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Questions tagged [matrix-decomposition]

Questions about matrix decompositions, such as the LU, Cholesky, SVD (Singular value decomposition) and eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition.

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How to estimate the inverse of a non-invertible matrix?

So I'm working on a machine learning problem where my solution requires taking the inverse of a matrix at some point. The problem is that this matrix is sometimes non-invertible. In theory the the ...
Dr.'s user avatar
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For any SVD $A = U\Sigma V^T$ of a positive definite, symmetric matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, we have $U = V$.

First of all, I've read through all of the answers here and here, but neither of those threads was able to give completely satisfying answers. Now, I understand that, if $A$ is symmetric and positive ...
kalkuluss's user avatar
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need a Jacobian of an orthonormal basis for the column space of a matrix $\mathbf{X}$

I require to find a linear decomposition of any tall matrix $\mathbf{X}$ $\in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N}$, where $M \geq N$, into some uniquely defined decomposition $\mathbf{X}$ $=$ $\mathbf{A}$ $\...
Tychus's user avatar
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Relationship between BCH code and asymmetric Ramanujan bipartite graph ( possibility for a research collaboration)

I have been working on a research topic that deals with the binary matrices arising from the BCH codes by selecting code vectors of specific weight while discarding the rest of the code vectors that ...
Dark Forest's user avatar
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Exponeintal of symmetric triangular matrix

I want to know the exponeintal of given $n \times n$ symmetirc real tridiagonal matrix ${\bf K}_n$, which is defined as $${\bf K}_n=\begin{bmatrix} 0 & a & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & ...
Sakurai.JJ's user avatar
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Showing existence of symplectic transformations preserving a quadratic form

Question: I need help to prove the following statement. Let $W_i:=w_iw_i^T\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$, for $n$ even, be symmetric rank-1 matrices, $J=-J^T$ the canonical symplectic matrix and define ...
Ben94's user avatar
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Optimization of eigenvalue of matrix with discrete variables

Suppose we have a matrix $H$ like this, where $H_{ii}$ is a discrete variable (for example out of $[1,2,3]$) and $H_{ij}$ is a value that depends on the two adjacent values ($H_{ii}$ and $H_{jj}$). $H$...
frgoe's user avatar
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Woodbury matrix identity with a minus sign

Is there a form of Woodbury matrix identity $(A + UCV )^{-1} = A^{-1} - A^{-1}U (C^{-1} + VA^{-1}U )^{-1} VA^{-1}$ But with a minus sign? i.e. $(A - UCV )^{-1}$ It seems like I have to painfully ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
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Proving that the rank of the following matrix is $6$.

In my research work I have come across a matrix which has the rank equals to $6$. I begin defining my problem as follows: Let $P \in \{0,1\}^{7 \times 7}$ denote the right shift matrix defined by $ P =...
Dark Forest's user avatar
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Absolute value of elements of b=Ax and the minimum singular value of A

For $b=Ax$, is there a way to relate the minimum absolute value of the element of $b$, $\min|b_i|$, and the minimum singular value, $\sigma_{min}$, of $A$? What I want is something like: $\sigma_{min}$...
William Lin's user avatar
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Decompose a $3 \times 3$ orthogonal matrix into a product of rotation and reflection matrices

It holds that every orthogonal matrix can be expressed as a product of rotation and reflection matrices. We can prove that every $2 \times 2$ orthogonal matrix can be represented in the form $$\begin{...
beyondinfinity's user avatar
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Why is there not a test for diagonalizability of a matrix

Let $A$ be square.This question is a bit opinion based, unless there is a technical answer.I think it is helpful tho. Also this question is closely related to this question : quick way to check if a ...
Mahammad Yusifov's user avatar
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Any decomposition of inverse of nonnegative diagonal matrix times a PSD matrix plus lambda times Identity?

I generally have to solve the following system: $$ (DA + \lambda I)^{-1} v $$ where $D$ is a diagonal matrix with nonnegative entries, $A$ a symmetric, positive semi-definite (PSD) matrix, $I$ is the ...
Brian's user avatar
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Classifying maps of finitely generated abelian groups up to automorphism

We have a nice characterization of f.g. abelian groups that factors them into cyclic groups. A homomorphism between them is just a matrix of maps $\mathbb{Z}_{p^i} \to \mathbb{Z}_{p^j}$ between the ...
Trebor's user avatar
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Is it true that $D A P D^T = A D P D^T$ if $P$ is symmetrical, positive definite and $D$ is diagonal?

