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Predicting Patient Outcomes in Real-Time at HCA
Presentation by Allison Baker and Cody Hall
Hospital Corporation of America
Department of Data and Analytics, Clinical Services Group
July 20, 2016
2CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
• Introduction to HCA
• Introduction to our team
• Data science pipeline
• Near real-time architecture
• Real-time architecture
• Current POC goals
3CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
“Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. In
recognition of this commitment, we strive to deliver high-quality, cost-effective
healthcare in the communities we serve.” – HCA Mission Statement
• Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) is the leading healthcare provider in the
– 169 hospitals
– 116 freestanding surgery centers in 20 states and the U.K.
• Approximately 233,000 employees across the company
• Over 26 million patient encounters each year
• More than 8 million emergency room visits each year
• About 2 million inpatients treated annually
Hospital Corporation of America
4CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
Where We Are

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Importance of ML Reproducibility & Applications with MLfLow
Importance of ML Reproducibility & Applications with MLfLowImportance of ML Reproducibility & Applications with MLfLow
Importance of ML Reproducibility & Applications with MLfLow

With data as a valuable currency and the architecture of reliable, scalable Data Lakes and Lakehouses continuing to mature, it is crucial that machine learning training and deployment techniques keep up to realize value. Reproducibility, efficiency, and governance in training and production environments rest on the shoulders of both point in time snapshots of the data and a governing mechanism to regulate, track, and make best use of associated metadata. This talk will outline the challenges and importance of building and maintaining reproducible, efficient, and governed machine learning solutions as well as posing solutions built on open source technologies – namely Delta Lake for data versioning and MLflow for efficiency and governance.

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VP of WW Partners by Alan Chhabra

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Spark Summit Keynote by Shaun Connolly
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1) The document discusses how Apache Spark is enabling enterprises to analyze large amounts of data from a variety of sources in real-time to gain insights. 2) It provides examples of how companies are using Spark for applications like online ad personalization, web log analysis, and predictive analytics. 3) The document also outlines trends in Spark adoption in enterprises and strategies for Hortonworks to help further Spark's capabilities and make it easier for enterprises to implement agile analytics and data science.

apache spark
5CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
Data Science and Data Products Teams
Dr. Martin Tobias
Data Scientist
Sandeepkumar Kothiwale
Data Scientist
Allison Baker
Data Scientist
Dr. Nan Chen
Data Scientist
Kunal Marwah
Data Scientist
Gerardo Castro
Data Scientist
Chris Cate
Data Scientist
Igor Ges
Data Product Engineer
Josh Wolter
BI Developer
Dr. Jesse Spencer-Smith
Director of Data Science
Dr. Edmund Jackson
Chief Data Scientist
VP of Data and Analytics
Warren Sadler
Data Product Engineer
Cody Hall
Development Manager of Data Products
Nick Selleh
Application Engineer
6CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
CRISP-DM and Data Science
7CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
• Begin by asking stakeholders and business owners “What business
decisions will be made with the analysis results?”
• Document all project and product features, timelines and code using
• Source historical data using Teradata SQL
• Log all data sourcing and data extract steps using DRAKE
• Options
– Continuous integration
– Jenkins to monitor DRAKE builds
Problem Definition and Data Sourcing
8CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
• Run preliminary visualization
• QA data testing for coverage, outliers, abnormalities, format and structural issues,
frequency, duplication and accuracy
• Pre-process data
– Balance outcomes
– Filter patients
– Remove non-data
• Engineer features
Data Manipulation

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Systems architecture at TravelBird to support big data analytics, machine learning, and personalization with minimal overhead.

