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Questions tagged [images]

Something related to visual data files

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Failing to extract image from MP3

I have MP3 files with ID3 images of type "Other". I have tried a variety of methods to extract the images, including the suggestions at How to Extract Album Cover Image from MP3 file? To ...
Ubuntourist's user avatar
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How can I view an image in ranger without closing ranger?

I installed ranger console file manager on Ubuntu. I'd like to view images with it in the console (which I access via JupyterLab), so I also installed caca-utils, which contains img2txt: sudo apt-get ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Is there a way to find all PNG files in a folder that have transparent pixels

I have a couple thousand PNGs, all of them probably support the alpha channel but only some of them actually use it (Only some of them actually have transparent pixels). Is there any way at all for me ...
Cestarian's user avatar
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Imagemagick: How to a PNG with the highest possible quality?

I tried messing around with parameters, but it seems I can't get it to work. Here's what I got: convert resize 491.33 "image1.png" -quality 90 image2.png. The result is okay-ish, but I feel ...
Kristian Nordestgaard's user avatar
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Imagemagick: Can I set a max height of the watermark image?

I have this BASH script, which scales the watermark image: #!/bin/bash echo "Which file to watermark?" read -e "filetowatermark" echo "Which file to use as watermark?" ...
Kristian Nordestgaard's user avatar
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Attempting to get image preview set up in Ranger, and having an issue with images appearing off-screen

So I am attempting to get image preview setup in ranger with WezTerm on a WSL2 install of Arch. I've got images showing with imgcat: But I am having an issue where ranger is just shoving everything ...
Antivash's user avatar
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Display images using fbi on startup using systemd

I can successfully display images using the following command: sudo fbi -T 1 /home/pi/photo-screen/photos/*.jpg -t 4 I now want to start a slide show of those pictures as soon as the Raspberry PI ...
Besi's user avatar
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How do I access all the files on a disk image?

To backup a remote server, I ran this command on my local machine: ssh user@remote "dd if=/dev/vda | gzip -1 -" | dd of=image.gz I then decompressed image.gz and tried to mount it by double ...
JacksonHunt's user avatar
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How to preserve PNG image type (RGB or Indexed) when converting with NetPBM?

I have a PNG image processing workflow that relies on the images to be in the 24bit Truecolor format also known as RGB images. PNG permits either RGB or Indexed color representation. The pnmtopng ...
Dima Chubarov's user avatar
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How to sort and filter images by modification time and view them in nsxiv on FreeBSD

I am using nsxiv to view JPEG and PNG images on FreeBSD. However, I am unable to find a way to sort and filter the images by modification time to view them in nsxiv on FreeBSD. On Linux with GNU ...
Flux's user avatar
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How can I preview image data urls in linux (e.g. data:image/png;base64, <data>)?

I opened some json-based configuration file and I see that there is a favicon key whose value is a data url representing a png: "favicon": "... I am looking ...
Marinos An's user avatar
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Bulk convert from PNG/TIFF to JPG with minimal loss in quality

I need to upload my photos to Shutterfly, but they don't seem to support EXIF data on PNG/BMP images. I need to thus convert to JPG for some prints, but I want to lose as little information as ...
olivarb's user avatar
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Scrub identifying data from USB stick

I am providing photos related to a legal matter to a lawyer and she is going to give them to law enforcement without giving them my name (under attorney client privilege). I am not sure if she is tech ...
Sean Breheny's user avatar
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Using feh --keep-zoom-vp and --zoom fit at the same time?

If I run: feh --keep-zoom-vp * Then feh will keep the zoom and viewport positioning when browsing through images, as explained in the manual. This works as expected If I run: feh --zoom "fill&...
user avatar
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Is there a terminal-based image viewer that enables directory browsing after viewing a single file?

I am searching for a lightweight terminal image viewer like feh,meh, sxiv, pqiv, or qiv, with the end objective of having a terminal image viewer that allows you to explore all pictures in a folder ...
DawsonLeery8913's user avatar

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