I know in general, matrix multiplication is not commutative, but would it be true in this special case? $D A P D^T = A D P D^T$ where $A, D, P$ are all $n by n$ matrix. But $P$ is symmetrical and ...
zvi's user avatar
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Singular value of a bidiagonal matrix?

Consider a $n\times n$ matrix: \begin{equation} X=\begin{bmatrix} a &1-a & & \\ & a &1-a & \\ & & \ddots &\\ & & & 1-a\\ & & & a \end{...
Heydude's user avatar
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What is the square root of a square matrix squared? [closed]

Admittedly, made the title a little funny, but this is a valid question. I have come across the following equation $$ I x^2=AA $$ where $I$ is a unit matrix, $A$ is a square matrix of the same ...
Saeed's user avatar
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Suitability of QR factorization for solving a ill-conditioned linear system.

I am trying to solve a linear system $Ax = b$ where $$ A =\begin{bmatrix} 2& 9& 2& 1& 4& 1& 0& 0& 0 \\ 9& 65& 9& 1& 4& 1& 0& 0&...
Olumide's user avatar
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Compressed image using SVD draws a clear line between part that's blank and part with a drawing. Why? [closed]

I'm trying to compress grayscale images using SVD. This is the original image: Yes, there's a lot of blank space. I then choose the x% largest singular values, perform the transformed matrices ...
Elizabeth Middleford's user avatar
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For a real symmetric matrix, is the product of two factors of its rank decomposition (right times left) also symmetric?

Recently, I am learning generalized inverse of a matrix. Given a real symmetric matrix $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ with ${\rm rank}(A)=r$, suppose the rank decomposition of $A$ is given as follows: $$...
W.J's user avatar
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Singular values on streching the vectors

For the following statement: for a vector $x$ and a matrix $A$, if the vector $x$ is not in the null space of $A$, the vector $x$ will at least be stretched by the smallest non-zero singular value, i....
William Lin's user avatar
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For a symmetric matrix $B$ and following four relevant matrices $P,Q,C,D$, what's the relation between $QP$ and $CDC^{\rm T}$?

Suppose $B\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ is a symmetric matrix with ${\rm rank}(B)=r$. Then $B$ is equivalent to $\tilde{B}$ in (1), where $I_{r}$ denotes the identity matrix of order $r$. That is, there ...
W.J's user avatar
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How to decompose a simple $3\times3$ shear transformation into a rotation, scale, and rotation

Is there a simple way to decompose the following $3\times3$ shear matrix into the product of a rotation, (non-uniform) scale, and another rotation? Or Perhaps some other combination of rotations and ...
wcochran's user avatar
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Find one quartic root of a matrix

I have found the previous spectral decomposition of the matrix $$A=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0&1&1\\ 1&0&1 \end{pmatrix}.$$ You can see I verified such decomposition indeed ...
user926356's user avatar
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A low-rank approximation problem with rank constraints

I am seeking a solution or some ideas to address the following problem: $$ \begin{aligned} &\text { minimize }_{\widehat{A}, \widehat{B}} \quad\|A-\widehat{A}\|_2 + \|B-\widehat{B}\|_2 \\ &\...
zwebrain's user avatar
3 votes
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Completely non- normal matrix

Let $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ be the space of $n \times n$ matrices with complex entries. A matrix $N$ is said to be normal if $N^*N=NN^*$ where $N^*$ denotes the conjugate transpose of $N$. One can think of ...
Curious's user avatar
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Orthogonal projection of a complex valued matrix onto the space of Hermitian matrices

It is well known that any real matrix $A$ can be decomposed as the sum of a symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix as follows: $$ A= \frac{A+A^T}2+\frac{A-A^T}2. $$ The decomposition is orthogonal, ...
Albert's user avatar
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Detect linearly dependent columns from a full-row rank matrix.

Let $A\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, with $m\leq n$, be a full-row-rank matrix. Then, there exist a collection of $n-m$ columns in $A$ that are linearly dependent on the other columns. What is the most ...
Gino's user avatar
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2x2 blocks in the QZ algorithm

How are the $2\times2$ blocks supposed to be diagonalized in the QZ-Algorithm? Taking the matrix pencil (A,B) and finding it's generalized Hessenberg decomposition (H,R) for which $\exists Q,Z \in \...
Littlejacob2603's user avatar
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Matlab qz algorithm not reliable

I programmed my own version of the qz algorithm and, while testing it's results using the matlab qz algorithm, I found a particular case where my solution reaches an upper-triangular matrix and matlab ...
Littlejacob2603's user avatar

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