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From User zero
Lessons from growing startups from scratch
Marketing can kill a startup.
From User Zero: Lessons from Growing Startups From Scratch
From User Zero: Lessons from Growing Startups From Scratch

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Grow Hack Athens Pt.2: Growth Hacking For Mobile Apps
Grow Hack Athens Pt.2: Growth Hacking For Mobile AppsGrow Hack Athens Pt.2: Growth Hacking For Mobile Apps
Grow Hack Athens Pt.2: Growth Hacking For Mobile Apps

This is the second part of the Grow Hack Athens presentation by GrowthRocks, entitled GrowHackAthens: Growth Hacking For Mobile Apps.

mobile appsweb appsgrowth hacker
Growth hacking and Data analysis
Growth hacking and Data analysisGrowth hacking and Data analysis
Growth hacking and Data analysis

- what is difference between digital marketer and growth hacker? - how can we use growth hacking to increasing revenue ? - how can Data analysis can improve growth hacking process in your startup / company ? - how can company / startup using growth hacking step by step ? - is growth hacking hype or not ? - is growth hacking depend on person or not ? and the other answer about growth hacking ....

growthhackinggrowthdigital marketing
How to Make Money Selling Physical Products - Steve Chou
How to Make Money Selling Physical Products - Steve ChouHow to Make Money Selling Physical Products - Steve Chou
How to Make Money Selling Physical Products - Steve Chou

Discover the steps to making money by selling physical products. Steve Chou shares how they were able to build a business selling handkerchiefs and linens for all occasions.

make money onlinephysical products
Yes, this is a huge
pile of money.
By: Paul Graham
From User Zero: Lessons from Growing Startups From Scratch

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How to get your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
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How to get your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

This document discusses Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) and the steps after ideation. It defines an MVP as an experiment to maximize validated learning about customers with minimal effort. It recommends that MVPs validate fundamental business hypotheses before building a full product. The document outlines different types of MVPs including concierge, landing pages, videos, and wireframes. It advises that MVPs should not be cheaper versions of the product and should focus on validated learning over cost savings. User stories are also discussed as a way to define high-level requirements that provide value to specific users.

lean startupstartupstartups
High Tempo Testing - Building a Scalable Growth Process
High Tempo Testing - Building a Scalable Growth ProcessHigh Tempo Testing - Building a Scalable Growth Process
High Tempo Testing - Building a Scalable Growth Process

How to build a scalable growth process for your startup. Most startups are searching for growth hacks. In this talk, I'll share why you should ditch the search for hacks and instead embrace a process of rapid experimentation. My talk at Traction Conference, October 8, 2015 in San Francisco.

marketingstartup marketinggrowth
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
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Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)

The document provides an overview of growth hacking fundamentals. It begins by defining growth hacking as a process-driven approach focused on rapid experimentation to drive product growth, rather than just tactics or user acquisition. It discusses when growth hacking is most applicable and examples of common growth drivers like user acquisition, activation, referral, and retention. The document concludes by outlining the typical growth hacking process of identifying metrics to optimize, developing hypotheses, running experiments, analyzing results, and systematizing learnings.

startupsgrowth hackingentrepreneurship
Product/Market Fit
By: Sean Ellis
• Must-have score of 40%
• NPS > 50%
• Stable retention over time
From User Zero: Lessons from Growing Startups From Scratch
Tracking plan

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Growth Hacking Session III @ Panteion AD&PR Lab
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Growth Hacking Session III @ Panteion AD&PR Lab

This slideshare is crafted with love for AD&PR Lab students at Panteion University. Read it and start thinking like a growth hacker before you even graduate.

marketingstartupsgrowth hacker
Think Like A Growth Hacker
Think Like A Growth HackerThink Like A Growth Hacker
Think Like A Growth Hacker

This document discusses the concept of a growth hacker and strategies for sustainable growth. A growth hacker focuses on scalable growth through experiments and data analysis. Their goal is viral and repeat growth through word of mouth, embedded social features, paid advertising, and recurring use. The document provides examples of how companies achieve growth through these channels and outlines psychological factors that influence word-of-mouth sharing. It emphasizes thinking like a growth hacker by constantly considering growth opportunities across communication platforms.

digital marketinggrowth hacker
15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop
15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop
15 Practical Startup Growth Hacks - Workshop

Here's a workshop I gave on growth hacking. It's a presentation of 15 different practical startup growth hacks, plus a workshop session where we brainstorm how to market / grow 3 fictional startups.

entrepreneurmarketingonline marketing
From User Zero: Lessons from Growing Startups From Scratch

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Pre-Launch User Acquisition
Pre-Launch User AcquisitionPre-Launch User Acquisition
Pre-Launch User Acquisition

