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Questions tagged [well-orders]

For questions about well-orderings and well-ordered sets. Depending on the question, consider adding also some of the tags (elementary-set-theory), (set-theory), (order-theory), (ordinals).

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Is every strict ordering by inclusion a well-ordering?

Given a set $s$ which is transitive and completely ordered by inclusion, that is, such that $z \in s \rightarrow z \subset s$ and $\left( x \in s \wedge y \in s \wedge x \neq y \right) \rightarrow \...
Mark Fischler's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Motivation of inventing concept of well-ordered set?

I've started studying set theory for a while. I understand what is an ordered sets but i still fail to see what motivated mathematicians to invent these concept. Could you please enlightment me ? ...
InTheSearchForKnowledge's user avatar
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Is there something missing in Jech's proof of Zermelo's Well-Ordering Theorem?

Here is the proof from p. 48 of the Millennium Edition, corrected 4th printing 2006: My question: how do we know that there is any ordinal $\theta$ such that $A=\{a_\xi\,\colon\xi<\alpha\}$? ...
Nat Kuhn's user avatar
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Proving the shortlex ordering is a well-ordering

Let $(A,<)$ be a nonempty linearly ordered set, and let $\operatorname{Seq}(A)$ denote the set of finite sequences of elements of $A$. That is, $f\in\operatorname{Seq}(A)$ is a function $f:n\to A$, ...
John's user avatar
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Iterative argument in math proofs

I am reading proof of subspace of $\mathbb{R^n}$ has a basis. And most of them like this(classic proof): let $S\subset\mathbb{R^n}$ ,if $v_1\neq0$ and $<v_1>=S$, we finished proof, otherwise, we ...
MGIO's user avatar
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When does a set of real numbers have a minimal element?

I Believe the answer is when the set is closed in the sense of standard topology (we exclude $\mathbb{R}$) itself. Examples: Point sets have a minimum, and they are closed. Closed interval also have ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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How does one prove without the axiom of choice that the product of a collection of nonempty well-ordered sets is nonempty?

Suppose $\{X_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in\mathcal A}$ is an indexed family of nonempty well-ordered sets, where $X_{\alpha}=(E_{\alpha},\le_{\alpha})$ for each $\alpha$. It seems intuitively obvious that we ...
Joe's user avatar
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Complete iff Compact in Well-Ordered space

Let $T=(S, \leq, \tau)$ a well-ordered set equipped with order topology (defined here). Definition 1: $T$ is called complete iff every non-empty subset of $T$ has a greatest lower bound (inferior) and ...
Manuel Bonanno's user avatar
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Is the first-order theory of the class of well-ordered sets the same as the first-order theory of the class of ordinals?

Consider the class $K$ of well-ordered sets $(W,\leq)$. Although that class is not first-order axiomatizable, it has an associated first-order theory $Th(K)$. Now consider the class of ordinals $On$, ...
user107952's user avatar
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Partial order on sets and application of Zorn's Lemma to construct well-ordered subset

I would appreciate help with the following question: Let $(A,<)$ a linear ordered set. a. Let $F\subseteq P(A)$. Prove that the following relation is a partial order in $F$: $X\lhd Y$ for $X,Y\in F$...
eitan.sh21's user avatar
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Any subset of a well-ordered set is isomorphic to an initial segment of this well-ordered set.

I wanted to prove the fact for which I have a sketch of proof: Let $(W,\leq )$ be a well-ordered set and $U$ be a subset of $W$. Then considering the restriction of $\leq $ to $U\times U$, we have ...
boyler's user avatar
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Are these two notions of weak well-foundedness equivalent?

Background (optional): I have a state transition system $Q$ with two "kinds" of transitions: progress-making ($\delta_P : Q \times \Sigma \rightarrow Q$) and non-progress making ($\delta_N : ...
soktinpk's user avatar
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Well-founded Relation on infinite DAGs

A well-founded relation on set $X$ is a binary relation $R$ such that for all non-empty $S \subseteq X$ $$\exists m \in S\colon \forall s \in S\colon \neg(s\;R\;m).$$ A relation is well-founded when ...
MB7800's user avatar
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Confusion about the validity of the proof of Trichotomy of order for natural numbers in Tao's Analysis

It's well-known that in Tao's Analysis I P28, he provides a provement of Trichotomy of order for natural numbers as follows. Denote the number of correct propositions among the three (i.e. $a<b,\ ...
Richard Mahler's user avatar
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Partition of $\mathbb R$ in convex subsets/badly ordered sets

Background: These questions come from two different exercises, but since the first is much shorter and of the same kind of one of the others, I preferred to put everything in only one thread. (We work ...
lelouch_l8r4's user avatar
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Existence of uncountable set of functions on natural numbers

For $f,g:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ we write $f\leq g$ iff $f(n)\leq g(n)$ for all $n\in \mathbb{N}$. Let $\mathcal{S}\subseteq \{f\vert f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}\}$ be a set of ...
L. R.'s user avatar
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Reordering algorithm to fragment consecutive sequences of ones as much as possible

Recently, I came across the following problem: Let $s_1, s_2, ..., s_k$ be non-empty strings in $\{0,1\}^*$. We define $S_{s_1,s_2,...,s_k}$ as the concatenation of $s_1, s_2, \dots, s_k$. We call a &...
Thedby's user avatar
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Prove $\sum_{i=0}^n 2^i=2^{n+1}-1$ using WOP

So I defined my predicate $P(n)$ according to the theorem, and then I said there there exists an integer $n\ge0$ such that $P(n)$ is false. And I let $C$ be the set of all such $n$. And by WOP, there ...
Maddie VePrice's user avatar
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Prove that an infinite well ordered set X has equal cardinality to the set X∪{a}, where 'a' does not belong to X.

