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Growth Hacking Roadmap
Maximize the Growth of Your Most Valuable Customers
Anglo-American University
Mark Andersen
August 22, 2015
• Unique creativity & technical expertise: Zlate Ceske ruce
• More advantages of being in Czech Republic: easier and less expensive to hire
developers, slower "burn rate",
• Advantages of being in or part of SiliconValley: massive startup ecosystem, know
how, access to capital; cons: cost of living, difficulty in hiring engineers, group think
(clean tech, mobile apps, MOOCs, Google Glass, Internet ofThings..)
• SiliconValley mindset: anything is possible; huge expectations; success is
celebrated, but failure isn't stigmatized--it's a test & learning experience
• Gregor Mendel's 29,000 pea experiments
• Czech startups are very strong technically & can improve on the business side. Most of the startups
I have seen have technology far better than their competitors, however, they don’t execute/sell as
• Often the projects are being built on local assumptions and once the company wants to scale, it
realizes that their existing business model is not viable / their assumptions are not valid for new/
different markets (product/market fit).
• We don’t have enough role models and people with global entrepreneurial experience thus this is
something we must work on.We can do that by sending the companies overseas and exposing
them to more developed startup ecosystems such as SiliconValley.
• The good thing is that Czech founders tend to be strongly motivated and they can generally run
the company with much lower costs = lower burn rate.Additionally Czech are experts in inventing
simple nonorthodox/innovative solutions and using a lot of common sense.
Growth Hacking Roadmap for tech startups
Create Your
Product /
Market Fit
Most Valuable
Early Behavior
of Most
Wow! Moment
Marketing &
Social Media
User & Social
Networks /
App Stores
Online / Mobile

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Growth Hacking Roadmap
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Growth Hacking Roadmap

The growth hacking roadmap that summarizes how startups can maximize the growth of their most valuable customers. It also summarizes the actionable analytics growth hackers should be using including cohort analysis, user testing and key performance indicators.

growth hackinglean canvasproduct/market fit
Growth Tribe Academy - Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy
Growth Tribe Academy - Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy Growth Tribe Academy - Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy
Growth Tribe Academy - Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy

This document summarizes a presentation on growth hacking. It discusses why growth hacking is important due to expensive traditional marketing channels and startups' focus on products over distribution. Growth hacking uses low-cost experiments and data-driven approaches. The presentation covers growth hacking skills and frameworks like the pirate funnel and BJ Fogg model. It emphasizes acquiring, activating, retaining and generating revenue from customers through techniques like onboarding, habit-forming hooks, and improving the user experience.

Building a sales & marketing machine
Building a sales & marketing machineBuilding a sales & marketing machine
Building a sales & marketing machine

Describes the steps required to build a Sales and Marketing Machine that is predictable, scalable, automated, well instrumented, and cost efficient. This was a presentation that I gave at the Lean Startup Circle in Boston on March 24th, 2011.

sales & marketing machinesaassaas sales
Lean Canvas
Step 1
Product Market Fit: Are you
indispensable for users?
Step 2
• "Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market": Marc
• "Make something people want": Paul Graham (Y Combinator)
• "Make insanely great products": Steve Jobs
• "A great brand is a promise of benefit that's persuasive and unique": David Ogilvy
How do you know if you have it?
• Would at least 40% of your customers say they'd be "very disappointed" without your product (
• Clearing Net Promoter Score (NPS), retention and lifetime net value hurdles
• Word of mouth is one of your biggest acquisition channels; virality (K value > 1)
Product / Market Fit
• AirBnB: after 1 year in business: $200 / week in
revenue--"do things that don't scale"
• PayPal: eBay power users
• Twitter didn't start to become what it is
Step 2
Success stories
Product / Market Fit"How to lose $170 million in VC funding"
• AllAdvantage after 18 months: 13 million members,
Top 20 site, $170 million from VCs, 3 weeks from IPO
• Why did it fail? Too much focus on acquisition & not
enough on retention, never achieved p/m fit
Step 2

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The Art & Science of Growth Hacking
The Art & Science of Growth HackingThe Art & Science of Growth Hacking
The Art & Science of Growth Hacking