This presentations discusses the importance for startups of starting with user acquisition activities before launch and introduces 7 low-cost, highly effective tactics: - Contest - Paid Advertising - Social Networks - Content Marketing - Pre-Launch Platforms - Offline Community Building - PR & Influencer Outreach

user acquisitionstartupsgrowth hacking
Growth hacking with Vincent Dignan
Growth hacking with Vincent DignanGrowth hacking with Vincent Dignan
Growth hacking with Vincent Dignan

Vincent provides growth marketing services and has experience growing websites and apps organically. He has expertise in content marketing, social media, and user acquisition channels. In the document, Vincent outlines growth hacking strategies for various digital marketing channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and others. He emphasizes the importance of defining the ideal user, testing content, and focusing acquisition efforts on the most effective channels.

cityunrulygrowth hackingcity unrulyversity
The Medium is the Message: The One Growthhack to Rule Them All by Patrick Vla...
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The Medium is the Message: The One Growthhack to Rule Them All by Patrick Vla...

The Medium is the Message: The One Growthhack to Rule Them All by Patrick Vlaskovits Author of The Lean Entrepreneur

internet marketingmarket researchplatform as a service
Model Depends on
• Paid acquisition – eCommerce, Groupon, ScoreBig
• Virality – Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
• SEO – Quora, RapGenius, TripAdvisor
• Sales – SaaS, Enterprise, Box
• Other – TurnHere/SmartShoot
MAU For GH was Flat
for 3 mo
We lacked fresh ideas.

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how to build a growth hacking culture
how to build a growth hacking culturehow to build a growth hacking culture
how to build a growth hacking culture

This document discusses instilling a culture of growth within companies. It covers whether to hire growth hackers or form growth teams, prioritizing areas of focus like acquisition, activation, engagement and virality. Day-to-day operations are discussed, including tracking metrics, understanding user behavior, prioritizing and designing features, building, measuring and repeating. Potential pitfalls for growth teams are also outlined, such as not testing assumptions with metrics and being impatient with results.

growth teamlean startupculture of growth
Growth Hacking 101
Growth Hacking 101Growth Hacking 101
Growth Hacking 101

This document provides an overview of growth hacking. It defines growth hacking as acquiring, retaining, and monetizing users more effectively by combining traditional marketing and analytical skills with product development skills. The document outlines the growth hacking process, which involves focusing on attention, acquisition, engagement, retention, and referral. It then discusses specific tactics for each step like content marketing, landing pages, social media, email marketing, and A/B testing. Finally, it recommends tools for analytics, advertising, landing page testing, email marketing, and feedback and provides an example schedule for a growth hacker.

internet marketinggraphic designweb design
[Webinar]: eCommerce Insights Generation For a Super Holiday Season
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[Webinar]: eCommerce Insights Generation For a Super Holiday Season

Slides from the eCommerce marketing webinar where Johann van Tonder from AWA Digital and Sushant Sharma from VWO talk about eCommerce insight generation for the holiday season and how to form a marketing strategy around the same. *Key Takeaways From the Talk* 1- Generating eCommerce insights based on user behavior 2- Using generated insights to plan time-boxed campaigns 3- Data backed case studies with proven success rates

by VWO
internet marketingecommercemarketing
High Tempo Drives
• Embraced high tempo testing in Jan (11 more wins since)
• Wins powering MAU growth (moved from 90K – 131K)
Started high
tempo testing
Relentless execution
of growth process
1. Ideas
–Sean Ellis
“Unbridled ideation.”
One person can’t possibly generate enough ideas 

to fuel high tempo testing

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Finding the one growth metric that matters
Finding the one growth metric that mattersFinding the one growth metric that matters
Finding the one growth metric that matters

From social media to website analytics, there are literally hundreds of things you could track, measure and try to improve. But what is the one metric that if improved would mean a big win for your business? This deck will help you hone in on the metrics that really matter to your business. You’ll get their insights on the tools and strategies you need to find, prioritize and grow the numbers that will result in big wins for your business.

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19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing
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19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing

Adapted from "Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising" by Ryan Holiday. "Everything you thought you knew about marketing is obsolete. We can see the incontrovertible evidence right in front of us. A new generation of multibillion dollar brands—Facebook, Twitter, AirBnb, Evernote, and countless others—have been built without spending a dime on traditional marketing techniques. No press releases, no PR firm, no Madison Avenue, no billboards in Times Square. It wasn’t luck that took them from tiny start-ups to massive success. They have a new strategy. It’s called Growth Hacking. And it works. A Growth Hacker is someone who rejects what “marketing” is supposed to be and replaces it only with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. Growth Hackers rely on inexpensive tactics like e-mail, pay-per-click ads, blogs, and platform APIs. They chase real results in a field that was dominated by gut instincts for nearly a century. They reject the traditional marketing worship of all things big: big budgets, big campaigns, big opening weekends. Instead, they embrace the opposite: taking a start-up from nothing to something, launching a Kickstarter project, building something that truly spreads. Growth Hacker Marketing offers both a new mindset and a new set of rules. Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the former director of marketing for American Apparel, will convince you of the urgency of this awakening. He shows why the game has changed forever and what to do about it—whether you are an aspiring marketer, an entrepreneur, or a Fortune 500 senior executive."

marketingquotesryan holiday
Richard branson story telling
Richard branson story tellingRichard branson story telling
Richard branson story telling

This ppt will give the autobiography of sir richard branson. His complete life history.also his achievement, his rise and fall.

