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echo not taking colour settings

Have printed some text for useful directories in my bashrc but the colour of the echo text is not being taken from the definition of the dircolors. In dircolors I have NORMAL 01;32 # Bold Green ...
Pietru's user avatar
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How to turn off colors for a specific command?

Is it possible to turn off colors for a specific command like ls, but without using the api of the command itself? Is there an env variable kind of thing that will turn off coloring for a command like ...
KMA Badshah's user avatar
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Unix - can i make the command line readable? [duplicate]

Let's say I have this commandline: ~/development/company/folder: and i run this command ./gradlew appRun then my command line looks like this: ~/development/company/folder: ./gradlew appRun Now, ...
bharal's user avatar
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What is the 38;5 sequence in $PS1?

I tried to find info online, but I could not find any. It seems that many people use a specific sequence of numbers, without actually providing any explanation why. More specifically, my $PS1 in ...
Xxxo's user avatar
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What does 'mustard color' highlighted directories mean?

When I run 'ls -laGp' command in macOS some of the folders are highlighted with this color. What does that mean? I researched but couldn't find any documentation or anything. If you let me know ...
Erdal Dogan's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a command to display colors when giving hex value in terminal?

How can I display colors in terminal to handle hexadecimal color values ? It can be useful for theming, XResources etc. For example : $ command '#FF0000' // display a red square I use urxvt, i3wm ...
Antharia Jack's user avatar
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Highlight specific text in command output, allowing interaction with the command

Is there a grep -like command to highlight specific text in a command's output, but shows all lines irrespective of the presence of the desired text and allows one to interact with the piped(1) or ...
user208145's user avatar
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Xterm "color query" doesn't print anything

I'm trying to programmatically query the background color of my terminal with echo -ne "\e]11;?\a" but the output appears blank. The issue arises using both and iTerm 3, in both Zsh and ...
shadowtalker's user avatar
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Change terminal text color for next command only

So when I find myself compiling a lot (from the terminal) I find it difficult to distinguish between the current compilation results and the old ones, so I was wondering if there is a bit of text that ...
Cosmin Lungu's user avatar
6 votes
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Background color whitespace when end of the terminal reached

I am working with control sequences for text formatting and have stumbled upon some unexpected behavior. I have some text to output, in the middle of this text there is some smaller text block ...
Michael Radionov's user avatar
84 votes
10 answers

Converting colored output into html

There are tools providing coloured output: dwdiff -c File1 File2 # word level diff grep --color=always # we all know this guy ... The question is: How to convert their colored output of arbitrary ...
Grzegorz Wierzowiecki's user avatar