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Questions tagged [fish]

Fish is a unix shell with a clean design and a limited but powerful feature set.

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Can't install FISH on Amazon Linux 2023

I have an EC2 instance running Amazon Linux 2023. I added the fish repo per the instructions. I used dnf config-manager --add-repo... and then dnf config-manager --enable-repo.... I also added g++, ...
chuckd833's user avatar
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how to alias the `history` function in fish shell

I'm trying to set the fish history pager to be bat -l fish for syntax highlighting. (i.e. set the PAGER environment variable bat -l fish just for the history command). I tried: # 1: alias history &...
matan h's user avatar
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Fish script works as function, but not as standalone script [duplicate]

I have a small function that activates my desired Python venv - pya venv python_version - so something like this: pya vm_info 3.10.12 As a fish function, this works perfectly: function pya set -l ...
ajgringo619's user avatar
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Fish needs a lazy evulation to remove an element from a list

I'm running Fish version 3.7.0, and I want to write a function to remove elements from lists, based on their index. For instance, I want to remove the element from PATH environment variable at index 2:...
uilianries's user avatar
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Fish access non-aliased command from alias

How can I access the non-aliased version of a command from within the alias for that command? In bash, I can do something like alias ls='\ls -l' to access the non-aliased ls inside this alias for ls. ...
The Bic Pen's user avatar
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How to run a fish alias from cron?

I have set up a fish alias for some commands that I frequently need to run manually. Now, I want the same commands to be run regularly. How can I set up cron to automatically run a fish alias?
Thomas's user avatar
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Batch convert flac to ogg with ffmpeg

I'm trying to turn this command into one that will convert a whole directory from flac to ogg: ffmpeg -i musicfile.flac musicfile.ogg I've read through the man page. But honestly it's a bit over my ...
h8uthemost's user avatar
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FISH CLI What do the error numbers at the prompt mean?

I am just trying out the FISH - (the FriendlyInteractiveSHell) - CLI & whenever I type in an erroneous Command, a new Prompt appears under the faulty Command prompt with a number in square ...
beagleburt's user avatar
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In Fish, how do I cd to the closest parent with a .git directory?

I use Fish shell. Sometimes, I find myself in a child directory of a child directory of a child directory, several layers deep, and I want to return to the closest parent with a .git directory, as ...
Flimm's user avatar
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I have to run eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv) every time I start my pc for the terminal to recognise it

I use the Fish shell on OSX and installed brew. Now I notice everytime I start my mac I need to run the eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv) command again to make it recognice brew. I also noticed ...
Wout Junius's user avatar
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fish 'Invalid redirection target' error

This command works well in Bash and Zsh: expac -H M "%011m\t%-20n\t%10d" $(comm -23 <(pacman -Qqen | sort) <({ pacman -Qqg xorg; expac -l '\n' '%E' base; } | sort -u)) | sort -n But ...
MHM's user avatar
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Completion for gradle not applying

I'm trying to understand why the gradle completion isn't applying. Since gw seems to be a keyword for the completion, I created an alias: alias gw='./gradlew' (My project uses gradle wrapper. I don'...
Tyler B's user avatar
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git autocompletions in Fish: how can I disable them or speed them up?

I'm running Fish shell (3.6.0) on Ubuntu. Let's say that I'm trying to run git add foo/bar.txt . I type: git add foo and then I press tab . Now the shell freezes up for a few seconds. Even pressing ...
Flimm's user avatar
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where a variable inherit from, Fishshell

i'm trying to set an environment variable EDITOR and change it from default which is /usr/bin/nano but i can't use set -Ux due to this behavior fish FAQ How to find out which setting fish inherits ...
Naadiyaar's user avatar
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Fish shell can't change directory over a Webdav resource through Rclone

Fish can't cd into a folder on a Webdav remote directory through Rclone: Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell Type `help` for instructions on how to use fish drive ) ls Documents/ Music/ ...
freezr's user avatar
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