Process   1. Determine  your  target  customer   2. Iden/fy  underserved  customer  needs   3. Define  your  value  proposi/on   4. Specify  your  MVP  feature  set   5. Create  your  MVP  prototype   6. Test  your  MVP  with  customers   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 42. The  UX  Design  Iceberg   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen   What  most   people  see   and  react  to   What  good   product  teams   think  about  
  • 43. Geqng  Customer  Feedback   Problem  Space  vs.  Solu/on  Space   n  Customers  CAN’T  ar/culate  problem  space   n  Customers  CAN  react  to  solu/on  space   n  That’s  why  you  need  something  tangible  to   show  to  customers  to  get  good  feedback   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 44. Product  Design  Ar/facts   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen   Hand   sketch   Interac/vity   Fidelity   Interac/ve   Prototype   Sta/c   Wireframe*   Clickable   Wireframe*   Mockup     Clickable   Mockup**   *  Balsamiq:   **  InVision:   Live   Product  
  • 46. Itera/ve  Design  &  Test  Workflow   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen   Hand   sketches   Interac/vity   Fidelity   Clickable   Wireframes   Clickable   Mockups   Live   Product   Test   Test   Test  
  • 47. The  Lean  Product  Process   1. Determine  your  target  customer   2. Iden/fy  underserved  customer  needs   3. Define  your  value  proposi/on   4. Specify  your  MVP  feature  set   5. Create  your  MVP  prototype   6. Test  your  MVP  with  customers   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 48. “Ramen”  User  Tes/ng  Session   10  -­‐  15  min:  Warm  Up  and  Discovery   n  Understand  user  needs,  priori/es   n  Learn  about  solu/ons  they  use,  likes  and  dislikes   30  -­‐  50  min:  User  Feedback  on  Prototype   n  Show  user  mockup/product   n  Be  as  non-­‐directed  as  possible:  like  you’re  not  there   n  Ask  ques/ons  to  gain  understanding   5  -­‐  10  min:  Wrap  up   n  Answer  any  ques/ons  or  issues  that  came  up   n  Point  out/explain  features  you  want  to  highlight   n  Ask  if  they  would  use  the  product   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 49. Dos  &  Don’ts  of  User  Tes/ng  Sessions   Do   n  Explain  to  the  user   n  Feedback  will  help  improve  the  product   n  Not  to  worry  about  hur/ng  your  feelings   n  “Think  Aloud  Protocol”   n  Try  to  be  a  fly  on  the  wall   n  Take  notes  and  review  them  aMerwards  for  take-­‐aways   Don’t   n  Ask  leading  or  close-­‐ended  ques/ons   n  “Help” user  or  explain  the  UI  (e.g.,  “click  over  here”)   n  Get  defensive  or  blame  the  user   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 50. What  Are  You  Tes/ng  and  Learning?   Problem  Space   All  your  hypotheses   Solu/on  Space   User  reac/ons   Feature  Set   UX  Design   Messaging     Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 51. Itera/ng  Between  User  Tes/ng  Waves    Customer  Feedback   Mockups  /  Code   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen   Problem  Space   All  your  hypotheses   Solu/on  Space   User  reac/ons  
  • 52. Problem   Space   Solu5on   Space   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 53. Persevere  or  Pivot?   Increasing   Product-­‐Market  Fit   Pivot   Product-­‐Market  Fit  =   Geqng  enough  data  to   validate  you’re  climbing  up   the  right  mountain   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 54. The  Lean  Product  Process:   Marke/  Case  Study   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 55. Marke/  Case  Study   n  My  client  (CEO)  had  a  new  product  idea   n  Team:  me,  CEO,  VP  marke/ng,  UI  designer   n  Goals   n  See  if  business  opportunity  exists   n  Do  so  quickly  and  inexpensively  (no  coding)   n  “Marke/ng  report” would  let  consumers   control  the  direct  mail  that  they  receive   n  Analogous  to  credit  report   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 56. Mapping  Out  Customer  Benefits   Reduce Junk Mail Find out what “they” know about you Money Saving Offers Compare Yourself to Others Social Networking Marketing Report Marketing Score Marketing Profile Save Trees “Marke/ng  Shield”   Concept   “Marke/ng  Saver”   Concept   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 58. Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 59. Recrui/ng  Target  Customers   n  Used  customer  research  firm  (panel)   n  Wrote  screener  to  iden/fy  target  customers   n  Work  full-­‐/me   n  Fit  for  Saver:  use  coupons,  Costco  membership   n  Fit  for  Shield:  use  paper  shredder,  block  caller  ID   n  Offered  $75  compensa/on   n  Scheduled  3  groups  of  2  or  3  people  for  90  min   n  Moderated  each  group  through  the  mockups   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 60. Learning  from  First  Wave  of  User  Tests   Reduce Junk Mail Find out what “they” know about you Money Saving Offers Compare Yourself to Others Social Networking Marketing Report Marketing Score Marketing Profile Save Trees Legend Strong appeal Some appeal Low appeal “Shield” Concept “Saver” Concept Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 61. Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 62. Summary  of    Case  Study   n  4  weeks  to  validated  product  concept   n  1  round  of  itera/on   n  Zero  coding   n  Reasonable  cost   n  Customers  willing  to  pay  $10/month   n  Trimmed  away  non-­‐valuable  pieces   n  You  can  achieve  similar  results   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 63. The  Lean  Product  Process   1.  Determine  your  target  customer   2.  Iden/fy  underserved  customer  needs   3.  Define  your  value  proposi/on   4.  Specify  your  MVP  feature  set   5.  Create  your  MVP  prototype   6.  Test  your  MVP  with  customers   Iterate:   §  Hypothesize-­‐Design-­‐Test-­‐Learn  loop   §  Improve  product-­‐market  fit   Copyright  ©  2015  @danolsen  
  • 64. Questions? @danolsen   olsensolu/     Book:  hOp:///