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What’s New in Kubernetes 1.21
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Anna Jung
1.21 Enhancements Lead
Divya Mohan
1.21 Communications
Lead & Moderator
Nabarun Pal
1.21 Release Lead
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
★ 1.22 Release Updates
★ 1.21 Highlights
★ SIG Updates
★ Q&A
1.22 Release Updates
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
★ 1.22 Release Timeline
○ Start Date: 26th of April 2021
■ Enhancements Freeze: 13th of May 2021 23:59 PDT
■ Code Freeze: 8th of July 2021 18:00 PDT
○ Target Release Date: 4th of August 2021
★ Kubernetes Release Cadence has changed to 3 releases
per year
○ Roughly one Minor release every 4 months
○ Enhance determinism and reduce risk
1.21 Highlights
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Kubernetes 1.21 - Power to the Community
Logo Credits: Aravind Sekar / Behance
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
★ 51 total enhancements tracked in 1.21
○ 13 Stable Enhancements
○ 15 Graduating to Beta
○ 21 Introduced Alpha features
○ 2 Deprecations
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
★ CronJobs graduate to Stable
★ Immutable Secrets and ConfigMaps to Stable
★ IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack support
★ Graceful Node Shutdown
Major Themes!
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
★ PersistentVolume Health Monitor
★ Reducing Kubernetes Build Maintenance
★ PodSecurityPolicy Deprecation
★ TopologyKey Deprecation
(more) Major Themes!
SIG Updates
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Efficient watch resumption after kube-apiserver reboot
● Avoid tons of relists during kube-apiservers
rolling upgrades
● Avoid different instances of
kube-apiserver stuck with watchcache
synced to different resource versions for
extended period of time
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Apply for client-go's typed clients
• Introduces a type-safe programmatic
way to call server side apply from
• Client-go bundles a set of Apply
• Clears the path for server side apply to go
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Immutable label selectors for all namespaces
• Introduces a reserved label
“” which
will be set to name of the namespace
• Adds the ability to select namespaces by
name reliably using traditional label
selector methods.
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
CronJobs graduate to Stable
● CronJobs graduated to Beta in
Kubernetes 1.21
● The old controllers and feature flags have
been removed Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Graduate PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) to stable
● Makes PDBs mutable
● Address performance issues in the PDB
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
TTL After Finished Controller
● Finished resources like `Jobs` and `Pods`
can accumulate in a cluster over time if
they are not cleaned periodically
● Make it easy to for the users to specify a
time-based clean up mechanism for
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Random Pod Selection on ReplicaSet Downscale
● Implements a randomized algorithm to
choose Pods to be killed on a ReplicaSet
downscale event
● Also keeps into consideration the existing
heuristics Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Indexed Job
● Provides users with support to run massively
parallel programs
● The Pods running can talk to each other with
the addition of a Headless Service
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Suspend Jobs
● Adds a `suspend` boolean field to Job
● It allows to suspend and resume jobs
● Useful for preserving existing Job
metadata like successful or failed
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
ReplicaSet Pod Deletion Cost
● Influence the order of Pod deletion on
downscale events
● ``
can be provided as an annotation
● Pods with Lower pod deletion cost will be
deleted first
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Pod Security Policy
● Deprecation starts in 1.21
● Planned to be removed in 1.25
● Replacement being worked on Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Deprecated
Deprecation Blog
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
External client-go credential providers
● Allow out-of-tree implementation
credential providers in client-go
● Ensure that credentials can be rotated
without restarting clients
● Eventually make client-go vendor neutral
by deprecating `gcp` and `azure`
authentication options
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Bound Service Account Tokens: separate RootCAConfigMap
from BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume
● Audience of issued JWTs would be bound
● Auto-configured service account tokens in
pods use projected tokens
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Bound Service Account Tokens: RootCAConfigMap to GA
● Publishes a `kube-root-ca.crt` ConfigMap to
every namespace
● This ConfigMap contains a CA bundle used for
verifying connections to the kube-apiserver Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Service Account signing key retrieval
● Allow authorized systems to discover the
information they need to authenticate
Kubernetes Service Account tokens
