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Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Pivotal Platform
January Update
Jared Ruckle | @jaredruckle
Dan Baskette | @dbbaskette
January 2020
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 2
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 3
The Pivotal Platform Value Proposition
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4Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Developer Productivity

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Modern Application Configuration in Kubernetes
Modern Application Configuration in KubernetesModern Application Configuration in Kubernetes
Modern Application Configuration in Kubernetes

SpringOne 2021 Session Title: Modern Application Configuration in Kubernetes Speaker: Craig Walls, Engineer at VMware

Kubernetes on vSphere Presentation- July 23, 2020
Kubernetes on vSphere Presentation- July 23, 2020Kubernetes on vSphere Presentation- July 23, 2020
Kubernetes on vSphere Presentation- July 23, 2020

The document provides an overview of VMware Tanzu, a comprehensive software stack for modernizing applications. Tanzu allows customers to build modern software using containers and microservices, run applications on Kubernetes infrastructure across multiple clouds, and manage applications centrally across multiple clusters and clouds. The presentation agenda covers Tanzu overview, vSphere 7 with Kubernetes, Tanzu Mission Control for management and observability, and takes questions. It positions Tanzu as enabling customers to modernize both applications and infrastructure with solutions for building, running, and managing containerized applications on Kubernetes.

July 30: How User-Centered Design Drives Impactful Products and Services
July 30: How User-Centered Design Drives Impactful Products and ServicesJuly 30: How User-Centered Design Drives Impactful Products and Services
July 30: How User-Centered Design Drives Impactful Products and Services

This document discusses how user-centered design was used to drive impactful products and services. It describes how VMware Pivotal Labs uses techniques like stakeholder interviews, user interviews, persona creation, prioritization, roadmapping, and design studios to understand user needs and inform the direction of projects. The goal is to start simply, learn through doing, and adapt based on new insights to build solutions that deliver business value. A navigator helps translate business problems into actionable user stories to guide development.

5Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Pivotal Application Service
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 6
App developers can deploy a sidecar with a buildpack
• Continues support for user-provided sidecars, as in prior releases
• Previously, developers had to roll the sidecar process into the main app then
deploy it with an app manifest.
• Sidecars feature remains in beta
Plus, cli support for sidecars
PAS 2.8
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 7
• The new metric is relative to the application CPU entitlement.
• A value of 100% always means "you are using all the CPU you're entitled to and should probably scale up your
application," regardless of the size of the cell.
• Developers can now make more informed decisions about scaling their apps.
• Current CPU stats are relative to the cell's CPU capacity; they don't include data about how much CPU
the application is entitled to use vs how much CPU it's actually using.
• Learn more:
PAS 2.8
PAS emits CPU usage metrics that take entitlement into account
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 8
Apps Manager 2.8: Config Server Integrations
View the configuration of Spring
Cloud Config Server instances on
the service instance detail page
View the online status of the SCS
instance, and perform a mirror
sync with one click
Closer integrations with Spring
Cloud mean devs can work and
troubleshoot faster

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Leveraging Standard Buildpacks to Migrate Not-So-Standard Apps
Leveraging Standard Buildpacks to Migrate Not-So-Standard AppsLeveraging Standard Buildpacks to Migrate Not-So-Standard Apps
Leveraging Standard Buildpacks to Migrate Not-So-Standard Apps

SpringOne 2021 Session Title: Leveraging Standard Buildpacks to Migrate Not-So-Standard Apps Speakers: Brandon Blincoe, App Modernization Strategist at VMware; Matthew Campbell, Solutions Architect at VMware

cloud foundrykubernetesmodernization/refactoring
Tanzu Basic
Tanzu BasicTanzu Basic
Tanzu Basic

Introducing Tanzu Editions VMware Tanzu editions package capabilities of the Tanzu portfolio into clearly defined solutions targeted at the most common enterprise challenges. There are four Tanzu editions, each a superset of the one before it along a spectrum, giving customers a clear path to add capabilities over time as needed.

vmware tanzutanzu basic
Building the Business Case for App Modernization
Building the Business Case for App ModernizationBuilding the Business Case for App Modernization
Building the Business Case for App Modernization

This document discusses building a business case for app modernization. It covers increasing revenue through faster release cycles and new markets, decreasing costs through reduced licensing and downtime, and decreasing risk by automating patching. Case studies are presented on companies that have seen benefits like double digit revenue growth, 99.998% uptime, and being able to apply patches within 24 hours using app modernization techniques. The document provides templates for calculating the financial benefits in areas like revenue increases, cost savings, and reduced security costs.

devopscore frameworkspringone 2020
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 9
Apps Manager 2.8: View Quota Information
Quota information for the org is
displayed in the org header, helping
devs and admins understand
resource usage
10Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
PAS for Windows
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 11
• .NET Devs can use the Web Config Transform Extension Buildpack to externalize .NET Framework
• An extension buildpack that offers a zero code change / zero touch function to externalize the configurations
in the web.config to environment variables. [aha]
• If config server binding is detected, it will replace any matching token in web.config with config server value.
• One of the first tasks in replatforming efforts for .NET applications is externalizing configurations.
Today, customers manually externalize their configurations to get to a state where they can push their
application to the platform.
Web Config Transform Extension Helps .NET Devs Go Faster
12Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Cloud Cache

