Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


Like a lethal bacillus coursing through the bloodstream of the galaxy, a fiendish master plan has spread death and terror across the 24th century—until two heroic captains risk everything to stamp out the evil at its source!
For more than a decade, since the very beginning of the starship Enterprise's mission, unknown enemies have unleashed a string of deadly biological weapons throughout the Alpha Quadrant, inflicting ghastly epidemics upon the Romulans, the Cardassians, the Bajorans, and even the Federation. Now, at long last, Captain Jean-Luc Picard joins forces with Captain Mackenzie Calhoun of the starship Excalibur to track down and confront the hidden architects of the plagues—and avenge the deaths of thousands!


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This article is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.



Benz • Beth • Burgoyne 172 • Mackenzie Calhoun/Qadril • Camboni • Cho • Si Cwan • Zolon Darg • Data • Elias Frobisher • George Garfield • Gwix • Janos • Edward Jellico • Kapel • Kat'leen • Zak Kebron • David Kendrow • Geordi La Forge • Robin Lefler • Lodec • Macaskill • Joe Mankowski • Maxwell • Mark McHenry • McKean • Monastero • Joe Morris • Alynna Nechayev • O'Shea • Mike Palumbo • Petronella • Jean-Luc Picard/Kwint • Morgan Primus • The Professor • William T. Riker • Sela • Selar • Elizabeth Shelby • Shunabo • Silver • Soleta • Stonn • Gerrid Thul • Deanna Troi • Vandelia/Vara Syndra • Worf • Zeen
Referenced only
Mendan Abbis • Aronin • Borg Queen • Jack Crusher • Richard Daystrom • Dikson • DiSpigno • Falkar • Gazillo • Henderson • Jay • Jack McNicol • Bruce Carmel Mudd • Thaddius Riker • Thomas Riker • Lwaxana Troi • Wattanbe • Horatio Wrigley • Natasha Yar

Starships and vehicles[]

Andorian prison ship • USS Enterprise-E • escape pod • USS Excalibur • USS Grissom • USS Independence • Romulan warbird • runabout • shuttle


Alpha Quadrant • Archaria III • Argelius II • Daystrom Station • Earth • Kara's • Narobi II • San Francisco • Ten-Forward • Thul Sphere • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet
Referenced only
Bajoran wormhole • Cardassia • Danter • Deep Space 4 • Delta Quadrant • Demilitarized Zone • Estarcion IV • Hell • Mars • Risa • Romulus • Starbase 18 • Terok Nor • Topeka • Xenex

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • android • Brikar • Capitano • Danteri • Hermat • Human • Klingon • Kreel • Narobi • Orion • Pazinian • Romulan • Tan'gredi • Tellarite • Thallonian • Vulcan • Xenexian
Referenced only
Argelian • Bajoran • Borg • Cardassian • Deltan • Zynterian

States and organizations[]

Daystrom Institute • Starfleet • Thallonian Empire • United Federation of Planets

Science and technology[]

animal • Bendii syndrome • black hole • blaster • bomb • bone • bullet • chronometer • circuit • cloaking device • comm unit • communicator • cryo-mist • cyborg • dermaplast • disruptor • Double Helix virus • Dyson sphere • Guardian of Forever • headache • heart • holodeck • hologenerator • hologram • holo unit • hypersonic shower • isolinear chip • light • microchip • microscope • muscle • nanite • Omega 9 • phaser • photon torpedo • plasma torpedo • psychic backlash • replicator • scanner • sensor • skin graft • supernova • time • tooth • transponder • transporter • tricorder • turbolift • Venus drug • warp core • Zynterian camouflage field

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • captain • distributor • ensign • hero • imzadi • professor • weapons runner

Other references[]

asteroid field • baseball bat • beanbag • bicentennial • catwalk • cat • dagger • day • devil • Dominion War • espionage • finger cymbal • glove • Great Bird of the Galaxy • grozit • katra • klaxon • knife • latinum • money • month • pasteboard • philosophy • pip • playing card • pon farr • Prime Directive • Resolution of Non-Interference • rope • scalpel • sex aid • shampoo • shawl • sickbay • Stone Age • sword • tennis • tiger • Tolasian night slicer • Vulcan nerve pinch • weapon • whip • year



  • The Double Helix series was a Next Generation storyline that featured each installment crossing over with another franchise series. "Double or Nothing" in particular crossed TNG with Star Trek: New Frontier.



published order
Previous novel:
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
The First Virtue
Previous novel:
Double Time
NF Stories Next novel:
The Quiet Place
Previous novel:
Double Helix
Next novel:
The First Virtue
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
What You Leave Behind
Chapters 11-15
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One
Previous Adventure:
The Human Factor
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Next Adventure:
I, Q
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2376.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in one other timeframe:
Previous Adventure:
Seven Years Earlier
Next Adventure:
Star Trek: New Frontier publications and stories
Novels House of Cards • Into the Void • The Two-Front War • End Game • Martyr • Fire on High • Once Burned • Double or Nothing • The Quiet Place • Dark Allies • Excalibur (Requiem • Renaissance • Restoration) • Cold Wars • Being Human • Gods Above • Stone and Anvil • After the Fall • Missing in Action • Treason • Blind Man's Bluff
Short stories and novellas "Death After Life" • No Limits ("Loose Ends" • "All That Glisters..." • "Waiting for G'Doh, or, How I Learned to Stop Moving and Hate People" • "Lefler's Logs" • "Alice, on the Edge of Night" • "Revelations" • "Turning Point" • "'Q'uandary" • "Oil and Water" • "Singularity" • "The Road to Edos" • "A Lady of Xenex" • "Making a Difference" • "Performance Appraisal" • "Redemption" • "Out of the Frying Pan" • "Through the Looking Glass" • "A Little Getaway") • "Stone Cold Truths" • "Pain Management" • "Cutting Ties" • "Homecoming"
eBooks The Returned, Part 1 • The Returned, Part 2 • The Returned, Part 3 Comics Double Time • Turnaround ("Part I" • "Part II" • "Part III" • "Part IV" • "Part V")
Omnibuses New Frontier • Prometheans • Turnaround German omnibuses Kartenhaus • Zweifrontenkrieg

German : Doppelt oder nichts, translated by Bernhard Kempen. (Cross Cult)

External link[]