● Eventual goal is to make the Kubernetes API
Server OIDC compatible
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Include kubectl command metadata in http request headers
Allows cluster admins to use this information for
telemetry and debugging
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Default container behavior
Kubectl commands can consume this information
to decide the container to operate on
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Alpha
Cloud Provider
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Leader Migration for Controller Managers
● Enables HA migration of in-tree to out-of-tree
cloud providers
● Defines a set of guidelines and processes Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Metrics Stability Enhancement
● Deprecation lifecycle is in place
to better handle deprecation of
stable metrics
● Deprecation notice in the
description text (Deprecated from
x.y) and a warning log
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Structured logging
● Structured logging available for
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Expose metrics about resource requests and limits
that represent the pod model
● The `kube-scheduler` exposes
optional metrics that reports the
requested resources and the
desired limits of all running pods Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Defend against logging secrets via static analysis
● Static analysis to be used during
testing to prevent various types of
sensitive information from leaking
via logs Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Metric cardinality enforcement
● Turn off metrics to mitigate issue
where metrics causes memory
● Turn off metrics using
● Set allow-list of label value for
metrics using `--allow-label-value`
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Add IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack support
● Dual stack mode to support
assigning both IPv4 and IPv6
enabled by default Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
EndpointSlice API
● In the v1 API, `topology` field was
removed in favor of the
dedicated fields `nodeName`
and `zone`
● The Endpoints controller adds
annotation to indicate over
capacity for an Endpoints
resource with more than 1000
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Service Type=LoadBalancer Class
● Option to specify the class of a
load balancer implementation for
`LoadBalancer` type of Service
● Introduces field
in Service
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
NetworkPolicy port range
● Option to enable
`NetworkPolicyEndpoint` to target
a range of ports instead of a
single port when setting a network
● Introduces field `endPort` in
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Service Internal Traffic Policy
● Introduce a new field
`spec.internalTrafficPolicy` in
Service that kube-proxy uses to
filter the endpoint it routes
● When set to `Cluster` or missing, all
endpoints are considered
● When set to `Local`, only node
local endpoints are considered
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Block service ExternalIPs via admission
● Allow users to disable the
`externalIPs` feature of Services
via `DenyServiceExternalIPs`
admission control
● Blocks deployment of any
resource that uses `externalIPs`
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Namespace Scoped Ingress Class Parameters
● IngressClass parameters are
Namespace scoped resources
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Topology Aware Hints
● Provide hints to Cluster
components like kube-proxy to
influence how traffic to is routed
by keeping traffic within the zone
it originated from
● Activate feature by setting
ware-hints` to `auto`
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Topology aware routing of services
● Alpha topologyKeys API is now
deprecated in favor of topology
aware hints
Status: Deprecated
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Add sysctl support
● Support for Linux sysctl interface to
tune OS parameters for deployed
● Beta since 1.11, now stable Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Provide RunAsGroup feature for Containers in a
● Support `runAsGroup` field inside
the `securityContext` field in a
● Beta since 1.14, now stable Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Memory Manager
● New component in Kubelet
ecosystem to guarantee memory
allocation for pods in the
Guaranteed QoS class
● single-NUMA and multi-NUMA
allocation strategies
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Graceful node shutdown
● `GracefulNodeShutdown`
enabled by default
● Kubelet detects node system
shutdown and gracefully
terminates pods running on the
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Add downward API support for hugepages
● Pods are able to fetch information
on their hugepage requests and
limits via the downward API
● Supported if all workers in the
cluster are min 1.20 version
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Remove cAdvisor json metrics from the Kubelet
● Deprecated since 1.18
● Removed permanently
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Add configurable grace period to probes
● Introduce probe-level
● Override the pod-level
for liveness or startup termination,