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200+ ideas From Team
From User Zero: Lessons from Growing Startups From Scratch
Tempo is Everything

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Virgin group presentation
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Virgin group presentation

This presentation is created under a marketing internship. It is about Virgin group and its various companies and also about Marketing schemes and vulnerability.

Virgin case study for MBA
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Virgin case study for MBA

Branson should apply the following criteria when deciding on new diversifications: - It should add value to end users and communities in line with Virgin's brand of value, quality, fun and innovation. - It should benefit from Virgin's resources like its strong brand, management expertise, and ability to innovate in constrained industries. - The diversification should create opportunities for synergies across Virgin's existing operations through shared resources and capabilities.

Weekly Growth
• New ideas added previous week? (enough fuel in the tank)
• Set weekly tempo goal (3 for our team)
• Did you hit the weekly test starts goal? What were the
• Any tests completed previous week? (key lessons learned)
• Plan and assign this week’s tests (shoot for goal + 2)
• Move additional ideas to “on deck” (AARRR focus area)
Find your number

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Pfizer is a large pharmaceutical company founded in 1849 and headquartered in New York. It has annual sales of $44.4 billion and focuses on areas like cardiovascular, infectious diseases, and oncology. While Pfizer has significant market share and resources, it also faces threats such as expiring patents, increased competition from generics, and a reliance on blockbuster drugs.

Il était une fois le storytelling
Il était une fois le storytellingIl était une fois le storytelling
Il était une fois le storytelling

Comment se construit le storytelling ? Comment fonctionne-t-il ? pourquoi est-il si efficace ? Comment l'utiliser pour vous, votre marque, votre entreprise ? Quelques chiffres et exemples.

Pfizer-Strategic Management Case
Pfizer-Strategic Management CasePfizer-Strategic Management Case
Pfizer-Strategic Management Case

Pfizer is a large pharmaceutical company founded in 1849. In 2014, Pfizer's revenue was $53.8 billion with net income of $22 billion. Pfizer's top selling drugs include Lipitor, Lyrica, and Viagra. The company is evaluating strategic options to maintain its leadership position, including horizontal integration through an acquisition of AstraZeneca. In May 2014, Pfizer offered $117 billion for AstraZeneca, but the offer was rejected. Pfizer will likely need to make another major acquisition in the next 4-5 years to continue growing and remain the largest pharmaceutical company.

universitas tarumanegarapfizermagister manajemen
Moved Email collector
from bottom to top
Result: 700% Increase
in collected emails
It’s hard to tell which tests will
have the most impact.
Relentless execution
of growth process
1. Ideas
Starting From Zero
• Must Have Product
• Great story
• Understanding of your loop and acquisition
• Deep pipeline of ideas
• High Tempo Testing
• 10 Case Studies of Fast
growing companies
• 15,000+ copies sold
• Many more since at

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Pfizer case study
Pfizer case studyPfizer case study
Pfizer case study

The document discusses the pharmaceutical industry and Pfizer's position as one of the largest companies in the sector, facing challenges from increasing competition, shorter patents, and the need to diversify beyond blockbuster drugs. It analyzes Pfizer's strengths in areas like research and development as well as opportunities for the company to move into new areas like medical devices, health insurance, and genetically modified foods.

Social Media Management: Day-to-Day Tips and Tools
Social Media Management: Day-to-Day Tips and ToolsSocial Media Management: Day-to-Day Tips and Tools
Social Media Management: Day-to-Day Tips and Tools

Get tips and tools for creating daily social media content, plus best practices to increase engagement and follower counts across platforms.

social mediasocial media marketingsocial media strategy
PPC - Getting to your bottom 10%
PPC - Getting to your bottom 10%PPC - Getting to your bottom 10%
PPC - Getting to your bottom 10%

The document provides tips and best practices for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. It recommends defining goals, tracking all costs, using tag management solutions, enhanced ecommerce in Google Analytics, and understanding how different ad platforms work. Key tips include focusing on the top 10% and bottom 10% of terms, using custom segments and reports in analytics, remarketing, building funnels, and leveraging different platforms like Facebook, Google Display Network, YouTube, and more. Lastly, it suggests tools to use and exploring new platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and live streaming services.

ppcgoogle adwordsadwords

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