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Governance for your Modern Application Platform - November 4, 2020
Governance for your Modern Application Platform - November 4, 2020Governance for your Modern Application Platform - November 4, 2020
Governance for your Modern Application Platform - November 4, 2020

Slides from the Northeast Fall Webinar Series on November 4, 2020. Presented by Andrea Samuel & Chuck D’Antonio, VMware

Spring Cloud Kubernetes: An Easier Path from Idea to Production
Spring Cloud Kubernetes: An Easier Path from Idea to ProductionSpring Cloud Kubernetes: An Easier Path from Idea to Production
Spring Cloud Kubernetes: An Easier Path from Idea to Production

Kubernetes might be a dream for operations teams willing to learn its intricacies, but it can be a nightmare for developers whose primary goal is getting working applications into production. Spring Cloud Kubernetes addresses developers’ needs by making it simple to deploy Spring Cloud and Spring Boot applications into Kubernetes environments. This webinar will explore some key Spring Cloud Kubernetes concepts and demonstrate the process of porting an existing application onto a Kubernetes cluster.

Tanzu Standard
Tanzu StandardTanzu Standard
Tanzu Standard

Introducing Tanzu Editions VMware Tanzu editions package capabilities of the Tanzu portfolio into clearly defined solutions targeted at the most common enterprise challenges. There are four Tanzu editions, each a superset of the one before it along a spectrum, giving customers a clear path to add capabilities over time as needed.

vmware tanzutanzu standardtanzu editions
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 13
Breakthrough Performance Improvements
• Recent Cloud Cache releases have delivered perf improvements (2x on
server side, 10% improvement in client/server topology). Version 1.10
continues this theme:
• “Get” is now 4x times faster
• “Put” is now 2x times faster
• Devs can connect to Cloud Cache with a Node.js client
• We now have a client to ease interactions with Cloud Cache for the three most
popular enterprise frameworks! [aha]
• Developers have a self paced Getting Started guide
Cloud Cache 1.10
14Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 15
Use this tool, and your starting
codeset can include common
dependencies like internal single
sign-on libraries and helper utilities.
• Be more productive in your first
few minutes!
• Take 5 minutes and deploy a
“hello world” app using a given
feature. Get a working project
with clearly defined code on
how to implement that feature.
• Support for .NET Core 3.0.
• Middleware consolidation
because of .NET core 3.0.
Steeltoe: More Speed, Stability for .NET Developers
Recent Highlights
Initializr site gets you going
Getting Started Guides Steeltoe 2.4
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 16
Steeltoe CLI brings dev/prod parity one step closer to reality
The cli aims to help you write better code by
improving parity across your environments.
Say your app is using a cache. Why should you
have to mock up a store locally, only to find a
whole host of challenges when it’s bound to a
cache on your chosen runtime?
The CLI provides a manifest-driven experience
where you can do a “push” locally. This mimics
what would be done to the platform, bringing
your desktop closer in-line with prod.

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Successful and Sustainable Business Transformation: The 4 x 3 Approach
Successful and Sustainable Business Transformation: The 4 x 3 ApproachSuccessful and Sustainable Business Transformation: The 4 x 3 Approach
Successful and Sustainable Business Transformation: The 4 x 3 Approach

SpringOne 2020 Successful and Sustainable Business Transformation: The 4 x 3 Approach Gautham Pallapa, Global CTO at VMware

transformation case studiesmodernization/refactoringspringone 2020
Crafting a New Enterprise App Platform with Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Istio,...
Crafting a New Enterprise App Platform with Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Istio,...Crafting a New Enterprise App Platform with Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Istio,...
Crafting a New Enterprise App Platform with Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Istio,...

SpringOne 2020 Boskey Savla: Technical Product Line Marketing Manager, VMware; Jared Ruckle: Group Product Line Marketing Manager, VMware

Delivering Essentials for Albertsons: VMware TAS’s Critical Role During the C...
Delivering Essentials for Albertsons: VMware TAS’s Critical Role During the C...Delivering Essentials for Albertsons: VMware TAS’s Critical Role During the C...
Delivering Essentials for Albertsons: VMware TAS’s Critical Role During the C...

