Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.
Rutherford, Mariner, Tendi, and Boimler

Members of the USS Cerritos crew in standard uniform

By 2380, a new Starfleet uniform was concurrently added to the existing design introduced during the mid-2370s.

Tom Paris aboard the Cerritos

The 2380s standard uniform, worn alongside the 2370s standard uniform

This newer uniform was used on California- and Parliament-class starships, starbases, and planetary facilities, while the previous uniform continued to be used into the early 2380s aboard capital ships – such as the USS Titan and USS Archimedes – and Starbase 25. (LD: "Second Contact", "No Small Parts", "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers", "First First Contact")

Starfleet uniforms 2384

A group of Starfleet officers wearing the 2384 standard uniform

By 2384, an updated version of this uniform was introduced and adopted more widely also on major starships and at Starfleet Command, replacing the 2370s design. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")

Janeway objects to new orders, 2385

A new uniform being used by flag officers, with the early 2380s uniform still being used by other officers in 2385

From 2385 onwards, it was phased out in favor of a newer uniform, which had already been in limited use since at least 2382. (PIC: "The End is the Beginning", "Nepenthe"; PRO: "Ouroboros, Part II")

Standard duty uniform[]

The standard duty uniform retained the color scheme and rank insignia previously established during the 2350s, with the addition of a double-breasted flap. Rank insignia were worn on the right side of the collar, while a combadge was worn over the left breast. (LD: "Second Contact", et al.; PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2", et al.)

Type A []

This version of the uniform had a white accent between the charcoal-colored shoulder area and the division coloring, as well as division-colored lining of the breast flap. The combadge lacked the golden oblong backing present in the previous design and featured only the Starfleet delta: a badge design not seen since the 2260s. (LD: "Second Contact", et al.) By 2381, this type of combadge had not replaced the previous style at Starfleet Command or other Federation facilities. (PIC: "Maps and Legends", "The End is the Beginning", "Nepenthe") Officers with additional appendages, such as wings or tails, wore slightly modified uniforms, which featured openings that accommodated these features. (LD: "Veritas", "We'll Always Have Tom Paris", et al.) The pants on these uniforms also had pockets, an addition Sam Rutherford had been surprised to learn of. (LD: "The Inner Fight")

Type B []

By 2384, a different version of the uniform was used aboard vessels such as the USS Dauntless, as well as at Starfleet Command. The jacket flap was in a slightly different shape, and it had a different combadge design. The white accent between the shoulder area and the division coloring had been removed. The breast flap had either no lining or white lining. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2") Certain officers wore a variant uniform that had a higher collar. (PRO: "Asylum", "Let Sleeping Borg Lie", "Supernova, Part 2")


Type A []

Starfleet boots, 2380

Some of the boots worn by Starfleet officers

The standard boots worn by Starfleet officers with the earlier uniform style were predominantly black, with division coloring on the top edges and soles. Their undersides featured the Starfleet delta with a "shooting star" pattern beneath it. Medical-oriented sciences division officers wore similarly-styled white boots with blue division coloring, while other sciences officers wore the standard black boots. (LD: "Second Contact", et al.)

Type B []

Asencia red boots

Command division red boots

Boots worn with the later uniform variant were either black or entirely in division colors. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2", et al.)


During a second contact mission on Galardon, Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler stripped down to their underwear as part of Mariner's plan of using their uniforms to lure and trap a spider cow. (LD: "Second Contact")

Additionally, undershirts were often worn beneath the uniform jacket. These shirts came in t-shirt and tank top styles and ranged in color from white to khaki. (LD: "Second Contact", "Envoys", "Terminal Provocations", "Much Ado About Boimler", "No Small Parts", "Reflections")

Some officers in 2380 also wore standard-issue socks that were predominantly white, with taupe-colored toes and heels. (LD: "No Small Parts") Other officers, however, wore a different style of sock that was light gray, with dark gray toes and heels. (LD: "Twovix", "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee", "Caves")

Non-humanoid variants[]

Type A[]

Ensign Peanut Hamper, an exocomp, had the white accent and appropriate division coloring applied onto her body, including her "shoes". Her variant included the appropriate rank insignia, as well as a Starfleet delta or combadge, but lacked the standard uniform's double-breasted design and charcoal-colored "shoulders". (LD: "No Small Parts", "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption")

Additionally, the standard uniform could be tailored to accommodate members of certain non-humanoid species, such as cetaceans. (LD: "First First Contact", et al.)

