Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"For me, the Cerritos is life in the cave of Garanoga."
"Oh, you poor thing. They make you live in a cave?"
"No, no, no. It's... The Cerritos is like home to me. I have lived in a cave, though."
– Kayshon being interviewed by Victoria Nuzé, 2381 ("Trusted Sources")

Lieutenant junior grade Kayshon was a male Tamarian who lived during the late 24th century. He was the first member of his species to serve in Starfleet, and worked as an operations division security officer.

Early life[]

At some point in his life, he lived in a cave. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

Starfleet career[]

In 2381, he was assigned to the USS Cerritos as the ship's new head of security, following the death of Lieutenant Shaxs. After Shaxs was resurrected, Kayshon continued to serve as a security officer aboard the Cerritos. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open", "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")

While both officers continued to serve in the security division, it has not been clearly stated whether Shaxs or Kayshon is the chief of security aboard the Cerritos after the former's resurrection, or if the two share the title in some capacity.

Kayshon as a puppet

Kayshon as a puppet

On his first away team mission, he joined several Cerritos lower deckers in cataloguing the treasures of noted collector Kerner Hauze. An energy beam on Hauze's ship turned Kayshon into a puppet. Although Dr. Migleemo briefly considered his usefulness for puppet therapy, he was ultimately restored by Dr. T'Ana. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Shortly thereafter, he was present on the bridge when Lieutenant Tom Paris visited the Cerritos. He laughed at Captain Carol Freeman's joke about not getting them lost in the Delta Quadrant when she allowed Paris to take the conn. (LD: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")

He assisted Commander Jack Ransom in tending to the Pakled spy Rumdar during the Cerritos' visit to Pakled Planet. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")

He was on the bridge as Captain Freeman ordered the crew to report to their supervisors to assist in removing the Cerritos' hull plating. (LD: "First First Contact")

He later participated in the training drills presented by Shari yn Yem. (LD: "I, Excretus")

When Freeman was possessed by the spirit of Minooki from a D'Arsay archive, Kayshon aided Commander Ransom in trying to get her under control. (LD: "Room for Growth")

Kayshon was interviewed by FNN reporter Victoria Nuze during her visit aboard the Cerritos. He was later at Tactical when the Cerritos traveled from Ornara to Brekka during Project Swing By. He glared at Mariner after she entered the bridge and informed the crew to "look alive people!", while on her way to the ready room, unaware of the trouble she was in making the ship look bad. As Kayshon and the others glared, Mariner commented on them being "a tough crowd", and that it must be true that "the camera does add ten frowns." After Mariner entered the ready room, she commented to Freeman and Ransom on how she wasn't usually concerned with the crew's morale, but the energy of Kayshon and the others was "dark". (LD: "Trusted Sources")

He was later in the bar celebrating the destruction of the renegade USS Aledo at the hands of the entire California-class. (LD: "The Stars At Night")

He was part of an away team during a mission to transport the museum ship USS Voyager to Earth. He attempted to reassure the curator, Beljo Tweekle, regarding Voyager's transport, though he was unsuccessful. Later in the mission, Kayshon, Tweekle, Ransom, Ensign Beckett Mariner, and Ensign Sam Rutherford were captured by The Clown, Doctor Chaotica, and Michael Sullivan, at least two of whom used macrovirus slime to bind them to the ship's bulkheads. The officers were all ultimately freed thanks to the combined efforts of Ensigns Rutherford and Brad Boimler. (LD: "Twovix")

Personal life[]

Kayshon could generally be understood by his shipmates. However, the universal translator occasionally slipped up and presented his speech as Tamarian cultural references. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open", "The Spy Humongous")

He attempted to lose weight, but had difficulty due to the convenience of replicators. (LD: "wej Duj")

Kayshon Gardening

Kayshon gardening

Kayshon was fond of horticulture and spent time in the Cerritos' hydroponics bay. (LD: "Room for Growth")



Background information[]

Kayshon was voiced by Carl Tart.

External link[]