VMware TAS played a critical role for Albertsons during the COVID-19 pandemic by helping them scale their e-commerce systems to meet a 700% increase in online orders without any downtime. Albertsons projected e-commerce load increased by 75% during shelter-in-place but actual load increased by over 700% and orders grew to over 100,000 per day. The VMware and Albertsons teams worked closely together to ensure systems had adequate monitoring and auto-scaling to handle the exponential growth in demand without issues. This case study highlights how VMware technologies helped a major retailer adapt and succeed during an unprecedented time.

springone 2020modernization/refactoringtransformation case studies
17Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Spring Cloud Services
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 18
Pivotal Spring Cloud Gateway - Now GA
Monolith Strangling
Single Sign-On
A developer-friendly way to route, secure and monitor API requests to services
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 19
Operator Efficiency
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 20
• Operators can more easily break up their PAS upgrades into multiple independently upgradeable
chunks of Diego cells.
• This mechanism can also decouple the upgrades from the PAS control plane.
• Enabled by “placement-tagless” with Isolation Segments.
• PAS for Windows also supports this approach.
• Similar to the “cell-block” upgrade mechanisms in Pivotal Web Services
Speed, Stability
More manageable upgrades of large PAS installations

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Enterprise pks overview
Enterprise pks overview Enterprise pks overview
Enterprise pks overview

The document discusses VMware Enterprise PKS, a turnkey solution for deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters in production environments. It addresses common challenges in running Kubernetes at scale, such as complexity, networking, storage, monitoring, logging, and security. VMware Enterprise PKS provides capabilities like on-demand cluster provisioning, integration with NSX-T for networking and security, persistent storage options, and monitoring and logging tools from the VMware portfolio. The solution aims to simplify operations of Kubernetes and provide an enterprise-grade platform for running containerized workloads.

Distribute Your App and Engage Your Community with a Helm Repository
Distribute Your App and Engage Your Community with a Helm RepositoryDistribute Your App and Engage Your Community with a Helm Repository
Distribute Your App and Engage Your Community with a Helm Repository

Tomas Pizarro Moreno presented best practices for maintaining a Helm chart repository. He discussed storing charts in services like AWS S3, GitHub Pages, or Harbor. It is important to thoroughly test charts by running linting, installing with different configurations, and performing verification and functional tests. Charts also need ongoing maintenance like keeping dependent Docker images up-to-date and addressing user feedback. Finally, charts should be published to directories like Helm Hub to make them discoverable.

springone 2020kubernetesdevops
VMware Tanzu Service Mesh from the Developer’s Perspective
VMware Tanzu Service Mesh from the Developer’s PerspectiveVMware Tanzu Service Mesh from the Developer’s Perspective
VMware Tanzu Service Mesh from the Developer’s Perspective

This document provides a summary of a presentation on VMware Tanzu Service Mesh (TSM) from the developer perspective. It begins with a refresher on service meshes and then discusses how TSM can provide new abstractions like global namespaces that decouple applications from infrastructure. TSM aims to connect, control, monitor and manage services across platforms and clouds through a centralized service mesh. The presentation demonstrates TSM features through a demo and discusses alternatives to TSM. It concludes by emphasizing that higher level abstractions help developers focus on their work and that TSM builds on service meshes to create useful new constructs while remaining invisible to developers.

kubernetesmodernization/refactoringspringone 2020
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 21
Extract Ops Manager VM config (GCP and AWS only) [v4.2]
FOUR new tasks [v4.1]
• collect-telemetry and send-telemetry: Enable use of Pivotal Telemetry tool by adding the tasks to the
• expiring-certificates: See which certs are about to expire within a specified time range.
• stage-configure-apply: Selectively apply changes to a single product. (Note: this is an advanced task;
see docs.).
• check-pending-changes: Check on Ops Manager and fail if there are pending changes. This is useful as
a “gut check” before applying changes to your foundation.
Recent Highlights
Platform Automation
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 22
• Operators can now obtain IaaS VM metrics (compute, network, storage) via the Firehose for ALL VMs
via the System Metrics Agent
• Previously, these metrics were only available for PAS VMs
• This is an improvement on the current bosh-system-metrics-forwarder (this component will eventually be
• App, Org and Space GUID/Name are now available...
• annotations on all PAS Metrics
• annotations on all PAS Logs
• Operators can send logs for all applications to a single syslog destination, such as Splunk, using an
aggregate drain
• Saves the setup of an individual drain for every single application
PAS 2.8
Metrics & Logs Improvements
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 23
• A tile does not need a hard dependency on another tile (eg: Healthwatch can be optionally dependent
on PAS and PKS).
• Operators do not have to care about the “right order” to deploy tiles.
Ops Manager 2.8
Tile authors can declare optional dependencies
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 24
Tile authors can use a new Install Time Verifier to check for service instances that may be slow to update.
If it is not safe, the upgrade will quit, and the operator will see a warning message.
Ops Manager 2.8
Operators are protected from service instance upgrade lag

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Azure Spring Cloud Workshop - June 17, 2020
Azure Spring Cloud Workshop - June 17, 2020Azure Spring Cloud Workshop - June 17, 2020
Azure Spring Cloud Workshop - June 17, 2020

This document outlines the agenda for an Azure Spring Cloud workshop on June 17, 2020. The agenda includes topics on welcome and setup, Azure Spring Cloud introduction, hands-on sessions with Azure Spring Cloud, case studies and demos, and a closing session. The workshop will be led by Adib and Asir and include coaching support.