and will be ignored for readiness
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Extend podresources API to report allocatable
● Addition to Kubelet pod resources
endpoint to allow third party
consumers to learn about the
compute resources allocated to a
● Introduces
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
● Enables container log rotation for
Container Runtime Interface (CRI)
container runtime
● Beta since 1.11, now stable Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Honor Nominated node during the new scheduling
● Define a preferred node to speed
up scheduling
● Introduce a new field
in Pod Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Namespace selector for pod affinity
● Introduces `namespaceSelector`
to allow setting namespaces
dynamically for affinity term
● Introduces
that limits which namespaces are
allows to have pods with affinity
terms that cross namespaces
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Immutable Secrets and ConfigMaps
● Protects against inadvertent updates to
Secrets and ConfigMaps
● Kubelet doesn’t poll for such Secrets and
ConfigMaps resulting in performance
improvements Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
Status: Stable
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Persistent Volume Health Monitor
• Improves UX of handling underlying
storage issues in PersistentVolumes
• Early signal for impending storage failure
events preventing serious problems Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
Status: Alpha
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Storage Capacity Constraints for Pod Scheduling
• Prevents Pod creation getting stuck due
to unavailability of requested storage
• Schedule pods to nodes where the
requested storage capacity is available Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Generic Ephemeral Inline Volumes
● Extend Kubernetes with CSI drivers that
provide light-weight, local volumes
● New volume source, the so-called
EphemeralVolumeSource contains all
fields that are needed to create a
volume claim
● The Pod is the owner of the volume claim,
if the pod gets deleted the garbage
collector deletes also the volume
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Prioritizing nodes based on volume capacity
● Optimize Volume resource usage
● Schedules pods on nodes where the
available capacity is close to requested
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Azure file in-tree to CSI driver migration
If you have the Azure File CSI
Driver, you can turn on the feature
gate CSIMigrationAzureFile to
enable the same
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Service Account Token for CSI Driver
• Allow CSI driver to request
audience-bounded service account
tokens of pods from kubelet to
• Provide an option to re-execute
NodePublishVolume in a best-effort
Status: Alpha
Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Beta
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Reducing Kubernetes Build Maintenance
● The project used to maintain multiple
build systems
● CI processes using Bazel moved to `make
● Bazel based build and related tooling are
removed Tracking Issue
Enhancement Proposal
Status: Stable
Release Team Shadow Program
© 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Release Team Shadow Program
★ Release Team Roles
○ Release Team Lead
○ Enhancements
○ CI Signal
○ Bug Triage
○ Docs
○ Release Notes
○ Communications
★ 1 lead : 3 - 5 shadows
★ ~4 months // weekly workload varies depending on team
★ Release Team Shadows Github repo
Thank You

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Kubernetes 1.21 release

  • 1. What’s New in Kubernetes 1.21
  • 2. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 2 Anna Jung 1.21 Enhancements Lead @antheajung Presenters Divya Mohan 1.21 Communications Lead & Moderator @Divya_Mohan02 Nabarun Pal 1.21 Release Lead @theonlynabarun
  • 3. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 3 Agenda ★ 1.22 Release Updates ★ 1.21 Highlights ★ SIG Updates ★ Q&A
  • 5. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 5 Overview ★ 1.22 Release Timeline ○ Start Date: 26th of April 2021 ■ Enhancements Freeze: 13th of May 2021 23:59 PDT ■ Code Freeze: 8th of July 2021 18:00 PDT ○ Target Release Date: 4th of August 2021 ★ Kubernetes Release Cadence has changed to 3 releases per year ○ Roughly one Minor release every 4 months ○ Enhance determinism and reduce risk
  • 7. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 7 Kubernetes 1.21 - Power to the Community Logo Credits: Aravind Sekar / Behance
  • 8. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 8 Overview ★ 51 total enhancements tracked in 1.21 ○ 13 Stable Enhancements ○ 15 Graduating to Beta ○ 21 Introduced Alpha features ○ 2 Deprecations
  • 9. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 9 ★ CronJobs graduate to Stable ★ Immutable Secrets and ConfigMaps to Stable ★ IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack support ★ Graceful Node Shutdown Major Themes!
  • 10. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 10 ★ PersistentVolume Health Monitor ★ Reducing Kubernetes Build Maintenance ★ PodSecurityPolicy Deprecation ★ TopologyKey Deprecation (more) Major Themes!