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Jeeves Grows Up: An AI Chatbot for Performance and Quality
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Jeeves Grows Up: An AI Chatbot for Performance and Quality

Sarah: CEO-Finance-Report pipeline seems to be slow today. Why Jeeves: SparkSQL query dbt_fin_model in CEO-Finance-Report is running 53% slower on 2/28/2021. Data skew issue detected. Issue has not been seen in last 90 days. Jeeves: Adding 5 more nodes to cluster recommended for CEO-Finance-Report to finish in its 99th percentile time of 5.2 hours. Who is Jeeves? An experienced Spark developer? A seasoned administrator? No, Jeeves is a chatbot created to simplify data operations management for enterprise Spark clusters. This chatbot is powered by advanced AI algorithms and an intuitive conversational interface that together provide answers to get users in and out of problems quickly. Instead of being stuck to screens displaying logs and metrics, users can now have a more refreshing experience via a two-way conversation with their own personal Spark expert. We presented Jeeves at Spark Summit 2019. In the two years since, Jeeves has grown up a lot. Jeeves can now learn continuously as telemetry information streams in from more and more applications, especially SQL queries. Jeeves now “knows” about data pipelines that have many components. Jeeves can also answer questions about data quality in addition to performance, cost, failures, and SLAs. For example: Tom: I am not seeing any data for today in my Campaign Metrics Dashboard. Jeeves: 3/5 validations failed on the cmp_kpis table on 2/28/2021. Run of pipeline cmp_incremental_daily failed on 2/28/2021. This talk will give an overview of the newer capabilities of the chatbot, and how it now fits in a modern data stack with the emergence of new data roles like analytics engineers and machine learning engineers. You will learn how to build chatbots that tackle your complex data operations challenges.

Mastering Your Customer Data on Apache Spark by Elliott Cordo
Mastering Your Customer Data on Apache Spark by Elliott CordoMastering Your Customer Data on Apache Spark by Elliott Cordo
Mastering Your Customer Data on Apache Spark by Elliott Cordo

This document discusses how Caserta Concepts used Apache Spark to help a customer master their customer data by cleaning, standardizing, matching, and linking over 6 million customer records and hundreds of millions of data points. Traditional customer data integration approaches were prohibitively expensive and slow for this volume of data. Spark enabled the data to be processed 10x faster by parallelizing data cleansing and transformation. GraphX was also used to model the data as a graph and identify linked customer records, reducing survivorship processing from 2 hours to under 5 minutes.

apache spark
9CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
• Analytic server
– 64 cores
– 4 Terabytes of hard disk
– 1.5 Terabytes of RAM
• Iterate models
• Evaluate statistics
10CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
• Consider
– Re-defining the problem
– Additional modeling
– Additional data sourcing
• Discuss results with clinical owners and
business stakeholders
– Consider additional features
Interpretation and Reporting
11CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
• We can effectively engineer thousands of clinically and statistically relevant
• We can successfully build accurate, complex and sophisticated predictive
• How do we take these models to the patient bedside?
What Now?
12CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
Delivering Value to the Business

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Real-time Recommendations for Retail: Architecture, Algorithms, and Design
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Users are constantly searching for new content and to stay competitive organizations must act immediately based on up-to-date data. Outdated recommendations decrease the likelihood of presenting the right offer and make it harder to maintain customer loyalty. In order to provide the most relevant recommendations and increase engagement, organizations must track customer interactions and re-score recommendations on the fly. Data sources have expanded dramatically to include a wealth of historical data and a constant influx of behavior data. The key to moving from predictive models, applied in batch, to models that provide responses in real time, is to focus on the efficiency of model application. The speed that recommendations can be served is influenced by: Architecture of the recommendation serving platform Choice of recommendation algorithm Datastore access patterns In this presentation, we’ll discuss how developers can use open source components like HBase and Kiji to develop low-latency recommendation models that can be easily deployed by e-commerce companies. We will give practical advice on how to choose models and design data stores that make use of the architecture and quickly serve new recommendations.

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Misusing MLflow To Help Deduplicate Data At Scale
Misusing MLflow To Help Deduplicate Data At ScaleMisusing MLflow To Help Deduplicate Data At Scale
Misusing MLflow To Help Deduplicate Data At Scale

At Intuit, we have a lot of data – and a lot of duplicate data collected over decades. So we built a rule-based, self-serve tool to identify and merge duplicate records. It takes experimentation and iteration to get deduplication just right for 100s of millions of records, and spreadsheet-based tracking just wasn’t enough. We now use MLflow to automatically capture execution notes, rule settings, weights, key validation metrics, etc., all without requiring end-user action. In this talk, we’ll talk about our use case and why MLflow is useful outside its traditional ML Ops use cases.