Concourse, Spinnaker, Cloud Foundry, Oh My! Creating Sophisticated Deployment...
Concourse, Spinnaker, Cloud Foundry, Oh My! Creating Sophisticated Deployment...Concourse, Spinnaker, Cloud Foundry, Oh My! Creating Sophisticated Deployment...
Concourse, Spinnaker, Cloud Foundry, Oh My! Creating Sophisticated Deployment...

Concourse, Spinnaker, Cloud Foundry, Oh My! Creating Sophisticated Deployment Workflows with Cameron Stewart at SpringOne Tour 2019

springone tourpivotal softwareconcourse
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.5: A First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.5: A First LookPivotal Cloud Foundry 2.5: A First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.5: A First Look

This document provides a summary of new features and updates in Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.5, including: - Improved manifest editing experience with a "manifest diff" view in Ops Manager 2.5. - Beta release of Platform Automation for PCF to automate upgrades and installations. - New weighted routing feature in PAS 2.5 to control traffic splitting for rolling deployments. - PAS 2.5 now supports apps using multiple custom ports. - Various updates for Windows support, .NET, and Steeltoe in PAS for Windows 2.5. - Coming updates for Spring Cloud Data Flow, Single Sign-On, and other services.

cloudcloud adoptionhybrid cloud
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 25
System metrics report the usage and status of VM memory, disk, CPU, network, load and swap space.
Other platform tools such as Healthwatch can consume these metrics.
Ops Manager 2.8
Ops Manager installs system metrics agent on all VMs by default
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 26
[speed, stability] Tiles can be auto-imported on Ops Manager
[stability, security] Ops Manager supports certificate authentication to vSphere NSX Manager
[stability] Operators can use the API to revert pending changes
[security] Operators can configure multiple hardware security module (HSM) hosts in CredHub
[security] BOSH VMs can use signed URLs to communicate with Blobstore
Other Highlights
Ops Manager 2.8
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 27
Ops Manager API Docs Now Online
28Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
VMware Enterprise PKS

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State of Steeltoe 2020
State of Steeltoe 2020State of Steeltoe 2020
State of Steeltoe 2020

This presentation provides an overview and status update of the Steeltoe software framework. It discusses Steeltoe's components for observability, security, scalability, and ease of use. Recent updates include improvements to abstractions, configuration, connectors, discovery, management, and messaging. Future plans include further Kubernetes support, tooling enhancements, and making streams and data flow integration production-ready. The presentation encourages attendees to stay updated on Steeltoe's documentation, GitHub, Slack channel, and social media accounts.

.netmodernization/refactoringcore framework

This document appears to be from a VMware Tanzu Developer Connect presentation. It discusses Tanzu Application Platform (TAP), which provides a developer experience on Kubernetes across multiple clouds. TAP aims to unlock developer productivity, build rapid paths to production, and coordinate the work of development, security and operations teams. It offers features like pre-configured templates, integrated developer tools, centralized visibility and workload status, role-based access control, automated pipelines and built-in security. The presentation provides examples of how these capabilities improve experiences for developers, operations teams and security teams.

Application Modernization with PKS / Kubernetes
Application Modernization with PKS / KubernetesApplication Modernization with PKS / Kubernetes
Application Modernization with PKS / Kubernetes

This document discusses strategies for modernizing applications and replatforming them using Project Kubernetes Service (PKS). It outlines how companies have different options for packaging and running workloads, such as using containers, microservices, serverless functions, and monolithic applications. PKS aims to provide the right runtime for each workload type. The document compares container orchestrators, application platforms, and serverless functions, noting that PKS aims to push workloads higher in the platform hierarchy for more flexibility and less enforcement of standards while lowering development complexity and improving operational efficiency. It provides recommendations for getting started with migrating workloads to PKS, such as lifting and shifting applications with minimal modernization, leveraging platform capabilities, and fully modernizing

Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 29
VMware Enterprise PKS 1.6
Production-ready Kubernetes on any cloud
Enterprise Security & Networking
Ingress scale out using the LoadBalancer CRD
HTTP-> HTTPS redirect
HTTP proxy on AWS
Kubernetes 1.15
New role “”
Configure a single K8s cluster with a specific Docker
Registry CA certificate
Upgrade multiple K8s clusters simultaneously, with
support for canaries
Additional Log Sink types
Increased uptime for Log Sinks
30Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
PAS for Windows
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 31
PAS for Windows 2.8
• Platform engineers can ‘bosh ssh’ into Windows compilation VMs on Azure,
AWS, GCP, and vSphere.
• Useful for debugging the initialization of a windows Diego cell
• Platform engineers can use a test suite to validate Windows stemcell
creation and isolate stemcell creation failures.
Highlights for Platform Teams
Speed, Stability
32Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.

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The document discusses several compelling reasons for automating projects involving middleware upgrades, migrations between platforms, and building private clouds and core application upgrades. It notes that automation can speed up projects, reduce risks, and make managing hybrid environments easier. A specific .NET plugin for the RapidDeploy automation tool is also described that allows managing and deploying to multiple IIS environments from version 6 through 8 to take advantage of new features and upgrade servers in a safe and efficient manner.