  • 13. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 13 Efficient watch resumption after kube-apiserver reboot ● Avoid tons of relists during kube-apiservers rolling upgrades ● Avoid different instances of kube-apiserver stuck with watchcache synced to different resource versions for extended period of time Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Beta
  • 14. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 14 Apply for client-go's typed clients • Introduces a type-safe programmatic way to call server side apply from client-go • Client-go bundles a set of Apply configurations • Clears the path for server side apply to go GA Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 15. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 15 Immutable label selectors for all namespaces • Introduces a reserved label “” which will be set to name of the namespace • Adds the ability to select namespaces by name reliably using traditional label selector methods. Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 16. APPS
  • 17. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 17 CronJobs graduate to Stable ● CronJobs graduated to Beta in Kubernetes 1.21 ● The old controllers and feature flags have been removed Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta Status: Stable
  • 18. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 18 Graduate PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) to stable ● Makes PDBs mutable ● Address performance issues in the PDB Controller Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta Status: Stable
  • 19. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 19 TTL After Finished Controller ● Finished resources like `Jobs` and `Pods` can accumulate in a cluster over time if they are not cleaned periodically ● Make it easy to for the users to specify a time-based clean up mechanism for them Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Beta
  • 20. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 20 Random Pod Selection on ReplicaSet Downscale ● Implements a randomized algorithm to choose Pods to be killed on a ReplicaSet downscale event ● Also keeps into consideration the existing heuristics Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta Status: Alpha
  • 21. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 21 Indexed Job ● Provides users with support to run massively parallel programs ● The Pods running can talk to each other with the addition of a Headless Service Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta Status: Alpha
  • 22. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 22 Suspend Jobs ● Adds a `suspend` boolean field to Job specification ● It allows to suspend and resume jobs ● Useful for preserving existing Job metadata like successful or failed completions Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Alpha
  • 23. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 23 ReplicaSet Pod Deletion Cost ● Influence the order of Pod deletion on downscale events ● `` can be provided as an annotation ● Pods with Lower pod deletion cost will be deleted first Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Alpha
  • 24. AUTH
  • 25. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 25 Pod Security Policy ● Deprecation starts in 1.21 ● Planned to be removed in 1.25 ● Replacement being worked on Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Deprecated Deprecation Blog
  • 26. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 26 External client-go credential providers ● Allow out-of-tree implementation credential providers in client-go ● Ensure that credentials can be rotated without restarting clients ● Eventually make client-go vendor neutral by deprecating `gcp` and `azure` authentication options Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Beta
  • 27. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 27 Bound Service Account Tokens: separate RootCAConfigMap from BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume ● Audience of issued JWTs would be bound ● Auto-configured service account tokens in pods use projected tokens Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Beta
  • 28. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 28 Bound Service Account Tokens: RootCAConfigMap to GA ● Publishes a `kube-root-ca.crt` ConfigMap to every namespace ● This ConfigMap contains a CA bundle used for verifying connections to the kube-apiserver Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 29. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 29 Service Account signing key retrieval ● Allow authorized systems to discover the information they need to authenticate Kubernetes Service Account tokens ● Eventual goal is to make the Kubernetes API Server OIDC compatible Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 30. CLI
  • 31. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 31 Include kubectl command metadata in http request headers Allows cluster admins to use this information for telemetry and debugging Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Alpha
  • 32. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 32 Default container behavior Kubectl commands can consume this information to decide the container to operate on Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Alpha
  • 34. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 34 Leader Migration for Controller Managers ● Enables HA migration of in-tree to out-of-tree cloud providers ● Defines a set of guidelines and processes Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable Status: Alpha
  • 36. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 36 Metrics Stability Enhancement ● Deprecation lifecycle is in place to better handle deprecation of stable metrics ● Deprecation notice in the description text (Deprecated from x.y) and a warning log Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 37. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 37 Structured logging ● Structured logging available for Kubelet Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Alpha
  • 38. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 38 Expose metrics about resource requests and limits that represent the pod model ● The `kube-scheduler` exposes optional metrics that reports the requested resources and the desired limits of all running pods Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 39. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 39 Defend against logging secrets via static analysis ● Static analysis to be used during testing to prevent various types of sensitive information from leaking via logs Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 40. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 40 Metric cardinality enforcement ● Turn off metrics to mitigate issue where metrics causes memory leaks ● Turn off metrics using `--disabled-metrics` ● Set allow-list of label value for metrics using `--allow-label-value` Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 42. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 42 Add IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack support ● Dual stack mode to support assigning both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled by default Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 43. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 43 EndpointSlice API ● In the v1 API, `topology` field was removed in favor of the dedicated fields `nodeName` and `zone` ● The Endpoints controller adds annotation to indicate over capacity for an Endpoints resource with more than 1000 endpoints Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 44. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 44 Service Type=LoadBalancer Class ● Option to specify the class of a load balancer implementation for `LoadBalancer` type of Service ● Introduces field `service.spec.loadBalancerClass` in Service Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 45. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 45 NetworkPolicy port range ● Option to enable `NetworkPolicyEndpoint` to target a range of ports instead of a single port when setting a network policy ● Introduces field `endPort` in NetworkPolicy Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 46. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 46 Service Internal Traffic Policy ● Introduce a new field `spec.internalTrafficPolicy` in Service that kube-proxy uses to filter the endpoint it routes ● When set to `Cluster` or missing, all endpoints are considered ● When set to `Local`, only node local endpoints are considered Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 47. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 47 Block service ExternalIPs via admission ● Allow users to disable the `externalIPs` feature of Services via `DenyServiceExternalIPs` admission control ● Blocks deployment of any resource that uses `externalIPs` field Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 48. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 48 Namespace Scoped Ingress Class Parameters ● IngressClass parameters are Namespace scoped resources Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 49. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 49 Topology Aware Hints ● Provide hints to Cluster components like kube-proxy to influence how traffic to is routed by keeping traffic within the zone it originated from ● Activate feature by setting annotation ` ware-hints` to `auto` Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 50. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 50 Topology aware routing of services ● Alpha topologyKeys API is now deprecated in favor of topology aware hints Status: Deprecated Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 51. NODE
  • 52. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 52 Add sysctl support ● Support for Linux sysctl interface to tune OS parameters for deployed Pods ● Beta since 1.11, now stable Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 53. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 53 Provide RunAsGroup feature for Containers in a Pod ● Support `runAsGroup` field inside the `securityContext` field in a Pod ● Beta since 1.14, now stable Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 54. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 54 Memory Manager ● New component in Kubelet ecosystem to guarantee memory allocation for pods in the Guaranteed QoS class ● single-NUMA and multi-NUMA allocation strategies Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 55. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 55 Graceful node shutdown ● `GracefulNodeShutdown` enabled by default ● Kubelet detects node system shutdown and gracefully terminates pods running on the node Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 56. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 56 Add downward API support for hugepages ● Pods are able to fetch information on their hugepage requests and limits via the downward API ● Supported if all workers in the cluster are min 1.20 version Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 57. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 57 Remove cAdvisor json metrics from the Kubelet ● Deprecated since 1.18 ● Removed permanently Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 58. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 58 Add configurable grace period to probes ● Introduce probe-level `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` ● Override the pod-level `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` for liveness or startup termination, and will be ignored for readiness probes Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 59. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 59 Extend podresources API to report allocatable resources ● Addition to Kubelet pod resources endpoint to allow third party consumers to learn about the compute resources allocated to a Pod ● Introduces `GetAllocatableResources` endpoint Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 60. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 60 CRIContainerLogRotation ● Enables container log rotation for Container Runtime Interface (CRI) container runtime ● Beta since 1.11, now stable Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 62. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 62 Honor Nominated node during the new scheduling cycle ● Define a preferred node to speed up scheduling ● Introduce a new field `.status.nomindatedNodeName` in Pod Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Alpha
  • 63. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 63 Namespace selector for pod affinity ● Introduces `namespaceSelector` to allow setting namespaces dynamically for affinity term ● Introduces `CrossNamespacePodAffinity` that limits which namespaces are allows to have pods with affinity terms that cross namespaces Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Alpha
  • 65. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 65 Immutable Secrets and ConfigMaps ● Protects against inadvertent updates to Secrets and ConfigMaps ● Kubelet doesn’t poll for such Secrets and ConfigMaps resulting in performance improvements Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta Status: Stable
  • 66. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 66 Persistent Volume Health Monitor • Improves UX of handling underlying storage issues in PersistentVolumes • Early signal for impending storage failure events preventing serious problems Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta Status: Alpha
  • 67. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 67 Storage Capacity Constraints for Pod Scheduling • Prevents Pod creation getting stuck due to unavailability of requested storage • Schedule pods to nodes where the requested storage capacity is available Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 68. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 68 Generic Ephemeral Inline Volumes ● Extend Kubernetes with CSI drivers that provide light-weight, local volumes ● New volume source, the so-called EphemeralVolumeSource contains all fields that are needed to create a volume claim ● The Pod is the owner of the volume claim, if the pod gets deleted the garbage collector deletes also the volume Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 69. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 69 Prioritizing nodes based on volume capacity ● Optimize Volume resource usage ● Schedules pods on nodes where the available capacity is close to requested capacity Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal
  • 70. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 70 Azure file in-tree to CSI driver migration If you have the Azure File CSI Driver, you can turn on the feature gate CSIMigrationAzureFile to enable the same Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 71. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 71 Service Account Token for CSI Driver • Allow CSI driver to request audience-bounded service account tokens of pods from kubelet to NodePublishVolume. • Provide an option to re-execute NodePublishVolume in a best-effort manner. Status: Alpha Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Beta
  • 73. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 73 Reducing Kubernetes Build Maintenance ● The project used to maintain multiple build systems ● CI processes using Bazel moved to `make build` ● Bazel based build and related tooling are removed Tracking Issue Enhancement Proposal Status: Stable
  • 75. © 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 75 Release Team Shadow Program ★ Release Team Roles ○ Release Team Lead ○ Enhancements ○ CI Signal ○ Bug Triage ○ Docs ○ Release Notes ○ Communications ★ 1 lead : 3 - 5 shadows ★ ~4 months // weekly workload varies depending on team ★ Release Team Shadows Github repo