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Questions tagged [tilix]

tilix - a place for questions concerning the tiling terminal emulator for the GNOME-Desktop

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Tilix - open new tab in the same diretory as current tab

Does anyone know, how I can configure the gnome terminal emulator tilix to open a new tab automatically in a new window? As you can see on the screenshot, I opened a new tab in a vertically tiled ...
nath's user avatar
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The key combination Alt + 6 for copy in nano does not work in GNOME terminal emulator Tilix

The key combination Alt + 6 for copy in nano does not work in tilix Does anyone know how to fix this? I had a look through all the key commands, but did not find any entry for Alt + 6 being already in ...
nath's user avatar
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bash: /usr/bin/sed: No such file or directory

On a test server I purposefully deleted ????? in / - I was expecting the symlink /lib64 and the /media directory to be deleted. All went well (everything broke), but then I was curious about the ...
cutrightjm's user avatar
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How can I install Tilix on Deepin 15.11 properly?

I installed Tilix by using: wget -P $HOME/Downloads sudo unzip $HOME/Downloads/ -d / sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/...
mykahveli's user avatar
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Running tmux sessions inside tilix terminal emulator

Background: I use Tilix as my main terminal emulator. In the Tilix preferences (attached screenshot), I have set it up so that when Tilix is launched, it will run this command: /usr/bin/zsh -c "if [[ ...
GMaster's user avatar
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Tilix -e nvim doesn't load my bash/zsh environment / profile

I put tilix -e nvim command for shortcut in my xfce. Then I do :!echo $PATH and doesn't get my regular $PATH value. The same for :echo $PATH. If I put command in whisker menu, I got the same. But ...
neochar's user avatar
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Can I launch Tilix in dropdown mode under Wayland?

I launch Tilix in dropdown mode (aka Quake mode) via a keyboard shortcut mapped to: tilix --quake After upgrading to Tilix 1.7.7 I get a regular window and a notification "Quake mode is not ...
lofidevops's user avatar
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No titlebar and no scrollbars in a gtk3 app in Plasma desktop

I'm using a GTK3 app called Tilix. It's a terminal app. I have 2 computers with KDE Neon based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. In one of them, Tilix works ok. In the other one, no title bars and no scrollbars ...
david.perez's user avatar
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Tilix - read out list of set key-commands used by tiling terminal emulator for GNOME

Is there a way to read out the key-commands used by the tiling terminal emulator Tilix from the command line as a list to stdout?
nath's user avatar
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