Datasheet j bosspluginforrd
Datasheet j bosspluginforrdDatasheet j bosspluginforrd
Datasheet j bosspluginforrd

The document discusses the benefits of automating various IT projects and processes using automation tools. It describes how automation can speed up and reduce risks associated with middleware upgrades, migrating applications to open-source or less expensive platforms, building private clouds, upgrading core applications, platform migrations, and rearchitecting IT infrastructures. The document then summarizes the RapidDeploy plugin for JBoss, which provides tasks to install, configure, deploy applications to JBoss Application Server and Enterprise Application Platform, take configuration snapshots, and more.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.6: A First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.6: A First LookPivotal Cloud Foundry 2.6: A First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.6: A First Look

Join Dan Baskette and Jared Ruckle for a view into Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) 2.6 capabilities with demos and expert Q&A. We’ll review the latest features for Pivotal’s flagship app platform, including: CUSTOM SIDECAR PROCESSES (BETA) In Pivotal Application ServiceⓇ 2.6 (PAS), developers can run custom sidecar processes in the same container as their application. This simplifies development for all kinds of “wire” use cases, including proxy forwarding, client-side load balancing, timeouts, and retries. MULTI-CLOUD CONTINUOUS DELIVERY WITH SPINNAKER PCF now integrates nicely with the most popular CD tool, Spinnaker. Spinnaker 1.14 now supports several advanced CD scenarios with PCF. As a result, large development teams can more easily deploy to production to improve outcomes. Use Spinnaker with PAS as well as Enterprise PKSⓇ. (This integration is backed by community support.) NEW PERMISSIONS MODEL IN CONCOURSE FOR PCF (coming soon) Concourse for PCF 5.2 will include a powerful new permissions model to better segment access to build pipelines. The new release will add compatibility with CredHub for secrets management as well. MULTI-DATACENTER REPLICATION CAPABILITIES FOR MySQL (coming soon) MySQL for PCF 2.7 will add multi-DC replication capabilities as a beta feature. This will offer more stability and scalability for your database apps. Plus much more!

pivotal cloud foundrymulti cloudsecurity
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 33
• Service Gateway: on-demand instances can be given an externally accessible address. This enables use
cases such as connecting IoT, legacy apps, and DR’ing between sites
• Improved availability of SIs when updating underlying RabbitMQ and Erlang versions (rolling upgrade)
• We ship with RabbitMQ 3.8.1 which brings quorum queues, improved monitoring, OAuth 2.0, and
Single Active Consumer
• ICYMI: RabbitMQ Summit 2019 talks are on YouTube
Release Highlights
RabbitMQ for Pivotal Platform 1.18
34Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Comprehensive Security
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 35
PAS will not deploy if the CredHub instance count is set to 0, so we include CredHub by default.
In addition, this inclusion has other benefits:
• Service teams can count on the PAS CredHub being there, and don't have to plan for unexpected behaviors
PAS 2.8
Operators are required to deploy at least 1 instance of PAS CredHub.
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 36
Many customers have an identity provider with users that they assign to “groups”
For every app that they are associating with the IdP, they want only users in a certain group to get access.
UAA to perform user group authorization enforcement, a more elegant solution compared to the present
state (i.e. client servers inspecting scopes in the token that UAA issues).
App Developers no longer have to embed user group permissions into the app code
Single Sign-On 1.11
User Group Permissions from the IdP to Govern App Access

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Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.4: A First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.4: A First LookPivotal Cloud Foundry 2.4: A First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.4: A First Look

Join Dan Baskette and Jared Ruckle for a view into Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) 2.4 capabilities with demos and expert Q&A. We’ll review the latest features for Pivotal’s flagship app platform, including the following: - Native zero downtime push and native zero downtime restarts - Dynamic egress policies - Operations Manager updates - Zero downtime stack updates to cflinuxfs3 - Zero downtime OS updates - New pathways protected by TLS - New scanning tools to assist with compliance Plus much more! Presenters : Dan Baskette, Director, Technical Marketing, Jared Ruckle, Principal Product Marketing Manager

application deliverydevopsdigital transformation
CNCF On-Demand Webinar_ LitmusChaos Project Updates.pdf
CNCF On-Demand Webinar_ LitmusChaos Project Updates.pdfCNCF On-Demand Webinar_ LitmusChaos Project Updates.pdf
CNCF On-Demand Webinar_ LitmusChaos Project Updates.pdf

The document summarizes a CNCF webinar about Project Updates with LitmusChaos. The webinar agenda covers what's new in LitmusChaos 2.0, use cases from iFood and HaloDoc, and a demo of making an e-commerce application resilient. For iFood, the challenges of a growing online food delivery platform moving to microservices are described. For HaloDoc, the service reliability challenges of a hybrid cloud-native healthcare application are covered. LitmusChaos helps both companies by providing experiments, observability, and automation to test reliability.