Experimentation to Industrialization: Implementing MLOps
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Experimentation to Industrialization: Implementing MLOps

In this presentation, drawing upon Thorogood’s experience with a customer’s global Data & Analytics division as their MLOps delivery partner, we share important learnings and takeaways from delivering productionized ML solutions and shaping MLOps best practices and organizational standards needed to be successful. We open by providing high-level context & answering key questions such as “What is MLOps exactly?” & “What are the benefits of establishing MLOps Standards?” The subsequent presentation focuses on our learnings & best practices. We start by discussing common challenges when refactoring experimentation use-cases & how to best get ahead of these issues in a global organization. We then outline an Engagement Model for MLOps addressing: People, Processes, and Tools. ‘Processes’ highlights how to manage the often siloed data science use case demand pipeline for MLOps & documentation to facilitate seamless integration with an MLOps framework. ‘People’ provides context around the appropriate team structures & roles to be involved in an MLOps initiative. ‘Tools’ addresses key requirements of tools used for MLOps, considering the match of services to use-cases.

13CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
Near Real-Time Tool
• Consists of 3 main components
– Data source (different than historical training source)
– Scoring engine
– User interface
• Shows early value using a minimally viable product-based approach
• Phases POC to include development time for real-time architecture
• Updates in 15 minute batches
• Provides near real-time predictions
• Solicits feedback from facilities, focusing on accuracy and usefulness
14CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
Data Sources are Constantly Changing
15CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
Prediction Product
Facility + Team
SQL PostgreSQL
HDFS Cluster
Predictive Model
• Single POJO .jar
• Clojure (FE library)
• Independent SQL process
HDFS Cluster
Data Source
• 15 minute batches
• SQL defined
Data Source
• Streaming
• HL7QL defined
• GitHub & Nexus
• Jenkins
• Tableau
Supporting Infrastructure
• PostgreSQL administration
& monitoring
• Docker with Node JS (UI)
User Interface (UI)
• Displays measures + events
• Notifications of predictions
• Prompt for acknowledgement or
• On acknowledgement, disable
notifications for 12 hours
Measures + Events:
Lab results
Surgery times
Nursing documentations
+ EventsHL-7
+ Events
& PredictionHL-7
Measures + Events
EDN Predictive Model + ETL
• Clojure (FE library)/Spark job
• PowderKeg
+ Events
Data Persistence
Near Real-Time System
Real-Time System
16CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
Real-Time Infrastructure
• Continuously consumes HL7 messages from a Kafka topic and parses via Spark and
• Processes (producers) publish messages to Kafka topics (categories) and
subscriptions are made to the topics to process the message feeds
• Apache Spark is the application interface to allow for cloud computing
• HL7 Query Language (HL7QL) parses the messages
• Scores (predicts) on new streaming information
– Runs a .jar file via a Spark process compiled from Clojure code and H2O POJO
• Deploys with Docker
– Container-based application architecture
• Continuously monitors with Jenkins