Found this question in a book of analysis as a corollary. Before the question is introduced (as an exercise), the book introduced Theorem of Recursion on Wosets and Comparability Theorem. For ...
Arbbor1's user avatar
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Is this set uncountable? $A = \{A_n \colon n \in \mathbb{N}\}$ where $A_n$ is the set $\mathbb{N}$ with the number $n$ removed from it

The set in the title is presented in this answer as an example of a similar set to the $P(\mathbb{N})$ (in the context of explaining the necessity of the axiom of choice in the existence of a well ...
lucas's user avatar
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Law of Trichotomy for Well-Orderings

Often in beginning set-theory courses, and in particular in Jech's book Set Theory, it is proved from scratch that given any two well-orderings, they are isomorphic or one is isomorphic to an initial ...
rea_burn42's user avatar
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Given two well-orders $\langle A,R \rangle$ and $\langle B,S \rangle$, one of the following holds.

Let $\langle A,R \rangle$ and $\langle B,S \rangle$ be two well-orders, and let $\text{pred}(A,x,R) := \{y \in A \;|\; yRx\}$ and similarly for $\text{pred}(B,z,S)$. It is claimed that one of the ...
Ben123's user avatar
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Is it consistent with ZC that a well-order of type $\omega_\omega$ does not exist?

Working in Zermelo's set theory (with choice for simplicity) - the construction in Hartogs' theorem shows that starting with a set $X$, there is a set $X'$ in at most $\mathcal{P}^4(X)$ (where $\...
Chad K's user avatar
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Detemine whether the interval [4,8] is well-ordered. Explain.

I don't think this interval is well-ordered because the subset (4,8) would not have a smallest value. I'm stuck on how to show (4,8) has no smallest value.
Abigail Webb's user avatar
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Order type of N and Q

Studying linear orderings, I learned two theorems. Suppose two linearly ordered sets A and B satisfy the following: (1) countably infinite, (2) dense, i.e. if x<z then there exists y such that x&...
Lim do's user avatar
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The arithmetic of first uncountable ordinal number

I think, I know the proof of 1+ω0 = ω0. (ω0 is countable ordinal s.t ω0=[N]). To prove this, I can define a function f: {-1,0,1,2,...}->{0,1,2,...} by f(x)=x+1. But if ω1 is first uncountable ...
Mathforest's user avatar
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Shouldn't the Well Ordering Principle apply only to sets with at least two elements?

From what I've been taught in school, the well-ordering principle states that every non-empty set must have a least element. To me, the least element of some set $X$ is an element $a$ such that, for ...
Mailbox's user avatar
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Hessenberg sum/natural sum of ordinals definition

I was given the following definition of Hessenberg sum: Definition. Given $\alpha,\beta \in \text{Ord}$ their Hessenberg sum $\alpha \oplus \beta$ is defined as the least ordinal greater than all ...
lelouch_l8r4's user avatar
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Exercise 7.1.6 Introduction to Set Theory by Hrbacek and Jech

This is exercise 7.1.6 of the book Introduction to Set Theory 3rd ed. by Hrbacek and Jech. Let $h^{*}(A)$ be the least ordinal $\alpha$ such that there exists no function with domain $A$ and range $\...
Alphie's user avatar
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Prove that $\mathbb N \times \mathbb N$ is well ordered under $\le$

We define an ordering $\mathbb N \times \mathbb N$, $\le$ as follows: $(a, b) \le (c, d)$ iff $a \le c$ and $b \le d$. I tried to prove that $\mathbb N \times \mathbb N$ is well ordered under this ...
Vector's user avatar
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If $X_1$,$X_2$ are wosets isomorphic to ordinals $\alpha_1,\alpha_2$ then $X_1\times X_2$ is isomorphic to $\alpha_2\cdot \alpha_1$

I want to prove the following: Let $X_1$,$X_2$ be wosets, isomorphic to ordinals $\alpha_1,\alpha_2$ respectively. Then $X_1\times X_2$, with the lexicographic order, is isomorphic to $\alpha_2\cdot\...
Alphie's user avatar
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Can every statement that can be proved using the well-ordering principle be proved using weak mathematical induction?

The following is problem 30 of chapter 4.4 of Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 3rd ed. by Susanna Epp: Prove that if a statement can be proved by the well-ordering principle, then it can be ...
user985091's user avatar
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Why does proof of Zorn's lemma need to use the fact about ordinals being too large to be a set?