Building Event-Driven Workflows with Knative and Tekton
Building Event-Driven Workflows with Knative and TektonBuilding Event-Driven Workflows with Knative and Tekton
Building Event-Driven Workflows with Knative and Tekton

As Kubernetes and micro-services have gained widespread adoption in the enterprise developer community, event-driven architectures have become the standard way to build and deploy new applications. Knative and Tekton are two Kubernetes-native technologies that make it easier than ever for developers to get started: Knative as a platform to build event-driven applications and Tekton to continuously deploy them. In this workshop you will get hands-on with Knative and Tekton to: Set up a Kubernetes cluster using KinD Deploy Knative, Octant, and Tekton and configure those services to work with your new cluster Deploy services using both Knative serving and eventing Build event-driven pipelines to deploy your services using Tekton

Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 37
The Space Auditor CAPI role now has access to SSO Dashboard. Space Auditors can view the same areas as
the Space Developer, but cannot edit the space.
Developers gain visibility to restricted PROD environments.
Auditors can inspect SSO App configurations.
Single Sign-On 1.11
Role: Space Auditor
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 38
Compliance Scanner
• v1.2.16 is CIS certified.
• Now bundles the official CIS Ubuntu Xenial benchmark, with addendum for Stemcell specific
• Scheduled scanning, Azure blob store support.
File Integrity Monitoring for Windows
• Windows support (Beta) in FIM v1.4.8.
• Container scanning not supported at the moment.
Recent Highlights
Compliance Updates
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 39
SMB volume service is enabled by default. Use this over NFS where possible.
Other Security Highlights
40Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Kubernetes-Native Services

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Datasheet weblogic midvisionextensionforibmraf
Datasheet weblogic midvisionextensionforibmrafDatasheet weblogic midvisionextensionforibmraf
Datasheet weblogic midvisionextensionforibmraf

The document discusses the benefits of automating various IT projects and processes using automation tools. It describes how automation can speed up middleware upgrades, application migrations, building private clouds, core application upgrades, platform migrations, and rearchitecting IT infrastructure. The document also provides an overview of the MidVision extension for WebLogic, which enables automatic deployment and configuration of WebLogic applications and servers through tasks like taking snapshots, detecting configuration drift, template creation, and environment promotion.

CIT-2697 - Customer Success Stories with IBM PureApplication System
CIT-2697 - Customer Success Stories with IBM PureApplication SystemCIT-2697 - Customer Success Stories with IBM PureApplication System
CIT-2697 - Customer Success Stories with IBM PureApplication System

This IBM InterConnect 2015 session will cover a number of successful customer deployments of IBM PureApplication System. The described case studies include a variety of middleware platforms, as well as many additional operational requirements, like High Availability, Disaster Recovery, Enterprise Monitoring and more. Main focus is on giving a broad overview of what customers have done with the system and what the critical success factors were.

ibminterconnect 2015pureapplication
VMware Workspace ONE a synergie s Microsoftem
VMware Workspace ONE a synergie s MicrosoftemVMware Workspace ONE a synergie s Microsoftem
VMware Workspace ONE a synergie s Microsoftem

VMware Workspace ONE can integrate with Microsoft technologies like Azure, Windows 10, and Office 365 to provide unified endpoint management. The presentation discusses Workspace ONE and its synergies with Microsoft, including how Horizon Cloud Service can run on Microsoft Azure infrastructure. It also covers how Workspace ONE can provide co-management of Windows 10 devices along with legacy tools, as well as manage and secure Office 365 identities and applications.

Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 41
A full-featured Kubernetes Operator for RabbitMQ to provision and manage clusters at scale.
• More efficient resource consumption
• Consistency
• Modular administration
• Latency
Interested? Contact us: (or reach out to
Beta testers wanted!
Pivotal RabbitMQ for Kubernetes
42Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Partner Ecosystem
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 43
ISV Ecosystem Momentum Drives Platform Advantage
44Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Next Steps
Software published to
Docs available on

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VMworld 2013 Allen Shortnacy, VMware Learn more about VMworld and register at

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CloudBees Core extends open source Jenkins CI/CD functionality to the needs of enterprises. This is a cloud native solution that leverages Kubernetes and can be hosted locally or on any of the major cloud service providers. Customer benefits include centralized management of Jenkins clusters, granular security, high availability and auto scaling.

