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Containerized IDEs, and other
Local As Code techniques
Jan Van Bruggen
Developer Relations @ itopia
Let’s talk about coding, in general
● Defining my terms:
○ “Coding” == Editing lines of code in software and testing results
○ “Device” == Hardware used when coding (Ex: a Mac Mini, a Chromebook, an eGPU, etc.)
○ “Local” == Software running locally when coding (Ex: IDE, CLIs, compilers, web browsers, etc.)
○ “Project” == A team codebase with…
■ necessary dependencies (libraries, OS packages, OS, etc.)
■ recommended helpers (plugins, IDE settings, shell aliases, etc.)
● Some project dependencies & helpers have declarative config files.
○ .idea/ .vscode/ .editorconfig .eslintrc .gitignore .prettierrc.json go.mod package-lock.json
package.json pom.xml requirements.txt tsconfig.json yarn.lock …
● Some don’t.
○ “See for step-by-step instructions on how to…”
Before you can start coding, you need… (on most projects)
Version-controlled? Setup process
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs, maybe scripts)
🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs)
💻 Device N/A N/A
What is the source of truth for each layer?
Version-controlled? Setup process
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs, maybe scripts)
🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs)
💻 Device N/A N/A
Local As Documentation
Local As Code

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Continuous Delivery w projekcie Open Source - Marcin Stachniuk - DevCrowd 2017

This document discusses continuous delivery in an open source project. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and then discusses various tools used in the continuous delivery process like Travis CI for continuous integration. It outlines the build pipeline for the project including deploying to Bintray and updating GitHub pages. It also covers code quality tools like Codecov and promoting the project on the internet through blogs, conferences and other forums.

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Как быстро и легко настраивать/обновлять окружения для кросскомпиляции проектов под различные платформы(на основе docker), как быстро переключаться между ними, как используя эти кирпичики организовать CI и тестирование(на основе GitLab и Docker).

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Life of a Chromium Developer
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Life of a Chromium Developer

The document provides an overview of the typical workflow for a Chromium developer, including getting set up with the necessary development environment and tools, obtaining the source code, building and modifying the code, debugging, and submitting changes for review. It discusses using version control systems like Subversion and Git, the Depot Tools for managing the code checkout and uploads, building on different platforms like Linux, Mac and Windows, and common issues that may come up.

The point of this webinar
Version-controlled? Setup process
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs, maybe scripts)
🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs)
💻 Device N/A N/A
by automating project setup.
Decrease project onboarding time
Let’s automate!
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs, maybe scripts)
🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs)
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
OS Packages As Code is tricky but high-value
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ? ? ?
🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs)
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Nix is a great tool for most projects
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 One command: nix-shell Nix
🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure
(follow docs)
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A

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This document discusses software quality assurance tooling, focusing on pre-commit. It introduces pre-commit as a tool for running code quality checks before code is committed. Pre-commit allows configuring hooks that run checks and fixers on files matching certain patterns. Hooks can be installed from repositories and support many languages including Python. The document provides examples of pre-commit checks such as disallowing improper capitalization in code comments and files. It also discusses how to configure, run, update and install pre-commit hooks.

Introduction to Docker and Containers
Introduction to Docker and ContainersIntroduction to Docker and Containers
Introduction to Docker and Containers

This document introduces Docker and containers. It discusses that Docker provides a way to easily deploy applications by using lightweight virtualization to isolate applications into containers. These containers can then be easily shared between systems. The document outlines what problem containers solve, provides an overview of how Docker works, and discusses how to author Docker images using Dockerfiles or by committing changes to containers. It also discusses the Docker community and ecosystem and Docker's long term roadmap to further simplify deployment of applications.

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How to write CLI apps for macOS using swift, which packages to use, common challenges to overcome, how to structure your CLI app code.