Type B[]

Zero, 2384

Zero in their Starfleet-designed containment suit

Zero, a Medusan, received a new containment suit shortly after being accepted into Starfleet Academy as a warrant officer. The suit was predominantly white, and lacked any rank insignia or division coloring, though a standard uniform combadge was worn over the left "breast". (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")

Cadet uniform[]

Type A[]

Cerritos cadet 1

A cadet serving aboard the Cerritos in 2381

The cadet uniform was similar to the uniform seen in the 2370s, but lacked divisional coloring on its shoulder area. Instead, it was predominantly charcoal-colored and had a black shoulder area, making it appear similar to the acting ensign uniform worn by Wesley Crusher from 2365 to 2366. Unlike the previous uniform style, there were no class indicators on this uniform. (LD: "wej Duj")

Type B[]

This red and white uniform was worn by cadets by 2385, with insignia on the right side of the collar determining the class level of the cadet. It was also worn by Starfleet Academy candidates or "hopefuls", without class insignia. Nova Squadron members also wore special squad insignia on the left side of the collar.

Cadets wore red and white boots matching the color of the rest of the uniform. In contrast, Academy hopefuls were allowed to wear a variety of boots of their choosing. (PRO: "Into the Breach, Part I", "Into the Breach, Part II")

Flag officer uniform[]

Type A[]

Wong, 2380

Admiral Wong in 2380

This flag officer uniform was very similar to the standard uniform, with golden epaulet-like patches on the shoulders, and yellow-gold accents between the neck area and command division coloring. Unlike the previous few styles, rank insignia were only worn on the right side of the collar, rather than on both sides. (LD: "Second Contact", "Temporal Edict", "Moist Vessel", "Crisis Point", et al.)

Type B[]

By 2384, the flag officer uniform was similar to the newer command division standard uniforms, with the addition of a gold-colored border on the outer flap of the uniform jacket. Furthermore, rank insignia were displayed on the breast of the jacket, rather than on the collar. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2", et al.)

Two Starfleet Justices wore a high-collared black variant uniform with gold stripes on each side, and fingerless gold-edged gloves. Additionally, a third Justice had gold-edged shoulder pads, and lacked any visible rank insignia. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")

Dress uniform[]

At least two dress uniform options were worn alongside the earlier standard uniform of this era.

Type A[]

Starfleet dress uniform, early 2380s

Ensign Boimler holding up two command division "skant" dress uniforms in 2381

The first dress uniform style was very similar to the ones worn from 2370 to 2374, with the addition of a white accent between the neck area and division coloring that mirrored the design of the standard duty uniform. Brad Boimler referred to this uniform as a "skant". In 2381, Boimler considered wearing this option, but Beckett Mariner said that "nobody [wore] those anymore". (LD: "Envoys", "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Type B[]

Starfleet white dress uniform, 2381

Ensigns Boimler and Mariner wearing white dress uniforms in 2381

The second option, which was available by 2381, was a white and gold version of the standard duty uniform with matching boots. It resembled the dress uniform worn from 2375 to 2379, with the wearer's division denoted by colored cuffs on the sleeves of the jacket. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Utility jumpsuit[]

Utility jumpsuits in different shades of yellow were worn as the standard duty uniform on some Starfleet facilities, such as Starbase 80. An older style of combadge was worn on the left breast. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

Experimental ship uniform []

These uniforms were worn by crewmembers who served aboard the USS Protostar. Crewmembers Dal R'El, Gwyn, Rok-Tahk, and Jankom Pog changed into these outfits before returning to Tars Lamora to rescue their fellow slaves. The exceptions were the non-corporeal Zero, who painted their self-made containment suit with colors representing these particular uniforms, and the Mellanoid slime worm Murf, who wore no clothing. Hologram Janeway switched her uniform to an officer's variant to match.