Building a Sales and Marketing machine for a B2B software company involves many functions working together. This slide deck explores the process of funnel design that is highly buyer centric. It looks at the Buyer journey, and how to successfully construct a buying process that they buyer will enjoy going through, which is very different from the typical sale process that is designed from the vendors standpoint, and fails because the buyer is not motivated to go through the steps.

saas marketingsaas sales & marketingsaas sales
Buyer Centric Funnel Design
Buyer Centric Funnel DesignBuyer Centric Funnel Design
Buyer Centric Funnel Design

The document discusses buyer-centric funnel design. It emphasizes the importance of understanding where buyers are in their journey - awareness, consideration, or purchase. It recommends designing different experiences for each stage, with content that addresses buyer questions and concerns rather than just selling. The document also discusses identifying buyer personas, mapping their purchase process to the vendor's funnel, analyzing friction points, and optimizing the funnel based on buyer motivations and decision criteria. It provides examples from companies like Salsify and Apollo that redesigned their trials based on this approach, removing steps and addressing buyer pain points, which increased conversion rates.

saassaas metricssaas sales & marketing
Startup Metrics for Pirates
Startup Metrics for PiratesStartup Metrics for Pirates
Startup Metrics for Pirates

This is a 5-step model for creating a metrics framework for your business & customers, and how to apply it to your product & marketing efforts. The "pirate" part comes from the 5 steps: Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, & Revenue (AARRR!)

Most Valuable CustomersUsing Lifetime Net Value Across Acquisition Channels
Step 3
Email Blog Retarg SEO Blog FB eBooks SEM Affiliate
• Monthly margin: How much does the customer give us
each month?
• Retention: How long does the customer stay with us?
• Customer Lifetime NetValue:The lifetime value of a
• Equation: Monthly margin X retention = Lifetime net value
• $10 per month for an average retention of 5 months = $50 in lifetime
• -$6 in hosting & streaming fees / customer for 10 months
• -$8 in customer support / customer for 10 months
• = Gross lifetime value: $36
• -$19: Cost of acquisition (CAC), I.e., SEM, Facebook ads...
• = Lifetime net value: $17
Early Behavior of
Most Valuable Customers
Step 4
• Facebook: connect with 7 friends within first 10
• Dropbox: upload your first file
• Location Labs: check an early confirmation email

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30 Brilliant marketing growth hack cards.
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30 Brilliant marketing growth hack cards.

30 Marketing growth hack cards taken from the recent blog posts of the smartest cookies in the industry. Crazy, sneaky, happy and weird marketing hacks.

email marketingcontentfast
Get inside your Buyers Head - Improve Funnel Conversion Rates
Get inside your Buyers Head - Improve Funnel Conversion RatesGet inside your Buyers Head - Improve Funnel Conversion Rates
Get inside your Buyers Head - Improve Funnel Conversion Rates

SaaStock 2018 Dublin. Everyone wants more sales. In this presentation, David Skok unlocks the secrets to how he has been able to work with company after company and help them discover breakthroughs that drastically improve their conversion rates. The secret behind it all is become a master at understanding how your buyer thinks as they go through their purchasing journey, and as they experience your marketing and sales.

29 Growth Hacking Quick Wins
29 Growth Hacking Quick Wins29 Growth Hacking Quick Wins
29 Growth Hacking Quick Wins

The document provides 29 tips for growth hacking and quick wins that companies should be testing, but often aren't. Some of the key tips include measuring customer happiness with Net Promoter Score, creating more targeted landing pages, using paid ads to test headlines and images, removing distracting links from landing pages, and testing different calls to action copy. It encourages testing unconventional approaches to improve conversions and growth.

Wow! MomentWhatsApp's 10 step Onboarding process + 16 minutes to my Wow! Moment
Step 5
App Store download
Permission to get contacts
Permission to send push notifications
Enter phone number
Connecting my number
Receive the verification code and enter it
Validate the code
Prompted to fill out my profile.
Approve the Facebook permission.
Automatically shows favorites
Wow! Moment
Step 5
ViralityLocation Labs
Step 6
Single greatest driver of word-of-mouth: a great product
DriveSmart: "hey, I'm driving, DriveSmart is keeping me safe..."
Optimize Conversion FunnelYour fastest way to increase Lifetime Net Value
• Start by improving existing opportunities, not new traffic
• Learn about people who don't visit key conversion pages
• Find the points where people abandon your site: ask them via exit
survey: "Is there something preventing you from checking out?"
• Test & measure pages, flows & cohorts
• Testing speed is critical. A/B only tells us "what." We have to do
user testing to figure out "why."
Step 7