OS As Code can be both liberating and restrictive
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 One command: nix-shell Nix
🐧 OS ? ? ?
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Two orthogonal solutions
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 One command: nix-shell Nix
🐧 OS ? ? Containerization
or NixOS (
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Containerization is accessible and popular, but NixOS isn’t
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install
(or pip / maven / cargo / etc.)
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 One command: nix-shell Nix
🐧 OS ? ? Containerization
or NixOS (
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Containerization adds an OS and can install OS packages
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional)
🐧 Project OS ✅ Yes: Dockerfile ? Docker
👁 IDE interface N/A ? ?
🍎 Device OS Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A

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This document provides an overview of the process for reverse engineering an Android application. It discusses various tools that can be used at each step, including apktool to decode application resources, dex2jar to convert .dex files to .jar files containing .class files, and JD-Project/jd-gui to decompile the .class files. It also discusses differences in applications built for older Android versions versus newer versions using ART, and how oat2dex tools can be used to extract DEX code from OAT files. The document demonstrates these concepts by walking through reversing a simple "Snake" application as an example. It concludes by noting there are multiple options for decompilation beyond just Eclipse.

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This document describes a GitLab CI/CD workflow using GitLab, Docker, GitLab Runner, and Ansible. Developers push code to a GitLab repo, which triggers a GitLab Runner job to build a Docker image. Ansible is then used to provision servers based on the environment. The benefits of using Ansible include managing everything from one playbook to clone code, build containers, deploy applications, and more. Examples of using shell scripts versus Ansible playbooks are provided.

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groovy & grails - lecture 6

Eclipse tips Productive tip Two thoughts on code design Running a script standalone test case: build all isoforms & extract proteotypic peptides

Short tangent: Personalization matters, too
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
💅 Personalization ? ? ?
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional)
🐧 Project OS ✅ Yes: Dockerfile ? Docker
👁 IDE interface N/A ? ?
🍎 Device OS Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Personalization is about dotfiles (see
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi (
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional)
🐧 Project OS ✅ Yes: Dockerfile ? Docker
👁 IDE interface N/A ? ?
🍎 Device OS Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Containerized OS approach #1: Offline (easy)
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional)
🐧 Project OS (guest) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🛠 Manually install & configure Docker Desktop
👁 IDE interface N/A 🛠 Manually install IDE with… …guest OS support
🍎 Device OS (host) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Containerized OS approach #2: Hybrid (medium)
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional)
🐧 Project OS (remote) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🛠 Manually deploy a server Docker on a server
👁 IDE interface N/A 🛠 Manually install IDE with… …remote OS support
🍎 Device OS (local) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A

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Containerized OS approach #3: Online (medium)
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional)
🐧 Project OS (remote) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🛠 Manually deploy a server code-server or
JetBrains Projector
👁 IDE interface N/A 👍 Bring your own web browser N/A
🍎 Device OS (local) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Containerized OS approach #4: Online & scalable (hard)
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional)
🐧 Project OS (remote) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🛠 Manually deploy Kubernetes Selkies (
👁 IDE interface N/A 👍 Bring your own web browser N/A
🍎 Device OS (local) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Containerized OS approach #5: Online & managed (easy)
Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions
💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi
📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A
📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A
📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional)
🐧 Project OS (remote) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🤷 “Manually” sign up itopia Spaces or
GitHub Codespaces
👁 IDE interface N/A 👍 Bring your own web browser N/A
🍎 Device OS (local) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A
💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
Thanks for watching!
JanCVanB@ on GitHub & Twitter