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Fraud is prevalent in every industry, and growing at an increasing rate, as the volume of transactions increases with automation. The National Healthcare Anti-Fraud Association estimates $350B of fraudulent spending. Forbes estimates $25B spending by US banks on anti-money laundering compliance. At the same time as fraud and anomaly detection use cases are booming, the skills gap of expert data scientists available to perform fraud detection is widening. The Kavi Global team will present a cloud native, wizard-driven AI anomaly detection solution, enabling Citizen Data Scientists to easily create anomaly detection models to automatically flag Collective, Contextual, and Point anomalies, at the transaction level, as well as collusion between actors. Unsupervised methods (Distribution, Clustering, Association, Sequencing, Historical Occurrence, Custom Rules) and supervised (Random Forest, Neural Network) models are executed in Apache Spark on Databricks. An innovative aggregation framework converts probabilistic fraud scores and their probabilities into a meaningful and actionable prioritized list of suspicious (a statistical outlier) and potentially fraudulent transaction to be investigated from a business point of view. The AI Anomaly Detection models improve over time using Human-in-the-Loop feedback methods to label data for supervised modeling. Finally, The Kavi team overviews the Anomaly Lifecycle: from statistical outlier to validated business fraud for reclaim and business process changes to long term prevention strategies using proactive audits upstream at the time of estimate to prevent revenue leakage. Two client success stories will be presented acros Pharmaceutical Rx and Transportation industries.

Build Your Own Recommendation Engine
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Build Your Own Recommendation Engine

Michal Malohlava's presentation on Building Your Own Recommendation Engine 03.17.16 - Powered by the open source machine learning software Contributors welcome at: - To view videos on H2O open source machine learning software, go to:

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Spark Summit Keynote by Seshu Adunuthula
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1) eBay's enterprise data platform uses Apache Spark and Hadoop to process large amounts of structured and unstructured data from various sources to power applications and analytics. 2) Key aspects of the platform include an agile data warehouse, data streams platform using Apache Kafka, and data services to simplify access to data and enable collaborative analytics. 3) eBay leverages this platform to power applications such as search, personalization, fraud prevention, and business intelligence through pipelines that ingest behavioral and transactional data.

apache spark
17CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
18CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
A Proof of Concept Use Case and Goals
1. Assess clinical workflow to identify how the model can support the current clinical
processes for treating negative patient outcomes
2. Determine the model’s capability to extract meaningful information from existing
and available patient data and identify patterns that predict the outcome
3. Determine the usefulness of an early prediction model within a clinical workflow
1. Improve the prediction model through incorporation of feedback provided by the
clinical team
2. Maximize the utility of the prediction tool to improve a clinical workflow for the
facility staff
19CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
20CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.

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1) Initially, the data science and engineering teams at Overstock worked independently and were not regularly delivering business value or solving problems in real-time. 2) They came together to solve problems like real-time bidding, where they needed to score users and bid on ads within 10 milliseconds. 3) Over the next 6 months, they improved from scoring users daily to hourly to within minutes by streamlining processes and moving from batch to micro-batch processing. However, they still needed to get faster to enable real-time personalization on the site.

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Presented at KDD, August 11, 2015. Abstract of the paper: Machine learning techniques have proved effective in recommender systems and other applications, yet teams working to deploy them lack many of the advantages that those in more established software disciplines today take for granted. The well-known Agile methodology advances projects in a chain of rapid development cycles, with subsequent steps often informed by production experiments. Support for such workflow in machine learning applications remains primitive. The platform developed at if(we) embodies a specific machine learning approach and a rigorous data architecture constraint, so allowing teams to work in rapid iterative cycles. We require models to consume data from a time-ordered event history, and we focus on facilitating creative feature engineering. We make it practical for data scientists to use the same model code in development and in production deployment, and make it practical for them to collaborate on complex models. We deliver real-time recommendations at scale, returning top results from among 10,000,000 candidates with sub-second response times and incorporating new updates in just a few seconds. Using the approach and architecture described here, our team can routinely go from ideas for new models to production-validated results within two weeks.

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NoSQL and SQL databases can work together to handle real-time big data needs. Apache Drill is an open source tool that allows interactive analysis of big data using standard SQL queries across NoSQL, Hadoop, and relational data sources. It provides low-latency queries, full ANSI SQL support, and flexibility to handle rapidly evolving schemas and data in different systems. By enabling analysis of all data together using a common interface, it helps tackle challenges of combining operational and decision support systems on big, diverse datasets.