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From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learnedFrom Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned

Drew Houston and Adam Smith discuss how their startups Dropbox and Xobni reached 2 million users in 2 years through focusing on product-market fit, learning from early users, and designing viral features. They emphasize the importance of talking to potential users early, generating buzz through scarcity and word of mouth, and optimizing the user funnel through metrics to understand what drives acquisition and retention.

startupy combinatorxobni
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)

The document provides an overview of growth hacking fundamentals. It begins by defining growth hacking as a process-driven approach focused on rapid experimentation to drive product growth, rather than just tactics or user acquisition. It discusses when growth hacking is most applicable and examples of common growth drivers like user acquisition, activation, referral, and retention. The document concludes by outlining the typical growth hacking process of identifying metrics to optimize, developing hypotheses, running experiments, analyzing results, and systematizing learnings.

startupsgrowth hackingentrepreneurship
Growth Hacking Basics
Growth Hacking BasicsGrowth Hacking Basics
Growth Hacking Basics

This document discusses growth hacking strategies and examples. It defines growth hacking as leveraging non-traditional marketing tactics to unlock exponential growth. Examples discussed include Airbnb integrating with Craigslist, BranchOut using Facebook integration, and LivingSocial growing their Facebook app virally. The document advocates obsessing over data, thinking creatively, being curious, and getting hands-on with product and code. It provides categories of growth hacks like platform integrations, viral growth, and analytics-driven insights.

user acquisitionstartupsentrepreneurship
Optimize Conversion FunnelTools to increase conversion rates, retention & LTV
• Analytics: SQL, Google Analytics, KISSMetrics, Mixpanel
• A/B testing tools: Optimizely, Visual Website Optimizer
• Testing a lot of landing pages: Unbounce
• Identify the "why" in friction points: Qualaroo,
Step 7
Content Marketing & Social Media
Online petitions: CREDO Mobile's 275,000 Likes on FB
Step 8
• Clif Bar & Mint: 170,000 Likes
Content Marketing &
Social Media
Blogs: Salesforce. Webinars: KISSMetrics, Qualaroo
Step 8
Content Marketing &
Social Media
Video content that drives results
Step 8
• Wren's "First Kiss" (clothing label in LA): 80 million views, sales
in their online store increased13,600% vs week before First Kiss
was released:
• Red Bull's jump from space: 35 million views,
• GoPro's "Pelican learns to fly": 3 million views:

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Time to Wow! and Buyer-centric Funnel Design
Time to Wow! and Buyer-centric Funnel DesignTime to Wow! and Buyer-centric Funnel Design
Time to Wow! and Buyer-centric Funnel Design

The document provides guidance on optimizing a company's sales funnel by taking a buyer-centric approach. It recommends mapping the buyer's decision process and addressing all their decision criteria and concerns at each step. Key strategies include removing friction points, adding motivators, and testing for problems through the lens of the buyer's experience. The goal is to design a funnel that delights buyers and keeps them motivated to continue engaging with the sales process.

Growth Hacking 101
Growth Hacking 101Growth Hacking 101
Growth Hacking 101

This document provides an overview of growth hacking. It defines growth hacking as acquiring, retaining, and monetizing users more effectively by combining traditional marketing and analytical skills with product development skills. The document outlines the growth hacking process, which involves focusing on attention, acquisition, engagement, retention, and referral. It then discusses specific tactics for each step like content marketing, landing pages, social media, email marketing, and A/B testing. Finally, it recommends tools for analytics, advertising, landing page testing, email marketing, and feedback and provides an example schedule for a growth hacker.

internet marketinggraphic designweb design
Lean Analytics for Startups and Enterprises
Lean Analytics for Startups and EnterprisesLean Analytics for Startups and Enterprises
Lean Analytics for Startups and Enterprises

Latest Lean Analytics workshop from the Lean Startup Week in San Francisco. Focusing on what metrics matter to both startups and big corporations. Incorporates elements of corporate innovation into the Lean Analytics framework to help bigger companies think through the data that really matters.