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Containerized IDEs.pdf

  • 1. Containerized IDEs, and other Local As Code techniques Jan Van Bruggen Developer Relations @ itopia
  • 2. Let’s talk about coding, in general ● Defining my terms: ○ “Coding” == Editing lines of code in software and testing results ○ “Device” == Hardware used when coding (Ex: a Mac Mini, a Chromebook, an eGPU, etc.) ○ “Local” == Software running locally when coding (Ex: IDE, CLIs, compilers, web browsers, etc.) ○ “Project” == A team codebase with… ■ necessary dependencies (libraries, OS packages, OS, etc.) ■ recommended helpers (plugins, IDE settings, shell aliases, etc.) ● Some project dependencies & helpers have declarative config files. ○ .idea/ .vscode/ .editorconfig .eslintrc .gitignore .prettierrc.json go.mod package-lock.json package.json pom.xml requirements.txt tsconfig.json yarn.lock … ● Some don’t. ○ “See for step-by-step instructions on how to…”
  • 3. Before you can start coding, you need… (on most projects) Version-controlled? Setup process 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) 📦 OS packages ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs, maybe scripts) 🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs) 💻 Device N/A N/A
  • 4. What is the source of truth for each layer? Version-controlled? Setup process 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) 📦 OS packages ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs, maybe scripts) 🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs) 💻 Device N/A N/A Local As Documentation Local As Code
  • 5. The point of this webinar Version-controlled? Setup process 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) 📦 OS packages ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs, maybe scripts) 🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs) 💻 Device N/A N/A by automating project setup. Decrease project onboarding time
  • 6. Let’s automate! Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) N/A 📦 OS packages ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs, maybe scripts) ? 🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs) ? 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 7. OS Packages As Code is tricky but high-value Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) N/A 📦 OS packages ? ? ? 🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs) ? 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 8. Nix is a great tool for most projects Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 One command: nix-shell Nix 🐧 OS ❌ No 🛠 Manually install & configure (follow docs) ? 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 9. OS As Code can be both liberating and restrictive Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 One command: nix-shell Nix 🐧 OS ? ? ? 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 10. Two orthogonal solutions Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 One command: nix-shell Nix 🐧 OS ? ? Containerization or NixOS ( 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 11. Containerization is accessible and popular, but NixOS isn’t Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 One command: git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 One command: npm install (or pip / maven / cargo / etc.) N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 One command: nix-shell Nix 🐧 OS ? ? Containerization or NixOS ( 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 12. Containerization adds an OS and can install OS packages Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional) 🐧 Project OS ✅ Yes: Dockerfile ? Docker 👁 IDE interface N/A ? ? 🍎 Device OS Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 13. Short tangent: Personalization matters, too Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 💅 Personalization ? ? ? 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional) 🐧 Project OS ✅ Yes: Dockerfile ? Docker 👁 IDE interface N/A ? ? 🍎 Device OS Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 14. Personalization is about dotfiles (see Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi ( 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional) 🐧 Project OS ✅ Yes: Dockerfile ? Docker 👁 IDE interface N/A ? ? 🍎 Device OS Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 15. Containerized OS approach #1: Offline (easy) Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional) 🐧 Project OS (guest) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🛠 Manually install & configure Docker Desktop 👁 IDE interface N/A 🛠 Manually install IDE with… …guest OS support 🍎 Device OS (host) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 16. Containerized OS approach #2: Hybrid (medium) Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional) 🐧 Project OS (remote) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🛠 Manually deploy a server Docker on a server 👁 IDE interface N/A 🛠 Manually install IDE with… …remote OS support 🍎 Device OS (local) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 17. Containerized OS approach #3: Online (medium) Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional) 🐧 Project OS (remote) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🛠 Manually deploy a server code-server or JetBrains Projector 👁 IDE interface N/A 👍 Bring your own web browser N/A 🍎 Device OS (local) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 18. Containerized OS approach #4: Online & scalable (hard) Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional) 🐧 Project OS (remote) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🛠 Manually deploy Kubernetes Selkies ( 👁 IDE interface N/A 👍 Bring your own web browser N/A 🍎 Device OS (local) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 19. Containerized OS approach #5: Online & managed (easy) Version-controlled? Setup process Solutions 💅 Personalization ✅ Yes: dotfiles 👍 chezmoi init myusername chezmoi 📄 Project source ✅ Yes 👍 git clone N/A 📁 Third-party libraries ✅ Yes 👍 npm install / pip / maven … N/A 📦 OS packages ✅ Yes: *.nix file(s) 👍 nix-shell Nix (optional) 🐧 Project OS (remote) ✅ Yes: Dockerfile 🤷 “Manually” sign up itopia Spaces or GitHub Codespaces 👁 IDE interface N/A 👍 Bring your own web browser N/A 🍎 Device OS (local) Unnecessary 👍 Bring your own device N/A 💻 Device N/A N/A N/A
  • 20. Thanks for watching! 👋 JanCVanB@ on GitHub & Twitter ⛅ 🦭