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Questions tagged [tty]

A representation of a device that asynchronously transmits and receives serial data.

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macos/bash: read "hangs" when executing script second time as another user with stdout redirected before

Hello! My second file descriptors question. Context: Still new at this, I certainly don't get file descriptors. Magic. Unpredictable magic at that, that sometimes works. (joke, but you probably get my ...
Marcus Widerberg's user avatar
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Why is the tty2 showing login screen with no response in EndeavourOS KDE Plasma?

I'm on EndeavourOS with KDE plasma (recently installed, left everything default). I opened Virtual Terminal by Ctrl+Alt+F3 and exit by Ctrl+Alt+F2. But, Login screen of plasma has opened which is not ...
Prabash's user avatar
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How can I have multiple TCP clients connected to server ttyS0?

I'm trying to test following envirorment: One server (it's a router, It has busybox and few other cmd) with a a physical serial port and and open socket #tcpsvd -v -p 999 cat /dev/ttyS0 ...
Carmine Esposito's user avatar
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Reading the output from arduino slower than it produces the output: what is the buffer size?

I have two different boards with Atmega16U2 (Uno) and ch341 (Nano). They are not genuine actually, but it doesn't matter here I think. I was asked to look at some code which didn't work as expected. ...
LRDPRDX's user avatar
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Why is a udev rule to symlink /dev/ttySPECIAL replacing /dev/tty with a symlink as well

On my target embedded system I have a udev rule that looks like: KERNEL=="ttyACM?", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1234", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5678", SYMLINK+="ttySPECIAL", ...
davolfman's user avatar
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How to add delay to my terminal?

I like the experience that I get from using the terminal on a remote device where there is a visible lag between what I type and what happens on screen, because it forces me to trust the actions I'm ...
user22476690's user avatar
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Using systemd + docker exec to manage processes within a single container

As of today, I have many systemd services where each of them runs a command using docker run. The same docker is used for all services. I've noticed that each container that runs, takes about 0.7% of ...
Omer's user avatar
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Color range for tty

THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM ABOUT XORG I have a singleboard PC with Intel N100 with 2 HDMI ports. When arch boots, the color range changes to limited after i915 takeing over the display from UEFI ...
CreeperKong's user avatar
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Serial console changes parameters when SUDOing

I'm working on a project where I need to connect a very old serial terminal to a linux device (a Raspberry). The terminal uses 4800bps, 7 data bits and even parity. I have reconfigured the kernel ...
Gusman's user avatar
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Keylogger protection in TTY3

I noticed that, when I go to TTY3 (by typing CTRL+ALT+3), bucklespring stops working, and when I go out to the GUI it works again. Also, when I run xinput test-xi2 on TTY3, it tells me 'Unable to ...
Lucas Vasco's user avatar
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How can I get write/wall commands working as intended?

OS: xUbuntu 22.04 I want to use the write / wall commands for sending msgs to other users sharing the same computer. But when I try to use the write command, I get the following error: √ ~ $ who user1 ...
naphelge's user avatar
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Interactive: systemctl on boot not the same as systemctl via CLI!

I want to execute an interactive session on the console via systemctl on boot up. My .service file looks something like this: [Unit] Description=My service. [email protected] network-online....
ZaPaDoS's user avatar
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Where does the finger command takes the information about the write permissions of the tty's

I'm trying to create my own finger command in C in Linux Mint. Studying the real finger command I've understood that the asterisk that the commands put when using the short output format left the tty ...
Matteo Sperini's user avatar
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How can I connect a bash process to a tty _without_ using getty

I would have two serial usb devices connected to each other, /dev/ttyUSB1 and /dev/ttyUSB2. I would like to run /bin/bash connected to one end, so that I can attach to the other end using picocom and ...
Alex028502's user avatar
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TERM ANSI escape sequences compatibility between xterm and screen although infocmp does not say so

I am making an script in zsh on mac that uses tmux and after the amazing answer, I found out that when I use tmux, it uses a different ...
Whimusical's user avatar

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