lean analyticsinnovationanalytics
User & Social Networks /
App Stores
API integrations enable invitations, notifications & sharing of activity
• B2B open APIs: LinkedIn, AppExchange, Yammer
Step 9
Online / Mobile AdvertisingLendingTree & Netflix
Step 10
• Net Promoter Score
• Retention
• Lifetime net value
Growth Metrics (ignore total registrations)
• active users
• activity levels: DAU/MAU, D1, D7
• cohort retention
• revenue
Actionable Analytics & Research
4/7/2014 4/14/2014
First Time Visitors
Total Visitors
Conversion Rate
% New Customers
Retention Rate
Num Orders
Average Order Size
Total Sales $20,000
Apr 2 Apr 4 Apr 6 Apr 8 Apr 10 Apr 12 Apr 14
14 Day Trend

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Growth engine for saas startups
Growth engine for saas startupsGrowth engine for saas startups
Growth engine for saas startups

Learn how to build the growth engine for your startup. Saas Lifecycle stages. Product Market Fit, Different perspectives for Marketing funnel, AARRR framework, lead generation, lead nurturing & what tools to use

The Science behind Viral marketing
The Science behind Viral marketingThe Science behind Viral marketing
The Science behind Viral marketing

The Science behind Viral Marketing is a look at the key factors that drive growth in viral marketing. (Hint, the most important factor is not the one everyone expects.) It also looks at what is needed to get virality to work, and how to create and optimize viral marketing campaigns or viral products. One part of the presntation shows the key formulae behind viral marketing. Suitable for marketers or for product designers.

viral mathviral appsviral equation
Hooked Model
Hooked ModelHooked Model
Hooked Model

The document discusses how product design can form habits and behaviors through a "Hook" model. The Hook has 4 parts: a trigger that initiates behavior, an action performed by the user, a variable reward received, and an investment of some kind by the user. Frequent repetition of the trigger-action-reward loop can form habits over time. Products aim to address internal triggers like boredom, fear, or social needs. Variable rewards like social approval, achievement, or novelty keep users engaged. Investments like data, time or content shared increase the likelihood of returning. The goal is to shape user preferences and attitudes through repeated experiences with the Hook.

habitsweb design and developmentbehavior
• Most valuable user testing is asking what problems
they have: don't start by showing your product &
asking what they think
• Live is best, phone/skype is fine
• Y Combinator: two most valuable things startup
founders should be doing: talking to users & building
SummaryIf you takeaway nothing else...
• Product/market fit is most critical: user testing, user testing, user testing...
• Don't accelerate your acquisition spend until you've achieved p/m fit,
optimized your funnel & positive Lifetime NetValue
• Setup your analytics asap
• Cohorting & most valuable customers critical
• Common mistake is focusing too much on acquisition & virality and not
enough on retention
• "How to start a startup":Y Combinator's class onYouTube
• Paul Graham's essays
• Steve Blank: "Four steps to the epiphany" & videos
• Dave McClure
• More resources on the bottom of my infographic
Contact info
• VP of Marketing & Growth:
• @MarkAndersen

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What is Growth Hacking and how to implement it outside the high tech startup ...
What is Growth Hacking and how to implement it outside the high tech startup ...What is Growth Hacking and how to implement it outside the high tech startup ...
What is Growth Hacking and how to implement it outside the high tech startup ...

This thesis attempts to clarify and define the term « growth hacking » and what it implies in the world of marketing today. It also attempts to present the growth hacking process and mindset as it is used by successful high-tech startups. This thesis then tries to identify what are the keys to successfully implementing growth hacking in any organization, outside of the high tech startup ecosystem, where the movement was born. A qualitative study was conducted interviewing growth hacking experts to provide elements that are part of the growth hacking movement and that can help implement in organizations. Our findings led to defining growth hacking as a new organizational culture that can potentially disrupt traditional marketing by introducing marketing into every aspect of organizations. Growth hacking is also an essential element for healthy competition in industries thanks to its product and customer centricity and low cost and fast implementation with rapid and effective effects on growth.