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Predicting Patient Outcomes in Real-Time at HCA

  • 1. 1 Predicting Patient Outcomes in Real-Time at HCA Presentation by Allison Baker and Cody Hall Hospital Corporation of America Department of Data and Analytics, Clinical Services Group July 20, 2016
  • 2. 2CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. • Introduction to HCA • Introduction to our team • Data science pipeline • Near real-time architecture • Real-time architecture • Current POC goals Overview
  • 3. 3CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. “Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. In recognition of this commitment, we strive to deliver high-quality, cost-effective healthcare in the communities we serve.” – HCA Mission Statement • Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) is the leading healthcare provider in the country – 169 hospitals – 116 freestanding surgery centers in 20 states and the U.K. • Approximately 233,000 employees across the company • Over 26 million patient encounters each year • More than 8 million emergency room visits each year • About 2 million inpatients treated annually Hospital Corporation of America
  • 4. 4CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Where We Are
  • 5. 5CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Data Science and Data Products Teams Dr. Martin Tobias Data Scientist Sandeepkumar Kothiwale Data Scientist Allison Baker Data Scientist Dr. Nan Chen Data Scientist Kunal Marwah Data Scientist Gerardo Castro Data Scientist Chris Cate Data Scientist Igor Ges Data Product Engineer Josh Wolter BI Developer Dr. Jesse Spencer-Smith Director of Data Science Dr. Edmund Jackson Chief Data Scientist VP of Data and Analytics Warren Sadler Data Product Engineer Cody Hall Development Manager of Data Products Nick Selleh Application Engineer
  • 6. 6CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. CRISP-DM and Data Science
  • 7. 7CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. • Begin by asking stakeholders and business owners “What business decisions will be made with the analysis results?” • Document all project and product features, timelines and code using GitHub • Source historical data using Teradata SQL • Log all data sourcing and data extract steps using DRAKE • Options – Continuous integration – Jenkins to monitor DRAKE builds Problem Definition and Data Sourcing
  • 8. 8CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. • Run preliminary visualization • QA data testing for coverage, outliers, abnormalities, format and structural issues, frequency, duplication and accuracy • Pre-process data – Balance outcomes – Filter patients – Remove non-data • Engineer features Data Manipulation
  • 9. 9CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. • Analytic server – 64 cores – 4 Terabytes of hard disk – 1.5 Terabytes of RAM • Iterate models • Evaluate statistics Modeling
  • 10. 10CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. • Consider – Re-defining the problem – Additional modeling – Additional data sourcing • Discuss results with clinical owners and business stakeholders – Consider additional features Interpretation and Reporting
  • 11. 11CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. • We can effectively engineer thousands of clinically and statistically relevant features. • We can successfully build accurate, complex and sophisticated predictive models. • How do we take these models to the patient bedside? What Now?
  • 12. 12CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Delivering Value to the Business
  • 13. 13CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Near Real-Time Tool • Consists of 3 main components – Data source (different than historical training source) – Scoring engine – User interface • Shows early value using a minimally viable product-based approach • Phases POC to include development time for real-time architecture • Updates in 15 minute batches • Provides near real-time predictions • Solicits feedback from facilities, focusing on accuracy and usefulness
  • 14. 14CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Data Sources are Constantly Changing
  • 15. 15CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Prediction Product Facility + Team Patient Kafka Topic OpenGate MS SQL PostgreSQL Analytic Store HDFS Cluster Predictive Model • Single POJO .jar • Clojure (FE library) ETL • Independent SQL process HDFS Cluster Data Source • 15 minute batches • SQL defined Data Source • Streaming • HL7QL defined • GitHub & Nexus • Jenkins • Tableau Supporting Infrastructure • PostgreSQL administration & monitoring • Docker with Node JS (UI) User Interface (UI) • Displays measures + events • Notifications of predictions • Prompt for acknowledgement or dismissal • On acknowledgement, disable notifications for 12 hours Measures + Events: Vitals Lab results Orders Demographics Surgery times Nursing documentations Prediction Measures + EventsHL-7 Measures + Events & PredictionHL-7 Measures + Events HL7QL (Spark) Kafka Topic EDN Predictive Model + ETL • Clojure (FE library)/Spark job • PowderKeg Measures + Events Data Persistence Near Real-Time System Real-Time System
  • 16. 16CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Real-Time Infrastructure • Continuously consumes HL7 messages from a Kafka topic and parses via Spark and HL7QL • Processes (producers) publish messages to Kafka topics (categories) and subscriptions are made to the topics to process the message feeds (consumers) • Apache Spark is the application interface to allow for cloud computing • HL7 Query Language (HL7QL) parses the messages • Scores (predicts) on new streaming information – Runs a .jar file via a Spark process compiled from Clojure code and H2O POJO • Deploys with Docker – Container-based application architecture • Continuously monitors with Jenkins
  • 17. 17CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution.
  • 18. 18CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. A Proof of Concept Use Case and Goals Primary: 1. Assess clinical workflow to identify how the model can support the current clinical processes for treating negative patient outcomes 2. Determine the model’s capability to extract meaningful information from existing and available patient data and identify patterns that predict the outcome 3. Determine the usefulness of an early prediction model within a clinical workflow Secondary: 1. Improve the prediction model through incorporation of feedback provided by the clinical team 2. Maximize the utility of the prediction tool to improve a clinical workflow for the facility staff
  • 19. 19CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Summary
  • 20. 20CONFIDENTIAL - Contains proprietary information. Not intended for external distribution. Questions

