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Shell: Customizing the "Display all N possibilities? (y or n)" message

I already know that double-pressing the Tab key on Bash terminal will enlist all files and folders in the current working directory or, when appropriate, show Linux executables that I can run. I want ...
groaking's user avatar
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Bash terminal lagging one input behind

After a recent update, I've noticed that working on any terminal for more than a few minutes causes a delay between inputting a keypress and seeing it reflected on the screen. Specifically, if I were ...
Nick Reed's user avatar
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Permission denied error when starting terminal

I'm getting this error when I start my terminal: /home/USERNAME/.config/envman/PATH.env:2: permission denied: /home/USERNAME/.local/bin this is my .zshrc file: # Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. ...
Ilgar's user avatar
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How to run the command "sudo sh /path/to/" by double clicking?

I have a question from this thread How to run a bash script by double clicking by entering the path in sudoers?. Since it was explained to me that it is unsafe to grant sudo privileges to the script....
moninah's user avatar
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Why pipe keep sudo and redirection not? [duplicate]

Pipe (|) and redirections (<, <<, >, >>) both using standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr), but although only pipe can keep sudo privileges, why? Works: sudo echo "hello" ...
linuxer's user avatar
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Auto-translation of newline characters in the terminal

I'm following along here. I notice (this is not complete, just for demonstration) that at this point: #include <termios.h> raw.c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL | IXON); raw.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); ...
user129393192's user avatar
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What does >&- do in a unix / linux terminal?

I'm not too knowledgeable in the Unix command line. I found this SO answer for using the tee command without outputting to stdout, by "closing stdout" with >&- like this: echo 'hello ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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What is the number inside the parenthesis on a Linux command? [duplicate]

What is 1? What is 3? What are the numbers called and is there a full list with explanations? $ whatis nvim nvim (1) - edit text $ whatis printf printf (3) - formatted output ...
Bog's user avatar
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Trying to change "non command" color in kitty terminal (ver. 0.21.2) using the fish (ver. 3.3.1) shell with the oh-my-fish theme slacker

I've been trying to change the color of non-command such as the picture below (the uncompleated 'help') link to the theme im using in omf: my kitty....
Manfred's user avatar
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How can I create a .txt file containing data being generated in real-time in Linux terminal when a program is running?

I am running an AutoDock Vina program (using a Perl script) in Linux.  It generates lots of important data (regarding binding free energy of protein-ligand docked complexes).  However, I cannot save ...
Alvea Tasneem's user avatar
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What exactly handles the Ctrl+X shortcut family (e.g. Ctrl+X Ctrl+E) in Linux terminals?

I've seen a lot of online resources mention several compound shortcuts beginning with Ctrl+X : Ctrlx Ctrle : Edits the current line in the $EDITOR program, or vi if undefined. Ctrlx Ctrlr : Read in ...
Alexander Gonchiy's user avatar
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I read "Advantages of using set -o vi" and have a question about same

Followup-up on Advantages of using set -o vi I'm learning vi and know nothing about emacs. I also type poorly and frequently need to edit my commands in the terminal. The idea of using vi to edit my ...
LarryS's user avatar
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Run command after file manager (Thunar) window is closed

I am writing a simple script where I need to open a directory dirname with Thunar and delete that directory after closing the Thunar window. I was expecting something like thunar $dirname && ...
soap's user avatar
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Command that will Enable VPN Only in my current Terminal

I am using Linux Mint 19.3 I want to run two instances of youtube-dl. All traffic of terminal 1 instance should go through regular network. All traffic of terminal 2 instance should go through VPN. ...
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar
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What is a system tool? [closed]

I frequently come across the term system tool, so I wanted to understand the exact meaning of it in Linux. Which of the following three explanations of a system tool in Linux is correct? Is a system ...
bit's user avatar
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