Growth hacking panel hosted by Kellogg MBA
Growth hacking panel hosted by Kellogg MBA Growth hacking panel hosted by Kellogg MBA
Growth hacking panel hosted by Kellogg MBA

Slides that go with the Growth Hacking Roadmap infographic, which summarizes how startups can maximize the growth of their most valuable customers. It also summarizes the actionable analytics growth hackers should be using including cohort analysis, user testing and key performance indicators. Panel presentation by Mark Andersen, Prasanna Vinjamuri and Lauren Anderson.

growth hackeranalyticsgrowth hacking

This document discusses key metrics and strategies for growth. It emphasizes the importance of product/market fit and retention, highlighting metrics like daily active users and retention rates. It also discusses tactics for growth like viral loops, identifying a product's "magic moment", and optimizing the user experience through A/B testing. The document provides examples of growth strategies from companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Airbnb.

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Growth Hacking Workshop: AAU

  • 1. Growth Hacking Roadmap Maximize the Growth of Your Most Valuable Customers Anglo-American University Mark Andersen August 22, 2015
  • 2. CZECH STRENGTHS & SILICON VALLEY:AN OVERVIEW • Unique creativity & technical expertise: Zlate Ceske ruce • More advantages of being in Czech Republic: easier and less expensive to hire developers, slower "burn rate", • Advantages of being in or part of SiliconValley: massive startup ecosystem, know how, access to capital; cons: cost of living, difficulty in hiring engineers, group think (clean tech, mobile apps, MOOCs, Google Glass, Internet ofThings..) • SiliconValley mindset: anything is possible; huge expectations; success is celebrated, but failure isn't stigmatized--it's a test & learning experience • Gregor Mendel's 29,000 pea experiments
  • 3. ROMAN HORACEK: CZECH INVEST • Czech startups are very strong technically & can improve on the business side. Most of the startups I have seen have technology far better than their competitors, however, they don’t execute/sell as well. • Often the projects are being built on local assumptions and once the company wants to scale, it realizes that their existing business model is not viable / their assumptions are not valid for new/ different markets (product/market fit). • We don’t have enough role models and people with global entrepreneurial experience thus this is something we must work on.We can do that by sending the companies overseas and exposing them to more developed startup ecosystems such as SiliconValley. • The good thing is that Czech founders tend to be strongly motivated and they can generally run the company with much lower costs = lower burn rate.Additionally Czech are experts in inventing simple nonorthodox/innovative solutions and using a lot of common sense.
  • 4. Growth Hacking Roadmap for tech startups Create Your Business Model Product / Market Fit Most Valuable Customers Early Behavior of Most Valuable Customers Wow! Moment Virality Optimize Conversion Funnel Content Marketing & Social Media User & Social Networks / App Stores Online / Mobile Advertising
  • 6. Product Market Fit: Are you indispensable for users? Step 2 • "Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market": Marc Andreessen • "Make something people want": Paul Graham (Y Combinator) • "Make insanely great products": Steve Jobs • "A great brand is a promise of benefit that's persuasive and unique": David Ogilvy How do you know if you have it? • Would at least 40% of your customers say they'd be "very disappointed" without your product ( • Clearing Net Promoter Score (NPS), retention and lifetime net value hurdles • Word of mouth is one of your biggest acquisition channels; virality (K value > 1)
  • 7. Product / Market Fit • AirBnB: after 1 year in business: $200 / week in revenue--"do things that don't scale" • PayPal: eBay power users • Twitter didn't start to become what it is Step 2 Success stories
  • 8. Product / Market Fit"How to lose $170 million in VC funding" • AllAdvantage after 18 months: 13 million members, Top 20 site, $170 million from VCs, 3 weeks from IPO • Why did it fail? Too much focus on acquisition & not enough on retention, never achieved p/m fit Step 2
  • 9. Most Valuable CustomersUsing Lifetime Net Value Across Acquisition Channels Step 3 0 25 50 75 100 Email Blog Retarg SEO Blog FB eBooks SEM Affiliate