Captain Chakotay, as the commanding officer of the Protostar, displayed a uniform with different colors and patterns. The divisions were shown on the wrists as well as with colored stripes on each side of the collar and shoulders of the uniforms. Although officers wore this uniform with standard 24th century rank insignia, neither the crew who escaped from Tars Lamora nor Hologram Janeway wore any rank insignia with this uniform. (PRO: "First Con-tact", "A Moral Star, Part 1", et al.)

According to the Hagemans, this new uniform and combadge style is unique to this specific ship: "Since the USS Protostar is an experimental starship, we felt it gave us some freedom to create our own uniform design, as long as it fit alongside the uniforms of this era. We, [executive producer] Ben Hibon, and our design team spent a lot of time discussing the badge and uniforms. We had to balance the style of our series, while also recognizing these kids aren't actually anywhere close to being Starfleet Officers, which is why we went for a stripped-down design." They added that, "we all know different styles of combadges often co-existed in the same era, and we knew we wanted something special for Prodigy." [1]

Warrant officer uniform[]

Dal in Starfleet uniform

Dal R'El in a non-commissioned officer's variant uniform worn by the crew at Starfleet Academy

Following the destruction of the USS Protostar, the crew from Tars Lamora, minus Gwyn, was barely accepted into Starfleet with the status of "warrant officers in training" under Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway's direct tutelage. The remaining humanoid officers then donned a new black and gray version of the experimental ship uniform while attending Starfleet Academy for basic training, though they wore a standard combadge. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")

Division 14 uniform[]

Division 14 uniform early 2380

The crew of the Division 14 ship Osler

Members of Division 14 wore special uniforms that were similar to the standard duty uniforms, except that they were gray in color, lacked a double-breasted design, and displayed no visible rank insignia. Additionally, a black capelet was worn as part of the uniform, which either had the Starfleet delta emblazoned on it, or was used to hold the wearer's combadge. A black face covering resembling a surgical mask could also be worn with the uniform. Like the standard uniforms of this era, the Division 14 uniform could also be tailored to accommodate members of certain non-humanoid species, such as Edosians. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")

Specialty attire[]

Arctic gear[]

(PRO: "Crossroads")

Body armor[]

Vulcan museum guard

A security guard at the museum on Vulcan

Security officers stationed at the Vulcan museum wore armored, maroon-colored uniforms that were similar to the ones worn by security personnel in the mid-2270s. (LD: "Veritas")

Bog condition waders[]

Starfleet waders

Captain Amina Ramsey, three of her crew members, and Mariner putting on bog condition waders

For missions on bog planets, olive-green waders and a belt could be worn over the standard uniform, to keep it from getting wet. The wearer's combadge was affixed to the outside of the waders. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")

Casual duty attire[]


Dr. Migleemo in a suit

Certain officers, such as counselors, wore non-uniform attire with a Starfleet combadge, but no visible rank insignia. (LD: "Crisis Point", et al.)

Covert ops attire[]

Black ops uniform early 2380

Shaxs, Captain Carol Freeman, and Commander Jack Ransom in covert ops attire

During this era, Starfleet officers taking part in certain covert missions wore a black, tight-fitting, jumpsuit-style uniform with a hood.

This type of uniform lacked an insignia or any kind of outwardly identifying marks, similar to the ones worn in the 2360s. Single-sleeved and sleeveless variants of this attire also existed, which could be worn with additional accoutrements. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler", "Veritas")

Medical attire[]

Lab coat, type A[]


Dr. T'Ana in her lab coat

Certain officers in the medical division, such as the chief medical officer, wore lab coats over their sciences division uniforms. (LD: "Second Contact", et al.)

