Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The senior staff of the USS Cerritos on hydroscoots


Boimler tries to interview the captain on a hydroscoot.

A hydroscoot was a type of watercraft that was ridden like a motorscooter. Starfleet hydroscoots also had insets on their handlebars, upon which a PADD could be placed. One place where hydroscooting was common was Kabba Lake.

According to Ensign Beckett Mariner's holo-movie, Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta (which was written overtop and used the true-to-life programming and details of Ensign Brad Boimler's Boimler Seven holoprogram), Captain Carol Freeman, who was hydroscooting with her senior staff, was exceptionally skilled at riding, having once set a speed record for doing so during her time at Starfleet Academy. It was still standing as of 2381. (LD: "Crisis Point", "First First Contact")

Ensign Brad Boimler, who wanted to interview the captain, decided that he would interview a holographic version of Freeman, and rode up on a hydroscoot, despite the fact that he wasn't invited, as only the senior officers were hydroscooting with her. (LD: "Crisis Point")

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