I'm not understanding why its necessary to invoke the knowledge about ordinals in order to prove Zorn's lemma. The Hypothesis in Zorn's lemma is Every chain in the set Z has an upper bound in Z Then ...
Pecan Lim's user avatar
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What does the cardinality alone of a totally ordered set say about the ordinals that can be mapped strictly monotonically to it?

For any cardinal $\kappa$ and any totally ordered set $(S,\le)$ such that $|S| > 2^\kappa$, does $S$ necessarily have at least one subset $T$ such that either $\le$ or its opposite order $\ge$ well-...
Transfinite Pyramid Scheme's user avatar
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Using the Principle of Well Order, show that for all $n \in N$ it holds that $4^n -1$ is divisible by 3.

Using the Principle of Well Order, show that for all $n \in N$ it holds that $4^n -1$ is divisible by 3. I have already defined the set of counterexamples $C$, then I proved that for $n=1$ the ...
Marcos Daniel Castaeda Ramirez's user avatar
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Well-ordering theorem and cardinality of real numbers

If we assume that the axiom of choice is right, the well-ordering theorem can be verified. So, the set of real numbers also can be constructed by well-ordering property. By the well-ordering property, ...
Eunseong So's user avatar
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Prove that if $A$ is any well-ordered set of real numbers and $B$ is a nonempty subset of $A$, then $B$ is well-ordered.

To prove: if $A$ is any well-ordered set of real numbers and $B$ is a nonempty subset of $A$, then $B$ is well-ordered. My attempt: Suppose towards a contradiction that given any well-ordered set of ...
lohg's user avatar
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Limit Countable Ordinal - is it a limit of a intuitive sequence of ordinals?

I am studying set theory, ordinal part. Set theory is new to me. I know that commutativity of addition and multiplication can be false in infinite ordinal world. $ \omega $ = limit of sequence $\, 1,2,...
imida k's user avatar
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Difference between partially ordered, totally ordered, and well ordered sets.

I just started studying set theory and I'm a bit confused with some of these relation properties. Given a set A = {8,4,2}, and a relation of order R such that aRb means "a is a multiple of b"...
bad at math's user avatar
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a proof idea: Every well-ordered set has an order-preserving bijection to exactly one ordinal.

I have seen a proof of the statement, and its usually by transfinite induction. And I'm trying to find out why my proof doesn't work, it seems too simple: Let $X$ be a well-ordered set. Define $X^{<...
hteica's user avatar
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Intuitionistic well-orderings of uncountable sets

The well-ordering principle has always been considered to be highly unconstructive, as far as I know. However, I think intuitionistic mathematics can be compatible with the existence of a well-...
Keplerto's user avatar
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If i have an a well ordered set in which every chain admits an upper bound then the maximal element is unique

It is clear that the Zorn lemma guarantees the existence. I prove that the minimal element is unique, and obviously the set is totally ordered. So because the uniqueness of the successor of all ...
Manuel Bonanno's user avatar
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Using WOP to prove certain naturals can be written a certain way.

$\newcommand{\naturals}{\mathbb{N}}$ Use the Well-Ordering Principle to prove that every natural number greater than or equal to 11 can be written in the form $2s+5t$, for some natural numbers $s$ and ...
Mave's user avatar
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A couple of well ordering proofs.

I'm having trouble understanding a couple of things when studying well orderings and ordinals. I know that given a well ordering $(A,<)$ there is no $a\in A$ s.t. $(A,<)\cong (A_a,<)$ where $...
cento18's user avatar
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What is the generalization of well-orders to partial orders?

Every well-ordered set is linearly ordered. However, is there a notion of well-orders that generalizes to partial orders? Maybe, the generalized definition will be that every non-empty subset has a ...
user107952's user avatar
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Well-Ordering Principle From Recursion Theorem

As far as I understand, in intuitionistic logic we have neither (i) the well-ordering principle nor (ii) the recursion theorem. But can one deduce one from the other? I believe we cannot deduce (ii) ...
fweth's user avatar
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Order isomorphism on a subset and a segment

I am trying to understand Theorem 1.7.4 of Devlin's Joy of Sets. The Theorem states: There is no isomorphism of $X$ onto a segment of $X$ (supposing $X$ is a woset). The difficulty I am having is that,...
brocolliSally's user avatar
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Construction of two uncountable sequences which are "interleaved"

I believe the answer to my following question is no, but some things about uncountable sets/sequences can be really counterintuitive so I wanted to double check: Does there exist a pair of uncountable ...
psychicmachinist's user avatar
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Why is well-ordering needed to define the statement "$\forall i, \, P(i) \implies P(i + 1)$"?

I have learned a proof that the well ordering principle is equivalent to the inductive property for $\mathbb{N}$, and have understood it. However, I am confused as to the following statement my notes ...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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What are the order types of computable pseudo-ordinals with no c.e. descending chains?

The notion of a “computable pseudo-ordinal”, i.e. a computable linearly ordered set with no hyperarithmetical descending chains, is an old one going back to Stephen Kleene. Joe Harrison wrote the ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar

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