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Find actual file by only file name, not literally everything non-related

PuTTY/SSH and logged in as root I simply want to find any instances of the file PEAR.php. I've looked through a dozen different tutorials but they seem to just copy-paste the same instructions. An ...
John's user avatar
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Shell: Customizing the "Display all N possibilities? (y or n)" message

I already know that double-pressing the Tab key on Bash terminal will enlist all files and folders in the current working directory or, when appropriate, show Linux executables that I can run. I want ...
groaking's user avatar
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Bash terminal lagging one input behind

After a recent update, I've noticed that working on any terminal for more than a few minutes causes a delay between inputting a keypress and seeing it reflected on the screen. Specifically, if I were ...
Nick Reed's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

how to change font size locally in xfce-terminal?

Does anyone know if there's a way to change the font-size in xfce-terminal locally (for just one window), preferably on the command line? It's possible to change it globally (for all terminal windows) ...
jyoung's user avatar
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How to specify that an optional argument requires 2 arguments in a zsh competition script?

I am writing a custom competition function for zsh. Currently, I have the following code _arguments \ ... '(-G --glitchpct)'{-G+,--glitchpct=}'[Controls how often the characters on screen glitch]' I ...
Alex.Kh's user avatar
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Permission denied error when starting terminal

I'm getting this error when I start my terminal: /home/USERNAME/.config/envman/PATH.env:2: permission denied: /home/USERNAME/.local/bin this is my .zshrc file: # Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. ...
Ilgar's user avatar
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inotifywait not listening to DELETE event

I'm using the following bash script to test inotifywait. while true; do inotifywait -r -e modify,create,delete "$DIRECTORY_TO_WATCH" done inotifywait is listening to created files: /...
wyc's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Alternatives to file polling?

In the following code, I have to poll $tmp_input to continue executing the code because wezterm cli send-text is asynchronous. This makes sure that $tmp_input is ready. tmp_input=$(mktemp ./tmp_input....
wyc's user avatar
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The key combination Alt + 6 for copy in nano does not work in GNOME terminal emulator Tilix

The key combination Alt + 6 for copy in nano does not work in tilix Does anyone know how to fix this? I had a look through all the key commands, but did not find any entry for Alt + 6 being already in ...
nath's user avatar
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2 answers

How to run the command "sudo sh /path/to/" by double clicking?

I have a question from this thread How to run a bash script by double clicking by entering the path in sudoers?. Since it was explained to me that it is unsafe to grant sudo privileges to the script....
moninah's user avatar
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Are there commands for execute XFCE's menu entries to reboot or power off/shut down?

There is Herunterfahren(DE)/Shut Down and Neustarten (DE)/Reboot: Is it possible to execute these GUI entries from the command line? If so, what exactly are the commands? I already checked XFCE's ...
henry's user avatar
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When is useful use "silent" for tty?

If the tty --help command is executed it shows tty --help Usage: tty [OPTION]... Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input. -s, --silent, --quiet print nothing, only return ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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How to know what is the current tab - number or position - for any Window Terminal?

For Ubuntu and Fedora if is opened a Window Terminal through ctrl + alt + t then is possible open a new tab through shift + ctrl + t. Suppose exists a Window Terminal with 5 tabs. If possible go to ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why pipe keep sudo and redirection not? [duplicate]

Pipe (|) and redirections (<, <<, >, >>) both using standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr), but although only pipe can keep sudo privileges, why? Works: sudo echo "hello" ...
linuxer's user avatar
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1 answer

How does vim catch mouse scroll events?

I am writing a text editor. With 1049 (alternate screen) mode + 1000 (mouse tracking) mode enabled, the terminal is able to catch both mouse scroll events and click events. I do not need the click ...
user129393192's user avatar
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Open file from terminal in already running "pure data" instance

Whenever I xdg-open patch.pd it will open a new pure data instance, how can I make it open with existing instance?
Leo Zerino's user avatar
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PageUp/PageDown -- how to catch properly?

I am here on a tutorial to build a text editor. I'm finding that on my macOS (it works on a Linux VM), even with raw mode enabled, I'm unable to intercept Page Up and Page Down, which are sent via fn-&...
user129393192's user avatar
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Auto-translation of newline characters in the terminal

I'm following along here. I notice (this is not complete, just for demonstration) that at this point: #include <termios.h> raw.c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL | IXON); raw.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); ...
user129393192's user avatar
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Depmod command not found but kmod is already installed

When I use depmod in the terminal, I got the message "depmod command not found". But kmod is already installed. And I can find a link to something called depmod in sbin. Do you know how to ...
Chènevis's user avatar
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9 votes
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What does >&- do in a unix / linux terminal?

I'm not too knowledgeable in the Unix command line. I found this SO answer for using the tee command without outputting to stdout, by "closing stdout" with >&- like this: echo 'hello ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a terminal-based image viewer that enables directory browsing after viewing a single file?

I am searching for a lightweight terminal image viewer like feh,meh, sxiv, pqiv, or qiv, with the end objective of having a terminal image viewer that allows you to explore all pictures in a folder ...
DawsonLeery8913's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the number inside the parenthesis on a Linux command? [duplicate]

What is 1? What is 3? What are the numbers called and is there a full list with explanations? $ whatis nvim nvim (1) - edit text $ whatis printf printf (3) - formatted output ...
Bog's user avatar
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the way to put the current line at the top of terminal

In a linux terminal, how to always put the current line at the top of the terminal. I tried z but it did not work, as it only works for vim.
user288609's user avatar
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Trying to change "non command" color in kitty terminal (ver. 0.21.2) using the fish (ver. 3.3.1) shell with the oh-my-fish theme slacker

I've been trying to change the color of non-command such as the picture below (the uncompleated 'help') link to the theme im using in omf: my kitty....
Manfred's user avatar
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Can a quiet zip still show warnings for missing files?

I often use zip with the -q flag (actually -r -q) for a quiet operation at the command line. Routinely I also then unzip each file I create, and check by eye whether the contents look correct; before ...
user7543's user avatar
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How to check BIOS Settings from Terminal (CentOS 7)?

I am trying to verify three BIOS settings on remote Linux machines (Dell OptiPlex 3090) with CentOS 7 on them. I want to check AC Recovery is Enabled, Wake on LAN, and Block Sleep. I've tried multiple ...
Student1860's user avatar
2 votes
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Arithmetic operation in terminal from an output

I want to print the lines of updates via this command dnf check-update --refresh --q --downloadonly | wc -l However during the output there occurs a blank line which means the true update number is ...
Neptune's user avatar
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2 answers

Confused about bash prompt meaning

I found out that in bash, the $PS1 variable can be modified to change the prompt. The problem is that I'm having some trouble trying to understand the long string of codes that I was given. I did: ...
Kami-kun's user avatar
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Display & edit tabular data in the terminal

I'm looking for an app to display & edit CSV files as a tabular data in cells, similar to GUI spreadsheets like LibreOffice Calc. I just need simple viewing, cell editing & easy navigation ...
jzz11's user avatar
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How to source from stdout for both Linux and MacOS?

On Linux I can do: source <(cat .env | grep ANDROID_GRADLE_TASK) But on MacOS, this doesn't do anything (no error, and no source) I have tried to replace -di with --decode --input, it didn't help. ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar

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