Lab coat, type B[]


Dr. Noum in his lab coat

By 2384, the lab coat worn by the chief medical officer was primarily black, lacked sleeves, had blue shoulder pads, and resembled an open robe. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2", et al.)

Patient wear, type A[]

Starfleet patient's gown, 2380

Ensign Mariner in a sickbay patient gown

When Ensign Mariner was taken to sickbay to be treated for a stab wound following a mission to Gelrak V, she wore a white patient gown. (LD: "Temporal Edict")

Patient wear, type B[]

After suffering minor catatonia and memory loss from seeing Zero's reflection, Gwyn was changed into patient wear for medical treatment. The attire was a white-colored version of the standard uniform worn aboard the Protostar. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2") The Diviner was also changed into patient wear aboard the Dauntless, though his was a two-piece white garment that did not resemble the one worn by Gwyn. (PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie", "All the World's a Stage", "Crossroads", "Masquerade", "Preludes", "Mindwalk")

Rain slickers[]

Starfleet rain slickers, 2381

Rain slickers in all three division colors

For assignments on planets where rain was common, officers could wear dark gray slickers over their standard duty uniforms, which featured division-colored piping around the shoulders. (LD: "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place")

Special Forces uniform[]

Members of Starfleet special forces wore a style of uniform that was mostly gray in color, and lacked a Starfleet logo and rank insignia. (LD: "Veritas", "Grounded")


Officers competing in sports such as springball wore athletic outfits that resembled jumpsuits. These outfits had grayish-white shoulders and sleeves, but were dark gray from the lower torso to the feet. Division-colored banding was present around the neck and just below the chest, and there was light gray padding around the knees. (LD: "The Least Dangerous Game")



Holographic representations of the Cerritos' command crew in wetsuits, with Boimler in a standard uniform

Charcoal-colored wetsuits could be worn by officers partaking in aquatic activities, such as riding on hydroscoots. (LD: "Crisis Point")



Asencia gloves

Command division red gloves

Fingerless gloves in division colors could be worn by officers with the second version of this era's standard duty uniforms. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2", et al.)

Hair accessories[]

Different types of accessories in division colors could be worn by officers with longer hair. (LD: "Second Contact", "The Stars At Night", et al.)

Religious headgear[]

Some officers wore division-colored religious headgear with their standard duty uniforms. (LD: "Second Contact", "I, Excretus", et al.)

Other uniform features[]


Kayshon wearing his dagger in a sash

Some officers were allowed to wear personal or religious effects with their standard duty uniforms. Lieutenant junior grade Kayshon, for example, wore his operations gold uniform with a teal sash, which he used to carry his sheathed Tamarian dagger. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open", et al.)

Rank insignia[]

Type Warrant officer Ensign Lieutenant junior grade Lieutenant Lieutenant commander Commander Captain
Standard No insignia Ensign pip Lieutenant junior grade pips Lieutenant pips Lieutenant commander pips Commander pips Captain pips
Provisional Provisional ensign pip Provisional lieutenant junior grade pip
Flag officer ranks
Vice admiral Admiral Fleet admiral
Vice admiral pips Admiral pips Fleet admiral pips

These charts represent the rank insignia seen on screen throughout these uniforms' appearances.



Type A[]

Type B[]

Experimental ship uniform[]

Background information[]

The uniform primarily used on Star Trek: Lower Decks was based on a rejected Robert Blackman design for Star Trek Generations. According to Mike McMahan, "there were kind of like designs that were used across all the series and we wanted to do something that felt like if you saw somebody cosplaying it, you would immediately be like 'that’s TNG and that has to be the animated show,' but it doesn’t not look Starfleet. I also just love that flap."

With regards to the transition into the Picard uniform, "There is a lot of stuff going on with Picard. Picard is doing a lot. What I’ll say is, if you are on a California class ship in the year 2380, you better be wearing that uniform." [2]

Character Design Lead Marisa Livingston described this uniform as the "California-class uniform" in the "LD Season 3 Premiere Special".