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DealBook of Ukraine: 2024 edition
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Yevgen Sysoyev

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Pivotal Platform - December Release A First Look

  • 1. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Pivotal Platform January Update Jared Ruckle | @jaredruckle Dan Baskette | @dbbaskette January 2020
  • 2. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 2
  • 3. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 3 The Pivotal Platform Value Proposition Developer Productivity Hit the Tab key to access the secondary text style Operational Efficiency Hit the Tab key to access the secondary text style Comprehensive Security Hit the Tab key to access the secondary text style Multi-Cloud Success Hit the Tab key to access the secondary text style
  • 4. 4Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Developer Productivity
  • 5. 5Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Pivotal Application Service
  • 6. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 6 App developers can deploy a sidecar with a buildpack • Continues support for user-provided sidecars, as in prior releases • Previously, developers had to roll the sidecar process into the main app then deploy it with an app manifest. • Sidecars feature remains in beta Plus, cli support for sidecars PAS 2.8 Speed
  • 7. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 7 • The new metric is relative to the application CPU entitlement. • A value of 100% always means "you are using all the CPU you're entitled to and should probably scale up your application," regardless of the size of the cell. • Developers can now make more informed decisions about scaling their apps. • Current CPU stats are relative to the cell's CPU capacity; they don't include data about how much CPU the application is entitled to use vs how much CPU it's actually using. • Learn more: PAS 2.8 PAS emits CPU usage metrics that take entitlement into account
  • 8. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 8 Apps Manager 2.8: Config Server Integrations View the configuration of Spring Cloud Config Server instances on the service instance detail page View the online status of the SCS instance, and perform a mirror sync with one click Closer integrations with Spring Cloud mean devs can work and troubleshoot faster Speed
  • 9. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 9 Speed Apps Manager 2.8: View Quota Information Quota information for the org is displayed in the org header, helping devs and admins understand resource usage
  • 10. 10Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. PAS for Windows
  • 11. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 11 • .NET Devs can use the Web Config Transform Extension Buildpack to externalize .NET Framework configs • An extension buildpack that offers a zero code change / zero touch function to externalize the configurations in the web.config to environment variables. [aha] • If config server binding is detected, it will replace any matching token in web.config with config server value. • • One of the first tasks in replatforming efforts for .NET applications is externalizing configurations. Today, customers manually externalize their configurations to get to a state where they can push their application to the platform. Speed Web Config Transform Extension Helps .NET Devs Go Faster
  • 12. 12Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Cloud Cache
  • 13. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 13 Breakthrough Performance Improvements • Recent Cloud Cache releases have delivered perf improvements (2x on server side, 10% improvement in client/server topology). Version 1.10 continues this theme: • “Get” is now 4x times faster • “Put” is now 2x times faster • Devs can connect to Cloud Cache with a Node.js client • We now have a client to ease interactions with Cloud Cache for the three most popular enterprise frameworks! [aha] • Developers have a self paced Getting Started guide • Cloud Cache 1.10 Speed
  • 14. 14Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Steeltoe
  • 15. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 15 Use this tool, and your starting codeset can include common dependencies like internal single sign-on libraries and helper utilities. • Be more productive in your first few minutes! • Take 5 minutes and deploy a “hello world” app using a given feature. Get a working project with clearly defined code on how to implement that feature. • Support for .NET Core 3.0. • Middleware consolidation because of .NET core 3.0. Steeltoe: More Speed, Stability for .NET Developers Recent Highlights Initializr site gets you going faster Getting Started Guides Steeltoe 2.4
  • 16. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 16 Steeltoe CLI brings dev/prod parity one step closer to reality The cli aims to help you write better code by improving parity across your environments. Say your app is using a cache. Why should you have to mock up a store locally, only to find a whole host of challenges when it’s bound to a cache on your chosen runtime? The CLI provides a manifest-driven experience where you can do a “push” locally. This mimics what would be done to the platform, bringing your desktop closer in-line with prod.
  • 17. 17Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Spring Cloud Services
  • 18. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 18 Pivotal Spring Cloud Gateway - Now GA Routing Resiliency Monolith Strangling Single Sign-On Security Monitoring Canarying Flexibility A developer-friendly way to route, secure and monitor API requests to services
  • 19. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 19 Operator Efficiency
  • 20. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 20 • Operators can more easily break up their PAS upgrades into multiple independently upgradeable chunks of Diego cells. • This mechanism can also decouple the upgrades from the PAS control plane. • Enabled by “placement-tagless” with Isolation Segments. • PAS for Windows also supports this approach. • Similar to the “cell-block” upgrade mechanisms in Pivotal Web Services Speed, Stability More manageable upgrades of large PAS installations
  • 21. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 21 Extract Ops Manager VM config (GCP and AWS only) [v4.2] FOUR new tasks [v4.1] • collect-telemetry and send-telemetry: Enable use of Pivotal Telemetry tool by adding the tasks to the pipeline. • expiring-certificates: See which certs are about to expire within a specified time range. • stage-configure-apply: Selectively apply changes to a single product. (Note: this is an advanced task; see docs.). • check-pending-changes: Check on Ops Manager and fail if there are pending changes. This is useful as a “gut check” before applying changes to your foundation. Recent Highlights Platform Automation