  • 10. CUSTOMER LIFETIME NETVALUE: MONTHLY MARGIN & RETENTION ARE 2 MOST IMPORTANT DRIVERS • Monthly margin: How much does the customer give us each month? • Retention: How long does the customer stay with us? • Customer Lifetime NetValue:The lifetime value of a customer • Equation: Monthly margin X retention = Lifetime net value
  • 11. CALCULATING LIFETIME NET VALUE • $10 per month for an average retention of 5 months = $50 in lifetime revenue • -$6 in hosting & streaming fees / customer for 10 months • -$8 in customer support / customer for 10 months • = Gross lifetime value: $36 • -$19: Cost of acquisition (CAC), I.e., SEM, Facebook ads... • = Lifetime net value: $17
  • 12. Early Behavior of Most Valuable Customers Step 4 • Facebook: connect with 7 friends within first 10 days • Dropbox: upload your first file • Location Labs: check an early confirmation email
  • 13. Wow! MomentWhatsApp's 10 step Onboarding process + 16 minutes to my Wow! Moment Step 5 App Store download Permission to get contacts Permission to send push notifications Enter phone number Connecting my number Receive the verification code and enter it Validate the code Prompted to fill out my profile. Approve the Facebook permission. Automatically shows favorites
  • 15. ViralityLocation Labs Step 6 Single greatest driver of word-of-mouth: a great product DriveSmart: "hey, I'm driving, DriveSmart is keeping me safe..."
  • 16. Optimize Conversion FunnelYour fastest way to increase Lifetime Net Value • Start by improving existing opportunities, not new traffic • Learn about people who don't visit key conversion pages • Find the points where people abandon your site: ask them via exit survey: "Is there something preventing you from checking out?" • Test & measure pages, flows & cohorts • Testing speed is critical. A/B only tells us "what." We have to do user testing to figure out "why." Step 7
  • 17. Optimize Conversion FunnelTools to increase conversion rates, retention & LTV • Analytics: SQL, Google Analytics, KISSMetrics, Mixpanel • A/B testing tools: Optimizely, Visual Website Optimizer • Testing a lot of landing pages: Unbounce • Identify the "why" in friction points: Qualaroo, Step 7
  • 18. Content Marketing & Social Media Online petitions: CREDO Mobile's 275,000 Likes on FB Step 8 • Clif Bar & Mint: 170,000 Likes
  • 19. Content Marketing & Social Media Blogs: Salesforce. Webinars: KISSMetrics, Qualaroo Step 8
  • 20. Content Marketing & Social Media Video content that drives results Step 8 • Wren's "First Kiss" (clothing label in LA): 80 million views, sales in their online store increased13,600% vs week before First Kiss was released: • Red Bull's jump from space: 35 million views, watch?v=FHtvDA0W34I • GoPro's "Pelican learns to fly": 3 million views: watch?v=_YEyzvtMx3s
  • 21. User & Social Networks / App Stores API integrations enable invitations, notifications & sharing of activity • B2B open APIs: LinkedIn, AppExchange, Yammer Step 9
  • 22. Online / Mobile AdvertisingLendingTree & Netflix Step 10 Total Customer Value
  • 23. Analytics • Net Promoter Score • Retention • Lifetime net value Growth Metrics (ignore total registrations) • active users • activity levels: DAU/MAU, D1, D7 • cohort retention • revenue
  • 24. Actionable Analytics & Research KPIs 4/7/2014 4/14/2014 First Time Visitors Total Visitors Conversion Rate % New Customers Retention Rate Num Orders Average Order Size Total Sales $20,000 $125 160 3.35% 18.06% 3.92% 3,955 1,986 $26,040 $210 124 2.89% 15.32% 3.01% 4,123 1,822 Apr 2 Apr 4 Apr 6 Apr 8 Apr 10 Apr 12 Apr 14 14 Day Trend
  • 25. USERTESTING • Most valuable user testing is asking what problems they have: don't start by showing your product & asking what they think • Live is best, phone/skype is fine • Y Combinator: two most valuable things startup founders should be doing: talking to users & building product
  • 26. SummaryIf you takeaway nothing else... • Product/market fit is most critical: user testing, user testing, user testing... • Don't accelerate your acquisition spend until you've achieved p/m fit, optimized your funnel & positive Lifetime NetValue • Setup your analytics asap • Cohorting & most valuable customers critical • Common mistake is focusing too much on acquisition & virality and not enough on retention
  • 27. Resources • "How to start a startup":Y Combinator's class onYouTube • Paul Graham's essays • Steve Blank: "Four steps to the epiphany" & videos • Dave McClure • More resources on the bottom of my infographic
  • 28. Contact info • VP of Marketing & Growth: • • • @MarkAndersen