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Bash terminal lagging one input behind

After a recent update, I've noticed that working on any terminal for more than a few minutes causes a delay between inputting a keypress and seeing it reflected on the screen. Specifically, if I were ...
Nick Reed's user avatar
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Permission denied error when starting terminal

I'm getting this error when I start my terminal: /home/USERNAME/.config/envman/PATH.env:2: permission denied: /home/USERNAME/.local/bin this is my .zshrc file: # Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. ...
Ilgar's user avatar
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The key combination Alt + 6 for copy in nano does not work in GNOME terminal emulator Tilix

The key combination Alt + 6 for copy in nano does not work in tilix Does anyone know how to fix this? I had a look through all the key commands, but did not find any entry for Alt + 6 being already in ...
nath's user avatar
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How does vim catch mouse scroll events?

I am writing a text editor. With 1049 (alternate screen) mode + 1000 (mouse tracking) mode enabled, the terminal is able to catch both mouse scroll events and click events. I do not need the click ...
user129393192's user avatar
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PageUp/PageDown -- how to catch properly?

I am here on a tutorial to build a text editor. I'm finding that on my macOS (it works on a Linux VM), even with raw mode enabled, I'm unable to intercept Page Up and Page Down, which are sent via fn-&...
user129393192's user avatar
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Auto-translation of newline characters in the terminal

I'm following along here. I notice (this is not complete, just for demonstration) that at this point: #include <termios.h> raw.c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL | IXON); raw.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); ...
user129393192's user avatar
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Is there a terminal-based image viewer that enables directory browsing after viewing a single file?

I am searching for a lightweight terminal image viewer like feh,meh, sxiv, pqiv, or qiv, with the end objective of having a terminal image viewer that allows you to explore all pictures in a folder ...
DawsonLeery8913's user avatar
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the way to put the current line at the top of terminal

In a linux terminal, how to always put the current line at the top of the terminal. I tried z but it did not work, as it only works for vim.
user288609's user avatar
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How to source from stdout for both Linux and MacOS?

On Linux I can do: source <(cat .env | grep ANDROID_GRADLE_TASK) But on MacOS, this doesn't do anything (no error, and no source) I have tried to replace -di with --decode --input, it didn't help. ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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Why username and root are missing in linux server after installing tools with conda?

On the Linux server, I have my username that looks like below: (base) [david@meteor ~]$ I tried installing some tools using conda with the following: conda install -c bioconda or conda install -c ...
user9114's user avatar
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Reading a file when logged in as another user

I have an issue with the following: I use the following command su -l alice then enter her password. Then I am asked to read the /root/token.txt file. I have tried the cmd "cat /root/token.txt&...
Dai Rhys-Jones's user avatar
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How to change Linux terminal prompt

I've been using Terminator as my terminal but after reconfiguring my display manager to 'Lightdm' after 'gdm3' crashed while installing updates, I messed something up, not with terminal, using the GUI ...
George's user avatar
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What exactly handles the Ctrl+X shortcut family (e.g. Ctrl+X Ctrl+E) in Linux terminals?

I've seen a lot of online resources mention several compound shortcuts beginning with Ctrl+X : Ctrlx Ctrle : Edits the current line in the $EDITOR program, or vi if undefined. Ctrlx Ctrlr : Read in ...
Alexander Gonchiy's user avatar
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Is there a way to programmatically set DISPLAY when executable is run as sudo instead of failing?

When I run any GUI application on Linux (Ubuntu) using sudo command from the Terminal, the application fails with QT error as below. Almost every application fails when attempted; here is an example ...
Vijesh K's user avatar
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hdparm secure erase with progress updates?

Does anyone know of a clever way to receive any sort of progress status updates using hdparm secure erase? Ideally the end result would be something like dd's status=progress attribute.
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