  • 22. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 22 • Operators can now obtain IaaS VM metrics (compute, network, storage) via the Firehose for ALL VMs via the System Metrics Agent • Previously, these metrics were only available for PAS VMs • This is an improvement on the current bosh-system-metrics-forwarder (this component will eventually be deprecated) • App, Org and Space GUID/Name are now available... • annotations on all PAS Metrics • annotations on all PAS Logs • Operators can send logs for all applications to a single syslog destination, such as Splunk, using an aggregate drain • Saves the setup of an individual drain for every single application PAS 2.8 Metrics & Logs Improvements
  • 23. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 23 • A tile does not need a hard dependency on another tile (eg: Healthwatch can be optionally dependent on PAS and PKS). • Operators do not have to care about the “right order” to deploy tiles. Ops Manager 2.8 Tile authors can declare optional dependencies
  • 24. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 24 Tile authors can use a new Install Time Verifier to check for service instances that may be slow to update. If it is not safe, the upgrade will quit, and the operator will see a warning message. Ops Manager 2.8 Operators are protected from service instance upgrade lag
  • 25. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 25 System metrics report the usage and status of VM memory, disk, CPU, network, load and swap space. Other platform tools such as Healthwatch can consume these metrics. Ops Manager 2.8 Ops Manager installs system metrics agent on all VMs by default
  • 26. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 26 [speed, stability] Tiles can be auto-imported on Ops Manager [stability, security] Ops Manager supports certificate authentication to vSphere NSX Manager [stability] Operators can use the API to revert pending changes [security] Operators can configure multiple hardware security module (HSM) hosts in CredHub [security] BOSH VMs can use signed URLs to communicate with Blobstore Other Highlights Ops Manager 2.8
  • 27. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 27 v2.8 v2.7 v2.6 v2.5 Ops Manager API Docs Now Online
  • 28. 28Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. VMware Enterprise PKS
  • 29. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 29 VMware Enterprise PKS 1.6 Production-ready Kubernetes on any cloud Enterprise Security & Networking Ingress scale out using the LoadBalancer CRD HTTP-> HTTPS redirect HTTP proxy on AWS Kubernetes 1.15 Management New role “” Configure a single K8s cluster with a specific Docker Registry CA certificate Upgrade multiple K8s clusters simultaneously, with support for canaries Observability Additional Log Sink types Increased uptime for Log Sinks
  • 30. 30Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. PAS for Windows
  • 31. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 31 PAS for Windows 2.8 • Platform engineers can ‘bosh ssh’ into Windows compilation VMs on Azure, AWS, GCP, and vSphere. • Useful for debugging the initialization of a windows Diego cell • Platform engineers can use a test suite to validate Windows stemcell creation and isolate stemcell creation failures. Highlights for Platform Teams Speed, Stability
  • 32. 32Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. RabbitMQ
  • 33. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 33 • Service Gateway: on-demand instances can be given an externally accessible address. This enables use cases such as connecting IoT, legacy apps, and DR’ing between sites • Improved availability of SIs when updating underlying RabbitMQ and Erlang versions (rolling upgrade) • We ship with RabbitMQ 3.8.1 which brings quorum queues, improved monitoring, OAuth 2.0, and Single Active Consumer • ICYMI: RabbitMQ Summit 2019 talks are on YouTube Release Highlights RabbitMQ for Pivotal Platform 1.18
  • 34. 34Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Comprehensive Security
  • 35. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 35 PAS will not deploy if the CredHub instance count is set to 0, so we include CredHub by default. In addition, this inclusion has other benefits: • Service teams can count on the PAS CredHub being there, and don't have to plan for unexpected behaviors PAS 2.8 Operators are required to deploy at least 1 instance of PAS CredHub.
  • 36. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 36 Many customers have an identity provider with users that they assign to “groups” For every app that they are associating with the IdP, they want only users in a certain group to get access. UAA to perform user group authorization enforcement, a more elegant solution compared to the present state (i.e. client servers inspecting scopes in the token that UAA issues). App Developers no longer have to embed user group permissions into the app code Single Sign-On 1.11 User Group Permissions from the IdP to Govern App Access
  • 37. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 37 The Space Auditor CAPI role now has access to SSO Dashboard. Space Auditors can view the same areas as the Space Developer, but cannot edit the space. Developers gain visibility to restricted PROD environments. Auditors can inspect SSO App configurations. Single Sign-On 1.11 Role: Space Auditor
  • 38. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 38 Compliance Scanner • v1.2.16 is CIS certified. • Now bundles the official CIS Ubuntu Xenial benchmark, with addendum for Stemcell specific exceptions. • Scheduled scanning, Azure blob store support. File Integrity Monitoring for Windows • Windows support (Beta) in FIM v1.4.8. • Container scanning not supported at the moment. Recent Highlights Compliance Updates
  • 39. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 39 SMB volume service is enabled by default. Use this over NFS where possible. Other Security Highlights
  • 40. 40Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Kubernetes-Native Services
  • 41. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 41 A full-featured Kubernetes Operator for RabbitMQ to provision and manage clusters at scale. • More efficient resource consumption • Consistency • Modular administration • Latency Interested? Contact us: (or reach out to Beta testers wanted! Pivotal RabbitMQ for Kubernetes
  • 42. 42Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Partner Ecosystem
  • 43. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 43 ISV Ecosystem Momentum Drives Platform Advantage
  • 44. 44Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Next Steps Software published to Docs available on
  • 45. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Thank You