There is Herunterfahren(DE)/Shut Down and Neustarten (DE)/Reboot:

enter image description here

Is it possible to execute these GUI entries from the command line? If so, what exactly are the commands?

I already checked XFCE's docs page for the power manager, but as far as I understood it, these commands aren't listed there.

  • 1
    – muru
    Commented Oct 7, 2023 at 10:01
  • @muru Cool, thank you! If you were to post your comment as a reply, I would be happy to mark it as solved.
    – henry
    Commented Oct 7, 2023 at 10:39
  • I'll ping the OP of that post to post it here as well, you can accept their answer then.
    – muru
    Commented Oct 7, 2023 at 11:11

1 Answer 1


From https://askubuntu.com/a/771187/158442:

I think what you want is xfce4-session-logout (online manpage).

Excerpt from the manpage (reformatted, filtered):

The xfce4-session-logout command allows you to programmatically logout
   from your Xfce session. It requests the session manager to display  the
   logout  confirmation  screen,  or,  if  given  one  of the command-line
   options below, causes the session manager to take the requested  action

   --logout     Log out without displaying the logout dialog.
   --halt       Halt without displaing the logout dialog.
   --reboot     Reboot without displaying the logout dialog.
   --suspend    Suspend without displaying the logout dialog.
   --hibernate  Hibernate without displaying the logout dialog.
   --fast       Do  a  fast shutdown.  This instructs the session manager not to
                save the session, but instead to quit everything quickly.
  • So to shut down: xfce4-session-logout --halt

  • To reboot: xfce4-session-logout --reboot

To get the dialogue where one can pick an action manually, run it without arguments:


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