Editor's Notes

  1. Really focusing on the use of Tools Architecture Deployment
  2. Add number of inpatients (~1.8 million) real-time – prediction is used to lengthen the intervention window for therapy. Batch – for operational stuff.
  3. Ask the right question Gather data to support your hypotheses Test your assumptions - Get through this loop as quickly as possible -> h2o makes modeling component straightforward and pain-free. Don’t get caught up on this slide Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining, commonly known by its acronym CRISP-DM, was a data mining process model that describes the overall approach to solving business (or clinical) problems with predictive analytics. Working through this process requires both a Business understanding and Data understanding at the forefront of everything. Data preparation Modeling Evaluation Deployment The overall arching goal is to extract knowledge from data, using predictive modeling to visualize and present data with an intelligent awareness of the clinical and/or business consequences
  4. Data science projects begin by asking a clearly defined business question What business decisions will be made using the results of the analysis? What does “done” look like? Establish that the project falls within one of five defined analysis types: Type 1. Classification: Is this A or B? Type 2. Anomaly Detection: Is this unusual? Type 3. Regression: How much/how many? Type 4. Unsupervised Learning: How is it organized? Type 5. Prescriptive: What should I do next? GitHub: web-based tool allowing for version control and SCM Teradata SQL Assistant: Windows-based tool for building and running sql queries against our EDW DRAKE: workflow tool
  5. SQL, R, Clojure Balancing Center and scale Sampling Why do we use R vs. h2o? Engineering Features -> we do FE outside of h2o so pre-processing
  6. Historically we were restricted by the computational availability of our laptops. Nice visualizations for eval results!!!
  7. Weak signal?
  8. Apply the model to real live data and gain clinical feedback on patients we are seeing in our hospitals now Build out infrastructure and architecture to score patients in real-time Preventing negative patient outcomes and saving lives H2o is the harness that runs on the jvm, brining predictive models to the patients’ bedsides
  9. Tableau helps you work with business to solve problems, quickly.
  10. Want to use the model in real life and gain clinical feedback Create a way for model to capture feedback through an application See if the model fits into clinical workflow. Near real-time does not scale
  11. real-time in healthcare means HL7 based messaging. Clojure encapsulates the pojo
  12. Cloudera resilient distributed dataset
  13. Doing all of this on every single commit 4 times an hour (05, 20, 35, 50) the job is started A Docker container is spun up, and a jar is executed Data is retrieved from OpenGate, aggregated and transformed Predictive model is applied Predictions are written to PostgreSQL Logs are stored and execution results are reported
  14. GOAL: The model accurately predicts patient outcomes earlier than those identified through current clinical processes